• Published 17th Nov 2017
  • 2,495 Views, 211 Comments

My Little Universe: Season 6 - EquestrianKirin

New Gems, old foes, and a big mystery to tie them together. Who's ready for their big reprise?

  • ...

The Rose Tree

It didn't take them much longer until they all arrived at the place in question. Having gone there once before, much of the Mane Six got right to the Palanquin in little time at all, the place the exact same as they last saw it months ago. Still laying there, still covered from top to bottom in rose vines, and still the prime area for Pink Diamond's supposed shattering. At least they all thought it would be according to the trial they remembered. Twilight and Rainbow Dash flew around the Palanquin itself, as the rest of the ponies continued checking on the ground. The only one not looking was Lapis Lazuli, who simply stood back.

"To think that a Diamond was actually shattered right here. Oh, it gives me the shivers just thinking about it," said Rarity.

"I know," agreed Fluttershy. Pinkie Pie actually had the nerve to hop right into the Palanquin, her face right down on the ground and sniffing like a dog.

"Roomy. I could fit the Sugarcube corner in here!" Pinkie said.

"Pinkie Pie, get out of there! That's where Pink Diamond got shattered, remember?" said Twilight. She didn't want their main crime scene contaminated by anything. Pinkie Pie paused for a moment. ...

"... YAAAHHH!"

Suddenly, in panic, Pinkie Pie jumped out of the Palanquin with rocket speed, and was gripping Garnet, her hooves wrapped around her square head as she trembled. Garnet picked Pinkie Pie up and off of her, and dropped her nearby. Quietly, Fluttershy went over to the Palanquin herself, feeling a sense of misery for Pink Diamond. She gently placed a hoof on the bush that surrounded the Palanquin.

"On this very spot. You really think there could be something here?" Fluttershy asked.

"Can't hurt to try. Twilight, Rainbow, find anything?" called Applejack.

"Nothing but pink flowers, bushes, and vines. This is getting nowhere, let's try somewhere else," Rainbow decided.

"Be realistic, Rainbow: it's been here for thousands of years, you're not going to find anything that fast. Let's keep looking," Twilight said, flying a little closer into the interior of the Palanquin. Rainbow joined her inside, but they didn't really find much of anything in there. It was pretty empty, yet it still had the throne inside, but nothing to exactly be worth the time.

"Oh boy. This is getting absolutely nowhere, there's nothing here but flowers and a wrecked palanquin! UGH, you sure you don't know anything about this? Anything at all?" Rainbow asked, directing to Garnet. The fusion paused.

"About the exact moment. ... Not entirely."


"Calm down Rainbow. There's got to be someone that could've seen it," Applejack said. The others took a moment to think a bit more about it. It seemed they had little to no witnesses to go off of, considering Garnet and Pearl know of it, and only had that to go off of. That would work if the factors didn't stack against it so much, especially with the Diamond Attack and the Cluster added to it. Was there someone else? ...



"I'm right here, Pinkie," Lapis simply said. Pinkie Pie got the big eureka moment, and suddenly was right in Lapis's face.


"W-What about me?"

"Wait. Wait, oh yeah, Lapis! You're the one who reported the event to Blue Diamond, so you have to have seen it happen!" Twilight realized. Lapis felt humbled about the question, her hands up to her mouth for a reaction.

"Uh ... well, it's been a long time. Give me a second, uh ..."

"Well, we got all day, there's no need to rush," Garnet said. Clearly it was something troubling for Lapis Lazuli to deal with, and Garnet was not willing to force it out of her fellow court member. Lapis worked out her memory as best she could do, this event happening so long ago, and needing a lot of working to get it remembered. After a bit, she actually started to fly, and landed over nearby the trees, the others following her.

"... I was right here."


"I think so. Up in that tree, there. I was flying by, heading back to my court, when I started hearing something nearby. I landed up there, and looked off towards that way -" she points over to the Palanquin. "- ... and I saw Gems all over the ground ... and Pink Diamond's remains. I, uh ... well, uh ..."

"Well ... what?" Twilight asked.

"I-I'm trying to remember, but ... no. No, I don't know too much after that."

"So in other words: you only saw her shattered and that's it."

It was the best Lapis could manage.

"Nice try anyway, Lapis." Garnet concluded. Although it was strange to see her act like that. She was normally more open and cheerful about things, but whatever happened here must be a pretty traumatic one.


"Eh, My Diamond? Pardon this intrusion, but is everything alright?"

On homeworld, the situation had become a bit more precarious than many would think. Blue diamond was silent and still in her palace, her mind trying to sort out the best in her situation. She was more than grateful to return same as any Gem within her court, but this news that the Crystal Gems had been completely banished was ... a bit mixed. At the moment, her Blue Peridot had come in to see her.

"Peridot. ... I just have a bit on my mind right now."

"Well, it's understandable. You were sort of taken away by a few earth serpents, but I can assure you that -"

"No, not that. ... I mean with the Crystal Gems," Blue Diamond sighed, getting up from her throne.

"Wha? how do you mean, they got you home, they're back on earth, everything safe and sound."

"... But it's not." Blue Diamond slowly walked off towards one of the side doors, Blue Peridot following her.

"W-What do you mean, you are alright are you?"

"I'm fine, Peridot. ... But I never realized that the saviors of Homeworld will ever truly be ... banished. I mean, I can see if they never reappeared since the Gem war. At least now I do ..."

"And now?" Blue Peridot asked. Blue Diamond sighed, and turned to her Peridot with her soft smile.

"It's nothing for you to worry about."

"My Diamond!"

Sounded like they had another guest, and she sounded very frantic about it too. Looking over, both Blue Peridot, and Blue Diamond, saw it was one of the Amethysts amongst Blue Diamond's city that had showed up, and she looked completely freaked out over something. What that was they weren't sure just yet, but whatever it was, it was simply terrifying to this Gem.

"Amethyst? You alright?"

"D-Diamond! There is - *pant**pant* Y-You have to - *pant**pant* C-Come on!" Amethyst was too freaked out to talk correctly, and it would seem that something especially surprising was happening just outside.


So, outside they went. Blue Diamond was quick to head out of her palace, following the Amethyst, and it was quick that there indeed was some sort of commotion aside from her. Multitude of Blue Diamond's citizens were heading over to this direction of said surprise, trying to see what exactly was going on for themselves. And for Blue Diamond, it was no different. Whatever could drive her people into such a frenzy had to be investigated.

"I got her!" called the Amethyst, much of the Gems moving out of the way so Blue Diamond could see the situation.
And see she did. It was over near the city's square, and standing tall appeared to be some sort of ... foreign object. No Gem object they've ever seen, or any object from Gemkind for that matter. The main body was circular, and the flared out top made this object some sort of tree. Not just any tree, of course: the bark was a sort of dullish purple color, as the leaves and flowers hold a distinctive color of pink (as if the memory wasn't hard enough). This tree appeared very healthy too, standing tall with the aroma of the flowers drifting through the air, a smell many Gems were not knowledgeable about in the slightest. Blue Diamond stayed quiet at first, not sure how to take this, as the only thing that came close to something like this was on a planet months away by spaceship.

"Where did this come from?" Blue Diamond questioned, looking to the people around her. However, the Gems were a bit more antsy, and Blue Diamond couldn't get an exact answer out of any of them due to their talking.

"One at a time. ... You. Do you know where this came from?" Blue Diamond asked, signaling out a blue Rutile from the group.

"I-I don't know, it just appeared. one moment it was all clear, and then next thing you know this ... thing, just pops up," she said. Not the best explanation they could've given, but it was the best many of them could make of it. There wasn't even a shift in the ground of any roots, which made the tree even more confusing. Blue Diamond placed her hand on the trunk of this tree.

"How curious. ..."

