• Published 17th Nov 2017
  • 2,495 Views, 211 Comments

My Little Universe: Season 6 - EquestrianKirin

New Gems, old foes, and a big mystery to tie them together. Who's ready for their big reprise?

  • ...

Mind no Compute

"What am I going to do?"

With the sound of the Warp Pad, she and Flint were back from their own escapade, and over by the Off-Color barn. And in an admittedly rare case, Garnet was feeling a bit troubled almost as much as Flint on the situation. Sure, they stopped that monster from going on its rampage, and according to the remains of some metal and rods in Garnet's hand, that was two problems down. But the results from said fight were a bit more problematic than what was brought on to be.

"Ok, look Garnet, we already know Connie's going to be fine, you said so yourself. That's the least of our problems right now."

"The least of our problems?" Garnet asked, not believing her ears.

"We still got White Diamond and Pink Diamond to deal with, remember? If this means anything, then clearly the authority are gonna be after all our heads. At least we can say that Rose Quartz didn't do it," Flint concluded, but that just made Garnet even more troubled, rubbing the side of her head. This was a bit to take in, even for her. Yes, she was happy for that, but with the attack that happened, she had a bit of mixed emotions here.

"... I suppose. And Connie should be around in due time as well," Garnet confirmed, adjusting her shades for her signature Future Vision pickup.

"There you go. Now, if we can try to figure out our current situation -"

"Eh, Flint, I'd rather not get into it right now," Garnet actually said. Flint would normally protest, but he too was there when it happened, so this time he didn't really force her. Flint just sighed.

"Well, ok then. you go and calm down, I'm gonna try to get Jade and find a new tie-in," Flint said, heading over back to the Warp Pad as Garnet walked on. Well, she may not have personally wanted Flint to keep such a strict life to himself, but on the bright side, the mystery was still moving forward in its own way.



Well, the feeling was a bit less supportive once this sort of thing got to the Off-Colors ears over at the barn. Something like this was bound to get to them eventually, and once it did, Rhodonite was completely freaking out about it. Funny thing, she was the only one over at the barn for the moment, the others out and exploring still.

"Calm down, I know it's shocking, and we're going to handle it -"

"Handle it?! She gave you a way out!"

"We're not giving Steven up to her," Garnet firmly stated.

"Why not?! It's him or you!" Rhodonite retorted. Clearly this Gem fusion was a lot less enthused about fighting them back, much to Garnet's surprise. How could she say that about the same Gem who helped them get out of Homeworld?

"Rhodonite, how can you say that?"

"I just did! and if you won't do that, then we're all gonna be stuck as the Diamonds' gear parts!" Rhodonite made clear, right in Garnet's face even. Garnet was quickly losing patience.

"Rhodonite, that's not going to happen, not if I can help it. You don't deserve to be harvested, I won't let them get you," Garnet promised.

"Do you even realize what you've pulled already? This isn't just some technician from Homeworld, or some combat veteran here, this is White Diamond, the ruler of Homeworld! She can destroy any space rock with a snap of her touch stubs!"

"Nothing we haven't handled before."


At least when she was arguing with Flint, he had some more logic to back his arguments up and kept a more level head. Rhodonite was simply freaking out about her own safety and well-being over something she wasn't even sure would happen. Tiresome she is.
As this argument was going on though, neither had noticed that someone else was keeping a small eye on them from the top of the roof. Even if Garnet might've foreseen this, she was a bit too busy with Rhodonite's bickering to really bother with it right then. As they continued, this same thing began to crawl along the ceiling, landing on one of the barn's support beams. Soon though, something began to reach down, looking like an arm or tentacle or something. The very end of it turned into a hand, and then actually pinched Rhodonite's butt.

"AH!" Rhodonite yelped, bolting around with her arms in a karate-style attack pose. Garnet and Rhodonite followed this tentacle upward as it retracted, and soon they saw one particular Draconequus up there with his usual little smirk.

"Hello Discord," Garnet said with a smile. Rhodonite was of course spooked and backed up to behind Garnet, as Discord hopped on down.

"Hello my dears. Hope your time in the barn's doing just peachy, Rhodonite," Discord said, a peach suddenly popping up in his hand. Oh, the puns can be painful sometimes, can't they?

