• Published 23rd Dec 2016
  • 15,924 Views, 455 Comments

Friendship Is Monsters - spotty8ee

Twilight is a human in a world of monsters, although she's never met one. So when she finds a vampire dying on her front lawn one day, she's not sure what she's found. A new friend? Or her demise...

  • ...

School and Wolf

Crystal Prep was a strict school. You got to class on time, you were in bed on time and you did everything right the FIRST time. Principle Cinch, known for her old fashioned techniques, was a punish first, ask questions later sort of principal. However, she did get results. Grades never slipped below a 90 average and the school was one of the top rated, well funded schools there was.

Sure most of the students hated one another for different reasons, or were run ragged through their classes, being forced to study well into the night to keep their grades up, but dammit if anyone who got out alive didn’t do something worthwhile with their lives. The result of graduating this place was the world on a platter. Well, at least as much as a human could get.

The grades Twilight had no trouble with, the clubs she was in were small but interesting, and the electives she took had her far past a high school education level. It was the social stuff she had issues with, but to be fair, everyone hated each other to begin with. Sometimes it had to do with family issues, divorce here, half-sibling there. Sometimes it was parental occupation. There were more than a few times a kid whose parent was a police officer got chased around by a kid whose parent was in prison. Whatever the issue was, friends in Crystal Prep were hard to get, and once you had them, you held on tight..

Twilight didn’t have any friends at Crystal Prep. Well, she had a few acquaintances but when push comes to shove they didn’t pick you back up. They did help out in small ways though. When that video came out and Twilight was the laughing stock of the campus, Moondancer stepped up and brought her some food from the cafeteria so she could hide in her room. Fleur De Lis, a prefect who could be a bit moody at times but was pretty nice otherwise, was like the school’s martial law. Whenever she was around the other kids either stopped teasing her, or found out why Fleur was the fencing champion of the state. Lemon Zest tried to help Twilight take her mind off it and watched movies with her till late at night.

Twilight sat back on the couch in her dorm an hour before her first Monday class. She looked over her computer as she pulled up her messaging system. With the other girls likely at school, there was nothing new to note, but she could see a few she had gotten last night. Word spread quickly about the apple disaster and it was funny with all the different reactions it got. There was some concern, but for the most part they just joked around a little. Such as how Pinkie requested a few of the apples for her Valentines day party next year.

Applejack had responded with a simple ‘NO WAY.’

The dorm door rattled as it opened and Twilight looked up to see Lemon Zest walking in, her duffle bag was under her arm, with her violin case in her hands. Her uniform top was wrinkled and her hair was getting in her face, headphones around her neck.

“Hey Lemon Zest,” Twilight greeted. “Are you just getting in? You didn’t miss the bus did you?”

Lemon grunted and dropped her duffle on the ground. “Hey Twilight,” She said easily. “Yeah, plane just got back in this morning, had that freakin’ recital contest this weekend.”

“Oh, right,” Twilight smiled. “Did it go well?”

“Gahhhhh….” Lemon Zest moaned, making a face and scowling.

“Did you lose?” Twilight winced.

“Oh no. I won first,” Lemon Zest sighed before dropping her violin case haphazardly to the floor. “Just hate this stupid thing.” She slumped onto the couch beside her roommate, rubbing her face with her hands. “Give me a guitar. Hell I’d play the banjo. Anything to get away from THAT…” Near the end her voice turned venomous, pointing to the violin case like it was the devil incarnate.

“Oh…” Twilight blinked in surprise. She knew Lemon wasn’t a fan of her instrument, she just didn’t know she hated it so much. “Well, why not play guitar then?”

“Can’t, my dad says it's ‘Not aH ReAl InstrUment,’“ Lemon Zest grunted, mocking her father’s words before puffing unhappily.

One of the bedroom doors opened and Moondancer stepped out, holding her empty cup from her morning tea. She had her thick-rimmed glasses on and unlike her classmates, she wore her school’s winter uniform, no matter the season. She spotted the two on the couch as she went for the kitchenette. “Oh, you’re back.”

“Sup Moony?” Lemon Zest smiled.

Moondancer raised a brow at the nickname disinterestedly, only to yelp when she tripped over something and thumped to the floor.

“Oh my gosh! Moondancer!” Twilight gasped as she and Lemon Zest stood up, waiting to see if their roommate needed help.

The girl righted her glasses, glaring down at what tripped her. “The f- Lemon!” Moondancer shouted, pointing to her things. “Don’t just leave your junk where you please! You broke my mug!”

“Sorry Moony-” Lemon Zest paused when the fallen girl glared harder. “-uh, Moondancer.”

“Sorry will not fix my favorite mug,” Moondancer frowned, looking at the broken ceramic. She managed to stand wincing a bit and looked down again. “Oh god, I landed on your damn violin case! Why did you put this here?! I could have dislodged a vertebra.”

“My violin? Did it break?!” Lemon Zest asked with ill-concealed hope.

Moondancer blinked before opening the case under her.



After helping clean up the mess that had once been Moondancer’s mug, the three parted ways for their first class of the day. In the hallways it was a proverbial mad house as kids tried to slip past each other to get their things, see friends, or go to class.

