• Published 4th Sep 2017
  • 526 Views, 51 Comments

Popcorn - Popcorn Pony

A small town pegasus accepts a task much larger than herself. Can she complete her task or will the pressure prove too great?

  • ...

Chapter 2


Chapter 2

Pocornia opened her eyes. They felt dry and were coated with a dried crusty substance. She glanced all around the room. The paint had chipped in a curvy streak pattern, holes were in the walls, and some parts of the walls looked darker than others which to her suggested that mold and mildew lay underneath.

Her bedroom had to be her top priority she thought.

She stood up and walked out of her bedroom, into the hall and then down the stairs. She almost could not believe what she saw, despite having seeing it yesterday. The walls were riddled with coin-sized holes; the ceiling had multiple fractures in it particularly in the ceiling's corners which meant it could cave in if undue stress were placed upon it.

Pocornia looked down and noticed how the carpets were heavily stained, torn and shredded. Gently she slid her hoof across the carpet feeling the fibers brush against her sensitive hoof. Silently, she wondered if she had chosen a job she could not complete. If only she had not been forced to leave Hollowshades or at least she felt forced considering the circumstances which lead her to this place. Still...she had to try, she told herself.

She walked up to the fireplace by the kitchen doorway and stuck her head inside. Looking up she saw branches and weeds at the top of the chimney. Having seen the inside of the chimney, she felt glad about not lighting a fire last night as doing so could have filled the house with carbon monoxide thus killing her in her sleep. After thoroughly examining the chimney, she withdrew her head from the fireplace then walked towards the hall leading to a bathroom. Stepping in, she reached for the toilet trying to flush it, but nothing happened. "Won't be using that anytime soon..." she said looking into the bathtub noticing some green growth all along the inside of the tub. She reached for and touched the green growth saying "I'll need a whole lot of bleach to kill that!"

Suddenly she realized her kitty had not been in her bedroom when she woke up.

Nervously, Pocornia trotted out of the bathroom sharply cutting the corner that leads to the kitchen clipping her wing on the wall as she did so. She stopped and looked around the room, huffing disapprovingly. Some of the cabinets above the kitchen counter had doors while others did not, the paint on the walls had chipped in curvy streak like patterns, just as it had in the other rooms she examined. The window above the kitchen sink was broken allowing cold air to flow into the kitchen.

"Oh come on!" shouted Pocornia "replacing cabinet doors that'll match the other ones will be expensive!" Pocornia stomped her hoof then walked towards the sink. "I haven't checked the other rooms yet, and this window needs to be covered up!" she stated aloud despite being alone.

At the sink, Pocornia looked out the window noticing she had left the garage door open all night. Her seemingly elephant sized wagon sat inside and untouched. She knew she always had been a strong mare, even stronger than some stallions who lift weights on a regular basis, but she could not fathom how she was able to pull that heavy wagon from Hollowshades to Ponyville on her own. Upon closer examination, she saw a brown spot on the wagon's wheel and could tell it was her pet spider.

"Kitty, you get in here!" she shouted with lowered brows and pursed lips exposing her pearly white teeth.

The spider jumped off the wagons wheel darting between patches of grass like a snake and hopping over twigs like a runner jumping over hurdles. It jumped again onto the log cabin itself, crawled up towards the window until it reached the windowsill stopping under Pocornia's stern gaze.

"What are you doing?" Pocornia asked scornfully.

The spider stood idle.

"You know you're not supposed to go outside unless I'm with you or I tell you to!" Pocornia said.

The spider repeatedly stomped its front legs in protest.

"No, bad kitty." retorted Pocornia.

The spider continued to stomp its legs in protest.

Feeling defeated, pocornia groaned. "Alright, stop...I'm sorry."

The spider stopped stomping its legs.

"You needed to go outside, and I wasn't awake to take you...you needed fresh air." continued Pocronia as she extended her arm out to the windowsill. The spider crawled onto Pocornia's arm then up onto her shoulder.

"Last night I thought I smelled sewage." Pocornia huffed irritably "Something might be wrong with the plumbing."

