• Published 22nd Jun 2017
  • 1,244 Views, 29 Comments

Healing Wings - QuirkyGallade

When an hateful dragon looses his ability to fly and meets a Pegasus who just wants to help, what will happen? Will she heal his wing as well as his heart?

  • ...

of Hearts and Wings


"Stop it" A child's voice says.


"Please" It begs.


"Leave me alone!" The child sobs.



It was around 2 in the afternoon as Garble, beating his wings in a steady rhythm, made his way north just past the Pony settlement of Dodge City. Normally the red scaled, highland dragon teen would think about swooping down, scaring the manure out of some of the residents. Though today he had other things on his mind

"It should've been mine, It was supposed to go to me." He grumbled darkly as he flew onward.

"Why? Am I not good enough? I'm three times the dragon he is, yet still it was him that got it... Durgraan's Moldly Fart, I hope that bastard chokes to death." His mood only got worse as he flew further north. Garble was so focused on his thoughts and brooding he didn't notice a big problem heading his way.

A rogue storm, a massive one, made its way out of the Everfree forest's boundaries, heading directly into Garble's path. He didn't notice it until it was to late. He felt the barometric pressure skyrocket, and shivered as the cold air washed over him. He looked ahead and paled, an intimidating wall of black, billowing clouds greeted his eyes. Bright bolts of lightning flashes through the sky, and a loud thunder clap assaulted his ear fins.

"Shit, I can't out fly this!" He had just enough time to turn and start a dive to the ground when the storm struck... and it struck hard. The hurricane force winds tossed him around like a rag doll. rain and small hail stones pelted his scales making him hiss in discomfort.

I need to reach the ground! If I can get to ground I can find a place to weather this till it passes. Forcing his wings to flap harder, he did his best to make his way down. Mother nature in her primal form is unforgiving, and she decided this lone dragon, flying through her sky needed to know that. A large bolt of lighting, humming and sparking with power, streaked across the sky, and pierced Garble's right wing joint and wing.

With the sickening sizzle of cauterized flesh, Grable screamed in pure agony as his only means of a safe landing was robbed from him. All he could do was hope and pray to the Lord of the Skies that he would survive. As the earth rushed to meet him, he closed his eyes, not wanting to see death coming for him. He smashed into the ground, ultimate pain sheared through him as everything faded to black.

(Half an hour earlier)

Fluttershy wasn't one to go traveling. She still even had trouble going between her cottage and Ponyville sometimes, even though she had gotten better with it in the past few years, thanks to her friends. Yet here she was, driving a small cart she had borrowed from her friend Applejack, away from the safety of her home. She had gotten an urgent letter from a friend of her's in Appleloosa. Her friend's pet Komodo was very sick. She had taken it to multiple vets and doctors and they couldn't figure out what was wrong with it. So she turned to Fluttershy to see what she could do.

Fluttershy was scared about all that could happen to her while she traveled, but the thought of an animal in need and a friends desperate request, gave her courage to do so. She would've taken the train, but a recent accident had caused it to derail. Thankfully no pony was hurt, but it would be at least a month and a half before it was up and running again.

So Flutterhy took the only choice left to her. She had gotten the cart and asked a pair of nice deer to pull it for her. She had left Ponyville roughly two weeks ago, and she still had a months worth of traveling to do. She glanced at the map she had in her hooves, trying to figure out how far she was from the half way point of Dodgecity.

"I really don't know how much farther it is." She turned to the other occupant of the cart's bench.

"I'm sorry Angel, but I'm just not sure." she said to the very cranky, white rabbit sitting next to her.

"How about this, when the next birdy flies by I'll ask and see if they know okay?" The little rodent huffed in annoyance but nodded his head in understanding. Fluttershy smiled happily at him and his annoyance melted instantly. A sound of tweeting entered into Fluttershy's range of hearing and she turned to see a male and female pair of robins flying in her direction.

"Oh excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. Robin, may I ask you a question... if you don't mind that is" She called meekly. The robins flew over and landed on the backrest of the cart seat. The male chirped in waiting, ready to hear Fluttershy's question.

"Oh, thank you for stopping. I was wonder if you could tell me how much farther it is to Dodge City from here... if that's okay." The robin's thought for a few moments, then the female chirped a reply and the male nodded in confirmation.

"Oh thank you both very much. That is most helpful." She smiled at the pair and they shuffled their feet in happy embarrassment. The male took notice of something, and a look of shock and fear flashed over his face. He chirped in panic and pointed his wing off to Fluttershy's right. She turned and her face went white, even under her yellow fur. A massive storm was heading her way, fast. she turned to the robins,

"OH MY! Is there any place you know of where we could find shelter nearby?" She asked the robins earnestly. The robin's chirped in confirmation and they pointed to a small hill a few miles down the road.

"There's an empty cave there, that will do just fine, Thank you ever so much for your help, you should be getting back to your nest, so you stay warm and safe too." She smiled and waved as the pair left for shelter before turning to the deer pulling the cart.

"Blitzen, Comet, I don't want to bother you but, there's a bad storm coming." She told the two calmly.

"We need to hurry to a cave that's a few miles a head of us or the storm will reach us first." They listened to her completely.

"I was wondering, could you speed up a teensy, little bit?... if that's okay with you that is." She said, hiding slightly behind her pink mane. The two deer looked at each other and nodded. Both gave a snort of warning, letting Fluttershy and Angel know to hold on. The two deer shot off like bats out of Tartarus, zooming toward their goal. Fluttershy couldn't even scream in fright cause her throat was so locked up.

The deer slowed down gradually, so not to launch Fluttershy and Angel into the air. The storm was minutes away and Fluttershy, after collecting her nerves, jumped off the cart and looked for the cave opening. She was relieved to find it and the cave inside was big enough to fit the entire cart.

"This way, Comet, Blitzen! The cave is big enough for all of us to fit comfortably." She called to them and they came trotting into the cave and not a moment to soon. The wind and rain hit the outside world hard, pelting the ground with rain and hail. What tree's Fluttershy could see waved violently, bending and twisting in all directions. Lightning flashed, brightening the world to near blinding for a second, followed by pounding thunder. Fluttershy huddled under the cart in terror, clinging to Angel Bunny like her life depended on it.

It's like that storm all over again. She thought in terror. She stayed huddled there for some time, before something caught her full attention. She heard somepony scream in pain, and her protective instincts flared to full force. She didn't even realize what she was doing at first, she just ran out into the storm looking for the pony who needed help.

It wasn't until she had run a good distance that she realized what she had done. The wind whipped her mane in all direction, heavy rain soaked through her fur and chilled her skin. She shivered in fear and cold. Standing there in fear and indecision, wanting to run back to the safety of the cave but not wanting to leave anypony outside in this. She saw something red crash to the ground hard about twenty feet in front of her, leaving a small crater.

More frightened now then before, she was about to turn and run when lightning flashed giving illumination to her surroundings and she gasped. The thing she saw fall wasn't a thing at all, it was somepony. She pushed her fear down and galloped toward what she assumed, was the fallen Pegasus. When she reached the pony she was shocked yet again. There in the crater lay not a Pegasus, but a dragon.

She was deathly afraid of big dragons, and started to back away slowly, when she noticed it's wing and winced. It's right wing joint and some of the leathery membrane of it's wing, was devoid of all flesh, the bone was charred and the exposed muscle and tendons were burnt, hence the lack of blood. It gave off a low groan of pain, that drove it's way past Fluttershy's fear and straight into her heart. She saw somepony in pain and she couldn't just leave them here no matter what, even if they were a dragon. She cautiously made her way toward the dragon, treating the situation like she would a hurt animal.

It might lash out in pain, with those big, sharp, ripping... no no! I can't think about that right now, it needs help and I'm the only pony around. She steeled herself and she was able to get herself under one of it's front limbs. She wrapped a wing around it's back and began the struggle of pulling a heavy dragon through a raging storm. The lightning crashed around her as she struggled onward.

It's heavier then it looks She thought as she continued to slowly move forward. Fate seemed to reward Fluttershy's kind deed, and out of the gloom of the storm ran Comet and Blitzen. A soaking wet and worried looking angel bunny sat on Comet's head. He looked between Fluttershy and her cargo and gave her a "Are you sure about this" look, to which she nodded firmly. Angel looked slightly worried but started squeaking directions to Blitzen and Comet who went into action. Carefully draping the dragon across Comet's back and nearly forcing Fluttershy get onto Blitzen's, the two bucks and the three passengers quickly made their way back to the safety and comfort of the cave.

Once they were inside, Fluttershy, oblivious to how wet and cold she was, ran to the cart and started pulling out medical supplies she had packed for the trip.

"Angel bunny, I need you to take some of the wood we have in the cart and get a fire started, we need to warm this place up." she said confidently,

"From what spike has told me, dragon can stand heat, but don't fare well in the cold." She stared rummaging around one of her bags for some burn ointment and some bandages.

"I didn't bring my burn kit because I was planing on treating an illness, not an injury." she muttered to herself.

Note to self, remember to pack kits for every situation from now on She told herself as she went to work, cleaning the dragons wing wound, applying burn salve and wrapping it up as best she could.

It's different from a Pegasus pony's wing. We have more surface area and agility with our feathers, but less stability because of it, not to mention they can be a pain in the flank to preen. She mused to herself as she wrapped it's wing. She turned and notice Angel, Comet and Blitzen had got a good sized fire going nearby. Fluttershy made her way back to the cart, taking out a small pot, a flask of water and bags of herbs and plants she had gotten from Zecora before she left.

Pouring the water in the pot she crushed certain herbs between her hooves, dropping them into the water. Then setting the pot in the flames to boil, which didn't take long, she strained and poured the steaming liquid into a small bowl. Blowing on it multiple times, like a mother cooling down a foal's food, she carefully propped the dragon's head up and slowly poured the liquid into it's mouth, making sure to let it swallow before she continued. The dragon whimpered in it's sleep, causing Fluttershy's fears to disappear and be replaced by compassion.

"It's going to be okay." She cooed,

"It's just a pain killer and antibiotic, it'll help to keep your wing from getting infected and to dull the pain." She spoke out loud, even though she didn't think it could hear her. Fluttershy took the time she had while giving it medicine, to look at the features of it's face. She realized quickly that the dragon was a male, she'd studied enough reptiles and seen Spike so many time not to see the signs.

A strong, thick snout and jaw jutted out from his face. A long orange fin went from the top of his head, just behind the eyes to the base of his neck. Down his back were spines, the same color as his fin, similar to Spikes spines only more jagged. A long, thick tail ending in a spear like tip rested limply on the floor. The scales on his back and limbs a beautiful, deep ruby red, contrasting the pale orange color of his belly scales.

(similar to this only bipedal form)

Fluttershy couldn't help but admire how he looked, for a dragon that is. Strong, proud, powerful and quite intimidating. She finished giving him the potion, gently setting his head on the stone floor she got up to put her things away only to feel something grab her right hind leg. She looked back startled, to find the dragon, holding onto her leg and whimpering slightly.

This was something she'd never expect from a dragon. Her kind heart couldn't let him stay like that.

"Angel, I hope you don't mind but I seem to be a bit... caught up here." she giggled slightly, and Angel looked at the dragon in complete confusion.

"Would you please put the medicine, pot and things away... if you don't mind that is." She asked. Angel just sighed and gave her a "you owe me an extra carrot look" and hopped around the cave picking everything up.

"Thank you very much Angel." She scooted herself around and behind the dragons head. laying on her side, she placed his head on her barrel. A look of content passed over the dragon face, making Fluttershy giggle slightly.

"Your just a big softy aren't you." she said, She got herself comfortable, finally allowing herself to relax. The tension fell away and she felt how bone deep tired she was. Giving a deep yawn, she snuggled a bit closer to the dragon, the warmth of his scales keeping the cold from reaching her.

