• Published 23rd Dec 2016
  • 15,925 Views, 455 Comments

Friendship Is Monsters - spotty8ee

Twilight is a human in a world of monsters, although she's never met one. So when she finds a vampire dying on her front lawn one day, she's not sure what she's found. A new friend? Or her demise...

  • ...

Just A Taste

As with most of her grandmother’s visits it was short and memorable. Soft commented on her daughter’s lack of homemaking skills, politely asked Nightlight about work, and listened to Twilight talk about her recent experiments. Sure her visits were sometimes spiced up by one piece of gossip or another, but they all end the same, Soft leaving in her expensive car and Velvet pouring herself a glass of wine.

Twilight usually didn’t mind her grandmother’s visits. Today however she was conflicted. She knew she couldn’t hide her friends from her family forever. She really didn’t want to either,she was just worried about how they would react.

Last time they hadn’t accepted the concept of monster friends and Shiny had left the family…

Twilight didn’t know if she could make that choice.

It was a few day later at Crystal Prep and Twilight still wasn’t sure how to approach the problem with her family and friends. She had been pondering a solution and it was starting to make her anxious. Should she even bring it up? Should she just keep hiding it until it all blew up in her face? Was it better to live a lie?

No. Twilight didn’t think so. It was always better to live true to yourself. However, she didn’t have to exactly live honestly either. So long as it wasn’t brought up or argued over she could just feign naivety. Her parents didn’t have a rule about leaving the Estates alone or about monsters. To be fair, they likely thought she wouldn’t do either of her own free will anyway.

Well… they’d have been right a month ago.

At any rate, it wasn’t the time to dwell on such things, as she was currently in the midst of a minor celebration.

Twilight chuckled from atop her dorm bed, laptop open as she watched her chatroom explode with a chorus of cheers. It was midnight and all the girls were still up and typing, at Pinkie’s insistence, because-

“Its OFFICIAL! Everybody is officially ungrounded!!!” Pinkie typed, a small emoji blowing a noisemaker beside it. “Break out the shovels!”

“FINALLYYYYY!!!! I can stop picking up litter at the track on my weekends!” Rainbow added, and Twilight could imagine her pumping her fist in victory at the announcement.

“Yay,” Fluttershy piped up.

“Thank god, my knees are sore from scrubbing the floors.” Sunset typed in.

“Now that everybody's dug up, Rarity and I have a surprise!!” Pinkie wrote, her words getting bigger and bigger. “WERE HAVING A SLEEPOVER!”

“Sleepover!” Rainbow cheered.

“Indeed!” Rarity’s fancy font appred. “It will be one for the ages! Food, music, games-”

“Food!” Pinkie repeated.

“Yes, yes.” Rarity responded. “Not to mention I plan on doing hair and makeup for everyone!”

“So wheres this hootenanny takin place?” Applejack asked.

“My place this Saturday!” Pinkie pinged. “My folks are out of town but Maud will be here to watch us! So we can have all sorts of fun and make pizza!”

“Aww sweet! Can we make Crazy bread to!?” Rainbow asked.

“So long as there's no garlic!” Sunset added quickly.

Twilight smiled as food plans were made and toppings argued over. It was her first ever sleepover and she was pretty excited. From what she had read in books and online, this should be a lot of fun! She couldn’t wait to do some of the traditional canon sleepover activities she had studied.

“Will you be able to come Rainbow? What with your cousin’s wedding and all?” Rarity asked in her fancy type.

“Oh well, kind of a good news, bad news thing with that.” Rainbow typed. “Weddings still happening but later on in a month or two, turns out my Cuz is unexpectedly expecting, and she wants to lay the kid before the big day, so her dress will fit right again.”

“Rainbow’s gonna be a second cousin!!!” Pinkie seemed excited at the prospect. “Oh! Oh! You gonna teach them to fly and how to hunt and look for worms and-”

“I would, but they live about four hours away. So I may just see the kid every once and awhile.” Rainbow cut in quickly, stopping Pinkie’s rambling. “So yeah, I can come to the sleep over.”

“That give me more time to fix up this dress!” Rarity typed. “I can add so much more to it now that I have a larger time frame to work with! Oh Rainbow, you will be the best looking one there-! Ah, besides the beautiful bride of course. Must make sure to not go ‘All’ out, it is her special day after all.”

“Just don’t lose sleep again.” Applejack wrote. “Last time that happen’ you looked like you needed a bag check fer your eyes.”

“Yes, I do not plan to let that happen again, I assure you.” Rarity responded. “Those wrinkles were horrible…”

Well I was kinda worried ‘bout yer health.” Applejack entered. “But whatever’ll get ya to bed at night, I suppose.”

“Hey Twilight, you coming to the sleepover?” Sunset asked.

Twilight sat up on her bed and pulled the computer closer. “Of course, sounds fun!”

“It will be! Thats the Pinkie Pie Party Promise Guarantee!“ Pinkie typed.

“Well if you need a lift I bet my family could swing around to get you, from the gate of course.” Sunset wrote. “They’re driving me anyway, plus we could get you to Applejack, so your brother can have the truck for the weekend.”

“I’d be obliged if your able to Sunset. Big Mac needs it to go into town.” Applejack said.

“Why?” Rainbow asked.

Applejack started to type, then stopped. Started again and stopped again before just responding, “Nona your business.”

“I’d appreciate the lift Sunset.” Twilight added, snuggling into her pillow.

“No prob! Anyone else need one?”

“Nah, I’ll probably just skim the city limits till I get to Shy’s, she lives right near Pinkie’s place and we can fly over together from there.” Rainbow messaged. “Right Shy?”

“Sure.” Fluttershy wrote.

I’ll be over early to help with the preparations.” Rarity typed. “So don’t worry about me!”

“Yeah and I live there, so I don't need a lift!” Pinkie jumped in.

“NP.” Sunset entered.

Twilight leaned back from her laptop contentedly, but she noted that it was almost 12:30, which was when the student WiFi turned off, a policy that was implemented to try and get the students to sleep at a decent hour.

My WiFi’s about to go off, I’d better get to bed.” Twilight wrote, then checked the alarm on her phone. When she looked back at her computer she found the responses.

A good Idea Darling. I should also get ready for bed. I have a big day at school tomorrow.” Rarity agreed. “Good Night everyone!”

Fabulous Has Logged OFF

“See you guys Saturday!” Pinkie Pie piped in. “Goodnight!’

Party-Pie Has Logged OFF

“Night.” Rainbow wrote quickly. Sunset , Applejack and Fluttershy also hopping off without a word.


RedSkyAtNight Has Logged OFF

Whats_A_Username_Rainbowdash? Has Logged OFF

Fluttershy123 Has Logged OFF

Once all the girls had logged off Twilight shut down her laptop and lay back under her blankets. She felt a little giddy at the thought of Saturday. Who would have thought, Twilight Sparkle, at a sleepover, as an invited guest!

As she stared at her dark ceiling Twilight silently pumped her fist in excited determination. She was going to try and make this the best sleepover any of the girls had ever attended!

Which meant she should do more research.

It was the Friday before the sleepover and Twilight was spending her lunch in the library. It was much quieter than the cafeteria, though nobody could eat in here, so that could be why it was so empty. The library was large and spacious, made to cater to the entire school’s classes, from cooking to engineering to anything it between. Not to mention it boasted a rather generous display of entertainment reading.

Twilight herself was seated by a window near the back, surrounded by books. Miss Manners Social Etiquette By Cloud, How to Win Friends and Influence People By Dale Carnegie, and of course SleepOver 101. She had the latter in her hands at the moment, studying the words closely…

Twilight covered her eyes. “A Dutch braid is the same as a French braid but…..” Twilight pursed her lips in thought. “...the only difference is that the Dutch braid is inverted?” She quickly looked back at the page before cheering. “Yes! I’m right!”

“What are you doing?”

“Ah!” Twilight jumped, throwing her book up in the air before a hand caught it. Looking up Twilight watched as her classmate studied the cover. “Oh! Moondancer.”

“SleepOver 101… Why are you studying this?” Moondancer asked curiously, holding the book up to Twilight in confusion.

“N-no reason…” Twilight said, putting her hands up in surrender. “Just in case I need the knowledge later.”

“Just in case, huh?” Moondancer hummed. She opened the book to a random page. “What is the proper size of pizza to order for a sleepover?”

“Enough for each person to have two slices, so that way they don’t feel bad about eating it and the snacks.” Twilight sat up straighter. “Self-consciousness about food consumption in a public setting is a very serious concern.” Twilight patted the Miss Manners book. “It’s best to not strain the host but you also want them to feel like their provisions were sufficient.”

“Very nice.” Moondancer nodded in agreement. “What’s the proper amount of sleep to get at a sleepover?”

“Twice the total runtime of movies shown minus the morning arrival of parents for pickup.” Twilight quotes.

“Aww man you guys can make math for anything…” Lemon moaned, appearing on Twilight’s other side, making her jump again. Beside her was Sour Sweet and Sunny Flare, both of whom looked confused.

“What are you two doing here?” Twilight blinked.

“Looking for the two of you,” Lemon said. “What the heck are you two doing?” She looked over the assembled books. “What is all this?”

“Were buffing up on social interactions,” Moondancer shrugged.

“Pretty sure you learn that by doing, not reading,” Lemon chuckled. “It’s easy anyway! Just go with the flow. Do what the group’s into and don’t be afraid of new opportunities.”

“Isn’t just following the group a bad thing?” Moondancer asked, raising a brow.

“If nobody follows then how can anyone lead?”

Moondancer and Twilight blinked at her, eyes widening.

“That must be some of that stoner wisdom I’ve heard so much about,” Moondancer frowned.

“Damn straight!” Lemon gestured to her ears. “If I was too scared, then I never would’a pierced my ears at a sleepover once!”

“You did that?” Twilight asked, shocked.

“Oh yeah, it was easy,” Lemon nodded. “You just need a sewing needle, ice cubes, rubbing alcohol, and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of cotton balls.”

“Holy crap,” Moondancer muttered, Twilight wincing at the thought herself.

Sunny Flare coughed pointedly into her hand, making Lemon look back at her. “Huh?”

“We shouldn’t keep these girls from their ‘important’ studies, Lemon,” Sunny said, rolling her eyes a little.

“We really need to get to lunch before it ends.” Sour Sweet added sweetly, putting her hand together in a pleading motion. However her peaceful expression melted to anger. “So ASK them.”

“Right, right,” Lemon blew some hair out of her face, turning to the table. “You guys get that email this morning?”

“Email?” Twilight asked, feeling worry build in the pit of her stomach. Usually when someone forwarded an email around, it wasn't for anything good. Especially for her.

“From the school,” Lemon explained and Twilight felt the knot release. “They want students to start seeing the counselor, Ms Lock n Key, next year. Something to help with the pressures of society or something.” She shrugged. “I was just wondering if everyone got it, or just some of us. If you two did then that means they’re just asking everyone.”

“I did,” Moondancer said. “I haven’t arranged for a preferred time yet though, seems like a waste.”

“I haven’t seen my emails yet today,” Twilight admitted.

“Well if Moony got one then I bet everyone did,” Lemon smiled, looking relieved. “I was worried for a second.”

“Well I don’t need to see any more psychologists!” Sour spat loudly, making them all flinch. “I’ve seen enough for my lifetime!”

“Settle down Sour Sweet, you heard them, they got the emails to.” Sunny spoke, resting a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Let’s get you down to the lunch room and get something to eat.”

“Oh it’s Sloppy Joe Day!” Sour said happily, following after the other girl to the door.

‘Sorry,” Lemon said quickly, looking back to her roomates. “Sour takes her meds with food and she gets a little funny without them.”

“It’s fine,” Twilight nodded.

“Yeah, but what’s she got going on?” Moondancer asked. “Bipolar? Multiple personalities?”

“I dunno, she don’t want to talk about it,” Lemon said, scratching her head and looking to the floor. “I’ll see you guys tonight, before we go home, I should get to lunch.”


“Cool, see you!” Lemon started for the door, but turned back to them while still walking away. “And remember! Just go with the flow!”

Moondancer shut the book in her hands. “Well, as much as I hate to agree with Lemon about any study subject, she has had more field experience with social interaction than either of us,” she sighed. “I’d just do what she suggests if the books don’t cover it.”

“She is the expert,” Twilight chuckled.

“Had to be an expert in something….” Moondancer smirked. “Let me quiz you a bit more though, so it doesn't come to that.”


Nice pajamas, check.
Extra glasses, check.
Inhaler, Check

Twilight grabbed it off her bed and chucked it into her duffle bag.


Twilight rubbed her hands together excitedly, looking at her phone again to make sure Sunset hadn’t texted her arrival yet.

Her very first sleepover, ever, was about to begin and Twilight was beyond ecstatic! She had done everything she could to make sure it was perfect, studied and tested until she knew everything there was to know about sleepovers. She had even looked up a few monster social edicates online just in case.

Now everything was coming together!

She picked up her bag and set it over her shoulder. Twilight looked herself over in the mirror before turning to Spike, who lay on the bed sleepily.

“How do I look?!”

Spike gave a prolonged yawn.

“Great!” Twilight smiled, scurrying for the door. “I’ll be back on Sunday, be good for my parents and mom knows your little trick to get the treat cupboard open, so don’t even try!” She looked back sternly, but Spike just had a bored, unimpressed expression on his face. “I mean it!” She snapped, shaking her finger.

Spike raised one eyebrow.

Twilight held his stare as she slowly walked out the door.

He was gonna get in there.

She came down to the main floor, opening the treat cupboard, which had a few scratch marks, and put the food on higher self, shutting it again with her foot.


“Off to your friends?” Night Light asked from the living room, seemingly studying some star charts.

“Yep, sleepover this time,” Twilight said, setting her bag by the door.

“Sounds fun So who’s house will you be at? Is it near the store or…”

Ahhh… Twilight paused, looking back at him. “Well, I’m gonna be at Pinkie Pie’s…”

No use in lying.

“Pinkie Pie’s? I don’t think I know their family,” Night Light said, slightly absentmindedly. He frowned, measuring again.

“Well they’re…-”

“OH FOR-!!!” Night Light leaned back from his map unhappily. “The measurement on this is way off! Venus shouldn’t be that close—oh and this is way off…” He mumbled, marking errors on the map in red marker. “I’m sorry Twilight, my coworker ask me to review these but I can see he’s made some egregious errors! We need this done by Monday.” He looked back to her. “Just write the phone number down so we can call if we need you. I know I started this conversation, but this cannot wait.”

“It’s fine dad. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Twilight smiled, slightly relieved. She found a notepad to scribble Pinkie’s number on.

“Will do. Love you honey,” Night Light nodded. He pulled out his phone, holding it to his ear to call his co-worker, walking out of the room.

Twilight finished writing down the number and sighed. She was thankful that she didn’t have to have the ‘My friends are Monsters’ conversation right now, especially since it may interfere with the sleepover plans she had.

She had best do it soon though, her family was getting curious on why they hadn’t seen her friends yet, or why they didn’t even know their family, given the close-knit community Everfree estates was.

Scratch, Scratch, Scratch.

Twilight paused before frowning, spinning around, hands on her hips. “What do you think you’re doing Mister?”

Spike froze, nose shoved into the treat cupboard door. Looking back at her slowly he pulled his muzzle out and sat down on the rug, eyes looking to the ceiling naively. Twilight supposed that, if he could, Spike would have whistled innocently as well.

“Mmm hmm.” Twilight clicked her tongue, picking the notepad back up without taking her eyes off him, ripping the page and putting it on the fridge. She squinted at him before leaving the room.

Just as she got to the front door her phone buzzed, and Twilight pulled it from her pocket.

‘We’re here! :D’

She quickly collected her things, throwing her bag over her shoulder. As she hurried from the door she could hear Spike growl unhappily from the kitchen.