Pocornia walked out a side door then to the back of her wagon, reaching for a box labeled "Personal" which sat atop other boxes. Pocornia brought the box inside the log cabin and sat it on the kitchen counter. She opened the box. Inside was a brown sack, small horse head statue, and a stuffed black cat. She took the black cat and placed it on the counter.

"Here is Mr.Paws." pocornia said.

The spider jumped from Pocornia's shoulder onto the stuffed cat mercilessly poking holes into the stuffed ats hole riddled body with its sharp prong like fangs.

"I might have to get you another one sometime," Pocornia said smiling.

Next pocornia withdrew the brown sack from the box. Inside was a bunch of gold bits. Pocornia looked up at her spider, who was still maliciously attacking mr.paws.

"Hey kitty," Poconria called.

Assuming she wanted its attention, the spider obediently crawled off the black cat onto the counter and turned to face Pocornia.

"Tap once for yes, twice for no. Are you hungry?"

The spider tapped its leg once.

"I have to go into town today. You can come along, and I'll buy you a birdy. I'm sure there's a pet store in this town." said pocornia.

The spider raised and waved two of its front legs as if to cheer.

"A pony named Fluttershy is going to show me around later, but you will have to stay in my bag while she does."

The spider stopped waving its leg and slowly lowered them.

"I know you're antsy what with having to stay in a box for the past several days, but I don't know how she'll react to you."

The spider stood idle.

"Wait here while I get ready" Pocornia said.

Pocornia left the kitchen, went to her room, grabbed her hood, her saddle and then returned to the kitchen. She placed her bag of bits in one of her saddle pouches then placed her pet spider in the other. She walked out a side door walking onto the road leading to town.

After a few minutes, Fluttershy's cottage came into view. She went up to the door and knocked lightly hoping Fluttershy's pet bunny would answer the door instead of her.

She stood for several seconds, but nothing happened. Then she felt something softly tapping against her leg. She looked down and saw angel bunny who waved at her then proceeded to hop away. Pocornia asummed he wanted her to follow him . Angel bunny lead Pocornia to the backyard where Fluttershy was flying by some trees, emptying bird feeders while humming a soft melody.

"Hey Fluttershy," said Pocornia.

Fluttershy landed in front of Pocornia.

"Hey neighbor," replied Fluttershy.

"It's not too early is it?" asked Pocornia.

"Oh no, not at all. I'm actually glad you came. Harry wants to meet you." explained Flutershy.

"And wheres he at?" asked Pocornia.

"Behind you," stated Fluttershy.

Pocornia turned around, but before she could lock eyes with the incredibly tall, heavy set brown bear in front of her. it picked her up with its furry arms tightly squeezing her while repeatedly turning side to side flinging her around like a rag doll.

"Holy crap!" Pocornia shouted her face, mouth, and eyebrows stretching outward.

Harry put Pocornia down, laying her on her back. She lay there dazed and confused until she felt stable enough to stand up.

"Nice to meet you," Pocornia said as she rose, holding one hoof in front of her mouth in case she were to puke.

Fluttershy stepped forward next to Pocornia, placing a hoof on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry...Harry can be over affectionate sometimes." She said in a soft, aspirated voice.

"So when did you want to head into town?" asked Pocornia.

"Um, whenever you want is fine," Fluttershy said again in like manner.

Pocoronia and Fluttershy walked to the road leading into town, trading hurried looks from time to time as if they were questioning something about one another. While walking Pocornia decided to be direct with the questions she had for Fluttershy.

"Hey, Fluttershy?" inquired Pocornia.

"Yes?" replied Fluttershy.

"I know you said you work with animals, but what exactly do you do with them?" asked Pocornia.

"Well I do lots of things for them," Fluttershy said while lifting her head up and straightening her composure. "Each animal is different, which means they have different needs. A dog, for example, needs lots of exercise and plenty of doggie kibble and from time to time a bath. Other animals like Harry mostly take care of themselves. I just help him with his physical therapy. I also nurse animals back to health when they're sick." Fluttershy paused for a second. "and, um if they don't have a home. I help them find a home too."

"So are you a veterinarian?" asked Pocornia.

"No, Doctor Fauna is Ponyville's go to veterinarian," replied Fluttershy.

"Then are you an animal social worker?" asked Pocornia.

"I guess I do that kind of work, but really I just see myself as a caretaker," replied Fluttershy.

"And you work with a whole bunch of different animals?" asked Pocornia.

"Yes." Replied Fluttershy.

"What about..." Pocornia locked eyes with Fluttershy. "Bugs?"

Fluttershy looked at Pocornia's puckered face trying to figure out if she was serious or trying to be funny.

"Um...no bugs help themselves to what they need," replied Fluttershy.

"Well, what if a bug couldn't help itself. Would you help it then?" asked Pocornia in a sort of childlike fashion.

"I'd most certainly try, but bugs aren't like animals. I can't talk to them." Said Fluttershy.

"What do you mean?" asked Fluttershy.

"I've always thought that my cutie mark had something to do with it, but I can talk to other animals on a different level," replied Fluttershy.

"That's really interesting. I'm kind of that way with my kitty, but he's the only one I can talk to." Pocornia said she paused, looking at the different buildings her and Fluttershy were walking passing.

"What are you looking for?" Fluttershy asked having noticed Pocornia's focus had changed.

"Oh, I just like to look at houses...analyze them."

"Is that something you do often?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well yeah because I've been building houses for a while now," replied Pocornia.

"if you don't mind me asking. When did you first start building houses?" asked Fluttershy.

"My dad got me into it...He did it a lot. Actually, he didn't do any of the planning. My mom did that. He just did the physical work, but I do both because they taught me to." replied Pocornia.

"Hey, I'm not trying to interrupt, but..."Fluttershy pointed out a very large building in the distance. "Look over there!"

Pocornia looked ahead and witnessed a sight she had never before seen. She saw a conical shaped building four stories in height, the first two tapering upward to support a carousel as the third floor. The fourth floor also tapered upward, all crowned with a walk-in cupola on top. The first floor and third floor of the building was mostly blue and white with some pink and gold highlighting the base and top of the floors while the second and fourth floor had two shades of pink painted onto them in a checkered diamond pattern. Pocornia thought the whole building was absolutely beautiful.

"Wow..." Pocornia said sighing a heavy breath of amazement.

"You like it!" Fluttershy exclaimed cheerfully.

"Who in the name of Celestia designs the buildings in this town?" beckoned Pocornia.

"I don't know, but, maybe my friend Rarity might. This is the Carousel Boutique, by the way." said Fluttershy.

Together the two ponies entered the Carousel Boutique and looked around. Before Pocornia could say a word about the interior of the building a white pony with a purple mane and horn on her head stepped out from another room giving the two ponies a hearty "Hello!"

"Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, where everything is sheek, unique and Magnifique!" Rarity announced as she raised a hoof to her chest. "My name is Rarity and i'll be your seamstress this morning!" Rarity confidently stated, but the friendly smile on her face gently began to fade to be replaced with a look of mild displeasure.

The pony who had just described her store as magnificent approached Pocornia then reached for Pocornia's hoodie, feeling the material it was made of. She shook her head from side to side. "Um." Rarity paused gulping loudly "How bout I find you something to wear besides this old thing because black is so not you my dear." Rarity said.

Pocornia had mentally drifted off to some other reality prior to Rarity approaching her. She thought the unicorn standing in front of her had the youthful and exuberant complexion of a supermodel and the bluest most beautiful eyes she had ever seen.

"Uh, Pocornia." Fluttershy interjected.

"Pocornia, is that your name?" asked Rarity.

"I really like my hoodie!" Replied Pocornia rather loudly, rousing from her musings.

"Oh yes, of course, darling I was just trying to suggest a change of wardrobe was all," said Rarity.

"Rarity," Fluttershy whispered barely using her vocal cords to produce sounds.

"Change of wardrobe?" Replied Pocornia inquisitively.

Rarity walked up along Pocornia then threw a hoof around her, pulling her forward passed several dresses.

"Yes darling that's all and I think I know just the dress you'll love. It'll make you stand out amongst a whole crowd of ponies." Said Rarity.