"Goodnight." She said softly, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Garble groaned as he made his way back to the land of the conscious. Blinking rapidly to clear his eyes, he noticed he wasn't outside.

Where am I? Last thing I remember was hitting the ground after... A shiver of fear ran down his spine. Looking to his right, his heart skipped a beat.

My wing Neatly wrapped in bandages was his right wing. He tried to move it and grunted as pain shot through him.

"Bloody claws of Ignitus that hurts!" He hissed out.

"Oh, your awake." A quiet voice said near him. He turned his head and what he saw surprised him. Near a fire pit, that he now noticed and more importantly could smell, sat a yellow Pegasus pony mare with a long pink mane and tail, cooking fish.

"Try not to move to much, your wing is pretty badly injured." she spoke with a soft voice.

"I'll make you another batch of pain killer after you eat breakfast... if that's okay with you." She said, barely making eye contact with the one eye he could see. Garble was completely confused.

"Why in the name of Tartarus, is a namby-pamby prissy pony making me breakfast?" He asked glaring at her. The Pegasus "eeped" and started to shake slightly.

"I-I found you outside y-yest-terday in the s-storm." She stammered.

"I brought y-you here a-a-and cleaned and b-bandaged your wing." Garble just grunted in annoyance.

"Who even said I needed your help? A stupid Pony like you, help me? Ha, ridiculous." Garble said and started to get up, grunting in pain. The Pegasus looked worried.

"You really shouldn't be moving, your wing is badly hurt, not to mention that fall yo..."

"Are you trying to tell me what to do?!" Garble yelled. The mare dove under the cart that was next to the fire. Garble smirked at the cowering mare.

"That's what I thought." He walked toward the entrance, limping slightly when he felt something hit his tail. He turned and saw a small white rabbit, glaring and squeaking at him. Garble had the strangest feeling that this puny rodent was telling him off. with a flick of his tail, he sent the the pest into the wall. The rabbit cried out in pain as one of it's forelegs snapped on impact. Garble laughed,

"That'll teach you to me..." He didn't get to finish his sentence.

"HOW DARE YOU!" His head snapped toward the voice of the Pegasus mare. All cockiness and will to resist that he had, packed their bags and fled the lair cause the manure just hit the roof. The look in this mares eye's scared him to death. He stumbled back, landed on his rear then crawled backwards ignoring the pain, just trying to get away. He felt like his life depended on his escape, but the mare wasn't having any of it. She followed him, hovering off the floor to keep at eye level with him.

"HOW DARE YOU! ATTACKING A DEFENSELESS CREATURE SMALLER THEN YOU! WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO PICK ON CREATURES SMALLER THEN YOU! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOUR SELF! NOW YOU ARE GOING TO SIT THERE AND DO NOT MOVE! DO I MAKE MY SELF CLEAR MISTER!!" Garble was to afraid to even answer. This mare was terrifying, he wanted to flee but was stuck to the spot like he was stuck in a tar pit. The mares glare became even more intense.

"I said... DO. I. MAKE. MY. SELF. CLEAR!" Enunciating every word to get her point across. Garble's body acted on it's own, since his brain had shut down out of terror, and his head nodded shakily. The terror inducing eyes disappeared the moment he nodded, but the stern face remained.

"Good. Now I'm going to tend to Angel, you wait here till I'm done and I'll bring you your food and medicine." She landed and trotted off to tend to her tasks. Garble was beside himself. Here he was, a tough, proud, stubborn dragon able to stand up to even the most terrifying creatures on Equis without flinching, but he had just be intimidated into submission by a female. A PONY no less. A thought crossed his mind that surprised him.

Why can't I find any female drakes like her? Contrary to what most believe, male dragons, while they are stubborn and willful, are not the most dominate in the dragon clans. Dragon males actively seek out forceful, strong willed females to be their mates. Fewer things were more terrifying then an angry dragoness... except this Pegasus mare.

Of course I couldn't find a dragoness like that, oh no, I should've known it would be a pony. He grumbled to himself. He watched her go about her tasks. Setting the bone in the rabbit's fore leg and making a splint. He felt a little guilty about. Most any one wouldn't know this about Garble but he really doesn't like hurting anyone... at least not so much that they can't take it. Causing extreme physical harm on some one never sat well with him, brought up to many bad memories.

"Here's your fish, be good and eat it all up." The mare said, breaking Garble's train of thought. He took the plate of fish and did something that was uncommon for him, let alone dragons in general.

"Thank you." he said, before tearing into the fish with gusto. He wouldn't admit it, but the smell of the fish had made him incredibly hungry. The mare giggled.

"Well some one's got a good appetite." She smiled at him. Something about her smile made him feel a bit odd, like all the problems he had were poofing out of existence one by one. But dragons are stubborn and Garble was no exception. He just grunted and continued to eat. She just kept smiling, then asked,

"My name's Fluttershy by the way and, if you don't mind my asking, what's your name... if you don't mind telling me that is." Garble cocked his head sideways in confusion.

She asks a direct question then backs off like it might bite her... Are all Pony mares this flip floppy and confusing? Garble banished these thoughts and answered.

"The names Garble, and don't you forget it." He said trying to be intimidating but tearing meat off the fish without braking eye contact.

"That's an interesting name." She said still smiling.

By Smaug's Rancid Breath! Does nothing I do faze her? Before I hit that damn rabbit she was a quivering, yellow mass of fear, now she's just standing there talking to me while I tear meat off of bones in front of her! What the Buck?! Garble's brain was reeling from the complete 180 turn things had taken. he felt a slight headache starting to form from all the craziness so far. Fluttershy started speaking again.

"If you don't mind my asking, what were you doing out in such a bad storm?" Her question seemed innocent, but the dark look on Grable's face said other wise.

"None of your business" He said quietly turning away. Fluttershy's ears fell to the sides of her head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't meant to bring up anything painful." She apologized. Garble didn't care.

"I don't give a griffon's tail hole if you meant to or not. Just don't ask again." He said his voice taking on a slightly sad tone, but one that still said the subject was closed. Flutteshy knew when to back off, one could say she was an expert at it.

"Um, okay... Anyway I should tell you I'm traveling to Appleoosa since you'll be traveling with me for a time." that got Garble's attention real quick.

"OH BUCK NO! I am not going anywhere with you missy!" He exclaimed, crossing his arms

"I don't like ponies period, what makes you think I'd travel with one willingly?" he said turning his head and looking at her. Flutershy hid behind her mane a little.

"Well Grable, I'm the one treating your wound and I could never let any one in my care leave when they're not healed. I just wouldn't be able to live with myself... Also..." She trailed off ducking behind her mane even more. Garble a actually curious about what she had to say.

"Also, what?" He prompted. Fluttershy shifted her hooves nervously.

"You won't be able to fly."

"What was that?" He asked, straining his ear fins to try and pick up what she was saying.

"You won't be able to fly." Garble lost his patience so he shouted,

"What are you saying!?" That snapped Fluttershy out of her whisper mode. Slamming her eye shut, she yelled.

"You won't be able to fly!" She collapsed to the floor, fore hooves covering her muzzle in fear. Grable wasn't mad, or angry, he was to shocked to be angry. He looked at the cowering Fluttershy and asked,

"How long?" Fluttershy peeked up at him and saw he wasn't angry. She never liked being the barer of bad news, not to her animal friends, and especially not to anyone. She swallowed, took a deep breath, and spoke.

"I not positive but... with a wound like the one you sustained, It's highly probable you won't fly... again." She closed her eyes again and laid there in fear. Waiting for the outburst of anger, rage... but nothing happened. it was deathly quiet. She peeked from behind her mane and was confronted by a sight she'd never seen before. A dragon crying. She'd seen Spike cry but, all other dragons were gruff, grumpy and mean... She wasn't sure till just now if they could cry. But Garble was.

He stared at her, pain and fear completely visible on his face.

"Are you sure?" He asked quietly, so quietly he almost gave Fluttershy a run for her bits.

"Not completely" She said softly, trying to put as much comfort into her voice as she could muster. Garble looked at her with a blank face, then turned his head to look at his bandaged wing. He raised a hand slowly and placed it on the injured limb, almost like he wasn't sure it even existed.

Fluttershy was almost certain he was in shock, until he started ripping off the bandages.

"What are you doing!? Stop! If you do that your wing won't heal properly!" She jumped up and started to wrestle with Garbles arms, trying to keep them away from his wing.

"Get off!" He yell and flung her off him with a quick swipe of his arm. Lucky for her she landed on her hooves. Garbles finished ripping off the bandages and was... just staring at his wing. A gaping hole below his joint, so big he could fit his arm through it, He wasn't even sure what was keeping the joint together. There was no flesh on his bones, none. His hand reached out and touched it... and he felt nothing.

Hot tears spilled down his face like water falls. Small whimpers, ones you would never expect to come from a creature like him, were heard by Fluttershy and her animal friends. Garble fell to his knees, just staring at his wing. A low wail escaped from his throat, building until it was a scream of utter agony and despair.

Fluttershy's heart broke for Grable. She had never, in her entire life, heard a sound so sad, so wretched and sorrowful. Garbles scream stopped, and his sobs echoed throughout the cave. She did the only thing she thought could help. She didn't know if it would work but, she'd be damned if she didn't at least try.

Slowly walking up to Garbles slumped form and sitting next to him, she reached out her hooves and wings and embraced him. To her slight surprise, Garble actually leaned into her embrace, burying his face into the soft fur of her neck and shoulder, his tears making her fur damp. This only made her hold him a little closer.

"Now I really am a freak." Garble said, his voice slightly muffled by her shoulder. Fluttershy was confused.

"What do you mean? Your not a freak, you look like a perfectly normal dragon to me." Garble sniffed a few time slowly pulling away from her embrace.

"That just shows what you know... I'm nothing but a freak. I'm just failure. I failed my family, failed at Volcano Island and now..." He looked at his wing.

"Now I can't even fly like I'm supposed to... I've failed in every aspect that was important." He turned his back toward her. She wasn't sure what he was talking about but she wanted to help however she could. She placed a hoof on his shoulder.

"I don't think you've failed." He shrugged her hoof off and turned to face her. His face showed anger but it was only a mask to hide his pain.

"I don't need your pity! and besides, how would you know if I failed or not? huh? You know nothing of my life or what I've had to go through. Nothing!" He was trying to be aggressive, but Fluttershy saw through it, and saw only some one who was lonely and begging for comfort.

"If you told me about it, then I might be able to help." She offered. Garble scoffed,

"You? Help?" he scoffed,

"How could you possible help?" His voice laced with stinging sarcasm. Fluttershy just rolled with the punches.

"Try me." she said. Garble looked at her, trying to gauge if she was sincere or not. He'd never told anyone about himself before. Never trusted anyone enough to. He always kept to himself because he was the only one who'd look out for him. He couldn't place it but, This strange, flip floppy Pegasus mare, had some how whittled his defenses, ones he'd spent years raising, away in a matter moments, to the point were he was considering talking to her.

Maybe this is what the kid Spike was talking about He thought. That young drake Spike, the one who didn't know how lucky he was, had kept babbling on and on about his pony friends and how they help.

It's worth a shot... and besides, what's a freak like me got to loose now anyway? Garble heaved a huge sigh as he made up his mind.

"Fine." Garble said in defeat. Fluttershy scooched a little closer to make sure she could hear well and give a hug in case he needed it. giving her a sideways glance he started.

"My family is a clan of dragons know as highlanders. We live in the mountains and are some of the best fliers in all the dragon clans." His voice sank when he mentioned flying but shook his head and continued

"I was the first of my clutch to hatch roughly 50 years ago, since dragon age differently, I believe that puts me around 20 in Pony years, I'll use those so not to confuse you. Being First hatched is a special thing for a Highlander. We're more closely knit then most other clans, and have a hierarchy system of leadership." Garble explained

"While all dragons answer to the Dragon Lord, each Dragon clan has it's own leaders, the Highlander dragon clan is hereditary, meaning one family group is in charge of all others. I , being first hatched, would eventually take over that responsibility from my father." Fluttershy was fascinated by what she was hearing. Not much was known about dragons and she was being told all this.