While she tried to stick to the quieter halls if she could, Twilight’s first class was Calculus, which was right in the middle of the busiest hall of the school. She took a breath before pushing through the crowd, getting a few dirty looks but was thankfully ignored by most. She tried to avoid touching anyone, grimacing when she did, the person in question glowering at her as she passed.

At the first chance she got, Twilight zipped in the door, settling down at her seat closest to the teacher’s desk, where she was less likely to be bothered. The last few students trickled in somewhat lethargically, the first day of the week had that effect on people, and when the bell rang their teacher shut the door.

“Alrighty, today we're starting a new chapter in your textbooks,” he said, writing on the blackboard. “Turn to page 403, ‘The Integral Calculus On Manifolds’.”

Most of the class groaned, a few rubbing their face tiredly.

Twilight excitedly pulled out a pencil. What followed was an hour and thirty minutes of intense lecture and practice equations. As usual Twilight found these classes a breeze, so when the bell rang she skipped from the door with a beat in her step.

Her classmates followed like stumbling shells of teenagers.

Such a wonderful way to start the week! A little challenge.

Twilight paused at the drinking fountain to get her bearings. She had english next, it was across the quad in the Literature building. She went out the usual door, dodging a group of older classmates and out into the open air.

The quad was a beautiful open park area between the main buildings of Crystal Prep, where all classes were held. The grassy area was surrounded by oak trees, which were old, perhaps even older the school itself, and had beautiful gardens surrounding a large fountain.

Sadly for such a calm, natural place it was usually packed with students, and on a sunny day like this, it was no different. Students were seated in the shade and on benches, chatting and laughing and studying. The quad was fit to burst, as it always was this time of day, and Twilight knew trying to traverse that battlefield of teenage antics would likely have her fishing for quarters at the bottom of the fountain.

Thankfully Twilight had been going to this school for quite a long time, so she knew there was a way around the chaos. She darted towards the Art and Physical Education building, knowing there was a never-used path behind it that cut across the school. It was old and not very well-maintained, in fact it was almost a tunnel with how the stone wall of the building was on one side, and the tall stone fence was on the other. The fence was used to block off the woodlands behind the school. Students rumored it was because monsters used to hide out there to pick off kids, but Twilight had read the school’s history book and found that it was erected because students would sneak off to make out in the trees.

Nowadays everybody just used the private study rooms.

However Twilight knew why this path wasn’t the most used. It had a creepy vibe to it… The building looming overhead, how it became unnaturally quiet, how cold and dark it was. Twilight knew it was safe though, so she didn’t hesitate to round the corner and keep walking. Mentally she tried to remember what was going to happen in English today.

She believed there was a test, followed by a book report handout.


She clapped her hands excitedly, the sound echoing. As she hurried down the path she was half way behind the building when something clanged. Twilight froze, looking around quickly. There was no one around… Both sides of the opening were clear.

Another clatter made Twilight jump, and she realized where the noise was coming from. She looked to the stone fence wearily. She couldn’t see through the ten foot tall stone but by the sounds of it, somebody was jumping up on the dumpsters behind the wall…

“H-hello?” Twilight frowned.

There was more clanging and banging, the sounds of claws skittering on metal. Twilight took a few uncertain steps back. Was there a wild animal rooting around in the trash? Suddenly there was a clang from something large, empty, and metal, making Twilight jolt. Then another something poked its head up over the top of the wall. Twilight squinted, not being able to make out what it was as the morning sun was directly behind it.

Definitely an animal. Pointed ears twitched as it looked down at her and Twilight could make out the glinting of its eyes. Suddenly it lifted itself up over the wall, jumping down towards her!

“Ahh!” Twilight yelped, stumbling back defensively until it landed in front of her.


“Pinkie?!” She gasped as the pink wolf bounded around her excitedly, tail wagging.

“I knew I smelt you Twilight! I found you! I found you!” Pinkie barked, bounding around her. “I win! I’m the best smeller!”

“Wait, hold on!” Twilight managed to get out as she kept an eye on her quardrapedial friend. “What are you doing here?! Shouldn’t you be in school? I mean, it's a Monday!”

“Wwwweeeeellllll….” Pinkie started, pausing to think. “Normally I would be at school on a Monday, but you see one of my sisters just broke up with her meanie, bo beanie boyfriend. So my Papa Pie decided to pull us out of school today for a pack exercise! Help take her mind off it.”

“Pack exercise?”

“That’s just a fancy way of saying mini family holiday!” Pinkie smiled, panting a little bit. “We did it all the time as kids. Basically we go to a random woodland area and have little challenges! Today is a hunting race! First one back with the biggest kill wins!” Pinkie spun around in a circle, clearly excited. “So I was out in the woods, sniffin' for things to hunt, when I smelt you! I mean I didn’t expect to, so when I did I was all like ‘What's Twilight doing out in the woods?!’ Then I saw the school and could smell all the people! So I thought I’d come in and say hi!” The wolf paused to pad closer, smiling again. “So hi!”

“Yes.. Hello.” Twilight blinked.

“SOOOOOOoooooo. What’s this place?!” Pinkie asked, looking around a bit. “Smells like a lot of humans!”

“This is Crystal Prep, Pinkie.” Twilight explained, righting her glasses a bit. “You know, human private school?”