"H-How'd you know my name?" Rhodonite questioned, just for the Draconequus to disappear for a moment, and suddenly pop out of her hair.

"I'm special that way, just like you," Discord replied, pinching her cheek. Freaking out, Rhodonite forced Discord out of her hair. Garnet placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't be scared. He's virtually harmless, if not obnoxious," Garnet reassured.

"Obnoxious?! Since when have I - ... You know what, don't answer that," Discord realized.

"Good answer." Discord then pulled himself up and off of the ground, and stood upright, conjuring up a feather duster and dusted himself off.

"So, I heard from a little grape vine that you've got a breakthrough in your little Pink Diamond case," Discord said, in a detective's outfit, and peering into Garnet's head with some magnifying glasses.

"We came to the conclusion Rose Quartz didn't shatter Pink Diamond. Odds are you already knew that though among other things."

"Indeed, and also that a little boy and girl had ended up running off together into my dimension after their magic warp keys started to play tricks on em. You know how kids are."

"... Is that all?"

"Is that all? Is that what you have to say?" Garnet asked, more urgent in tone.

"Well how in the stars am I supposed to react to that?!" Rhodonite retorted. Very good point. Well this situation suddenly turned completely crazy if Connie and Steven ran off to that dimension in particular. Garnet may have not seen it herself, but if it belonged to a creature like Discord, then who's to say what could be going on there? Discord could already tell what was gonna happen, and before Garnet could do much, Discord conjured up one of those said magic keys, and dropped it onto the ground, opening up a door at their feet.

"I'm coming Steven, Connie," Garnet said, before she jumped right on it.

"Eh, okay, so that happened."

"Your turn."

"Wait wha - AAHH!" All of a sudden, Discord's tail was right behind her, and actually knocked her into the same door too! Discord got his tail back, but before he went on in, he took a look to the viewers.

"I know, I know what you're thinking: what the hay did you do that for, you jerk? Don't freak out, they'll be fine and so will Steven and Connie. You're just gonna have to ponder a little. Arrivederci!" And in a style of a swan dive, Discord dove right into the portal himself, the door shutting up behind him, leaving only the key behind. Not like they're gonna need it anyway.


(Sardonyx's note: If you lose track of the story, be consult your local dodo bird)


Since the portal was upside-down, landing just wasn't exactly easy for the Gems to land, but they did eventually get themselves into whatever place Discord was talking about. They landed down on what one would call a hill, but this one was very steep on both sides and looked less like a hill and more like a trapezium. That was the least of what they found in here though: a purple sky flowing and rippling like water, ground floating in several places, they even saw some pigs flying around the place. Once they got up and around though, they found that wasn't the only thing that changed.
Garnet wasn't there, but Ruby and Sapphire were.

"We unfused? How the heck?!" Ruby gasped, realizing what happened.
And soon they realized that they weren't the only ones who unfused in the fall. Looking off next to them, they found two other Gems off nearby them:
One was a Pearl. For starters, her color scheme showed a lavender complexation rather than the multi color that Pearl had on her, with an outfit almost mirroring Yellow Pearl yet with a skirt instead of a body suit, purple gloves, more flair that went around her shoulders and upper chest, and her hair a bit more curly like Stevens hair. Her gemstone was on her chest, and her eyes were a pinker complexion.
The second one looked like a Ruby, and looked very similar to Navy Ruby, but with a standard redder look to her, and yellow bands on her shoulders. Her gemstone was on her navel too.

"Huh? Wait wha ... WHY'RE WE UNFUSED?!" the Pearl yelped, freaking out.

"Discord must want us to be apart for this," Sapphire concluded, getting up to her feet and looking around.

"Who's he to decide that?!" the Pearl snapped.

"E-Easy, Lavi, m-maybe it won't be too bad?" the Ruby said, trying to calm down her Pearl, named Lavi apparently for a nickname.

"I saw this as a option, but I never realized it's the path we'd be taking," Sapphire commented. No amount of Future Vision can really help anyone in a place like this, no doubt. It was then they began to hear some chuckling above their heads, only to see Discord up on what looked like a chocolate rain cloud. His face was white, and his cheeks were red, but he was all there either way.