Flutteshy almost giggled at the thought of how her Friend Twilight would react when she found out what she had learned, but she controlled herself. Garble, unaware of her struggles, continued on.

"Even being first hatched, as a hatchling my life was normal, I played, I learned, I did normal baby stuff." Fluttershy was imagining a baby Garble, pouncing on a toy animal, wrestling with it on the floor. It was an extremely cute picture, one she kept to herself.

"It was when I turned 10 when everything I knew became Tartarus on Equis." Garble said gravely. Fluttershy listened closely.

"I hadn't been growing like A normal Highlander hatchling should, so my parents took me to the shaman... a dragon doctor I guess, to see what was up, and what he told my parents changed everything." His head hung low and his voice matched.

"He told them I had a rare growth disease, I wouldn't grow much bigger then I am now... no matter how old I got." Fluttershy gave him a confused look, so Garble explained.

"Highland dragons, normally, grow to be 50 to 60 feet long and as we grow older we switch from a bipedal stance to walking on four legs, like you do." He paused to make sure Fluttershy was understanding him. She nodded her head.

"For me to have this disease would be seen as a dishonor to my family. Dragon culture is based on the fact that the strong survive, Strength is what decides everything. While it may seem brutal to some, it's an honest and fair way of living. Everyday, we fight or in case of hatchlings, play harsh games to build our muscles and sharpen our senses, preparing us, making our selves strong." His shoulders straightened a bit as he explained dragon culture and customs. Fluttershy could see a slight pride in his heritage.

"If a hatchling is thought weak, they're basically shunned by most. Dragons my not abandon their young but, actually caring for them if they are thought weak, is another matter completely. From the moment, the Shaman uttered his words my life was a living nightmare." Garble's face fell as bad memories, that he had kept hidden for so long, surfaced.

"My mother barely gave me any food when it was time to feed. Eventually, my hunger got so bad I had to learn to hunt on my own. There was many nights were I went to sleep hungry." His tears started flowing again.

"My siblings took to treating me as their living punching bag. The only reason my scales are as tough as they are is because of my younger brothers and sisters daily beatings." Fluttershy was completely horrified.

How could a family do that to their own member... How could a mother neglect her own baby like that? She thought as her heart broke a second time for Garble. She draped a wing across his back in a comforting manner. He gave her a small, thankful smile, something he hand't done in a long, long time. Sighing he continued.

"Though the beatings were bad, and the hunger was terrible at times, that wasn't the worst part." He paused as his mind drifted backwards in time to those memories that he hated the most.

"Dragons don't do well in the cold. We highlanders have a much better tolerance, given we live high in the mountains, but the best of the bad is still bad." He said with a small chuckle. His face suddenly took on a dark look, filled with bitterness and hate. It scarred Fluttershy to be honest. She'd only see a look like that on one other pony... King Sombra. Garble continued unaware of her comparison,

"My father would grab me, at random times and days, and take me miles from our nest. A different direction each time, and take me to the highest point there. Then he would drop me from a few hundred feet in the air, I would either land on rock, ice or if I was lucky, packed snow. Then he would just up and leave, forcing me to make my way home alone." He shivered a the memories washed over him like the cold, merciless wind that blasted him when he was a hatchling

"Every time I made it back to the nest, My Father would be there, waiting, every time I came back he would say, Look, the weaklings crawled back... We can't seem to be rid of'em or Why don't you die and save us the trouble of dealing with a weakling like you? That was my life, Till three days ago." Fluttershy was absolutely disgusted with his family, doing that to a foal was terrible, but it only made it worse that he was their hatchling. She didn't have the words to tell him how much she felt his pain.

"Three days ago was my 20th Birthday, it was supposed to be the day when I would receive The Dragons Eye, A large blue diamond, it symbolizes that it's barer is the next in line to lead." Garble growled deeply in his throat,

"In my naivety, I thought it would go to me, being the first hatched and after the torture that had become my life, you'd think I would have proven my strength to them." His eye's darkened and small bursts of flame shot out of his mouth as he talked.

"They presented The Dragons Eye to my brother, Grog, he was hatched after me, and when I disputed this, reminding them I was first hatched, they banished me... saying their was no way they'd let a weakling freak like me be clan leader." The anger drained from his face, leaving nothing but sadness in its wake. They just sat there in silence for a time, before Fluttershy took a deep breath and spoke.

"I don't think your so called "family" knows what strength really is." She said. Garble looked at her questioningly.

"A friend of mine, an earth pony named Applejack, described strength like this... If you were drowning, and you had the choice to ask for help or drown what would you choose?" Garble found the choice to be obvious,

"I would ask for help." he said

"Right... Now put your families view of strength into the mix, where asking for help is seen as weak, right?" She asked him. He had to agree asking for help was seen as a weakness to most dragons. Fluttershy continued her example,

"So with that in mind, which choice shows true strength? Not asking for help and drowning or admitting you can't do everything by your self and asking for help when it's needed? What would take more strength and courage for a proud dragon to do?" Garble thought about this for a second. He had to say, swallowing ones pride and asking for help would take more guts then just ignoring the help given. Fluttershy smiled warmly at him, making him feel, warm, happy, like he actually belonged somewhere. She drew him into a soft hug and spoke softly.

"Your not a freak... and your definitely not weak, Garble. I doubt any of your siblings would have been able to live through half of what they did to you. I think your one of the strongest dragons I've ever met." She said as she hugged him. Tears were dripping from his eyes, no one had ever thought he wasn't a freak or a dead weight, a loser, a weakling. Then she said something that stunned him.

"You may not believe me, but, I may know your kind of pain more then you think." She pulled away to look him in his deep green eyes.

"When I was a filly, I lived in Cloudsdale. I was never a strong flier and so I was picked on most of my childhood, They would make fun of me calling me useless and weak." To Garble it sounded similar to his life.

"I was never beaten but, I was the target of mean pranks and tricks. Trash dumped on my head, stink bombs in my school desk, itching powder dumped on me." she went on and on with the list of pranks, none getting any better.

"But the worst was the teasing, they would make up songs and say hurtful things... they loved mentioning, that ... I..." Her words caught in her throat and her bottom lip quivered slightly. She swallowed the lump and tried to steel her self.

"My dad worked at the weather factory and my mother was on the clouds dale weather team. Since Cloudsdale is made of clouds, it moves around. When I was about 4 years old...There was a storm, like the one that appeared yesterday. It blew in from the Everfree.... Cloudsdale would be hit bad if it wasn't stopped, so The weather team was sent to contain it." Her eyes started to tear up as she remembered that day.

"They were able to stop it... but my m-mother, sh-sh-she nev..." She couldn't finisher her sentence. She started to sob uncontrollably, thinking of her mother hurt so much.

Garble wasn't sure what to do. This was a whole new place he'd never been before, so he just copied what Fluttershy did for him and scooped her into a hug. He hated his mother, so he couldn't imagine losing one he actually liked.

She cried into his chest, her tears tickling his scales slightly. She wrapped her hooves around him and hugged him back. It had been a long time since she talked about that day, she'd only ever talked to Rainbow Dash about it because both had lost their mothers to that storm.

He tears dried and her sobs became sniffles. She realized she was being held very close to him. She could hear his heart beat, a steady, strong, soothing thumping. She snuggled a bit closer making Garble give thanks the Sky Lord that he was born with red scales, as he felt his face heat up a bit.

"Thank you, for that Garble, I don't usually talk about my... about that day because it hurts to much. I was able to cope because I found Angel Bunny not long after, but I know what loosing something precious to you fells like, and growing up just wanting to be excepted... so in way I understand." She looked up at him, her bright blue eyes, a bit red from crying. Garble lost himself in her eyes for a sort while, those two shining sapphire orbs made him feel light hearted, like he was excepted, like he was free.

Fluttershy couldn't tear her eyes away from his emerald gaze. Completely contrast to his red scales his deep green eyes, like a forest glade, speaking years of experience but were still full of youth and vitality. They shone with determination, strength and an unbreakable will to keep moving on, to keep living, never giving up.

They both stayed there for a while, Fluttershy resting in Garbles embrace, not noticing Blitzen and Comet giving them goo goo eyes and quietly gossiping between themselves. Angel sat next to the gossiping bucks, deep in thought. Angel owed Fluttershy everything and more, so he always felt strongly protective of her. He looked at his owner and the dragon sitting there staring into each other's eyes, and he sighed. She had told him about her mother, she never did that, he only knew about it cause he overheard her telling Rainbow Dash. He glanced at his leg, then back at them, his eyes narrowed at Garble. He'd give this idiot drake a chance, but if he hurt Fluttershy, in anyway, Nothing would save this drake from his wrath.

Angel made a small squeaking cough trying to get the two's attention, it didn't work. So he picked up a small pebble on the ground and threw it at Garble. It bounced off his scales... still nothing. He was getting irritated ask he asked Comet to stomp his hooves on the ground hard. Comet was inclined to let the two have their moment but all it took was a glare form the bunny and he reared up and slammed his hooves down. Comet had learned early on, you don't mess with this angel.

The stomp did the trick, a little to well. Both Futtershy and Garble yelped and jumped backwards. Fluttershy landing on her rump, but Garble landed on his injured wing. He roared in pain and curled into a ball. Fluttershy rushed to him, looking his wing over.

"I need to re-bandage your wing." She said then rushed to get her supplies from the cart.

"You've broken some of the scabs that formed, I'll need to disinfect all the burns." She had a bottle of rubbing alcohol in her mouth. She set it down and opened it.

"I'm so sorry, but this is going to hurt a bit. " she said, opening the bottle.

"One... Two... Three." She poured the cleaning solutions over his wound. Garble roared again, but stayed still, his claws digging into the solid stone. Fluttershy quickly applied the burn ointment again and started to wrap his wing.

"I'm sorry about that." She said softly. Garble just shook hie head,

"I've had worse pain... but being treated is something new to me." He chuckled slightly. She smiled as she continued to wrap his wing.

"I'll make you some pain killer after I'm done wrapping here." She paused for a moment as a thought entered her mind.

"Um... Garble?" She asked nervously. He looked at her.

"What?" She bit her bottom lip.

"Well... I don't know if you had a place you can go, since what happened a few days ago." She said. She saw his face start to drop and added quickly,

"But, I was thinking since you'll be going with me anyway, I wanted ask if you would actually want to go with me?... if that's okay with you." A small blush was visible under her fur. She finished wrapping his wing and stepped back.

"I'll give you some time to think it over." She said and, picking up her supplies, trotted over to the cart. Garble Mulled her request over in his head.

I'd be going with her anyway... way ask if I want to go along? It's not like I have any choice. He was slightly confused.

She's offering you join her trip rather then be dragged along. Garble was confused

What the? Who in Grond's Acid Spit are you?

I'm your conscience, we haven't spoken in a while. How you are you? Now Garble was beyond confused.

Conscience? What?

Let me put it this way... I'm the little voice inside your head that helps you make important decisions. You haven't heard me before cause you've never really needed me till now. Garble didn't now what to think about this... part of him thought the mare had made him go crazy.

Your not crazy

Can you read my mind!?

Yeah, I can read everything your thinking... of course not, I am your mind, ya wing nut. Garbled mentally flinched.

Am I always this sarcastic? Garble mused.

Nah, you just love talking to yourself garble sighed in annoyance.

Okay, let's say that I believe your my "Conscience"... If you are, what do you think I should do.

Go with her willingly

Yeah right. There'd be more chances of pigs flying then that. Besides, I'd never be able to show my face to any dragon again if word got around I was traveling with a pony. I'd be a laughing stock.

