• Published 4th Sep 2017
  • 528 Views, 51 Comments

Popcorn - Popcorn Pony

A small town pegasus accepts a task much larger than herself. Can she complete her task or will the pressure prove too great?

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Chapter 6

Rara leaned against her balcony railing, calmly watching the ponies below her cross the busy Fillydelphia streets. Wagon drivers sat at the intersections then sped off after the street light changed to green. The only disappointing observation she made was the local homeless stallion, sitting on the sidewalk, begging for money. Despite that sad scene, she felt like starting her morning feeling positive, excited for the hustle and bustle lifestyle she enjoyed living.

Rara left her little apartment, walking down a long hallway that lead to an elevator. She took a small breath, a foul odor assaulting her nostrils. To her, it smelled like rotten meat. She held her hoof over her mouth, nearly gagging as she entered the elevator.

“That smelled gross like something had died.” Rara thought, pushing the first-floor button. “I should tell the landlord.”

The light bulb lighting the inside of the elevator began to flicker, prompting Rara to look up at it. She watched the light bulb explode, forcing her to stand in total darkness, however, Rara did not react as she quickly realized that the elevator itself continued to descend normally.


An uneasy feeling began to swirl in Rara’s stomach. “Who’s there?” she replied.

Rara felt pressure being applied to her leg as if a hoof were wrapping around it. “Rara, help me...”

Rara felt a clenching sensation on her chest, her heart beginning to race and her eyes widening. “How do you know my name, who are you?”

What remained of the light bulb overhead Rara started shooting sparks in all directions. Between flashes, Rara saw a dark figure, a pony standing close to her, but she couldn’t see his face then he vanished behind a cloud of black fog.

Rara stood stiff, listening to the sound of a mournful pony snivel its broken heart out “It wasn’t her fault.” The pony implored. “She didn’t mean it!”

An unnatural white light appeared, allowing Rara to see an all too familiar face. Sapphire Shores sat in front of her, covered from head to hoof in bruises and cuts that bled, blood had soaked into the tattered white performing dress she wore during her music shows, but the absence of her plump blue mane was what shocked Rara the most. Sapphire’s mane had been cut close to her scalp except for a few long strands of hair dangling over her face.

“Oh my Celestia, Sapphire, what the hell happened to you?” Rara questioned, her voice cracking as she trembled.

The White light faded, the inside of the elevator becoming dark again.

“I’m...gonna...get you!” Cheered a happy, sharp sounding voice.

Rara knew that voice, but she couldn't believe how malevolent it sounded. “Popcorn?”

“Shhhhh…..” Pocornia replied.

Rara listened to a chorus of discordant sounds;screams,grunts,splashing fluids and sharp swooshes, as if a blade were being used on an unwilling participant, the cacophony coming together in a bloody song of murder.

“Rara!” Pocornia shrieked, excitedly.

Rara pressed her back against a corner, cowering, holding her hooves up in front of her.

“You’re next, just like Sapphire!” Pocornia attested.

“No!” Rara screamed, running out of the elevator the moment the doors opened.

Rain fell from the dark and cloudy skies above, onto Rara. She looked all around, somehow she had left Fillydelphia. Somehow she was now, within this moment, walking through a graveyard.

Something felt horribly wrong, Rara didn’t belong here, she felt so lost in a place she did not want to be. She looked all around for somepony, anypony to help her then her watery ocean colored eyes crossed a large two-legged werewolf whom was moving towards her.

She gasped, watching the muscular werewolf scrunch its face at her revealing its strong white teeth. “Don’t hurt me!” she screamed.

The Werewolf quickly swept Rara off her feet, throwing her over his shoulder. “My dear pony, I just need to take you somewhere!”

The Werewolf ran, carrying Rara from one part of the graveyard to another. Together, they approached a group of ponies all of whom wore black clothing, mostly suits for the stallions and dresses for the mares, but Rara didn’t recognize any of them. Unexpectedly, The Werewolf dropped Rara. “Push in between the crowd until you get to the front.” The Werewolf commanded then he turned, running away.

Rara stood up, politely trying to weave in between the crowd of ponies. She noticed that a lot of the ponies around her had grief stricken looks on their faces, but she couldn’t think of a reason why. Some of the ponies wouldn’t let her by so she started pushing past them. In response they pushed her back, one stallion giving Rara a disapproving look. “We all want to see the pastor, wait your turn!”

