• Published 19th Dec 2016
  • 1,871 Views, 39 Comments

Equestrix Club - Skaltrox Defiance Knight

Twilight and her friends discover magical jewels buried in a small chest in the park, what they don't know is that they have awoken magic inside them they thought was a mere "fairy" tale.

  • ...

An Ally?

After the six friend’s victory over the monsters in town, they departed for the local cafe to celebrate the success and also Fluttershy’s achievement in standing up and fighting back against the ogre that had felled her friends. If she didn’t fight, they would of all lost.

Rainbow dash was quick to give a constant shower of praise for the timid girl “I still can’t believe all that power you had behind your attacks. I mean... hiyah... “Bear claw!” she mimicked Fluttershy’s moves when she performed the spells.

Applejack put her bit in on the conversation “I agree with Dash, you handled yourself as smoothly as butter out there. You’re kinda like our...our” she trailed off trying to wonder what word would best describe Fluttershy earlier on in the fight.

“Like our secret weapon!” Pinkie appeared out of nowhere and finished Applejack’s sentence.

Applejack pulled her hand up and pushed Pinkie out of the way “Yes thank you Pinkie.” Sighing Applejack continued on “Anyway, you did great out there and we are all proud of you.”

The others agreed, but the real person to thank was Twilight, if she hadn’t talked with the shy girl beforehand, the fight would of become a total loss and then who knows what would've happened.

Speaking of Twilight, the book loving girl was deep in thought about what the ogre said before he fled the area. “Masters? That thing has masters?” she was so deep in thought that she completely ignored Pinkie waving both her hands in front of her face in an attempt to get her attention.

“Twilight!..Hey Twilight can you hear me!” So far it was doing nothing to Twilight, but after the Pink haired girl added in yelling and screaming into her routine of waving, the entire cafe’s population of people had turned to see what was all the commotion about.

Pinkie was about to start stomping on the table, when Twilight fixed her vision on Pinkie, a confused look on her face. “Pinkie what are you doing on the table?” she asked

Pinkie stopped what she was doing and gave a small laugh “Nothing...hehe”, getting off the table, she watches as the other cafe goers return to their own devices.

Rarity still tried to shake the sight of Pinkie going crazy on the table to wake Twilight from her thoughts, but eventually she forgot it and decided to ask the lavender girl why she had ignored the hyperactive girl’s antics. “Forgive me Twilight but I must ask, why exactly did you ignore Pinkie’s...colourful way of trying to obtain your attention?”

Twilight sighed, she knew that her friends had to know. She could keep her curiousness to try and figure out who these villains were to herself, but if she told her friends, the thought of having no trust in those that were close to her would be only a dream.

Pausing to clear her throat, she got comfortable and explained her thoughts to her friends “I was thinking about what the ogre monster said. About him being punished by his masters”

Fluttershy remembered him saying that and confirmed with Twilight that she knew too “I know what Twilight’s saying, after i knocked the monster back, he said that his masters would punish him.”

Twilight continued for her “And I think his master’s wanted us for something. Most definitely the gemstones we found.”

Rainbow dash jumped up from her seat and blurted out “Well why don’t we just give them to these guys and they’ll leave us alone”

Rarity replied before Twilight could say anything “Do you know how incredibly insane that idea is? If these “masters” wanted the gemstones, why couldn’t they come themselves and ask us for them. If they got monsters to terrorize the town so that the wielders of the stones would surface, their intention to use them can’t be good. In other words, we give these stones to the master, it won’t be pleasant.”

The athletic girl sits back down with a grumble. Applejack fiddles about with her drink as she questions Twilight “So what do we do now Twi?” Twilight shrugs, she may of been the leader of the group but she didn’t hold all the answers on what needed to be done next.

Pinkie decided to answer the question “How about for now, we just go home and get some rest. Then we can figure out what to do tomorrow” the immediate reaction Pinkie got was a collective of surprised and confused looks. “What?”

Twilight attempted to break the ice “It’s just that we’ve never gotten such a helpful response from you before. For us, you giving a sane and useful answer is equivalent to you twisting your head around a full 360 degrees like it was something you did all the time.”

Pinkie seemed to be listening to all but the important part “Oh I could try to turn my head around like that.” she said “Just...hngh...give me...ughg..a second!” she yelled as she tried to turn her head all the way round. Once more eliciting people to stare at her.