And you give a charred rat's rear about what those tail holes think, why? Garble was having trouble finding an answer. His "Conscience" spoke again.

Be honest with your self Garble. She's nice company, she's the only one who hasn't thought you a freak, or a jerk, or a weakling... She makes your feel welcome, something you want dearly. Garble was starting to, kinda, like the idea of excepting her offer. Then his Conscience spoke again.

And another plus... She's quite easy on the eyes, if you know what I'm saying. Garble felt his face heat up immensely.

Where did that come from!

What? I'm just admiring a lovely specimen of the female sex... Rrraaagh. Garble shook his head, trying to clear his mind of those thoughts.

NO WAY! No way in Tartarus am I going to have fantasies about a pony... I'm not going into that rabbit hole But his Consciences was relentless.

I wonder which "Hole" she'd find the most pleasurable?" Now Garbles face could be seen a deeper shade of red then the rest of his scales.


HA! I am your Conscience Garble but I'm also your libido, and you've been blue balled for way too long.

"Are you okay Garble?" Fluttershy's voice snapped him out of his thoughts causing him to jump in fright. He looked at her, Fluttershy's head was cocked to the side slightly in confusion.

"Are you feeling okay? Yore facial scales are a lot redder then they were before." She hovered a few inches off the ground holding a bowl in her fore hooves. Garble shook his head,

"No, no, I'm fine... Nothing wrong with me, heh heh." He said nervously, scratching the back of his neck. Fluttershy was still confused but didn't focus on it.

"Here... This should help with the pain and recovery." She offered him the bowl with a smile. He took it from her and gave her a small smile in return. She landed and walked back toward the fire to clean up. Garble found hie eyes drawn to the hypnotizing sway of her flanks. Catching himself staring he face clawed.

No! Bad Garble! Bad Garble. None of that... You got any more smart remarks Conscience? He thought but heard nothing.

I must really be out of my mind. I'm talking to myself. Garble thought glumly and started to drink the potion. While he drank he thought about what his Conscience had said. He had to admit Fluttershy was nice to be around, for a pony. She did make him feel welcome.

I would be lying to myself if I said I didn't want to go with her... I just... He battled with his thoughts as he finished the potion. Fluttershy came back to retrieve the bowl. He gave it to her and as she started to walk away Garble gave his answer.

"Yes." He said. Fluttershy turned and gave him a questioning look.

"Yes?" She asked not sure what he meant.

"I'll go with you." Her face lit up like a Hearths Warming tree. She beamed a big smile at him and giggled slightly.

"I'm glad you decided to come." She walked over to him and wrapped him in a warm hug. Still unused to this Garble was embarrassed. His scales got redder as he lightly patted her back.

"Okay, that's enough hugging for today." He still had nightmares of Spike making him hug every dragon on his way home." Flutteshy let go.

"Now you just relax here for a bit, I'll have to make some more room in the cart for you. We've got a lot of traveling ahead of us.

"Where are we going by the way?" Garble asked his now traveling companion. Fluttershy rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment,

"Sorry, you must not have heard me before. I'm heading to Appleossa, A friend of mine has a pet that's very sick and none of the doctors can seem to find out what's wrong..." Fluttershy kept speaking but Garble wasn't paying attention to the rest. Appleossa was just north-west of the badlands and the dragonback range, his old home. He wasn't to keen on going so close to the dragon territory. He watched Fluttershy's eyes while she talked, he could see the worry about her friends pet written all over her face and it made him grumble to himself.

Why am I such a bleeding heart... I'm risking my neck so she can help Some ponies pet. He sighed.

"We'll be heading out within the hour... if that's okay with you." She smiled slightly behind her mane. Garble pushed his worries aside,

"That's fine with me Fluttershy." He said. She clapped her hooves happily and began packing up her things. An hour latter, Comet and Blitzen were pulling the cart with Fluttershy, Angel and their new guest, Garble, down the road and toward their destination.

(One week later)

Fluttershy and Garble had passed Dodge City around two days past. It was an experience Garble wouldn't soon forget. The ponies had been... welcoming to him. He was very surprised, especially when some had struck up conversations with him out of the blue. He even got to meet a few changelings.

Their ruler, King Thorax had greatly improved relations between the two species, enough that they could walk around in broad daylight. So many different races in that town, He had actually seen a young female Knuckler dragon there as well.

Garble smiled at the memory. The young hatchling had stuck close to him asking him questions and more questions about other dragons and things. She even asked him if she could learn how to fly someday. Garble was lucky he didn't have to answer that, the Hatchling's mother called and she ran/slithered off to her. He chuckled slightly, remembering how happy she looked, and she wasn't in the dragon lands.

"What's got you laughing Garble?" Fluttershy asked from her place on the cart bench. Garble was leaning on the railing in the bed of the cart.

"I was remembering that young hatchling that followed me around the whole time we were in Dodge city, did you know she asked if she could learn how to fly?" He said chuckling. He sighed, his thoughts stuck on that town,

"You know... I never thought I'd see so many different species, all together, working, eating, playing or living side by side like that. If you were to tell a dragon, straight from the Dragon Lands there was a place like this, they'd laugh in your face and call you crazy." He made a face to show how crazy they'd think he was.

Fluttershy sputtered, placing a hoof on her muzzle, trying to keep from laughing, but couldn't. She laughed, the face he made was so silly. Garble smiled at her, he had discovered very quickly he enjoyed making her laugh. She had a beautiful laugh, it always made his sadness seem like it was miles away. Fluttershy's laughter subsided into giggles

"That's just how most pony towns are now. Ever since Twilight became the princess of friendship, Equestria has been changing, and I think for the better. Ponies are more out going and excepting of other races and their traditions." She said smiling happily.

"And Princess Celestia has started to coral most of the more xenophobic nobles in Canterlot, making sure they don't cause trouble for dignitaries." An idea came to her as she was talking.

"I don't now if you would like to, but, you could come back with me to Ponyvillie after I'm done in Appleossa... and I could introduce you to my dragon friend Spike... If you want to that is" The name caught Garbles attention.

"Spike? Purple scales, green eyes and spines, walks on two legs weird ability to use magic Spike?" Garble asked. Fluttershy was stunned.

"You know Spike?" she asked, Garble nodded glumly.

"Yeah, we've met." He lowered his gaze. Fluttershy was so excited Garble knew one of her friends she didn't notice his change of mood.

"When did you two meet? Spikes only been to the Dragon Lands twice if I remember correctly." Garble knew she wouldn't be happy about his and Spike's meeting.

"I met him on both occasions he came to the Dragon Lands... we... we didn't meet on good terms." He sad sadly. Fluttershy now noticed he wasn't happy like he was before.

"What happened?" She asked, concerned for both of her dragon friends. Garble took a beep breath then answered.

"The first time I met Spike was during the dragon migration." He started,

"He had come to learn more about his dragon heritage, since he'd lived with ponies his whole life." Garble paused trying to find a way of saying the truth without being to blunt. Unable to find any, he just came out and said it.

"Long story short, I was a bully both times I met him. I belittled him during the migration, because of his small stature and I was... extremely physical when he was summoned and helped Ember become Dragon Lord. I was worse during the Gauntlet of Fire because I wanted to prove my strength to my family. If I became Dragon Lord, they would have had to have excepted me." Garble gave a depressed sigh. He couldn't even bring himself to make eye contact.

"I'm not proud of what I did, I may have had reasons but, that doesn't excuse my actions." Garble waited. He waited to hear the shouts, the names, to hear how stupid and useless he was. He waited for her to tell him to go away. But he didn't hear anything. The silence was killing him, then he felt two soft, warm limbs wrap around his neck.

"I understand you and Spike didn't have the best of meetings." He looked up to find Fluttershy hugging his neck, her eye filled with compassion.

"But that doesn't mean you can't apologize and try to start over." She offered. Garble wasn't so sure.

"But how could he just forget what I did to him during those times?" He asked,

"I don't know if he would forget, but I do know he would forgive." She gave him a warm smile, making his heart beat a little faster. He still had doubts but... he was willing to trust Fluttershy's knowledge of her friend. She'd known him longer then he had.

"I'll... I'll think about it." Fluttershy's smile widened a little. It wasn't a yes but it was a start.

"Thank you Garble." She said, hugging his neck a bit tighter. Her hugs had grown on him somewhat and he found himself wanting to get a hug from her sometimes, though he'd never admit it. He just smiled and hugged her back.

(One and a half weeks later)

The Sun was just starting to dip past the horizon when they decides to make camp for the night. Over the past days they'd spent in each other's company, a kind of routine had been made. Garble would help make a fire and set up the tent Fluttershy used, while Fluttershy unpacked the gear that would be used for the night. Garble worked quicker then he normally did during the nightly routine.

Fluttershy had told him that he would be able to take off the bandages and keep them off for good. She had changed them regularly and, since Dragons heal faster then most races, he would be able to take them off finally. He stacked the wood for the fire in the pit and blew a small jet of flames from his mouth, making wood catch fire and crackle cheerfully. He heared Fluttershy giggle.

"Its certainly been easier to get a fire going with you around Garble." She said. He turned to face her and his scales turning even more red. She was digging around in the cart looking for something, her shapely rump was sticking up in the air and shaking while she dug around. Garble snapped his head back to the fire so fast he nearly gave himself whiplash.

He kept trying to deny it, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to make himself believe he didn't find Fluttershy attractive. Her smile was like a small sun, giving light and warmth like he'd never had. Her pink mane and yellow fur perfectly accented her eyes. Those beautiful, soft blue pools of kindness.

He had caught himself staring at her many times over the past two weeks. each time it was harder and harder to look away. He sighed to himself,

Even "if" I find her atractive, there's no way she would think the same for me. He thought to himself bitterly.

She may be caring for me but, I'm a mutilated dragon with a disease, what could she see in me anyway. He turned his head as Flutteshy's hoof steps reached his ears. She had a small box in her mouth which she set down beside him. She opened it and pulled out the bottle of ointment to garbles surprise.

"I thought I was done with that stuff." he said, giving Fluttershy a questioning look.

"It never hurts to be safe." She said with a smile. He chuckled slightly.

"I guess not." he said and turned around so she could get to his wing properly. As she started to take off the bandages his eyes drifted to the night sky. The moon, shining like liquid gold in the last light of the day was making it's way through the bright sparkling expanse of the sky.

The beautiful sight stirred an old memory for him... One of the only happy memories of his family he had. He started to hum a tune, slowly swaying his head side to side with the beat. Fluttershy paused taking his bandages off and listen to Garble hum. It was a nice tune, soft and comforting.

"What's that your humming Garble? it's lovely." She asked as she continued to remove the gauze. He twisted his head to look at her.

"My family lived on a mountain side right next to the ocean. The tune is called The Song of the Sea, it's a lullaby my mother used to sing to me... before things changed, when we were still happy." He said, a tone of melancholy and nostalgia accented his voice. Fluttershy's ears drooped,

"I'm sorry if I brought back any bad memories." She said. She felt Garble pull away from her, and her ears pinned to her head.

I'm so stupid , why did I have to ask that? Making him remember those terrible years of his life. I'm so stu... Her thoughts were interrupted by a warm scaly embrace. Garble's voice was soft and deep, conveying his feelings through more then just words.

"You could never bring bad memories to me Fluttershy." He held her gently, stroking his claw through her soft, pink mane.

"I can honestly say... these passed few weeks have been the best days I have ever had." He pulled her away and held her at arms length, looking right into her eyes. Those eyes that reminded him of the sky, offering his heart and soul freedom.

"Thank you Fluttershy, for everything you've done." He smiled at her and brought her back into the hug, which she now returned completely. After a few moments they let each other go and she went back to unwrapping his wing. An idea popped into his head and he mulled it over.

Should I do that? Nah she'd probably laugh at me

You still think she's like all the others huh? Garble mentally flinched.

