• Member Since 16th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Jake Witt

I'm not just reading. My stories have "idea" but no "form" or "function". I'm just an armored guy riding a Robot Dino-Dragon; fighting a dark paradox man thing. I don't remember if I'm a robot.


This story is a sequel to The Great Fandom Man!

(Reading "The Great Fandom Man" is optional but the "Soft Reboot" section is needed. Context/Key: I had a good thing but I stuck it to an idea I couldn't realize.*)

After bringing balance to the two-headed moon princess; Twilight Sparkle, Tiny Spark, and Spike decide to live in the Ponyville Golden Oak's Library. It has everything they need! A library, a bedroom loft, a kitchen, a basement, another library, cookies on dowels, two bathrooms, stairs, and a hole in the ceiling containing an unreachable pocket dimension.

Did they mention the giant gaping hole and the pocket dimension inside Voltron's head?

What mysteries does it hold? What is a Cuban Pete? Whose voice is that? Where did it come from?

* If I do continue Lego Craft's story... well, the tables will turn. Lego Craft ruined Fandom Man's main role chances. Now Fandom Man ruin's Lego Craft's current existence. There's no breaking the cycle. It is made worse since I gave up on the Lego Craft and Box reboot. It is because of this that my badly connected universe is being drastically altered like a pot of good and bad ideas mixing.**

**Lego Craft is the key. His original story and reboot- both will not be finished or canceled- and Fandom Man's forced connection to both versions have screwed time-space. Especially with Season 5 finale meeting Season 1. There's no perfect copy since they're both My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

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