• Published 15th Sep 2017
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Baby Hoity Toity in Manehatten - Foal Star

Hoity Toity is suddenly turned into a foal, and his collection of foal clothes went missing. Now he'll have to go to Manehatten and win a foal fashion show with the help of Rarity.

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Chapter 3: Hoity toity tries potty training

The two colts were now busy having lunch. Hoity Toity was being fed some mashed yams in a bowl. Rarity finished up, wiping his mouth. Then she yawned and Hoity Toity gasped, “Wawity, ya tiwed! Ya was up aw night hewpin me and deawin with tose wepowtas, ya showd go take a nap.”

The tired fashionista nodded, rubbing her eyes. “Yes, darling, I do need sleep. Maybe I’ll rest my head for a few hours, dealing with foals is exhausting,” She then turned to Cannon Feather with a slight glare and instructed, “No touching my dresses, or dealing with my business. I’m going to put up the closed sign so nopony will come in. And I don’t want to see you trying on any of my outfits without permission, got it?”

Cannon Feather nodded and replied, “I pwomice I wun touch yow dwessies ow pway with ta cash wegistaw. It wasn aww tat fun anyway.”

Rarity came over and booped his nose. “Alright, darling. I'm going to take a nap upstairs, and you two can play in Sweetie Belle’s room for a while.”

Cannon Feather clapped his hooves in delight, as he finished his peanut butter and zap apple jam sandwich, Then slurped up the rest of the milk in his sippy cup.

Meanwhile, Hoity groaned upon feeling his tummy ache, and all of a sudden he grunted, pushing out a mess, and making Rarity gag! Cannon Feather put his hooves over his muzzle and gave a long “Ewwww!” despite his best efforts not to make a remark.

Hoity blushed upon finishing as Rarity sighed. “Alright, Rarity, you can do this. It’s just a dirty diaper, and you changed plenty when Sweetie Belle was a foal. How bad can Hoity’s messy diaper be?” She thought, giving herself a mental pep talk as she carefully picked the foal up with her magic.

Despite the stench, Rarity moved quickly and in no time at all she had Hoity in a fresh, powdered, sweet smelling diaper. After changing Hoity Toity’s dirty diaper and washing her hooves, Rarity brought him to Sweetie Belle’s room, the little colt clinging onto the mare’s mane. He blushed as he babbled, “Wawity, I sowwie fow ta stinky diapee. It just happened.”

Rarity sighed and tried not to grumble, “It's alright, I promised I’d care for you. That includes diaper changing.”

Hoity mumbled in shame, ”Yeah, bu if I was a big pony stiww, I dun tink I’d eva want to touch a stinky diapee.”

Rarity giggled. “Me neither, but we never expected you turning into a foal.”

Hoity blushed, “Yeah, it’s cwazy. I pwomice tough, when I become a big pony, I’ww pay ya fow ta twobwe.”

Rarity cooed as she set Toity down on the floor. “Oh, don’t you worry about that, now have fun and play with Cannon Feather, I really do need a nap.” She yawned again.

Hoity nodded as Rarity ruffled his mane and left the room, leaving the two foals to their own devices.

Cannon Feather was busy building a city of blocks with a giant tower in the middle of it, as he looked up and asked. “So Hoity Toity, how was the diapee change?”

Hoity sniffled and whined in shame. “Nasty, twewwibwe! Wawity changed me and gagged ta whowe time! I just a stinky wittwe cowt!”

Cannon Feather gasped and tried to reassure his friend. “Oh Hoity, is otay, foaws poop theiw diapees aw ta time. I used ta do a wot.”

Hoity Toity shook his head and explained. “Wew, if anypony at ta competition see me mess my diapee, tat wiw wuin me foweva.”

Cannon Feather held Hoity Toity close, letting him snuggle his chest until he calmed down and sat back with a poof of foal powder from his new diaper. The regressed royal guard blushed as he replied. “Wew if ya taught tat was embewassin, one night I ate awot of chocawate and I pooped my puwup. Tat was faw wowse. Twust me Hoity, messing ya diapee is not tat bad.”

Hoity shook his head. “Maybe, bu is stiww gwoss, I dun wanna do it again if I dun have to,” Then Hoity pondered, tapping a hoof on his chin.” Ya in potty twainin, wight?” He asked Cannon. “How about ya teach me befowe we go to Manehatten?”

Cannon Feather squealed in delight! “Yeah, tat sounds wike a gweat idea! I can teach ya how to go potty! Is weawwy easy!”

Hoity bounced on his diaper in excitement. “Yeah, I can’t wait! So wha do I gots to do fiwst?!”

Cannon Feather came over and babbled as he instructed. “Waise ya hooves weaw high fow me.”

Hoity threw his forelegs in the air as Cannon Feather started untaped his clean diaper and Hoity gasped. “Wha ya doin to my diapee?!”

Cannon Feather explained, “I takin’ off ya diapee, that’ww make it easiew when we go to ta potty.” Cannon proceeded to untape the diaper, and as it fell off Hoity looked down at his chubby belly, poking it. “Tat is awot of foaw fat.”