"Hello everyone, welcome to my little corner of the universe, hope you enjoyed your ride," Discord said.

"Nevermind that, where's Steven?" Ruby asked. That was the more important thing right now, and with what happened not to long earlier, who could guess on where Steven and Connie would be in here? Discord took a better look down to the group of four Gems, intrigued on seeing Lavi and the second Ruby, and like a spider descending from its web, slid down from under his cloud to see them.

"Oh, it's difficult to say. It might take you all hours, even days to make your vast and amazing trek through -"

"They're not here, are they?" Sapphire suddenly cut in. Discord flinched.

"Eh, bu - what - OH Sapphire, what kind of creature do you take me for?!"

"liar, cheat, trickster, obnoxious, with a little hint of salt," each word Sapphire said almost seemed to stab at Discord, arrows flying in out of nowhere with these very words on them. The last one actually knocked Discord off of his feet, and fell backwards onto the floor. Discord was about to say something else but Sapphire placed her finger over his mouth.

"And yes, I do expect you to drop us in here without a reason other than boredom. You never had much to do for months," Sapphire finished. Discord clamped his mouth shut. He could feel both Rubies and Lavi stare him down.

"You know, if you put your mind to it, you can be absolutely obnoxious."

"You would know," Sapphire answered with a smile. Discord groaned, and shook off the arrows, only for the second Ruby to jump at him.

"Then that's good! Can you send us back then?" asked the second Ruby, only for Discord to pick her up by the back of the collar.

"Ok, so they're not in here, but why cut the party short Button?" Discord asked. Button gulped on him remembering her nickname, going over to Lavi.

"Because we have more problems to worry about!"

"Pink Diamond's not going anywhere. But I'll give you a little trinket to get you to the exit," Discord said, and he reached his lion paw into his ear. His hand worked out a little bit before it pulled out what looked like a compass. Of course, this one had Discord edged all over it, including a face of the Draconequus, with the eyeball at a sort of compass needle. Freaky, but it works.

"Follow the eyeball, I presume?"

"Stop spoiling it, will you?" Discord asked, starting to get annoyed now. It was no fun when everyone knew what he was going to do. What else could he expect from a Sapphire though?

"Can't you just get us out of here?" asked Lavi, who was clearly not in the mood for any game this creature would have for them. Discord though wasn't up for that just yet.

"Whine, whine, whine, is that all you do?" Discord complained. Oh, the things she could've said to him right then and there, but Discord actually zipped her mouth shut before she could. Then, much to their annoyance, the Draconequus disappeared. So much for getting his help.

"We'll be fine," Sapphire reassured them.

"You really think so?" The second Ruby asked.

"Yes ... though I think we'll have to go through a musical number first."


"Bewaaaare. Bewaaaare.~"

"Oh my, w-what's that?" asked Lavi, starting to get nervous again. And it didn't take too long to see why: the group looked off ahead just a little bit as a distant beat began to play. If this wasn't a signal for a song to play, then what was? One thing was for sure, the crazy stoats were on them. This time though it was four stoats that popped out of the ground right in front of them, each one as tall as Rhodonite and Garnet would be, so they were all taller than them, and each one a different color (Red, blue, green, and purple). Here they go.

(mix of Pink Elephants on Parade Djjack remix + Heffalumps and Woozles + Good ship Misery)

They're black
They're brown
They're up
They're down
They're in
They're out
They're all about!
They're far
They're near
They're gone
They're here
They're quick, slick, and insincere!
all: Beware! Beware! Beware, beware, beware!

With each verse said at their fast neck pace, the freaky creatures were actually making the team back up more and more until they all actually ended up stumbling back through a conveniently open door behind them, and falling down a pit. Sapphire's Future Vision wasn't enough to stop it. Lavi, Button, Ruby, and Sapphire both ended up landing in a different part of the place, this time appearing like a bunch of boxes and other things that appeared like cages for Meerkats. First one to sing this time was a grey bald one stuck in a scuba diver helmet, three pink Stoats just above his head.

If you do not care for sanity.