Somebody just found out his snacks were moved.

She chuckled as she shut the door.

Forgoing her bike this time, Twilight made a fast paced walk to the entry, flashing her card to the guard and hurrying out onto the sidewalk. A little ways up the street, not in view of the guards house, was a SUV-like limo, similar to the one Sunset had gotten picked up in before. However this one was silver and seemed brand new. When the window rolled down Sunset peeked, out, waving to her.

“Come on!”

Twilight didn’t need to be told twice.

“It’s good to see you,” Twilight smiled as she clambered in. Sunset and Applejack gave her a wave as she sat down, Sunset taking her bag and putting it with the others. “Thanks for the ride!”

“Happy to,” Sunset smiled. “I mean, we have the best vehicle for it.”

“This thing could fit the entire Apple Clan and then some,” Applejack whistled, tilting her hat back.

“It’s very impressive,” Twilight nodded, looking around as the car began to drive. “Is it new? I-” She froze when her eyes rovered to the far corner of the backseat, where a pair of blue, glowing eyes leered.

“Yeah, after our last ‘visit’ my mom bought one that could take off some suspicion,” Sunset sighed. “Course they’d just need to run the plates anyway…” When Twilight didn’t respond, the vampire looked to her, following her gaze.

“Oh, right…” Sunset frowned softly. “You remember my aunt Luna right?”

Oh yes, Twilight did indeed remember Luna. The starry haired woman sat, relaxed, with her legs crossed and her eyes narrowed. She said nothing when Twilight looked back at her and the girl felt a chill go down her back.

“She wanted to come along for the ride,” Sunset explained, looking to her aunt. “For some reason.”

“These horseless carriages amuse me,” Luna stated plainly.

Sunset shrugged, looking confused and unconvinced, but Twilight’s eyes darted between them. She offered Luna a small smile. “It’s—ah, it’s good to see you again! I hope you’re doing well?”

When in doubt, be as polite as possible.

Luna’s eyes slowly moved to Twilight, and she seemed to study the girl before nodding in acknowledgement.

Oh god.

“Well are you guys excited for the sleepover?” Applejack, blessed Applejack, sliced through the tension in the air as easily as a hot knife through butter. She adjusted her hat a little as the car drove. “I know I’m ready to play some video games! I been meaning to beat Rainbow’s butt at ‘Them’s Fightin Herds’ again!”

“If memory serves, I beat you after you beat Rainbow,” Sunset laughed, looking back at her.

“If mah memory serves—No you didn't,” Applejack snorted, cheekily.

“I must have beaten you so bad you repressed it in your memory.”

“Or it didn’t happen.”

Both girls playfully puffed up their chests, squaring off in a sort of fun-intended face down. Twilight leaned forward, looking around Sunset’s form. “Do you do a video game tournament at your sleepovers?” She asked, interested. A video game tournament was something she had prepared for.

“Never a proper tournament, more like a random VS game here and there,” Applejack shrugged.

“But we should look into that,” Sunset smirked.

“Oh yes, indeed we should,” Applejack nodded. “Put all this to rest, once an’ fer all.”

“Do you braid hair, or have pillow fights, or tell scary stories?” Twilight questioned.

“Hair occasionally,” Sunset said, turning to her. “Some of us like it, other don’t. The pillow fights can be crazy, but not unusually so…”

“Unless you count that time Pinkie somehow had a pillow cannon,” Applejack sighed.

“As for the scary stories, that’s more Rainbow’s jam,” Sunset nodded. “She loves to tell those.”

“Like the headless horseman murderer. Or The Olden One….”

“Or the one about a monster who steals all your ‘shiny things’!” Sunset held her hands up menacingly.

“Yeah that’s a story only a Harpy could get frightn’d over,” AJ agreed. “Course I was the only one spooked by the Locust story.”

“And then Pinky Pie told that one where the thing chasing her ended up being the vacuum cleaner,” Sunset chuckled.

“You enjoy telling tales of woe that you have experienced? That is a pleasurable pastime in this era?” Luna asked suddenly, looking around the cab in confusion.

“Well… Kinda,” Sunset winced, clearly struggling on how to explain the horror genre to her puzzled aunt. “It’s just fun to be scared sometimes?”

“I see. A moment to excite the heart and stir the blood. Much like hunting a dangerous beast back in the day,” Luna mumbled. “Not to mention it passes lessons on to others…”

“Mmmmmnah?” Sunset made a noise of ambiguous nature, hand doing a so-so gesture at the same time.

“Well mayhaps I can assist you with your recreational education,” Luna said. “I’m sure you have heard of the beast, Final Stand?”

The car felt like it had gone cold.

“F-final Stand?” Applejack echoed, eyes wide. “B-but he’s not real…”

“He was as real as I am before you,” Luna tsked. “The beast that slew a thousand creatures, the butcher of the brave and cleaver of the innocent alike. His glinting blade's every stroke was death. His boots stained crimson by a river of blood left in his wake."” Luna scowled. “I myself met this beast, face to face one dark night… after he had hunted a group of our clan on the fringes of our land. I intended to destroy him, the filthy worm….”

She winced. “But while I did not fail, I also did not succeed.”

The three exchanged wary glances. “What happened?” Applejack asked.

“I was too powerful for him destroy, but he managed to weaken me. In a final effort to save his miserable hide, he pulled some gems from his cloak tried to use with them against me. Had it not been for my own charmed apparel he’d have likely succeed. The combined forces ended in an explosion. I barely survived while his body was left battered and broken. I knew he was dead—No heartbeat to be heard in the slightest and his injuries were horrific,” She grimaced heavily at the memory. “But… SOMEHOW his body rose. A twisted, bleeding, putrid corpse, having to claw its way back up the walls with broken arms. How it walked on mangled legs I will never know, how it outmaneuvered me with them I can’t even imagine. Yet it somehow cut me open and shoved something inside of my body. Whatever it was, it managed to seal me away for a millennium and all I saw as I my consciousness was swallowed by darkness was him, dead eyed with that twisted grin.” She narrowed her eyes, “If I can take any solace from it, Final Stand’s body never left that place… and whatever dark curse that boiled inside it.”

“Thankfully my sister was able to find me about two hundred years ago, though I remained asleep until the curse ran its course,” Luna scowled. “However, though his body is but bone and dust, I know the wrongness inside him lives on to this day… Perhaps a curse he himself willingly bore. His final resting place has long been sealed so it won’t infect the masses.”

“Wow… I knew you had been in a cursed sleep, but mom never told me about that other stuff…” Sunset winced.

“It is likely too painful. She lost me for eight hundred years. Celestia believed I was dead for a good number of them.” Luna sighed. “Truly the only real horror in life is when you think you’ve lost something forever.”

Sunset and Applejack looked at each other in concern.

Twilight stared at the floor pointedly, biting her lip.

“Well, I suppose we are here,” Luna said, car coming to a stop. “Have fun at your nightlong carousing event.”

“Sleepover, Aunt Luna…” Sunset gave her a simper, grabbing her bag. ‘It’s just an overnight party.”

“Well just don’t consume more spirits than you’re able to handle.”

“Aunt Luna, again, there is a drinking age now and I’m not at it.”

Twilight took her bag, stepping down from the high riding vehicle. Looking around she realized they were actually even farther out from the city than Applejack’s farm. They were closer to her school, Twilight knew because she recognized the train station in the distance. It was a space just outside the woodlands surrounding the school, filled with barren grasslands for farming and working.

Pinkie’s land was dirt and rocks. Like fields of rocks actually. Her house was a little plain looking, not to mention it seemed kinda lonely in nature with how it was so isolated. Out behind it was a large steel storage building and besides that… well… that was it. There wasn’t much about her house to describe.

“Bye Aunt Luna! Bye Carrion!” Sunset waved as the car drove off.

“Do you think she’s ready for us?” Twilight asked as they began up the walkway.

“You tell me.” Applejack pointed to the front window.

There was Pinkie, pressed up against the glass so her face was smooshed on the surface. She was panting in excitement, tail wagging faster and faster the closer they came. Once they were just a few feet away she slid across the window toward the front door, disappearing for only a few moments before throwing it open.

“You’re here, you’re here, you’re here!!!” She shouted, bouncing it place. “YOU’RE HERE!!!”

“Yes Pinkie,” Sunset laughed. Twilight and Applejack clambered in, putting their things down, but when she turned around, Sunset was still outside, watching Pinkie run around her in excitement.

“Sunset?” Twilight said in confusion. Sunset just offered her a tired smile.

“Ah Pinkie, you need to help Sunset!” Applejack shouted, leaning out the open doorway.

“Huh?” Pinkie stopped, spinning around until she zeroed in on Sunset standing by the door patiently. “OH!! Right!” She ran over, taking Sunset by the shoulders and pushing her inside. “Welcome, welcome, welcome! Come on in and make yourself at home Sunset! Mi casa de fiesta es tu casa de fiestas!!”

“Thank you Pinkie,” Sunset smiled, finally getting in and putting her things down.

“No problem! We’re gonna be up in my room, but we’ll wait for everyone to arrive before starting!” Pinkie lead them down the hall to a living room. It was plainly decorated and had some old couches, which seemed a little worse for wear. Twilight looked at them, pushing her glasses up her nose.

“You guys have a dog?” She asked, point to a gnawing mark on the leg of the couch.

“Nope, that was me,” Pinkie chuckled. “I was a rambunctious pup.” Sitting down Twilight jumped when Pinkie handed her a framed photo from seemingly thin air. “See what I mean?”

The picture was one of a rather dull looking girl with grey skin and purple hair, staring at the camera with a neutral expression. In her arms was what looked like three newborn puppies, one of which looked very familiar.

“That one’s me!” Pinkie said, pointing to the pink puppy in the middle, who was squirming out of grasp. “Then we have my younger sister Marble, older sister Limestone, and finally my oldest, oldest sister-”


“Ah!” Twilight jumped, spinning around to see the same bored looking girl from the picture. Though she was easily now in her early twenties.

“Sorry, I’m usually not so quiet,” She said in a monotone voice. “I just came to see if any of you wanted drinks.”

“Oh I knew I forgot something!” Pinkie said, dashing for the kitchen and transforming into a wolf halfway there.

“Hey Maud, how's your schooling going?” Sunset asked at Twilight’s other side.

“Fine. I may make the dean's list,” She said flatly.

“Oh congratulations, that can’t be easy!”

“I try,” Maud shrugged, looking to Twilight suddenly. “You’re new.”

“Oh, uh… yes, sorry!” Twilight blinked when Maud leaned in oddly close. “I’m, ah, Twilight…”


“I-... yes, hello,” Twilight winced.

“My name is Maud.”

“Uh, yes! Ummm…”

“Maud, tell Twilight about your university classes,” Sunset suggested, leaning back on her seat.

“Ok,” Maud stated. “I’m going through for my rockderet.”

“Your going to have a rockderet!” Twilight gasped. “That’s the highest honor the field of geology has to offer! Getting one is very difficult.”

“I know,” Maud said. “That’s why I’m going to school to get it.”

“Wait, rockteret?” Applejack asked, looking confused. “What kind of job can you get with that-”

“Drinks here!” Pinkie came in with a tray balanced perfectly on her wolf head. She stopped at each person so they could take a glass. “We got water or soda!”

“Thanks,” Twilight smiled, a little happy when Maud gave her some more space to take a drink herself.

“Thank Maud! She took me out to get all sorts of supplies with my parents out of town!” Pinkie smiled. “Plus she agreed to keep an eye on us, so we could still get together!”

“It’s no trouble.” Maud took a sip from her cup.

“Plus my other sisters will be out for the night, they’re leaving soon so we can have the house to ourselves!” Pinkie smiled and put the tray down. “They’re doing some overnight hunting out in the woods.”

“And WE’RE gonna be more productive than you EVER were on a hunt with us!!” A familiar raspy voice shouted from the floor above, something pounding on the floor.

Pinkie Pie sighed. “It’s hard to get any privacy in this house when everyone has super dog hearing…”

“WOLVES! We are WOLVES!” Limestone shouted.

Pinkie snorted out her nose.

“I heard that!!”

“SOOoooooo,” Sunset cut in quickly. “What’s on the agenda tonight Pinkie Pie?”

“Ooooo! Lots of fun stuff!” Pinkie smiled. “I figured we’d each make our own personal pizzas! We got all sorts of good stuff in the kitchen! Plus we got the movies library upstairs, and Rarity is bringing stuff for makeovers! I also got to move our Gamestation upstairs and got it all set in my room!”

“This is gonna be so much fun!” Applejack smiled.

“I know! I’m so excited!!” Pinkie clapped her hands together. “As soon as everyone else arrives we can get started-”


Pinkie spun around, claws scrambling on the floor as she began to bark wildly. As soon as she made it to the doorway, Twilight jolted when two more large canines came barreling down the back stairs. Yapping filled the air as they rushed the hallway, headed towards the front door in a thunder of slamming paws until it ended with a resounding bang, all of them plowing into the closed door. Another wolf walked out from behind the couch, fur grey with a purple tinge.

“I am also excited to see who is at the door,” Maud spoke, meandering forward.

There was more banging and thumping, a yelp came, followed by annoyed growls before Pinkie’s muffled voice came forth. “Get off! Limestone! Off!”

“Tell Marble to move her tail!”


“Why do we do this every time!?” Pinkie snapped. “One of us always gets buried at the foot of the door!”

“It’s incase there are intruders on our territory!”

“Who rang the doorbell?!” Pinkie shouted.

“Then why do you come running?!”

“Honestly it’s just nice to have company.”

There was another yelp and a small, grey wolf skittered into the living room again, tail between its legs.

“Ah, Limestone! You kicked Marble!”

“She was on top of this damn dog-pile!!”

“Oh so now we’re dogs cause it suits you.”

“Shut it!”Limestone growled.

“There are people still outside,” Maud spoke flatly.

Limestone growled, stalking into the room and heading back towards the stairs, Marble timidly following after. Limestone’s eyes scanned over their guests, pausing upon Twilight. “Oh it’s you,” She sniffed.

“Hello Limestone,” Twilight gave a shaky smile. “Nice to see you again.”

“Hmm. You too or whatever.” She marched for the stairs and Marble gave Twilight a shy look, then hurried up after her older sister.

“You know Limestone?” Applejack asked.

“I met her briefly when Pinkie stopped by the school to see me,” Twilight chuckled.

“Oh right,” Applejack smiled. “The unexpected campus tour.”

“I still can’t believe it ended so well,” Sunset said, taking a drink from her cup. “Especially given my experiences.”

“Yeah but she can turn into a wolf,” Applejack shrugged. “You can’t.”

“Plus it’s hard to hide when you're literally on fire,” Sunset smirked.

“Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!” Pinkie sang out, hurrying back into the room, tail wagging wildly. “Come on in! I’ll make more drinks!”

“Pinkie you are a doll!” Rarity came in holding a few plastic bags. “I’m terribly sorry I wasn’t in early like I said I would, but Sweetie was just impossible today!”

“No prob! Maud gave me a hand and besides, you brought all those beauty products for me!” Pinkie barked from the kitchen. “Everyone's gonna look so goooooddddd!!!”

Rarity chuckled and took a seat, a hand on her chest modestly. “Well I can only enhance all your natural beauties, you can only polish a perfect gem so much.”

“So what was going on with Sweetie Bell?” Applejack asked.

“Your guess is likely as good as mine,” Rarity sighed, running a hand through her hair. “My parents went out shopping this morning and I was supposed to leave to get here early. Sweetie is usually fine to stay home alone for a bit, but she started saying she didn’t feel very good.” Rarity shook her head. “Next thing I know there’s puke in the toilet.”

“Sounds like the flu,” Twilight said.

“I thought so to. However I put a thermometer in her mouth and went to get her some ice, but when I came back, she had the thermometer under a light bulb,” Rarity huffed. “Then it turns out the puke was actually wet cat food. I found the can behind the toilet. Of course it took an hour to figure this all out.”

