• Published 25th Oct 2017
  • 1,342 Views, 8 Comments

The Raindrop - Sylif Daring Doo

Water, simple and peaceful, while intricate and chaotic, water is the element of change, and it is to be respected and feared equally, one unlucky soul learns this the hard way, and is sent to a faraway world.

  • ...

Unexpected meeting, alone to mourn.

____*Mana's journal, day 1 of living in Equestria, 3:30 PM*____

Back in the northern water tribe, the kid I could describe as my 'best friend' asked me to describe my life.

I laughed and said that I had no way of describing it as I hadn't really been alive that long.

But now? after technically dying, I think I can, my life was a train wreck waiting to happen, parents that were more concerned that I got into trouble more than they cared about what I had to say, a bunch of kids I somewhat knew that I guess I was lucky they considered me a friend, and the inability to swim which is very ironic considering my bending element, it's also what got me killed.

And now that I'm in Equestria, I have no idea how to act, I can barely speak a few words of the most basic language, I got attacked by a timberwolf almost immediately upon arriving by means that I still don't understand, and I apparently can turn into wood.

However, I think the fact that I am now trapped underneath a rainbow maned Pegasus who I now know to be Rainbow Dash, one of Twilight Sparkle's friends, kinda tops the most awkward situation of my life.

Now, I'm not easily embarrassed, I'm not, seriously, a bully back home pulled my pants down and I didn't even notice right away, and when I did I just pulled them up and froze his hands together without blinking.

That doesn't mean it's impossible though, for one, I'm shy, I hate socializing with people, I'm a lone wolf at heart, and I can't stand being around several strangers for more than a few seconds unless I willingly put myself in that situation, then I can somewhat calm down.

But when I got stuck, that was awkward, not embarrassing, just awkward, thankfully, none of us brought it up afterwards, or at least I didn't.


The sound of glass breaking and thudding filled the library.

Mana and the rainbow Pegasus slid across the floor a little and the library went quiet. "Rainbow Dash, what have I told you about using the door?" Twilight asked.

'Rainbow Dash? that's a name? oh wait, Twilight told me about her a little, is that who this is on top of me?.....I knew she was hot headed, but I didn't think she would be crazy enough to fly into a window!' Mana said to herself mentally.

Rainbow Dash groaned and looked at Twilight after repositioning herself, she spoke and much to Mana's annoyance, she couldn't understand.

Mana lay there wordlessly as the two began talking, understanding absolutely none of it, she decided to hope Twilight was telling the mare to get off, while she subtly turned her left hand into wood and began to form a giant wooden hand in a very careful way as to get no attention.

Twilight proceeded to say many things to the Pegasus, her translation spell vanishing, leaving Mana completely in the dark save for select words.

As the two mares held their little argument, Mana carefully tested her hand, finding it very capable of movement, she looked up at the Pegasus, seeing nothing but rainbow colored hair in her face, she looked at Twilight, who apparently just noticed her given her expression.

Mana felt something on her moving and she saw the Pegasus look down at her in surprise, Mana winked and picked the mare up with her giant hand and stood up.

Mana stretched a little, even as Rainbow's voice raised, she paid her no mind as she checked her right arm for injury.

"Mana." Twilight said.

Mana looked over and saw Twilight with an impatient face. "What?" She asked.

Twilight pointed at Rainbow Dash who was still struggling in the grasp of Mana's giant wooden hand.

Mana rolled her eyes and her hand released the rainbow maned Pegasus, it then began to revert to normal, she looked at Twilight. "Happy?" She asked.

______*perspective change.*______

Rainbow Dash looked at Mana and then at Twilight. "Who is this?" She asked.

Twilight sighed. "Rainbow Dash, this is Mana, she's going to be staying here." She said.

Rainbow Dash blinked and looked at Mana, who simply looked at her and put her......whatever's, in her pockets. "Ok, why?" She asked.

"Because she needs help adjusting to our culture, and I volenteered." Twilight answered.

Rainbow walked forward and held her hoof out to Mana. "Hey, I'm Rainbow Dash." She said.

Mana said nothing and looked at Twilight, saying something in an unknown language.

Twilight sighed. "She's introducing herself Mana, her name is Rainbow Dash, she's offering to shake your hand." She replied.

Mana looked at Rainbow Dash with uncertainty for a moment, then catiously shook her hoof. "Hel....lo." She said.

Rainbow Dash barely understood Mana, she wasn't going to be rude, but it was very hard to understand the choppy words.

