• Published 18th Aug 2017
  • 568 Views, 4 Comments

My Little Star Butterfly 2: The Runaway Bride - Omegathyst

Star escapes from her planned wedding in Mewni to confess her feelings to Marco and become a student in Equestria once more. But when he rejects her, will she return to her old ways? Or will she find true love?

  • ...

Princess Luna's Internal Battle Part 1

Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie were cleaning the inside of Sugarcube Corner the morning after the Pinkie's quickly planned party. Normally Pinkie and Tom would do it, but Tom was still hungover upstairs. Pinkie was trying to help, but she worked much slower than usual.

The thing that distraught Pinkie's friends the most was that her mane was straight.

"Pinkie, what's wrong?" Fluttershy asked as the two mares picked up trash off the floor.

"Tom never gets wasted at parties." Pinkie began. "He'd drink a glass or two, but it never got this bad. Do any of you know what triggered his panic over starting a family?"

Rarity didn't look at her fiancee, knowing that Applejack would eventually crack and admit to being the one to push Tom to his limit. As she predicted, Applejack sighed and turned to her cousin.

"I asked Tom if you were expecting foals and when he dodged the question, I kept persisting until he left. I'm a bucking idiot, I know." Applejack scolded herself. "Y'all should let me clean the place myself. It's the least I can do for prodding into some other pony's business."

"I'll stay with you darling." Rarity pressed her muzzle against Applejack's neck. "Pinkie, you should relax. And I'm sure your family misses you a lot Fluttershy."

Even though Fluttershy knew that Marco would certainly be understanding of her spending the night to clean up in the morning, she knew that Rarity was right. Marco and their son had visited her at Sugarcube Corner last night before going back to the cottage, but she decided not to tell Marco about Jackie attacking her before changing her ways, hopefully for good.

Fluttershy hugged Pinkie and whispered comforting words into the pink pony's ear before she went back into Sugarcube Corner to see to her husband. Fluttershy walked out of the bakery and only took a few steps when she saw a familiar green and blonde griffin fall from the sky. Not fly, but fall.

Fluttershy was alarmed and she flew to catch Jackie on time before gently placing her on the ground.

"Thanks, I still don't know how to use these damn wings." Jackie huffed. "You know Rainbow Dash right?"

"Of course, she's one of my closest friends! Why do you ask?" Fluttershy asked innocently.

"I think after we left the party, things escalated after we got drunk. Although I don't remember it very well." Jackie frowned. "It was so weird to realize all of this as I woke up, especially since I was so sure that I'm straight. And Rainbow Dash acted all weird and thanked me before telling me that we should forget what happened."

Fluttershy scowled, this human was learning to adjust to this new world just like her husband did a long time ago. And even though she was new to this world and now she was questioning her sexuality, Rainbow Dash didn't seem to care enough to be there for her. She dragged Jackie into this mess.

Fluttershy saw Rainbow Dash flying towards Cloudsdale and took off after her.

"Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy shouted.

"I'm going to be really late for practice! I'll talk to you when I get back!" Rainbow Dash protested. Like hell she will!

Fluttershy sped up in her chase until she latched onto Dash's tail with her teeth, causing her to look back at the yellow pegasus in annoyance.

"Okay, okay! Geez!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, stopping her leave. "What is it?"

"Did you hook up with Jackie and told her to leave in the morning?!" Fluttershy demanded.

"I...uh...yeah." Rainbow Dash admitted. "But I was drunk out of my mind last night! And so was she! It just seemed like a better idea to forget about all of it."

"Well she thought she was straight until she hooked up with you." Fluttershy retorted, much to Rainbow Dash's shock. "And she's only been a griffin for a day because she came from Earth. Now she's going to think that everypony is going to use her! She came here to learn on how to be a better person and you're not being a good example!"

"Are you done?" Rainbow Dash snapped. She knew that Fluttershy was doing the right thing by standing up for Jackie, but that also painted her as the wrong pony in this situation. But then again, she tossed Jackie aside just like Daring Do tossed her aside.

"Oh no..." Rainbow Dash flew past Fluttershy, completely forgetting about her practice with the Wonderbolts. She flew towards Sugarcube Corner where Jackie sat near the door.

"Jackie, I'm so sorry for being rude this morning-"

"Don't worry about it." Jackie said casually. "My sexuality problems aren't your concern, and you were just rebounding. I think I just need some time alone."

Good job Rainbow Dash, you really bucked it up this time! What are you even supposed to say to that?

"Okay, if that's what you want." Rainbow Dash said reluctantly. It sounded like Jackie was anything but happy, but persisting probably would've made it worse.

"Here we are, Canterlot-" Twilight galloped past Princess Luna, leaving behind her luggage and heading towards the castle. Princess Luna envied Twilight's happiness, certain that she was seeing someone. Luna hadn't dated anypony ever since she was banished to the moon.

In fact, she had been seeing somepony before Celestia so carelessly tossed her to the moon. And now that pony was dead.

"Princess Luna, is something wrong?" Star approached her, and she put up a fake smile that's she mastered for many years.

"Of course not, I'm just tired after resting in the train is all. After all, the train ride took more than a day." Luna lied. "We can start your lessons tomorrow. After all, Celestia will probably hold a special dinner for our arrival."

Star nodded and tried not to worry about her new teacher as the three mares made their way to the Canterlot castle. The short amount of time that was left in the afternoon would be perfect time to put Janna's mind at ease with some of her seductive moves.

"We have plenty of vacant rooms in the castle, including a few with horse-sized beds if you two would like." Princess Luna explained. "Be down by 6, me and my dear sister have some catching up to do."

Princess Luna opened up her wings and took off towards the castle and Star and Janna sighed at their lack of wings.

"I think unicorns can teleport, but I've been in this body for less than a day." Janna groaned. "Look's like we have to walk all the way there."

It felt like it took them eons to reach the castle door, but eventually they did. The guards didn't even bother to ask the exhausted mares for identification in fear that they'd chew their ears off in irritation. Star and Janna climbed up the stairs to search for a suitable room in the hallway of doors. Suddenly, the biggest door opened and Twilight ran out of the room.

"You two might wanna find a different hallway to search for your room, the royal sisters are talking private m-matters." Twilight looked really nervous, her hoof making a circle in the rug below her.

"Okay!" Star agreed. Twilight looked relived as she walked past them, but Star turned and whispered in Janna's ears. "We'll find a different room, but not before we listen in on a little of their conversation."

"Isn't Luna teaching you to be good? So maybe we shouldn't spy on them-" Janna stopped talking when Star walked towards the big door and leaned her ear against it.

"That's what this is about, isn't it?" Star heard Princess Celestia say. "You still miss her, and because of that, you're not okay with me finding love."

"I told you, I have no problem with you dating Twilight!" Luna shouted. "I'm just really tired, I promise!"

"You should go and relax in your room. I'll have one of the chefs bring you your dinner." Celestia sighed.

"I will do no such thing! I will be waiting at the dinner table, and I expect you and Twilight to be there." Luna growled. "This conversation is over."

Star made a run for it as soon as she heard Luna's angry hoofsteps approaching the door. She didn't even bother to check if Janna was following her until she found a door in a different hallway.

"Well, that was a total waste of time." Janna huffed. "Does this room have a horse-sized bed? I wanted to, well, y'know."

Star felt her heart racing as her hooves fumbled to open the door. As soon as the door opened, Janna nudged them into the room and pressed her lips against Star's.

Star's eyes opened while she was still kissing Janna, staring at the several potions on the shelf in the corner of the room. She pulled away and trotted over to the shelf of potions, giddily holding the blue one in her arms.

"A potion that changes a female's genitals to a male's." Star read the label. "Whaddya say Jannie? Wanna take this thing for a spin?"

"Um, maybe not yet." Janna laughed nervously. "Before we do this, I need to know that you're over Marco."

"Babe, I promise that I am." Star lied. "How can I prove it to you?"

"I like Marco as a friend, I really do. But, I want you to promise that you'll cut him out of your life. Not necessarily forever, but at least until I'm secure in our relationship." Janna explained.

"Janna, I really like you, but I'm not going to go to the ends of the Earth to prove that." Star scowled. "You're easily replaceable, I can find some other mare or stallion to rut."

Janna was looking at Star in shock and sadness when she grabbed the blue potion with her mouth and skipped out of the room.

"Oh, and by the way? I told Marco that I loved him hours before I kissed you." Star broke into a gallop out of the room, not knowing if Janna was going to lay on the carpet and sob or beat her senseless like an angry bull. It seemed like she was going to do the former, since she couldn't hear Janna chasing her. Well, she had two hours to find some random pony to screw around with anyway.

Princess Luna was sitting at the dinner table reading her book when Princesses Celestia and Twilight awkwardly walked into the room and took their seats across from Luna. Fortunately, they only had to deal with a few moments of silence before Star proudly entered the room with one of the castle's maids shyly following her.

"Here's the room key if you wanna spend the night Molly." Star winked.

"It's, um, H-Holly." The shy maid blushed before she started dusting the furniture nearby. Star turned to the Princesses.

"And before you ask, no, I did not cheat on Janna." Star declared. "We broke up and-"

"She already told me that you dumped her for still being in love with Marco, and I can already see the extent of how much you care." Luna narrowed her eyes at the maid. "Not a great start Star."

"But our lessons haven't even started yet! I'm allowed one more day to be selfish aren't I?" Star whined. "I can't help that Polly was a good lay."

"Um, it's Holly."

"...fine, I can forgive you. After all, some of us still struggle on doing the right thing." Luna sighed, looking down at the table. "However, one of your lessons will be going back to Earth to apologize to Janna. She used one of the Dimensional Scissors in the castle to leave."

"...oh." Star knew that Janna would leave, but not as quickly as she did. She noticed that Celestia and Twilight kept their wings and hooves to themselves in front of Luna, so she changed the subject. "So, what's for dinner?"

"It's Caesar salad-"

"You don't have to make the chefs make my favorite dish just because you feel sorry for me." Luna spat. "I already know that they were going to make cranberry salad."

"Sister, it's no trouble really-"

"You don't need to feel sorry for me!" Luna snarled, slamming her hoof on the table before regaining her composure. "I'm very happy for you and Twilight. I really am."

"Okay, I'll go tell the chefs to make cranberry salad t-then." Celestia got up and trotted away from the tense scene. Star thought about the mysterious mare that Luna missed, and the fact that she wasn't okay with her sister's discovered relationship.

She began putting the pieces together in her mind during dinner. She considered confronting Luna about it, but when she saw the green pegasus maid Lolly entering her room, Star decided to worry about it tomorrow.