“Why in the hey did she do that?!” Applejack frowned.

“I have absolutely no idea!” Rarity threw her hands up into the air dramatically.

“Maybe she wanted you to stay home and spend time with her?”

Everyone jumped when Maud appeared out of nowhere with her comment. Rarity blinked. “E-excuse me?”

“I know my sisters tried to keep me home because they wanted my attention. They even hid Boulder.”

“ONCE!” Limestone yelled from the upper level.

“I’d say she just wanted you to stay home,” Maud finished, undisturbed by the interruption.

“Well I don’t know why she didn’t just say that,” Rarity sighed. “I suppose I should make more time for her…”

“Ah heck, Applebloom’s been actin’ up too,” Applejack frowned. “I don’t care how much attention she feels she needs, half the things she’s doing make me less inclined to spend time with ‘er,” Applejack snorted and looked to Twilight. “Speakin’ a which, did anything come of that little Sweet Heart apples prank a’ hers?”

“Nobody got hurt,” Twilight said, slowly beginning to smile. “Though my mother has apparently gotten hints that there maybe some baby showers later on this year. And a few weddings.”

“Hub-boy…” Applejack pulled on her shirt collar and Sunset let out a laugh.

“Oh my god, I really am contagious!”

“Only thing contagious here is fun!” Pinkie barked, coming back with a drink on a tray for Rarity.

“Thank you,” Rarity smiled.

As she took a sip Applejack’s expression turned to confusion. “Wait a minute… Pinkie how can you get those drinks together in your wolf form?”

“Oh it’s easy!” Pinkie Pie said. “You see, first what I do is-”



Pinkie spun around for the door again, but this time Limestone and Marble were quicker to the draw. They bounded down the stairs and met up with Pinkie at the hall entryway, all three of them scrambling over each other to get down the hall first, claws clacking on the floors. They went for the door in an avalanche of fur and paws.


Maud padded slowly towards the hall as the scabbling (and squabbling) began.

“Goddamnit Pinkie! Get off!”

“Look who’s top dog now huh?!”

“Pinkie Pie!!!”


BANG! Scrabble. Klunk!

“Owww! Limestone, that hurt!”

“Sucks to be you!”

There was growling and snarling, but Maud's voice rang out.

“Heel,” She commanded in a monotone voice. However it seemed to work, as the argument ended and so did the sounds of struggle. “Limestone, finish packing for your trip. Pinkie, let our guests in.”

Limestone snorted, stalking back to the living room and up the stairs, Marble quietly behind her. Neither looked at their guests this time and Pinkie could be heard opening the door.

“Welcome, Welcome, Welco-”


A swirl of pink and blue tumbled into the doorway of the living room, Rainbow Dash having, apparently tackled the other girl at the front. They were wrestling lightly, Pinkie pretending to snap at her.

Or at least Twilight hoped.

“You gotta keep your guard up!” Rainbow shouted, giving Pinkie a rough looking noogie.

“Nooo! I had my guard up! Honest!” Pinkie whined, trying to regain control. They fought a little more, Pinkie wriggling in Rainbow's ‘merciless’ hold. Legs were kicking out and a table near the entry wobbled until Applejack reached out to steady it.

Maud came up behind them, back in her human form. She watched them, fighting below her on the floor for a few seconds, then took her foot, shoving the two’s tussling pile to an out of the way corner, which seemed made for the activity given the scratch marks on the floor and walls nearby. Maud stepped aside so Fluttershy could float in.


“It’s fine,” Maud shrugged, walking to the kitchen. “Have fun, I need to set some stuff up.”

“Do you want any help Maud?” Rarity called out. “I’d be happy to assist!”

“No need.” Then she disappeared into the kitchen.

Pinkie cried out in triumph when she finally wriggled out of the trap, jumping on top of Rainbow, who gave an undignified squawk. As they fought, Rarity spoke up.

“I say, Rainbow, have you noticed Scootaloo acting odd?”

Rainbow acknowledged her with a quick glance, but didn’t let up on her onslaught. “What-? Scoots?” Rainbow grabbed Pinkie around the middle and flipped them, so she was on top again. “I- I dunno! I haven’t seen- ah!- seen much of her!” She put Pinkie in a headlock. “Between cleaning the track- gah! - and school and sports I haven’t had- nah!- t-time!”

“Mmm.” Rarity and Applejack shared a look.

“Why, is something wrong?” Rainbow huffed, the two finally halting their combat.

“Well it’s just that Sweetie and Applebloom seemed to have been acting up, but it might be because they want our attention,” Rarity explained.

“Well between our social life, work life, and school life, what are we supposed to do?” Rainbow asked. “There's only so much time in a day. I mean I guess I could spend a day with her sometime, but baseball season just started up and I wanted to spend some time with you guys too.”

“That’s always the issue isn’t it? Lack of time,” Rarity sighed.

“Time’s just a construct of perception.”

Every looked to Pinkie when she finished speaking, eyes wide. She just panted happily under the attention until she turned to look up at Rainbow, who flicked her lightly on the nose.

Then they started to wrestle again.

“Alright.” Maud almost couldn’t be heard over the noise, but she managed. “Pizza stuff is ready.”

“Pizza!” Rainbow leapt up and hopped in a bird like motion to the kitchen, Pinkie stumbling after her.

“Maud! No fair, you’ve done so much work already!” She whined. “I call clean up!”

“We’ll see.”

Getting into the kitchen Twilight could see a large dining table covered in pizza toppings. There were things she was used to, like pepperoni, cheese, and basil, but a large majority of the objects she had never really had on Pizza before, and for a good reason… Twilight eyed the bowl of dried crickets on the corner of the table as everyone grabbed plates.

“Ok, so we have enough pizza crusts for everyone to have three!” Pinkie held up a premade pizza dough, about the size of a typical small pizza. Pinkie waved her hand over it. “We made them earlier! Just load ‘em up with whatever you want! We can put them in the oven and then enjoy!”

“Alright! Where’s the sauce!” Rainbow asked.

“Wellllll-” Pinkie sunk under the table and inexplicably rose from behind the island on the other side of the room. “We have regular, spicy, and goats blood mix!” She pointed at three very similar looking sauces. “You can tell which is which because of the smell!”

Uh oh…

“And if we can’t smell as well as you Pinkie?” Applejack asked, making Twilight relax.

“Hmmm.” She sniffed over each one before smiling. “Spicy’s in the middle. Goats blood is to the left here and regular is to the right, right over here!” She clapped her hands. “And then-” She disappeared below the island, reappearing from the side of the fridge. “The cheese is over here! We got white cheddar, mozzarella, and parmesan!”

“Can werewolves teleport?” Twilight asked as Sunset handed her a plate.

“No, that’s just Pinkie Pie,” Sunset laughed. “I’m not sure- GAH!” Sunset jumped when she turned and Maud was suddenly on her other side.

“There’s garlic in the regular sauce, just so you know.” Maud said plainly, face inches from Sunset’s own.

“I- ok!”

Maud picked up a plate and let them be, going about making her pizza. Twilight leaned into Sunset’s ear. “Are you sure?”

“Gah….?” The vampire shrugged.

“Quit with the slack jaw or your gonna miss out!” Rainbow shouted, piling a mountain of sardines on her pizza, intermixing them with cheese and sauce. “I’m not holding back with mine so get stuff while you can!”

Twilight threw on some regular sauce and cheese before looking around at the plethora of topping. She sidestepped a collection of what appeared to be uncooked, stringy flesh and began to place pepperoni on hers.

“Oh Twilight, do you want to try some rabbit?” Rarity asked, pointing to a bowl of raw meat near her.

“Uh… No thanks… I kinda need cooked meat.”

“Of course! How could I forget,” Rarity said quickly, waving her off. “Not everyone can have it right off the bone! Please excuse me!”

“Bones? We got bones?” Rainbow asked, head poking up over the crowd to look around the room like an owl.

“Here!” Pinkie’s hand shot out with a bowl of small, broken white bits. She shook it a little, pieces rattling inside. “We just grabbed a mixed bag at the store though! I think it’s mostly small mammals.”

“I just like the crunch!” Rainbow took a handful, shaking it over her pizza. “I don’t chew them for flavor like you Pinkie.”

“Hey pass the brain bits!” Sunset shouted.

“Pork , chicken or vegan?”

“Vegan.” Sunset received a small bowl of something rather visceral looking.

Twilight was so happy they were doing individual pizzas...

“Weee!” Pinkie pushed over to Twilight. “Look at my pizza Twilight!”

The human hesitantly did so, curious as to what the werewolf wolf would put on her pizza…

“Pinkie…” Twilight gasped, a little horrified.

“It’s a family recipe!” Pinkie smiled holding it closer to her.

“Is… Is that…” Twilight squinted and winced. “Frosting?”

“Yeaha.” Pinkie pointed to the pink and blue frosting. “Buttermilk! With M&Ms and Skittles and chocolates chips and graham crumbs and-”

“And sauce and cheese and hot peppers…” Twilight continued, forcing a wobbly smile. Honestly it was the most horrific pizza Twilight had ever seen.

Out the corner of her eye Twilight saw Rainbow throwing full frog legs on hers.

Nope, Pinkie’s was still worse…

“Wait till you try a bit! It’s sweet and ‘spiceay’! Not to mention chewy where it should be crunchy and crunchy where chewy!” Pinkie held up a hand. “Then, near the end when you’re just about to swallow, there's this taste that nobody in my family could ever put a name to.”

Good lord.

“Rainbow, let’s put yours in first.” Maud ordered, opening a wall oven. She turned it on and blue flames came to life at the bottom, sparkling softly. “It will take a while to bake through the layers.”

“Sweet!” Rainbow pulled off the top rack and fit her rather heavy pizza in.

“Hi Twilight.” Fluttershy floated over softly, feet inches from the floor.

“Hey Fluttershy, are you done with your pizza?” Twilight looked around for the fairy’s plate.

“Yes.” She smiled and grabbed it off the counter.

Plain cheese.

“Oh, you didn’t want anything else?” Twilight asked, looking over the ocean of possibilities.

“I’m not fussy,” Fluttershy blushed. “Well, not that the others are! I just like plain cheese pizza…”

“I’m not too adventurous myself…” Twilight smiled and held up her pepperoni one. Meat evenly spaced to an almost mathematical degree.

“Looks yummy Twilight,” She nodded. “I’m not a big fan of processed meat, but…” She looked to Rainbow with a smile, the harpy eating sliced sausage by the handful as she watched her pizza cook. Or at least until Rarity smacked her hand with a tisk.

“Do you not eat meat at all?” Twilight asked.

“Sometimes, we tend to just be an insect and plant eating species, but we do love sweet foods like apples and tomatoes.” She waved a hand. “Honey and maple syrup are a staple too… just not on pizza.”

“Says you!” Pinkie barked, pouring a helping of both on her own pizza.

“Oh my…”

“Hey Pinkie you want any pineapple?” Sunset offered.

“Pineapple?!” Pinkie asked, shocked. “What am I? An animal?!”

Then she dumped an entire industrial package of sprinkles on her pizza.

(Nobody noticed when Twilight snagged a handful of pineapple for her own)


Once the pizzas were done they moved onto a movie to watch as they ate. After a bit of argument in the group it was decided that they would watch the first movie of the Nightmare Moon series.

“Now see, the plot of the second one makes more sense,” Applejack said halfway through, sitting on the bunk bed.

“Well you’re supposed to watch the first one ‘first’’” Rainbow smirked, latched to the rail of the top bunk.

Applejack took a pillow and thumped Rainbow in the face.

“Hey! I almost dropped the last bit of my pizza!” Rainbow whined.

“It’s been an hour, just eat the darned thing,” Applejack scoffed.

Pinkie’s bedroom had a bunk bed and a tv set up across from it. Everything was slathered in pink and there were balloons all over the place. Between them one could see party plans and cake recipes pinned to the wall. Twilight sat on the rolling desk chair, sipping a soda as the movie went on.

“Who wants chips!?” Pinkie asked, picking up a bag. She tried to open it, only for her smile to drop when the bag refused to give. She started tugging and yanking, a small growl beginning in the back of her throat before Rarity reached down.

“Let me see darling, we don’t want chips all over the floor again.” Rarity frowned when Pinkie pouted, holding the bag away from her. “Ah! Ah! No.” The satyr shook her finger and echoed a ‘give it here’ motion with her other had. “Drop it, drop it!”

Pinkie whined, holding out for a few moments longer, before reluctantly giving the bag up. Rarity opened it and handed the chips back in less than a second.

“There! Wasn’t that easy!” Rarity smiled. Pinkie didn’t respond as she had pushed her entire face into the bag to eat, muffled munching coming from the plastic, the wolf resembling a horse with an oversized feed bag. Rarity sighed in a good natured way. “Well it's nice to make you happy- SPEAKING OF-” Rarity turned to Fluttershy, seated on the floor below her. “What do you think!? Is it too much?”

The fairy felt at her large hairdo that Rarity had constructed for her. “It’s… nice.”

“There’s not too much volume is there?” Rarity asked, eyeing the hair style.

“No… It’s- It’s nice,” Fluttershy winced.

“Not too much Magical Glitter Spray?” Rarity ask. “Or Star pins?”

“No. It looks… good,” Fluttershy said softly.

“Well that’s funny, because I didn't use either of those,” Rarity said plainly. Fluttershy froze until she heard the satyr laugh. “Oh come now Fluttershy, if you’re going to try and spare my feeling, at least pretend to use the mirror!” She chuckled. “Let’s get this abomination off your head, hows that sound?”

“Sounds good,” Fluttershy let out a twinkling twitter of amusement.

Sunset shifted in her seat on the bottom bunk. “Is it just me, or is the characterization of the main Demon Hunter way better in this movie than the sequel?”

“Well some years were supposed to pass between the two.” Twilight said, looking to her. “Things change.”

“Yeah, but this character is way more interesting as a bookish introvert.” Sunset hummed.

“You’re not alone, a lot of the fandom feels that way.” Rainbow commented.

“But she’s a person, not a character, you can’t say stuff like that to a person,” Fluttershy frowned

“No, she is a character. A fictional character,” Rainbow said. “Not real.”

“We’re all not real sillies,” Pinkie spoke suddenly, silencing everyone.

“Ok, creepy…” Sunset frowned.

Twilight blinked when she spotted movement nearby her, realizing Pinkie was offering her the bag of chips. Twilight reached out, taking one from the bag to sniff. It was some kind of BBQ flavour, but the chip was clearly one of those rawhide style one. Shrugging she took a bite.

She took a bite.


Ah damn!

Twilight kept trying the bite into the chip, but the rawhide’s almost plastic surface was too thick. The powder was definitely coming off though and was actually pretty good… If only she could eat the darned thing… She kept trying for a few moments, using her hand to put pressure on both sides by twisting and bending it, but the chip held firm.

She heard Pinkie giggle.

“You look like me when I’m just trying to open the bag!” The wolf smile. “You wanna just naw on it, or should I take it?”

Twilight sighed. Defeated by a junk food product. “Here you go.”

Pinkie popped it into her mouth without a care in the world. She chewed it up in less than a second, making Twilight wonder how strong Pinkie’s jaw was. Looking to the others, it seemed like they hadn’t noticed her struggle.


“AND-!” Rainbow shifted up on the top bunk, groaning a bit when she stretched. “I’m bored of the movie.”

“Aw come on, I ain’t seen it!” Applejack said quickly.

“Well you could have if you came with me when it was in theaters,” Rainbow said. “Besides the twist ending was ruined by watching the sequel first. The demon monster is clearly the lost Princess.”

“SHE IS?!?!” Pinkie Pie gasped.

Rainbow ran a hand down her face.

“Alright, alright. When you get like this there's no pleasin’ yah until you get what’cha want,” Applejack sighed. “So what do you want to do?”