Rainbow then looked at Twilight. "Does she understand us?" She asked.

Twilight shook her head. "Not without my translation spell, other than that, it's just a few words she understands, and those are the ones I taught her." She said.

Rainbow looked at Mana. "Do you know what she is?" She asked curiously.

"She's human Rainbow Dash, and like I said, she's staying here." Twilight said, turning her translation spell off.

Rainbow shook her head and looked at Twilight. "Look uh, I'm sorry about the window, but I was wondering something." She said.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "What?" She asked.

Rainbow looked up at the ceiling. "You uh, want to go get a bite to eat sometime?.......just the two of us? I mean, we never hang out that much." She said.

Twilight sighed. "Sure thing, but I need to get Mana set up, and i won't be here tomorrow." She said.

Rainbow looked at Twilight with curiosity. "How so?" She said.

Twilight paced a little bit. "I've been summoned to Canterlot, it's unavoidable otherwise I would stay." She said.

Rainbow blinked and looked at Mana. "Are you sure she'll be alright?" She asked.

Twilight groaned. "There will be absolutely no way she'll be fine on her own, she doesn't know our language, she can't read, and nopony else know how to.......oh no." She suddenly shivered.

"Twilight, I hope you aren't asking me to take care of her, I'm WAY too busy, not to mention the speech issue." Rainbow said.

Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash. "Pinkie Pie is the only one here who somehow knows how to talk to Mana, other than her squirrel." She said.

Rainbow Dash was going to question it, then decided against it. "Why not just ask Fluttershy then?" She asked.

Twilight blinked and gave Rainbow Dash a glare that said 'are you serious?' "Fluttershy is very shy Rainbow Dash." She stated.

Rainbow chuckled. "It's kinda in her name." She teased.

"Mana is shy as well, and she already met Pinkie, she never met Fluttershy." Twilight added.

Rainbow stopped her chuckling as she processed Twilight's words. "Good point." She finally said.

Twilight looked at Mana and lit her horn. "Hey Mana, I have to leave for Canterlot tomorrow, but I think I can teach you some more words....you know, in case you need to say them." She said.

Mana looked at Twilight.

______*perspective change*______

At that moment I was both releived and confused, as well as unsurprised. "Ok." I said simply.

"I'll make sure Pinkie drops by to see if you need anything." Twilight said.

I was then kind of excited, i didn't know Pinkie that well, but i liked the spirit the mare had, also, she was very good with jokes.

The fact that I was going to learn more words, that was interesting, but also very annoying.

I saw that Rainbow was headed towards the door, i blinked. 'She must not like learning.' I thought curiously.

_____*later that day*______

I sigh quietly as I sat down on the couch, Twilight must have worked as a drill sergeant at some point, with how she practically drove me to learn the language, my head still hurt from all the words being spoken, thankfully, Twilight stopped our lessons a little bit ago, deciding I had learned enough for one day.

Twilight did admit that the lessons were rushed, saying that if I could at least communicate on a basic level, I would be alright, at least until we could take our time with the words.

I closed my eyes and sat in silence, I could feel Onyx climb onto my shoulder and chatter. "Yea I know bud, but we don't exactly have many other options do we?" I said to my squirrel.

Onyx chattered angrily and batted my head. "Now that was just rude." I say as I pick Onyx up and set him down on my lap. "Maybe you need a lesson in manners?" I ask.

Onyx crossed his arms and chattered as he kicked my leg. "I know no one else can understand you, but that's no reason to take it out on me." I scold.

I watch as Onyx tugged my arm and pointed to the door. "Why would I go out?" I ask.

Onyx threw his arms out and apparently screamed out of frustration, he then tugged my arm again.

"Alright alright, man, you are insufferable lately." I say as I put Onyx on my shoulder and stand up, I walked to the door and opened it, to my surprise, there was a box at the doorway, I pick it up and take it inside after closing the door. "Are you up there?" I call out in basic Equestrain, it was very choppy, but the words were there.

I heard rapid footsteps and I saw a small purple reptile with green spines run down the steps, I raise an eyebrow and set the box down, it clearly noticed me, as was obvious by the panic and the screaming as it ran upstairs, I shrug and head back to the couch.

As I sat down, I found myself pondering the events that led me here. 'This was just supposed to be a stupid visit to the southern tribe.....why did I need to caught up in this?' I asked myself as I rested my head in my hand.

Soon enough, I heard footsteps by the stairs, I looked up and saw Twilight looking around, she looked at the reptile and spoke to it, the reptile pointed at me and I sigh.

Soon enough, Twilight walked over with the reptile on her back, her horn lit up. "Spike, this is Mana, Mana, this is Spike." She said.

I gave a half wave to Spike, who waved back. "Spike, Mana is going to be staying here." Twilight said.

Spike's eyes widened and he jumped off and proceeded to say things to Twilight. "Spike, listen, Mana needs help, and I would appreciate it if you two got along, especially since I'm heading to Canterlot tomorrow." She said.

Spike sighed and looked at me, he reluctantly held his arm out, I catiously shook his claw and looked at Twilight. "Two questions, one, what is he, two, how long will you be away?" I ask.

"Spike is a baby dragon, and I'll only be gone one day." Twilight answered.

I nod. "Ok." I say.

Twilight looked at Spike as her horn diminished, she said multiple things and Spike apparently did not approve as he crossed his arms and grumbled.

_____*that night*_____

I closed the door and headed to the guest bed, Twilight was going to Canterlot tomorrow, and I am guessing that's the capital of the nation?

I wasn't sure, but I knew Spike wasn't going to bother me much, and Pinkie would only be checking up on us tomorrow, so I closed the window and the blinds, I then sat down on the floor and surrounded myself with a small wooden dome.

I held my legs as I rested my head on my kneecaps, I let out a tear, and finally allowed myself to cry.

As I cried, the memories of my past life came forward, I remembered the good times I had with my parents, and even some of the other kids from home.

As I silently cried to myself, I could feel the room grow cold, I paused my crying and saw that ice had formed around the wood, as if becoming another layer of protection.

I sniffled and continued sobbing as I mourned for my parents and everyone else from the ship.

My sobbing went on for a while, especially when i thought on everyone who had lost someone to the ocean.

It felt like hours until I was able to stop the tears, I breathed deeply and wiped my eyes with my free hand, I started to revert the change with my other hand, the ice vanished and the wood receeded.

I blinked and saw Onyx fast asleep on the bed, I gave a half chuckle and leaned on wall, I closed my eyes and I eventually drifted off to sleep.

_____*the next morning.*_____

Twilight was busy getting her stuff ready for the trip, as well as making sure that Spike and Mana had plenty of food for the day, thankfully, Pinkie was okay with checking in on the two, and making sure they didn't do anything.

Not that Twilight expected they would be trouble, Spike was a maybe, but who knew what Mana would unintentionally get herself into?

Twilight was trying very hard to not panic.

"Twilight, maybe you should, calm down?" Spike suggested sleepily.

Twilight's eye twitched. "I am calm, I am perfectly calm!" She replied.

Spike rolled his eyes. 'She isnt.' He thought.

Twilight heard a door open and she heard footsteps coming down the stairs, she lit her horn. "Good to see your awake Mana." She said.

A yawn was her immediate response. "Bathroom?" Mana asked groggily.

"Should be next to the guest room." Twilight replied.

Mana stretched. "Is that what that was?" She wondered as she headed upstairs.

Spike blinked. "So uh, how is it going, teaching her the language?" He asked out of curiosity, mostly, he was tired of not understanding the girl.

Twilight sighed. "Not good Spike." She admitted. "It's hard enough teaching her this language, but with me rushing it, it's even worse." She said.

"Maybe you should take your time?" Spike suggested. "I mean, what do you think will happen if she says something offensive, and she doesn't even know it?" He hypothesized.

Twilight nodded. "Yea, you're right." She said.

After a minute passed, Mana walked down the stairs and sat at the table with Twilight and Spike wordlessly.

The three ate breakfast quietly, and after it was over, Twilight left for the station, leaving Spike alone with Mana.

Spike looked at Mana, who was attempting to read a book. "Can you read that?" He asked curiously.

Mana looked at him and blinked, she shook her head and put the book back where she got it.

Spike sighed as he walked to one of the chairs and sat down. "You don't talk a lot do you?" He asked.

Mana tilted her head at him and made no other motion. "You don't understand what I said?" He asked.

Mana blinked. "What.....you....saying?" She asked with difficulty.

Spike facepalmed and leaned his head back. "Yea, this is going to be annoying." He said to himself.

He watched as Mana sat down in a random spot on the floor and held her hand out, he watched in awe as she slowly turned her fingers too wood one by one, he watched as her hand soon became wood and as she conjured some wooden stick figures.....and then he watched as all of the wood returned to her hand, then her hand became flesh once again. "Cool." He said.