The little pegasus looked down at his tummy, “Ya, I used to be chubby untiw Wuna put me on a diet. I tink when ya wegwess, ya get awot of foaw fat.”

Hoity blushed, putting his hooves to his face. “Tats so embewassin’ tough!” Cannon
Feather booped his nose. “Wew, it makes ya wook cute. Now come on, wets go to ta potty. Fowwow me”

The regressed fashion star nodded and followed his friend to the door. Cannon Feather slowly opened the door, and the two waddled across the hall and towards the bathroom. Hoity shivered, shaking his rump he babbled. “My rump is cowd now.”

Cannon Feather nodded back. “Yeah, diapees do keep ya wump wawm. Dun wowwie, wew put it back on soon.” They slowly entered the bathroom to gaze upon the bottom of the porcelain white bowl of the toilet.

Hoity gulped looking at the almighty porcelain throne. “I gonna go potty in thewe?” He asked Cannon Feather.

Cannon Feather shook his head and pointed to a small, pink plastic potty resting near the toilet. “Nah, ya shouwd twy ta twainin’ potty wike I used to ta use untiw wecentwy. Wuckwie Wawity bwought out Sweetie Bewwe’s owd potty. If ya use it, we can take with ya whevew we go.”

Hoity nodded in response. “Awight, bu...maybe I showd twy usin ta big potty wike befowe? I just need a wittwe hewp ta get up thewe.”

Cannon Feather giggled. “Otay, Hoity, wet me hewp ya.” He led his friend and puffed out his tiny wings. Flapping as hard as he could, Cannon lifted Hoity to the side of the toilet. They both stared at the water underneath in the bowl and Hoity squeaked. “Is so big! Nothin wike it was when I was a big pony.”

Cannon Feather replied. “Weww, tat becawse ya a foaw, evewyting is biggew than how ya wemembew it. Now ta seat is awweady down, so it makes it easiwe. Aw ya gots to do is sit on the side and go. Just dun faww in.”

Hoity gulped, not daring to ask what would happen if he did. Turning so his rump faced the water, he carefully sat down and asked. “Wike tis, wight?”

Cannon Feather nodded. “Now go potty.” Hoity closed his eyes and concentrated, soon he tinkled a little into the bowl and he squealed in delight! “I did it! I used ta potty!”

Cannon Feather cooed. “Gweat, now we just gots to fwush. Is wots of fun!”

“How da we do tat?” Hoity asked Cannon.

Cannon pointed to a silver colored lever just a short distance from their current location. “Push down on tat, wike this!” He lifted his tiny body onto the lever of the toilet and pulled it down making it flush!

Toity squeaked in fright, falling backwards and plopping on his chubby rump as he screamed “Monstew!” before running out of the bathroom as fast as his little legs would let him!

The worried royal guard fluttered down from the toilet and waddled out the door to look for his friend. “Hoity? Whewe did ya go? Is okay to be scawed of ta toiwet, I was too once upon a time.” He shivered, remembering the experience where his rude aunt and uncle had made him scared of the toilet, after they had flushed him down it as punishment for flushing an expensive piece of jewelry. “Never again!” Cannon Feather thought to himself.

Cannon soon went downstairs to see a whimpering Hoity Toity crying, and holding Sweetie Belle’s leg. She was lightly cooing at him. “It’s okay, what’s wrong?”

Hoity gulped and explained, “We..weww a few minuets ago, I made a big poopies and Wawity had to change my stinky diapee. It was just howibwe, ta most embeawassin’ ting in aw of Equestwia!”

Sweetie Belle had to hold back her giggling as she thought. “Ok, don’t laugh. It seems Hoity Toity’s taking this seriously. Besides, you did it too when you were his current age. In fact, you did it until you were almost four and a half. If not for Rarity, you probably would’ve kept doing it until you were in kindergarten. The filly then gave off a convincing gasp (as convincing as she could make it sound). “Oh no, how awful!” Then she looked at his rump and noticed something. ”But where is your diaper? Shouldn’t you still be wearing it?”

Hoity wiped the tears from his eyes as he kept on babbling, “Wew, ya see, I asked Cannon Fethaw to hewp me potty twain. So he took my diapee off. Ten I fowwed him to ta ba..bat...ta potty woom.”

Sweetie’s cheeks puffed out and she had to breathe slowly while thinking. “Calm down, don’t laugh, Sweetie Belle. Remember, he’s a foal. She took a few breaths, swallowing her laugh before she asked, “So what happened next?”

Toity smiled and continued, “Weww, fiwst, Cannon Fetha said we shouwd use ya owd potty Wawity tat put it in ta potty woom. Bu I twyied ta use ta big potty,” He got super excited jumping up and down as he shouted! “Ten I made a wittwe pee in ta big potty! it was ta best ting eva!”

Sweetie dawwed, nuzzling him. “Oh that's wonderful! What else happened?”

