• Published 15th Sep 2017
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Baby Hoity Toity in Manehatten - Foal Star

Hoity Toity is suddenly turned into a foal, and his collection of foal clothes went missing. Now he'll have to go to Manehatten and win a foal fashion show with the help of Rarity.

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Chapter 5: New arrivals

Five days went by quickly, and Rarity was at Sweet Apple Acres, watching Hoity Toity and Zecora play in a playpen together. Applejack chuckled, seeing them build a tower of blocks together.

Hoity was grunting, using his magic to levitate them, while Zecora tried to keep it steady. “They sure do make a great team.” She commented.

Rarity sighed in exhaustion. “Yes they do, when they’re not pooping their diapers, waking up every hour of the night, or causing havoc. Celestia knows how many headaches Hoity’s given me.”

Applejack turned. “So, I'm guessin’ you’re not so happy with foals?”

Rarity turned and whispered to her friend. “Don’t get me wrong, I love having Hoity Toity and Cannon Feather. But they can be quite the hoofful. I mean the other day, they went down a toilet into the sewers! Apparently it was a potty training attempt gone horribly wrong.”

Applejack went wide eyed and scratched the back of her neck. “Gosh, sounds like quite the adventure! They alright?!”

Rarity waved a hoof. “They’re fine now, but at the time I nearly had a heart attack, they could’ve drowned, to say nothing of how their fur smelled. It took me hours to get the smell out, and I thought Sweetie Belle’s dirty diapers were the nastiest thing ever. Since then I’ve had to keep them out of the bathroom.”

Applejack shook her head in disbelief. “Well, at least they’re alright. Makes me glad Zecora ain’t that curious.”

Rarity waved a hoof. “Yes, them being safe is the important thing. But just imagine how horrified you’d be to wake up and learn that you had two flushed foals on your hooves.”

Applejack chuckled as she continued. “Guess it’s a good thing we’re not lookin’ to potty train Zecora anytime soon then. So, I guess you're here to ask if Zecora can be your model?”

Rarity nodded. ”Why absolutely, darling. We’ve crafted the entire filly line, and we’re about ready to go to Manehattan, if that’s okay with you, darling. I know you’re not much of a city pony.”

But Applejack just replied. “Oh it’s more than fine, as long as I can come and keep an eye on Zecora. Don’t need her mixin’ up another laxative and makin’ a huge stink bomb.”

Rarity laughed, glad she hadn’t been around for that experience. “Of course, darling. I promise you, it’ll be grand. We’ll be situated in one of the finest hotels, and eat luxurious food.”

Applejack just shrugged. “I don’t care much for that, just want Zecora to enjoy herself and be there for that. Gotta make sure I capture it all on camera, the family album ain’t gonna fill itself.”

Zecora blushed and whined. “Mommy, ya weawwy goin to take mowe pictuas of me?!”

Applejack turned to the baby zebra and cooed. “Of course, little cutie. If you're goin’ to Manehattan for the first time, somepony has to make sure ya never forget all the memories.”

Hoity laughed out loud and teased. “Ya! Wike ya fiwst poopy in Manehatten, ow ya fiwst diapee change in Manehattan! Maybe ya even gets a diapee tat says ‘I wove Manehattan’.”

Zecora shouted at Hoity. “Tats it, Hoity, ya gettin tickwes!” She jumped on top of him, knocking over their tower of blocks (which scattered all across the playpen) while the two mares laughed, watching Zecora tickle Hoity, who squealed as a hiss soon echoed throughout the room.

Applejack smiled, but looking around the room she asked. “Wait, where’s Cannon Feather? Ain’t he supposed to be with Hoity, ya know seein’ as they know each other and what not?”

Rarity turned to Applejack and explained. “Oh, Cannon Feather? Well, he’s with Luna right now. She picked him up last night in order to spend some time with him, even put him back in pull-ups. But she should be back so-” Then there came a knock. “Um, open up, please? It's Princess Luna.”

Rarity giggled. “Well, guess that answers that,” The fashion mare went over, opening the door for the princess of the night. “Hello, Princess Luna, it is so nice to see you. And little Cannon Feather too.”

Luna gave Rarity a tired smile. “Rarity, it's such a pleasure. Isn’t that right, Cannon Feather?” The princess then placed little Cannon Feather down on the floor, his pull up crinkling as Luna nuzzled him and looked up at Rarity while cooing. “Now then, Rarity, I need to talk with you in private.”

Cannon Feather looked up at Luna and whined. “Mommy!”

Luna looked down at her son. “Hush now, sweetie. It’s alright, she just needs to know about something. You stay here and play with your friends, Mommy will be back as soon as possible.” He turned his head, sniffling a bit, as he waddled towards the playpen. Applejack scooped him up, and plopped him on his rump next to his friends (who were running about and laughing, Applejack had just finished changing Hoity).

Rarity followed Luna outside and asked the princess. “So, what’s going on? Is this about the whole toilet thing, because for the record it was Sweetie Belle who was watching him when he went down the drain.”

Luna turned, shook her head, and sighed. “I already know it wasn’t your fault, he does still have that royal guard instinct to save others. Look, Rarity, I know you’ve done a lot and I thank you for caring for Cannon Feather for me. But I must insist that if he’s to stay with you on this journey to Manehattan as your backup colt model, he has to keep up with his potty training schedule.”

Rarity gave a small nod. “Right, of course, darling. Being in diapers for too long could impede that. Just the training potty though, right?”

Luna nodded and gave a small smile. “Absolutely, I think it’s best he not try to use the toilet again in my absence. Thank you for understanding. He can still wear diapers at night as he's still quite the bedwetter and his pull ups don’t hold much. But during the day, please have him wear his normal pull ups as much as possible, and just ask him if he needs to go potty constantly, he’s still learning how to tell when he has to go. And be sure you remind him after meal times, it seems like that’s when he’s most prone to accidents. Also, whatever you do don’t feed him any chocolate and..”

Rarity interrupted. “Darling, you have nothing to worry about. I’ll gladly help him with his potty training. It’ll be nice having at least one foal that doesn’t require diaper changes.”

Luna just hugged Rarity. “Thank you so much! Cannon Feather’s been really excited to be with Hoity,” She then gave Rarity a few packages of pull ups. “These are his normal pull ups,” She then took out a few packages of night time diapers. “And these are his night time diapers. I should’ve given all of this to you earlier.”

Rarity smiled putting the packages aside. “Anything else, darling?” Luna smiled, as a thought came to her. “Oh yes, please be sure to get some photos of his first trip to Manehattan. I would love to add that to his photo album, I’ve got quite the collection already, and I hope you do too.”

Rarity just waved a hoof. “No problem, darling. I’m sure we’ll have tons of things to talk about when he gets back to Canterlot after the competition.”

“I’d better go see him before I go, just to be sure he knows what’s expected of him,” Luna decided. She went inside the house and turned to Cannon Feather, somewhat pouting. “Hey sweetie, come here.” He turned and whimpered in apology. “Mama, I sowie. I twyin hawd to go potty by mysewf, I didn fowget.” Luna just scooped him up with her magic and held him close. “That’s alright, sweetie, I’m not mad. I just want to make sure you learn to use the potty like the big colt you are..”

Cannon gave a nod. “Wight, dun wana stay in diapees foweva.” Luna booped his nose. “That’s right. But remember, only use the training potty. Don’t want you falling into the big potty and getting flushed.”

Cannon nodded again. “Wight, Mama, I won't eva go down ta big potty again. Is scawy and icky.”

Luna got up and turned to Hoity Toity and Zecora, telling them. “You two behave as well, no causing havoc either.” They both gave clumsy salutes. “We won’t, Auntie Wuna.”

Luna dawwed a little. “Auntie Luna? I have to get used to that nickname.” Applejack then giggled and joked. “Well, Auntie Luna, want to stay and hang out? You can have some tea and share embarrassin’ stories about Cannon Feather.”

Luna blushed. “I would love too. For example, it's too bad Cannon Feather pretty much started potty training when he was regressed. I wouldn’t mind having him in his diaper years.” “Mama, stop!” Cannon playfully whined, making everypony laugh. Luna yawned. “But, sorry, I have to decline. I need to get some sleep, I’m not much of a morning pony. How about tonight around eight?”

Applejack smiled. “Sure, that sounds fine. I can stay up for a bit.” Luna gave one last tired nod and turned to Cannon Feather. “I love you.” He waddled over and hugged her legs as he replied back. “I wove ya too, Mama. Tank ya fow wettin’ me stay.” She held him close and gave a him a few more nuzzles. “Alright, Mommy has to go. You be a good colt for Rarity, don’t go falling into anymore toilets.”

Cannon bounced, smiling. “Otay, Mama, I’ww be a good cowt and use ta potty wike a big cowt! I pwomice I wun go neaw ta big potty, too dangewous.” The princess of the night then smiled at her son one last time, before leaving.

Rarity turned to the foals a short time later. “Right, well we’d better get back to the boutique. Prim Headline is going to be up soon and she wants to have Zecora and Hoity to do a dry run before we go to Manehattan tomorrow. In the fashion world you can never be too prepared.”

Applejack nodded. “Right, let’s go.” She got up and placed Zecora into her buggy. Rarity put Hoity Toity inside his, next to Cannon Feather. Then they both strolled off to the boutique.

When they arrived at the boutique, a large, purple coated unicorn mare was there, waiting them. She was in a beautiful red dress, with a streaming white mane and tail done all fancy, and lavish purple eyes. She turned to Rarity with a smile. “Ah, you must be the one they call Rarity. Or do you prefer Miss Rarity?”

Surprised at the sudden question, Rarity replied. “Just Rarity, darling. And who do I have the pleasure of meeting?”

The mare cooed and bowed. “Oh, my apologies. My name is Sassy Fancy, the mother of Hoity Toity,” Hoity gulped, putting his hooves over his eyes as she dawwed. “Oh, Hoity, what’s the matter? Too embarrassed to say hi?” He just groaned, reluctantly saying. ”Hi, Mommy.”

Sassy turned to Cannon Feather, who was blushing and scrunching his pullup. “Hello to you too, Cannon Feather, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you and Hoity like this together.” Cannon just babbled. “Hi, Sassy.”

Sassy giggled and looked at Rarity. “Looks like you have your hooves full at the moment.”

Rarity blushed, waving a hoof. “Well, it’s not all bad, darling. Would you like to come inside? I can make you some tea and let you and Hoity catch up.”

Sassy smiled and squealed. “Sounds absolutely wonderful, darling. It was quite the trip coming down here from Canterlot. But I can see it was more than worth it already.”

Rarity opened the door, and allowed Sassy to stroll on in. Applejack turned to Rarity, “Kind of rude she didn’t even acknowledge Zecora, or me.” As she followed the rest of the group inside the boutique.

Sassy was now sitting down in the kitchen, and across from her was Hoity in his highchair, crossing his forehooves. He stared at his mom (who sipping a cup of tea) and babbled. “So, Mommy, why ya hewe?”

Sassy turned with a smile. “Oh, I just came by to see you, darling. When I’d heard you were turned to a foal, I thought it was just gossip from one of those crazy magazines. But now, seeing you, it’s like a dream come true.”

Hoity grumbled. “Tanks, Mommy, bu I dun wana go home with ya.”

Sassy laughed out loud. “Oh, I'm not going to take you home, Hoity. Having you as a foal is one experience I’m not too fond of having again. Goodness were you the little stink bomb, I can’t believe it took so long to potty train you. I almost didn’t think you’d ever graduate from diapers. I have a proposition instead.”

“What?” Hoity asked, somewhat embarrassed by his mom’s talk.

Sassy replied and explained. “Well, from what we know of Zecora, and those royal guard ponies that turned to foals, they don’t seem to ever turn back into adults. Which means your business is up for grabs. So, let me control your clothing lines, at least until you’re an adult again. After all, whoever heard of a foal running a fashion business?”

Hoity sighed. “I dun tink I gots a choice.” His mom put her cup of tea down. “No, I don’t think so,” She took out his old teddy bear and placed it in his hooves. Then she cooed. “So, when you return from Manehattan, I’ll bring the papers and finalize it, okay?”

Hoity nodded. “Suwe, bu Wawity keeps ta foaw cwothes. Ya can take ta aduwt cwothing wines.” He hugged his teddy bear close as his mom left the kitchen. Hoity then nuzzled his teddy close. “Mw. Bowtie, I missed ya awot!”

Once Sassy Fancy had left the boutique, Rarity whispered. “Wow, thought she would stay longer,” The mare turned to the kitchen to find Hoity snuggling his teddy and smiled. “Is that Mr. Bowtie?”

Hoity smiled and showed it off. “Ya! See, I can dwess him up in aw kinds of outfits! He my fiwst best fweind!” He hugged the plush bear close to his face making Rarity daww. “I can see that, darling. But it looks like Mr. Bowtie could sure use a suit.”

Hoity nodded and giggled. “Yeah, he needs a suit. He can't be wawkin awound naked.” Rarity laughed, scooping him up as she then asked. “So um...Hoity, what did your mother want?”