Rara could tell the stallion scolding her was from a small town, just by looking at him, and if there's one thing no pony from a small town has that she does, it's a big city attitude. “Why don’t you go take a hike! I’m not here for you anyhow, get out of my way!” She roared, pushing through the stallion like a football player trying to sack the other team’s quarterback.

Finally, she reached the front of the grieving crowd, but when she saw what the crowd was gathering around, time slowed, her heart skipping several beats. She saw Pocornia and Sapphire laying in two seperate open caskets. Above them, standing on a round boulder stood the black figure she saw inside the elevator. Based on his appearance, Rara thought to refer to him as a Dark Pony.

“Rara…” Croaked The Dark Pony.

“How do you know my name?” Rara asked.

“I know many things...about you and your friends.” The Dark Pony replied.

“What do you want from me?” Rara replied.

“What a relief…” The Dark Pony muttered, slowly stepping off the boulder, gently floating downward like a feather until he landed in front of Rara. “Somepony who is asking...The right questions.”

“What?” Rara asked, a dumbfounded look on her face.

“Rara, you are dreaming...None of this is real.” The Dark Pony explained.

A wave of relief washed over Rara “Thank Celestia, this has been awful.”

“No...” The Dark Pony moaned.

Rara stared blankly at The Dark Pony.

“When you wake up, tell your night owl of a friend that you...and her are going back to Fillydelphia!” The Dark pony took a small step closer to Rara.

“But...we’re looking for our friend. I think she's.” Rara partially explained before The Dark Pony interrupted “In Trouble, yes, but you and your friend will....make it worse.” The Dark Pony drew a long breath to yell “Leave Ponyville the moment you get there!”

“Don’t you shout at me!” Rara retorted.

“You will do what I say!” The Dark Pony replied.

Rara felt an extreme amount of force strike her chest, sending her flying through the air at an incredible speed. She snorted, scrunching her nose as she lifted her head up to look around. Her friend, Vinyl Scratch sat next to her while they rode on a train to Ponyville. Vinyl Scratch’s eyes gazed out a window next to her seat, a concerned look on her face. “Were you having a nightmare?” Vinyl asked.

“How could you tell?” Rara replied.

“You were like...thrashing about in your seat, it looked weird.” Vinyl commented “What was it about?”

“Uhhhh…” Rara sat awe-stricken.

Vinyl shifted in her seat to face Rara. “Was it about Popcorn or Sapphire?”

“Yes!” Rara answered. “And I think we should turn around and go home!”

“What, why?” Vinyl replied, feeling shocked. “They might be in trouble, we can’t just leave them.”

Rara shook her head. “I don’t think it's that simple Vinyl, we might make the situations worse.”

“We don’t even know what the situation is!” Vinyl growled, folding her arms. “You just had a bad dream, that's all.”

The two ponies stopped talking, the only sound they heard was the loud rolling of the train’s wheels.

“Do you think they're alright?” Rara asked.

“I don’t see why not.” Vinyl commented, shrugging her shoulders. “Their two of the strongest ponies I know, but we’ll find out soon. The trains almost to Ponyville.”

Rara lowered her head, sighing. “Okay Vinyl.”

The train came to a stop at Ponyville train station, but before the two ponies left the train, Vinyl pulled Rara aside, saying “Look, I know you're worried, but you need to calm down.” Vinyl stated.

“Easy for you to say, you never express anything!” Rara retorted.

“You know that isn’t true, but whatever. Let's just go!” Vinyl replied with a displeased look on her face.

Rara and Vinyl left the train, Rara entering thought while her and her Tomboyish DJ friend walked towards Ponyville. Compared to her, Rara thought, Vinyl wasn’t the most expressive pony she knew, although she does have her moments especially when she wants to do something she thinks is funny. Maybe Vinyl’s quieter demeanor is why she and Octavia get along so well since Octavia typically rubs ponies the wrong way, appearing stuck up and snooty.

The two musicians came to a street sign which read Stirrup Street, they stopped at the intersection. “Do you know where we are going?” Vinyl asked.

“Not really…” Rara replied, almost whispering.

“Speak up!” Vinyl ordered.

“I don’t know!” Rara replied.

Together, Rara and Vinyl walked down Stirrup street. Litter flooded the streets and the homes along the street looked downtrodden, needing serious work done inside and out.“Popcorn would never let a house get like that.” Vinyl commented. “No, she wouldn’t.” Rara added. “After we sort everything out, I need her to fix something for me.” Vinyl casually replied.

A few silent moments passed by. “Did you hear what I said?” Vinyl asked while she kept walking.