Rainbow looked thoughtful as Pinkie shut off the movie. When she went to speak, Fluttershy suddenly spoke over her.

“No scary stories!” She squealed out.

Rainbow looked like she wanted to argue against the fairy, but stopped at the other girl’s nervous expression before sighing. “Fine. No scary stories.” Then, however, she began to rub her hands together in maniacal excitement, a grin slowly growing over her face. “Instead, hows about some Truth or Dare?”

“YEAH!” Pinkie smiled. “That’s so fun!”

“I’m down for that,” Sunset said with a nod. “Just no more dangerous ones? We all remember the last time.”

“Yeah, yeah, no human communities,” Rainbow huffed quickly. “We’ll keep it in the house.”

“Bottle me!” Pinkie ordered, taking Applejack’s empty root beer bottle and wiping away any left over liquid. “Circle up girls, while the gettin’s good!”

“You ok with this Shy? Twilight?” Sunset asked as she knelt to the floor.

“So long as it’s safe,” Twilight smiled, having brushed up on some good dares and truth questions in her books.

“It’s ok,” Fluttershy nodded quickly.

“GREAT!” Pinkie panted, putting the bottle down in the middle of the circle. “I spin first!”

Before anyone could fight her for it, the werewolf gave it a twist, everyone watching as it twirled. It went a few circles in before slowing, gradually crawling to a stop.

Everyone looked to Rarity.

“Truth…” Pinkie leaned in a bit to the satyr before making a grand, and dramatic flourish with her hands “Or DARE?!”

Rarity looked between Pinkie and the other girls before sighing. “Oh, well if I must go first it might as well be good. Dare then.”

“I-” Pinkie pointed to herself. “-DARE you-” She pointed back to Rarity-” To wear Rainbow’s sweaty arm bands for the rest of the game.”

“GOOD LORD!” Rarity recoiled. “Have you no mercy Pinkie?!”

Pinkie just gave a wicked laugh in response.

“Aw come on, they aren’t that bad,” Rainbow frowned, plucking at some ratty looking armbands around her wrists.

“When did you put them in the laundry last?!” Rarity asked nervously.

“Uh, never? Washes off the luck if you do it that way!” Rainbow stated. “I just wear them in the shower. Just as good.”

Rarity shuddered, making some kind of soft nervous whiny noise in the back of her throat.

“If you back out of the dare, you gotta do a double truth!” Pinkie said in a sing song voice.

“You have been after that secret family bundt cake recipe of mine, haven’t you,” Rarity said suspiciously. She eyed the armbands again before groaning. “Oh very well, give them here Rainbow.”

“Ally-yoop.” Rainbow pulled them off and tossed them over. Rarity caught them, holding them between her fingers and wincing. After a quick sniff she gagged.

“Oh! Rainbow, when did you shower last?!”

“Thursday night?”

“You had two sporting events yesterday!” Rarity gasped, looking closer at the offending cloths. “And why are they oddly stiff?!”

“You gonna wear them or not?” Pinkie asked playfully.

“I shall,” Rarity finally conceded, looking determined. However it morphed a bit into a sly expression. “However I shall not wear them on my arms.” Rarity stuffed them both over her lion-like tail. “You didn’t say where I had to wear them.”

“Oh touché!” Pinkie barked happily.

With the dare over with, and her tail as far from her nose as she could make it, Rarity took the bottle to spin. After a few rounds the bottle stopped, pointing to Rainbow.

“Ah yeah!” Rainbow bounced in place. “Dare! Dare!”

“M’alright,” Rarity smirked. “I dare you to let me give you a complete makeover before your cousin’s wedding.” She leaned in. “Cosmetics included.”

Rainbow groaned. “That’s not a dare!”

“They are ifn they’re something you don’t wanna do and make ya miserable,” Applejack said coyly.

“You!” Rainbow pointed to the plant girl darkly. “You are not helping!”

“Better you than me.”

“Well Rainbow?” Rarity asked, badly hiding her excitement. “Are you backing out?”

Rainbow inhaled, looking thoughtful for a few seconds and put her hands together. She looked back at Rarity. “Makeup has to be skin tone, nothing ‘dangly’ and I only have to wear most of it until after the ceremony.”

“Ooooh! Deal!” Rarity said, bouncing in place. She grabbed a sketchbook from her bag. “I need to start making up some ideas to go with the dress!”

“We’re in the middle of a game!” Rainbow whined.

“So long as she’s not in play, she can do whatever she wants,” Sunset sighed. “It’s your turn.”

“Oh right!” Rainbow’s smile returned and she took the bottle, whipping it around. It twirled wildly under the intensity of the spin, wobbling a bit and moving off center before pointing to Applejack when it finally stopped.

“Now before you get all excited, I’m choosin’ truth,” Applejack said quickly, looking to the girl at her side.

“No problem,” Rainbow responded, turning to face Applejack a little. “For my question, why did your brother need the truck this weekend?”

“W-what!?” Applejack blinked. “That ain’t your business!”

“Yeah but you gotta tell the truth!”

“The truth is that it ain’t none of your business!”

“Come on Applejack, It can’t be that bad,” Sunset blinked, brow raised.

“It’s not bad, its just his personal dealings,” Applejack frowned.

“Come on! We won’t tease him or anything!” Rainbow added.

“But…” Applejack looked at them all before sighing. “Well, I suppose it’s not a huge secret or anything… he’s got a girlfriend a few towns over.”

“Oooooooh!” The girl echoed in chorus. Applejack rolled and eyes as Rainbow grabbed her shoulder.

“Man I was starting to think he’d never start looking! Who is she?” Rainbow asked.

“Now you ain’t getting more from me!” Applejack said, shaking Rainbow off. “Bad luck in our culture to go gabbin’ about relationship before they’ve had a few months to take root! They’ve only been dating a week.”


“No butt but yours on mah boot! ” Applejack ordered, taking the bottle. “It’s mah turn…”

She spun the bottle, watching it circle around, until…-

“Oh come on!” Rarity whined when it stopped at her. “Is your floor slanted Pinkie?!”

“Maybe?” The wolf shrugged. “One time we had to rebuild the floor cause I was wrestling with Limestone on the bed, and she body slammed me down to the second floor.”

“Holy crap, were you ok?” Sunset blinked.

“I broke my collar bone and it also made it so my elbow can do THIS now!” Pinkey put her left arm out and elbow joint folded back slightly in the wrong direction, and EVERYONE winced.

“Aw nasty!” Rainbow laughed, not looking directly at it.

“Ew! Eww! EWWWW!” Rarity choked. “Pinkie stop! Let’s just get back to the game please!!” When Pinkie’s arm moved even farther in the wrong direction the satyr gagged. “Truth Applejack! For the love all that is good! Truth!”

“Ask about her family Bundt!” Pinkie said quickly and put her arm down.

“Yeah cause I’M the one to go asking about other family’s secrets?” Applejack said plainly, brow raised in amusement. “Alright Rarity…” Applejack paused, looking thoughtful about her question. “Tell me which dress is your favorite, but you can’t say all of them!”

“F-favorite?!” Rarity put a hand to her chest. “I- what?! I could never choose! It be like choosing a favorite child!”

“You gotta be yankin’ my primaries here,” Rainbow said, staring at Rarity like she grew a second head. She tiredly groaned. “A child?!”

“To me yes! I made them didn’t I?”

“Criminy Rarity, I didn’t ask yeh to burn all but the one,” Applejack sighed. “Look, how's ‘bout one you remember the most fer… some special reason.”

Rarity paused. “Mmm, well… I suppose that would be one of my first dresses. I made it for Sweetie Belle's baptism,” Rarity smiled. “It was a beautiful little white cotton dress with lace. I even tried making a bonnett and tested out embroidery methods.” Rarity frowned. “Was not ready to make a bonnett…”

“Nah! Cute!” Sunset smiled.

“This is truth or dare, it's not supposed to be cute!” Rainbow said grouchily.

“Too late!” Pinkie panted, tongue out the side of her mouth.

“Let’s try this again shall we?” Rarity asked, taking the bottle again. She spun it and the glass bottle circled a few times before landing on-

“Eep!” Fluttershy winced.

“What will it be Fluttershy? Truth or Dare?” Rarity asked. Fluttershy seemed to be trying to suck her head into her torso, judging by how her shoulders raised. Her wings fluttered and she mumbled something unintelligible into her shirt. Rarity sighed at the display. “Come now Fluttershy, I’m not unreasonable. I promise not to be too harsh with you.”

“Mmmmm.” Fluttershy poked her head out. “D-dare?”

“Oh, feeling rather brave tonight are we?” Rarity smiled. “Well then, I dare you… to sit in someone’s lap for the rest of the next person’s turn! Your choice.”

Fluttershy went red, but didn’t hesitate to pick her way across the circle and settle onto Rainbow’s lap. Rainbow peered out from around her.

“How's the bird’s nest?” She asked, grinning with her sharp teeth. When Fluttershy started to actually glow a soft pink colour, her face completely blushed, Rainbow laughed. “Alright, alright! Enough of that, it's fine Shy! Calm down!”

“Yeah, it's your turn to spin now!” Applejack added.

Fluttershy, still red as a cherry, reached down to spin the bottle. She barely even gave it enough power to spin once, the slow moving momentum ended with the bottle pointed at Twilight.

Twilight looked up. Honestly she had never done this before, but the other girls hadn’t been too mean to each other…

“I’ll do Truth,” Twilight smiled.

Fluttershy curled in on herself a little, mumbling.

“Huh?” Twilight leaned in a bit.

“Pull your head out of your ribcage Shy, and try a little bit louder,” Rainbow ordered, looking out from the otherside of Fluttershy’s form.

Fluttershy gave a tight swallow and straightened her posture. “What was it like… when you found Sunset?”


Twilight binked, surprised by the serious question. “Why do you ask?”

Fluttershy started to mumble again, but Rainbow leaned back out to answer. “We’re all kinda curious. Sunset gave us the details from her end, but we’re interested to hear yours!”

“There’s not much to tell. I found Sunset on my lawn, I took her in, gave her some blood and she went home in the morning,” Twilight smiled with a shrug. “It was rather exciting and nerve wracking at the time, but I’m afraid I’m not much of a story ‘teller’.”

“You weren’t scared at all?” Fluttershy asked. “I mean, you must have had limited interactions with monster before.”

“None actually. So it was a little scary at first but I mean I couldn’t let her die, right?” Twilight asked. “The only part that actually got bad though was when she bit into my shoulder.”

“More like tore into it,” Sunset admitted, wincing a little.

“How much did you tell them?” Twilight asked, looking to the vampire.

“Everything. No point in leaving anything out,” Sunset shrugged. “It was a tough situation. Helps if you talk about it.”

“Yeah, except she kinda glazed over the subject about taste,” Rainbow said, looking over Fluttershy’s shoulder, the harpy squawked when Applejack jabbed her with their elbow. With Fluttershy still sitting on her, the girl couldn’t react to the assault more than a glare.

“Why would you ask that?” Twilight questioned.

“Oh- well…” Everyone looked to each other nervously. “You see Twilight... before the Treaty, way before we were born… Monsters kinda… Ummm,” Sunset stammered. “You see monsters would…”

“Wait,” Twilight held up a hand. “Your talking about how they used to eat humans right?” They all froze and Twilight actually gave a small chuckle. “Geeze guys, it’s not that bad. I mean, sure, it was horrible back then, but it's completely illegal now. I don’t think I’ve even heard about it happening since the Treaty.”

“So you’re fine talking about it?” Applejack asked.

“Well I grew up pretty sheltered. To me it's just an interesting and scary history tidbit. I’m willing to bet other humans would have more trouble, but… meh for me?”

“Well ugh…” Applejack scratched the back of her head. “The reason we asked it because, well, all the older members of our family talk about how they… sometimes miss it?”

“Not like they’d go out and kill a human just cuz,” Rainbow added. “More nostalgia. Like some messed up, discontinued, old timey candy.”

“This is kinda morbid,” Sunset added, dodging the question entirely. “We should keep playing! Go ahead Twilight.”

Twilight looked around the circle. Her friends still looked curious but hesitant to ask more. The human hummed, looking down at the bottle. She put her fingers around it, lifting it slightly and gauging its weight…

Add in the slant of the floor… Divide by the number of people…

She gave it a calculated spin.

The bottle twriled, light from the lamp nearby glinting off its surface until it came to a stop, pointed at Sunset…

“Oh!” Sunset smile.”My turn!”

“Truth or dare?” Twilight asked, crossing her fingers subtly.

“Uh…. Truth.”

Twilight smiled.

“Tell me what I tasted like.”

The rest of the girls looked to Sunset, like they were observing a tennis match.

Sunset stared at her, sweating a little. “Huh? Why do you wanna know that?’

“Scientific curiosity,” Twilight shrugged, still smiling.

“Well… I mean it was just blood…” Sunset shrugged.

“There must be more than that,” Twilight said.

“W-well…” Sunset winced. “I guess you were… good?”

“You flatter me,” Twilight smirked.

Rainbow let out a laugh from behind Fluttershy. “Ah, good one Twi!” She looked to Sunset. “Come on Shimmer! Just a few details?!”

“Ugh…” Sunset wrung her hands. “Well. Kinda stringy? Fatty a little but not like bad. Super moist…”

“Well hey now, if it makes you uncomfortable, you don’t gotta go on,” Applejack said, leaning over to put a hand to Sunset’s shoulder.

Twilight paused, taking in Sunset’s uncomfortable stance before a wave of guilt came over her. “Yeah it’s ok.” She nodded. “You don’t have to keep talking about it.”

“It’s fine, I just don’t know how to explain it to you all properly.” Sunset gave a small smile. The rest of the girls returned it, but there was an underlying feeling of interest still...

Twilight looked around the group again, biting her lip.

‘Just go with the flow. Do what the group’s into and don’t be afraid of new opportunities.’

“What if you didn’t have to explain?” Twilight asked.

“What do you mean?” Sunset questioned suspiciously and everyone turned to look at Twilight.

“Well, I mean… I’m here.” Twilight’s eyes darted between everyone. “And… I’m full of blood?”

“Are you suggesting we eat you?” Rainbow chirped, looking back at her from around Fluttershy’s back.

“No, but all it would take is a little cut or a pin prick…” Twilight shrugged.

“Twilight have you recently hit your head at all?” Sunset frowned.

“No, I’m just saying that your all curious about what humans taste like, I’m here and offering, you guys may never get another chance like this…” Twilight explained. “You don’t have to if you guys don’t want to, but I thought I’d offer, then you can say you did.”

“That would be pretty badass…” Rainbow mumbled.

“What?! No! No!” Sunset said, sitting up on her knees. “I cannot believe I have to say this, but friends don’t eat their friends!”

“Unless they’re special friends.” Rainbow chuckled.

“We’re special friends!” Pinkie barked, sitting up. “I say we try it out! Twilight’s trying to open up to us-”

“Opening up her arteries!” Sunset added quickly.

“It would be nice to stop wonderin’,“ Applejack said, wincing under Sunset’s look. “Sorry, but it’s true.”

“I don’t know if we should…” Rarity muttered, eyeing Twilight beside her.

“Aw come on, we got Twilight’s permission! Besides, It’s a four to three vote!” Rainbow smiled.

“But that’s- I can’t- We didn’t even have a proper tally!” Sunset scowled.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Twilight added again for emphasis. Silence enveloped the group, everyone holding their breath. Sunset glanced around the circle, still frowning, until she threw her hands up in defeat.

“If you’re all so set on it, then I guess I can’t stop you but it’s gonna go like this.” She shuffled over to Twilight on her knees, nudging the bottle off to the side, game forgotten.“ I’m gonna freeze Twilights finger with my teeth, I nip a hole and everyone tries, but they only try once!” Sunset pinched her nose. “I do not want to have this go south…”

“Yeah, killing guests at your party is a mood killer… Unless that’s why you held the party in the first place?” Pinkie said.

