• Published 13th Jan 2018
  • 3,120 Views, 30 Comments

After The Storm - Bluecatcinema

The Storm King has fallen. But there is still much to be done...

  • ...


Within her castle library, Twilight was rapidly pacing. She had just received word that Queen Novo would be visiting Canterlot to discuss strengthening bonds between the ponies and the Hippogriffs, and had requested that all the Princesses be there to meet her. For Twilight, who was still regretting her attempted theft of the Pearl of Transformation, the news had her in two minds.

"This could be the chance I've been hoping for, to make up for what I did." Twilight admitted as she circled around Spike. "...But what if my presence ends up souring everything? What if Novo takes any constructive criticism I make the wrong way? What if she ends up thinking all ponies are capable of what I did?!"

"I think you may be overthinking this." Spike declared. "Queen Novo wouldn't have asked for you to be there if she weren't ready to move on."

"What if she's only including me in these talks because it's for the good of her subjects to have all the Princesses together?" Twilight fretted. "Or worse, to just use me as an example of what she doesn't expect from a Princess!"

"I'll go make you some of Zecora's herbal tea." Spike said awkwardly. "Might be just the thing you need to calm down..."

"Thanks, Spike." Twilight sighed.

As Spike headed out of the library, Twilight rubbed her forehead with her hoof, exasperated with herself.

"Ugh..." She groaned.

"Well, isn't this quite the conundrum?" A familiar voice asked.

"Huh?" Twilight looked up, seeing Discord floating above. "Oh, it's just you, Discord."

"'Just' me?" Discord pouted. "You insult me, dear Princess! Here I am, taking time out of my busy schedule to... Hang around your place, and this is how you repay me?"

"And just how long have you been up there?" Twilight frowned.

"Oh, only the last five minutes or so." Discord shrugged. "I would have made my presence known sooner, but your monologue made for such riveting listening."

"Well, I'm glad you were entertained." Twilight scowled. "And now, you know my problem."

"In truth, Fluttershy had already told me all about your feature-length adventure." Discord admitted. "She left out no details, no matter how unpleasant. I must say, I was surprised to hear about that little... incident of yours."

"Of course she did." Twilight said flatly. "So, have you come here to tell me what a big mistake I made?"

"Actually I came here to tell you how impressed I am." Discord smirked.

"...What?" Twilight gaped.

"I had no idea you were capable of such cunning, deceitful actions." Discord announced, placing his lion paw on Twilight's shoulder. "Congratulations, Twilight. There's more chaos in you than you think - though anypony whose seen you dance would know that..."

"Somehow, your approval doesn't exactly make me feel better about it." Twilight frowned.

"I really don't see the issue, myself." Discord shrugged. "You needed the Pearl to save Equestria, and the Queen of the Seahippos... Ponygriffs..."

"Hippogriffs." Twilight corrected him.

"Whatever." Discord scoffed. "Queenie wouldn't share the Pearl, so you had to take it. You saw what needed to be done, and you did it. Boo-hoo if somepony's feelings got hurt." He emphasized his point by miming rubbing his eyes with his paw and talon. "Besides, if Queenie didn't care about your problems, why would you worry about her's?"

"That really isn't the best way to justify the attempted theft of a nation's most valued relic." Twilight scowled.

"It's not like she was using it anyway." Discord pointed out. "At least you were planning to put it to good use."

"That still doesn't make it right." Twilight declared. "I've made more than my fair share of mistakes, but trying to steal the Pearl was one of the biggest. I promised Novo I'd make up for it, but I'm not sure if I can even face her, let alone discuss ways for our two nations to connect with each other!"

"Well then, by all means, keep up your little pity party." Discord jeered.

"Excuse me?" Twilight growled.

"I'm sure just standing around and beating yourself up is far more productive than assisting in helping two nations grow closer." Discord smirked. "While you're doing that, I think I'll get to work on the next tea party I'm throwing for Fluttershy..." He gave Twilight a mocking wave. "Have fun mentally kicking yourself."

With that, Discord vanished in a flash of light.

Twilight rolled her eyes and sighed. Deep down, she knew that Discord was just trying to help - in his own, unique (and irritating) way.

'He may have said it in the most annoying way possible, but he was right about one thing.' Twilight thought. 'Wallowing in self-pity isn't going to fix anything. I've got to make up for what I did, and the best way to do right now is by helping Novo and her subjects to connect with Equestria.'

Seconds later, Spike returned to the library, carrying a cup of herbal tea.

"Here you go!" He smiled. "If this doesn't calm the ol' nerves, nothing will."