“That makes sense!” Pinkie barked. “This place looks waaaay older than my school! Plus it’s bigger! My schools all erh!” Sher put her paws together in the air, showing the minimalism of her school. “And yours is so whoa!” She then held her paws out, showing the size difference between them. “Course my schools in the middle of Mid Canterlot- huh, middle middle Canterlot. Thats funny to say! Oh! Imagine if you were in the MIDDLE of the school! Then it would be middle, middle, middle Canterlot-”

“Uh, Pinkie!” Twilight said quickly, putting a hand to the wolf’s shoulder. “It’s not that I’m not happy to see you-”

“I’m glad to see you to Twilight!” Pinkie smiled.

“Yes, well, it’s just…” Twilight circled her free hand in the air, trying to think of what to say. “This is a… a private school…-”

“Yah, just for humans, right!” Pinkie added, still smiling.

“Well, yes, yes thank you. Umm, its just that, if they find YOU here- not that you mean anything bad of course! It’s just, um. Well… They might not… uhm.” Twilight started to struggle and Pinkie’s confused expression wasn’t helping. “They may not react well…”

“How so?”

“Oh! Uh, you remember what happened to Sunset? Not that they might do anything bad either it’s just…” Twilight trailed off here, still grasping at straws, when Pinkie’s eyes lit up.

“OH! You mean humans might get scared and then try to hunt me down and no matter how this situation works out there COULD be an interspecies incident that could respark the war between our kinds?” Pinkie sounded cheerful throughout the explanation.

“Uh, yes,” Twilight blinked. “I mean maybe not war but-”

“Say no more!” Pinkie smiled. “I just be back to my hunt and on my way!” Pinkie said as she turned to leave. Twilight sighed and wiped her brow.

“Oh good, I don’t want either of us getting into any trouble-”

“-And I can’t.”

“WHAT!?” Twilight yelped, looking up at the wolf wildly. Said wolf just pointed to the stone wall.

“Nothin’ to climb up on to get out this side,” Pinkie explained with a carefree shrug. “I’m stuck.”

Twilight threw her hands up to hold her head in panic. “Oh no! Oh no! Ohnonono!” She started to pace a bit. “Oh god, how are we gonna get you out of here! If they catch you, nothing good will come of it, even if you don't mean any harm!”

Both girls jumped when a bell rang shrilly in the air. Twilight groaned when it ended.

“And now I’m tardy!” Twilight gasped.

“Don’t worry Twilight. We’ll be fine!” Pinkie said easily. “Besides, if we can get out of here and go back to my families picnic, then we can have some tart-ies!”

“Oh my gooood why…” Twilight moaned softly. She took a few deep breaths before speaking again. “Ok. Ok… Pull it together! Come on Sparkle! We can do this! I mean, how hard is it to get a pink wolf through a high security location?! Hahahaha…..” Twilight stared into space.

“Don’t worry Twilight! I can just change into my human form! Easy peasy!” Pinkie stated, starting to shift.

“Oh yes! You CAN do that can’t you!” Twilight sighed again, relieved. “Maybe this won’t be as difficult as I thought-” She petered off when Pinkie finished shifting. Pinkie smiled back, not sensing anything wrong, her wolf tail wagging the back of her skirt and her wolf ears twitching out of her hair.

“C-can you change back?”

Twilight huffed as she led Pinkie along the side of the building, holding a hand to the back of the wolf’s head. She figured it would be easier to explain what appeared to be a giant canine to people who saw them, rather than a girl with real animals ears and a working tail… That would be a dead giveaway. At least Pinkie looked like a very large husky when she was in her wolf form.

“What’s that?!” Pinkie asked excitedly, Twilight stifling a groan.

At least she looked like a dog when she didn't talk!

“It's a statue of the founder from out front. They brought it back here for repairs, because this is the art building.” Twilight whisper shouted, pulling the wolf along past the defaced stone human. “Pinkie, remember you can’t-”

“Talk, yeah! I know, don’t worry though! You won’t hear a peep out me!” Pinkie smiled. “Not a yelp or a squeak or a yip or a-”

Oh this doesn't bode well…

Twilight paused at the end of the building, looking out around the corner to the quad. It was much emptier than before. A few stragglers were running for their classes and a few people who had spares were seated out in the sun, reading or studying. A group of boys were tossing around a frisbe-

“Oh! That looks fun!” Pinkie commented, her head sticking out around the corner. Twilight winced each time Pinkie’s tail jackhammer her in the side. “Can we play?!”

“No! Pinkie please!” Twilight frowned desperately. “Listen there are a lot of rules at Crystal Prep and not all of them are written, but they are followed! There are a few things not allowed on campus! First on that long list is monsters! Then pets.” Twilight put a hand to her head. “And technically, I’m breaking both of those right now!”

“And you're skipping!” Pinkie added unhelpfully.

“Yes, that is also a factor here!” Twilight groaned. “That’s not to mention what they could do to you! Do you want to be stuffed up on the wall of the library?! We have a hunting club here!”

“Do you mean stuffed with lots of delicious fooo-” Pinkie paused when Twilight looked down at her, scowling and very desperate. The wolf looked away dejectedly. “Ooo- Yeah no, I know what you mean.”

“Listen, we just need to go around the back of the Literature building, then follow that to the cafeteria. They have some dumpsters back there you can climb on and get out.” Twilight explained. “Then you're in the clear!”

“Sounds like a plan!” Pinkie nodded.

