• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 4,130 Views, 248 Comments

Living in the Present, Hoping for the Future. - FlutterDash979797

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash seek each other for help and discover something more within themselves.

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"Come on... come on! Tank have you seen my flight goggles?" The condition of Rainbow Dash's home would likely give Twilight Sparkle a heart attack. Rainbow Dash's house was usually a good reflection of her personality; somewhat disorganized, yet everything was where it was needed when the time came.

"If I can't find them... Oh Celestia am I so screwed! A flight pony without her goggles is like..." She gazed at Tank. "A tortoise without his shell!"

Tank tilted his head towards her closet and let out a soft croak.

"I already checked there! That's a pretty obvious spot! Look, if you aren't going to help me, then stay out of the way! I'm already late as it is!" Rainbow's sharp tone sent Tank cowering in his shell. “Look bud, I'm sorry. I'll make this right when I get back. I've got a lot of things I gotta for the Ponyvile's weather today, and I'm late for it. I can't find my flight goggles, and I'm late. My house is trashed, and I'm late. Have I mentioned that I'm late? ‘Cause I'm late!"

Tank crept here and there, gathering thoughts as well as his sanity. A storm of trash, flight clothes, and unidentifiable objects littered the ground. His shell tipped the edge of the trash-line. In some twisted sense, he was a boat, navigating through a sea of chaos.

"It's not in the closet, not under my bed, no under the mattress, not in any cabinets, where the hay could be it! Things don't just disappear!" Dash screamed.

Her movements were beginning to become as erratic as her mood. Cyan wings toppled every object in sight. It was beyond Tank as to whether Dash knew the consequences of her actions. Or better yet, whether she cared. Being a perfectionist was already a self-defeating flaw within itself. The desire for multiple responsibilities only threw salt upon the wound. Every few seconds a thought would stab her brain, reminding her of what she already knew. Each second ticked down, every breath was wasted time. "I gotta do these weather jobs, then I gotta go prank with Pinkie, then I have to quickly eat lunch, and then I have to conduct the weather surveys! Then I have to go see the new Daring Do movie with Twilight! I can't do this Tank! I want to spend time with my friends, but I have to do these jobs! Nopony can get my job done! It has to be me! Someone else will get it wrong! I haven't taken a nap in forever! Why did I accept those extra shifts? I can't handle them!"

A hoof hit the same location as her initial start. Her search did nothing. Every corner, every hiding spot. Trying wasn't good enough; Rainbow Dash had failed.

"Alright! I give up! No more!” Tank couldn't piece together the sight before him. Dash’s lips shriveled and retracted. Tears were thrown as her eyelids violently shut. Stone muscles slowly crept the tortoise towards his caretaker. Seeing his attempts, Dash flew over to Tank and scratched the tip of his head. Her affection lasted for about a minute, until Tank withdrew his head from her hoof and gave her a stern look.

"I can't do that! Are you crazy!"

You're the one who's crazy! You have forgotten what's important! His thoughts were manifested as yet another stern look.

"Okay, alright. You have a point. But what the hay am I supposed to do? Call up my boss and tell him I can't work today?"

Tank bobbed his head up and down at glacier speed.

"Ugh... you're right. Well, here's goes nothing. Guess Ponyville will have pretty lame weather for a day ‘cause I can't get my act together. Some element of loyalty I am, huh?" Dash reached for her phone and dialed her boss.

"Rainbow Dash, where are you? You were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago!"

"Look Thunder Flash, I can't come to work today. I'm not feeling well, mentally and physically."

"It's about time you say something like that."


"You have never taken a day off. I was worried I was going to violate some kind of worker's rights law," Thunder Flash laughed. Rainbow couldn't help but join in. "But anyways, Dash, take the day off. Go for a walk or something. Besides, somepony around here needs to actually work besides you!"

"Hey, thanks boss."

"Dash, don't thank me. I think it's pretty much my obligation to let my best weather-pony actually have a break."

"Remember though, I'll never leave Ponyville hanging."

"Then, for Ponyville's sake, relax. The next time you come to work, you will be ready for whatever Ponyville throws at you. Seeyah Rainbow."

"Thanks Thunder. Bye." She closed her phone and put it on the table.

I don't know whether she will laugh or cry when I show her where she left her goggles. Tank slowly opened the door to the oven, finding Dash's expensive flight goggles neatly inside.

"Oh horsefeathers. Why the hay were they in there?"

Tank wished he could break the language barrier. Because you told me it was the only area in the house that wasn't full of junk! I think you lost your head that day! His thoughts were vocalized as a playful croak.

"How about I make us some breakfast. A real breakfast, I mean. Nothing microwaveable or covered in plastic wrap."

Tank croaked in delight. The thought sounded lovely, for both him and his caretaker.

"Alright, I'll try to find some ingredients."

Rainbow dove into her kitchen in delight. Sure, Rainbow's cooking skills were only a step above Sweetie Belle's, however, she loved the fact that she could simply experiment without pressure or demands. Tank would eat anything she gave him, and Dash certainly didn't care if the food was less than perfect. It was a chance to take a risk without any fears of dramatic consequences. And perhaps the most important factor; it wasn't timed. Tank would patiently wait and never demand.

"Well, let’s see if I can make toast. Want some orange juice?

She filled Tank's water dish with OJ, delighting the scaled creature.

"What do you like on your toast, peanut-bully or jelly?"

The door knocked several times in a soft, rhythmic fashion. Rainbow knew the culprit. Only Fluttershy would master a knock so delicate and precise.

"Hey bud, I gotta get this."

Aren't you forgetting something! Tank attempted to make his way towards the toaster in time while Dash scurried towards the door.

"Hey Fluttershy, what's up?"

Normally Fluttershy would reach for a hug, however, she was silent and still, her chin tucked against her neck. Something was off. Really off, Dash thought.

"Oh, well Angel made a salad for Tank. He wants Tank over so he can surprise him."


"I know, he usually don't do things like this. But I think he misses Tank and wanted to catch up."

"Okay, I'm sure he's game."

"I can take him while you're at work today. I got nothing going on."

"Well, long story. I got the day off today, probably because I had a nervous breakdown and my flight goggles were in the oven!" Dash hoped for a soft chuckle out of her best friend.

"I'm sorry," Fluttershy said, still not making eye contact with Rainbow. This isn't her! Despite her negative thoughts, Dash tried to stay positive with her best friend and avoid the issue.

"Well, I can come too, right? I need a little time with my friends."

"Yeah, that would be okay." A moderate silence followed.

"So, I'll get his flight gear ready. Looking forward to it. It's been awhile, pal," Rainbow received no response. Dash trotted back inside in search of Tank.

"Hey Tank, buddy, where are you? That bunny of Fluttershy's apparently made a salad for you, and we're heading over there," she paused for a second. "Wait, is something burning? Oh crap, the toast!

Dash discovered Tank on the kitchen counter, slowly reached his head towards the off-button on the toaster. Dash had already unplugged the machine before his head was half-way the outlet.

"Some cook I am, huh? Look, Fluttershy's bunny made a meal for you, and he wants to surprise you with it. Fluttershy is here right now, and we'll leave soon. I'll get your flight gear."

Now why in the world would Angel go through all this trouble to make me a salad? He always was a strange rabbit. Well, at least it's getting mom focused on something else. The tortoise began to power up his propeller.

"Fluttershy, we're all ready to go. We'll follow you there."

The two each seem like they could use a break. Maybe this is all part of some scheme by Angel. Tank's propeller slowly lifted him off the ground. Either way, I'm sure whatever he is getting them into is for the good. He was accelerated forward by a massive jolt of power into his propeller. Well, mostly good.