"Great timing, Spike." Twilight said gratefully. Using her magic, she lifted the cup over to her and took a sip. "....Okay, now I know what I have to do."

"Really?" Spike gaped. "Wow, that stuff works fast..."

"Grab the quills and notepads, Spike." Twilight declared. "We've got a diplomatic meeting to prepare for."

"No sooner said than done." Spike nodded.

The next morning, Twilight and Spike arrived at Canterlot castle's throne room. As they entered, Twilight couldn't help but recall the damage caused to it by the battle with the Storm King, and how fortunate it was that using the Staff of Sacanas to restore her fellow Princesses had also had the added bonus of repairing the throne room.

'Good thing, too.' Twilight thought. 'The royal decorators had only just renovated this place before the invasion happened. They wouldn't have liked having to start all over again...'

Twilight broke out of her musings in time to greet the gathered figures in the room. Princess Celestia, princess Luna, and Princess Cadance were there, with Queen Novo and Princess Skystar standing close by.

Standing near Skystar were two Hippogriff mares. One had a light brownish-gray coat, an amaranth mane, and spring green eyes. The other had a light cobalt coat, a heliotrope mane, and raspberry eyes. Alongside Novo was a cerulean Hippogriff stallion with a violet mane and cornflower blue eyes. He was clad in gold armor, and bore an unsettling grimace on his face, as if he desired to be anyplace but there. Twilight had a vague recollection of seeing all three of them during the brief trip to Seaquestria.

"Hi, Twilight!" Skystar waved happily. "Hi, Spike!"

Spike waved back, while Twilight gave Skystar a friendly smile.

"Welcome, Twilight." Celestia smiled.

"We are pleased to see that you will be playing a part in these proceedings." Luna added.

"It just wouldn't be the same without you." Cadance beamed.

"I'm glad you accepted my invitation." Novo declared. "If we Hippogriffs are to form stronger bonds with Equestria, it's only fitting that we have the Princess of Friendship to help us in that regard."

The armored Hipogriff's grimace grew ever so slightly darker.

"I'm only too happy to uphold my royal duty, your Queenship." Twilight said nervously. She took note of the newcomers once again. "...If you don't mind my asking, who are your... companions?"

"This is Stratus Skyranger." Novo announced the armored stallion. "Captain of our royal guard. And these two." She indicated the mares with Skystar, the amaranth-maned one first, then the cobalt mare. "Are Haven Bay and Salina Blue, two of our newly-appointed royal attendants."

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." Twilight said kindly.

"And you too, your majesty." Haven Bay declared respectfully, standing almost uncomfortably to attention.

"Hello, your highness." Salina Blue said shyly.

"Oh, don't mind them." Skystar chuckled. "They're still getting used to the job. Well, that, and the whole 'being out of water again' thing."

"I did really miss flying..." Haven Bay admitted.

"I was flying funny all the way here..." Saline Blue mused, flaring her wings slightly. "I think I'm a little out of practice."

"I know that feeling." Cadance smiled.

"Hello, Captain Skyranger." Twilight turned to the armored Hippogriff.

"Princess." Stratus said gruffly.

"Now that we're all here, we can begin." Celestia declared. "Queen Novo, we are honored to have you and your daughter with us once again."

"And we are more than willing to provide any assistance you may require in recovering from the Storm King's actions." Luna smiled.

"Well, now that you mention it, our homes up on Mount Aris fell into disrepair during our time hiding in the sea." Novo admitted. "We could use some extra building materials. Those aren't too easy to find in the water."

"Consider it done." Celestia nodded.

"Though at the moment, I'm a little more interested in the culture of your nation, and how we can best engage in exchanges with the culture of our own." Novo declared.

"Equestria does have much to offer in that regard." Cadance admitted. "Far more than we can possibly share in a single session."

"Well, from the brief show we were given in Seaquestria, it seems ponies really know how to have fun." Novo grinned.

"They sure do!" Skystar cheered. "Most fun we had in months! Right, ladies?"

"Yeah." Haven Bay nodded. "That pink pony really knew how to throw a party."

"It was amazing." Salina Blue agreed.

"Yes..." Stratus said sarcastically. "It's just a shame it had to end so badly." He threw a cold look at Twilight.

"Captain Skyranger." Novo admonished him. "The purpose of this meeting is not to rub salt into old wounds, but to establish cultural exchanges and diplomatic connections between our two nations."

"As you wish, Queen Novo." Stratus muttered.

"I apologize for the interruption." Novo told the Equestrian Princesses. "Captain Skyranger takes his duty a little too seriously sometimes."

"Don't we all?" Celestia said fairly. "Now, perhaps we can continue the discussion over lunch? It would be a prime opportunity for you to enjoy some Equestrian cuisine.'