As quickly as Twilight could she lead the wolf across the open area towards the next building. It was less than twenty feet. However there were still a few people running around that could see them. Pinkie was much more agile than her human companion, and beat her to the next building easily. As she waited for Twilight to catch her breath and take a hit of her inhaler, there was a shrill voice.


Twilight practically inhaled the entire puffer in fright, choking a bit. She turned to see two underclassmen walking up to them from the quad. “Is that a dog?” The yellow haired girl asked excitedly.

“Dog? What dog?!” Twilight tried poorly to hide Pinkie behind her. “I don’t have a dog! I- I’ve never even met a dog!”

Both girls giggled, a little amused. “We won’t tell!” The green haired one smiled. “We just love dogs a lot! Can we pet it?”

Given that Pinkie was a sapient being, Twilight worried for a moment the girl might be a little insulted by the question. Instead Pinkie sped out from behind her to bathe in the shower of affection.

She panted happily as both the girls pet her head. “She so cute!” The green haired one commented, scratching Pinkie’s ear in a way that the wolf seemed to melt into.

“Aww, what a friendly girl!” The yellow one cooed, Pinkie’s tail going a mile a minute. “Is she yours?”

“Yes! I mean, no! I mean...” Twilight trailed off. “She’s… I- I’m pet sitting her! Yes, that's it!” She shuffled nervously. “She followed me to school, so I’m trying to get her home before I get into trouble… Speaking of, we need to get going.”

“Awww…” The girls moaned, disappointed. Pinkie echoing the look on their faces.

“Well I guess we don’t want you in trouble… Thanks for letting us pet your dog.” The yellow haired girl conceded, giving Pinkie one last pat.

“Bye guys!” The two walked back out to the quad.

Twilight held her breath until the two disappeared inside one of buildings, groaning a bit and holding onto the wall for support.

“They were nice, are they some of your friends?” Pinkie asked, tongue lolling out the side of her mouth.

“No, I just… They must like dogs, because I’ve never seen them before now.” Twilight sighed.

“Well of course everyone likes dogs, everytime I see one I’m just like ‘Hey! It's a cute dog! Woof Woof!’ “Pinkie spoke. “Like this one time at the park-”

“Are you ok with them just… treating you like a dog like that?” Twilight asked, a little overwhelmed by the situation and just wanting to stop Pinkie’s rambling.

“Of course. It's not the first time that's happened!” Pinkie nodded. “I just see it as people being friendly! Plus sometimes you get treats! Like those ones that make their own gravy!” Pinkie started to drool a bit. “Yummy!”

Twilight shook her head, a little amused by the response. “Do you find people friendlier when you're a dog?”

“Kinda? I mean, there's good in everybody! Sometimes you just need to be a dog and it comes right out!” Pinkie thought for a moment. “Course, I find the same thing works as a person, act friendly and people seem to respond to it.”

Twilight righted her glasses on her nose. “Is that how you do everything?”

“Yeppers! If you have a good mood then most people try to have one to! They’re infectious, in a good way!”

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard of something being infectious in a good way,” Twilight chuckled a bit.

“See! Right there! You’re happy now too! Just like me! Infectious!” Pinkie barked, tail wagging.

Twilight paused for a moment, dumbfounded before laughing. “Yes, I suppose I am. You should write a book Pinkie.”

“I’ve never tried writing a book. That could be fun! I’ll try it out when I get home!” Pinkie said with a smile on her muzzle.

Home. Home. Ho-

“OH! Right!” Twilight looked around nervously, but they were thankfully still not seen. “We need to get going before somebody sees us!” Twilight continued on, Pinkie wandering after her. “Just around the corner here and then it's straight to the cafeteria-”

Twilight ran around the corner and found the very last group of people she ever wanted to see. Standing by an AC unit and smoking a cigarette was Kamikaze. A red skinned girl with orange and red hair. All her friends had frozen in place when Twilight came upon them, looking at their smokes nervously. However Kamikaze just took another leisurely drag, looking Twilight up and down in amusement. “Well… Look who it is.” She said, blowing a cloud of fumes into the air.

Twilight opened and closed her mouth wordlessly.

“Twilight fuckin’ Sparkle. What a pleasant surprise.” Kamikaze smirked, stepping out of her group towards Twilight slowly. “You’ve been weaseling your way out of my sights so much, I don’t think we’ve talked in ages.”

As Kamikaze got close Twilight started to back away, ducking her head a bit, eyes wide behind her glasses.

“Kami, she won’t tell right?” One of the girls by the AC unit asked nervously, all of them putting out their cigarettes. “My mom would kill me if-”

“SHE WON’T!” Kamikaze practically shouted, shutting everyone up and stopping all movement. The red skinned girl grimaced for moment, eye twitching before she let out a small amount of unsettling laughter. “Oh ho.. She won’t tell. Will you, Twilight?” The bully shot Twilight a piercing gaze, one that ripped through her and left her quivering in fear.

“N-n-n…” Twilight whimpered.

“OF COURSE she won’t.” Kamikaze smiled,taking another breath of her cigarette. “I don’t think you have the guts to do anything worthwhile on your own, do you?” Kamikaze tilted her head, grinning. “You can’t even say a word to save your own worthless hide, can you?”

