• Published 16th Jul 2017
  • 1,546 Views, 13 Comments

My Little Star Butterfly - Omegathyst

Crossover with Star vs. The Forces of Evil. Star and Marco go to Equestria to escape from Ludo and are pulled into the crazy adventure, drama, and unexpected romance that Equestria offers.

  • ...

Equestria's Initiation

Star woke up Twilight's mind, surprised at her human form within her mind. But it was her true self. If Twilight found out, so be it. She could do nothing about it.

She realized she should find where in the brain Twilight was chained up in. Even though sharing the memory files of Twilight's with her mind was priority number one.

She looked at the purple sky, with pink waves, and knew when she would head farther she would start to see memory files.

She did quickly, seeing animated pictures of events in Twilight's mind-sky.

"Importance Memory Spell!" Star shouted, waving her wand with ease in the alicorn's mind.

The most important memory files shined brightest before Star.

Star walked over to one of a young Twilight Sparkle near an egg hatching while Celestia watched proudly.

"Share Memory file spell!" Star waved the wand eagerly and a copy of the memory file registered in her own brain.


Star jolted but remembered calmly that nothing can harm her here. It must've been Twilight, it had to be.

She looked and saw only pony-lengths away Twilight was panting heavily as the chains held down her wings and hooves.

"Like them?" Star teased. "They're magic-proof."

Twilight's eyes widened and she collapsed.


"Human?" Star asked. "I thought you ponies never heard of those back here in Equestria."

"I've met your kind before." Twilight hissed.

"Don't matter, I'm here to share these memories into my brain." Star explained. "After all, I'm controlling you now."

"Don't do this." Twilight whispered. "You'll rupture the-"

"Friendship? Order? Peace?" Star taunted. "I came here to take my place till I've deemed you useless. I expect you to keep quiet while I do my work, but I might need some...enforcement to keep you quiet."

Star waved her wand with a spell and Twilight's mouth was gagged.

She ignored the sounds of the struggling and looked to bright memories, such as the Mane 6 turning a weird creature Star had never seen before to stone. And the trial where Twilight was made Princess.

Star used the spell to share all the bright memories to her brain, and even a few semi-bright ones just in case.

She walked to the center of the brain and lifted her wand again.

"Invisible Spell!" Star shouted, the wand shot a translucent beam that spread itself throughout the whole brain.

"Good, now no Princess shall find her here." Star whispered confidently.

She looked to her hostage and waved the wand with an exiting spell. Now all she had to do was use Twilight to smooth-talk Celestia into training her and becoming a Princess in Equestria. It would be way too easy with all the information she had.

"-and that is why I think Star Butterfly should be your student."

Star tried her hardest not to look smug as she finished the speech Twilight was giving to Princess Celestia.

"You seem to have such a confidence in this Earth Pony, whom strangely I've never met." Star flinched under Celestia's eyes. "You really think she has the potential?"

"I know so." Twilight replied.

"Well...I'll need to talk with my sister." Celestia answered. "Wait here a moment."

Celestia opened the doors to further in the castle and closed them.

Star heard hooves from behind her and she saw Marco slowly approaching them.

"Well, how did it go?" Marco asked, narrowing his eyes.

"I'm not sure." Star whispered.

"Nothing good can come from this y'know." Marco warned her.

"Darling, there you are!"

Rarity trotted over to Twilight with Fluttershy following slowly.

"You didn't tell us you wanted to make Star Princess!" Rarity gasped. "Dear, we wouldn't stop you, but we're your friends!"

Star froze, remembering the whole point of Twilight being a Princess.

"I forgot?" Twilight replied.

"Well, it's a big deal to forget." Fluttershy pointed out.

Star was relieved when Celestia and Luna opened the doors before she could make Twilight answer.

"We've decided to take you in as a student, learning from all four Princesses." Princess Celestia announced. "But staying in Twilight's castle learning from her the most, she'll report back to us through Spike's letters."

Star felt triumph, the only possible obstacle was getting by her dragon runt, who was nothing compared to the dragons she ran from in Mewni.

"Thank you very much." Star said. "I am very honored to learn from you all."

"It'll be an honor to help teach our student." Twilight added.