I thought you were gone?

Only when your dead... And that won't be for at least 900 hundred years

Why are you talking now then?

I'm here to say go for it! Dude the moment is perfect, the scene couldn't be better and you could even da...

What if she doesn't want to do that? what if she thinks it's terrible... That I'm terrible?

let me put it this way. What would be worse? Not knowing or trying and seeing what happens?

Both are terrible

"Sigh" You won't get a better chance then now, so I say go... it's up to you though. Garble thought a bit more and finally made up his mind. Taking a deep breath,

"Fluttershy?" Garble asked.

"Hhhmmm?" She hummed.

"Would you like to hear that song i was humming earlier?" He braced himself for her answer. A look of surprise crossed her face followed by confusion.

"I didn't know you could sing." she said. Garble rubbed his head.

"I don't do it often cause I think I sound like metal screeching, but I wanted to share this song with you... It's the one thing I fondly remember from being a hatchling." he said. Fluttershy was stunned, she had been asked to sing for many ponies before, but never had anypony asked if they could sing TO her, let alone a Stallion. Her cheeks turned red and she hid behind her mane but nodded her head yes.

Garble was slightly confused by Fluttershy's quick change in attitude and demeanor but happy he could share this good part of his life with her.

"I apologize in advance if my voice is terrible." Garble gave an embarrassed chuckle. Turning back and raising his face to the moon, he took a deep breath and began to sing. The voice Fluttershy thought was going come out of him and what actually did were complete opposites. His tenor singing voice was strong and clear. She found herself mesmerized by his song.

Fluttershy was amazed at his voice.

He thought he was bad? She didn't agree with him on that. She had finished taking off the wrappings before he started. She was slightly startled when Garble stood up mid song and faced the moon fully. Raising his arms slightly and spreading his wings. His right was only able to make it half way due to the lack of tendons and muscle on his joint. His beautiful song still on his lips he sang the next verse.

Garble turned and walked over to Fluttershy. She was sitting on her haunches near the cart. He offered a claw to her which she placed her hoof in with a confused expression. Confusion turned to shock and embarrassment as Garble began to dance with her as he sang the chorus. Her face was as red as a strawberry,

First he sings and now he dances? She was so nervous. She peaked from behind her mane and her gaze was frozen on his. Garble was smiling, a soft, caring smile as he led her through simple waltz. One claw holding her hoof the other on the side of her barrel. His green eye seemed to shine and sparkle like gems in the fire light. His strong feature softened by his kind smile.

Fluttershy couldn't look away from his eyes. She danced with him, feeling her heart race and her stomach tying in knots. She started to see what her heart had been feeling for some time now, her feeling for him starting to unfurl like a flowers petals in the first rays of the morning sun. Here was a handsome dragon, dancing with her under the moon light while he sang to her, and she was happy.

Garble looked deep into Fluttershy's eyes, lost in those blue pools. They made him feel as light as feather, like he could soar, even with out his wing, into the night sky and fly with her to the moon. He sang the chorus with the honest conviction of his heart.

Garble and Fluttershy were so lost in each other they didn't notice Angel, Comet and Blitzen had made makshift instruments and began playing music. Some how Angel had fashioned a small reed whistle, Comet had one of the buckets and was taping it like a drum and Blitzen had was plucking a string stretched between a branch. They played and Fluttershy and Garble danced, nothing else made a sound. And even the Moon it's self bent closer to listen and watch the two dance.

They both stopped dancing as Garble sang the last note of his song. They stood there in the firelight, lost in each other's eyes. Angel, Comet and Blitzen played and held one last note, and as that note rippled through the night, Garble and Fluttershy slowly started leaning closer. Both so caught up in the moment, their feeling were driving them. Garbles claw left her hoof and rested behind her neck. Fluttershy wrapped her hooves around his chest, bringing them closer together.

Angel could be seen almost vibrating with nervous excitement, Comet almost had no front hooves because he we chewing them off and Blitzen was so focused he was leaning dangerously forward.

Fluttershy closed her eyes, she could feel his warm breath on her lips sending shivers of anticipation down her spine. Her heart beat like a jack hammer and her stomach decided it wanted to do jumping jacks. Unknown to her Garble was having similar symptoms.

His facial scales felt like he had just taken a lave bath. He felt as weak as a new born hatchling and strong enough to lift up the tallest mountain at the same time. His heart beat faster as he watched Fluttershy close her eyes as she came closer and he did the same. Their lips barely brushed each other when it started.

Out of nowhere, a down pour dumped on the two's moment, drowning it in rain. Garble and Flutershy both gave yelps of surprise and instead of kissing, smacked their heads together. Angel let loose a high Squeaky yell of rage and shook his paw at the sky, Comet's jaw hit the floor, literally, and Blitzen face planted into the now muddy ground.

Garble wasn't as affected by the head butt. He went over to Fluttershy, who was rubbing a small lump on her head, and with his good wing he covered her like an umbrella.

"I'm sorry about that Fluttershy." he said his nerves fraying at the ends.

"I don't know what came over me." Garble felt nervous and scared.

What if I was just imagining that? What if she didn't want to and I was really forcing her? and more thoughts like these plagued him. Fluttershy had similar thoughts as the rain beat a steady beat on Garbles leathery wing.

OH MY GOODNESS! I almost kissed him! She thought her face turning bright red.

What if I'm a bad kisser? Does he care about bad kissing? What do I do? The silence that hung in the air for the next few minutes was extremely awkward. Both Fluttershy and Garble shuffled their feet and Hooves. Garble had built up enough courage to talk, but was beaten to it by a blazingly red faced Fluttershy.

"I...I thought your song was lovely." She said. He was barely able to hear her. A sigh of relief escaped him.

At least she liked my song He thought. He scratched the back of his neck and looked in any direction but Fluttershys.

"D-dancing with y-you was quite e-enjoyable." He said stuttering slightly. She turned her head to look at him.

"And your voice was amazing, you didn't sound horrible at all." She said with a bit more confidence.

"I don't think I would've been able to sing it to anypony else but you." His red scales deepened in color. They stood there looking at each other, and Garble chickened out. Faking a deep yawn he stretched his arms.

"HHHAAAAHHH... I'm really tired from today, I'm gonna hit the rocks." He said, taking a sidways glance at Fluttershy. She had a slightly sad and disappointed look on her face. Garble sighed to himself.

"I'll walk you to your tent, so you don't get wet." He said, Fluttershy's face brightened up a little bit and she smiled, making his heart flutter at it's beauty. He walked her to her tent, his left wing still stretched out, keeping the rain off of her. They reached her tent and Garble went to leave but was stopped by a hoof catching his claw.

"Thank you for sing to me and dancing with to me Garble... it... was quite lovely and I had a good time." She gave a shy smile, and quick as a humming bird she darted to his cheek and gave it a kiss, before zooming into her tent, Her face a scarlet red.

"Goodnight." she squeaked just before she disappeared. Garble just stood there frozen. He brought a claw up to his cheek, feeling the still warm spot Fluttershy had kissed.

A massive, goofy grin split his face as he made his way back to the cart. Moving the tarp cover out of the way and crawled in to bed down for the night. That big smile never leaving his face even as he drifted off the sleep.

(13 days later, Outskirts of Appleossa)

"So this is Appleossa? Can't imagine how it got that name." Garble commented as he looked around. The road cut through a massive orchard. Apples left, apples right Garble was sure he'd be seeing apples when he left. Flutershy giggled.

"The name does kind of give it away." She laughed lightly.

"I know your here to help your friends pet, but what am I supposed to do?" Garble asked.

"I've only ever flown over this place so I have no idea what's in it." Fluttershy thought for a moment.

"You could come with me... if you want to." Her cheeks slightly flushed. Garble didn't have to think at all on the answer.

"SURE!" He said a bit louder then he meant to. coughing into his claw he tried again.

"I mean... Yeah, better then just sitting here." Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle at his tough guy act. He was co cute when he did it. She found herself glancing at him more often since that night they had danced and he sang to her. She'd stare at him while he worked around the camp site when they stopped, how his scales shone in the fire light. How his chest muscles pushed his scales when he held something in front of him.

They had busted a wheel on the cart, a few days back and Garble had fixed it. She almost drooled at how his thick, strong arms had lifted the cart off the ground like it was a feather. She'd wanted to held by his strong arms. His claws combing through her mane, lightly scratching their way down her back, till they reached her rump and caressing...

Oh My... Fluttershy thought as her mind went down the gutter and her face turned crimson. Her wings twitched and started to open slowly.

"You okay Fluttershy?" Garble's voice cut through her wet daydream, making her "eep" in surprise. Her face a bright red, she hid behind her mane looking anywhere but at Garble. Garble just shook his head and chucked this up to "Mare" stuff and decided to change the subject.

"What's your friends name anyway? If I'm going to meet them I'd at least like to know their name." Garble said shfting around to get a bit more comfortable. Fluttershy revealed her face from behind her mane, still blushing a bit as she spoke.

"Her name is Caramel Syrup, She's an earth pony that works as a waitress here in town." She said.

"I met her when she lived in Ponyville for 6 years. I was the only pony who could help her with her pet."

"What is her pet anyway?" Garble asked.

"She has a Komodo Dragon, Iron Fang if I remember his name right." Fluttershy said. Garble's interest was piqued. He'd never met a Komodo before, they were pretty reclusive from he rest of the dragons. He was even more happy he chose to go with her. They still had a few minuets before they made it to town and they sat in comfortable silence.

Garble had a plan forming in his head, he just didn't know how to make it work.

I need bits to make this work, but I have none... ah shit

Seems like quite the problem you've got there

You could say that again... what am I going to do?

How should I know? I'm just the voice in your head

Fair enough... any advice though

Pay attention to your surroundings, and try not to get distracted by that sexy, plump squeezable rump of hers.
Garble went haywire trying to keep his mind from going in the gutter.

Now I'll never be able to focus. He shook his head, looking forward as they entered the town of Appleossa. He never noticed the pair of red, hate filled eyes that followed their cart from the trees of the orchard.

It was a big town, large two story buildings lined the main street which was full of Ponies, buffalo and some Minotaur's going about their business. The crowd parted to let the cart pass with practiced ease. Garble entertained himself by watching the ponies that walked by.

It was by sheer luck he saw the stallions bit bag get slit. He watched with narrowed eyes as the young colt sliced open the bag, cupped the bit and put them in his own sack and start to run off. Garble leapt out of the cart soaring twenty feet into the air. With a single tumble he landed in front of the colt with a earth jarring thump before he could disappear down an alley way. The crowd was startled and quickly put as much distance between Garble and themselves.

The colt was to scared to even move. Staring with wide, fearful eyes at the huge ruby dragon glaring at him with his arms crossed. Garble stood there for a few moments then bent down and extended his claw toward the colt. He did the "Give me" motion with his talons. The colt was so scared he didn't even try to weasel his way out he just put the bag in Garbles claw and darted down the alley way.

Garble hefted the bag.

A lot of bits here, I could use these for my plan. He thought but quickly dismissed it. He didn't want to be a thief. He scanned the crowd till he found the Stallion who's bits he had. Walking over to him he offered the bag to the stallion.

"You should keep a closer eye on your bits." Garble said The stallion looked confused, then Garble pointed to his cut Bit pouch and shock was plastered on stallions.

"When did that happen?" he asked,

"Just a few moments before I jump out of that cart." Garble jerked his thumb to where Fluttershy sat looking at him in confusion. The stallion smiled and took the bag from Garble,

"Thank you kindly, my good drake, if I had lost these I wouldn't have been able to pay my bills this month." Garble nodded.

"I'm surprised you didn't keep'em though. I thought Dragons were the hording kind." Garble was a little annoyed with the stereotype but could understand the assumption.