Twilight swallowed. The orange and red haired girl suddenly bolted up to her side, sending Twilight stumbling away into the wall of the building. Kamikaze chuckled as she flicked her smoke in her hands to dispel any ashes on the end. She kept getting closer, and closer…

“I know you won’t ever tell, Twilight. I know, because you know what I’m like.” The bully made a mock face of worry. “I mean, even after alllllll this time apart, you still remember how I can get right? When I’m unhappy… or bored…”

Twilight nodded her head wildly, glasses scewing on her face at the intensity of the motion.

“I don’t know if you do Twi-Twi.” Kamikaze said, still getting closer. “I mean you still don’t know enough to lick my shoes when we meet up like this. All those lessons I gave you, for not…”

Twilight’s eyes flickered down to the girl’s soccer cleats unhappily, frowning deeply at the mud-covered footwear. Of course she had practice this morning! She looked nervously back up at the girl, hoping she could get out of this without doing that…


Suddenly Kamikaze snatched Twilight’s glasses from her face. Twilight yelped, squinting at the blurry girl in front of her fearfully. Now that she was practically helpless before her, there was no telling what Kamikaze would do.

“I think I need to remind you how much respect I deserve, Twilight,” Kamikaze said lowly. Twilight flinched when she felt heat near the side of her face. She quickly realized it was the girl's cigarette. Kamikaze was slowly bringing it up to level with Twilight’s eye. She tried to lean away but Kamikaze shot her arm out, bracing it on the wall and keeping Twilight in place.

Twilight could only think to curl up a bit and clench her eyes shut, feeling the heat get closer and closer-


“Whoa!” One of Kamikaze’s friends gasped and Twilight felt the heat disappear. She looked up to a blurry pink blob between her and Kamikaze.

GRRRR!!!! Pinkie was snarling, fur raised and tail curled angrily. Twilight couldn’t make anything else out…

“What do we have here?” Kamikaze asked, not sounding fearful in the slightest. “I thought you only had one ugly dog.”

“H-h…” Twilight stuttered, chest feeling tight.

“Kami! That thing is huge! Lets just get out of here! Sparkle won’t tell!” One of Kamikaze’s friends said urgently and sounding scared.

“Yeah! She’s a big pussy, like you said! Lets just go back to our dorm!” Another added, equally unnerved.

“I’m not afraid of this pink fair prize,” Kamikaze snorted. “What do you say puppy?! You wanna dance with me?!” The girl sounded crazy and gleeful at the thought of fighting this extra large canine.

“Kami! It’s not worth it! She won’t tell now that we know she brought a dog on campus!” One of the girls whined. “Come on! We’ll watch one of those Saw films you like!”

“I’ve already watch them enough this week,” Kamikaze huffed.

“What about that Centipede movie?” Another offered.

“Oh god, I don’t wanna see that again… Creepy as hell…”

“SHHH!” The same girl as before hushed the other violently.

Kamikaze hermed and hummed for a moment, ignoring the snarling animal before her. “Oh alright, I guess… We watch the uncensored version though.”

“Ok! Let’s go!” The girl said, and Twilight could hear them walking away over Pinkie’s growling. Kamikaze however stayed behind a moment longer.

“See you around Twi-Twi. Maybe next time we can try and make a sequel video? I know your fans have been asking for one,” Kamikaze laughed cruelly before she followed after the others.

Twilight found it hard to stay standing. She slid to the ground, wheezing a bit and rubbing at her eyes. That was close… Kamikaze never tried to burn her before… Every moment with that girl took a year off her life. Twilight panted a bit before realizing she needed to use her inhaler again. She reached into her bag for it.

Then something wet poked her arm and Twilight jumped, her puffer flying off in another direction. “‘Orry!” Pinking said around something, dropping an object in her lap. “I’ll get it.” The wolf wandered off and Twilight plucked the offering from her lap, finding it to be her glasses, though a bit more slobber covered than before. She wiped them off, still huffing and puffing when Pinkie came back with her inhaler.

“T-thanks,” Twilight wheezed before she took a few hits. The wolf sat beside her quietly until she had finished and put it away. Twilight tried to avoid her gaze.

“Who was that?” Pinkie asked.

“Umm, Kamikaze.” Twilight mumbled. “She’s kinda… crazy…”

“Does that happen a lot?” Pinkie frowned.

Twilight looked away, face scrunching a bit before she huffed, getting to her feet.

“We should keep moving. We’re close to the cafeteria now…” Twilight said simply, leading the wolf down the walkway once more. She didn’t look back but she knew Pinkie took a minute to follow. The more subdued pair walked along the literature building to the small gap they needed to cross before the Cafeteria. They paused when the clock tower sang out a short tune, echoing a soft song out as the hour turned.

11 o'clock. Guess I’ve missed my test. Twilight sighed, checking the opening. Thankfully this area of the school was much quieter. She took Pinkie across to the smaller building, leading her around another corner. From here Twilight could see the dumpsters set up against the outer wall. Hopefully they would be tall enough…

There was a cluttering noise and Twilight looked over, almost groaning in aggravation. It was Lemon Zest, buying a drink from the vending machine. While the cafeteria did have an eating space behind it, near the dumpsters, not many people used it due to the smell. However the vending machines were set here for easier refilling...

