• Published 18th Aug 2017
  • 569 Views, 4 Comments

My Little Star Butterfly 2: The Runaway Bride - Omegathyst

Star escapes from her planned wedding in Mewni to confess her feelings to Marco and become a student in Equestria once more. But when he rejects her, will she return to her old ways? Or will she find true love?

  • ...

Princess Luna's Internal Battle Part 2

After Rarity and Applejack insisted that they'd clean up, Pinkie walked into the loft where Tom was turning and groaning in their bed, still feeling the worst of the hangover.

"The Cakes said it was okay that you didn't work today since you should get some rest." Pinkie affectionately rubbed Tom's red hair with her hoof.

"Of course they did, they think I'm a monster that shouldn't be remotely near the customers or their foals." Tom grunted.

"I don't think you'd hurt one hair on a foal's pelt-"

"Well what do you know?! For all you know, I could've hurt more than just that therapy rabbit! I could've tortured every innocent animal down in the underworld!" Tom growled.

"You told me that it was a one-time accident, and I believe you Tommy." Pinkie got in the covers and put her hoof on Tom's.

"But what if I hurt our foal on accident because of my anger issues? I would never forgive myself Pinkie, and neither should you." Tom sighed. "I just hope it's not a deal-breaker Pink."

"It isn't." Pinkie lied, knowing that all she ever wanted was several foals to throw parties for and love with all her heart. She suggested couples' counseling to work out their differences, but Tom was set in his fear-induced ways.

The more set he was, the more ridiculous it became to Pinkie. There were plenty of ponies that would be more than happy to give her foals, and maybe she wanted a different pony to raise a family with.

Her love burned bright when she met Tom and followed him to the Underworld. But now, she wasn't sure if their love was worth saving at all.

Hours after the dinner, Star and the maid Trolley were in Star's bed together. Star slightly hoped that they would have more time to cuddle after hooking up, but the maid pegasus got out of the bed.

"Must you go Hallie?" Star asked woefully.

"It's Holly, and indeed I must go." The maid smiled. "I have to make sure the guards' rooms are spotless before they're done working. Bye Mar."

"It's...Star." The maid slammed the door shut before Star said her own name.

What did she say her name was again? Halsey?

Star yawned, deciding to get some sleep for Princess Luna's lessons in the morning.

Before she knew it, she was in complete darkness. It seemed like a strange dream for her to have. At least she thought it was her dream, until she saw Princess Luna looking down at the ground and shaking. And Star just knew that it was the real Luna and not a creation of her own dream.

Star didn't even know how she could be in Princess Luna's dream, she didn't even enter the dream realm! And what a simple dream it was. Princess Luna stood in the darkness watching her sister lovingly nuzzle Twilight, reminding Star of the day's earlier events. But why was Princess Luna dreaming about them?

Star stayed behind Princess Luna in fear that her teacher will get mad if she notices her spying on her dream. But she held back a gasp of fright when she saw a tall black alicorn mare with vicious eyes and head armor approaching Princess Luna slowly.

"Oh it hurts so much doesn't it?" The tall mare whispered. "You thought that after all these years, you'd be okay with Princess Celestia finding love, even though she took you away from your love."


"Leave me alone Nightmare Moon, I do not want to be dreaming about this!" Princess Luna snapped.

"Oh but do you not long for justice? You may not still be in love her after all this time, but doesn't it drive you mad that she suffered without you because of Princess Celestia?" Nightmare Moon taunted. "Snowflake Rose must've spent her final moments in agony, wanting the love of her short life to be there by her side! And Princess Celestia took that away from her-"

"ENOUGH!" Princess Luna bellowed, getting up on her four hooves. "What happened in the past cannot be changed, and I will not ruin a happy couple because of it!"

"But your sister does not care about the lives she ruined, or the one thousand years of love, laughter, and culture that Equestria experienced, but you didn't because she banished you for WANTING TO BE LOVED BY PONIES!" Nightmare Moon screeched. "Is wanting to be appreciated and loved by other ponies for what you do a crime?! I didn't think so! You know Princess Celestia wants all the power! She only made Twilight a Princess so she could keep her precious marefriend alive forever! And she let yours die!"

"That's not true! Twilight has worked very hard to be where she is right now!" Princess Luna protested. "But...I wish she could've kept Snowflake alive..."

"Of course you do." Nightmare Moon's fierce tone softened greatly and she hugged Luna. "It truly isn't fair, and I only want to make things right for us. Otherwise, how will your sister understand the pain and suffering she put you through? All the years of being with Snowflake that you lost? All the pain your love went through right until the very end?"

Star could only wonder who this 'Snowflake Rose' was, since she seemed to be very important to Princess Luna.

"She r-really doesn't care." The dark change in Luna's tone sent shivers throughout Star's fur.

"That's right, and we just need to make her sorry for all that pain and years lost." Nightmare Moon smiled evilly. "Just allow me control again and I'll make things right and bring justice."

"DON'T DO IT!" Star leaped from her hidden spot and ran in between Nightmare Moon and Princess Luna. "She wants to hurt Princess Celestia and Twilight! And if you let her be in control of you, who knows who she'll also hurt!"

"You know nothing, you're too young and you're human!" Nightmare Moon spat. "Ignore her, she's too rebellious and headstrong to even remotely know how much this hurts-"

"Of course I understand! I can't help but wonder if things would've been different if I told Marco that I loved him sooner. Before he pursued Jackie and then Fluttershy." Star explained. "We can't change what's happened though, and I want to so badly."

"And what's stopping you dear?" Nightmare Moon smirked. "You could get your former hubby to turn you back into a monster wife so you could murder Fluttershy and her foals. And then you could torture Twilight and the rest of her friends."

"I don't want to do that!" Star protested, trembling at Nightmare Moon's piercing eyes.

"You're such a liar." Nightmare Moon growled.

"NO I'M NOT!" Star howled, charging towards Nightmare Moon. Before she could reach the evil alicorn, she disappeared. She sat by Princess Luna, waiting several minutes to make sure Nightmare Moon was gone.

Then, she saw a vision of a white earth pony mare with a long royal purple mane and tail, ice blue eyes, a tiny tree as her cutie mark, and a rosy pink flower in her hair. Princess Luna's eyes widened when she saw her sister approach the vision of the mare she once loved.

"I'm so sorry Snowflake Rose, but I have bad news. Princess Luna tried to overrule Equestria by drowning it in eternal night." Princess Celestia sighed. "I did what I had to, and I banished her to the moon for a thousand years."

"...Please send me there." Snowflake quietly begged. "Or just keep her there for a few weeks! That should be enough to get her to realize that I'm too important to leave!"

"A few weeks certainly won't change her mind, and it won't be a punishment for her if you're with her. She needs to realize that her terrible action has even worse consequences. And she should've thought about what would happen to you when she attempted to overthrow the Kingdom." Celestia explained. "Frankly, if she cared that much about you, she would've known better than to act on her dark desires."

"N-No..." Princess Luna cried as she saw the Snowflake in the vision started sobbing and yelling at Princess Celestia. The vision disappeared, leaving Luna alone with Star for a few seconds before they woke up.

"Luna, dear sister! Wake up!"

"Wha?" Luna opened her eyes to realize that it was her sister, the pony that she almost took revenge against for separating her and her dear Snowflake.

She realized that pushing down her pain was only making things worse, and she needed to come clean.

"I wasn't happy for you and Twilight...I'm still not actually." Luna scowled. "I saw that you thought I didn't care that much about Snowflake."

"Sister, I-"

"You made her think that I didn't love her!" Luna yelled, tears falling her face. "I don't want to talk to you for a while. If you need to tell me something, let the guards know. Please get out of my face."

Celestia looked heartbroken, but she knew that it was better than her sister lying about how she felt. She sighed and left Luna in her room.

Oddly enough, Luna thought about all the hell that Star's gone through to become the selfish mare that dumped Janna. It didn't seem too different from her lashing out at her sister for something that happened over a thousand years ago.

Maybe I should go to a party, get drunk, and wake up with another mare like Star would do. I should invite her, she does love that stuff after all.

Luna used a teleportation spell to teleport to the door to Star's room and softly knocked it with her hoof. Star opened the door and her blue eyes widened.

"Princess Luna! You don't need to worry about me saying anything about what happened in your dream. My pretty lips are sealed." Star smiled assuringly, reminding Luna that Star was really in her dream last night.

"That's not what bring me here. I was going to go to the Nightflower Nightclub near the castle later this evening, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with?" Luna asked.

"There's a night club in this city?!" Star looked at Luna like she offered her all the gems in the world. Luna softly smiled.

"Yes, but don't expect this to become a regular thing." Luna replied. "I've just had an upsetting day yesterday and a even more upsetting dream as you know. But before we do that, we must get started on your first lesson."

"Is it apologizing to Janna?" Star groaned.

"No, it's apologizing to Holly for not even caring to remember her name after sleeping with her." Luna frowned. "She's the pegasus maid that you were with yesterday."

"Oh that's her name!" Star put one of her hooves against her forehead. "Well, you're right. That was a crappy thing for me to do, and she seemed upset when she left."

Star apologized to Holly by getting her the greatest gift of all...sex.

Hey, she never told me how to apologize to her!

Of course, the green mare was more than happy to accept the gift and to be called by her real name the whole time. The day came and went, and soon enough it was evening.

Star walked down the stairs wearing a rosy pink dress with white lining and a red bow right on her chest while Luna wore a simple black dress that sparkled.

"Star, y'know we're just going out for drinks right? You didn't have to wear a fancy dress for this outing." Luna laughed.

"Oh. I just thought that since I had the honor of going with one of Equestria's Princesses, I might as well look nice." Star blushed. "We had to do that kind of stuff in Mewni, but do you think I should change?"

"Only if you want to, but I think it looks cute on you." Luna smirked.

Um, did Luna call me cute? N-No, she called my dress cute obviously!

"Thanks!" Star beamed, but she was still freaking out on the inside from the Princess' sudden positive attention.

They both walked towards the dark blue nightclub that stood out in the marketplace right outside the castle. The security stallions raised their eyebrows when they saw Princess Luna and Star heading towards the nightclub.

"Are you mind-controlling Princess Luna?" One of them asked.

"Why the hell does everyone assume that I'm going to mind-control every Princess?" Star snapped. "I don't even have my wand!"

"Just move aside please." Luna added, causing the security stallions to move out of the way without a second thought.

When Star and Luna walked in, there were dozens of ponies. A lot of them were near the bar, where a lot of security guards were keeping them away from a pegasus with black and blonde hair and a pink bow.

"Oh my, it's Songbird Serenade!" Luna gasped, running past the security guards.

"Songbird who?" Star whispered, following her new teacher. The security guards gave her skeptical looks as she followed Luna, and her ears flattened.

Nopony is going to trust me again are they?

"Princess Luna, what a pleasure it is to see you again." Songbird smiled warmly. "Have a seat next to me. Have you ever tried the whipped cream vodka dear?"

"No...?" Star noticed that Princess Luna's eyes were as wide as saucers when she sat on the bar-stool next to this 'Songbird' pegasus. She sat on the other barstool next to Princess Luna and turned to the bartender.

"Hey Star, what can I get you?" The black mare asked casually.

"I'll have a...Vanita?!" Star's jaw dropped as she looked at the mare that looked completely different with her natural black fur, light gray mane, and bright orange eyes visible. "Is that really you?"

"Guilty as charged, I'm moved from Manehattan to go to Hoofvard University and become a cosmetologist in Canterlot." Vanita stated. "I'm no longer the pony that whored around with mares like you."

"And yet I can smell whiskey on your breath, and I see hickeys on your neck." Star squinted her eyes, looking at her ex's neck.

"They're from my coltfriend." Vanita stated. "And so what if I have a drink or two? I work at a bar."

"So you're bi?" Star asked.

"No, I'm a straight and smart pony that will succeed." To Star, Vanita's words sounded clearly rehearsed.

As if her mother made her repeat those words over and over again

"Those aren't your words are they?" Star narrowed her eyes. "I remember you being all over me when we first hooked up, and that kind of feeling doesn't just leave you. Plus you told me that you didn't like stallions that way-"

"Will you drop it?! I experimented with you! Is that so hard to understand?" Vanita scoffed. "I-"

Star saw Songbird kiss Princess Luna's cheek and she clumsily fell out of her bar-stool in shock.

"Okay, whatever Vanita! I gotta go!" Star leaped off the fallen stool and approached Princess Luna after Songbird left. "Hey Princess Luna, you're not going to hook up with that pink-bowed babe are you?"

"No, but she did ask me out on a date." Luna smirked. "Did you want to ask her out?"

"No actually." And Star was actually telling the truth this time. Quite honestly, she didn't know why she freaked out when she saw her kissing Princess Luna.

"Well, you have to try the whipped cream vodka. It is simply delicious." Luna licked her lips as she looked at the empty glasses with Star looking at her tongue the whole time.

"Yeah, I'm going to need it." Star gulped. "Um, Vanita? Get me three shots of the whipped cream vodka and two beers."

Vanita glanced at her and blushed, but Star was too confused about her feelings to care.

"Star, I want to thank you so much for saving me last night." Luna smiled warmly. "I'm not the best pony to be your teacher, and you're not the most obedient student. But I really think we can learn from each other."

"Mhmm." Star waited till she downed two vodkas at the same time to speak. "Wow! These are sweet!"

"I know." Luna leaned in and whispered. "Princess Celestia apparently called Songbird Serenade here because Twilight's been secretly planning a Friendship Festival for everyone. And not just everyone in Equestria, but everyone in every dimension."

"Really?" Star gasped.

"Yes, and she's going to release the invites tomorrow since it's next week before we go back to Ponyville." Luna added. "Even though I'm truthfully still pissed with my sister, I'm still going to remain civil when I have to stand next to her."

"Of course, you should calm down at your own pace." Star agreed.

"Well, I'm going to go now." Luna got up. "You coming?"

"Um, no. I'll meet up with you in the morning." Star decided, glancing at Vanita. Maybe getting drunk and hooking up with another pony will get rid of this weird anxious heartbeat she was feeling...

The next morning

"So, you still 'straight' Vanita?"

"Shut up." The mare snapped at her bed partner Star. Star didn't really want to sleep with Vanita for any other reason besides proving a point: most 'ex-gays' were lying to themselves by letting society and family decide how to live their lives.

And if Star was to be brutally honest, Vanita wasn't exactly the best lay ever.

"Well, now that I've opened your eyes, I shall get going." Star smirked, leaving Vanita's bed.

"Star? Do you think you could..." Vanita was tempted to face the cold truth, the truth that she wasn't the pony her mother wanted to be.

Star stopped at the door, looking at her ex curiously. Was she really going to say it?

"Um, nevermind." Vanita turned away in the bed and sighed. Star no longer felt smug, walking away from the door.

"Vanita, I think you should stand up for yourself. Nopony should make you feel like shit for your sexuality, especially your mother." Star said. "I'm not the one that will love you, but you shouldn't let ponies stop you from finding the one who does."

"How did you know that my mother pressured me to date stallions?" Vanita asked.

"Well, from experience probably." Star sighed, thinking of her own mother. "I got to go, Princess Twilight is planning a festival."

"Will I see you there?" Oh poor Vanita, still desperate for me even after I told you I didn't love you.

"Yeah, but with Princess Luna." Star blushed when she realized the connotations of what she just said.

"So you're dating the moon princess now? Nice." Vanita muttered.

"I, uh, gotta go. See you at the festival." Star almost slammed into the wall before making a sharp turn to the exiting door.

Sure I wanted to bang Princess Luna, but that was before she became my teacher. If I wanted that now, that'd be really weird...right?

Star made it to the Canterlot castle where many guards were carrying out Friendship Festival flyers. She realized that not only would the rest of the Mane 6 show up, but people from many different dimensions would to.

Including Marco.