"I like that idea!" replied Pocornia, despite knowing she's usually uncomfortable in crowds.

Rarity walked Pocornia to a manikin dressed in a navy blue dress with turquoise highlights along the neckline and bottom edge of the dress.

"What do you think about this one because, I think it'll look fabulous on you!" explained Rarity.

"The dress looks nice." commented Pocornia.

"Do you want to try it on?" asked Rarity.

"I do, but i'm kinda tight on bits right now. I just moved here." Said Pocornia.

"Uh." Rarity gave Fluttershy a quick look.

"I tried to say something, but I didn't want to interrupt." Said Fluttershy.

"Oh well..." Rarity said as she tapped her chin.

Rarity looked the dress over from top to bottom then looked Pocornia over the same way. "I do think you would look rather dashing in that dress, so what if I lower the price by twenty percent?" asked Rarity.

"Let me try it on and i'll think about it."

Pocornia took the dress off the manikin then walked towards the dressing room. Rarity quickly approached Fluttershy after Pocornia closed the dressing room's door.

"Fluttershy, what brought you and your friend by?" asked Rarity.

"The thing was Pocornia doesn't know the town very well so I thought I could ask you if I could take her up to that high point on the roof." explained Fluttershy.

"You mean the Cupola?" replied Rarity.

"Uh-huh" Fluttershy said with a nod.

"That's fine, just let me see if i can finish this sale." said Rarity.

"Yeah about that...I wish you would have waited." Replied Fluttershy scoldingly.

"What! I've told you sales are down and the economy is not in good shape either. Some of my best shareholders are selling their stocks, Fluttershy!" replied Rarity in a sort of whine.

"Both you and Applejack," Fluttershy said while she rolled her eyes.

Pocornia came out of the dressing room and walked towards the two ponies smiling only with her lips.

"We can talk later," Fluttershy whispered.

"How do I look girls?" Pocornia questioned while taking a showoffy pose.

"Marvelous!" Rarity said, lightly clapping her hooves together.

"You do look nice." stated Fluttershy.

"I'll but this, why not, I like the way I look in it." Pocornia said happily.

Pocornia withdrew some bits from her bags and gave them to Rarity as payment.

"And Fluttershy wanted to take you up to the Cupola. Just go through that doorway and up the stairs until you reach the top."

A few minutes passed as Pocornia engaged Rarity in business conversation. Primarily they just exchanged opinions utilizing some business lingo they both knew. Eventually Pocornia did ask Rarity about Filthy Rich. Rarity could not tell her anything because she had never done business with him. However, she did recommend that Fluttershy introduce her to Applejack, given that she had worked with Filthy Rich in the past. Afterwards, Pocornia and Fluttershy went up to the cupola.

Pocornia stood stiffly, slowly rotating her head as she took in the view. She could see everything, every building in town, every pony walking around and what appeared to be a few ruffian ponies running up Stirrup Street as a large group of law enforcement chased after them. After a long hard look at everything in the distance, Pocornia turned to Fluttershy, expressing her appreciation with a wide smile.

"So what'cha wanna do now?" Pocornia asked.

"Its about mid morning. want to go to Sugarcube Corner? its a nice place." Replied Fluttershy

"We can do that." Pocornia said.

Fluttershy gave Pocornia a quick nod then walked towards the steps, until Pocornia threw her arm out in front of her.

"Huh?" Fluttershy said.

"Hey can I show you something?" Pocornia asked.

"Um,alright?" replied Fluttershy.

Pocornia opened one of her saddle's bags and stuck her arm inside holding it in there.

"Can you promise me something?" Pocornia asked.

"O,okay?" said Fluttershy growing concerned.

"Don't freak out he's very well trained," Pocornia replied.

Fluttershy watched Pocornia remove her arm from the pouch. She gasped loudly, as if she had awoken from a disturbing dream. She raised her hoof to her chest drawing a short breath so she could speak, but when she tried to she felt unable to pick words from her mind to use. The piercing glare of the freakishly large fuzz covered brown spider with a blood red hue dominating the underbelly of the spider was incredibly intimidating. Slowly Fluttershy worked up the nerve to point at the spider and speak, her arm shaking.