Mana tilted her head at him. "What?" She asked clearly.

Spike shook his head. "It's nothing." He replied.

Mana shrugged. "Ok." She said as she began to experiment with her powers.

_____*later that day, 4:10 PM*_____

Pinkie Pie was headed to the library, not to see Twilight mind you, she was going to go check up on Spike on Mana, and she wasn't alone, she had run into Rarity and her sister just a few moments ago, and they decided to accompany her.

"So Pinkie, what did you say the name of your new friend was?" Rarity asked.

"Mana." Pinkie replied easily as she bounced along.

Sweetie Belle blinked. "Isn't Mana the name of some weird magic or something?" She asked.

"I have no idea!.....we should ask Twilight when she gets back!" Pinkie suggested eagerly.

Rarity shivered. "No offense to our friend, but I would rather not sit through another one of Twilights....lectures." She said.

The three soon reached the library and Pinkie knocked, soon, a familiar baby dragon opened the door. "Oh hey Pinkie, hey Sweetie Belle.....hi.....Rarity." He said dreamily.

"Hey Spike!" Pinkie said eagerly. "Just checking up on ya!" She said.

Spike nodded and stepped aside. "I'm okay, I mean, i may be a baby, but I know how to take care of myself, Mana though." They all looked and saw Mana sitting on the floor with her eyes closed, inside a dome made out of wood and ice, with an entrance. "Yea.....she's been in there for hours." He explained.

Pinkie approached and eyed the dome.

Rarity was confused, while Sweetie Belle recognized Mana. "Oh.....that must be what was outside that night." She said.

Rarity looked at Sweetie Belle and then at the creature. "I suppose your right, um, Pinkie dear, is that Mana?" She asked.

Pinkie nodded and sat down in front of the entrance. "Mana?" She said.

Mana's eyes opened, and her left eye, which was once a bright blue, was now the familiar green of a timberwolf. "Oh, hey Pinkie." The wood and ice soon returned to her and she stood up. "What's up?" She asked.

"I came by to check on you, see if you needed anything." She said.

Mana shrugged. "I'm good actually." She looked down at Onyx and picked him up, then set him on her shoulder. "But Onyx here needs some squirrel food, if that isn't a problem." She replied.

Pinkie stood up and Onyx jumped onto her head, she giggled. "No, it's no trouble, I know what it's like to take care of a pet." She reached up and set Onyx on the floor. "I'll see if Fluttershy has some spare food for him." She said.

Mana nodded. "Thanks." she then noticed Rarity and Sweetie Belle. "Who are they?" She asked.

"Oh yea!" Pinkie turned around and pointed at the two. "The big one is Rarity one of my friends, and the smaller one is her sister Sweetie Belle." She answered.

Mana blinked. "Huh." She walked over and held her hand out to Rarity. "I'm Mana." She said easily, having practiced a lot in the past few hours.

Rarity raised an eyebrow at the gesture, but she shook Mana's hand all the same, she said something that Mana didn't understand. "What?" She asked.

Pinkie stepped in. "She said her name is Rarity." She then looked at her friend and whispered in her ear.

Rarity seemed to understand and nodded at Mana.

Mana looked at Sweetie Belle. "Hi." She said simply.

Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow. "Uh....hi." She answered.

_____*Mana's journal, day 2*______

At the time, I hadn't realized it, but as I introduced myself to Rarity and Sweetie Belle, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

I also didn't know it at the time, but I had met one of my best friends, even though I couldn't understand most of what she said, and she couldn't understand me.

At least, that's what I thought.

From that point on, things kind of slowed down, like the world was giving me a break from the panic and rush that was day to day life, I was mostly on guard though, because I knew that things were never that easy.

One thing I hate to admit, but I know it's true, within a month, Equestria felt more like home than the Northern Water Tribe ever did.

The only difference being, I can be myself now, and not pretend to be someone I'm not.

Also, I can turn to wood, creepy and unsettling at first, but it got awesome, what's not to love?

I think I'm going to go lay down now, I can't keep staying up this late.

Author's Note:

Not too much happened, not a lot of interesting things, but it's more of a filler chapter, I know, chapter three has nothing fun to read, but still, kind of a rule in stories, you need a dull moment or things will get repetitive.

Besides, I think Mana deserves a break from all of the crap she's gone through in....what, three days?

Ah well, as always, See you next time!