Hoity;s face turned into a pout. “She just wans my business, that's aw. I dun wana tawk about it.” Rarity nuzzled him. “Well, alright then. How about you go and play with Zecora and Cannon Feather, while we wait for Prim to come? I even moved Sweetie Belle’s training potty if you want to try and use it, but remember that Cannon Feather gets to use it too. And just come get me if either of you use it.”

Hoity smiled and was carried off to Sweetie Belle’s room, where Zecora and Cannon Feather both had plush animals of their own. Cannon Feather had his bunny, and Zecora her plush ursa minor. Hoity was placed right next to them, blushing. “Hi ya two, how’s it goin’?”

Zecora turned to Hoity. “Gweat. So, how ya doin’? It wooks wike awot happened today.”

Hoity sighed. “Wew, I dun wan to tawk about it, but at weast I gots Mw. Bowtie back!” He showed off his teddy bear and the other foals squealed in laughter, clapping their hooves.

Cannon Feather brought up his pink bunny. “His name is Bubbwe Gum, he my favowite stuffed bunny.”

Zecora held up her ursa minor plushie. “His name is Beawy, he woves bewwwies and natuaw stuff, wike me.”

They all giggled as they took their plushies around. Then Cannon Feather asked. “Wha showd owa pwushies do?”

Hoity scratched his chin and briefly pondered. “How about tey have a tea pawty togethew?” He waddled off to a toy chest, pulling out plastic cups and plates, placing them next to each of the plushies.

Zecora squealed in delight! “Tats a gweat idea! Bu what about cwithes? Tey can’t have a tea pawty aww naked! Is not powite.”

Cannon Feather nodded and babbled. ”Zecowa is wight, tey need cwothes. Bu wha showd tey weaw?”

Hoity dug back into the chest, bringing up some doll dresses and suits, and throwing them to the foals. They all giggled as Zecora put Beary into a purple dress. Cannon Feather put his bunny into a pink and frilly doll dress, and Hoity put Mr. Bowtie in a small suit. Then they sat the plushies in a circle and they babbled about drinking tea and how pretty their dolls clothes looked.

“Howd on!” Hoity suddenly said to Zecora and Cannon Feather. “I wants to twy and use ta potty!”

“Bu Hoity, we not awod in the bathwoom aftew wha happened with ta big potty a few days back!” Cannon Feather protested.

“Is it twue you guys went down the howe?” Zecora asked. “Sounds wike a fun wattew swide.”

“Is no swide, it was supew scawy,” Hoity protested to Zecora, then to Cannon Feather he replied. “I not usin the big potty, I gonna twy to use the twaining potty wike you do.”

“Oh, is tat wha tat funny wooking pink bowl tinky in the cowner is fow?” Zecora wondered. “I thought it was just Opaw’s miwk bowl.”

“Nu-uh, is cawwed a twaining potty, and Hoity’s gonna show ya how to use it, Zecora,” Cannon Feather replied to the zebra. “I use it aww the time, ow at west aww the time up tiw a few days ago.”

Hoity just trotted over to the training potty, fumbling with his diaper’s tapes until Cannon Feather was able to undo them. “Otay, Zecowa, so hewe’s how potty twaining wowks,” Hoity explained. “Fwist ya gotta take off ya diapee, wike I just did. Ten you just sit youw wump down wike this.”

Zecora watched with interest, as did Cannon Feather. But minutes seemed to tick by without anything happening. “Now wha?” Zecora asked Hoity. “Ya supposed to do someting? I heaw the potty makes a funny noise, sounds kind of wike a monstew.”

“Tat’s onwy the big potty,” Cannon Feathew told Zecora. “Is cawwed fwushing. Twaining potties dun do tat fow some weason.”

“So, wha, ya just sit on it? Sounds bowing ta me.” Zecora yawned.

Hoity blushed, getting off the potty. “Weww, ya supposed to sit on it and do wetties and poopies in it, bu I guess I dun have to go.”

“I hope Mommy Appwejack doesn make me stawt sitting on tat ting.” Zecora remarked, as she watched Cannon Feather help Hoity put his diaper back on.

Watching from outside the door, Rarity was smiling at the adorable scene. “Oh, this is so precious. Hopefully, Prim is running late.” She thought out loud, as she watched the foals resume their tea party

The foals were playing for so long, that they all gasped in surprise when the door opened up and Rarity came up to them. “So sorry to disturb your tea party, little ones, but Prim Headline is here.”

Zecora turned and smiled. “Wight, we betta get goin’ with ta fashion show. I can’ wait!”