Then jumped down the green stoat, this time looking like a seaman that lost one of his legs, and inside a lantern for some sort of reason.

If you love the great indoors

Just to pop out from the bottom and jump over towards the pink stoats and dancing with them, them all holding eachother by their shoulders and kicking their legs.

Welcome to our lil world Chaosity!
Insanityyyyy's all yours!

On that final word, the platform suddenly crashed into a wall, making Lavi and Button stumble off and split away from Ruby, and Sapphire for the moment. As Ruby and Sapphire were trying to handle themselves, they all began to hear loud trumpets being played. A spotlight then beamed down on Button and Lavi, both Gems having no idea what was going to happen next and holding eachother as they began to hear thumping come out of the darkness and into some more spotlights, which followed what looked like a group of parading, cartoony rats with long pointy noses and large ears, marching on two feet, each one playing a different instrument for the music with a leading penguin, as a voice continued singing from apparently nowhere.

Look out,
look out,
the big rodents on parade,
here they come,

As the voice sang, the marching rats were circling Lavi and Button, soon not having very much to go to as they continued their march, some of the rats getting a little close to them. Suddenly they picked them up, and they continued marching in line, both Button and Lavi bouncing on their heads and being taken along for the ride.

They're here,
and there,
squeaks and tails everywhere!

Next the two suddenly fell off, and they both landed in a big, soft bed. First soft landing they had since showing up, but that didn't ease them as they could still see the rats marching around them.

Look out,
look out,
their walking around the bed,
on their head,

Some trumpets blasted at their faces during the tune, making them both hide under the covers, hoping it would keep them safe. But this place wasn't going to give them a chance, and the bed was suddenly walking on them, carrying them along for the ride again.

The big rodents on parade!

Meanwhile, as Lavi and Button were carried along on their bed, Ruby and Sapphire could be seen nearby, both in a spotlight with each color matching each Gem. They were as lost as the other two were, trumpets announcing their appearance as well, as the same four Stoats showed up again.

They're red
They're green
They're pink
They're beige
They're round
They're square
They're a horrific stage!
They tie themselves in horrible knots
They come in stripes
or polka-dots!

Ruby and Sapphire found themselves at a cliff again, much to Lavi and Button's horror as they continued their chorus.

There's never sun,
The mice had run!
Does anyone remember fun?!

Both red and blue stoats glared at the grey stoat.

thought I'd ask.

That just made the other stoats push away the grey one, knocking Ruby and Sapphire off the cliff, and landing in the same bed right next to Lavi and Button. At least they had a soft landing, but it didn't stop the bed from moving, the bed continuing its march through chaos land, the rats and weasels still following them the whole way. Be it from the moment or just for the sake of song, well ...

Lavi + Button: What do we do?
What do we do?
What an unusual view!

A huge bang of a symbol right behind them rang out, the Gems seeing a giant rat with said symbols in hand, and when they split, it showed two Meerkats standing there. One looked yellow, and dressed like a scientist, the other blue, and looking like a lawyer. No, it didn't confirm anything.

I can keep my mind intact
looking at microscopic gnats,
but technicolor Stoats, and Rats,
It's really too much for me!

The scientist suddenly squashed himself, laughing, and found himself in a mad scientist outfit: freaky hair, swirly glasses and a madman straitjacket, making them back up a little bit, only for the blue one to block their way.

I am not the type to cheat
when things are off, or strange to me,
but seeing things you just don't see
can certainly give you an awful fright!

The lawyer Stoat tore off the outfit, and showed itself as a gambler instead of a lawyer.

Lavi + Button: Chase em away!
Please go away!
We're afraid, we need some aid -


With the giant rat chorus, the bed suddenly stopped on the spot, as if arriving at a destination (wherever that was). The bed started to flip over and fly away, literally dropping off the Gems to the ground as it disappeared. The blanket was dropped off with them though, changing into a hot-air balloon, taking the Gems high up fast. Button would've been left behind if Sapphire didn't help her into the basket. Other hot air balloons soon caught up with them, similar stoats joining them again.

If you think that this could never be.
Think again!
If you think it's the Ritz!
Fat chance!
Sorry, but the lil world chaosity ...