"I suppose word will spread about our new student fast throughout Equestria." Luna explained, Star froze when she saw a suspicious look in the sister's eyes.

She can't see right through me can she?

"And truth be told, we've never trained an Earth pony before." Luna added. "Almost all of our students have been unicorns, at least then they can reenact the spells. But you'll have to try harder since you have no horn or wings."

Gee, I thought all ponies were equal here.

"Who is the stallion there?" Celestia asked, looking over Star.

"He is my friend." Star explained. "His name is Marco."

"Our cutie marks are flashing!" Fluttershy replied.

Star smirked, the map had to have wanted this, or it wouldn't allow them to go home.

This is my destiny.

The train ride was splendid as Star had Twilight nap so she can harvest memories of Equestria-exclusive spells Twilight had done.

Marco had begun to tolerate the trip, at least he had Fluttershy as company. She seemed to be the only understanding one here as Star did nothing but work on her plan to make sure it was fail-proof.

Rarity reorganized her accessories she packed, almost oblivious to the tension simmering through the train.

As they got off the train, the other half of the Mane 6 and some other ponies were waiting excitedly.

"I heard you have a new student!" Apple Bloom cheered beside her big sister.

Star looked down at the young filly and noticed right away that she and two other fillies were close at the hip.

According to the memory: the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I'll have to keep that in mind.

"Sweetie Belle was great while you're gone!" Pinkie Pie rejoiced. "Y'know what this potential new Princess calls for?"

"A party?" Twilight asked.

"YES!" Pinkie squealed. "You know me so well Twilight!"

Or I just know how to control your closest friend.

Ponies all around celebrated, and it gave Star a perfect opportunity to get to know the residents she didn't care to look at in Twilight's memories.

They were overwhelmingly nice and kind, and Star felt a twinge of guilt that she choked down.

They are only obstacles to your future.

Star and Twilight entered the castle and Star turned around and shot a rope-generating spell that wrapped ropes around the door handles, locking the door.

"Okay Twilight, this small room in your castle, probably your room, is your cell." Star explained. "Although, heh, let's face it. You're already stuck in your own mind, so it's like a double cell!"

Star cackled and Twilight did nothing, a look of fury flashed briefly in her eyes.

Scratch scratch

Star whirled around and her nostrils flared.


That dragon runt!

"Yes?" Twilight asked.

"Everyone's wondering why you both left so early!"

"Um, gotta give Star a start on those lessons!" Twilight lied. "I mean, reread the books!"

"You and your books, okay."

Star sighed with relief as she used a spell and teleported to the other side.

She walked through the library and climbed the ladder which was reeking of dragon. Thanks to Twilight's vivid memory of the organized placing of all books, she picked out the most important ones and created a bag to put them in.

Nice, now I can teach myself when I need too.

Star left the castle, and continued chatting eagerly to the other citizens.

Marco sat in a corner sulking, he frustratingly kicked a rock and glared.

Jackie isn't here, my parents aren't here, Star is out of control over here. I have to find those Dimensional Scissors.

Marco got up and bitterly walked away from the party.


Marco's ears raised at the sound of Fluttershy's angelic voice.

"Are you leaving?" Fluttershy asked, walking towards him.

"I want back."

"I know, but...you can stay at my cottage, maybe it'll feel like home there." Fluttershy suggested.

"Okay." Marco sighed. "Thank you."

Fluttershy smiled and Marco felt his wings twitch.

Until Rainbow Dash tackled him into the dirt.

"And I can teach you how to use those clumsy wings of yours!" Dash teased, giving him a noogie.

"You're going to break those if you stay on top of his wings!"

Marco looked up and saw a orange mare in a blue outfit with goggles, two other pegasi following.

"Sorry Spitfire!" Rainbow Dash gasped, leaping off Marco.

"I heard the new student wasn't a unicorn!" Soarin pointed out. "So where's the lucky pegasus?"

"You pegasi have your heads in the clouds." Applejack huffed. "The new student is an earth pony."

Marco stood up and introduced himself to the pegasi who called themselves the Wonderbolts. He grinned as he realized he had made a few friends after all in this strange land.