• Published 13th Jan 2018
  • 3,120 Views, 30 Comments

After The Storm - Bluecatcinema

The Storm King has fallen. But there is still much to be done...

  • ...

A New Deal

It was just another dreary day in Klugetown. The denizens, comprised of mostly fish, rodent pig and lizard creatures, went about their business, either selling their various tawdry (and in some cases, illegal), high-priced wares in hopes of making a quick Storm Buck, or just shambling through the streets. They only acknowledged each other if they were offering something for a price, or if one shoved another in their haste to get from point A to point B.

A dark shadow suddenly fell over the streets. The inhabitants looked up to see one of the Storm Guard's airships heading toward the docks. This was a fairly regular occurrence, but the citizens hadn't seen any of those ships in the last few days, and were unaware of recent events in Canterlot. So they noted with brief, detached curiosity that whatever delays their schedule had suffered must have finally been resolved.

At the ship's helm stood Captain Celaeno, her crew, and Capper (still wearing his new cloak and top hat), who was making his homecoming with style.

"Good ol' Klugetown: just as scurvy as ever." Mullet snarked as he glanced out the viewport.

"You sure you want to come back to this dump?" Celaeno asked Capper. "We could drop you off anywhere."

"Thanks, but I'm good." Capper declined. "This place may be a dump, but it's my home. Besides, I've got some unfinished business to take care of..."

"While we've got to get us some supplies." Boyle declared. "This ol' flyin' rustbucket barely had enough to get us this far."

"Especially in the food department." Lix scowled. "And I thought the rations the Storm King gave us were bad."

"Caww!" Squabble stuck out his tongue.

"Well, in that case, I'd be happy to point you towards the best food stores this town has to offer." Capper smiled. "...But that's not really sayin' much..."

"Any port in a storm, I guess..." Celaeno shrugged.

The airship made a landing at the docks, and its unlikely crew disembarked. Celaeno and her crew followed Capper's lead as he made his way to the marketplace. The "freelance treasure hunters", as they preferred to be known, drew a few momentary glances from passers-by, but those citizens just as quickly turned away, their general apathy not affording them a further moment for curiosity.

"Here we go." Capper pointed towards a stall run by a short lizard. "Sal over there sells the best travel-ready food in the city... which, as I mentioned before, doesn't really amount to much. But there's a better chance of gettin' food that actually tastes good when you're shopping at Sal's."

"With that glowing review, how can we resist?" Lix joked.

"All hands on deck, crew." Celaeno urged. "Let's get as much as we can carry. Lousy or not, it's still food."

"Aye, cap'n." Murdock nodded.

While Celaeno's crew bought what they needed, Capper wandered a little, taking in the old sights. He knew he hadn't been away too long, but his experiences during that time had fundamentally changed him. One thing was for sure: he'd never look at the world the same way again, and all because he had tried to sell six ponies to settle a debt. If Rarity hadn't shown him what selfless generosity looked like, Capper had no doubt he'd still be the same shameless con artist he had been before.

'I thought finding those ponies would be my lucky break.' He thought. 'And I was right... just not in the way I thought at the time.'

"Hey, Capper!" A surly voice interrupted his musings.

Capper turned in the direction of the voice, and a familiar-looking fish person, the one he had tricked into thinking the ponies had infected him with a fictitious disease.

"Surprised to see me?" The land-based fish scowled.

"Milo." Capper put on a charming smile. "How ya been?"

"Pretty good." Milo returned Capper's smile with one of his own. "Considering I caught 'pastelus coloritis'!" His smile become a snarl. "Amazing how I'm still alive and kickin', isn't it?"

"What's the matter, big guy?" Capper asked playfully. "Can't take a joke?"

"Can you?" Milo snarled. "'Cuz when I'm done with ya, your face is gonna be a joke!"

"Something wrong here?"

Capper and Milo turned to see Celaeno, carrying two bags full of supplies.

"None of yer business, birdie." Milo spat.

"Oh, I think it is." Celaeno declared. "Capper happens to be a friend of mine. And if you've got a problem with him, you've got a problem with me." She put down one of the bags, extracting her cutlass from it. "And I don't think you want that, do you?"

Milo eyed the blade.

"...You're not worth my time anyway." He scowled, turning and running away.

"My, aren't you popular?" Celaeno asked Capper.

"You have no idea." Capper declared. "Thanks for the help."

"Anytime." Celaeno nodded.

The rest of the crew soon joined them, arms full of supplies, not only from Sal's stall, but some others (which Capper had also recommended).

"All stocked up for our journey, cap'n." Boyle announced.

"Excellent." Celaeno smiled. "It'll be good to get back to huntin' treasure at last."

"Aye." Mullet nodded. "No more delivery work for us."

"And no more drab uniforms." Lix added.

"Caw!" Squabble squawked, proudly adjusting the life preserver around his neck.