A yellow rat them floated over to them, a napoleon hat on his head.


with a poke of his sharp tail, the hot-air balloon suddenly popped and disappeared, the Gems falling down to whatever was underneath them, just for them to land on a flying pirate ship, driven by the same napoleon rat, as more rats and stoats sang along their tune.

Stoat Red and Blue: They're extraordinary
So never, be wary
because they come in every shape and size!
Rats: If Ponies what you cometh
you find that: we love it!
Because we just so love the things you prize!

Lavi, Button, Sapphire, and Ruby needed to get away from these things somehow, but it was far easier said than done, especially on a flying pirate ship. Lucky another hot air balloon was nearby, and they all jumped right into the basket to get away from them. That didn't last to long, as a glitching giant weasel head suddenly popped up right by their balloon.

I can keep my mind in ta-a-a-a-a
technicolor Stoats and ra-a-a-a-a
looking a microscopic gna-a-a-a-a
It's really too much for me-e-e-e. E E

The glitching weasel head actually touched the balloon, making the whole thing glitch out, and the strings keeping the basket on cut loose, making them fall again. This time there was nothing under them to catch their fall, and they continued falling. Looking to the falling basket, it actually turned into an Umbrella, Lavi grabbed it, and she, Button, Sapphire, and Ruby grabbed hold of her as the umbrella slowly floated down with them holding on. as much as they could as another voice rang out.

What'll I do?
What'll I do?
What'll I do?
What an unusual view!

They're here
They're there
The big rodents everywhere!

The umbrella suddenly broke, and they all fell again, but their fall turned into a slide as a crazily long, swirly tunnel slide suddenly appeared, them zooming down in spirals, loops, and corkscrews down the slide. But not without one more chorus from their Stoat friends out of sight.

They're black
They're brown
They're up
They're down
They're in
They're out
They're all about!
They're far
They're near
They're gone
They're here
They're quick, slick, and insincere!
all: Beware! Beware! Beware! Beware! BEWAAAAAAAAARE!


Well, after that bunch of random nonsense, the four Gems finally met the bottom of their tumble into another part of this chaotic world. Not even a few minutes in here, and now they had no clue where to even go, or even where they were for that matter. If any of those weasels and rats pop up with them, it would be too soon. And just that taste alone was enough to make them completely freak out (Lavi and Button anyway).
As for where the group had fallen down into, they found themselves in a pretty colorful room, but not as crazy or dynamic as where they were just at, instead looking more like something one would find in a funhouse: green and red in big swirls. As far as paths go, the only one they could see was the slide they came in on, and a hallway door over by the opposite wall.

"Where're we now?" groaned Button. Sapphire, still having their compass, took a look at it and saw that it was facing off right over to the door, much to their dismay.

"Oh no, come on Lavi!" Button said, trying to get back up the slide. However, just like any other slide, button kept trying to run up but constantly sliding back down. Lavi tried to go up herself, helping Button up a bit further, but both Gems in the end simply slid on back down into Ruby and Sapphire. Before they could try again, the slide started to roll back up to the hole in the wall, which closed up fast so they can't keep trying. Now they only had one room to go to.

"Are we really doing this?"

"We've no choice. Come on," Sapphire replied, beginning to walk on to the door. Ruby stayed close to her Sapphire, as Button stayed close to Lavi, and the four went on from there. The door, as if it knew they were coming, opened right up for them into this strange world they've fallen into.
And soon, they found themselves from a small room, and out into some strange open plain. no grass was under their feet, instead just some dirt, and the whole place looked like it was straight out of some abstract painting: empty landscape with odd shapes which should be trees scattered about the place. Simple yet odd as the chaos realm would be. In this part of the world, there was little real evidence of birds, animals, or whatever. At least no animals they could recognize. ...


"What the - hey!" Out of nowhere, the four got hit with what looked like a flash of light. Looking up a tree, they all then saw what looked like one of those stoats again, the grey one from the musical number, this time having a camera around its neck, just finished taking a picture of them before scurrying away. Well, that didn't help them much on where they were, and only left them blindsided for a moment. That same stoat popped up over by Sapphire, at this point no bigger than the blue Gem in question. Hard to really tell what this stoat was thinking when looking at the face, but Sapphire saw one particular option.

"I wouldn't," Sapphire warned, but the stoat didn't really seem to care. And all of a sudden, the stoat held Sapphire in a sort of romantic stance, and gave her a peck on the lips! ... Right in front of Ruby, Button, and Lavi. ... did this stoat have a death wish? It didn't help that the stoat laughed at them before taking off.

"COME BACK HERE, HOMEWRECKER!" Ruby snapped, steaming up a storm as she gave chase. No one sneaks a kiss on her Sapphire and gets away with it! However, the stoat was moving very fast, and got a very big head start on Ruby. The stoat skidded over to a stop at a point in the path, and with a flick of its tail it turned into a pencil, which the stoat proceeded to pick off and draw out something in the air. After a tiny bit, and with some surprisingly good drawing, the stoat drew out a pie, big enough to dive into. However, the cheeky stoat did a sort of Ole' on Ruby, making her slam into the lemon moraine. After landing, Ruby popped out of the pie tin, covered in cream, lemon, and a cherry on top of her head. Ruby's anger made the pie boil up and bubble, and the stoat bolted on out of there before they could do much to it.

"You ok, Ruby?" asked Button. Lavi and Sapphire pulled out the ticked off Gem, still covered from head to toe in the pie cream. Ruby shook off the cream, all of it simply disappearing.

"What does that stoat think she is?! I'll have my revenge!" Ruby declared. Just in time for -

"WOOOOOOOOOOO!" the stoat suddenly shouted, sounding like a siren and made Ruby jump right into button's hands. The three spun around to try and catch the annoyed Stoat, but the stoat was out of screenshot the second they turned around. What they did find was a giant, flying goldfish with balloons tied to it. You know, the usual.

"... I feel uncomfortable. Excuse me," Button said, getting a head start on leaving the area.

"Hold the dropship, Button," said Ruby, as she, Lavi, and Sapphire began to go off down the path to find their way out.


Well, the four continued going along from there, going in nowhere but a straight line, with Sapphire taking lead, the others trailing behind. Honestly, if one word really summed things up for this place, it would be confusing. Everything looked so out of place: trees upside down, whatever sign they found a complete smudge of actual direction, animals freaky even by Equestrian standards, and who knows what else.

"How in the stars does Discord deal with this all day?" Lavi had to asked, as she saw winged oysters fly by her.

"Don't worry too much about it, Lavi. They're just for show."

"I don't think they're just for show," Lavi retorted. Then Button got an idea.

"Sapphire, you can tell the future, can you tell us what's gonna happen? Or at least if we're going to get out," Button asked, as they continued walking. Sapphire focused a little bit as they kept walking, focusing more on Sapphire than where they were going.

"... It's difficult to say. Though in future, we're probably going to defy gravity for a short bit before we end up in a pool full of milk, and then get lifted up and poured out into a water slide, and then everything will turn white."

"... Wha?" Lavi asked.

"When is this going to happen?" asked Button. Then they stopped.

"In about three seconds."


They were upside-down now for some reason. Here it goes.

"Oh clod."

Pretty soon, they all suddenly fell down into the "sky", or ground or whatever you wanna call it. Their screams went on for just a little bit until they all splashed inside a decent-sized kiddie pool, which the liquid inside was all white. They all popped up at the surface, wet and tasting 1% milk on their tongues. This world was easily a lot faster than their reactions, because before they could shake themselves off, the whole pool began to shift and lift up, a giant rat holding it up and checking it out. It looked ready to swallow them up, but seeing the Gems inside made it change its mind, and pour the milk out, making them all fall out in a milky waterfall. The milk itself found some sort of surface in the ground, covering the area and the whole screen, leaving nothing but a bunch of white, and only white. Well, Sapphire was on the nose this time, but not in a good way, and now they had no clue where they were once they shook off the milk and became visible. Well, Lavi was freaking out now, and it didn't help that they lost practically everything now.

"O-Ok, ok, don't panic. There's got to be a way out of here," Button tried to reassure.

"We'll never escape, this is our new home!!" Lavi shouted.

"We'll get out. You're overreacting," Sapphire said.

"I'M NOT OVERREACTING!!" Lavi screamed, as she proceeded to make a run for it in a blind panic like some crazy maniac. She would run off a good mile, but discord physics and logic made her run back and forth until she slammed into Ruby. and then -


"You again!"

Enter back the cheeky stoat. No, it wasn't exactly what they wanted to see again, especially Ruby. Once she got Lavi off of her, Ruby began to chase after the Stoat in circles around the group. They went faster, and faster, until the Stoat was nothing more than some little blur. this stoat wasn't gonna get caught, and it suddenly disappeared in a pop, the camera the only thing left, which landed on Button's head. And before they -

"That's good. I'm ready for this episode to end now," Sapphire cut in. Sapphire did some of her own focus, inhaling a bit more before she let out a Sapphire scream. No exact noise could be heard by any normal ears, but the entire screen suddenly cracked up like broken glass. All that nonsense and it was all going way too fast for them to properly contemplate, so they might as well cut it short. And when all the pieces disappeared, they found themselves in what looked like a ...surprisingly normal house. Looking more like the living room to a cottage. And not just any house, no no, over on the couch was the owner, and the owner turned out to be Mr. Draconequus himself, who suddenly found his TV static. And he wasn't enjoying it.

"Oh poo, done so soon? That barely cloaked at nine minutes!" Discord griped, only to see the four Gems standing over nearby. Before Lavi, Button, or Ruby could go over though, Sapphire grabbed the camera ... and gave it to Discord.

"For you," Sapphire said. Discord looked at the camera, and was simply beaming.

"Oh, I knew you'd get my camera back!" Discord said, giving Sapphire a kiss on the head.

... OK. WHAT?

"We went through all that just to get you a camera?!" yelled Ruby. So much trouble with those rats and weasels in such a short time, and they only got one small little object that apparently they can always get from a dollar store. Button, Lavi, and Sapphire stood further back, as Ruby marched right up to Discord, getting right in his face. Discord wasn't too deterred by the angry little square.

"Oh, please, it's not the camera I'm getting all tied up over. But anyway, you all won and you all deserve a little prize," Discord said, a floating claw grabbing the camera and giving to the draconequus. Discord got himself out from under Ruby, and then did his own magic tricks. He flattened the camera into a paper thin version, and with a flick of his wrist, a number of pictures then presented themselves. Discord tossed the camera aside, which exploded off screen, and blew the pictures over to Sapphire.

"Just a few little shots you all can look over in your little "PD case". Well, the exit's right over at the door whenever you're ready," Discord said, before slipping out the window to his house. Lavi, Sapphire, Ruby, and Button all took a look at the pictures Discord had given them, and all of them seemed to be varying in overall appearance, but it was Sapphire who was getting the details in with each one. ...

"Let's get these back."

Author's Note:

Well, howdy do Discord, haven't seen you in full in ... a while. Though you didn't have to jump in and turn into Mr. Jigsaw. You and your referencing :trixieshiftright:.

Thank you, whoever made this. ^^

Oh, and the song? Well, this is my first time doing a song mixture that honestly never happened before. ... So here's mine in the blue link :pinkiehappy:
Click here to check it out ^^
It's not perfect, but the best I can manage anyway ^^

K, now I know with the previous chapters things had been a little bit jumpy and confusing in what the hay's going on, but let me try to get them in some correct order, chronologically:
The Results are in
Mind no Compute (this Episode)
A Hoof In The Right Direction
??? (Next episode)
Gone Carin'
An Apple A Day
??? (next one after that)
⭐🌟 ✨(Three-Part-Finale! ... might as well hype it up XD)
Hopefully this will make some more sense if some things aren't brought up, or why some things didn't happen in some. I mean, the world's a constantly active place, so a lot can happen in a few days time, which according to said chapters happened over the course of at least a week.
(and in case you're still confused, Gone carin' had a few days timeskip, so that leaves the gap open at least a day or two for Garnet to go off and do something before "A Hoof in the right direction" happened).

And don't worry, Lavi and Button are gettin more screen-time next chapter, so look out for that x3.