"This is a defiance of logic: the closest organic materials, commonly called "trees" can only grow within specific conditions - none of which are found here! no H2O, no CO2, no proper soil, nothing," Blue Peridot noted in disbelief.


It spoke! Blue Diamond moved back, along with her subordinates, as this tree slowly started to come around. The low, quiet moans could be heard by every Gem there. A sort of line began to appear on one part of the tree, which slowly started to open up. Once it did fully, it showed that this thing was more alive than they would ever think: a single, Diamond eye! It even had the Diamond iris symbol in it like Blue Diamond did, showing some bit of importance to the Homeworld community.

"I-It has a vision sphere?" wondered Blue Peridot.

"Nobody go near it," Blue Diamond stated. Not that any of them were going to try anyway. Blue Diamond locked her vision with this thing here.

"... What are you?" she asked. However, the tree didn't say much of anything, and instead examined the group it was seeing. It didn't have a mouth so it couldn't speak ... so it seemed.

... Blue. Blue. ... Do not be afraid ...

Did ... did it talk? Talk to who though, to her?

"That isn't what I asked," Blue Diamond said.

My identity shall remain concealed. As the mouse conceals herself from the cat. ... I wish for no harm on your people, my dear.

"... You do seem lacking in that regard."

"What is she talking to?" whispered a Ruby.

"It must be telepathic communication," whispered Blue Peridot. The people waited for Blue Diamond instructions from there.

"... Peridot, go to Yellow Diamond. She should be informed about this."

That was the main order, and that's what they went off to do. Eventually the rest of the group went away, and Blue Diamond took a look over at the tree before walking off herself.


The tree itself remained still and stood tall at where it was, many of the Gems amongst the city not remotely getting near it. None of them were too familiar with this thing, nor knew what it could exactly do to any of them so it was probably best for them to just leave it. Besides, Blue Diamond suggested such things, so there was that too. The tree did little on any of the Gems within the city, apart from some occasional moaning time and time again, some pink leaves gently being released and floating down to the ground. Not many of the Gems did try to venture close.

"Well, go up to it."

"What? why me, you do it."

"No way, I'm not as expendable."

"Ok, ok, fine."

The tree didn't have its eye open, but it did sense that a Gem did eventually venture closer to it. It opened its eye slowly as before, and soon saw that it was a small Ruby, who looked pretty humbled and worried on sight of said tree.

"U-Uh ... hello."

... Ruby. ... Ruby. ...

The ruby stepped back, as it focused it's eye onto her, making her feel a little shaky.

"... C-Can you understand me?"

Needn't you be afraid for your safety. I wish no harm to come onto you. ...

"Y-You really think so?" the Ruby asked, not sure if she should trust it or not. A low moan was the simple answer. The Ruby was a bit hesitant, but she was as curious over this thing as anyone else would be.

"Oh, I wish we knew what you were about."

Those words were all that this tree needed to hear, apparently. Its large eye closed up slowly, and they began to hear something rustle in the branches. The ruby quickly backed up, but then something else then got itself out of the tree, and floated down to the ground. It appeared to be some sort of paper with a written out message, information regarding this particular tree. The Ruby picked it up and looked it over up and down, it all written out in common Gem language. Her previous worry started to turn into amazement, her looking up to the tree again, who opened its eye to look down to her once more.

"Oh my stars. ..."

"What in Homeworld is this?"

The Ruby jumped on hearing that forceful voice, and Blue Diamond had made her return, this time with Yellow Diamond not too far behind. The Ruby moved off away from the tree, and allowed both Diamonds to see this object.

"Many of my people aren't sure what to make of this organic object, yet it told me that it doesn't want to hurt anyone," explained Blue Diamond.

"As if we don't have enough problems. I've heard about these, it's impossible for one to be growing here," Yellow insisted, just for the eye to reopen and look up to her.

... Yellow. Yellow. ...