Hoity got up, smiling happily, as did Cannon Feather. Rarity checked his pull up first and cooed. “Still dry, and clean, good. How about you go use the potty before the show starts?”

Cannon Feather gave a nod. “Wight, I gettin smiwey faces on my cawendaw today. Mommy Wuna’s gonna be so pwoud of me.” And he trotted over to the small plastic object.

Meanwhile, Rarity came over and checked both Hoity’s and Zecora's diapers. “Good, you’re clean too. Now, today, I'm sorry to say this, but you’re going to have to use the diapers we made to see if they work.”

Hoity groaned and stomped his hooves. “Awight, even to tis is gonna be so embewassin ta do it fwont of evewypony.”

Zecora blushed and put a hoof on Hoity’s neck. “Is otay, I’ww use my diapee with ya.” They both giggled as Rarity squealed. “Wonderful, now come on, let’s not keep Prim Headline waiting.”

“I done going potty, Wawity! I a big cowt!” Cannon Feather boasted, as he stepped off the potty.

“Right after we take care of Cannon Feather and clean out the training potty of course.” Rarity giggled. The two foals toddled after Rarity, who couldn't help but daww at the crinkling noises of their diapers echoing throughout the hall. “Oh my, when Hoity is back to being normal, I'm going to miss that crinkling sound, it’s just too adorable.

A short time later, Rarity, Hoity, and Zecora, made it to the stage, where Rarity took them and dressed them into the first outfits. Then Prim Headline clapped her hooves. “Alright, you may start.”

Rarity came out from backstage and announced. “Welcome one and all to the Fashionable Foal Fashion Show! First, we will show off the onesies!”

Both Hoity and Zecora turned with a smile at each other, then they stuck their heads up and waddled out onto the stage together. Hoity was in his blue onesie from before, while Zecora was now in a cute pink one. Her diaper had pink frills that poked through her leg holes, as she toddled about, making crinkling noises with each step. Prim was smiling with pride the whole time. “Very good. Next outfit, please.”

The foals quickly went backstage and their outfits were changed. Hoity in his adorable suit, and Zecora in her big, poofy, pink dress. She couldn't help but bounce out onto the stage shaking her padded tush. Hoity giggled as he toddled behind making sure to wiggle his hips more, making his diaper crinkle extra loudly. Prim clapped, once more shouting. “Bravo!” Now for the Nightmare Night costumes!”

Meanwhile, Applejack shouted. “Alright, Zecora, ya shake that padded tush of yours, cutie butt!”

Both foals went backstage and were quickly put into new outfits. Hoity was dressed in a cute wizard’s costume with a little frilly blue hat and a cape tied around his neck too. He held a wand in his mouth. Zecora was dressed like a fairy, with fake wings tied around her. She wore a frilly white and pink dress with a tiara on her head, and she had a sparkling wand in her mouth as well. They both bounced out together and Prim Headline squealed, as did Applejack.

Rarity smiled at the two bouncing about in their adorable costumes.

Prime quickly cooed. “Alright, now for the final tests. First the diapers, then the pull-ups.”

The foals blushed and quickly waddled backstage, where they were taken out of their costumes. They went back out and blushed together as they both peed their diapers. Prim watched as they turned yellow and Rarity gulped, as they looked down and squealed. “Yes! Tey did it! The diapees wowk!”

Prim sighed in relief (as did Rarity). “Good, it looks like they did. Now for the pull ups.”

The foals went backstage as Rarity quickly changed them out of the soggy diapers and cooed in cautious encouragement. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you two think you can pee in a pull-up for me, just this once?”

They both nodded as Zecora blushed. “Yeah! Dun ya know, Hoity and I awe ta supa soakaws of Ponyviwwe!” They both then had pullups slipped over their rumps with similar designs printed on them.

Rarity cautioned. “Alright. Now you only have to pee in them a little. That's why you peed in the diapers first.”

They both giggled, shaking the pull-ups as Zecora blushed. “Yeah, tey not as thick as ta diapees.” They both giggled and waddled out, showing their new padding off, and making sure they crinkled loudly. They then stood together at the front of the stage and peed again, only tinkling a little. The pull ups held as Prim got up, clapping and cheering. “Bravo! Bravo! We’re most definitely ready for Manehattan!”

Hoity squealed, hugging Zecora close! “We did it!” Zecora booped his nose. “Yeah, we both did!” They stood on stage as they nuzzled each other close.

Rarity smiled at the two. “Oh, they look so cute together. I do hope Hoity Toity can stay as a foal for a little while after this, at least long enough for me to take some cute photos.