"I won't lie, I was tempted to keep them." He said

"There's something I want to do for somepony but I don't have any bits to do it." Garble sighed. The stallion peeked around him to look at Fluttershy in the cart. A knowing grin spread over his face and he pulled two 20 bit pieces out of the bag and handed them to Garble.

"Consider these as a thank you and, do something nice for her." with that he stallion turned tail and walked away, leaving a very confused dragon in his wake. garble looked down at he bits in his hand, a smile forming on his face. Walking back and getting in the cart, Comet and Blitzen continued on their way.

"What was that about?" Fluttershy asked.

"I stopped a colt from stealing that Stallions bits, and he gave me these as a thank you." Garble replied, holding up the coins. Fluttershy Smiled at him making his heart skip a beat.

"That was a very nice of you Grable." Garble sputtered and tried to brush it off, all the while his scales redder then a tomato. Flutershy giggled at his embarrassment. She turned and directed Comet and Blitzen down a side street, finally coming to a stop at a single story house.

"We're here." Fluttershy said, climbing down. Garble followed by jumping over the railing to the ground.

"What are you taking in?" He asked

"Nothing yet, I need to see what his symptoms are first." She trotted up to the door and raised her hoof to knock.

"Fluttershy?" Garble asked just before her hook hit the wood.

"Yes?" She turned to face him. He was shuffling side to side on his feet, his head down and looking anywhere but Fluttershy.

"I... Was wondering if... you might, kinda, maybe, sorta, possibly want to... go... get something to eat... later... with me?" He couldn't believe he got that all out and have it be understandable. His face felt like it had been held in a magma pool for an hour. His gut was taking acrobatic classes apparently, from all the flips and flops it was doing. He risked a peek at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy'd face was bright crimson. Her blue eyes wide with shock.

Did he just ask me on a date?! Fluttershy thought in a panic.

I've never been on a date before, let alone asked out... what do I do what? what do I say? Both Garble and Fluttershy stood there in extreme awkwardness. Garble wasn't liking where this silence was going. Not wanting to deal with the awkward silence anymore he said,

"You know what never mind... Forget I said anything." his shoulders slumped slightly. Fluttershy' ears drooped.

"No wait!" she said. Her face bright red as she spoke.

"I'm sorry, it's just that... nopony's ever asked me some thing like that before... I just wasn't sure how to respond." Garble was surprised.

No one's asked her out to eat before? I find that hard to believe, with how beautiful she is. His eyes widened at that thought. He couldn't deny it anymore if he so willingly admitted it to himself. He looked at her again with fresh eyes. She was a natural beauty, one that didn't need make up or jewelry to look good. Her legs were shapely but not thick, her mane a smooth water fall of soft pink he just wanted to run his claws through.

"I'd actually like to go get something to eat with you later... If you still want to that is." Garble nodded his head hard.

"Yeah, I'd like nothing better then to go out with you... I mean date, Ah, I mean dinner. Yeah, I mean go out to dinner with you." Garble stumbled over his words like his tongue was made of lead and wouldn't work. He rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, while Fluttershy hid behind her mane blushing like mad. Garble cleared his throat.

"Well... We shouldn't keep your friend waiting right?" He said, changing the subject to relieve his embarrassment. Fluttershy, still blushing, nodded, turned and knocked on the door.

"One minuet." a voice yelled from the other side. a few seconds latter a chocolate brown mare with a black mane and caramel colored eyes opened the door. Her face showed pure relief and happiness to she Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy! It's so good to see you." she exclaimed, wrapping her in a hug,

"I wish it was under better circumstances." She looked at Fluttershy's red face and cocked her head to the side,

"Are you feeling okay? Your as red as that time you tasted my brothers Super Habanero Chilli Surprise what's up?" She asked, then Caramel took notice of Garble.

"Who's your friend?" She looked between Garble and Fluttershy with a questioning look. Fluttershy blushed harder as she tried to explain.

"Oh...Um... This is Garble, I took care of him when he injured his wing and he came with me while he was healing." The heavy blush on Fluttershy's face told a very different story, one Caramel was extremely interested o hear, but that could wait.

"Well it's nice to meet you garble. any friend of Fluttershy's is a friend of mine, please come in." She opened the door fully and usher them into her home. It was a simple place, not barren but not full either. A few picture on the mantle piece and wall, a couch and a rocking chair with a few tables dotted the living room. Fluttershy and Caramel sat down but Garble stayed standing.

"Is everything okay Garble?" fluttershy asked Garble nodded then turned to Caramel,

"I hope you don't find this rude but I'd like to talk with your Komodo, Iron Fang I believe, first. I may be able to help find what's wrong." He said plainly. both mares were shocked and confused.

"You can talk to animals too Garble." Fluttershy said quite amazed. Garble shook his head,

"No fluttershy I can't speak with all animal like you, but I can talk with Iron Fang." He said

"How can you talk with Iron?" Caramel asked. Garble chuckled and smirked at the two mares.

"They aren't called dragons for nothing you know." he said crossing his arms. Fluttershy made an "Oh" shape with her mouth and Caramel face hoofed. She pointed to one of the two other doorways in the room.

"Down the hall second doorway on our left, that's his room, don't take to long please, this is the worse day he's had." Garble nodded his head in understanding and walked down the hall. He could hear the mares conversing but about what he didn't know.

He found The Komodo Iron fang laying on a bed in the his room. Garble immediately knew what the problem was, and also knew that nothing Fluttershy could do was going to stop it. Iron Fang raised his head off the pillow and studied Garble with piercing eyes. Garble bowed slightly, showing respect to this older dragon and Iron mirror the motion. Garble then spoke in the deep, growling language of dragons, a tongue that was know to all dragons no matter the type. Both he and Iron Fang conversed for a few moments, then Garble bowed again and backed out of the room.

Turning he reluctantly walked down the hallway. He had been asked to deliver a message, but that didn't meant he had to like it. He returned to the living room and found both Caramel and Fluttershy on the couch. Fluttershy was beet red and Caramel was giggling like a mad pony. He cleared his throat to get there attention.

Both mares looked at him, Fluttershy could tell he wasn't happy.

"What's wrong Garble?" She asked him. He sighed, there was no easy way to put this.

"The reason no doctors could find any trace of a sickness in Iron, is because there isn't one." Caramel looked relieved but seeing the grave look on Garbles face shattered that relief.

"What is wrong then." Garble sighed and sat down on the floor.

"Iron Fang is dying of old age... He won't last past today." Garbles words struck like knives into Caramels heart. She burst out in sobs and clung to Fluttershy as she comforted her friend. Garble waited for Caramels sobs to soften till he continued.

"While he is dying he asked me to give a message to you Caramel." She turned her tear stained eyes to Garble.

"When you found Iron he was already old. You befriended him when you were a filly and he has stayed with you since." Garble said.

"He cares for you deeply and wished me to tell you that." he said softly. Caramel eye started spilling tears again.

"The translation from the dragon tongue to pony for the term he calls you, is Friend-Mate, it means one who is a friend as close a mate would be. It's only given to one dragons hold very close to their hearts." Garble explained, while Caramel cried.

"He had one last request..." Garble paused making sure he had Caramels attention.

"He said when you were a filly you'd both watch the sunset from a particular hill, he wishes that to be his last moment here on Equis. Watching the sunset with his best friend." Garble finished speaking. Caramel rushed out of the room and down the hall startling both Garble and Fluttershy who quickly followed. They found Carmel Clinging to the neck of Iron fang sobbing.

"Please don't go! Your the only family I have left." She sobbed as iron nuzzled her with his snout. He said something in dragon speech and Garble translated.

"He said, just don'y forget all the days we shared together and He'll always be with you." Garble bowed his head again to Iron. iron looked between Garble and Fluttershy, looking back to Garble he said something to which Garble answered.

"With my life." Garble said. Garble and Fluttershy left the two friends alone, so they could be together.

(That evening, hill out side of Appleossa)

Garble and Fluttershy stood a ways back giving Iron and Caramel privacy. The sun was setting, slowly lowering to the horizon. The sky was bathed in gold's, red's,orange's and indigo's. It was like the sun knew what was happening and decided to put on it's best colors to give the four the best it had to offer. And as the last rays of the sun dipped over the horizon, Iron Fang breathed his last.

Caramel hugged her friends neck, sobbing in grief and loss. Garble stepped up to the tree, looking left and right. He found what he was looking for, then walked over to Caramel and Iron. Caramel watched in sadness as Garble picked up the limp form of Iron fang and brought him over to a flat spot near the tree trunk. Setting Iron down Garble took a deep deep breath.

The mares were shocked when Garble left loose a white hot jet of flame onto the bare ground. for a straight minuet he breathed fire onto that one spot, when he stopped, hat was there was a small pool of lava. Garble picked up Iron's body and saying something in dragon speech laid him down into the molten rock and stone.

Caramel and Fluttershy got as close as they could, the heat keeping them from getting closer. soon a low humming could be heard, getting steadily louder. Garble hummed for a short while longer then raising his arms till the were parallel to the ground. He spoke in a deep, growling voice.

"Your life fire, your hunt has ended. Though you body remains, Your spirit flies onward to the great mountain, to the caves where our Father's, Our Mother's, Our sister's and Brother's all wait to embrace the in their wings. The thunder of your roar shall be heard throughout the mountain and you shall follow the Sky lord to the eternal hunting grounds, where you hoard will never grow small. My your spirit, Iron Fang, find peace in the presence of our ancestors and my your flame never grow cold. Fair winds, strong wings and good hunting to you you my fallen brother."

Garble finished his prayer and turned to the two mares. They both had tears in their eyes. He stepped away from the cooling pool and was quickly hugged by Caramel.

"Thank you for that." She sobbed into his chest. He returned her hug gently.

"It's a burial prayer for dragon elders who were held in the highest regard, I believed that it was appropriate, and it honored Iron's life." Garble said softly. Caramel ended the hug and stepped away. She had a smile on her face, sad from the loss of her close friend but happy that she could give him the thing he wished for most in the end. She got as close to the pool as she could and sat down.

"I'm going to stay here for a little while longer, you two can head back to town." Caramel said.

"Are you sure Caramel?" Fluttershy didn't want to impose but she was worried about hr friend. caramel smiled at her,

"I'll be fine Fluttershy, I just don't feel ready to leave yet." Caramel turned and stared into the lava. Garble walked over to Fluttershy and placing a claw on her shoulder he nodded his head and lead her down the hill back toward town. They made their way down the hill and started their way back to town when a massive shadow came barreling out of the orchard leaping with a roar at them. Garble acted quickly and shoved Fluttershy out of the way and the shadow slammed into him. The two shot be and garble found himself thrown through two trees.

He grunted as he picked himself up glaring at the shadow with blazing red eyes that towered over him.

"Who are you and what do you want!?" Garble yelled. the shadow laughed, loud and heartless.

"Have you so quickly forgotten the feeling of my fist brother?" The deep voice cut through Garbles heart like a white hot knife.

"Grog?! It can't be you! What are you doing here?" Garble yelled, only to be answered by a massive fist to his face, sending him flying through more trees.

"This town is going to be my pillage you pathetic weakling. I won't have your weak stench any where near here!" The moon showed it's self from behind a cloud revealing Grog from the shadows. He was three times Garble's size, his scales were a dull grey, with black belly scales, thick bone spikes trailed down his back. His piercing red eyes glared at Garble as he got to his feet a second time.

"What do you mean your pillage Grog? Dragon Lord Ember forbade any and all attacks and raids on Equestria." Garble crouched, making himself ready if Grog charged.

"Father lost all our hoard when he died in a battle with another dragon, you know dragon law, if you defeat a dragon he must relinquish his hoard." Grog said hotly,

"And since He's dead I'm the new Highlander clan leader, I'm here to replenish our hoard and you think I really care what that piss poor excuse of a Dragon Lord says." Grog roared and charged Garble, but he was ready. Garble jumped over his surprised brother, landing and rolling on the ground Garble got to his feet.