Lemon Zest took a swig of her energy drink before looking over to Twilight, seemingly still jet lagged. She smiled tiredly and waved, but paused upon noticing Pinkie. Twilight heard Pinkie let out a soft growl, so the human girl shushed her before approaching her roommate.

“Sup Twilight. You kinda got a dog following you…” Lemon said, pointing down to Pinkie.

“Yeah, she followed me from home.. I’m pet sitting for somebody.” Twilight said back, just as exhausted. “I just want to get her over the wall and she’ll know the way home.”

“Oh cool. I was gonna say if you had her in the room this morning and I didn’t notice her, then I must be really sleep-deprived…” Lemon chuckled softly, reaching out to pet the wolf.

Pinkie seemed suspicious this time around, and after Kamikaze who could blame her… but allowed Lemon Zest to pet her a moment, then she returned to her usual happy self with just a few ruffles. Lemon smiled when Pinkie leaned into her touch. “Aww! What a nice lil’ pup! I wish I could pet sit a dog. Especially one as nice as you!”

Twilight was pretty sure that if you could see through Pinkie’s fur, she’d be blushing. “Yeah, she’s pretty amazing.” Twilight admitted, watching the wolf look to her happily. Twilight smiled back before blinking and turning to Lemon. “You want a pet dog?”

“I wish I could. Pet anything would be nice, but my dad says they just make a mess,” Lemon sighed. “My dad used to have tropical fish in the house, but after my parents split up he got rid of them. Said they reminded him of her…” Lemon shook her head to dispel some thoughts. “Anyway, what’s her name?”

“Pinkie,” Twilight said without really thinking.

Lemon leaned back a bit to study the ‘dog’ before her. “Not very imaginative, buuuuuuttt accurate,” She laughed, pausing when Pinkie raised a brow. “Wow, that's really human-like.”

“She’s ahhh… a very smart dog,” Twilight said, scratching the back of her neck nervously.

“Oh, well. I’m sorry Pinkie, you have a very nice name. Its very cute,” Lemon said with a nod to the dog below her. She smiled even larger when Pinkie went back to her dog like smile, tail wagging. “Aww! SO cute!” Lemon took another sip of her drink before she knelt down, scratching the sides of Pinkie’s neck, much to the wolf’s delight. “Aren’t chu! Yes you are!”

Pinkie panted happily and Twilight could help but smile, shaking her head.

“Ooh! You're so precious!” Lemon Zest said excitedly. “Who's a good girl? Who’s a good girl?!”

“ME! I AM!” Pinkie barked, getting up on all fours energetically.

The two humans froze. Twilight’s smile dropping in a matter of seconds. Pinkie seemed to realize her mistake after a few seconds, as she stopped panting to look between the human uncertainly. Twilight couldn’t see Lemon’s face, as the girl wasn’t facing her. Yet the green haired girl stood up, taking her drink with her. When she did turn to face Twilight, she hadn't lost the smile she had had on before. Lemon studied the can of energy drink, then promptly turned it over, spilling its contents out on the ground. She waited until it was empty before holding it in her hands. “Twilight,” Lemon said softly.

“Y-yes Lemon?” Twilight asked, nervous.

“I’m… gonna go see the nurse,” Lemon said, face finally melting into a look of confusion and slight concern. “I think I may be more tired than I thought.... I’m hearing shit, man…” She put a hand to her head.

“Oh, ok….” Twilight said, trying to not look guilty.

“See ya later tonight. Hopefully…” Lemon muttered before slipping into the cafeteria.

Twilight sighed a bit, figuring she make it up to Lemon later. She’d just have to think she’d gone sleep deprived crazy a bit longer…

“Was that a friend of yours?” Pinkie asked again.

“Uh, more acquaintance,” Twilight said with a huff.

“Seems like she wants to be friends to me,” Pinkie stated, cocking her head to one side.

Twilight blinked, turning to the wolf in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“Well, she did start talking about how her parents split up and she seemed kinda sad about that. People don’t normally talk about that unless they're comfortable with the other person,” Pinkie said, shrugging the best she could in her form. “She seems like she’s trying to be open with you.”

“I never really thought about that,” Twilight frowned, looking back at the door Lemon had left out. In fact the more Twilight did think about it, the more she realized that Lemon did that a lot. This morning she had talked about how her father made her play violin, despite her hatred for it… Maybe Lemon really was trying to open up to her, and Twilight had been accidentally rebuking her offers. Maybe all those times Lemon had plopped her headphones on her head at full blast hadn’t been to bother her, but Lemon trying to share her love of music? Or maybe she was reading too much into this.

Twilight sighed, righting her glasses. At any rate she should do what they came here to do.

“We should get you back to your family,” Twilight said gesturing to the dumpster. The wolf ran over to them, sniffing around.

“Wow, you guys got pancakes? We never get pancakes at our school!” Pinkie spoke, still circling the dumpster. “I can still smell the syrup!”

“Yeah, they serve up breakfast, lunch and dinner here,” Twilight explained.

“Ooooh! Yesterday you had sloppy joes!”

“Pinkie maybe you should stop sniffing around down there…” Twilight said uneasily. “It's a little… unsanitary.” The wolf stopped a moment to look back at Twilight, unimpressed. Twilight could only chuckle back.

Then a howling filled the air. Pinkie’s ears perked and she looked around wildly before starting to howl herself. Twilight was startled by the action but ran over, trying to shake the pink wolf to her senses. “Pinkie stop! Someone will hear you!”