Hoity blushed and mumbled. “Wew, when I was done, Cannon Fetah fwushed ta toiwet and it made ta scawy noise. I few backwawds on my butt and cwied and wan downstaiws.”

Cannon Feather came up, hugging Hoity as he apologized to Sweetie Belle. “I sowie, we wewe just twyin ta use ta potty. I wembew Hoity used to be supew scawed of ta potty when he was a foaw.”

Sweetie giggled. “Hoity, the potty isnt scary. It won’t hurt you.”

But Hoity pouted and babbled. “Yeah it is, is supa scawy! I gonna stay in diapees fow now. Dun wan the monstew to eat me when it makes that scawy noise!”

Cannon Feather blushed as Sweetie rolled her eyes. “Come on cutie, how bout you try my old potty instead? That doesn't make any scary noises. Besides, it’s your size, you don’t have to worry about falling in, like I once did.” She blushed upon making that comment.

Cannon Feather nodded and shouted in excitement. “Yeah! Tat sounds wike a gweat idea!”

Sweetie chirped, convinced she’d found a solution. “Great! Now come on you two!” She led the two upstairs and back to the bathroom. They slowly entered and saw the pink potty, but Hoity Toity’s eyes drifted to the toilet that rested nearby, and he whimpered while hiding behind Sweetie’s legs as he whispered. “Thewe it is, ta scawy potty.”

Sweetie couldn’t hold it in any longer, and she burst into laughter! Hoity turned to her while pouting. “I tewwing ya, it is scawy! “

Sweetie slowly stopped laughing. “I..I’m sorry,” She apologized. “I guess it can be scary. Now come on, show me how you use the potty. I’ll be right here, nothing will hurt you.”

Hoity squealed and ran to the pink potty with determination! But he paused upon looking at the toilet nearby. Whimpering, against his better judgement he looked up at it and a hissing sound came from underneath him. He looked down, squeaking in horror! “Uh oh!” He realized, bouncing back.

Sweetie blushed, noticing the huge puddle. “Um...Cannon Feather, we probably should just get him back into diapers. I don’t think he’s ready for potty training yet.”

The pegasus toddler sighed in disappointment. “I guess ya wight. Aw wew it was wowth a twy. Maybe next time.”

But suddenly, Hoity was stricken with a new sense of determination! “Miss. Rarity and Cannon Feather use it all the time, and I don’t want to be in diapers! I have to do it, I’m not gonna let Rarity change another stinky diaper!” Getting an idea, Hoity slowly pushed Sweetie Belle’s old potty near the toilet, an exhausting task for a little colt like him.

“Wha you doin’ Hoity?” Cannon Feather asked. “Ya dun have to keep going, we can just move ta pink potty somewhewe ewse and twy tat.”

“I not gonna take five and a hawf yeaws to be potty twained again!” Hoity vowed! Using Sweetie’s potty as a step stool, Hoity leaped up and managed to just barely grasp the edge of the bowl with his hooves. Despite the slippery porcelain, the little fashion star managed to make his way up onto the seat. “I gonna do it!” He vowed, remembering what Cannon Feather had showed him earlier.

“Hoity, be careful!” Sweetie cautioned.

Hoity didn’t answer, he was too busy shutting his eyes and concentrating. “Come on! You can do this!” He thought, giving himself a mental pep talk. And after a great deal of straining, Hoity grunted and heard a plop! “Yeah, I did it!” He cheered. “Now ta fwush ta potty!” Hoity gulped a bit, as he carefully moved over to the handle and leaped up to grab it. Moving it was proved to be quite a challenge. “Come on, stupid ting, move!”

“Hewe, wet me hewp ya, Hoity!” Cannon Feather squealed, as he flew over to help his friend. Working together, the two foals managed to force the handle down, and the toilet started to flush.

Hoity once again squeaked in fright, again falling backwards! But this time he was facing the wrong way, he fell into the bowl with a splash! “Un-no, hewp!” He cried in fright, struggling to keep his head above the rapidly draining water!

Sweetie immediately rushed to the toilet, instinctively grabbing a plunger! “Hoity, grab on! Quick!” She instructed, holding out the wooden end for Hoity to try and grab onto!

Hoity tried, but his hooves couldn’t grab onto the wooden end, the toilet water made them slippery! “Somepony, hewp me!” He cried out again, before he disappeared down the drain!

“Hoity!” Cannon Feather screamed, as the water resurfaced with no sign of his friend! Immediately, Cannon Feather flew over to the toilet handle and forced it down again, then he jumped into the bowl! “I coming Hoity!” He said firmly, even as memories long repressed came to the surface!

“Cannon Feather, what are you doing?! Get out of there!” Sweetie instructed, holding out the plunger.

Cannon Feather refused to grab hold! “I gonna save my fwiend!” He vowed, before he too disappeared down the drain and the water resurfaced with no sign of the colt!

Sweetie instinctively rushed out of the bathroom! “Oh this is bad, this is bad! This is SO bad!” She said to herself. “If Rarity finds out about this, she’ll never let me foalsit again!”