• Published 22nd Aug 2017
  • 464 Views, 3 Comments

Gabby's Father - Toa Coy

Here is a one shot written all the way back in February, it was just a random thougth about something funny with the naming of the the fandom's favorite griffon.

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Gabby’s Father


Toa Coy

Here is something I came up with after BlackGryph0n did a review with KP. I own only the plot with anything took from other fanfiction at the end.

~Toa Coy~

Gabriella, or Gabby as she prefered to be called, flew home to Griffinstone. Her heart was lifted by her adventure in Ponyville with the Cutie Mark Crusaders and learning her purpose in life. This whole event was all thanks to seeing two ponies cause another griffin to be a bit more friendly and when she gave Gabby the letter to be sent there. However as she flew back to her hometown and her job complete she felt like she forgot something. But she could not recall as her excitement may have clouded her judgement and stayed longer than the three normal days it took to get from one place to the other.

The town was in sight and it was getting some what cleaner and the young griffin flew to the post office to see if there was any messages for her to deliver before she heads home. A few letters from Equestria from griffins there given the lack of cutie mark on it, but what got her was the letter from the military of the Griffin Kingdom addressed to her. The cyanish gray headed griffin open the letter and read it, it said her father was coming home for leave and it was sent four days ago. This is not bother her as she was happy to see her father after months of him being with the Starbirds1. Being the captain of the major military force did leave less time for family now that Gabby had a job, but it was always good to see him when he came to visit her. This made the arctic bluish gray coated griffin jump for joy and exclaimed jovially, will until she read that he be there two days after this letter was sent. There was a moment she spoke aloud after a long pause in her celebration.

“I hope he did not get too concerned when I was not there yesterday or this morning.” Gabby said to herself looking at the sun as it was around midday or just after that. “Maybe he is still asleep and I can just pop in so he won’t scramble the Starbirds to look for me. Like he did when I was a chick and went to check out the forest near camp.”

What can she say that was the first lady bug she had seen and wanted to practice pronouncing it like her predatory instinct told her to do. The look on her father’s face was not of anger but of fear and doubt before turning to joy when she was found. The fear confused Gabby until she was old enough to understand why that was. Her father lost her mother during a storm back when Gabby was just an egg, so losing her would have broke him more than any fight or training could.

She should focus on getting these letters to their destinations before she would deal with that or maybe just saying that she got an early start on work to just bypass all the fuss. That could work, now all she had to do is get in the air before he comes here to check….

“Gabriella!” a low tenor almost baritone voice yelled out as a griffin began to fly towards the post office.

‘Well there goes that plan.’ Gabby thought to herself as the griffin came in for a landing.

This griffin was a head taller than Gabby and looked well groomed. He has light blue feathers sweeping over darker gray feathers with lighter gray around golden amber eyes with darker yellow beak and talons with a black tip on the upper beak with light blue feather going down his chest to belly and tipped on his tail. However what was different from other griffins was the ears, some guess it was either from a recessive trait or from a pony in the past with a hippogryph in the family tree. There was a bit of a crossed look but more so of a relief look on his face.

“Gabriella, thank goodness I found you here,” Her father said a smile coming his face as he came into hug Gabby. “I was afraid someone might have attacked you once I heard you had gone to Equestria.”

That confused Gabby as knew that the ponies of Equestria thought of them as rude and unkind beings but to the point of harming her that seemed strange.

“What makes ya say that dad?” Gabby spoke returning the hug.

“One of my squadmates visited there recently and was rough up pretty bad, but knowing him it was just to have a fight.” The elder griffin replied. Once releasing the younger griffin he noticed the two plaques on her bags. “Where did ya get those? They look well crafted.”

Gabby did know what to say as she did not want to lie, but she knew that she wanted to share the tale with her father. So she began to tell her father of her adventure in Ponyville and of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The story did flicker in the eyes of the griffin as he listen to his daughter.

“It was thanks to them that I know that I just want to help others, and a bit unlike my griffin nature.” Gabby finished a bit out of breath.

Her father looked at the plaques and back at his daughter, his face was a bit indeterminable before a smile came to his face. Along with that smile was a bit of laughter and pride.

“That sounds like something I would have done when I was younger.” The griffin spoke once he stopped laughing and wiped a tear from his eye. “You would be surprised how many there are like you in the Starbirds, most join for that reason.”

“Really?” Gabby said cocking her head to the side.

“Yep, but most only see that after they get through basic.” The elder smiled back. “But you’re a bit young to try out for them.”

“Never did want to before now.” Gabby said with a nudge of her foreleg to her dad’s shoulder. “I rather stick around here and help rebuild this town.”

This directed the two to see a few of the younger adults that started to clean up a few of the ruins around town. From what the pair could see more and more began to gather and help the others out.

“I can’t believe all of this started just because two ponies came here and made Gilda happy.” Gabby commented on the whole scene.

Her father looked at her and then at group as they did help each other then just being lazy or doing it for gold. He did not feel like a spell was cast but he could not explain just being here made him feel happy.

“Excuse me dad but I have to get back to work.” Gabby said breaking the silence that had filled the air while the other group worked. “I’ll see ya at home.”

The elder griffin nodded and moved away for the younger griffin room to take off, with that the female shot off and onto her deliveries. This left her father alone while a group of griffins began to pull weeds and broken brick away from the old ruin near the post office.

‘You raised her well Scauden.’ The griffin said to himself as he headed over to see if they could use another set of talons on the clean up.


Author's Note:

again just did this for fun not for anything but interesting points
1 http://sycharge.deviantart.com/art/Memoirs-of-a-Gryph0n-The-Unfortunate-Accident-362450378

Comments ( 3 )

Wonderful Story! I like how you potrayed him, caring as a Father should be

thanks, I just did what felt right

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