• Published 19th Dec 2016
  • 1,878 Views, 39 Comments

Equestrix Club - Skaltrox Defiance Knight

Twilight and her friends discover magical jewels buried in a small chest in the park, what they don't know is that they have awoken magic inside them they thought was a mere "fairy" tale.

  • ...

A power called Charmix

Twilight returned home thinking about the events that transpired just 2 hours ago, 'how could a gemstone give magical powers and the ability to change the wielder into....well a fairy' Twilight thought as she entered the house, clutching the purple stone in her hand. Greeting her parents and her brother she proceeds to walk upstairs to her room and begin some research. "I know that book is somewhere, but where?" Twilight said aloud, she started to scan through her large collection of books on her overly crowded colossal bookshelf in the mythical and magical section. If there was anything to learn about these stones and the powers, this book would have it. Twilight was beginning to get frustrated as she was having no luck finding the book, until she stopped suddenly on one book that turned out to be the one she was looking for, 'Magical relics and powers from fairytale realms' this was it the book that may help Twilight to understand the gemstones. Twilight eagerly pulled out the book and raced over to her desk to begin her search.


Twilight searched through different chapters of the book looking for anything related to the gemstones, eventually her face took on a look of joy as she came to chapter 14 'Magic stones and other small magical objects', Twilight read through the chapter, she found that the stones where normal stones infused with pure raw magic, by already magical creature, that could only be unlocked and used when a specific person (the chosen one) holds it in their hand. It grants the wielder of the stone a certain magic element in which they obtain many different powers related to that element such as animal based abilities if they wield an animal element or being able to move faster and more agile if they have the element of wind. All wielders also gain a transformation that varies depending on what gender they are or what the creator of the gem desired, the most common ones are fairies and dragons, although these a specific to one gender Fairies= female and Dragons =male. "Fairies huh...well I was expecting something a bit stranger but to be honest something like that isn't very odd" Twilight said as she remembered the random things that have happened over the years. Twilight returned to the chapter, when the wielder obtains the gemstone for the first time they have the transformation known as 'magic winx' this transformation is not permanent as the wielder can gain new transformations by doing something significant that would deem you worthy of the next transformation. But there are also upgrades that are more like powers than transformations such as the power obtainable once you have magic winx, this power is called 'Charmix'. Charmix gives the wielder a charm (hence the name) located somewhere on their body and another item female= a bag and male= a belt with useful items, to get Charmix the person must accomplish a deed that makes the wielder and those they are helping both feel happy, from there the charm will appear for a brief moment, signalling that you have Charmix.

Twilight continued to read through the chapter until she was satisfied with the added knowledge....well until her mother called her for dinner but you get the idea. Twilight had a lot to explain to her friends about the stones and she felt incredibly giddy to start.


"So basically we have turned into fairies with magical powers?" Rainbow asked Twilight who had just finished explaining what she had learned to her friends while they sat at recess.

"Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. It's strange but kinda cool don't you think?" Twilight replied, ending with a question.

"Of course it is darling, but what if people recognize us from the newspaper, we didn't exactly have masks on" Rarity responded.

"Paper? What Paper?" Twilight responded.

Rarity turned to Applejack who realizing she was the focus, pulled out and dropped a newspaper on the table they sat at. On the front cover was the six of them fighting the burglars (technically five), the headline written in bold lettering said 'Winged Heroines stop burglars'. Twilight was shocked at this. "How did they do this, I'm sure no one else was around during the robbery other than a few bystanders"

"You know how they are Twilight, the media can get a story no matter what you do to cover it up" Applejack replied while she ate an apple.

"True, but still you guys know how this works in superhero movies, despite how similar the hero looks like a friend the other friend isn't going think they are alike" Twilight stated.

"Are you sure, that will work here?" Rainbow spoke up once more.

"Positive" Twilight said simply.


After recess the group went to their next classes and true to Twilight's words no one went and asked them if they were the flying heroines. Rainbow was a little upset that she couldn't gloat over how much more awesome she had become, but she remembered how girly she looked while doing and decided to leave it to the imagination's of the other school students, she rather not be laughed at by every sport she was a member of including the ones she was captain of.

Eventually the day was coming to a close and the girls were beginning to make their departure for the warm embrace of home. But this thought was halted when someone could be heard screaming. "No let me go!" they cried.

The girls stopped in place and Rainbow asked them "Did you guys hear that?". They nodded. Rainbow wasting no time ran straight for the source of the cry. She came to a stop on an alley way where two large and mean looking teens were pestering a young boy of probably 10.

Rainbow pulling a scowl shouted out to the bullies "Hey you two Chumps, why don't you pick on someone your own size!"

The bullies in question turned to her, both giving a grin, the slightly larger one in front speaks up "Funny thing to say coming from you girly" he laughed.

"Oh that's it, you're gonna get it now!" Rainbow shouted as she started to a sprint at the bullies.

"Oi watch this man" he turned to his buddy for a moment then turned back readying his fist, as Dash came close enough he went for a swing at the face...only for Dash to dodge very quickly out of the way and land her own attack. "Ow, what the hell!?" the bully shouted out as he continued to land failed hits on the untouchable Rainbow dash. After one attack leaves him completely off guard, Rainbow lands a hit right in the chest sending him on the ground to writhe in pain.

The other bully stands still completely shocked, Dash looks to him and says "Boo". To put simply he ran away, his buddy on the ground and managed to get up and follow him.

Rainbow gives a sigh turning to the kid she makes sure he's ok "You alright kid, they didn't hurt you at all?" she asked in the sweetest tone she could muster.

The kid shook his head, he seemed too shy to say anything, "Well run along and don't come across any more bullies" Rainbow ordered the boy. He nodded an ran away smiling.

The others who had been watching the whole time, appeared Twilight spoke first "That was amazing Rainbow, I'm guessing your new powers helped out a bit hmm?"

"I ...guess they did, that's so cool!" she shouted just realising what she did. The others all just praised her, that turned out to be a mistake as her ego inflated like a balloon.

Not before Pinkie deflated it again with what she had to say "Ohh we are gonna love watching this over and over again" she giggled

Rainbow dash was confused with Pinkie's words "What do you mean, the fight...well I'm fine with watching that aga..." she asked before being cut off by Pinkie.

"Oh not the fight silly, the part where you sound really girly to the little boy" Pinkie stated simply with her trademark smile.

Rainbow could only say three words "....Darn you Pinkie."