• Member Since 16th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

Jake Witt

I'm not just reading. My stories have "idea" but no "form" or "function". I'm just an armored guy riding a Robot Dino-Dragon; fighting a dark paradox man thing. I don't remember if I'm a robot.


"Can anybull hear Iron Will?"

In a world similar to they're own, Bulk Bicepts a.k.a Saddle Ranger and his sidekick Iron Will the Mini Minotaur have to protect an alternate Equestria and find out how this world's version of themselves died... or went missing.

All while fighting the Maneiac, rouge fictional heroes, returning the sun to end an eternal night, and fighting other bad guys Rainbow Dash's friends forgot to stop. "Wait. What happened to them?!" You'll find out soon.

This is meant for experimentation. It isn't meant to be liked unless liked.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 5 )

Rouge fictional heroes? Do they wear makeup?

Or were they caught red-hooved?

Does the mini Minotaur have allergy to tartar sauce?

Croikey! Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a sighting of the very rare Tobuscus Brony. Very few reveal themselves on this site, so this is a once-in a lifetime opportunity to get up close to one in this environment.


What da faq! MEIN GOD :rainbowlaugh:

My insides hurt! :rainbowlaugh:

Equestrian-style Displaced story. Interesting:moustache:

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