"And of course, no more Storm King." Celaeno grinned. "All because six little ponies and their dragon stowed away on our ship."

"Yeah, that was a lucky day for all of us." Capper nodded. "... Except for the part when we were stuck on your ship as it blew up."

"Yeah, that was a major downer." Celaeno cringed. "But at least we didn't go down with the ship."

"And we're all okay." Lix added. "That's what matters."

"As long as this crew sticks together, we can handle anything the skies or land can throw at us!" Mullet boasted.

"Couldn't have put it better myself." Boyle nodded.

"Caww!" Squabble squawked.

"That's some crew you've got there, cap'n." Capper noted.

"They're the best crew a captain could hope for." Celaeno said proudly. "But there's no harm in looking out for new recruits... Don't suppose you've changed your mind about joinin' up?"

"I'd like to, but I have some loose ends to wrap up here." Capper declared, as he saw another familiar face approaching. "Speaking of which..."

It was Verko, the town's crime boss. The be-suited mole rat approached, flanked by a towering turtle on one side and a bipedal warthog on the other. Nearby was Milo, the smug grin on his face making it easy for Capper to assume he had informed Verko of his whereabouts following their earlier encounter.

"Well, look who's back... With a fancy new wardrobe, even." Verko snarled. Even with the new set of goggles covering his eyes, Capper could practically feel the daggers being glared at him. "You've got a lot of nerve showing your face around here, after what you did."

"Really?" Capper said defiantly. "And what exactly did I do?"

"Let's see... because of you, I got fried by some psycho pony with a broken horn!" Verko hissed. "All because you wasted my time with some ponies you supposedly wanted to give to me! Not to mention your debt is still unpaid!"

"What a coincidence." Capper smiled. "That's exactly what I've come to talk to you about."

"Save it." Verko spat. "You had your chance to settle up in a painless way. Now it gets painful!"

The turtle and warthog stepped forward, ready to follow their boss's command.

"Not so fast." Celaeno declared, as she and her crew intervened.

"Outta the way, fancy hat." The turtle growled.

As the turtle made to grab Celaeno, she ducked down, and swept his feet with her crystal peg leg.

"Yahhh!" The turtle fell back wards. He landed on his shell, leaving him unable to get up. "Hey, no fair!"

"Try that with me, ya overgrown pigeon!" The warthog snarled.

"She don't have to, matey!" Mullet declared, he and the rest of the crowd standing strong by their captain.

"You take on one of us, you take on all of us." Boyle threatened.

"And I think you'd be biting off more than you can chew." Lix sneered, pointing the fork on the tip of her tail at their foe.

"Caw." Squabble said gruffly, his eyes unusually focused.

"Uhh... bye!" The warthog turned and fled.

"You... you..." Verko spluttered, glaring at Capper.

"Sorry, Verko." Capper smirked. "Guess it pays to have friend in high places."

"This isn't over!" Verko roared. "Someone, anyone, get Capper! I'm ready to pay big Storm Bucks to whoever brings me that double-crossing cat, birds or no birds!"

The crowd, who had been content to watch the drama unfold up until that point, snapped to attention. Greed in their eyes, they advanced on Capper and his companions.

"Looks like we might be getting a real fight after all, scallywags." Celaeno raised her sword.

"Bring it on." Mullet said boldly.

"Hold up, folks." Capper stepped forward.

"What are you doing?" Celaeno hissed. "Unless you've got a weapon in that jacket of yours, stay behind us!"

"Weapons aren't really my style." Capper admitted. "Besides, there might just be another way out of this."

"Like what?" Lix frowned. "You gonna use that silver tongue of yours to sweet-talk 'em into backing off?"

"Something like that." Capper nodded.

"This, I must see..." Boyle frowned.

"Come on, folks." Capper told the crowd. "You really wanna hand me over to Verko?"

"Why wouldn't we?" Milo sneered. "Verko's gonna give a ton of Storm Bucks to whoever brings your mangy hide to him!"

The crowd muttered in agreement.

"I hate to break it to ya, but all those Storm Bucks aren't gonna be much use to you now." Capper declared.

"Whattaya mean?" A frilled lizard scowled.

"The Storm King's gone, folks." Capper revealed. "And without him, his empire's gonna crumble. Meaning pretty soon, those Storm Bucks ain't gonna be worth nuthin'."

"...He's lying!" Verko spat.

"Actually, it's true." Celaeno stepped in. "The Storm King's done."

"You might say he went all to pieces." Boyle added. "Trust us. We were there when it happened."

"Why else d'ya think none of his Storm Guard ships have been by lately?" Lix pointed out.

The crowd exchanged glances.

"They have been pretty quiet lately..." One rodent noted.