Unbeknown to Vinyl, Rara had been grabbed and dragged into an alley by an armed assailant. He held a hoof over Rara’s mouth, muffling her screams. She looked at him, her fearful eyes watching an old gray stallion lower his mask so she could see his wrinkly face. “You can’t be here!” He whispered. “You and your friend can’t be here!”

Rara felt cold steel press against her neck, feeling a stinging sensation as the blade nicked her skin. “”Say nothing to anypony about me!” The Stallion commanded. “You will leave or i’ll kill you!” The stallion asserted then he backed away, releasing Rara. “I’ll kill you both!”

Vinyl looked from further up the street, seeing Rara step out from behind a corner.

“Why did you go back there?” Vinyl asked.

Rara looked up at her friend, sweat dripping down her face as her heart raced hard within her chest. “Vinyl…” She muttered, shaking slightly. “We have to stop!”

“What are you rambling about now?” Vinyl impatiently interrogated.

Rara leaned her head back, exhaling then she gave Vinyl a very hard and direct glare. “Vinyl, I know this sounds crazy, but the dreams we’ve had aren't just dreams, they were warnings, from something evil!”

Vinyl replied to Rara’s glare with a perplexed look. “A dream is just that Rara, a dream!”

“How can you say that?” Rara angrily replied. “The dream we shared was the reason we decided to come here!”

Vinyl rolled her eyes at Rara. “Yeah, I remember, but Equestria is a magical place where strange can things happen. Maybe me and you came into contact with something and didn’t realize it.

Rara sarcastically giggled. “So you think this is nothing?” She asked. “If it was nothing, why did you get on a train with me?”

Vinyl looked downward, scratching her head. “I just…, I don’t know, alright?”

Rara huffed “Vinyl If we keep looking, I think something bad will happen. I just know it!”

Vinyl sat down, throwing her hooves up in an exaggerated manner. “Rara, where are you getting your information?”

Rara looked over her shoulder at the corner of the alley then back at Vinyl.

“I’m...I’m going back to the train station.” Rara said, walking away from Vinyl.

Vinyl wasted little time thinking about Rara’s decision, telling herself that she needed to focus on the task at hoof. She continued down Stirrup Street, walking to a place she remembered from a previous visit, Sugarcube Corner. If she is lucky, Vinyl thought, somepony inside might know Popcorn personally. She entered Sugarcube Corner, looking around.

“Vinyl Scratch?” called a high pitched voice.

“Hey Pinkie!” Vinyl replied as her eyes met Pinkie Pie’s eyes.

Pinkie Pie casually leaned on the front counter, folding her hooves. “What brings a world-class D.J to Ponyville and don’t say my deserts because I know you better than that.”

Vinyl chuckled lightheartedly. “C’mon Pinkie, you know I love your deserts!”

Pinkie Pie made a noise, sucking her teeth. “And I thought you just wanted to see me!”

Vinyl smirked. “Actually Pinkie, I could use your help.”

“Oh?” Pinkie replied.

“Yeah, I’m looking for a lost friend, two actually, but I think one may have recently traveled through here” Vinyl explained.

“What does she look like?” Pinkie Pie replied.

“Blonde mane, orange eyes, Pile of Popcorn with a halo floating over it as her cutie mark.” Vinyl quickly answered.

“Is she a pegasus?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Yeah, you seen her?” Vinyl responded.

Pinkie Pie turned her head, pointing a hoof at an occupied booth. “Yeah, Pocornia, she's over there eating lunch.

Vinyl looked, seeing her carpenter friend look at her with a horrified look on her face. One detail Vinyl quickly picked up on was how tired friend looked, glossy eyes with black spots underneath them. “Popcorn!” Vinyl happily cheered.

Unexpectedly, Pocornia darted out of her seat, hastily fleeing through a backdoor. Vinyl gave chase, following behind Pocornia.

“Popcorn, why are you running from me?” Vinyl shouted.

“Go away!” Pocornia shouted back, gaining distance from Vinyl.

“I’m your friend!” Vinyl yelled.

“Go away, go away, go away!” Pocornia screamed downward at Vinyl, as she rose higher and higher in the sky. “I can’t have her or my other friends around!” Pocornia told herself, trying to sooth her sense of guilt. “If they got hurt, it would be my fault...”

Author's Note:

Chapter 7 will be uploaded when it is completed then I will be taking a hiatus from writing...

A part of me thought my writing might have been a little sloppy, but I couldn't quite tell.

Feedback is always welcomed and appreciated.