“Sounds good to me,” Twilight nodded, holding up her arm. Sunset slumped down beside her, begrudgingly taking her arm in her hands.

“You’re an idiot, I hope you fully understand that,” Sunset said flatly.

“Oh… well uh…”

“I was being semi-sarcastic Twi,” Sunset sighed.

“Ah, I see.”

Sunset held her arm and looked it over, eyes narrowed. She sighed and held it out straight. “You had to have such visible veins didn’t you,” She muttered and looked up. “You sure about this?”

Twilight smiled, a little nervous but still invested. “I trust you guys!”

“Gah! That smile! My heart!!” Pinkie whined. “The innocence!”

Rainbow’s head bobbed around Fluttershy’s form before grunting. “Uh Shy, you were just supposed to sit here until Twilight finished her turn.” Fluttershy looked back at her, blushed again and slowly slid down off Rainbow’s lap to the floor. Rainbow patted her back and rolled her eyes in a good natured way.

Sunset leaned closer, using her thumb to dust off the area of elbow, then opened her mouth. Twilight couldn’t see much else when Sunset’s head got in the way.

She felt the slight pinch though. It just made her jump a little.

“You alright?” Applejack asked, worried.

“Fine.” Twilight could feel Sunset holding her teeth in. “Just like getting an injection.” Unlike with an injection though, she couldn’t feel anything going in. That didn’t change the effect of the venom though and it didn’t take too long before Twilights arm went numb… along with something else.

Twilight blinked when her vision went all blurry. “Are my glasses on? Where d’ey go?” Twilight put a hand to her face roughly, finding her glasses still in place.

“Oh crap, what’s wrong with her?!” Rainbow asked, frantic, and the others leaned in closer.

“I may have overdone it a little,” Sunset winced. “Should we not?”

“WHAT?” Twilight turned to look at Sunset, wobbling a bit. “‘M fine, let’s do this!”

“You sure?”

“Let’s do iiiitttt!” Twilight put both her arms in the air, almost falling backward at the weight shift. “Trans’ferm and roll out!”

“Well, ok…” Sunset muttered, still uncertain but taking Twilight arm again and pulling her hand close to her mouth.

Twilight felt nothing, but when she got her hand back, there was a large trickle of blood trailing down from her ring finger. She wiggled it for a moment, a smile slowly growing on her face. “I can’t feel a thing!” She said, glancing at Sunset.

“Good… good.” Sunset mumbled, looking out at the crowd. “Ok, who’s first?”

Nobody moved.

Sunset eyed them before raising a brow. “Oh what, now you don’t want to?”

Rainbow puffed up, indignant. “Well!!- I mean!- It's different when you’re just talking about it!” Pinkie seemed to scent the air and Applejack took a closer look.

“It’s red,” The plant girl spoke.

“Yeah, blood’s red,” Sunset sighed.

“Not fer me. Mines a cleary, green.” Applejack frowned.

“That’s not the majority. The majority of creatures bleed red,” Rainbow stated.

“Its true, we’d know,” Pinkie nodded.

“Focus.” Sunset snapped her fingers, getting their attention back. “Are we doing this or should I seal Twilight’s finger back up?”

Everyone was quiet, but surprisingly Fluttershy got to her knees and crawled closer. She studied Twilights finger before scooping a bit of blood off with her own and taking a taste.


“I thought fairies were vegetarian!?”

“Shh! I wanna see what she thinks!”

Fluttershy paused, swishing the liquid around in her mouth before swallowing, then gave a full body shudder.

“Well?” Rainbow asked, bouncing a bit.

Fluttershy smacked her lips and frowned. “Not good. Not bad.”

“What do you mean?” Rainbow asked.

“It's… just metallic blood,” Fluttershy frowned. “My kind don’t eat that much meat. I can’t tell.”

“Then why did you try it?!”

“It seemed rude to keep her waiting…”

“Gah!” Rainbow came over next, pushing Fluttershy carefully off to the side. “Scoot Shy, I’m giving it a try.”

“That rhymed.”

“Quiet Pinkie.”

Rainbow leaned in closer to Twilight’s hand and took a breath, her pupils thinning at the scent of blood. She inched closer, mouth opening a bit and-

Oh wow.

Twilight hadn’t really seen the inside of Rainbow’s mouth before. I mean honestly, who really looks too closely at their friend’s mouth anyway, but Twilight digressed. Inside were what looked like two- no, three rows of razor sharp teeth, all serrated on one side and pinprick points on the tips. The back layer seemed to just be emerging from the gums, while the front ones were chipped and worn. Her tongue was also a little strange looking. It looked barbed with large bristles, almost similar to her teeth but not quite as hard.


Rainbow looked like she was gonna try to lick the blood off at first, but took a moment to reconsider. Probably a good idea given her tongue’s texture. She wiped some off on her hand and licked it off that.

Rainbow hummed, swirling it around in her mouth. She blinked a few times. “Wow. It’s actually kinda sweet?”

“Sweet?” Applejack blinked, frowning in confusion. “Now how in tarnation is blood sweet? Ain’t it all coppery and metalish, like Fluttershy said?” The plant girl pointing to Shy as she finished speaking.

“Ah, Shy’s mouth isn’t made for savoring fresh blood and flesh, like I am. I can tell, it’s sweet.” Rainbow smacked her lips. “And kinda fatty?- NOT that Twi’s fat! Just… It’s an overtone.”

Twilight’s mind, though still muddled, shot forth a cliff note for the conversation. “Hu-mins have a 20 per-cent body fat rac-ie-o,” She slurred out and everyone looked back at her as she struggled for balance, just sitting in place.

“That’ll do Twi,” Sunset sighed, rubbing her shoulder. “That’ll do.”

“Look if your not gonna get a full effect unless you’re a carnivore then maybe I shouldn’t go,” Applejack said, looking to her human friend nervously. “I mean, my great grandpappy was a little loose in the roots if you catch my meanin’. Maybe he never had human before and was just huffin and puffin?”

“Only one way to find out,” Rainbow said, gesturing to Twilight’s hand grandly before hopping out of the way. Applejack seemed unimpressed by the display, but crawled over.

“I guess I can try it,” She sighed, looking over the blood with a grimace. “If nothing else than fer the braggin’ rights? Not that I usually do.”

“Whatever you say,” Sunset mumbled, looking subtly away when Applejack frowned at her.

Applejack came a bit closer, looking over the offered finger with hesitation. Then she wiped some off with her own finger and brought it up to her face, grimacing.

“Are you gonna be ok?” Sunset asked, squinting. “You don’t have to.”

“No, it’s fine, just…” Applejack looked her finger over. “Have not had meat in a while…”

After a few more seconds Applejack seemed to steel herself and stuck her finger in her mouth. She held it there for a few moments, everyone frozen around her. When she didn’t seem to react at all, Rarity leaned in.


Applejack pulled back and hummed. “It is sweet, somehow? I mean it’s metal-ish and acidy too, but not completely? It’s like a Sour Key but the taste is completely different.”

“Ah geez, we’re all over the board here,” Rainbow chuckled. “What is this, Vegemite?”

“My turn!” A pink blur leapt over Applejack’s lap, causing the girl to yelp and fall back. Pinkie, wolf form, dove for Twilights hand and lapped at her injury vigorously with her tongue. After getting a good amount in her mouth Pinkie stepped back. She made a show of swishing the liquid around in her mouth, cheeks puffed up. Then threw her head back and gave an open mouth gargle. She smacked her jowls before swallowing and her face went neutral.

“This-” Pinkie began. “Is a fine vintage, aged about fifteen to sixteen years in a dry environment. It has an expressive, if not somewhat tart taste but coattails a sweet after flavour, with an undertone of salt like fat throughout. The viscosity is a bit on the thicker side, meaning it would likely leave very long legs in a glass and its somewhat fruit like end taste could be the result of time spent out in the sun, however it’s weak, meaning not much time outside was had.” She licked her lips. “It likely pair best with a red meat dish or a rich dessert.”

Everyone started at her, but Pinkie just panted, a somewhat aloof and happy expression on her face. She seemed to notice the attention after a moment and glanced around in confusion. “What? I said she tastes good didn’t I?”

“I dunno. Did you?” Rainbow asked, frowning slightly.

“Hey, come on. We’re almost done!” Sunset said, snapping her fingers. Clearly wanting to be finished already. “Rarity, you’re up.”

The others pulled back to let the satyr through. She shuffled over on her… haunches? Knees?- before pausing in front of Twilight, staring at her bleeding finger. The unicorn hesitated.

“Darling are you sure you’re ok with this?” Rarity asked, though she seemed to be scenting the air.

Twilight just scoffed, feeling oddly offended. Maybe her head was a little off-kilter still… “A’courses’Idon’tt! Everyone gets-s-s one!” She shook her injury and made a ‘one’ motion with her good hand. “It’s fair!”

“Alright, easy,” Sunset mumbled, holding the human by her shoulders.

Rarity bit her lip, but leaned in closer. She watched a line of blood run down Twilights hand, licking her lips before getting a little bit closer-


Everyone jumped, whipping around to find Maud standing in the doorward, arm raised to knock on the frame and headphones around her neck. She was looking over the room with the same empty expression she had had on before, however when she zeroed in on her sister, Pinkie Pie withered.

“Pinkie Pie,” Maud said blandly.

“Yeah?” Said girl winced, ears pinned back.

“Are you quite sure this is a good activity to do?”

“Ahhhhhh….” Pinkie Pie looked from Twilight back to her sister. “Well, i mean it was -”

“Are you quite sure this is a good activity to do.” Maud repeated in almost the same tone, face never changing.

Pinkie Pie whimpered, drooping heavily. “No.”

“Then maybe you shouldn’t.” Maud said and while her voice didn’t change, it was clear there was an air of finality to her word. She gave them all one more glance before walking back down the hall.

“How in the heck did she know what we was doin’?” Applejack asked, eye wide.

“She probably smelt the blood,” Rainbow sighed, head in her hand. Rarity, meanwhile, looked back to Twilight’s finger, giving her head a little shake.

“Yes, well, I suppose it was a silly thing to do anyway!” Rarity pulled away with a nervous chuckle. “Honestly, drinking a little human blood would never give you a proper taste anyway- of course that doesn't mean it wasn’t kind of you to offer Twilight!”

Twilight made a small motion to wave the compliment off, splattering a little blood on the floor.

“Ok, let’s seal this sucker back up,” Sunset said, reaching for her hand.

“I can do-itttt.” Twilight spluttered out, jamming her finger in her mouth. “It’llcloseonitssown.”

“Are you sure?” Sunset blinked. “I can just lick it and it will-”

“Nahnahnah…” Twilight shook her head. “S’my turn ta taste!”

“Mmm,” Sunset hummed before turning her back and pulling out her phone. Twilight lifted a bit to see over the vampire’s shoulder and could see the internet search open.

‘How much Vampire Sedative is too much?’

“OOOOH! I know what we can do now!” Pinkie Pie smiled and dashed to her TV console. “Video game tournament!”

“Oh yeah! Time to kick butt!” Rainbow and Applejack quickly joined her in helping set up the system. “Which game are we gonna do?”

“Them’s Fightin’ Herd, that one’s fun!” Applejack smiled.

“Can we play Tetris?” Fluttershy asked.

“Tetris?!” Rainbow asked, looking to her friend in shock. However at the sweet expression on the fairy’s face, Rainbow deflated. “I guess we could? Later?”

Fluttershy clapped her hands together lightly. “Oh yeah! I’m good at that one!”

As things settled back into normality, Twilight sucked on her finger before standing up, slightly unsteady. “C-C-can I go get a soda?” She asked Pinkie. “I’m thirssssty.”

“Help yourself Twi!” Pinkie looked back. “I’m gonna set up the tournament board, but if you go downstairs it should be in the fridge!”

“Hokey Dokey.” Twilight staggered to the door.

“Ugh! Twilight!” Sunset spun to the human, alarmed. “Maybe don’t go near the stairs like that?”

“I’ll take her. Video games are not my forte,” Rarity stood up and went to help the human girl before she fell. “We’ll just sit this one out, right darling?”

“I’m pretty good at video game,” Twilight slurred out, but allowed Rarity to take her down the hall. “I play a mean Rollercoaster Tycoon.”

“I have no idea what that is dear,” Rarity smiled.

Getting down the stairs was a bit of a tight rope walk. Twilight highly doubted she could have actually gotten down on her own, so it was a good thing Rarity was there to help. It was a bit hard, because when Twilight stumbled the satyr’s hooves had a hard time holding ground. However they made it to the ground level unharmed.

“In we go!” Rarity helped her to a counter near the fridge. “You grab your drink. I’m going to get a glass of water.”

Twilight stumbled over to the fridge and yanked the door open, still holding her finger in her mouth. Inside was a variety of things. Most of the fridge was packed with aerosol whip cream cans… weird… There were also paper bags with a plastic lining on the insides that she could tell from the folded tops. Curious, she pulled one out a bit and found a label.

‘Dead Bird. DO NOT EAT! Its mine!! ~Limestone.’

Twilight was tempted to look inside, but she kind of knew what to expect, so she passed. Assuming the rest of the bags had similar contents, she kept looking for the soda, finally finding it on the door beside a bottle of Heinz goat blood sauce.

Shuffling back she shut the door, struggling to open her can one handed before giving up and just using both. Her injury was still bleeding somehow, Twilight suspected something in Sunset’s venom or spit likely thinned the blood. As she got the tab open Rarity came back.

“Is that still going? We should get you a washcloth darling,” Rarity frowned, looking to the sink.

Twilight nodded and her friend pulled open a few drawers, slightly lost in the unknown kitchen. However she managed to find a clean one a few drawers in. Rarity handed it to Twilight and as the human was about to wrap her finger up, she paused.

“You still wanta try?” Twilight asked, holding her hand up. “It’s still going so it’s just gonna be wasted.”

“I don’t know Twilight,” Rarity frowned. “I think Maud was right. It’s not the best idea.”

“Ooookkkay,” Twilight frowned. “BUT you’re da only one who didn’t get ta try! S’not fair fer you.”

Rarity paused. She seemed uncertain, but when she locked eyes on the blood she was somewhat entranced. “Well, I suppose it’s still just bleeding. A taste won’t hurt.”

“Der you go,” Twilight smiled brightly and thrust her finger forward to give Rarity a chance to take a sample.

Only she was a little too enthusiastic as, instead of just holding it up to Rarity’s face, she pretty well shoved the finger right into Rarity’s open maw. Whoops.

It was actually kinda comical. Rarity’s cheeks were puffed up, eyes wide in shocked at the unrefined interaction. Twilight was tempted to laugh.


It was a wet, muted noise and Twilight blinked in confusion. Rarity was frozen, but her eyes seem to dilate a little bit, nose flaring. Twilight pulled her hand back, not sure what was going on.

Only half of her finger came with the hand.

Twilight looked at it in astonishment. Half her finger was just, gone...She jumped when blood squirted out like a fountain, only to die down for a second, then jet out again with the rhythm of her heartbeat. She looked back at Rarity, still not as alarmed as she could have been.

Likely Sunset’s venom still acting up in her system.

Rarity still hadn’t moved, but there was a thin trickle of blood rolling down from the corner of her mouth. She shifted something in her cheek, still stunned and dumbfounded by what had just happened as Twilight tried to puzzle it together.

Finally the pieces clicked into place.

Oh. Rarity just bit my finger off.

Twilight looked down at her hand again, blood running a river down her arm and puddling a bit on the floor.


Rarity seemed to twitch to life a little, she shifted her feet and put a hand to her mouth, like she wasn’t sure what to do. She did lick up the blood from her lips, taking a very deep inhale. Her eyes a little feral.

Their gazes locked.

Then something rammed into Rarity’s side and took her to the ground.

