• Published 25th Oct 2017
  • 1,342 Views, 8 Comments

The Raindrop - Sylif Daring Doo

Water, simple and peaceful, while intricate and chaotic, water is the element of change, and it is to be respected and feared equally, one unlucky soul learns this the hard way, and is sent to a faraway world.

  • ...

Back home.

_____*Ponyville, 4:00 PM*______

Mana groaned as she walked out of the train, she had gained a headache somewhere along the way, and was unable to get rid of it, so she simply decided to go to the tree and sleep for a long time, maybe forever if the bed was comfortable.

But Jared seemed to be determined to ruin this idea, as he mentioned going over a few more details at Twilight's home, something that couldn't be discussed in public.

Onyx climbed onto Mana's shoulder. "I don't think you will like what he has to say." He said quietly.

Mana rubbed Onyx's head. "Don't strain yourself bud, you talked more this week than you have in a long time." She whispered.

Onyx said nothing as he looked back at Jared, who was walking with Twilight, Spike and Mana to the library, having seperated from the others.

Mana pulled her hood over her head and walked in silence. "All I want is some sleep." She muttered.

______*At the library, Mana's perspective.*______

I walk inside and immediately head for the couch and sit down on it, the door closes and Jared speaks. "I didn't want to mention this in front of the others, but Princess Celestia is concerned that the nobles will attempt something, she isn't sure what it is, but she believes that whatever they are planning will be harmful to Mana." He stated.

I look at Jared. "Even if they are planning something, I don't really care, I can protect myself just fine, right now however, i am tired, and want to sleep, so I'm going to bed." I stand up and start walking to my room.

I hear smaller footsteps behind me and I immediately know who it is. "You think I was rude?" I ask curiously.

"Your tired, it's understandable." Spike replied.

I rub my eyes and chuckle. "Yea, I guess so." I mutter.

______*The next day, 3:00 PM*______

I was outside and standing in the park, I was leaning on a tree just enjoying the soft breeze, thankfully I had gotten lots of rest yesterday, and now I was trying to unwind from the events in Canterlot.

"All I'm saying is that you worry too much, you should try to relax more often." Said a nearby voice.

I open my eyes and look up at the sky. "Probably, but it isn't worry so much as anxiety." I reply.

I hear someone walking around the tree and I chuckle. "I'll be alright, but what about you?" I ask. "You going to be alright?"

A pink furred filly with a light lavender mane and a white streak walked in front of me and rolled her eyes. "You know I'll be alright, you however are in the firing line." She stated, she adjusted the tiara on her head and blew a stray hair out of her face.

"Thanks for the concern Di." I say with a small smile.

Diamond Tiara nodded and sat down next to me, and I sit down next to her. "What kind of friend would I be if I didn't look out for you?" She asked with a joking tone.

I roll my eyes and rest my head on the tree. "Yea......I kind of wish I didn't need to hide the fact we are friends from my other friends." I say.

"I never said you couldn't tell them, but I still think it's a bad idea, they will probably blow this out of proportion when or if they find out." Diamond replied.

I nod and stand up. "Well, I'm going to get going, I'll see you around Di." I say before walking off.

As I walk I bury my hands in my pockets, I normally try to avoid crowds and keep my head down, but lately I haven't been as nervous in crowds, and I haven't been hiding my face since the incident in the Forest.

While walking through town, I pull my left hand out of my pocket and look at it, it was completely wooden now, and I couldn't even change it back to skin if I wanted too. 'That book better be a direct location of this shrine, or I'll be Mana the Timberwolf before long.' I think as I put my hand back into my pocket.

I soon walked past the old hobbies shop, Kino's, the buidling was one of the oldest in town, but it hadn't changed since it was built, unfortunately this also meant a severe loss of business after the rumor spread about the roof falling apart.

In truth the building looked fine, and the inside looked maintained. 'I suppose a glance won't hurt.' I think as i walk into the building.

I open the door to the store and I immediately recognize the fresh pine smell in the air, I enter the store and I see an elderly earth pony stallion walking around, he had gray fur and hair, his cutie mark was a silver scale, his eyes were undeniably brown.

He takes notice of me and blinks. "Well I'll be damned, the rumors are true." He muttered quietly.

"What rumors?" I ask calmly,

The old stallion seemed to be caught off guard that I could hear him, but he answered anyway. "That there's a creature in town that can turn into wood, didn't believe them to be true, but here you are." He said.

I shrug. "is the rumor about this buidling true as well?" I ask curiously.

The old stallion scoffed. "There isn't anything wrong with my store, those rumors are just a way to scare customers away." He stated firmly.

