• Published 16th Jul 2017
  • 1,547 Views, 13 Comments

My Little Star Butterfly - Omegathyst

Crossover with Star vs. The Forces of Evil. Star and Marco go to Equestria to escape from Ludo and are pulled into the crazy adventure, drama, and unexpected romance that Equestria offers.

  • ...

You're a Beautiful Demoness

"Wha?! Pinkie what're you doing?!"

"I'm going with you!" Pinkie repeated as Tom started turning back into a demon.

"Do you even know where we're going?!" Tom growled.


"Then why'd you even follow me?" Tom snapped.

Pinkie couldn't answer as the magical power of the portal was changing her form from a pony to that of a demoness.

Her final form looked almost exactly like Pinkie Pie From Equestria Girls except she had one small baby blue demon horn on each side of her head shaped like the horns of a bighorn sheep.

Her eyes still remained blue but when Tom looked at her, he could see a glint of blood red in them. He was back in his original demon form.

And all he could think was:

Since when did Pinkie become hot?!

"Holy spit you look gorgeous." Tom stammered.

"Wha?! You mean that?!" Pinkie gasped.

Tom's three eyes widened when he realized he had said that out loud.

"Um, I meant...myself." Tom lied. "I just didn't have a mirror."

"Oh...well I'm a demoness now!" Pinkie realized. "Where are we going?"

"My home is the Underworld where all demons live." Tom answered. "Pinkie, you sure about coming along? What about your friends?"

"They..." I'm the Element of Laughter, and I'm not in Equestria with the other elements! How would it be without me? Oh I hope they don't hate me!

"My friends are strong, each and every one of them." Pinkie told Tom. "I'm not too important, they'll be fine without me."

Not important?! She throws parties for all of Ponyville, she has to be very important!

"Pinkie, I think you're very important." Tom whispered looking into Pinkie's eyes before the portal tossed the two of them into the Underworld.


Star glared at the three ponies that were standing over Twilight who had fallen over. She wasn't concerned about what was happening with her teacher, if she was dead maybe she could go home.

But she did feel concern when Vanita busted down the door and ran so swiftly through the castle hallway that the scared ponies didn't even have a chance to reach the cage.

"Star! Why are you in this cage?!" Vanita exclaimed. "What the hell are you ponies doing to my marefriend?!"

"You left Manehattan because you were leaving your mother!" Rarity snapped. "You two are going to have to break up so you can talk to her!"

"What...what're you going to do to her if I don't?" Vanita whimpered. "I thought you were the Elements of Harmony!"

"We're not going to hurt her, what kinda monsters do ya take us for?!" Applejack retorted. "If you two don't break up, Star is going to be sent to Canterlot to be taught there. You'll never see her again."

Rarity and Spike were tending to Twilight as she was getting up. Star felt everything spinning as she felt lightheaded. She looked into Vanita's blood red eyes and knew it was the end.

"Goodbye Star Butterfly." Vanita sighed. "They're the Elements of Harmony, I can't negotiate with them."

Star looked away till she heard the door shut indicating that her ex-marefriend left with Rarity to Manehattan. Then she shook the cage bars and screamed at Twilight.


"You'll be staying in that cage for the night to ensure that you don't give chase." Twilight sighed, levitating an ice packet to her head. "Applejack, Rainbow Dash. Go put her in the soundproof room."

Unfortunately for Star it was as soundproof as Twilight Sparkle said. She screamed and banged her hooves against the cage bars till her pipes were worn thin and her hooves were tender to the touch.

One full day later Twilight opened the room and levitated Star's cage to the outside of the castle and let her go. It was already evening and still tired and hurt, Star decided she'd go to one of the bars in Ponyville.

Star walked in the nearest bar to clear her head and saw Octavia cleaning glasses and she realized that she had no idea what kind of alcoholic drinks they served in Equestria.

Well I'm sure they're all for the same reason, and bonus! They don't have age restrictions on anything!

"Hey Octavia." Star grumbled. "I...this is my first time in one of Ponyville's bars. What would you suggest me?"

"By the looks of how you're feeling I'd give you the Pinkie Pie Special with extra vodka." Octavia admitted. "That'd be 15 bits though, you got that on you?"

"Yeah, here." Star sighed, pulling out 15 bits out of a bag she had. "Thank you."

Star wondered why Octavia wasn't worried bringing up Pinkie's name when she realized Ponyville didn't know of her absence yet. Star hadn't realized that till she was calming down in Twilight's soundproof room.

Octavia brought a huge cup with ice cream and various toppings and liquid at the bottom. Octavia explained that everything in the drink contained alcohol, even the ice cream.

Star was pleased and took intervals between sipping through the straw and chugging ice cream with her spoon. By the time Star was done she felt like she was dancing on clouds and seeing stars. Her vision was slightly blurry when she saw a tall creature heading her way.

She knew halfway through her drink she'd probably be waking up in somepony's bed. But she didn't think she'd see him again, and even in her drunk state she knew she'd be going home with him.


She shakily got off her stool and walked up to him and got up on her two back hooves and used her other two to clumsily pull Discord into a rough kiss that Discord returned putting his paw around Star's neck.

Discord held Star in his arms and snapped his fingers, teleporting the two of them to his house.