Pinkie did stop, looking to Twilight in confusion. “Well yeah! My family is looking for me, that's why they’re howling. When I howl back they can find me. It's like Marco Polo! Just with no pool!”

Twilight ran a hand down her face tiredly.

“PINKAMENA DIANE PIE!!” A voice roared from the other side of the wall. Pinkie jolted, running up onto the dumpster to look over the wall. Twilight, though a little frightened by the deep angry voice, followed her up and looked down the stone wall.


A huge brown wolf stood at the base of the wall, staring back sternly, ears pinned back. He seemed to be greying in places, and had a lot of tufts of fur around his muzzle, indicating some kind of beard. He was so large that, Twilight guestimate, if she was standing next to him he would be taller than her on all fours!

“What in the world do you think you're doing?!” He snapped, baring his fangs a bit.

“Visiting my friend Twilight!” Pinkie smiled back, pointing to the human beside her. “This is Twilight! Twilight, this is my Papa Pie!”

Pinkie’s father spared Twilight a glance, but he seemed more interested in his child at the moment. “PINKAMENA! You are not supposed to be in there!” He growled. “That is private property!”

“Well I didn’t know that!” Pinkie whined, looking a bit culpable right now. “How could I?!”

Twilight took a moment to look back down, finding the stone wall littered with quite a few warning signs about that very thing. She looked back at Pinkie with an unimpressed frown. Pinkie’s father seemed to share that feeling. “Down. Now.” He ordered bluntly.

“Awww…” Pinkie moaned, but hopped over the wall and to the ground below.

“Honestly, I would think you’d have learnt from your friends’ misadventures,” Pinkie’s father scolded, the pink wolf before him whining, tail between her legs.

“I’m sorry…” Pinkie frowned.

“Hey! Dad did you find her?” Someone barked from the wood foliage. A greyish purple wolf stepped out, frowning. “There you are!”

“Hey Limestone..” Pinkie sighed.

“Hey yourself! You just wandered off on your own in the middle of the hunt! We’re trying to cheer Marble up as a family!” Limestone snarled, ears pinned. “Or did you forget?”

“I didn’t forget! I just uh… got distracted.” Pinkie explained, looking sheepish. “I smelt my friend Twilight and I wasn’t expecting it…”

Limestone glowered up at the human for only a second before scoffing. “You went in there? Man are you gonna get it!” She smirked toward Pinkie. “You're gonna be grounded for like, ever.”

“Am not!” Pinkie frowned. “I didn’t mean to get stuck in there… Besides Twilight helped me out!”

“It wouldn’t have happened if you stuck with the pack like you're supposed to-”

“Girls,” Their father barked, silencing them. “Enough! Maud and Marble are back at the picnic with your mother. Head back and get some lunch, this will be discussed later.”

Limestone sent Pinkie one last scowl before darting back into the woodlands. Pinkie just shook her head before looking back up at Twilight. “Bye Twilight! See you later!”

“Bye Pinkie,” Twilight nodded, waving as the wolf followed after her sister.

“Thank you, young one, for your assistance with my pup,” Pinkie’s father said, looking sternly to where she had left. “She has a wandering mind and even worse paws. They have stirred up trouble many a time.”

“Oh uh, no problem…Happy to help,” Twilight smiled. “I mean, Pinkie’s so nice, why wouldn’t I?”

“Verily I agree, Pinkamena has her strong suits. However she is quite ‘wild’ when it comes down to it…” The father sighed, sounding exhausted. “Now though, you must excuse me. For I must return to my pack. I bid you farewell.”

“Uh, bye…” Twilight muttered as the last wolf wandered off into the forest. Twilight sunk a bit in relief, happy that there hadn’t been any incidences while Pinkie was galavanting around in here…

“Hey!” Twilight jumped a bit, turning to see a lunch lady holding a bag of garbage. “What are you doing here kid?! Don’t you have class?”

Twilight stared at her, a little lost on what she meant, until she gasped.

“My test!”

Twilight moaned a bit as she walked up the steps to her dorm room. Thanks to her excellent reputation of punctuality in the past, her english teacher had believed her when she said she had been held up, though he still had her come back and write lines at the end of the school day, he did allow her take her test.

She aced it, of course.

Going back to her room for a good night of homework and sleep sounded great right about now… However when she got to her level she spotted Moondancer sitting outside their room, having pulled one of the arm chairs out into the hall. She was scowling, reading a book quietly and drinking tea out of a mug, which it seemed like Lemon bought her as a replacement for her broken one, as it read ‘I’m addicted to pot.’ with a coffee pot where the o in pot was.

Twilight was betting Moondancer was sorry she only had the one mug before. As much as this mug wasn’t in her tastes the only other mugs in their dorm were also owned by Lemon, and they were even more ‘colourfully comical’ than this one…

“Moondancer, why are you out in the hall?” Twilight asked, concerned.

Moondancer sighed, jutting her thumb to the dorm room door. Twilight frowned, leaning in a bit to listen. She heard the tell-tale soft rock music floating around inside. “Oh no, what happened?” She moaned.