"I'm up for that!" Skystar announced. "Haven't eaten since we left home..."

"Then please, walk this way." Cadance offered.

The Princesses lead their guests to the dining room, where a sumptuous feast was already waiting for them.

"Mmm, now those look like good eating." Novo smiled.

"I recommend the butternut squash." Luna suggested.

"I'll be trying that." Skystar nodded.

The natives and guests took their seat, and began to eat.

"This stuff tastes as good as it looks." Novo declared. "My compliments to the chef."

"If ponies are as good at being friends as they are at cooking, this alliance is going to be wonderful." Haven Bay beamed.

"We'd be happy to provide some trade exports." Cadance offered. "That way, all your subjects can enjoy our cuisine."

"That's one idea." Novo smiled. "After a diet of mostly seaweed, I think we're about ready for a change of pace."

"And maybe we can arrange for some... goodwill visits to and from Equestria?" Twilight spoke up nervously. "That could help both ponies and Hippogriffs to better understand each others' lifestyle and cultures."

"Nice one, Twi." Spike whispered supportively.

"Hmm, we could do something like that." Novo considered. "It would be a fine way for our two species to get to know each other better..."

"I sure wouldn't mind making more new pony friends." Skystar smiled.

Stratus, who had barely touched his food, suddenly slammed down his cutlery.

"This is a waste of time." He growled. "With respect, your highness, talking about pointless interactions between ponies and Hippogriffs won't be of much use to us in the long run."

"I wouldn't be so sure, Captain." Novo declared. "Perhaps if we had stronger ties with Equestria before now, we could have reached out to them for help when the Storm King's forces attacked."

"We've been doing just fine without help from ponies until now." Stratus scowled. "And we don't need help from any pony now. Especially not a 'Princess of Friendship' who would attempt to rob those who welcomed her and her friends into their home!"

Stratus's words cut Twilight to her core. Despite her desire to rise above the mistake she had made, having it spelled out to her by one of the Hippogriffs she had betrayed the trust of brought all the guilt flooding back. She bowed her head in shame. Her fellow Princesses, on the other hoof, were appalled by Stratus's words. Celestia was about to speak up in her defense, when...

"Captain Skyranger, you are out of line!" Novo suddenly exploded.

"Yeah, not cool, Cap!" Skystar added.

Twilight looked up again in surprise.

"My, Queen, she-!" Stratus protested.

"I am well aware of what princess Twilight did." Novo said coldly. "Yes, it was an insult to our hospitality. Yes, it was an underhooved and despicable act. But, as was so helpfully pointed to me recently-" She gave her daughter an aside glance. "-It was an act of desperation. One that should not be allowed to speak for Princess Twilight's character as a whole."

"So you'd excuse-?" Stratus frowned.

"I'm excusing nothing." Novo interrupted him again. "But if we are to judge Twilight, then we must judge her by all her actions, both the bad, and the good. She may have tried to steal the Pearl, but she also defeated the Storm King alongside her friends, allowing us to come out of hiding, to soar amongst the clouds once again. And here she is now, offering her assistance. I'd say that's enough for us to get past a bad first impression."

Twilight couldn't help herself. A wide, grateful smile bloomed into existence on her face.

"Thank you, Queen Novo." She said, her voice barely above a whisper. "You have no idea what your trust means to me."

"It's time to let go of the past, and move forward." Novo smiled kindly. "Wouldn't you agree, Captain?"

"...Yes, my Queen." Stratus scowled.

"Excellent." Novo nodded. "Now, shall we continue with our discussion?"

"Ready whenever you are." Twilight nodded.

After a couple of hours of discussion, during which many possibilities and offers were exchanged, the meeting came to an end.

"I believe that will do for today." Novo declared, standing up. "Thank you all for your assistance."

"It was our pleasure." Celestia smiled.

"Hopefully, this will mark the beginning of a long and productive alliance." Luna added.

"I sure hope so." Skystar grinned. "Canterlot is so beautiful. I'd love to be able to visit more often!"

"Oh, you will." Novo chuckled. "Count on it."

As Novo, Skystar and their entourage prepared to depart, Twilight stood up.

"Wait!" She called out.

The Hippogriffs turned, their attention caught by Twilight's outburst.

"Queen Novo, I just want you to know how grateful I am to know that I have your trust and faith." Twilight said humbly. "I know that forgiveness isn't the easiest thing to give..."

"Getting over a bad first impression isn't easy either." Novo admitted. "When I saw you caught in the act of trying to steal our Pearl, I thought you were no better than the Storm King's flunkies. But everything I've seen and heard of you since then has proven me wrong. You're a good and decent pony, Princess Twilight, one the Hippogriffs would be lucky to call a friend."