“Come on Pinkie, let’s get outta here and stop trying to hurt yourself” Rainbow dash ordered as she ushered out her other friends.

Pinkie started to follow, still trying to turn her head around “Almost...got it!” a joined sigh was what the others could manage to say.

“Why did I have to find that chest?” Twilight asked her bedroom ceiling, as expected the ceiling didn’t reply. Twilight thought, that if she didn’t find those gemstones, those monsters and the mysterious “masters” wouldn’t be after the girls and the power that the gemstones possessed. But at the same time, she felt lucky to have found them, because thanks to them, they stopped a robbery and also prevented the masters from claiming the stones for at least one day. It had been a crazy few days, but also some of the best Twilight had ever had, she couldn’t figure out how to feel now. Happy or angry with herself. Twilight sighed, she turned over onto her side, and looked out the window and wondered at the marvellously lit night sky. The burning orbs of pure light shone in space twinkling away, allowing Twilight to relax a tad. ‘The night sky always seems to calm me down, kinda like a happy place.’ Twilight thought ‘Hmm...maybe I could go sit out on the roof for a bit?’

She stepped out of bed, dropped to her feet and walked over to the window that opened up as an exit to the roof. But she then stops suddenly when she comes face to face with a figure wearing a hoodie, concealing their identity, on the roof “Hey who are you?” she asked.

No reply. The figure looked over to the way it came from and began to run. “Hey, hold it!” Twilight exclaimed. “Don’t run, I just want answers!”

Twilight threw the window open and lept out, she shakily stumbles on the tiles towards the stranger. Before she could reach them, she slipped and fell over the edge holding on by a hand. The figure takes the chance to leap off the roof and into a bush, seconds later they appeared, running off into the distance.

Unfortunately, no bushes were below Twilight so she had two options: the first plummet down and break something or the second...Transform.

Twilight thought about her choices ‘‘I don’t really like option one, so option two it is’

“Magic winx!” she shouted.

She let go of the roof glowing with bright light, just mere inches from the ground, she hovered in her fairy form.

“Now to get that person” she muttered.

Whizzing off she easily caught up with the stranger. “Stop! Just tell me why were you spying?” The stranger once more didn’t respond, they instead did something else. A burst of greenish energy fired from their hand and connected with Twilight pushing her back.

“Whoa! You can do magic too?” Twilight asked with fascination laced in her words, the stranger turned and ran off again.Leaving the curious girl to grumble at the lack of response on the stranger’s part. Twilight wasn’t having it “Oh no you don’t , Star wall!” she shouted, a large star speckled wall appeared, blocking any exits and stopped the stranger from leaving all together from the direction they intended to go.

“You have nowhere to run now, please just tell me. If you know what happened to me and my friends, I’m all ears”
The stranger raised their hands up and removed the hoodie, revealing the person to be a girl of about Twilight and her friends age. She had long purplish hair (which oddly enough the front locks actually changed colour to a light yellow gold colour), pale skin and her attire consisted of long tight pants and a pink and green shirt with a paw print on the chest area.

She managed to pull a smile and wave at Twilight “H-Hey there. I’m Roxy”

Author's Note:

I know it isn't that great. But it's all I could think of at the moment. Also Roxy enters the fray.

Comments ( 9 )

When I first saw winx club, I asked my mother:"Why are the pretty ladies making me feel funny?

7913769 Okay then. That would be puberty taking it's course.

7913802 suffice to say that winx club has a very special place in my heart

Yes season 3 when Stella was spelled by Corsandra who was working for Valtor.

So who has the power of Bloom?

I think Bloom is the best because she's the strongest yet weakest character in the show. I bet I will confuse fans with that line.

In terms of power

1 Bloom
2 Stella and Mirta
3 Layla/ashia
4 Flora and Roxy
5 musa
6 Tecna

But with the best emotional control

1 Flora
2 Layla/Ashia
3 Tecna
4 Musa
5 Stella
6 Mirta
7 Roxy
8 Bloom

The reason why Bloom is my favorite is because her powers come with a catch 22 thing.

Sure she gets stronger with emotions but the more emotions she uses the less control she has.

If they ever do a season 8 ( not the crap called WOW.) it may bite her in the butt

I too have wrote a story involving Winx Club. It's called the Beef of Fate. Be warned, the Winx are a bit...OOC. Can you do me a solid and signal boost it?

come on do more chapters don't let this story die out:heart:

The suspension for more chapters is suffocating me

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