Twilight was staring at the empty air space where Rarity had been before realizing what happened. She turned to find Maud, pinning the satyr under her, one hand around the girl’s horn and the other around her mouth.

“Drop it,” Maud ordered in a neutral tone.

There was a banging sound upstairs.

“Drop it,” Maud repeated, trying to pry Rarity’s mouth open like she was an unruly pet.

“Maud!?” Pinkie Pie called out, clearly running down the stairs. “Why are you screaming!?” She skidded around the kitchen arch away and stared at the scene before her. “OH!”

“WHAT?!” The rest of the girls scrambled around the corner and Sunset gasped. “OH SHIT!”

“What happened?!” Rainbow shouted.

“She bit Twilight’s finger off,” Maud stated, pulled on Rarity’s head to get her to open her mouth. “Now drop it.”

“What the hell?!” Sunset was at Twilight’s side in an instant and threw a dish cloth over the stump. “How did this happen?!”

“It was still bleedin’, and she didn’t have a turn,” Twilight fumbled out, still pretty calm, given what was happening. “SO I put it in her mouth.”

“TWILIGHT!!” Sunset moaned, throwing her head back. “BACK when we first met, what was the one thing I TOLD you not to do?!”

“Ahhhhhh…” Twilight squinted, unsure of what the other was talking about, until her brain managed to open the memory file. “OH! You mean how I shudn’t put-pu- shove my limbs into monster’s mouths?”


“I-” Twilight frowned, starting to get a bit dizzy. “ -shove-ed my limb into a monster’s mouths?”

Sunset gave her an expression that basically read out ‘Hello?!’.

“You need a wet cloth, that stems bleeding better,” Fluttershy said, coming over with one and switching the bandages out.

“Rarity! Come on now!” Applejack frowned at their friend. “Just drop the darned finger so Sunset can stick it back on!”

“Dude, this is not like her!” Rainbow frowned.

“I’m not too surprised,” Fluttershy said from where she was helping Twilight by putting pressure on the wound and holding it above the human’s head. “Back in the day a satyr’s main choice of prey was human.”

“WHAT!?” Rainbow’s head 180’d around on her neck to see the fairy. “THEN WHY DID YOU LET HER TRY?!”

“I figured blood wouldn’t do much and we were all there to stop her,” Fluttershy said. “I think getting actual meat and bone may have activated a bit of a primal instinct, but nothing she should let get too much control. Rarity's probably still trying to figure out what just happened.”

“Got it,” Maud said, holding something bloody in her hands. “She didn’t get a chance to chew on it yet.” Maud stood, making sure Pinkie and Applejack were helping the other girl off the floor before delivering the lost appendage. Sunset desperately began to try and figure out what end was which as Maud watched. The grey werewolf cocked her head.

“You know,” She drawled out. “I’ve heard about giving people the finger, but I don’t think this is what they mean by that.”

“This is no time for jokes!” Rainbow spluttered.

“Jokes?” Maud asked, a tinge of confusion in her voice.

“Oh-OH MY GOD!” Rarity spluttered, starting to shake a little. “Oh my god! OHMYGODohmygodOHMYGODohmygodOH-”

“Alright now, calm down,” Applejack said, ushering her to the living room.

“I bit off her finger!”

“I know sugarcube. It’s ok. It ain’t nobody's fault,” Applejack assured her.

“Well…” Rainbow muttered until the dryad shot her a look.

“How could I DO this?!?!” Rarity sobbed, she looked to Twilight, but couldn’t hold her stare. “Ohgod!!!”

“Lets sit you down,” Applejack said, taking her out toward the couches. Her voice could still be heard in the other room. “We need to collect our thoughts, ok?”

“Ok! I think I got this!” Sunset took Twilight’s wounded hand back from Fluttershy. Twilight could only watch as Sunset began to lick the raw end of her severed finger, like she was trying to wet a broken object and piece it back together with a quick fix. Sunset desperately aligned the finger to its base and cleaved them together, holding them in her fist as steady as she could for a few minutes, until she swallowed and pulled away with a nervous hesitation.

The finger looked like nothing had ever happened to it. Sure it was covered in blood, but when she gave it a test bend, it worked perfectly fine. Of course, speaking of blood, there was a good layer of it everywhere. The floor. The counter. Her clothes. Sunset’s clothes. Fluttershy’s clothes. Likely Rarity’s as well.

“How are you feeling?” Sunset asked, nervous.

The human gave her hand a few more flexes, then shot Sunset a smile. “Right-a-roonie!”

Sunset seemed to release a breath. “Ok, good… because if you do this again, I SWEAR TO GOD!” She threw her hands up in the air, only to end up with them running down her face. “Why am I the mom? Why am I the group mom?!”

Maud came up with a wet washcloth, holding it out for Twilight to take. When the human did so, and began to wipe of her hands, Maud blinked. “So… should I call the police? Or do you wanna go home, or stay?”

“Police?” Twilight asked.

“Well, your finger did get bitten off,” Maud shrugged.

Twilight just chuckled, still a bit loopy. “Oh, pffft! Nah! I’m good! I’mmmm Gooooood.”

“You’re sure?”

“S’all good!” Twilight had managed to cleaned off down to her elbow. “I mean, I put da damn thing in there! S’mah own fault!”

“No, but it’s sweet of you to say so,” Maud said. “But no more tricking out your blood. House rules.”

Twilight gave her a thumbs up.

“Damn kids,” Maud said, voice still monotone, but the corner of her mouth seemed to perk up a millimeter. She walked out to the living room, where Rarity could still be heard crying. Maud watched her for a few seconds, turning to Pinkie with a raised brow.

“Rarity’s emotions bubble close to the surface,” Pinkie said, glancing back at her sister. “You should know Maud, you’re the same way.”

“It’s a curse,” Maud blinked. “Should I call her parents?”

“Ahhhh, give us a minute to try and calm her down maybe,” Pinkie frowned, ears pinned back.

“‘Kay.” And like a stray black cat wandering in the night, Maud disappeared back from whence she came.

As Rarity’s garbled crying continued, despite Applejack best efforts, Twilight slowly came to a very important realization.

“Rarity’s sad,” Twilight said, looking to Sunset unsteadily.

The vampire stared back at her for a few seconds before sighing, nodding her head in a defeated sense. “Yes Twilight. She is.”

“But she shouldn’t be sad,” Twilight tacked on, raising her hand back up. “Lookit!”

“I see that Twilight, but-” Sunset winced and held her hands up in confusion of how to explain while Twilight was still out of it.

“But she can’t lookit!” Twilight supplied quickly, grasping at what Sunset seem to be trying to say.

“Well, not just that but-”

“She needs ta see!” Twilight started for the living room-

“Whoa! Oh, wait, Twilight, hold on!” Sunset carefully pulled her back. “Lets wash the rest of this off huh?” She gestured to the remaining blood around them. “That may help her see you better.”

After a quick scrub Twilight was looking much better, and while there wasn’t much they could do for her clothes, she at least didn’t look like a horror movie victim anymore. Sunset helped Twilight out into the living room and- whoa!

Rarity was a sight. Mascara was running down her face, mixed with tears and snot. Her hair was disheveled, likely from Maud tackling her to the floor, and her ears were tightly pinned back. She currently had her face buried in Applejack’s shirt, sobbing loudly. Rainbow was perched on the back of the couch, awkwardly patting her friend on the back.

“There, there,” Rainbow pushed out, looking uncertain about what she was supposed to do.

“Ho-ouldIdo-cha-fing!!!!!” Rarity’s muffled voice didn’t make much sense and when she pulled back from Applejack’s shirt, it didn’t help much. “Ibid-ff’eringer!!!”

The satyr went back to sobbing and Rainbow Dash fumbled. Hands hovering over the other in confusion, until she just went back to patting.

“T-there, there?”

“Rainbow!” AJ waved her off, the harpy flapping her wings back at the farmer, disgruntled.

“I’m trying!” She whispered angrily.

“Rarity!” Pinkie called out, bouncing to Twilight and Sunset’s side. “Look Rarity! Look!” When the satyr glanced to them Pinkie gestured to the human grandly. “She’s right as rain and put back together again!”

Twilight displayed her completely unharmed hands. “Look’it!”

“Oh Twilight!!!” Rarity seemed to choke on her emotions and she staggered to stand with Applejack’s help. “Oh, Twilight I’m so sorry! I have no idea what happened back there! One minute things were ok and then- MmmmM!” Rarity wept loudly. “I’m so sorry darling! Can you ever forgive me?!”

“Hmmmmm.” Twilight put on a mock face of thought. “I’subose. On one condition.”

“Anything you want!” Rarity sniffled. “Anything at all!”

“I want ‘chu to-” Twilight guestered to her head. “-give me that hair styling your promised.”

Everyone stared at her.

“What?” Twilight blinked. “She said she could make it glitter! Like da night sky! I think it sounds fun!”

Every just kept staring at her until Rarity gave a watery giggle. She came closer to Twilight, though she still seemed uneasy. “Darling, I’ll make you the envy of supermodels!”

“Yus!” Twilight reached out and took Rarity’s hand, leading her towards the stairs with a strength that seem to surprise the others. “To the hair products!”

“To the hair products!” Pinkie barked, scrambling after them. “I wanna do your nails! Please, please please!”

As the three disappeared upstairs, Sunset shifted uneasily on her feet, looking to her remaining friends. “That’s what I was afraid would happen…”

“Yeah, but it was a freak accident,” Rainbow frowned. “It’s hard to not bite things shoved into your mouth, and some of us just have a more powerful jaw than others.”

“All it takes is one freak accident,” Fluttershy spoke, starting to head back upstairs.

“Just one…” Sunset muttered, shaking her head a little.

“We just need to keep alert and wary,” Applejack sighed, looping her arms over Sunset and Rainbow’s shoulders. “But we can let thing settle down for now. Like granny says, it’s easier to swim out in the water once the storm has settled. Besides,” Applejack smirked. “You two got a vid’ya game tournament to lose.”

“Excuse me?!” Rainbow squaked, indignant. Sunset allowed herself to be led back to the stairs.

Though she still seemed worried.

The next morning Twilight awoke in a mild haze. She was dehydrated from salty snacks and soda, had glitter all over her face and her hair, and nails were done up in crazy fashions. She sat up, pulling a random cucumber slice from her cheek and looked out over the carnage of the sleepover from the night before. The room was a mess.

So that meant the sleepover was likely a rousing success!

Twilight yawned, scratching at some dried hairspray on her neck. She had come down from Sunset’s venom a few hours after her hair was finished and the makeovers were still going. Thankfully the night still turned out to be great fun!


Now that she had her wits about her and the time, Twilight looked over her finger. It had kinda felt like a dream, but Twilight knew that wasn’t true... She’d never be able to wear that shirt again.

Twilight blinked when she realized something was off. She brought her finger closer to her eyes to make sure what she was seeing was really real.

Indeed it seemed that Rarity had bitten her finger off a little below the first joint, so thankfully none of the movement was affected. However in Sunset’s desperate panic to put the finger back on, it seemed she had attached it just a little twisted.

Her finger nail and upper finger were twisted just a little inward, and near the base was a white, scar like ring. It almost seemed ironic, considering that in human, and some other monsters cultures, the ring finger was for just that. The wedding ring. And was a symbol of commitment.

Only Twilight wasn’t sure what this scar committed her to.

She turned to see Rarity sound asleep a few feet away, a mask over her eyes and what looked like a few rings over her horn, a piece of pizza in her hands. Honestly Twilight couldn’t blame her for last night anymore that she could Sunset for last month. The vampire was right, Twilight really needed to keep her limbs out of monster’s mouths. Well meaning or no.

One thing was for sure: the scar was a grim reminder. Even if these girls were her friends and didn’t mean her any harm, she still needed to be careful. They were way more powerful than she was and that demanded caution.

However, if it weren’t for the girls she may have lost the finger all together.

Maybe it was better to remember that, should anything ever happen, they all had each other’s backs…

A tune rang out from a nearby cell phone. All the other girls awoke with groans and moans. Rainbow, who was sleeping in an odd position, growled deep in her throat and stuck her head under one of her wings.

Sunset arched, then reached out a hand from her blankets and began to claw for her phone. She missed a few times before finding it and pulling the device under a curtain of thick, red hair.

“N’ello?” She mumbled sleepily. There a few seconds of silence. “Mmmm’wha?” Sunset lifted a little. “S’everything ok?” She listen for a few more minutes, then lay back down. “Oh, ok. Yeah. No that’s fine. I’ll check, thanks, bye.”

“Whats going on?” Pinkie yawned, head covered in an old blanket with only her snout sticking out.

“Something came up at my mom’s work,” Sunset said, pushing her hair back. “She can’t get me later and it’s a school night, so she’s justs gonna get me now.” Sunset sat up, rubbing at her eyes. “She wanted to know if you guys still need a lift back…”

Twilight paused to think before humming. She didn’t know if she wanted to leave yet, Sleepovers 101 had said the breakfast afterward was a very significant ritual. However she didn’t want to inconvenience the others or worry her parents by walking home.

“I’ll take the ride,” Twilight said, stretching out.

“Alright, what about you Applejack?” Sunset asked. At the silent response, the vampire looked around the room. “Applejack?”

“Right here!” The farmer came in from the hall, fully dressed in her everyday clothes and made up for the day. “Hope you don’t mind Pinkie, but I put on a pot of coffee!”

“What ungodly time is it?” Rainbow mumbled under her wing.

“What are you talkin’ about Rainbow? It’s nine! Ya’ll missed half the day practically!” Applejack smiled. “Besides, don’t you normally get up early for practice?”

“Not when I stay up so late…” Rainbow grunted, still not moving.

“Coffee. Need coffee…” Pinkie whined, crawling for the doorway, still covered in her blanket.

“Be a dear and grab me some as well, Pinkie,” Rarity moaned out miserably. “Black if you would be so kind.”

“Wakie Wakie Rarity! It’s a beautiful morin’ ta be alive!” Applejack grinned and pulled on the girl’s sleep mask until snapped back into her face, making the satyr startle.

“If you say so…” Rarity grumbled.

“♪ Good Mornin’! Good Mornin’! Good Mornin’! Good Mornin’, toooo Rainbow Dash! ♪” Applejack nudged the harpy with her foot as she sang. She was apparently quite the early bird.

Rainbow, the actual bird person, was not. She hissed ferally under her wing but didn’t come out.

“My mom is on her way AJ, you want a lift?” Sunset asked as she brushed out her hair.

“Mighty kind, but I’ll stick around. Big Mac should be home soon and I can call in fer a lift. I wanna stick around and kick Rainbow’s butt a few more times at the game,” Applejack smiled.

“Maybe I’ll just ask Big Mac who his girlfriend is myself,” Rainbow snickered, still under her wing, only to squeak when Applejack nudged her a bit harder than the last time.

“♪ Gooooooooooooooooooood Mornin’♪!!!” Applejack sang a bit louder and more obnoxiously.

“Applejack. Please!!” Rarity groaned. “I didn’t sleep well…”

“♪ IT’S great to stay up late! Good Mornin’! Good Mornin’, toooo you! ♪”

“Good lord make it stop!” Rarity rolled over, face in the pillows. “I can’t take this without coffee!”

“Somebody say coffee?” Fluttershy asked, floating into the room with two cups. “Pinkie sent me up with these. She’s eating hers out of a bowl and I think she keeps burning her tongue?”

“Fluttershy, you’re an saint. A god amongst monsters,” Rarity mumbled, reaching a hand out until Fluttershy put the cup in its grasp.

“What about you Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked.

“Put it at the end of my bed like an offering.” Rainbow mumbled from her hiding place.

“Can you believe these two?” Applejack asked with a chortle. “Sleep the day away if they could.”

“I’m nocturnal,” Rainbow mumbled.