"How did you know my identity?" Yellow immediately demanded. The Ruby quietly slipped over to Blue Diamond, poked her side, and waved the paper to get her attention to it.

... I don't wish to harm your people, my dear.

"I didn't ask that, I asked how did you know me," Yellow said.

My knowledge is vast. ... Wide, as the winds move through the seas of unsure, and return with the currents of answer.

"What does that even mean?" Yellow retorted. Blue Diamond picked up the paper the Ruby had, and read it over. It only took that for Blue Diamond to understand what this tree was actually about, her eyes widening in shock.

"Well, we'll have some quartzes remove it from the -"

"No!" Blue suddenly said, grabbing Yellow Diamond.

"Why? We don't know what this organic thing truly is."

"But ... but it was hers."

Yellow felt a little confused once again, but then Blue Diamond showed the paper her Ruby gave her. Yellow read it over, and quickly figured out what it meant. However, Yellow wasn't as easily convinced, and she looked to the closest Gem that could've given her that message.

"Ruby, where'd you get this?" Yellow asked. The Ruby felt scared, and quickly pointed her finger right to the tree itself. The tree gave a low moan again. Yellow then confronted the tree.

"Don't try to tumble my rocks here. Is this just a lie so we wouldn't hurt you?" Yellow asked firmly. The tree le3t out a simple moan again, but before Yellow could go over to it, Blue Diamond went over to her, looking humbled and shocked.

"W-Wait, don't harm that tree," Blue insisted. If this was indeed belonging to who they were thinking, it would be a piece of her they would be destroying. Then again though, they couldn't just leave it growing right here. Yellow then got an idea: she went right up to the tree, and brought both arms forward, and hands hovering just around the radius of the tree. After some bit of focus, the tree then found itself encased within a large, yellow bubble.

"Here, let's transfer this tree to a different location. My scouts saw a decent sized mountain not too far from your city, off east of here, so let's put it there," Yellow decided. It was probably the best option they got about it.


There was some good silence for the tree after it was moved, outside its bubble, and now instead of appearing in the middle of a densely populated city, now it was put on a tall mountain, giving it a good view of Blue Diamond's city. It was calm, content, yet a little bit lonely being out so far away. Only the slightest breeze actually brushed against its leaves as it sat there. Stray leaves scattered down underneath the tree branches, as it waited patiently for anyone who'd be willing to come by. While far enough away, Blue Diamond could still see it from her palace observatory, taking into account on what information she now knew about said tree. At least, the possible origin of it anyway.

"Still thinking about that tree out there?" asked Yellow.

"How could I not? That tree belonged to - ... her ..." Blue stayed quiet as Yellow looked out to see the tree again. Blue could feel a wave of grief run through her again, but unlike before, Blue Diamond got calmed down a bit faster than she had before. Yellow placed a hand on her shoulder.

"There, Blue, don't start that. Nothing can happen to the tree out there," Yellow reassured her, the reassurance more for Blue's sake.

"If only we knew back then. ... Oh, I wish I had more preserved of her. At least then we had more of her legacy," blue sadly said.

Then came a rather odd breeze from the window. Yellow noticed it first, and saw that a few of this strange tree's leaves were floating inside the palace. Yellow saw the leaves swirl around above them, but eventually a cluster of leaves swirled around right in front of Blue Diamond. They kept together closely for a little bit, but once they dispersed, something thudded onto the ground. Both Diamonds took a look as the leaves settled on the ground, and found this object to be some sort of chest, and a fairly big one too. Blue Diamond and Yellow Diamond took a moment or two before Blue went on to open the chest.

"O-Oh my." Blue's eyes opened wide in amazement at what she saw, and Yellow Diamond was a bit surprised herself. Inside appeared to be a few items, looking like one of those care packages. Some of the items included:

  • A neatly folded, Era 1 Homerworld suit
  • A Homeworld emblem flag with all 4 Diamond symbols
  • A dull red scabbard
  • A pink lined scarf-like fabric
  • A pink-colored Gem log
  • ... A small note

Blue and Yellow looked to the letter, both down on their knees to have a better look.