“Her dad called her, that's all I know.” Moondancer frowned, taking a sip of tea. “Lemon took the call in her room, I didn’t hear anything they said, then Jefferson Airplane’s hit song ‘White Rabbit’ turned on.” Moondancer scowled a bit. “I think she’s smoking but she has the decency to blow it out the window. I can’t stand that music so I came out here.”

“Why not go to the common room?” Twilight asked.

Moondancer scoffed, turning a page. “Its game night down there. You know how sad game night is.”

Yep, it was pretty sad. The people who did show up pretty much begged others to play with them. Every Monday night people avoided the common room like the plague…

“I’m gonna check on her,” Twilight said, opening the door and slipping inside.

“Whatever,” Moondancer said as the door shut.

The song was one Twilight had heard many times with Lemon Zest as a roommate. David Bowie’s ‘When The Wind Blows’. She stepped up to Lemon’s door, knocking lightly on the wood.

“S’open,” Lemon said from inside.

Twilight pushed open the door and the music from Lemon’s stereo got louder with the barrier gone. The pink girl was sitting on her dresser, leaning a bit out the window to blow some foul smelling smoke into the night. Twilight tried not to scrunch up her face at the smell as she entered.

“Lemon?” Twilight asked, walking in. Lemon looked to her, mildly surprised and tired.

“Oh, hey,” She responded before taking a drag off what appeared to be a hand rolled blunt.

“What are you doing?” Twilight asked, concerned.

“Blowing off steam,” Lemon responded, exhaling out the window again. Lemon paused before giggling a bit at the pun she had accidently made.

Twilight started to speak but stopped herself, figuring Lemon wouldn’t like being lectured and that it wouldn’t help… Instead she walked a bit closer. “Moondancer said you got a call from your dad. Did something happen?”

“No. No nothing. I’m just signed up for ANOTHER violin performance this weekend. You know, like every other weekend, no biggy,” Lemon grounded out, staring up at the starry sky. “Don’t matter I have a big test next Monday either. I can just study on the plane home again.” She sourly took another hit.


Twilight couldn’t do much about Lemon’s father or her violin playing, but… “What's the test on?” Twilight asked.

“Science,” Lemon grumbled. “It's about electricity…”

“I can help you study for that, if you want.” Twilight said.

Lemon looked up again, surprised once more. “You will?” She asked.

“Yeah, I know a bit about electricity. I made a solar panel last year. I can help you get ready for your test,” Twilight said. “Though maybe we should wait till tomorrow. When you're more... focused?” Twilight winced slightly, pointing to the smoke in Lemon’s hand.

Lemon looked at it before blinking. “Ah yeah, that sounds like a good idea…” She smiled back up at Twilight. “Thanks.”

“No problem. So how's about you put that out and we can, uh, watch a movie?” Twilight said.

“Sup with you? You're not usually like this. I mean you're nice but you usually just stick to your own thing,” Lemon frowned.

“Let’s just say I’m trying to be more upbeat lately, be more sociable.”

“Ok.” Lemon smiled again. “What movie did you wanna watch-”

“Lemon Zest!” A voice shouted from outside. Lemon scrambled a bit, looking down at the courtyard. “That better not be what I think it is!!”

“Oh crap, it's prefect Fluer!” Lemon moaned.


“It's not! I swear!” Lemon shouted back, putting the blunt out in a dead potted plant on her windowsill. “I’m not doing anything!”

“Mmmhmm.” Fleur responded, sounding like she didn’t really believe her. “Well you better shut that window and get back to your homework!”

“Yes’um…” Lemon grunted, pulling the window shut and getting off her dresser. “Man, I need a pick me up.”

“Finding Nemo?” Twilight suggested.

“Finding Nemo. Look who’s speakin’ my language,” Lemon agreed. “I’ll get some popcorn and let Moony know she can come back in.” The green haired girl turned off her player and went out into the main space.

Twilight chuckled a bit before heading after her. In the end Moondancer had joined them for the movie and they all had a surprisingly good time. After it was over and they had all retired to their rooms for the night, Twilight was brushing up on her electrical science in preparation for tomorrow before checking her online messages.

It dinged that she had some mail. Upon opening the message Twilight found a very large file of poorly edited writing… It was a story about a walrus. A walrus named Koby? Who wanted to be a sumo-wrestler.. Ok?

Looking farther down Twilight found a message to her.

‘Look Twilight! I took your advice and wrote a book! It was soooo much fun! Let me know what you think!

P.S. Thanks for helping me escape your school before possibly starting the downfall of society!


Twilight chuckled a bit before looking back over the story.

This friendship was going to be interesting.

Author's Note:

Better late than never! This story is starting to get interesting, maybe more on my side than yours... You see I've been using some elements from other story ideas I've had for MLP fan fictions, but never wrote cause I'm a lazy curmudgeon. Its fun to think about how I can work things in and where some inspiration came from. If you guys are interested maybe I'll do an inspiration blog.

Featured in today's fanfiction is a song that I enjoy listening to "When The wind Blows" by David Bowie. (I thought about giving him a pony name, but its not really Equestria anymore, so nah!) I'll put a Link in my Blog!

HOWEVER before you ask, yes there is a animated movie its from. I should warn you though that 'When The Wind Blows' (The movie and song share the title) is in the same realm as 'Grave of the Fireflies' in that oh my god this is sad way. Tread lightly.

Please enjoy and thanks again to my betas/ editors Blazeblast4 and Ladrian!