• Published 13th Nov 2017
  • 7,233 Views, 228 Comments

Through it all and Beyond - ParaNomaly

Ben Tennyson finds himself stranded on an alien world unknown to him run by Technicolor Ponies. What could possibly go wrong?

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Appoplexians and Ponies Don't Mix

Silence fell upon the room after Ben's insightful comment, resulting in the aforementioned to begin sweating nervously, unsure of how to continue from there.

As the silence continued, Ben's mind began to race with battle plans in case he needed to protect himself or escape, the latter of which was looking quite appealing at that moment. The awkwardness was making him curl up and die a little inside with each passing moment.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, but was actually five seconds, the dark blue one decided the best course of action was to shatter poor old Ben's eardrums.

GREETINGS, MONKEY! WE ART GLAD TO MEET A NEW SPECIES THAT HAS SURFACED AFTER OUR BANISHMENT!” she exclaimed as she took a step towards him and raised her hoof up to point at him, the force of her voice pushing Ben back quite literally and sliding him into a shelf full of very heavy looking books.

He let out a startled yell and a number of curse words that held no meaning to the three other beings in the room as the books fell on his head. Out of instinct, he lifted his arms up and covered his head with them with the Ultimatrix still active.

One of the heavier and bulkier looking books finally lost its grip on the wood it was put in after the sudden shaking, sending it careening into the alien device, hitting the dial with enough force to cause the metal underpart of it to hit Ben in the head.

Before he could curse the Gods themselves for making him suffer so, he was cut short by the all too familiar flash of green light that bathed the room in its glow, causing the two ponies and the baby dragon to shield their eyes.

Once the light faded, the three were greeted with a sight to behold. In front of them stood a ten-foot tall bipedal tiger, with one sharp black claw protruding from both of its wrists. It also looked incredibly muscular.

The two ponies stared in awe at the now transformed Ben as the blue one took a step back and lowered her hoof, staring at him with wide eyes.

Rath, on the other hand, looked down at the smaller creatures and scowled, raising his arms into the air and letting out a roar.

LEMME TELL YA SOMETHIN MYSTERIOUS BLUE, YET SOMEWHAT PRETTY LOOKING HORSE LADY, NO ONE SHOUTS AT RATH AND GETS AWAY WITH IT! NO ONE!” Rath roared as he pointed a finger at the mare in question, who in return gained an expression of confidence and stood tall in the face of assured defeat in at the hands of Rath.

“We interpret thy threat as a challenge that we gratefully accept! Let us see-!” Rath stopped paying attention by that point as he let out another roar and charged forward suddenly, grabbing the mare with one hand and proceeding to throw her through the wall, leaving a pony-sized hole in it.

NO ONE CHALLENGES RATH AND LIVES TO TELL THE TALE, HORSE LADY! BECAUSE YOU JUST BIT OFF AN EYEFUL BIGGER THAN YOUR STOMACH CAN CHEW! If Twilight wasn't in a state of utter shock, she would have questioned the absurdly ridiculous comment he had just made. Instead, she was focused on the fact that he just threw the princess through her wall. The thought alone made her poor brain short circuit.

SIRIUS BUTT-KICKING!” Rath shouted as he dove straight through the new hole in the wall, easily making it five times bigger than it previously was. The sudden force causing the entire library to shake slightly, making even more books fall from their shelves. Spike shuddered when he saw the aftermath.

“Great, more work…” he mumbled.

Outside, Rath had just finished diving through the wall and doing a sick roll afterward. He looked around frantically, trying to spot his latest victim.

SHOW YOURSELF HORSE LADY! RATH WILL DESTROY YOU!” Rath shouted for the fourth time in under a minute as he punched the palm of his hand, using the gesture to get the point across.

Before Rath could continue, he felt himself being surrounded by a force unknown to him, restraining him completely.

LEMME GO AND FIGHT ME FACE TO FACE! RATH WILL-!” He didn't get to finish that sentence as he was forced to the ground by the force surrounding him, making him grunt in pain as he put both of his hands on the ground and struggled to keep his face from meeting it.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the purple pony, Twilight if he remembered correctly, straining herself as her horn shined brightly, her head leaning slightly down as she struggled to move it down further.

He didn't know where she had come from, but even Rath could figure out she was the one responsible. Determined to not lose against a small, colorful horse, the Appoplexian summoned forth a burst of strength as he lifted himself up to his knees, a loud roar exiting his mouth as he did so.

RATH WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY YOU, TWILIGHT SPARTICLE!” he exclaimed as he finally managed to get on his feet, much to Twilight’s shock.

It was short-lived, however. As soon as he got to his feet, another wave of force washed over him, sending him to the ground in an instant.

Rath groaned as he was forced to the ground, his breath leaving him due to the immense force. “Lemme t-tell ya somethin… Gravity, give up… Y-you can't… beat… Rath…” With those final words, he fell limp, the aura around him fading soon after.

The area was engulfed in another green flash, and in Rath’s place now stood Ben, who groaned as he weakly rolled over and sat up in the Appoplexian sized imprint on the ground.