Skystar, Haven Bay and Salina Blue all smiled or nodded in agreement. Stratus merely scowled and turned away.

"And I've been sure to let the rest of our kind know who it is we owe our homecoming to." Novo added. "I promise, you will always be considered a friend to the Hippogriffs, as will all ponies."

"So, y'know, don't be a stranger." Skystar grinned. "Feel free to drop by anytime! Oh, and say 'hi' to Pinkie Pie for me!"

"You got it." Spike nodded.

"She'll be happy to hear that." Twilight beamed. "And as the Princess of Friendship, it would be my royal duty to visit Equestria's newest friends."

"We look forward to it." Novo smiled. "Now, I'm afraid we've got to get going for real this time."

"See ya soon!" Skystar beamed, as the Hippogriffs departed.

Once their guests had departed. Celestia walked up to Twilight.

"Congratulations, Twilight." She smiled. "I'd say your presence here may have made all the difference."

"I wouldn't say that exactly." Twilight said humbly.

"It's always a good idea to have the Princess of Friendship around for these kinds of things." Cadance declared.

"I have no doubt that in time, our alliance will truly be a strong one." Luna nodded.

"I'm just glad I could be here to help make that happen." Twilight admitted.

"We all are, Twilight." Celestia placed her hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "We all are."

It was with a joyful air that Twilight and Spike returned to her castle that afternoon.

"I think that went pretty well." Spike grinned as they entered the study.

"It was a very promising start." Twilight nodded. "In time, we'll be able to build a lasting friendship between the ponies and the Hippogriffs."

"I told you you were worrying about nothing." Spike pointed out.

"Nopony likes a gloater, Spike." Twilight retorted.

"I was still right, though." Spike smirked. "What would you do without me?"

"Let's hope we never have to find out." Twilight placed a hoof on Spike's shoulder.

"Now, if that's all, I'll be in my room, enjoying some premium gems." Spike announced. "I think I've earned a treat."

"Just don't treat yourself too much." Twilight warned him. "You'll spoil your dinner."

"Got it." Spike nodded as he left the study.

Once Spike left, Twilight set down her saddlebags, sat in her favorite chair, and let out a contented sigh.

Just then, Discord reappeared, coming into being above Twilight's head.

"Afternoon." Discord declared nonchalantly.

"Afternoon, Discord." Twilight replied pleasantly. "Hope you've had a good day. I sure have."

"Well, look at you." Discord conjured up a magnifying glass and examined Twilight with it. "Somepony's in a better mood than she was yesterday."

"What can I say?" Twilight shrugged. "A lot's happened since then. It seems ponies and Hippogriffs may be on their way to being good friends with each other."

"So, would you say the Hippogriff may come to visit Equestria?" Discord asked. "I've never met one face-to-face before. I really must introduce them to my unique brand of entertainment sometime..."

Twilight gave Discord a disapproving look.

"Kidding!" Discord smirked. "Boy, I hope those Hippogriffs can take a joke better than you do... still, I suppose kudos are in order, since you went along to that little discussion and didn't make a big mess out of everything."

"That was mostly due to the advice you gave me yesterday." Twilight declared.

"Advice? Moi?" Discord gasped theatrically. "You must have the wrong Draconequus."

"If you say so." Twilight played along. "But, whether you meant it to be or not, our little talk yesterday was a big help. In fact, it was just what I needed to step up and help better relations with the Hippogriffs."

"So it all worked out in the end, eh?" Discord smirked as he reclined in mid-air. "All thanks to yours truly. Aren't you lucky to have a friend like me?"

"That's one way of putting it." Twilight rolled her eyes. "Either way, I won't argue with results..."

"A very wise policy." Discord nodded. "Well, I'd love to stick around and listen to you sing my praises some more, but this was meant to be a quick visit, a way of killing some time before my tea party with Fluttershy. Maybe you can thank me some more the next time we see each other."

"I'll try and remember that." Twilight replied.

"No need." Discord waved his talon. "I'll be happy to remind you. Ta-ta!"

Once again, Discord vanished in his trademark flash of light. Twilight smiled and shook her head. Even the mischievous chaos spirit's usual antics couldn't put a dent in her good mood. She finally felt like she could put aside her big mistake, and move on. Not only that, but she was actually looking forward to her next encounter with Novo.

There was still much that needed to be done to ensure a lasting connection between Equestria and the Hippogriffs, and Twilight was ready to help in any way she could - no longer because she felt obligated to by a past mistake, but because she wanted to help, as friends do.