"Wh,wh...wh-where did you get that?" asked Fluttershy, the pitch of her voice rapidly rising and falling as she spoke.

"I found him one day and he needed my help.

Fluttershy forced her eyes off the spider onto Pocornia, her lips visibly shuttering.

"You know what that is don't you?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah." Pocornia calmly stated.

In the midst of the conversation the spider started waving one of its legs at Fluttershy. Fluttershy quickly noticed and stepped backward, stopping as she bumped a cupola beam.

"I know its a little shocking at first, but he's very obedient!" Pocornia explained.

Fluttershy had been containing her fear as best she could, but decided to let herself drop her composer.

"Obedient? A dog is obedient! You think that is a cat? no, no, no." Fluttershy said shaking her head. "Spiders aren't like other animals! and that type of spider is very dangerous!" Fluttershy said somewhat shouting.

Pocornia sighed then put her pet spider on her shoulder.

"I know my spider isn't a cat and i know his breed is the most venomous in Equestria, but his breed is endangered, Fluttershy...he was in a really bad place when i found him. I helped him. He is loyal and obedient." Pocornia stated.

Pocornia reached into her bag and pulled out a cylinder shaped medical like device with a needle on the end.

"And if he ever does bite somepony, not that he has, I always carry an anti-venom. I milk him very often and he doesn't mind. Now i'm telling you he is very obedient and well trained." Pocornia said somewhat angrily.

Fluttershy narrowed her brows. "Spiders aren't like other animals...he should be in the wild because that's where spiders belong!"

"Please Fluttershy...just watch him do some tricked." Pocornia asked in a softer, nicer voice.

Fluttershy hesitated, but decided to agree for her friends benefit. She sat silent for several seconds, watching Pocornia place her spider on the ground.

"Hey kitty!" Pocornia called.

The spider turned to Pocornia, looking up at it's owner.

"Give me five jumping jacks." Pocornia commanded.

Like a lion being coaxed through a hoop for a piece of meat the spider jumped up and down five times in a row.

"Okay run in a circle!" Pocornia commanded.

The spider did as it was instructed.

Pocornia extended her arm out at the spider and shouted "Bang!"

The spider flipped over onto it's back flaring its arms out wildly.

"Your not in the afterlife yet!" Pocornia said in her commanding soldier like voice.

Instinctively the spider flipped itself over and looked around like it were surprised, then raised and waved its front legs as if to cheer.

"You see Fluttershy...he knows my rules and he follows them." Pocornia said.

Fluttershy had to admit to herself that she was surprised by the spider's abilities, however she couldn't help, but remain unconvinced.

"I don't know about this Pocornia. I'm not trying to be rude or hurtful to you or your spider, but I've done a lot of reading and what I've read says that spider is the type of spider to be afraid of." Fluttershy explained.

"He wasn't a full grown adult when i found him and he wouldn't have survived if i hadn't. I think he knows that and I've spent years training him. I only showed him to you because i thought you would understand." Pocornia explained, trying to counter Fluttershy's argument.

Fluttershy sat quietly, thinking.

"I want to be your friend Fluttershy. I haven't had many friends throughout life because lots of ponies thought i was strange or they didn't re-act well when i introduced my kitty to them. I love my kitty and if your going to be my friend then you have to be his friend too..." Pocornia said.

Fluttershy thought about what Pocornia asked her, trying to put herself behind Pocornia's point of view. She thought about how she wouldn't like it if somepony was mean to her pets so she thought she had to give Pocornia the same respect. There are some differences between her and Pocornia, but their interest in animals was one in the same.

"Alright..." Fluttershy said, drawing a heavy breath. "But promise me you won't show him to anyone else. I would like you to meet my other friends, but they won't like your kitty right away." Fluttershy explained.

"Do you trust me?" asked Pocornia.

Fluttershy nodded.

"Stick your arm out." 'Pocornia said.

