• Published 19th May 2019
  • 937 Views, 66 Comments

Sincerely, Starlight - Nines

Starlight writes letters to Luna, goofs off with friends, and panics about love.

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Correspondence via Sunset Shimmer & Starlight

[From the pages of Twilight Sparkle's magical journal.]

Hi, Sunset! This is Starlight Glimmer. Twilight said it would be all right if I borrowed her book to contact you. I had a question that I was hoping you could answer, whenever you're free. How are you, by the way? How's Juniper Montage been?

Hi, Starlight! It's so nice to hear from you! I'm doing well. We haven't had a magical incident in a while, so it's been a nice breather. For once I get to focus on school! Human history might be my favorite subject. Just the other day I learned that horses were tamed over five thousand years ago, and humans lived in close harmony with them in nomadic tribes!

That's pretty interesting!

Yeah! As for Juniper, she's doing well. Last week she went on a picnic with us, and I introduced her to another friend of mine, Wallflower Blush. They are almost opposites in personality. You know how Juniper is on the aggressive side? Wallflower is much quieter. When they get together though, they really balance each other out! It's nice.

I'm really glad to hear that.

Anyway, what can I help you with?

Actually, this is a little embarrassing. Twilight said it would be fine for me to rip the pages out after, but it's kinda taking everything I have just to write my question.

[Three minutes go by.]

Starlight? You still there?

Yes! I totally am. Sorry. I just sort of froze there for a bit.

[Starlight's normally neat writing becomes sloppy and small, as if written in a hurry.]

I was hoping you could give me advice on dating? You've been on dates before so I figured you'd know better than anypony I talk to.

Oh! Wow! Sure!

[A minute goes by.]

Do you want general advice, or

[Starlight's words begin to appear beneath Sunset's mid-sentence.]

General advice is good. Great, even.

All right, well... Just relax and be yourse

[Starlight's writing appears early again.]

Yep, see except maybe that's too general? Like, is there general advice that isn't the same thing everypony else says?

That would kind of make it not general, wouldn't it?

Maybe? I guess I was just hoping you could tell me something that would, I dunno, make me good at dating?

You want to be good... at dating?


Starlight, if I might be frank, I think your attitude about this might be a bit off.

Huh? Sorry, I'm not following.

What I mean is, dating isn't some challenge for you to defeat or even a skill for you to master. It's kind of like having fun. You just sort of... do it. In fact, a lot of the lessons Twilight's already given you about friendship are applicable in this situation!


Yeah! See, when you go on a date, you're trying to connect and get along with someone, right? If this is the first date, then that's pretty much all you have to worry about. Don't stress about how far along you go. Take your time. If you like this person pony, then I'm sure everything else will just fall into place naturally.

What if I've already been friends with this pony, though? What if the first date starts feeling too much like every other time we've ever hung out? There must be more to it!

It's true that dating someone is about going beyond being friends. But if you're just starting, there's no need to pressure yourself about how things are going to change. I'm guessing the other pony asked you out, right?


Then let them lead the date. If they asked first, the burden of keeping your interest is kind of on them. Just be clear about what you're comfortable with.

But what do you even try on a first date? What do you try on a second date for that matter?

A second date, huh? You're sounding optimistic!

Sunset, I'm serious!

Okay, okay. Look, it's about gradually increasing intimacy. Maybe the stallion (it's a stallion, right?) might sit close to you on a park bench. Maybe they'll ask you to slow dance with them. Maybe they'll try to touch hooves. I understand if this might be a little intimidating, but that's stuff you can handle. And if you don't like it? Just say so!

But what if I do like it, Sun? I've been friends with this stallion a long time. What if

[The writing stops. Sunset begins to write, her words appearing slowly.]

Starlight, I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that dating your friend won't forever change your relationship. But you've made the decision to try, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't be asking me about this. If you're afraid of things not working out, don't. He must want this if he asked you. If you stop dating, maybe you'll still be friends? But if you go into it thinking it's going to fail, you're going to sabotage yourself by second-guessing everything and not acting naturally.

So you're basically telling me to 'relax and be yourself'.


Thanks, Sunset.

Anytime, Starlight.