“Get dressed Twi, my mom will be here soon!” Sunset said, pulling out her bag to look through.

“Sure!” Twilight quickly grabbed her spare set of clothing. Thankfully she packed some just in case of spills. Of course she hadn’t counted on her own blood staining her clothing but…

By the time they were dressed Sunset’s mother had arrived and was waiting outside. They managed to get downstairs, and the rest of the girls followed them down to say goodbye. Even Rainbow emerged, drinking her coffee with her eyes squinted shut.

“Goodbye darlings,” Rarity said, her beverage clasped by both hands. “I hope you have a safe drive.”

“Thanks Rarity,” Twilight smiled. “I’ll see you later.”

“And Twilight, uhm… I know I already said it, but I am really sorry about, well…” Rarity lifted a hand and flexed her fingers.

Twilight took in Rarity’s guilty expression before offering her a simple smile. “Hey, what’s a few fingers between friends?”

“Twilight,” Rarity groaned, but seemed to brighten a bit.

“Twilight,” Sunset tsked, flicking her lightly in the base of the neck. “Do not.”

“Alright, alright!” Twilight laughed, waving her off.

“Fanks fer comin guths!” Pinkie said, her tongue clearly swollen and a little burned.

“Thanks for having us Pinkie,” Sunset said, picking up both their bags with ease. “I’ll see you all at school okay?”

“See you guys!” Twilight waved as the two walked out the door and down the walkway, the girls all shouting out farewells after them.

Carrion was waiting for them by the car, opening the door to let them inside.

“Hey mom!” Sunset said as she set their things down. “Busy day ahead?”

“You have no idea,” Celestia spoke from the back shadows. She was dressed in a pantsuit and was drinking out of a togo cup. “Apparently these budget meetings cannot wait. Such is the life of a politician.”

“Mmm, that smells good,” Sunset said, zeroing in on her mom’s drink.

“Blood Cider. Have a sip.”

“Thanks.” Sunset took the cup in her hands and tried a little.

“And how are you Twilight?” Celestia asked, looking to the human on her other side, eyes glowing in the darkness. Twilight went to speak, jolting a little when the car started to move before collecting herself.

“Good, thanks so much for the ride!”

“It’s my pleasure. I am always happy to help out where I can,” Celestia nodded.

“This is sooo good!” Sunset sighed and handed the cup back to her mother. “Who made that?”

“Old family recipe. I’m sure Luna will make you one if you ask,” Celestia explained, taking a sip for herself. “She loves stewing with the kettle. When the holidays roll around we should make her special reindeer, ginger blood cider. Very festive.”

Sunset hummed. “That does sound good…” She looked to the floor of the cab in thought, cheeks puffing out a little. “Um, mom?”

“Yes Sunset?”

“On the way to the sleepover, Aunt Luna mentioned something about how she was cursed.” Sunset frowned. “She said the beast Final Stand did that to her, but you never brought that up when you told me about Aunt Luna’s past. Honestly I didn’t even think Final Stand was real…”

“Did she?” Celestia asked, voice lowering slightly.

“So Final Stand was real?” Sunset asked.

“He was real, but some of his reputation is not,” Celestia said vaguely.

“So he didn’t kill other monsters?” Sunset asked.

“He did. His path was always one of blood and despair, but that wasn't unusual a thousand years ago,” Celestia spoke softly. “Of course Final was an outlier. He often hunted indiscriminately between young or old, male or female. Powerful or weak. He made quite a name for himself, before his end…”

“Did you know him well?” Sunset asked.

“I never met him face to face. However I like to think I had an understanding of his thought process, especially now.” Celestia took a sip of her drink. “I hated him.” She looked out the window. “Still do, now that I think of it.”

“Oh,” Sunset blinked.

“Oh,” Twilight winced.

“Mmm, but why I hated him before, and why I hate him now aren’t really for the same reasons,” Celestia continued. “He took Luna from me for a long time, that’s a big one that spans the times, but when I first hated him… well lets say its because of arrogance. Both his own and mine.” Celestia closed her eyes. “Now? I hate him the same way one hates their reflection. He and I had a similar mind, but his action were for a far different purpose.” Celestia looked back down at her daughter. “Sunset, the funny thing with beasts is they are usually cultivated, not born. Remember that.”

“I… ok,” Sunset said.

“I know many of my lessons seem odd, and you may not understand them for a while, but you have a long life to live, and when you do live as long as we do, it can make a big impact,” Celestia sighed. “Humans have a similar thought process but they compare it to generations. What is that old human saying Twilight? Facti sunt…?”

“Oh! I know that one.” Twilight looked up quickly. “They go over it in history. Facti sunt fluctus unda reductos. It’s latin. Means ripples make waves or the belief that small actions now, have big effects later.”

“Indeed a wise saying,” Celestia nodded. “However instead of a large group over many generations, vampires have the opportunity to see the actions out to the end. I believe you kids call it ‘playing the long game.’“

“Mom, no one says that.”

“Well I am over a thousand years old Sunset, you can’t expect me to keep up with all the modern lingo,” Celestia laughed. She looked back to Twilight suddenly. “So did anything interesting happen at the sleepover?”

“Huh?! Oh... no? Just normal sleepover stuff… ma’am,” Twilight said tightly, rubbing her hands nervously.

“I see.” Celestia leaned in a bit. “Why Twilight, what an odd scar you have on your finger, and is that finger actually off-kilter a bit?”

Twilight stared back at her, mouth agape.

“Oh look! We’re here!” Sunset spoke loudly, gesturing to the window where they could make out the Everfree Estate’s sign. “Isn’t that great?!”

“Mmm.” Celestia shot Sunset s quick glance before looking to Twilight again. “Well, I’m sure it’s fine. Though you may want to be more careful the way you reattach things -” Celestia turned back to her child. “SUNSET.”

“Ok, it’s just weird how you know things like that.” Sunset frowned.

“I have my way,” Celestia smirked. “Since things seem to be ok, I suppose I won’t punish you this time Sunset, but do try to keep from panicking the next time.” Celestia paused. “Oh, and do try to make sure there isn’t a next time.”

“Yes mom…”

Twilight grabbed her bag from the floor and hefted it over her shoulder. Celestia chose to push open the door for her, but stopped her from leaving for a moment. “You are alright, aren't you Twilight?”

“I feel fine,” The girl smiled.

“Well good, but don’t be afraid to ask me for help.” Celestia offered her one more smile. “After all. I do owe you.”

Twilight stepped from the car and watched the door close, car driving off back to the city.



“I’m home!” Twilight called as she came in the door. She threw her bag to the floor and looked down to see Spike sleeping in the hall. He spared her a glance before scowling. “Aww, not happy to see me?” Twilight asked in a playful tone. “Is this about the treats?”

Spike snorted and turned away from her.

“Well then, I suppose you won’t want a treat from me now?” She asked, brow raised.

Twilight only laughed when the dog beelined it for the kitchen. Coming in she retrieved the treats from the upper shelf, giving Spike a few at once. “There we go. Still hate me?”

Spike barked up at her, licking at her hand when offered.

“That’s what I thought.” Twilight smiled slyly, then offered him a few more.

“I thought I heard you Twilight!” Velvet called from the upstairs. She came down to see her child with a small amount of excitement. “So how was your first ever sleepover?”

“Good. Things got a little crazy from time to time, but…” Twilight looked away thoughtfully, but was still smiling softly. “Nothing we couldn’t handle.”

“That’s good honey.” Velvet went to the fridge. “I’m so proud of you, spending so much time with your new friends! I can’t wait for you to have them over for a sleepover sometime! Maybe in the summer?”

“Yeah.” Twilight grimaced, knowing there would likely never be any such thing.

“Well you better make sure you’re all set for school tomorrow,” Velvet said, taking out a yogurt to eat. “I’m sure you’re prepared but you like to double check all the time and the last thing we need is for you to do that just as the bus gets here.”

“Yes mom,” Twilight sighed, going to head up to her room to check her things. Halfway up she noted a few of the family photos on the wall. Stopping at one of her grandmother, posing with an award she had gotten from the community. “Uh mom?” Twilight called out, looking back downstairs.

“Yes dear?”

“Who is that guy Grandma always says we’re related to?” Twilight asked, biting her lip.

“Who?” Velvet sounded confused, before she made a sound of realization. “Oh, that monster slayer stuff. I have no idea if that has any truth to it Twilight. He was alive a long, long, long time ago…”

“Yeah, just… what was his name?” Twilight asked again, leaning over the banister.

Velvet hummed, stirring up her yogurt.

“I think… it was Final Stand.”

“Really?” Twilight winced.

“Yup, my mother says he was greatest human to ever live,” Velvet sighed. “Killed a lot of monster back in the day. I think they kept attacking his village and he somehow beat them all.”


“Why do you ask?” Velvet frowned, looking back to her daughter.

“Oh, just a school report. No reason,” Twilight said, starting to walk back upstairs.

“If it’s for a family history report, just write about your grandma. She’d love that,” Velvet said. “And to be fair to her, she has done a lot for Everfree Estates in her life.”

“Yeah, I suppose I’m just gonna get my stuff ready.”

“Alright sweetie. I’ll be here.”

Twilight stepped into her room, shutting the door before looking to the floor worriedly.

Things were starting to get even stickier…. Not only would she have to, eventually, tell her parents about her new friends, she’d also have to tell her friends she could be related to their version of the boogie man!

Twilight absentmindedly began to rub the scar on her finger. She was starting to get in too deep. Soon enough she wouldn’t be able to touch bottom and she could only flounder for so long… Her thoughts returned to earlier that week. Was it better to live a lie or tell the truth? It was only getting harder to tell which was the right answer… if there even was a ‘right’ answer.


Later that night

Soft Twilight stepped from the Everfree Council board room, smiling contently as the meeting adjourned. After such a long and difficult amount of back and forth, they had finally ironed out those pesky ‘Public Affection Rules and Regulations’ in a way that was fair, but strict enough to keep everyone in line.

While it seemed a bit severe, especially to some of the younger members of the council, Soft knew it needed done.

Lest they be thought less of.

“Soft Twilight!” Came a greeting, making her turn. The elder smiled when she saw Pristine Clean approaching, putting on her coat.

“Pristine, so good to see you,” She said, turning to her. “You did some excellent debating out there, I was very interested in that argument you made in favor of the new laws. Like pointing out how it will decrease awkwardness in professional relationships? That I hadn’t even thought to bring up.” Soft cocked her head. “However did that come to you?”

“Oh, well…” Pristine blushed a bit and looked to the floor. “I suppose it was just… something I thought would be best to avoid.” Pristine grimaced. “In the future anyway…”

“Well it’s nice to have some younger people taking charge in the council,” Soft said, inclining her head. “Though most of the other junior members didn’t seem keen on this idea.”

“They just think it will effect dating, make it awkward for the kids,” Pristine sighed, leading them towards the exit. “Honestly if the rules are plainly laid out then there shouldn’t be any issues with it. I just hope it will transition cleanly into implementation.”

“Shouldn’t be a problem. Beside, if the rules start to get out of date then they can be looked at again for retooling,” Soft smiled. “That’s why the council meets so regularly.”

“True.” Pristine pulled her keys from her purse. “Any luck getting Velvet more active?”

Soft groaned in response.

“I see…”

“I don’t know what to do with that girl…” Soft muttered. “It’s like I only have one sane member of my family.”

“Ms. Soft Twilight?”

Both women paused, looking back at a rather tall, burly man dressed in a security uniform. They shared a looked before Soft waved Pristine off politely, going back to speak to him. Pristine shrugged and went for her car.

“Hello Mr. Code Red,” Soft smiled once she was close enough. “Now what would the head of Security possibly want with the likes of me?”

“Nothing serious,” He said, locking up his office. “I just wanted to give you this. Easier than sending it in the mail.” Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out an envelope and handed it to her. Soft righted it so she could read the cursive on the front.

“Twilight Sparkle?” She asked, confused.

“That's your granddaughter right?” He asked.

“Yes, but…” Softly looked the envelope over, back to front. “What is this? Did she get fined for something?”

“Nah.” He righted his heavy security belt. “Just the refund we got for her contraband.”

“Contraband?” Soft echoed, allowing Code Red to walk her to the doors.

“Well she apparently came back into the community with a charmed object. Nothing malicious, course, but we still gotta take all of them, just in case.” Once they were outside, he began to lock the building up for the night.

“Came back in…”

“Yeah, apparently she’s been a real regular at the gatehouse for a while, constantly going in and out.” He shrugged, turning back to her. “I think she’s seeing friends or something from the reports I’ve seen.”

Code Red went down the steps towards the parking lot. “Well I got a little girl to tuck in back home Soft, I’ll see you!”

Soft didn’t respond, staring down at the envelope thoughtfully. Very slowly her mouth turned to a thin line.

“It’s like I only have one sane member of my family…?” She mumbled, looking back out over Everfree Estates.


Sitting at a writing desk was a young man, mumbling and tapping a pen up and down on the surface. He hummed, thoughtful, as he reread some notes he had made on his paper. Between that he would look idly to his laptop, shifting through what appeared to be case files.

A door behind him opened slowly, someone padding inside. Once behind him they raised their hands, going for his neck-

Only to slide past them and over his shoulder, pressing herself against his back and kissing the top of his head. “Hey you,” She cooed sweetly.

“Hey you,” The young man said in return, turning enough to kiss her arm. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Just checking in,” She chuckled, looking over his shoulder. “Are you working or are you ‘working’?”

“A little of both,” He smiled, looking to his laptop. “You know how busy it can be at the station.”

“Well I do feel much safer when your on duty honey,” The woman chuckled. “But I need you to get these invitations sent out soon. We want people to know the decided date a few months in advance. The last thing we want to do is surprise anyone.”

“Well I’d have to be a pretty big jerk to do anything else,” The man scoffed. “Could you imagine getting a wedding invitation just a few days before it was supposed to happen?”

“Unless it was a mix up with the mail system or invitation maker, I can’t imagine,” The woman said. “So make sure we aren’t our own worst nightmare and get them out huh? I already set up the venue and the flowers.”

“Yeah, I got most of them done.” He looked to a large pile of fancy, sealed envelopes by the edge of the desk. His smile then turned to a frown, looking down at the notes on the table. “I… I just keep rethinking the guest list.”

“Hon…” The woman frowned too, but pressed another kiss to his neck. “I know you’ve had your problems with each other, but it’s one of the most important days of your life.” She put a hand to his cheek. “They’ll want to be there.”

“I know… You're right. Of course you’re right, I should invite them,” He said, turning back to the woman behind him. “It’ll just be kinda awkward.”

“Well maybe you should deliver it in person? That may help ease tension at the wedding if you do it beforehand?” She gave him another kiss. “Just make sure you send those out, no matter what. I need to check in with my side of the family.”

“You can count on me,” He said, watching her leave again. Looking back his list he hummed.

He erased the names Velvet Twilight and Night Light, replacing them with Mom and Dad.


Lock N Key, the Crystal Prep school counselor, grumbled as she staggered out of the building and into the darkened parking lot, arms laden with files and papers. She had been working all weekend and still had a some to take home with her! It was never ending at this school…

“I swear, if one more of these parents gets divorced this semester, I am quitting altogether…” She scowled. Making her way across the lot, cursing that she had parked so far back. “Not to mention what will be happening later! Whoever decided that I had to council all the girls in the school was high on something, that’s for sure!”

Arriving at her car, Lock N Key looked between her full arms and the latch. “Uh oh.” She grunted, puzzling for a second. After a moment of deliberation, she reached out with a few fingers from the pile, desperately trying to snag the mechanism to open her car. It clipped it a few times, unable to get a grip, when finally three fingers stuck, painfully pulling until the door unhooked. She nudged it open with her leg and hip, sighing in relief when she could put her pile inside on the seat.

