• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 4,130 Views, 248 Comments

Living in the Present, Hoping for the Future. - FlutterDash979797

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash seek each other for help and discover something more within themselves.

  • ...

You're On

Sometimes Tank had missed elements of Fluttershy's cottage. The delicate and perfectly-tended grounds around her home were perfect grazing grounds for the tortoise. Her home naturally had a warming presence; perfectly reminiscent of the owner. Rainbow's house, particularly in the past series of events, was always chaotic. "Okay, he's waiting inside Tank." Fluttershy unlocked the door.

"We'll head right on in. I'm sure he's excited; it will be a huge step above whatever I make him," Rainbow replied.

Fluttershy waited until Rainbow and Tank flew inside before shutting the door. Angel hopped over to greet the visitors while Fluttershy folded her wings.

"Look, Angel, man, something is up. I know you. You wouldn't just randomly make me a salad for no reason. What are you planning?" Tank said to Angel, confident that Rainbow and Fluttershy wouldn't understand.

"Just shut up and enjoy your salad," the bunny snarked.

“This is all so sudden. What is going on?”

"I think your mom can help mine. Why do you think I set this all up? To give you a salad? Nah... I used my massive brain to plan this out. Don’t interfere!"

"My mom needs her own help. She isn't in any..."

"Hey guys, how is your the salad Tank?" Rainbow interrupted. Tank dove into his salad, ignoring any principles of restraint or manners. "That's my boy." Dash smiled.

Taught by the best, Tank thought as he devoured the delicious meal.

Rainbow felt a flick behind her ear. "What was that for?" She gazed down at Angel, yet he held proud.

The bunny threw his hands towards himself, signaling Rainbow to follow him.

"Hey ‘Shy your bunny-"

Angel pointed his index finger against his mouth and erratically jumped.

"What's wrong Dash?" Fluttershy asked several rooms away.

"You're salad is great! Tank sends his thanks."


She continued her stare at the floppy-eared mammal. Rainbow Dash, the toughest, greatest, and coolest flyer in Equestria wasn't going to let a bunny tell her what to do. She still found herself intrigued,, and would at least give him an opportunity to explain.

His fingers pointed in the direction towards Fluttershy.

"Uh huh, what about her?"

Angel made a dramatic pose and threw his eyes towards the ground.

"Yeah, I got that much. What am I supposed to do about it?"

I hadn't thought that far ahead, he thought before shrugging his shoulders.

"Really, you conceive this plan involving Tank and myself, and you don't even have a solution!" Dash found a piece of zucchini on her face.

Once again, he pointed towards Fluttershy,

"Maybe, I don't know. She's just so... sad... and I'm overwhelmed with, well, everything at the moment. Maybe we need a break? A vacation? Together!"

The bunny scratched his chin and turned his head sideways.

"Nah, it's a stupid idea-"

Angel leapt in joy.

"Actually, that does sound fun. But how are we going to convince Fluttershy?"

Angel shrugged his shoulders yet again and pointed towards Dash.

"Hey, you know it's not polite to point. I'll ask her. Just stay here with Tank. Try to, you know, not throw food."

The bunny saluted her and walked towards Tank.

"You know, for a spoiled, stubborn, crazed rabbit, you're okay. Not great, but okay."

Dash made her way to Fluttershy's living room. Several songbirds peeked out of their homes and slowly followed Rainbow, eager to observe the results.

"Hey Fluttershy, I gotta talk to you."

"Okay... what's going on?" Fluttershy managed to make eye-contact with Rainbow.

"Well, you haven't been yourself lately..."

"I'm sorry." The yellow pegasus interrupted.

"No, don't be sorry! I haven't been doing so well either, in fact, I think I'm somewhere between normal and crazy. I can't really tell at the moment."

Fluttershy had no reply.

"Well, Fluttershy, what are we going to do about this?"

"I don't know. I'm sorry I'm being this way. I don't..."

"Fluttershy, I already told you to not be sorry. You don't know what?"

"I don't know why I feel this way. I just, I don't know. I feel like I'm..."

"You feel like you're not what? Awesome? ‘Cause you are!"

"I'm not.” Fluttershy's next words were a hint above a whisper. "Important..."

"What did you say?"

"I'm... not... important."

"What? ‘Shy, that's crazy! We all love having you as a friend, and all of your animals depend on you!"

"I told you, I don't know why I feel this way, okay!" Tears spawned at the ridges of her eyes.

"Hey come here," Dash wrapped her arms around her best friend in a tight hug. "I'm no therapist, but I know how you feel. I have been overwhelmed with everything. I used to love work, but I can't do it anymore. I haven't been spending enough time with Tank. I've forgotten about my friends, including you. If I knew you had been feeling this way, I would have helped sooner. For that I'm sorry. But we can get better. Together."

Fluttershy eye's glistened with hope. "Together?"

"Together." Dash tightened the hug.

"Dash, what's wrong with you? I mean, you love your job. You love your life. I always see you happy and confident."

"Well... I'm overwhelmed, I guess. I'm working twice as much as before. My boss promoted me recently. I direct groups of pegasus. I also train new employees. But that's only half of my day! I do the usual weather jobs in the morning..."

"Angel, man, what are they doing?" Tank said, watching Angel attempt to spy upon their caretakers.

"They're talking. Confessing to each other," the rabbit replied. “I think your mom likes my mom.”

"They've been friends forever. They kinda have to like each other!"

"No, I mean really likes her. They've been hugging for a quite a while now. And she always kinda blushes whenever Fluttershy compliments her."

"No man, Dash isn't like that. She tells me everything, and not once has she mentioned romance. She's just not a romantic pony."

"I'm always right; you haven't been around me long enough to figure that out. I bet you another salad that they're a couple within a week."

"You're on."

"What are we going to do about us?" Dash's voice was soft and sincere.

"Maybe we could take a break? Freshen up a little. Go somewhere nice and quiet. Focus on something else for a change."

"That's a great idea! I was thinking that too!" Dash smiled.

"Where are we going to go?"

"Well, my uncle has a place up north. Little cabin on a lake located by a river."

"Oh my, that's sounds wonderful. But I can't leave my animals alone."

"Maybe Twilight can take of them? She's organized and has probably read a few books on the subject. You can bring Angel up, and I can bring Tank!"

Fluttershy managed to smiled. "Woo hoo!"

The pair joined in one last hug. "We'll have some time to think up there. Maybe we can figure each other out?" Rainbow hopefully said.

"It worked! I told you it would! Oh, and you can start making me a salad. You should see them. It's not so subtle!" The bunny danced a victory dance.

"Man, it doesn't mean anything yet," the tortoise said in his trademark nonchalant attitude.

"Regardless, we get to go on vacation! How awesome is that?"

"That does seem pretty awesome."

I guess we'll have to get along."


"For our moms." Angel offered his hand to Tank.

The tortoise shook it firmly. "For our moms."

"Hey Tank?"


"I'm not forgetting our bet."