"Garble are you all right?!" Fluttershy galloped up to him. Garble didn't like this situation one bit.

"I'm fine Fluttershy! Stay back, I don't want you to take a hit from him." Garble said. Grog was listening and smiled darkly

"Ha! the weakling of a dragon and a puny pony... you must be made for each other." Grog slammed his claws into the ground, yanking a large boulder, the same size as him, out and throwing it at Garble and Fluttershy. Garble grabbed her and dove out of the way, just barely dodging the rock as it smashed into the ground. Fluttershy was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane in Garbles arms.

He had to find a safe place for her and fast. Luck wasn't on his side at the moment. Grog's stomping and tearing of the ground caused an underground cave to collapse, right under Garbles feet. He didn't know what else to do, so he threw Fluttershy as far as he could onto solid ground. Garble fell down getting smacked by rocks and dirt.

He landed hard and the air was knocked out of him. Wheezing he tried to get to his feet, when he was knocked back down when Grog slammed down in front of him. He grabbed Garble's tail and started slamming him into the walls and ground. Grog laughed coldly as he flung his brother around like a rag doll. Every time Garble hit a surface he'd offer insults.

"Weakling! Stupid! Pathetic! Freak!" Finally Grog stopped and held Garbles bruised and battered body up to his face. Grog took notice of Garbles right wing and smiled insanely.

"OH. The poor freak can't fly anymore, what a shame. I know! Let me help you fly!" Grog swung Garble around like a sling. Letting go Garble shot straight up into the air, tumbling limp in the air. Just as his ascension came to a halt Grog appeared next to him and back handed him hard.

"Fly into my fist!" Grog called as he laughed while Garble collided with the earth, slamming into the ground and making a good sized crater. Grog landed with a thud and a distance away.

"You were always good for a laugh Garble, I'll give you that much." He said wiping a tear from his eye,

"Tell you what when I'm done destroying this town and taking all it's riches, you can come back to the nest and be the clan jester." Grog offered as he walked over to him.

"It's the best deal a freak like you is going to get." Grog notice Futtershy galloping straight toward Garble. He smiled darkly and in a blur of motion appeared between Fluttershy and Garble.

"What's this? The puny pony want's to help the weakling freak?" Fluttershy was frozen in fear. Garble forcing his way past the pain trying to get to fluttershy before... It happened.

"Get out of here puny bitch, the dragons are talking." Grog spun in place smashing his tail into Fluttershy, sending her tumbling through the air and straight into a tree trunk. she hit it with a sickeningly loud SNAP and crumpled to the ground as still as death. Next thing Garble saw was red.

"Well that takes care of that, so freak what do yUUUURRGGH!" Grog never finished his sentence, because Garbles fist buried its self into his gut. Grog stumbled back clutching his stomach.

"You'll pay for that you weakling." Grog yelled, but he was drowned out by the primal roar of rage that Garble unleashed, shaking the very ground with his furry. Garble charged at the stunned Grog, who was to surprised at the change of tactics to dodge.

Grog saw white sparks dance before his eyes as his jaw exploded in pain. He was sent off of his feet and landed on his back. Garble didn't give him a second to recover. Jumping onto Grog's chest Garble unleashed a barrage of punches and clawing strikes onto Grog's face and neck. Grog tried to fend off the blows but couldn't because of the strength behind them.

Garbles disease was a blessing in disguise, while he wouldn't grow larger, his muscles and bones would still grow denser and stronger. So he had the strength of a dragon Grog's size in a small package. A very deadly combination.

Grog's snout was broken in multiple places. He was missing most of his teeth. Large gouges and cuts from Garbles claws littered his face. Grog's left forearm was broken from a single blow.

"PWeash... SHHpare meeh." Grog managed to slur, pleading with Garble. Garble was to far gone to hear his pleas. He leapt off Grog and picked up the massive boulder he had launched at Fluttershy and him. Garble stood over his brothers head, the boulder held high. Grog's one open eye was spilling tears, sputtering and pleading for his life. It all fell on deaf ears. With a mighty roar Garble started to bring down the stone to crush his brother screaming head.

"STOOOOP!" Fluttershy Screamed. Garble stopped the boulder less then an inch from Grog's face. He blinked as his eyes cleared of the red haze they'd been under and he turned to see Fluttershy limping toward him. Her right wing hung slack and broken, dragging on the ground beside her. She clutched her chest, breathing hard as she struggled to get to Garble.

"Don't do it Garble, It's not worth it." Garble was at war with himself. One side wanted Grog dead, the other just wanted to make sure Fluttershy would be okay.

"He may have hurt you, and done horrible things, but don't sink to his level." Fluttershy begged as she slowly made her way to him. Thoughts of his years as Grog's punching bag, the abuse, the pain. His anger flared again and he raised the boulder over his head.

I'm going to make him pay!

Don't do it Garble!

Why are you even defending him? You know what he's done... what he was going to do! wouldn't it be best for everyone if I ended this worthless, sack of shit right here?
Maybe, but it won't stop the cycle of hate and pain that your family started

I just wanted to be excepted! I just wanted to be loved like the rest of them!

And aren't you?


There's a beautiful mare right here, who cares about, probably even loves you. Would you do anything to hurt her?

Of course not!

Then don't do this Garble. If you go through with this, it will hurt her deeply. It's still your choice but I say don't do it.

Garble stood there with the boulder High above his head. the seconds felt like hours. Garble's nostril's flared and with a loud roar he threw the rock. Grog clenched his eye shut, waiting for death, it never came. The boulder landed on the edge to the new gully Grog had created. Garble glared at his sniveling brother.

"I've spared your life." He growled.

"And do you know why? Because the mare I care for asked me too." He leaned in close and His green eyes boring into Grog's red ones.

"Pick your sorry tail hole up and get your trashy rump out of here." Garble slowly stood up. He turned to a smiling Fluttershy and started to make is way to her. Grog got to his feet, he was angry, he wasn't beaten, not by his freak of a brother, he'd make him pay. Grog charged Garble fast, trying to take him off guard. Sadly for him Garble already knew what his brother would try.

"You fool!" Garble yelled, turning and grabbing Grog's outstretched arm, twisting and throwing Grog back the way he came. Grog landed on the edge of the gully. He shook his head trying to clear the stars from his vision. The ground beneath him gave away taking him, screaming, down with it. He landed at the bottom and a long piece of rubble pierced his right wing. Grog howled in pain, trying to free himself.

Something above him gave a frightening crack. He turned his fear filled eye skyward. The ledge that the boulder was sitting on was right above him... and it was crumbling away. Grog screamed in fear and rage, trying to free himself as his death came tumbling down to meet him. The whole orchard was filled with his scream of terror, a massive thud, then absolute silence.

Garble quickly went over to the edge and his blood ran cold. The boulder had landed on Grog's head smashing it flat and painting the nearby ground bright red, with bit of bone and brain matter splattered everywhere. Grog's body still twitched and jerked, as if even in death he was still trying to escape. Garble was a carnivore but this sight made even his stomach turn. He backed away from the edge and turned to a concerned Fluttershy.

"He's dead." Garble said. Even though Grog had tortured him most of his life, he was sad at his death. family was still family. A hiss of pain brought his attention back to fluttershy. He rushed over to her, gently as he could he picked her up and began carrying her back to town.

"I guess I'll be the one taking care of you this time." Garble said smiling slightly. Fluttershy giggled then winced.

"OW... don't make me laugh, it hurts to laugh right now." She sighed, leaning into his warm strong chest. They heard shouts in the distance, It seemed the town ponies had been roused and were heading their way. Garbled picked up the pace a little.

"Did you mean what you said?" Fluttershy asked. Garble gave her a questioning look.

"About caring for me?" A blush formed on her cheeks. Garble smiled at her, leaned his head in and kissed her on the cheek. Fluttershy's face erupted into bright crimson. Garble laughed lightly at her reaction.

"Yes fluttershy... I care about you more the anything, and besides, I still owe you that dinner I promised." He smirked.

(7 Years latter)

"...And that's how your mother and I met." Garble was sitting cross legged on the floor next to his wife of 5 years.

"Grog sounds like a real bucking tail hole!" Garbles and Fluttershy's oldest son Ruby "Spike" Thunder said. He looked like his father with green eyes, ruby scales, wings and orange fin spines, but that's were the similarities end. His belly scales were a dark yellow, He had a pony's tail and instead of claws he had hooves.

"Ruby said a bad word!" Ruby's younger, twin brother Shining Emerald said. Shining took after his mother more, with a yellow furred Pegasus wings and body. A deep red mane and tail, his eyes were a Rose color and he had claws instead of hooves. The two brothers butted head and glared at each other.

"Bwuder's Fwightin!" A small voice yelled. The voice belonged to Sun Shower, their youngest and first daughter. She looked like a normal dragon hatchling, like her father had. Her scales though, were a lovely butter yellow with white belly scales. Bright pink spines ran down her back and brilliant blue eyes took the world in with infinite curiosity.

"Bwuder's no fwiight at Pawtiee!" She yelled, giggling and happily clapping her claws.

"Now boys, what did we tell you about today?" Flutteshy calmly said. She may have sounded calm but Ruby and shining knew that when Mom sounded calm, danger was close by. The snapped to attention.

"That it's yours and Daddy special day and that we are not to fight at all today." They both said in perfect unison, like how many twins are able to do. Fluttershy smiled sweetly, but there was a fire behind her eyes.

"That's right, now remeber, if you fight, there will be severe consequences." That fire in her eyes blazed making the boys shiver and nod. They didn't want to make Mommy unhappy, cause when Mommy was unhappy... Everyone was in trouble.

"Hey Fluttershy, these two ankle bitters giving you grief again?" A new voice said? All eyes turned to the purple scaled dragon with green eye, spines and belly scales.

"UNCLE SPIKE!" The twin shouted and tackled him with a hug. Spike laughed as he ruffled their respective mane and spines.

"You two behaving for your mother?" He asked them. Their ears drooped slightly.

"I'm trying to, but it's hard." Shining complained

"I second that." Ruby said. Spike just laughed.

"You two have been hanging around Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie to much." He grinned at the twins then turned his attention the their parents.

"I didn't get a chance to say it yet but happy 5th anniversary to you both." He said with a smile which both Garble and Fluttershy returned.

"Thank you Spike." fluttershy said

"By the way, How's Derpy doing? She must be almost to full term." she asked Spike smiled.

"Yep, should be any day now. I know I'm also the father of Dinky but this, just feels different. I'm a nervous wreck." Garble nodded.

"I know what you mean... On another note, Everything ready Spike?" Garble winked at his fellow drake conspiratorially. Spike gave a wide, mischievous grin.

"It's all set and ready Garble." Garble nodded in approval. Fluttershy narrowed her eye's in suspicion.

"What are you two planning?" She asked. Garble merely chuckled,

"It's a surprise." He smile sweetly at his wife. She squinted at him for a few more seconds, then just sighed and shook her head.

"I hope it's a good surprise." She said, smiling. Garble took her hoof and kissed it.

"It will be... come on you lot, It's time to get ready for the food." At that word food Sun Shower squealed in happiness and ran in a yellow blur to the table on the castle of Friendship's great hall. Garble just shook his head.

"I don't know where she get's all that energy from... I know it's not from you my love." He sighed and helped Fluttershy to her hooves. All of them walked over to the table, sat down and a few minuets later the food was served. It was a marvelous meal. Princess Twilight hadn't spared any expense on the catering.

This was a wonderful moment for Fluttershy. She had all her friends around her celebrating the 5 years she and Garble... Garble? Fluttershy looked to her left and saw his seat was empty. Her gaze flicked around the room.

"Now where could my husband have gotten to now?" she murmured to herself as she looked for him.

"Can I have your attention please?" Garbles voice said over speakers. All eye's turned to spike and Garble, both holding mics. Garble spoke again.