“Thank goodness…”

However it seemed she spoke too soon, as a random gust of wind snatched a few strays on top and blew them out of the car, into the lot. Lock N Key cursed, closing the door so none of the others would escape and ran after them. She snagged a few, and spotted the last one, a thin manilla envelope sitting in a puddle.

She groaned, going over and picking it up, giving it a little shake to try and dry it. “Really?!” She shouted to the heavens. “Honestly, was today not bad enough?”

Rustle, Rustle.

Lock N Key froze, looking behind her at the shadowy forest at the end of the parking lot. Everything was still, eerily still, and as her eyes scanned over the darkness she swallowed. “H-hello?”


The woman took another quick peek around, but saw nothing to indicate that anyone was near. Squinting a little she huffed, before finally shrugging and looking back at the envelope. It was impossible to read what was written on it now… Hopefully everything inside was ok.

She gave it another stubborn shake, starting back to the car-

There was a strangled scream and the parking lot light flickered. Leaves crunched as Ms. Lock N Key was dragged into the brushes by a dim, green light.

When the lights turned back on, all that was left was her car and a few stray, wet pieces of paperwork….


Deep within the earth, where the air was old and stale, where the sun never came, was a cavern made of rock. Walls bore signs of an age-old struggle. Dried blood, left behind for hundreds of years clung to jutted rock. Claw marks and weapon scuffs were etched into others. Some areas showed ash, signs of small explosions, while others had sigils and runes carved into them, of traps that remained untriggered…

At the center, was a large stain of blood under a pile of bones, turned brown, almost black, by age at this point. However, rising from the pile, pierced and standing in the ground at a slight angle, was a tall, unblemished, black iron sword. Around its grip were the skeletal remains of a hand, somehow still clinging to its weapon of choice.

Though enveloped in darkness, shadows so thick they could drown a man, it shimmered for a moment.

Because it knew its millenium of slumber would soon be disturbed.

Things were about to get interesting.

Author's Note:

(Me crawling out of the pit) I made it! Its not a year yet! I didn't cross the line! Its all good!!

Phew! This is a long one! Anyway, please enjoy and again a super special thanks to Ladrian and Blazeblast4 for this chapter! They edited and pitched a few things that really helped me out! I love it when you comment and give a thumbs up, but you know, no pressure or whatever... :yay:

Lets just hope the next book comes out in a shorter time frame hmm?

Comments ( 116 )

Wait, This just updated?
WIth 21 thousand words?!
and now its marked as completed?
Welp, there goes my night. I am so hyped right now for more of this world and while Im sad to know that this will be the last we see of it I still cant wait to read this.
This is going to be good.

Yay you updated

A very large update, but so impressively written and paced.

Miss Manners Social Edicate


I’m going through for my rockderet.

rocktorate (it's a pun on doctorate) (also a couple more times in subsequent lines)

council all the girls in the school


Your updates may take awhile but their worth the wait.
More of the wolf pies are always a treat especially Maud in this chapter.
Knew Twilights offer was going to go south didn't expect her though.
And boy those endings

There is more to come? HELL YEAH!

20k! OwO I love you and your work man :) but are you trying to strain my voice when I do readings of these chapters?’ :derpyderp2:

Only Twilight wasn’t sure what this scar committed her to.

Does this mean Twilight accidentally get some semi-paranormal ability?

9565232 Wont matter at all with people like her grandmother. Just having friends is going to be a SOL thing and when the family finds out about them not being the "SUPERIOR" species, that favor Tia owes her will probably be called in as a place to stay

Also, COMPLETE??! SERIOUSLY? Right when i..... the way you're talking you're going to be spreading things out in book\chapter setups. Sorry

Was a nice surprise to see the chapter probably one of the best chapters it was so funny

it says complete but please tell me you are going to make a sequel

God, what a close call! I can't imagine how awful Rarity must have felt after, you know, instinct let go :fluttershyouch:

Gotta say nice chapter you got here and over 20K words? Wow, I don't make chapters that long. Can't wait to see what adventures Twilight has with her friends in the next book and how she going to explain she friends with monsters to her parents. I still think of my own versions sometimes. But this is your story so I'll see what you come up with first. I know just who those two people were sending out the invites, but I'm not saying anything. I also hope you get the sequel out too! Take your time and try not to take too long!

IT LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need more.

Otherwise that's a doozy of a cliffhanger!!

You do realise I left that comment before I read the chapter right? Its literaly me being excited to read it. But yes I saw there will be more to come.

“Well I’d have to be a pretty big jerk to do anything else,” The man scoffed. “Could you imagine getting a wedding invitation just a few days before it was supposed to happen?”

hello shining armor

There was a strangled scream and the parking lot light flickered. Leaves crunched as Ms. Lock N Key was dragged into the brushes by a dim, green light.

Hello Chrysalis can't wait for the next book also i think twilight needs to get some survival instincts... you think they sell artifacts fro that?

My reaction:
:rainbowdetermined2:Aw sweet it's not dead

:pinkiegasp:Wait complete?! How?! There were so many threads to wrap up and it was set for a slower burn.

:unsuresweetie:Oh 20,000 words, hmm maybe it's not badly rushed to the end err hopefully.

:rainbowkiss:Wait it's setting up a sequel! Yes it's not a rush to end woo!

:applecry:Wait, now I have to wait for the sequel awwww.

Great as always.

Thus the lesson here is not to jump to easy conclusions. I could not have known there was a sequel coming as I had not yet read the chapter.


Fantastic chapter. It was well worth the wait. I absolutely loved Twilight’s reaction to having her finger bit off.

Have a great day!!!!!

From the 1st chap to the last, I love this story. Can't wait to see where the next one goes. Hoping for some Twilight/Sunset: The better twilight Story.

“Huh?” Pinkie stopped, spinning around until she zeroed in on Sunset standing by the door patiently. “OH!! Right!” She ran over, taking Sunset by the shoulders and pushing her inside. “Welcome, welcome, welcome! Come on in and make yourself at home Sunset! Mi casa de fiesta es tu casa de fiestas!!”

This is such a brilliant and adorable detail. Took a few moments for me to click with what was going on. XD Honestly this entire chapter is just a twenty thousand word gift to me, since I adore sleepovers and the Pie family. I wasn't even sure how interesting the amish rock farmer wolves could be, and yet you absolutely nailed it to perfection. I goddamn love this fic to pieces. :raritystarry:

Is the story actually complete, or just marked as such? It feels like there's more to come...

YES! I can't wait for the next chapter (hopefully it won't take as long lol). Maybe we could have some Twilight/Sunset goodness hmm? 👀


I don't believe it's possible to come up with a more perfect username for any version of Rainbow Dash. Kudos.

I do love seeing casually wise Lemon Zest.

I also love the werewolves swarming the door every time the doorbell goes off. Say what you like, Limestone, we all know what happens when you mix wolves and men.

I do hope the Crusaders don't pull any Anon-a-Miss antics here. With any luck, their sisters' awareness of their disgruntlement should help prevent that.

Twilight eyed the bowl of dried crickets on the corner of the table as everyone grabbed plates.

High protein, low fat, human-edible... Don't knock 'em 'til you try 'em, Twilight.

“Uh… No thanks… I kinda need cooked meat.”

:raritywink: "That's what the oven is for, darling."

(Nobody noticed when Twilight snagged a handful of pineapple for her own)

:pinkiesick: I thought she wasn't a monster.

Heh. Nice bit of commentary with the movies. And don't just drop their fictionality on them like that, Pinkie. You have to ease them into the idea.

...finally finding it on the door beside a bottle of Heinz goat blood sauce.

When they say 57 varieties, they mean 57 varieties.

Twilight really does need to stop shoving her delicious human bits into hungry monster mouths.

I'm guessing Celestia's had to perform a frantic reattachment or two herself. There's a story waiting to be told...

I have to say, giving the contraband receipt to Twilight's grandmother who just happened to run into the security guard feels a little forced. The rest flows well, but that's just a bit too perfectly unfortunate.

Aside from that minor quibble, fantastic stuff thus far. Looking forward to the sequel.


I think my favorite bit was how the Pies kept scrambling for the front door. And Spike's attempts to break into the treat cabinet.

Rarity biting off Twilight's finger after a comparatively pleasant and peaceful sleepover was a rather stark reminder that, as nice as her new friends are, they aren't human. And Twilight needs to remind herself of that more often or she could get in deep trouble.

I also figured Final Stand was the (in)famous ancestor.

Disappointed the story's ended, but I look forward to the sequel.

Any reason the story is marked as Completed? You scared me!

Wow... well this was a heck of a fun read. I'll admit some of the aspects kind of bug me on some level or another but it's largely the big picture stuff like monsters out numbering humans, it is VERY unusual for predators to outnumber their prey. Though, given their numbers at 40% of the population and the verity of monster species there are they might be the single largest population of a sapient creatures on the planet and possibly to an overwhelming degree.

That and humans lacking any substantial history or real culture of their own and instead of enjoying and acting on their (relatively) newly won freedom to create are instead implementing a system of strict normalcy. I know Everfree Estate is just one example of one human settlement but still skews the picture as it's our only reference point so far. Then again, maybe that's the point ?

However... maybe the core of the issue is I do take pride in my humanity IRL, of our scientific and technological achievements, our diverse culture and astoundingly deep and complex history. The idea of that being wiped away or claimed by someone else bothers me.

Kind of saw the twist with Final Stand coming but that's okay, spawned some amusing sense in my head of Twilight telling it from the human perspective during the spooky story section of their sleep over, maybe with whatever sympathetic motivating back story he had (or had been artificially given) and dropping the bombshell of his name at the end. Though that sort of slyness is defiantly out of character for her.

Anyway, I know that probably sounds like a lot of complaining but you have left me very hungry for more I'm afraid (what? No, those aren't fangs, you can't prove anything!). I tend to save my comments for something that actually catches my attention and I enjoy. You've done that very well here with some deep lore and interesting backgrounds given by species and circumstance. I know Twi has the short end of the stick on the power dynamic for now but I got a vague feeling that might change, for better or worse (eye magical maybe concious sword wearily). Or that she might be forced to use that self defence training and the knowledge of monster weak point and prove that while not by a lot, she can be at least a little bit dangerous.

Well, Good luck and hope to see your work again some time! :twilightsmile:
Oh, also one last thing? Shining's arranging a wedding and Rainbow Dash is invited to a wedding at more or less the same time? Isn't that an interesting coincidence... :raritywink:

I believe he might publish the next book as a separate story

I liked that scene too. Though I kinda thought sunset was a vegetarian and blood didn’t count? then again, I also was reading this mainly for the lulz due to the mix up between spontaneous combustion and internal combustion in the first paragraph. Glad to see the story shaped up to be good :P

A tad confusing to be honest but curious to see what happens next.

To clarify, the current scope of the story is basically some kind of hybrid of Europe and the US. A lot of the information we’re getting is rather limited, mostly from Twilight’s sheltered perspective. The larger scale information we did get is from Celestia, and she’s not exactly an unbiased source, or even one who readily shares information. So some of the information she gives might be limited to their current nation, might be on their continent, or might be global.

As for the culture thing, most of Twilight’s community is from Underlot, so in their case (similar to a lot of other human communities throughout that area), they had most of their history and culture lost due to heavy persecution, so what a lot of them did was adopt the culture of some monsters that were more socially powerful to get a sense that they were equals. However, that’s limited to Twilight’s area.

And for the tech, most of it is human created. Without getting into spoilers, humans are responsible for most tech. Witches helped accelerate advances quite a bit when they allied, and post treaty monsters helped quite a bit (magic makes experimenting much easier), but humans were still core in pushing tech forwards. However, even 200 years after the treaty, a lot of monsters treat humans as second class citizens, so humans very rarely get credit for their contributions.

A lot of monsters have longer lifespans as well, still having living family members from before the treaty. Plus, many monster families have social and political weight that humans lack (due to essentially starting from nothing 200 years ago).

Twilight, you have family members who still eat rats but you refuse to try crickets...

Apple Bloom was rather malicious, she did give Twilight essentially drugged (highly regulated iirc) apples because she was salty about having to help Twilight instead of helping with the trees, and because Diamond Tiara is human. I wouldn’t put it past her if she pulled something else down the line, especially if she blamed Twilight for the punishment that came after. However, at this point it would make absolutely no sense for Twilight’s friends to turn on her, especially after she saved Sunset’s life (almost dying in the process) and seems to incapable of holding a grudge. Huh, just realized that Twilight let’s a lot slide. Those apples, Luna’s initial treatment (and being forced into Celestia’s car), Pinkie breaking into the school, almost dying, the finger thing, and not to mention her poor slaughtered shirts



A lot of monsters have longer lifespans as well, still having living family members from before the treaty. Plus, many monster families have social and political weight that humans lack (due to essentially starting from nothing 200 years ago).

So basically, it sucks to be a human.

Yeah, pretty much, at least in this region. The only “advantages” humans have are lack of some drawbacks, mainly lack of inherent weaknesses (like vampires and sunlight) and being able to safely interact with both light and dark magic. Doesn’t help that a lot of monsters, including Celestia and Granny Smith to some degree, still look down on humans as weak others.

So many things are gonna happen in the sequel. I can't wait!

Mmm! Good catch there, I have now fixed it! No brains fer Sunset. Thanks!

No problem! And its a super fun story so far. Cant wait to see what happens next!

‘Dead Bird. DO NOT EAT! Its mine!! ~Limestone.’

Is it a dove?:trollestia:

The Pie sisters running to, and slamming into, the door was gold. Funny how clearly I can picture that each time. Bet there are a ton of claw scrapes on the floor due to it. I bet the automatic tennis ball launchers would be banned on the property. Introducing the ED-209b Ball Launcher.....

“Let’s do iiiitttt!” Twilight put both her arms in the air, almost falling backward at the weight shift. “Trans’ferm and roll out!”

That got a solid laugh out of me. Pinkie would be the only one capable of doing it though. I bet Twilight would be a funny drunk if that is any indication.

It’s been roughly two hundred years since the Treaty. Things didn’t immediately get better after the Treaty, with some monsters refusing to respect it or acknowledge humans early on, and lots of humans in hiding that didn’t come out until awhile after. Plus, the conflict had been going on for hundreds, if not thousands of years. In the US we still have culture left over from the founding of the country. Plus, plenty of monsters have long enough life spans for pre-Treaty times to be a few generations back at most. Granny Smith, Celestia, Luna, and Rainbow’s great grandpa we’re all alive back then, and the rest of the Main Seven may have still living relatives from back then as well.

Well I finally got around to reading this chapter and I'm glad I did; from laughs to "uh-oh's" it was fun. Oddly enough what stuck out to me was the pizza toppings and Rainbow's mouth, as both show how different they all are, but still friends.

On the whole what I like most is Twilight's internal turmoil, the world isn't at stake for her personally it may as well be.

All in all? A fine tale.:pinkiesmile:

Well this is going pretty good, though it leaves the impression that Rarity has lost it, or that the evil guys back, though I'm hoping it's some kinda monster cult that wants humans back on the menu, the idea of Rarity hurting someone rubs me the wrong way... Anyway enough criticism, this storys great though the foundation is a little shaky toe, what with sunset a vampire over being a witch, still tons of potential and I look forward to seeing what's next

More. Gimme more! I need MOOOOOOORE!


Well this is going pretty good, though it leaves the impression that Rarity has lost it

Not exactly. The story foreshadows this pretty well - monsters are walking a fine line between civility and ferailty, and some factors can trigger their monstrous side to come out - in particular, the taste of human blood. Rarity's species is a natural hunter and she wasn't prepared for suddenly being presented with fresh human meat.

Still waiting on that sequel you promised... You need any help with it?

“Pineapple?!” Pinkie asked, shocked. “What am I? An animal?!”

😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 I'm sorry that was😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣that was really well done.

“We’re all not real sillies,” Pinkie spoke suddenly, silencing everyone.

Love it! 🤣🤣🤣

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