"Your Kino?" I ask.

The stallion nodded. "Last I checked, and you young lady? what's your name?" He asked me.

'Scale' The Timberwolf stated mentally.

"Mana." I reply. 'And you stay out of this, I don't need you messing with my head right now.' I say firmly before focusing on Kino.

"Strange name for a furless Minotuar." Kino stated.

That made me pause, I blink and look at Kino with a look of disbelief. "Uh, I'm not a Minotuar, I'm a human." I reply.

Kino turned around and grabbed a broom from behind the counter, he began sweeping. "As nice as it was to have company, the store is closed right now, so I'm afraid I need to ask you to leave." He said calmly.

"Alright then." I say before walking to the door. "Good luck with the store." I add before leaving.

As I walk outside, I hear the Beast again. 'Our head.' It said with a growl.

I quickly find a small fence and I lean on it. 'You might be taking over my body, but until I have absolutely no skin left, stay out of my mind and try to avoid giving me urges to kill.'

The Beast laughed quietly. 'Little wolf, hunting fun, try.' It urged.

Ignoring that statement, I start walking back to the library, feeling it would be better to do some research on the book.

'Why believe lie? book false, trust instinct, instinct true.' The Beast stated.

I sigh as I look up at the sky, the Pegasi were working hard to get the weather sorted out, and the seemed to be in a hurry.

'No matter how many times I see it, I'll never get used to seeing the weather be controlled.' I think as I look forward.

_____*back at the library, three hours later.*_____

I write some more words down on a piece of paper and look at the book once more, I then read another few words and write them down, I had been doing this ever since I got back, and it was tiring. 'What is book for?' The Beast asked.

'Directions to some shrine, supposedly it can change me, I'll be a different species, but more importantly I'll be alive.' I reply mentally as I continue working.

The Beast chuckled. 'Little girl, searching for fairy tail, better off looking for reality.' It said.

With that said, I closed the book and set it aside. 'Im dead, drowned because of an old boat, I'm under the care of a unicorn and dragon, and I have a wolf made out of wood taking over my decaying body, at the very least, this gives me a chance to live again.' I say mentally before standing.

Footsteps nearby catch my attention, I look over and see Twilight. "Hey Twilight." I say calmly, pushing the Beast out of my mind.

Twilight nods at me and sits down near me. "Hey Mana.......how are you?" She asks.

I shrug. "About as well as could be expected, I'm getting close to the end of that book, but it's very cryptic on its directions." I reply.

Twilight tapped her chin and then looked at me with a serious expression a few moments later. "Listen Mana......I have been thinking, maybe this shrine is too good to be true." She said quietly.

I slightly stiffen, but otherwise I am calm as I reply. "There will be obvious consequences or a cost to pay, so what's your point?" I ask.

Twilight sighed and thought, it took her some time to speak again. "Maybe......it doesn't exist?" She offered.

"Let's hope it does exist then, because I'm tired of losing myself all the time." I say before leaning back.

'You are.......calm?' ?The Beast asked.

'No point getting angry, besides, Twilight raises a good point, it's very possible that the shrine or whatever doesn't exist, it was far fetched anyway.' I reply.

Twilight stood up. "Mana, we need to speed up the search, we're running out of time and I for one don't intend to lose you." She stated.

I look at Twilight and nod, I then set the book aside. "Then let's forget the translations, let's do some real searching." I say before standing up.

"Aren't you supposed to stay in Ponyville though?" Spike said from nearby.

I cross my arms and lean on the wall. "As much I would like to stay put, I don't really have a choice." I say before looking at my now wooden hand. "I can change my size at will, If I can sneak out of Ponyville, I should be able to find the shrine." I state before looking at Spike. "I don't like having to sneak away, but if I'm going to live, I'm going to have to do things I don't want to do." I add.

Twilight nodded. "You aren't going without me, you'll need all the help you can get after all." She swore.

"You don't need to go with us Spike." I say abruptly, I let my arms hang at my side. "No reason for you to get in trouble too." I add.

Spike scoffed and crossed his arms. "What, and leave my sister hanging? no way, this will be way more fun than Canterlot." He said.

I looked at the two and smiled as Onyx climbed onto my shoulder. 'Mom, Dad, Old Man.......if you were watching me, would you be proud right now? Regardless, if you are watching, thanks for everything.' "Alright then, let's figure out a way to sneak out without Jared noticing." I say.

Author's Note:

Pretty short i know, but I just wanted to move things along, so this felt right to me.

Believe it or not, we are getting close to the end of this story, and I will be sad to see this one end, it was fun to write.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed.