• Member Since 24th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Monday

Wise Cracker

Just some guy, riding out his time.



Scootaloo's had her heart set on the Sisterhooves for ages now, and Vinyl Scratch promised she'd take her niece and help win the big prize.

If only Vinyl Scratch hadn't been up doing a concert the night before. And why is Spike joining in with an obviously sleep-deprived Twilight Sparkle?

It's a day of chaos, as it becomes a contest to see who's the better sister figure, who's got what it takes to beat the opposition, and who's going to faint and/or vomit first: Vinyl or Twilight?

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 23 )

This is a wonderfully random onslaught of character tags. Gotta check it out.

This should be a fun disaster to watch unfold.

It certainly looks fun. I look forward to seeing which unicorn collapses first.

Also, given their infrasonic capabilities, I can't help but think that elephants would appreciate a good bass drop more than most.

Suppose they would. Hadn't considered it at first, but wouldn't sapient elephants basically be a buff Daredevil compared to ponies? Or is that bat ponies?

Which unicorn will collapse first, indeed. Seriously, still need to write the actual collapsing, so not sure myself. Will it be the unicorn who's been imbibing stuff that gives elephants a buzz, or will it be the unicorn pushing herself beyond ultra settings using completely legal and definitely not misused magic?

Which reminds me: one thing I forgot to mention in the author's notes, the musical piece Vinyl plays is a live performance of Ecophony Gaia. Added to notes, linking here for consideration of the readers.

Heh. Competitive rules lawyering and minmaxing. That's how Canterlot unicorns do.

Most enjoyable thus far, especially the character dynamic exploration.

I’m sick. I’m sleep deprived as hell. Yeah, clearly the best thing to do right now is read this very fitting story.

Okay, yeah. Quite the fitting story, indeed.

I need to see next chapter to see how adorably these fellow sleep deprived idiots fare.

okay that was fun. can’t wait to see the other competitions.

Not sure what to expect from the next one, Twi has some nice vicals. :p

Hmm. That is a curious comment about the family business...

And so we have our cover image.

In any case, Canterlot cleverness makes the most of a handicap. Now it's just a matter of Vinyl keeping her gorge from rising as she gorges herself. And Twilight keeping herself from falling asleep in a pie. And keeping Apple Bloom and Rumble from killing each other, but that's a whole other kettle of fish.

Well, looks like Vinyl will be seeing her pie twice in one sitting. :pinkiesick:

Fascinating added depth, along with some hilarious moments mixed in at just the right ratio to keep the mood from getting oppressive. Especially the near-miss with Vinyl and Dash. So close, and yet...

*sigh of relief*

Thanks. Now I just need to get back into the groove and actually finish the story in a decent enough way, and it'll be fine. This one's been in development heck for a while, seriously.

Love the idea of that bloodline having chicken empathy, and the conversations were all well done. An entirely believable slide into oblivion, or at least unconsciousness. Looking forward to the conclusion.

Yeah, totally not speaking from experience there...

In retrospect, that was more of a blood pressure thing than a lack of sleep thing, so details may differ. Still, glad you like it, it's probably not going to take as long to publish the last chapter, since the important talks are done already.

This was cute and fun. I enjoyed it a lot. I can totally see Twilight doing exactly what she did. Fits her personality to a T. :twilightsheepish:

Thanks :twilightsmile: I went back and forth on keeping the historical debate in there, but ended up keeping it to contrast with Vinyl more... or show similarities.

Glad you liked it.

Fine. If I see her doing something that’s impressive, I’ll give her a word or two. And if it’s really good, I’ll give her three.

And sure enough, the first thing Dash says to Scootaloo in "Sleepless in Ponyville," in the middle of an epic jump, is "Nice moves, Squirt."

Loved the Vinyl-Twilight exchange. They can empathize with one another rather well, especially since both appreciate the contrast between Canterlot and Ponyville.
Also, that bit about the Lower Marshes actually perfectly explains one bit of Season 7. (Specifically "A Health of Information.") Kudos!

In all, this was a fantastic Season 2 fic. Thank you for it.

Glad you liked it. To be perfectly honest, though, I didn't have those in mind when the exchange happened. I pegged it for a pre-Equestrian piece of history. Although I suppose you can argue Equestria was on the same continent, and so the Lower Marshes later became part of modern Equestria... it's nitpicky, sure, but, you know, undue credit feels weird, is all.

The three words thing was completely and entirely intentional, indeed, well caught :twilightsmile:

I'm worried the Vinyl-Twilight thing was too subtle, though. I had a version where Twilight rubs her belly to illustrate that the pressure to procreate was a lot higher in unicorn families with a bloodline, making the question of lesbianism even more of a touchy subject, but that went into too dark a territory. Twilight's Best Aunt Ever thing in Season 7 really did allow for that wiggle room, but... can't really do that with such a light-hearted prequel. I mean, I've established Vinyl and Octavia as being not-that-serious as a couple yet, just enjoying each other's company for now. I can't just wreck pre-established canon; this is ponies, not Star Wars.

In all, this was a fantastic Season 2 fic. Thank you for it.

Thank you. It was long in the making, but it's nice to know I can still do the old-school stuff :twilightsmile:

For the record, I got where you were going with the unspoken statements.

*Insert sigh of relief here*

Well, this was another fun Cracker story. Gotta wonder how AB & Rumble developed on their end of things, though. It'd certainly be entertaining to see their progress through it all...

How many stories of yours exist in this loose continuity? I seem to remember more than a few of them being able to fit.

Officially? Just the two. Unofficially? Taking any setting where Vinyl Scratch is or could be her aunt as established headcanon?

-all of the Flight Camp fics, but Scootaloo isn't even in a few of those. Still, that's four, no ceiling limit set on it yet.
-all of Quorum Sensing and its sequels, so that's another four. Three if we're not counting the collab.
-I had to check because it's been a while, but Empathy mentioned a mom (miss Ingot), who later got re-used and re-branded for the Rumble's Big Day trilogy, so those are out, surprisingly.
-the Changeling Blood stories do have Vinyl and Octavia as Scootaloo's guardians, that'll be two more. Four to eight if I can ever finish the series.

Less outspoken one? Tragedy on Lookout Lane... there's an argument. Assuming Vinyl and Octavia were both out of town for a long time, or needed to redecorate, that's a questionable one entry there. Filly Cupcakes and Grabby, eh, it's not mentioned at all, so two more possibly. I don't think any of my full-throttle clopfics had this type of Scootaloo in it, either.

I'll be generous and say it's ten to fifteen stories, subject to change.

Now what was I going to say... :rainbowhuh: Oh yeah, thanks for the feedback, glad you liked it :twilightsmile:


Blue Moon and Not-Wedding actually wouldn't fit with this story whatsoever.

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