"We usually get a ship dropping by every couple of days..." A female warthog pointed out. "But now, they're-"

"Gone." Murdock declared. "Because their boss is gone. And without someone calling the shots, that little operation is gonna go down like a ship with no rudder."

"So even if ya do give me to Verko, it won't matter one bit." Capper repeated. "Because all those Storm Bucks he's plannin' on paying ya with will be totally worthless."

"That... that can't be!" The turtle yelled, still stuck on his back. "I was saving up a nest egg for retirement, and you're tellin' me it's all worthless now?!"

"Sorry, pal." Capper shrugged. "These are the facts."

"Stop listening to those lies, and get them!" Verko yelled.

"Verko's got a point." Milo growled. "What if this is all some big lie you've come up with to save your skin?"

"I'm not lying." Capper insisted. "But whether you believe me or not doesn't matter. What matters is: Are y'all gonna let yourselves be pushed around by Verko for the rest of your lives? Doing whatever he says, as long as he throws money at ya?"

"Yeah, well... it's not like we've got a choice." The female warthog snorted.

"Or maybe you do." Capper reached into his coat, extracting a large pouch. He opened it to reveal several golden coins inside.

Days ago...

As the Festival of Friendship was winding down, Capper was approached by Rarity.

"I have a little something for you, darling." Rarity announced. She used her magic to pass two large pouches over to Capper.

"Come on, now." Capper said graciously. "All these gifts are startin' to overwhelm me." He opened one of the pouches, finding it full of shining coins. "Are these...?"

"Equestrian Bits." Rarity nodded. "For the journey ahead."

"...Naw, I can't accept these." Capper shook his head. "You've already done more than enough for me. Besides, don't you need them?"

"Not particularly." Rarity shrugged. "Most of this is from the extra income I made designing outfits for this year's big social events, and from my assistance putting together the Festival. Besides, I dare say you need them more than I do."

"But, I..." Capper mumbled.

"I insist." Rarity urged. "Please, take them."

"Always in the givin' spirit, aren't you, milady?" Capper chuckled, putting the pouches inside his coat pocket.

"That's what generosity is all about, my friend." Rarity nodded. "It's just a shame there aren't others with the same sentiment over in Klugetown."

"No kidding." Capper sighed. "And the Storm King's rule was the only thing close to stability the place had. With him gone, things are just going to get worse..."

"Maybe not." Twilight joined them. "I could talk with Celestia and the other Princesses, see if we can maybe establish some kind of trade with Klugetown."

"That'd definitely help the ol' economy around there." Capper admitted. "And it just might give me the excuse to see my new friend again." He gave Rarity a wink.

"That would definitely be a nice bonus." Rarity chuckled.

"Whatever you can do, I'll be grateful for it, Princess." Capper told Twilight.

"After you helped us save our home, it's only right that we help make yours better." Twilight nodded.

"Thanks, anyway." Capper smiled. "And while you're doing your part to help the place, I think I might be able to do something to make things better too."

The present...

"What are those?" Milo frowned.

"These are Bits." Capper explained. "The preferred form of currency over in Equestria. One of my new friends there gave these to me."

"Yeah, so?" A lizard scowled. "You brought 'em out just to brag about having more money than us?"

"Actually, I brought 'em out so I could do this." Capper reached into the pouch, grabbed a handful of coins, and threw them into the air.

The crowd immediately scrambled to grab the Bits, pushing and shoving to get to them first.

"Outta my way!" A warthog spat.

"They're mine!" A fish snarled.

"Hey, no need to fight." Capper declared. "There's plenty for everybody!"

Capper threw another handful of Bits into the crowd, and another, until his first pouch was empty.

"...Wait a second." Milo stopped suddenly. "What's the catch? No-one gives away free money without wantin' something back."

"Well, this cat does." Capper smiled. "Those Bits are on me. Enjoy."

The crowd exchanged confused looks.

"I don't get it." The warthog girl frowned. "Why would you just give good money away?"

"It's called 'generosity'." Capper smiled. "When you give someone something, or do something for them, just because you can. I was taught that by a dear new friend."

The crowd were no less confused by this statement.

"I know it's kinda tough to grasp." Capper admitted. "I thought the same way at first. My new friend fixed up my old coat, just out of the goodness of her heart, and I was just plain confused. But that's the way things work in Equestria."

"That sounds real nice, Capper." The frilled scoffed. "But this is Klugetown. That sort of thing doesn't fly around here, remember?"

"It doesn't have to be like that." Capper urged. "If everybody here was just a little more generous, Klugetown might just be a better place for all of us."

"So you're saying if we're all 'generous', giving away all our stuff left, right and center, things'll be better around here?" Milo scoffed. "Forgive me for doubting it."

"I'm not saying you give, give, give all the time." Capper admitted. "But if you can find it in yourselves to pitch in here and there, lend a hand or a spare bit of cash, then just maybe, we'll be able to find some real worth in this place, and each other. Not to mention my new friends in Equestria might just be helping us out sometime. Even then, it won't be easy, but Klugetown's never going to get any better unless we make a change."

"He's got a point, y'know." Celaeno chipped in. "Take it from me, a vessel's only as good as her crew."

The crowd took a moment to consider their words.

"Why are you still listening to the garbage?" Verko spat. "Get him, you idiots!"

"Or would you prefer things stay the way they are, with Verko calling the shots?" Capper continued, ignoring Verko. "Think about it: What has that lousy rat ever given you that he didn't demand back, with interest?"

The crowd muttered among themselves. They had all fallen into debt to Verko at some point, and knew full well what kind of "interest rates" the greedy rodent enforced.

"Verko's been using us all." Capper pointed out. "Using our collective greed, using the promise of deals and cleared debts, all to get us to do what he wants. Do you really want that to continue?"

The crowd shared more looks, with some (such as Milo) glancing at the coins Capper had freely given them.

"I've had enough of this nonsense!" Verko spat. "I say what's what around here, and you money-grubbing chumps just have to shut up and listen! How hard is that, you idiots?!"

Verko's tirade had an instant affect on the citizens of Klugetown; They all turned away from Capper and Celaeno's crew, and glared coldly at the one they had once feared.

"Wh-what are you all staring at?" Verko stepped back. "Do what I say!"

"Or what?" The warthog girl scoffed. "You won't pay us those worthless Storm Bucks?"

"Y-you don't know they're worthless!" Verko spluttered. "It could still be a lie!"

"Like when you tell us our debt's almost cleared, then add on a 'late fee'?" The frilled lizard snarled. "Or 'annual interest'?"

"Well, I... that's different!" Verko gulped.

"You know somethin'? Capper's right." Milo admitted. "It is time for a change around here. And I think we all know what that change should be..."

"S-stay back!" Verko started backing away, only to bump into his turtle henchman, who had finally gotten back on his feet. "What are you waiting for? Get me out of here!"

"Anything you say, boss." The turtle grabbed Verko, lifted him up... then stuffed him into a nearby barrel.

"What are you doing?!" Verko yelped.

"Gettin' you out of here... all the way out of town." The turtle smirked, setting the barrel on its side. "By the way: I quit."

The turtle kicked the barrel, sending it rolling down the streets, toward the desert outside of town.

"Ahhhh!" Verko yelped. "You'll be sorry! All of yo-o-o-ou!"

Once the barrel vanished from sight, the crowd cheered, jubilant that they were finally free from Verko's influence.

"Let's hear it for Capper!" The frilled lizard whooped, waving his handful of Bits.

"Capper! Capper! Capper!" The crowd cheered. Even Milo joined in on the chant. "Capper! Capper! Capper!"

"Nicely done, matey." Celaeno smiled at Capper. "Looks like this town's got a new hero..."

"What can I say? Charming's my game." Capper chuckled, as he waved to his newly-adoring public.

A short while after, Celaeno's crew had gotten their supplies aboard the airship, and were preparing to depart. Capper had helped out as best he could, and was about to see them off.

"Okay, that's everything." Lix declared, once the last of the supplies were aboard. "Ready for departure, cap'n."

"You sure you want to stay here?" Celaeno asked Capper. "We could always use an extra crewmate. Especially one as cunning... and charming as you." She added with a smile.

"I'm flattered, but I'll have to decline." Capper shook his head. "Something tells me I'll be needed more here. I got these folks on the right path, but it probably wouldn't hurt if I stuck around to help 'em stay on it."

"What, are ye setting yerself up as the new captain of this ship?" Mullet asked.

"Somethin' like that." Capper shrugged. "Seems I went and started somethin' today. May as well stay here and finish it."

"Then I guess this is goodbye." Celaeno sighed.

"For now." Capper admitted. "Feel free to drop by anytime."

"You can count on that." Celaeno nodded. "In fact, I wouldn't mind seeing how much this dump has been cleaned up by our next visit."

"Just don't expect any miracles." Capper declared. "Cleanin' this place up's gonna be a tough job... but hey, someone's gotta do it."

"And I can't think of a better candidate." Boyle nodded. "Good luck, matey."

"And to you guys on your return to... 'freelance treasure hunting'." Capper grinned.

"Trust me, luck has nothing to do with it." Celaeno smirked. "But thanks, anyway." She turned to her crew. "Alright, ya lily-livered scallywags, let's take to the skies! Treasure's not gonna find itself!"

"Aye, cap'n!" The crew chorused (save for Squabble, who squawked in time with the others).

After saying their final goodbyes, the crew entered the ship, and took off into the wild blue yonder, seeking treasure and adventure.

As for Capper, he was true to his word, remaining in Klugetown to help guide the inhabitants to a better tomorrow. A tomorrow where they believed in something more than money, something truly priceless...