Begrudgingly, Fluttershy did as she was requested, but shook a little since she knew where this was going. Pocornia picked her spider up and placed him on the end of her arm. The spider crawled along her arm causing the flesh underneath to tingle violently. She grimaced, feeling the spider's stick like legs tap along her arm up to her shoulder then up along her face. She closed her eyes as the spider walked up along her cheek. She felt the hairs on the fuzz covered spider brush against the thin fur on her face. Her heart was thumping so loud she could hear it in her ears. Upon opening her eyes, to her surprise, she saw Pocornia and her spider on her shoulder.

"See...he didn't bite you." Pocornia said.

"I,I,I" Fluttershy stuttered "I don't know what to say.

"I can tell your a bit worked up so how bout we go to Sugarcube corner?" Pocornia said.

Fluttershy nodded her head without taking her eyes off the spider.

Pocornia took her dress off and placed it in her saddle bag with her hoodie. After a quick stretch the two pegasi leaped off the cupola, opening her wings so they could glide through the air. Fluttershy followed behind Pocornia, catching the wind in her vibrant pink mane. Strangely, it was like Fluttershy could hear her own thoughts whipping past her as she flew. Having brought Pocornia up into the cupola and getting to see her reaction to the view made her feel both accomplished and happy which are sensations she has not felt in awhile. Sure, she helps her animals everyday, but lately she has not had much of an opportunity to help or even be around her other friends. Rarity has to work extra hours as a result of not getting enough business and Pinkie Pie has to do the same so she can pay off some debt she accumulated some kind of party contraption. Her other friends have similar matters playing out in their lives, but she has had a lot of free time on her hooves, time shes been spending alone, away from other ponies.

Fluttershy watched as Pocornia leaned off to the left, landing in front of a hardware store.

"Hey, Sorry! I need to go in here for a second!" Pocornia yelled as Fluttershy circled the hardware store, occasionally flapping her wings just to stay airborne.

After a few minutes of circling the store, Fluttershy noticed something odd. She immediately recognized two ponies as they walked out of the store together. One pony was Filthy Rich and the other pony was a bulky, clean shaven dark blue stallion with a white slicked back mane. His name was Gladmane and Fluttershy had not seen him since her and her friend, Applejack, had exposed his morally questionable business practices in Los Pegasus a few months ago. Fluttershy had to ask herself why Gladmane was in Ponyville and why he was associating with Filthy Rich.

Without warning Pocornia flew past Fluttershy, smirking mischievously.

"I'm gonna get to Sugarcube corner first!" Pocornia yelled.

Fluttershy flew as fast as she could, but she could not keep up with Pocornia. Moments later she landed in front of Sugarcube corner where Pocornia had waited for her by the front door. Together they went inside quickly grabbing a seat at a booth.

Buried beneath the other contents of Pocornia's bag sat her spider. He began to crawl in between his owners possessions up to the top of the bag. Athletically working his legs and body through the bags flap until he fell on the booths seat next to Pocornia. He was not noticed by his master, so he crawled onto the tiled floor darting past a pink pony, turning around to go behind the display counter.

"How is your house coming along Pocornia?" Fluttershy asked.

"I haven't been able to do much. I ordered a bunch of supplies at that shop." Pocornia replied.

"Hi Fluttershy." Pinkie pie.

"Spider!" shrieked a female pony from behind the stores counter, who frantically picked up pots and pans to throw at the fuzzy intruder.

"Ms.Cake!" replied Pinkie Pie as she ran behind the counter.

As Fluttershy turned to look at the unexpected crisis playing out before them, Pocornia reached into her bag, but was unable to locate her pet. She got up and ran behind the counter, seeing her as it jumped around erratically dodging incoming cookware.

"Let me get'em, Let me get'em, Let me get'em!" shouted Pocornia as she charged after her pet.

"Wha-does that thing belong to you?" screamed Ms.Cake as she held a baking tray against her body for protection.

"C'mere Kitty!" Pocornia commanded as the spider jumped on top of a refrigerator to be out of her reach.

Fluttershy grabbed then tossed a step stool at Pocornia who caught it while Pinkie Pie stood by Ms.Cake with a spatula and a pot in hoof. Behind all four of them a crowd of customers had gathered around to gawk at the Chaotic scene.