"A memento for your dearest," read off Blue. And it was clear what memento was for. That, and they also knew where the object came from too. Yellow gently lifted up the scabbard, and Blue lifted up the fabric, still as soft and gentle as she remembered. Blue Diamond was quiet, and she even took a moment to place it on her cheek, her eyes closed.

"... Such a good tree," Blue silently admitted. Yellow got to her feet, and looked to the only source where it could've came from.

"That tree is connected to her."


Yellow. ... Yellow. ...

"I want a straight answer, tree. What do you know about Pink Diamond?" Yellow asked sternly, now standing back at the tree again. If this thing did have some salvage with Pink Diamond's belongings, clearly it had something to do with her to some extent. The tree stayed quiet for a minute, its eye closed.

... A broad question.

"You somehow held her belongings, you know something about her, now talk!" Yellow demanded. The tree wasn't too scared.

... The horse merely wished for water. I simply provided it.

Yellow just got a bit more frustrated with this odd talk from this tree. She barely knew what a horse was, let along the meaning behind its words. She wanted a basic answer, and this tree wasn't giving her anything that could be helpful to her.

"You do know Pink Diamond. How?"

... I'm afraid that's an answer as complicated as hieroglyphics. ...

"What's Hieroglyphics? You're dodging my question," Yellow said. The tree then grew silent, and looked just like any other tree. Yellow Diamond was getting very impatient now, and she even began to hit the tree to get an answer. Despite her strength, the tree stayed completely sturdy, and not effected in the slightest by Yellow's assault. Then Yellow got another idea, and it was a complete guess at this point.

"I wish I knew your involvement with Pink Diamond."

The tree was smarter than that, and nothing happened. The leaves didn't act up this time, and Yellow was left with no answer to her question. ... Unless ...


Meanwhile, Blue Diamond was reminiscing some of the items she had been given. So many of these things she thought she had lost over the thousands of years, yet here they were in peak condition. It was at this point when she took notice of the Gem log. She did feel a little curious over this thing, and for the sake of some nostalgia, she went on to activate it. The Log was more of a video if anything, and it took a bit before Blue Diamond saw a clearer picture. The first thing Blue Diamond saw when she looked was herself, adjusting the gem log so it was just about right. Blue got up after that and gently walked aside, the screen showing a healthy pink cherry tree. Not exactly the same as the tree they got at Homeworld, but a pretty close second. Blue saw herself walking off aside, and then coming back into frame with another Diamond.

"P-Pink," Blue quietly gasped. Pink Diamond. Wearing the same Homeworld Era 1 outfit as in the chest, and keeping her eyes closed as she was gently guided up to the tree. Blue Diamond remembered it all now, and a smile appeared on her face with some tears coming down as she continued to observe the video. Pink Diamond opened her eyes, and at first looked a little puzzled, but after Blue explained a little bit, Pink looked a lot more excited, her eyes sparkling. Pink Diamond gleefully hugged Blue Diamond, very happy for the gift. As nice of a moment as this was, Blue's smile began to fade after watching the video. She turned off the Gem log, and closed the chest, keeping most of the items inside. With the exception of the scarf.

Don't try to deny it, Diamonds. The Crystal Gems shattered Pink Diamond!

White Diamond's words echoed in Blue's mind, her hands tightening around the scarf. She knew, in her soul, that it didn't sound correct. Not at all. She looked out to the horizon, just able to see the tree once more.

"I swear. ... That whoever murdered Pink. ... Is gonna pay for it."

Author's Note:

Well, not often did I put such a tiny chapter in here huh? :rainbowderp:

Hope i did a fair job on the subject anyway: we got some interesting details to take note of: Lapis's memory of Pink Diamond, a magical tree appearing in Homeworld as well, though what exact connection does it have we wonder?

Is the answer up front or hidden away? :moustache: