• Published 13th Nov 2017
  • 7,234 Views, 228 Comments

Through it all and Beyond - ParaNomaly

Ben Tennyson finds himself stranded on an alien world unknown to him run by Technicolor Ponies. What could possibly go wrong?

  • ...

A Way Big Problem

Twilight closed the door behind her and sighed. Her night was not going the way she expected it to go at all.

“Something wrong, Twi?” Spike asked from her back as he looked over his shoulder, expecting the other two inside the library to follow them out at any second.

She turned her head slightly and glanced at him. “This night has not been going as planned, at all! First, the entire town seems to get scared at the mere sight of the Princess, and now we have an alien in our home?” She let out another frustrated sigh as she shook her head and began walking.

“Could this night get any worse?” Twilight muttered as she walked further away from the library at a slow pace, waiting on the other two.

“You shouldn't say that, Twi.” Spike sounded concerned as he looked around nervously as if waiting on something to happen.

She rolled her eyes at his antics and stopped ten meters or so from the library. “Don't be silly, Spike. Just because you say that doesn't mean something bad will happen, it's all a coincidence.” She turned around and looked back. Luna was walking towards them with a smile on her face, but Twilight couldn't see Ben. Perhaps he was transforming into his Pegasus form? It did make sense, they didn't want to startle the town any more than they already are. If such a thing was even possible.

“But it does! Just… don't say it, please?” Spike reasoned as he nervously fidgeted on her back, to which she responded with another eye roll.

Luna stopped in front of Twilight and glanced back at the library for a brief second before turning her attention to her.

“Pray tell, Twilight Sparkle. Who is this… Fluttershy the dragon mentioned?” she asked with a small tilt of her head, and Twilight smiled brightly in response.

“Fluttershy’s one of my friends. She can be a bit, well… shy, but hopefully I can convince her to…-” She was interrupted by a huge flash of green light that forced her to suddenly close her eyes and turn her head away from the source.

Luna, who was facing away from the library, wasn't nearly as affected by the light. She squinted her eyes ever so slightly as she looked behind her.

“Ugh, what the hay was that?” Spike asked as he rubbed his eyes.

“Spike, language!” Twilight lectured him with a glare as she briefly glanced at him, to which he responded by raising his arms in surrender.

“Geez, it's just… a....” The words seemed to die in his mouth as his now wide eyes seemed to slowly inch upwards, his jaw dropping.

Twilight blinked and looked back at the library, trying to find what he was looking at.

“What? I don't…” Her mouth ran dry as her eyes finally lingered upwards.

Luna looked at the two with confusion evident on her face, unsure as to what had caused them to react like that.

Before she could turn around and follow their gaze, her answer came in the form of a large shadow that quickly covered the entire area and even the distant hills that could be observed from her position.

Slowly, she swivelled her head to try and spot what had caused the colossal shadow that had blocked her moon's light.

When she spotted the culprit, her jaw hit the floor.

Far away from Ponyville, inside a tall, spiral tower that stretched high above a large castle, Princess Celestia laid on her queen-sized bed.

She couldn't get any sleep, no matter how hard she tried. Her mind always wandered back to her sister, and how the small town was receiving her.

She always knew that they were easy to scare. Too easy, in fact. Easy enough to the point that Luna's presence could cause them to treat her with fear, leaving her baby sister to feel rejected once more.

Celestia wanted to practically fly down there herself to see how everything was going. The only thing stopping her was the hope that Twilight could make her sister feel welcomed and loved by her subjects.

She let out an un-princess-like groan as she twisted and turned beneath her covers for a few more seconds, before she sat up and rubbed her eyes gently, letting out a sigh. “Maybe I should have gone with her…” she quietly told herself, trying to calm her nerves.

“Oh, don't be silly, Celestia. Twilight can handle it… right?” She looked around the room, almost expecting someone to answer her.

She sighed once more and shook her head, laying back down on her bed and pulling the covers back up.

“I'm sure it'll be-” She stopped herself as she noticed the light coming from her balcony fade away, as if something was blocking it.

“Strange, the skies above Canterlot should be clear tonight…” the princess thought to herself.

She slowly sat back up on the bed and looked towards the empty balcony, spotting nothing that could have caused the sudden blockage of light.

“Hm, interesting…” Her horn glowed as she pulled her covers off and swung herself to the side, stretching her wings a bit as she yawned.

With a clop, her hooves met the marble floor as she got up and put on her white fluffy bunny slippers. She pushed herself up and trotted over to the double doors that separated her room from the balcony.

The door was enveloped in a yellow aura as it was pulled open, allowing Celestia to step outside and glance around.

She didn't spot anything out of the ordinary in the skyline of the city, nor was there any clouds in the sky that could have blocked the moon's light.

“Must have been a-” Celestia almost choked on her own words as her eyes finally found their target.

Right on top of Ponyville, a truly colossal creature towered over everything within eyesight, even the mountain Canterlot itself rested on.

The entire body of the creature was a pure white color, with numerous exceptions, such as the upper chest and neck area. The former possessed a crimson colored pattern that stretched all the way to its waist area. A strange hourglass symbol sat in the middle of the aforementioned pattern. The latter was completely black and seemed to extend to the back of its head.

Near the feet of the being, which were thankfully spread apart enough so that it didn't crush the town underneath it, it possessed the same crimson color that it had on its chest, with a very faint white line near the bottom.

Celestia’s mind screeched to a halt as she tried to comprehend the sudden appearance of something bigger than even an Ursa Major. The footsteps alone from a creature of that size would feel like earthquakes, even all the way in Canterlot.

Before she could dwell on it any further, it spoke.

Its voice thundered for miles in all directions, almost as if God himself was speaking. She could feel the tower beneath her shake ever so slightly at the sheer volume. Her ears even folded to the sides of her head out of instinct.


Author's Note:

This was supposed to be part of a bigger chapter, but I felt like separating it.

Because I like cliffhangers.

But anyways, since I'm horrible at names, I'm taking suggestions on Ben's new aliens. My creativity died when my childhood ended.