Just as Pocornia got on a step stool her pet leaped off the fridge onto the front counter landing just in front of the crowd. Many of the spectators eyes went wide, as they could not believe the size of the spider in front of them. An explosion of fear and panic enveloped the crowd causing them to scream, running for the nearest exit. The crowd was bumping into one another, attempting to push each other aside. In response, Ms.Cake chucked more pots and pans at the spider, one of which hit Pocornia in the head as she dove forward, slamming a large metal bowl on top of her pet which trapped it.

"I got'em!" Pocornia shouted as she brought a hoof to her aching head. "So stop throwing stuff!"

"Don't you ever bring that thing in here again!" Ms.Cake screamed.

"I need a plastic container!" Pocornia shouted.

Fluttershy reached under a counter cabinet and gave Pocornia a large portable plastic container, which she then used to trick her pet into. After Pocornia had her pet under control she made her way to the front door.

"Hey, that belongs to me. You can't just." Ms.Cake said.

Pocornia cocked her head over her shoulder giving Ms.Cake a dagger-eyed glare "Can't what?" She bellowed her voice sounding like a deep loud roar.

"You need to Apologize!" Pinkie Pie stated waving her hoof at Pocornia in a threatening manner.

"No!" Pocornia retorted as she stormed out the door, slamming it behind her.

Carrying her pet spider in it's prison all the way home she stopped in front of her front door so she could raise her spider up to her eyes, peering through clear plastic.

"I can't believe you right now! you've never done anything like that you know better!" Pocornia scolded.

Pocornia unlocked her door entering she opened the container to let her kitty out. It roamed a bit then stopped and stood still, looking at the same thing Pocornia was looking at.

"Unbelievable!" She said.

Part of the ceiling had caved in. Debris were scattered all across the living room carpet and a hole big enough to drop a paddle boat through had formed in the ceiling. The room above it was a large bedroom, but had nothing in it. She wanted to use the room as a personal workshop of sorts, but now she could not do that. There was only one thing she could do now.

"Hey Kitty." Pocornia said.

Pocornia pointed at the hole in the ceiling "Make a web to cover that hole for me then anchor whats left of the floor to the walls in that room. Maybe the rest of it won't cave in."

The spider gave Pocornia a one legged salute then climbed up to the hole to do what it was instructed.

Pocornia stepped into the kitchen, then went out the side door to retrieve a tool box. She re-entered the living room and sat the toolbox in front of the fireplace.

"Oh well..." Pocornia muttered.

She sat in thought reflecting on how Fluttershy reacted to her kitty. It could have gone better she thought, but she got what she wanted...her trust. Her concentration broke as she heard what sounded like hoof steps to her left where the hallway is leading to the bathroom, but when she looked left she did not see anypony.

She heard the steps again, and the sounded exaggerated like someone was walking very slowly, planting their heel first then their hoof. Da-thump-Da-thump-Da-thump...The footsteps continued until they were right behind her. She felt air rush against her mane, pushing it in front of her face. She sat frozen in fear, feeling the temperature in the room drop, seeing her breath appear when she breathed. The footsteps went away towards then up the stairs. A few moments passed before she got up to follow, pausing by her room. She saw no pony, no anything.

She went back downstairs, but as she walked her vision starts to blur. She could not make out the different steps she was traversing and tripped, falling down the stairs until she landed at the base on her back. Becoming increasingly dizzy she frantically crawled to the fireplace, then stopped and rolled over, rapidly drawing breaths. As her sight began to fail becoming increasingly dark. A faceless figure stood over her. It had little physical detail, just an ebony colored translucent form, somehow she thought resembling a pony.

"You aren't suppose to be here..." Pocornia said, as she clung to consciousness

"Sleep..." moaned the figure in a raspy voice so throaty it sounded electronic.

The world around Pocornia went dark. Unbeknownst to her she was entering another one of her nightmares...

Author's Note:


Everything for this chapter is uploaded. Currently, I'm working on chapter 3 and after I upload all of chapter 3. I will branch out to short fics staring the mane six and maybe others. Part of being a writer is trying to get people's attention! :D