"I'd like to thank everypony for coming here and celebrating Futtershy's and my 5th anniversary with us." Cheers erupted along with well wishes. He raised his claw and and it quieted down.

"Now me and Spike have been working on something that we'd now like to share with both of the loves of our lives." Fluttershy and Derpy both blushed as everypony else went "AAAWWWWW." Garble grinned and turning to Dj-Pon 3 in the corner he said,

"Hit it!" and hit it she did.

Music started playing and both Spike and Garble started singing to the mares they loved most.


She played my heart,
Like a fiddle in a band,
And she fell in love,
With this Drac-O-Nian,

I kissed her on the neck,
And then I took her by hoof,
Said baby I just want to dance,

I met her out,
Side of Dodge city,
Where I hit the ground,
Thunder in the air,
Lightning flashing around,

She treated me,
with the kindest of hearts,
And my own heart was lost,
But it found its start,

She has the patience of a saint,
and a temper to match,
I could never do better,
She is quite the catch,

After just two weeks,
I was putty in her hooves,
and as we danced with the moon,
That's when I understood,

She played my heart,
Like a fiddle in a band,
And she fell in love,
With this Drac-O-Nian,

I kissed her on the neck,
And then I took her by hoof,
Said baby I just want to dance,
With my pretty little Pony Girl,
Your my pretty little Pony girl,

You know she'll give you a hug,
Then stare you to submission,
But my love for her,
Has absolutely no condition,

As we left Appleossa,
Heading for our home,
She started singing a song,
That was enchanting to me,

I've never heard of a voice,
Ever sounding so sweet,
Acapella on the road,
Using her hooves for a beat,

While they Spike and Garble were singing, Garble walked over to Fluttershy and took her hoof in his claw, pulling her to him and to the center of the room where she danced with, like they had all those years ago under the moon light.

I could listen to her voice,
On repeat for a week,
And when I'm not the audience,
I swear she's singing to me,


My, my, my, my, my, my, my Pony girl X 3

He stopped and looked into his blushing wife's blue eyes. He smiled softly caressing her cheek with a claw. She melted into his touch, nuzzling his claw. As he sang the next lines he never took his eye off her's.

I've been married five years,
With her by my side,
I'm holding her hoof,
While she's holding mine,

I have three children,
their the pride of my life,
I'm so thankful,
for the storm that night,

We made a home,
And we share our lives,
But it's not over yet,
We've got so much time,

I swore I'd put you,
In a song that I'd write,
About a broken wing,
And a healing light,

Fluttershy's eyes teared up at the heartfelt words he sang to her. She smiled brightly as tears streamed down her face. Garble wiped them away with a claw, and as he neared the end of the last Chorus, a mischievous smirk spread across his face. Fluttershy yelped as he picked her up into a bridal carry and spun her around while he sang the last part of the song. Fluttershy's beautiful laugh rang out in the halls and she was spun by the drake who had stolen her heart.


My, my, my, my, my, my, my Pony Girl X 3

As Vinyl got the rest of the pony's to sing at the end Garble stopped spinning and with a happy grin plastered over his face. He Gazed at this lovely mare, who had just taken him in to fix his wing, and had given him more then her could've ever asked for. Looking into her bright blue eyes, he leaned forward. Fluttershy wrapped her fore hooves around his neck.

"I Love you Garble." She said softly. He felt like he did back under the moon, Weak as a baby and strong as a giant at the same time. He leaned forward gently pressing his lips to hers. The kiss was gentle, but full of the love, passion and devotion for a life time. Their lips parted and pressing their foreheads together, the world around them seemed to fade away. All Fluttershy could hear, was the words he spoke to her.

"I love you too, my Healing Wings."


A very old, white rabbit leaned heavily on the doorway to the great hall in the Castle of Friendship. He watched the Anniversary of his owner and her husband with a small smile on his face. He heaved a large sigh... His work here was done. Angel's small body was encased in a soft white light, slowly he turned into a mist. The mist grew, and grew till it formed into the the shape of a transparent Pegasus mare, with a yellow coat, blue mane, tail and eyes.

She smiled as the couple danced, with the world around them nothing but white noise.

"You no longer need me Fluttershy.". The mare said.

"I wish I could tell you how happy I am for you. How proud I am of the mare you've become." The spirit looked on as Garble and Fluttershy kissed.

"Make my daughter happy Garble. I helped you when you needed it most but now it's all up to you." She slowly faded away, being drawn to the afterlife, leaving Fluttershy and Garble to make their life together.

Comments ( 29 )

It’s finally out! I love it so much! :heart::yay:

FluttershyxGarble? Yeah, I almost hope I lose to your fic in the contest.

It's also 4K over the limit...

I thought you wrote it could be stretched between 15K and 20K? that's what I read at least. :rainbowhuh:

Pretty sure he said 15K was the max, give or take. 19K is quite a bit past that limit. :unsuresweetie:

It was in the posts between Jake the Army guy and Purple prose. Jake posted this,

Eh, it's a BIT flexible. I don't want to burn out the judges with some War & Peace epic, but if you have to go a bit over, it's okay.

If Healing Wings still doesn't qualify, then I can't enter it. The story would suffer for it if I had to cut the word count that much and as an author, I can't do that. :pinkiesmile: It's up to Jake the Army Guy, if he excepts it, then it's good if not... Oh well, that's the way the cookie crumbles. :twilightsmile:

Before I read this, what is the Gore tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?

i just dont see how that ship can sail he clearly thinks dragons are better and fluttershy wouldnt be able to handle his aggressive attitude

there's a part near the end where a characters head gets crushed.

Fluttershy dominated a fully grown dragon in the show, when all of the other more physical of the mane 6 couldn't. The Stare's effects aren't clearly defined so I took some creative license and it cowed Garbles more aggressive side and bolstered Fluttershy's courage. plus in this story he acts like a big meanie mc meanie pants cause he had a abussive childhood, His true nature wasn't like that.

so you combined bully and tsunderer aspects thats an interesting combo i'll put it in my read later since i have to sleep for work now

Thanks for giving it a chance. :twilightsmile: sleep well.

The fic is on the wordy side with a great deal of unnecessary details. I'll bet that if you trim the fat a bit, you can squeeze this story into Jake's 15k word limit. Here, look at this.

It was around 2 in the afternoon as Garble, beating his wings in a steady rhythm, made his way north just past the Pony settlement of Dodge City. Normally the red scaled, highland dragon teen would think about swooping down, scaring the manure out of some of the residents. Though today he had other things on his mind

It's not important to note what time it is specifically, just that it's in the afternoon, so you can just say "It was afternoon as Garble..." This is also not a good time to describe him. A better time would be when Fluttershy first sees him. So rather than "Normally, the red-scaled, highland dragon teen would think..." It would be better to go for "Normally, he would think...". If you go through the fic with a fine-toothed comb, so to speak, you'll probably slash a good number of words from your word count.

thanks for the input. :twilightsmile: I'll give it some thought. :pinkiesmile:

"Blitzen, Comet, I don't want to bother you but, there's a bad storm coming." She told the two calmly.

Ah nice Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer reference

"That's what I thought." He walked toward the entrance, limping slightly when he felt something hit his tail. He turned and saw a small white rabbit, glaring and squeaking at him. Garble had the strangest feeling that this puny rodent was telling him off. with a flick of his tail, he sent the the pest into the wall. The rabbit cried out in pain as one of it's forelegs snapped on impact. Garble laughed,

Oh no you should never ever do that 😥

"I don't like ponies period, what makes you think I'd travel with one willingly?" he said turning his head and looking at her. Flutershy hid behind her mane a little.


"I was the first of my clutch to hatch roughly 50 years ago, since dragon age differently, I believe that puts me around 20 in Pony years, I'll use those so not to confuse you. Being First hatched is a special thing for a Highlander. We're more closely knit then most other clans, and have a hierarchy system of leadership." Garble explained

And this is before we discovered that he had a sister name smolder which she mentioned during season 8 but we never got the name but then we got the confirmation in season 9 which that's still blew my mind

Flutteshy almost giggled at the thought of how her Friend Twilight would react when she found out what she had learned, but she controlled herself. Garble, unaware of her struggles, continued on.


"Highland dragons, normally, grow to be 50 to 60 feet long and as we grow older we switch from a bipedal stance to walking on four legs, like you do." He paused to make sure Fluttershy was understanding him. She nodded her head.

Actually that kind of makes sense during the G5 how spike is a little different when he grew up well except for he's not a giant but whatever it's still pretty interesting

"My siblings took to treating me as their living punching bag. The only reason my scales are as tough as they are is because of my younger brothers and sisters daily beatings." Fluttershy was completely horrified.

Okay I know this is way before smolder came to the picture but I'm sure she would never do that to garble

"Okay, that's enough hugging for today." He still had nightmares of Spike making him hug every dragon on his way home." Flutteshy let go.

Yeah that was your fault on that one

Their ruler, King Thorax had greatly improved relations between the two species, enough that they could walk around in broad daylight. So many different races in that town, He had actually seen a young female Knuckler dragon there as well.

Yeah I'm really glad that thorax made a huge difference not just only for his changelings but the other creatures out there as well

Garble turned and walked over to Fluttershy. She was sitting on her haunches near the cart. He offered a claw to her which she placed her hoof in with a confused expression. Confusion turned to shock and embarrassment as Garble began to dance with her as he sang the chorus. Her face was as red as a strawberry,

Out of nowhere, a down pour dumped on the two's moment, drowning it in rain. Garble and Flutershy both gave yelps of surprise and instead of kissing, smacked their heads together. Angel let loose a high Squeaky yell of rage and shook his paw at the sky, Comet's jaw hit the floor, literally, and Blitzen face planted into the now muddy ground.

"That was a very nice of you Grable." Garble sputtered and tried to brush it off, all the while his scales redder then a tomato. Flutershy giggled at his embarrassment. She turned and directed Comet and Blitzen down a side street, finally coming to a stop at a single story house.


"And since He's dead I'm the new Highlander clan leader, I'm here to replenish our hoard and you think I really care what that piss poor excuse of a Dragon Lord says." Grog roared and charged Garble, but he was ready. Garble jumped over his surprised brother, landing and rolling on the ground Garble got to his feet.

How dare you say that you poor excuse for a dragon 😡

"Now boys, what did we tell you about today?" Flutteshy calmly said. She may have sounded calm but Ruby and shining knew that when Mom sounded calm, danger was close by. The snapped to attention.


Wow I got to say a very unexpected shipping but yet somehow I kind of like it this was a very sweet story although there was a couple of spelling error especially on Fluttershy and garble so it looks like there was a big huge storm and Fluttershy had to take cover from it but then she heard somebody got hurt and she was right but it turns out to be a dragon when she was afraid but she couldn't leave him out there so decided to heal him up and it's also turned out to be garble the first meeting was a little rocky but then they still starting to talk with each other and even open up about their past and I got to say it is pretty sad but pretty nice that they can talk to each other about this and Fluttershy decide for him to come along with her and then throughout the weeks on the road they started to have connection with each other even falling in love and once they reach to Appaloosa they finally reached to their patients which turns out the Komodo dragon was kind of sick but worse he was dying and the owner was pretty devastated but wanting to give him the last moment together with him and with that he passed away and it was nice of garble to do this for her but then things really escalated when his older brother attacking them and of course he's going to be one of those dragons are going to Rebellion against dragon lord ember and garble was overpowered by him but then when he saw his brother attacking Fluttershy he hits back in full force and he was about to kill him but Fluttershy stopped him for making the big mistake and he was showing Mercy but unfortunately the Dragon decided to hit back and Instant Karma basically got him killed and it looks like they're about to head back and they even fell in love with that 5 years later it turns out they got married with each other and have kids and it looks like garble and Spike let bygones be bygones which that's nice and I got to say this was a pretty cool story keep up the good work

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