He rubbed his head and looked up, only to be face to face with two very angry looking ponies.

Twilight was looking at him with narrowed eyes as her horn glowed, ready to take action if he were to try anything again. The other one, on the other hand, didn't seem as mad, though. She barely had a scratch on her apart from some dirt on her coat. She looked down at him with the same mixture of slight caution and curiosity as before. He could almost see some disappointment.

“Okay, I have no idea what the Tartarus just happened, but we want answers. Now,” Twilight said with gritted teeth, to which Ben responded with a weak chuckle as his hand rubbed the back of his head.

“Well… that was Rath. I'm really sorry, he's a bit of a brute sometimes.” Ben nervously chuckled as he glanced in between the two, who looked at each other with uncertainty.

“Wait! Hold on!” the three heard Spike call out as he ran towards them. He stopped and put his hands on his knees as he panted slightly.

“Might want to start working out more…” he muttered before he lifted his head up to face Twilight.

“Like I was telling you, he can transform into aliens! I saw him as a giant crab thing with a huge glowing brain! He doesn't seem that bad.” Spike finished. Ben smiled slightly, grateful for him coming to his defense.

“Doesn't seem that bad?! Spike he literally threw Princess Luna through the wall!” she argued as she turned her head to look at him, her hoof now pointing in Ben's direction.

Spike opened his mouth to reply but was silenced as the now named Princess Luna spoke up first.

“We agree with the dragon,” she stated as she stared at Ben with analyzing eyes, making him a bit uncomfortable.

“Wha-?! But..!” Twilight babbled as she looked at Luna in shock, who took Twilight’s confusion as a sign to continue.

“We mistakenly used our Royal Canterlot voice on him, resulting in him getting injured. Although, we think him throwing us through a wall makes us even. Doesn't thou agree?” she finished with a smile as she looked back at Ben.

Ben blinked a few times and nodded slowly. Twilight had called her a princess, and that meant she was royalty around these parts. He was glad she forgave him so quickly, otherwise, things could have gotten a lot more complicated and difficult with an entire nation after him. It wouldn't be the first time though.

“Uh… yeah, I guess?” he croaked as he attempted to stand up, grimacing and rubbing the side of his head as he did so.

Twilight turned to face him almost immediately after he moved as her horn glowed brighter. Suddenly, he felt himself being pushed to the ground once again.

At fault or not, he wasn't about to get pushed around by a small horse, so he grunted as he activated the Ultimatrix once again while he lay on his knees and was about to press down, but he stopped himself as he felt the pressure rapidly fade away.

Confused, he glanced up and saw Luna scowling at Twilight as her own horn glowed. A small, transparent blue shield surrounded him, which he quickly concluded was the reason for the sudden relief.

“Twilight Sparkle, we forgave him. Couldst thou not do the same? We art sure thy wall can be easily fixed with magic. There is no need to provoke further conflict,” she lectured as she shook her head at Twilight, whose horn had abandoned the purple aura and now stood dormant. She lowered her head and sighed.

“I know, I just… reacted when I saw him move. Sorry.” She looked back up at Ben, hoping for an acknowledgment of her words.

Ben glanced down at the Ultimatrix for a quick second and sighed inwardly in relief. The holographic display had Way Big on it. He was somewhat glad Luna had interrupted when she did, or they would have been royally screwed. Quite literally.

“Don't worry about it. I'm used to it,” he joked as he tried to lighten up the mood.

“You're used to throwing princesses through walls?” Spike questioned.

“Er… Not what I had in mind,” he replied as he stood up once again, finally showing his height compared to the ponies.

He was almost as tall as Luna, excluding her horn. And he easily towered over Twilight, with her head barely reaching his chest.

“I don't think I've introduced myself yet. My name's Ben. Ben Tennyson,” he said as he rubbed his arm, which was still a bit sore from the previous activity.

Twilight smiled slightly and spoke up first. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, but I have a feeling you already know that,” Ben responded with a nod.

“And our name is Luna. Thou may call us Princess Luna,” Luna said as she smiled at him. “Ben Tennyson, what a… unique name.” She giggled under her breath. Ben responded with a roll of his eyes as he remembered to deactivate the Ultimatrix before he accidentally turned into Alien X, given his luck.

“My name's not that weird! I'm sure you people have some ridiculous names if they're meant to represent your appearance,” Ben retorted as he crossed his arms.

“Guys, maybe we should head back inside before anypony sees us out here,” Spike said as he glanced around, glad that there wasn't anyone around to witness what had just gone down.

Twilight responded with a nod as she turned towards the library and began trotting towards it. “Spike’s right. Let's head back inside before anypony decides to come around for candy.” Ben glanced over at Luna for a brief second before following Twilight.

Luna followed closely behind him along with Spike as they stepped through the giant Rath-sized hole in the wall. Ben shook his head as he turned to look at it and lifted up his left arm, activating the Ultimatrix.

“Don't worry, I'll have this fixed in no time!” With that, he slammed the dial down.

Author's Note:

Sorry this a shorter one. I didn't expect this story to gain so much popularity at all. Let alone get featured. Thank you all so much for that.:twilightblush: