• Published 16th Jan 2017
  • 803 Views, 13 Comments

Chaotic Dreams - Czar_Yoshi

When Sunset dreams of victory at the Fall Formal, villains of all colors come to party in the dystopia. Can she stay sane until morning?

  • ...

Captivated Combatants

Starlight and Twilight didn't talk as they slowly walked the halls of Canterlot High. Sunset followed nearby, trying to process everything that had just happened.

Okay! Okay, Sunset, you've got this. Twilight is real. Twilight is fighting what she thinks is you. Probably. She huffed. And a stupid flame monster acting in your name just tried to brainwash her, or mind-control her, or... or something. You, I... ugh. Twilight, the last thing I want to do is hurt you...

Ugh! She shook her head. Focus! Demon me said if she takes off the crown, I'll turn back to normal. Twilight tried to pull it off, but it's stuck on. There must be some sort of sticky-artifact charm on it, so the only way for it to come off is for demon me to take it off herself... which requires me actually convincing her to do something, and currently, my mind-controlled friend is having better luck fighting her than I am. At least Twilight's trying to get the crown off... I hate being this helpless. I hate it when my friends are getting hurt because I can't protect them, because I'm not strong enough...

I wish I knew exactly what demon me is capable of. Not as much as she thinks, because she kept losing to Twilight, but that's not saying much. What does she think I can do, fundamentally change who people are? Control... take away their wills, or something? That's crazy. I'm a pony, not a goddess. I doubt even Celestia can do that. Celestia... She grimaced. If I had my reservations about whether I'd ever go back to Equestria before, this definitely isn't helping. The moment she finds out that something happened to her prized, special snowflake Twilight because of me...

Suddenly, Celestia's face loomed up into Sunset's vision. She shrieked and threw herself to the side, catching her balance on the floor.

The principal walked past, at the head of a squad of students lugging a large stone brick down a hall to the foyer. She bore a share of the load, eyes trailing with the same faint trace of magic as the rest of the students.

Sunset shuddered. Hah... hah... I guess she's here too... Makes sense. No reason why she shouldn't be. Getting back to her feet, she looked around for Starlight and Twilight. She spotted them rounding a distant corner, and charged off in pursuit. Luna's probably here too, and my- well, Twilight's- friends...

Rounding the corner, she blinked. Wait a second. She looked back at the brick squad. None of them had the glow she had seen about herself during the first time she had been out... yet Twilight and Starlight both did. That's odd, she thought as she jogged to catch up with the duo. I'm fairly sure Twilight didn't do that last night. I never got to see Starlight...

She pondered a bit more. Hmm... The three of us are different, and it changes with time... It probably has to do with whether or not we're under control of my demon form. I bet that's it. Twilight was out last night, but definitely isn't being controlled just now. Starlight clearly never was. This could be useful... I'll have to keep an eye out for anyone else like this. They could be potential allies if I escape.

Sunset resumed her chase. Ahead, however, Starlight turned and steered Twilight into Principal Celestia's office, swiftly unlocking and relocking the door behind her. Sunset charged up to it and fiddled with the handle, but it wouldn't open.

From inside, she heard voices- mostly Starlight's, with a gasp of surprise from Twilight. She's a really bad therapist, Sunset thought. If Twilight is real, I hope she doesn't take any of this stuff too personally... Unbidden, memories of Twilight's whispered lament began pressing her mind, and she hugged herself. Actually, I wonder just how much Starlight saw, and what she thinks happened...

She cast around for anything that could be used to batter down the door and gain entry, but it was a solid door and the best implement for the job- her sledgehammer- was currently in the office with Starlight. Sunset grumbled, waited a minute to see if they would come out, then left, jogging off toward the library. It's probably for the best that I don't get distracted here, she thought. I need to learn something I can use to convince demon me to take off the crown. The more ideas, the better. I wonder if I could reach anyone with the book, again...

Sunset reached the library. The dull pain in her head was beginning to clear, so she guessed she didn't have much time left. She hurried to the upper floor and the shelf where she had stashed her book, and pulled to get it out. It was still there, and it was vibrating. That's convenient. She opened it to the most recent page.

______Hi, Sunset. This is Spike. Twilight left already, but you can talk to me if you want.

Spike would have to do. Sunset grabbed a pen, and wrote back: Spike, are you still there?

It took less than a minute for the dragon to respond. Sunset almost wondered if he'd been camping the book while Twilight was gone.

______Yeah, I'm here. What's up? Did Twilight find you, and help you with your problem?

I don't know, Spike. I don't suppose there's any chance she's back in Equestria now? Sunset responded, hoping to somehow be proven wrong.

______If she is, I haven't seen her. Last I saw was her heading through the portal. I've been sitting here in my room with the book ever since, waiting for you to respond!

That's what I was afraid of. Here's the thing, Spike. Sunset paused and rubbed her quill, thinking how to phrase the next bit. I think Twilight may have... gotten herself in a bit over her head, coming over here without knowing what to expect. I'm pretty sure she's here, and if so, she's in pretty bad trouble.

______Uh-oh. Do you think I should go get help? I can send a message to Princess Celestia, if you want.

Let me explain what's going on first, Sunset wrote. Basically, it feels like I'm in a dream. The entire world is like it was during the Fall Formal, when I turned into a big demon. Actually, I'm still a demon, and I have no control over my actions. I can only move freely when she's unconscious or asleep, but then I'm some sort of ghost. I can't interact with anything except this book, which is what I'm doing right now.

______Yikes. That does sound bad. Yeah, Twilight thought it was just some sort of friendship issue, but this sounds more like dark magic. Whiiich I don't know very much about. Pity Twilight and Starlight are gone, because they'd probably know what to do.

Sunset looked at the book in surprise. Wait, Starlight? Starlight Glimmer?

______Yeah, she's Twilight's new apprentice. She used to be really mean, but Twilight had a big fight with her a week ago, and she's reformed now. Now she's Twilight's student, or something. She's really strong and knows a ton about obscure magic; I bet she could help you.

I knew I recognized Starlight's name from somewhere, Sunset replied. There's a Starlight here too. She's constantly going on about how everyone needs to be equal and nobody is allowed to be better.

______That sure sounds like how she used to be. I guess Twilight didn't tell you? She had this village out in the middle of nowhere, and used this weird magic to remove everypony's Cutie Marks and replace them with equals signs.

That's her all right, Sunset responded. Spike, do you know anything about the magic-stealing device that Sci-Twi had during the Friendship Games?

______I heard about it, yeah. I've never seen it, though, and don't know much about it. Why?

Is there any reason Twilight could presently have it with her? Any at all?

______Not that I know of. She didn't take anything with her when she went through the portal.

Hmm, Sunset responded. Spike, listen. The Twilight here- she has it. But she shouldn't, because it shouldn't exist yet.

She paused, rubbing her pen. Spike? Can I ask you a massive favor?

______Sure, Sunset.

I want you to come through the portal. Tell Twilight's friends first, because if anything goes wrong, they might be able to help. Actually, tell Luna too, because I think there's some sort of dream magic going on- maybe she can help. Anyway, I suspect you'll find yourself as the Spike in this world. I don't know where you are, but I need you to find Twilight and tell her what's happened to me.

I don't know how much she knows right now, and I can't talk to her to find out. I'm pretty sure she's figured out that demon me isn't really me, but... Tell her that I'm in there, and can regain control if demon me is convinced to take off the Element of Magic. That needs to be the goal, for all of us.

You might be able to beat me with the Element like last time, if it comes to it- if you can get everyone together, I'll try to convince demon me to fight you. Then the three of us can focus on getting out of here. I think doing that will have something to do with fixing the portal, which is currently broken. With the book I have here, I think it might be possible, since that's how we opened it before, but I'm definitely going to need Twilight's help because she can use the crown and I can't. Basically, I need you to find Twilight and tell her what's going on. Can you do this, Spike?

Sunset thought for a moment, then added, The sooner the better. Demon me is getting Starlight really riled up, and I've found out the hard way that I'm not invincible. I'm trying to reign her in, but am not having much luck. She's really annoying, and is hurting Twilight.

______Gotcha! Can do. Are you sure I shouldn't tell Celestia as well? I can send mail right to her, you know.

I'd kind of rather you didn't. Sunset cringed at the possibility of refusing help, then elaborated. There's some bad blood between me and her, I think. I'm not sure she'd even want to help me, and she'd definitely make me take the blame if anything were to happen to Twilight. I'm sure I'll have to face the music eventually, but it would be great if that could wait until after me and Twilight are actually safe.

______Uh... Okay. I'm not sure why you're worried; Celestia's really nice. I'm sure she's forgiven you for whatever happened. But I can keep quiet, if you want. Do you want me to look for Starlight instead, then? I'm not really sure how to track her down since she hasn't moved in yet. I think she's got a place in Canterlot I could look for?

Thank you, Spike. If you can find her, that's great, but do hurry. One more thing: Twilight is currently located in Principal Celestia's office. It's locked. I'm not sure if she'll stay there, but once you're here, I won't have any way to contact you, so it's the best lead you'll have. Thank you for doing this, Spike. I believe in you.

Sunset put down the pen with a flourish, and gazed at the book. A final reply from Spike flashed across the pages confirming his assistance. I just hope this book isn't a product of my imagination, and he really can help... She shook her head. No. Twilight's here because of it. This is real... as much as I wish it wasn't.

With a sigh, she closed the book, and placed it back in its hiding place. She hadn't learned anything useful about her situation; if anything, things were even more complicated. Where did Twilight get that magic-stealer? Some manner of help, at least, was on the way. She had a plan, though it was contingent on a lot of assumptions, and almost entirely relied on others to do the work. She didn't even know if Spike had been inside the shield when it was created.

On second thought, that wouldn't be too much of a problem. It would be easy to convince Demon Sunset to raise the shield to let someone through if it would bug Starlight, and Spike could slip through then if he was outside.

Sunset mentally ran through her checklist of things to do- and things not to think about- one last time, as her eyelids began to grow heavy. Suddenly, she collapsed, and-


"Bluuurgh... Ow. My head." Demon Sunset came to, head pounding from a welt on the side.

Serves you right, Sunset replied. Starlight just owned you with your own sledgehammer. I told you not to bug her, or we were going to get hurt!

"I must admit, I... wasn't expecting that to happen..."

It also serves you right for what you did to Twilight, Sunset huffed. In fact, I've half a mind to do the same to you myself if we ever wind up in separate bodies. You didn't see her after Starlight knocked you out, she was absolutely traumatized. I don't know that my friend will ever be able to look at me again without thinking of this, and you're to thank for it!

Demon Sunset ignored her, and took stock of her surroundings. Presently, she was tied to the same bench Twilight had been- it was a little small for her. With heavy chains. Really? She switched to thought, in case guards were posted. We're tied up? With this? Do you mind filling me in on precisely what happened while I was out?

Sunset hesitated. Then: Starlight hit you with a hammer. Then she came in, and talked with Twilight, and they left. I don't know where Twilight is now, or why you're tied up. Maybe Snips and Snails did it. I just wandered around a bit until you woke up. Technically, it was the truth: she had last seen Twilight be taken into Principal Celestia's office, but there was no guarantee she was still there. Either way, Demon Sunset didn't need to know.

Sunset, I'm... A flicker of orange. I'm sorry.

Wait, what? Sunset thought, taken aback. You're actually sorry? You know, I'm having a hard time believing that. You were a cackling monster back there, hurting my friend for your own amusement. It's going to take more than that for me to even consider forgiving you.

I've made an enemy of the most influential person here, with nothing to show for it. The whole school could be kneeling to you, showering you with adoration and praise, yet all they've done so far is work to fix a hole I made in your new castle. You didn't like my impression of you, and you don't even find my jokes amusing! I botched a romantic encounter between you and the girl of your dreams! I forced you to wander the halls of this building alone, without the company of my charming, melodious-

Okay, Sunset thought, that last one is not a bad thing. Even though you might be serious. But a "romantic encounter?" You... you were actually going to go through with that, weren't you? Locked Starlight in here, taken Twilight outside the shield?

Only if you deserved it, Demon Sunset responded. You see, Sunset, Twilight is your type, not mine. You don't deserve rewards for fighting me and telling me I've got you wrong, you deserve them for accepting and loving me! No, had Starlight not interrupted and had you continued to be obstinate, I would likely have just locked her out alone, and stayed in here.

What? Explain, Sunset demanded.

Simple, Demon Sunset answered. If you weren't going to cooperate, I simply intended to deny her the gift of your presence. Last I checked, you were bothered by the prospect of me hurting your friends? I want you to be happy, Sunset, I truly do. Yet, this determination of yours to deny yourself is impossibly vexing, and I'm afraid I'm running out of answers. Push me any further, and I think you'll find I am willing to offend this fake you in the name of your greater well-being.

Sunset was silent for a minute. Wow. Your understanding of me is horrible.

You don't say, Demon Sunset growled. You've become something alien, something I can't understand, Sunset! Why do you think I'm trying to bring you back? I want to help you, but I can't if I can't understand how you work! All I've ever done here is try to return you to the Sunset I know, and somehow, that's a crime around these parts!

I've told you how I work, Sunset replied. My friends. They're what matter to me. Think about it! I'm far from home, Equestria even isn't my home anymore! Every time I try to understand this world and make it my home instead, I break something, or nearly get hurt and stay safe through pure luck! Most of the school didn't like me until I saved them from evil magic over and over, and now I'm just a hero, not someone they know. I have nothing holding me anywhere... nothing making me who I am except for my friends. Don't you get it?

Hold the phone, back up, Demon Sunset said. That bit about staying safe "through pure luck?" That was actually me. And Sunset, I do understand! If friendship is so central to your life, then I can't be! You're supposed to revolve around taking control! Taking the chaos of the world, forcing it to do your bidding! Not playing nice with it and hoping some silly lasers come bail you out when you're stuck!

So far, those silly lasers have a three out of three track record for "bailing me out," Sunset sighed. The school would have been toast, like, thrice without them. Actually, forget that, the world would have been. You think I could have saved the world if I was still a self-centered jerk bent on being popular and getting revenge?

If it comes down to power, Sunset, then this is really a no-brainer. Have I not made it clear yet? Accept me, and all my power is yours! The entire world, not forced but wanting to do your will? Friendship is peanuts compared to that!"

Oh yeah? Sunset snarked. It sure did a good job of whupping you back there. You're so pathetic, you can't even keep one person under your control without getting beaten up! And don't forget the Fall Formal...

Demon Sunset hissed. I totally had that! I just needed a little more time! Nothing can resist me, it's not possible! I was just... I must have been rusty! If you were working with me instead of against me, it would have been a shoe-in!

You know what I think happened? Sunset tried to smirk. I think you gave it your best, went toe-to-toe with the magic of friendship, and got trounced. You tried to take Twilight's friends away from her and make them not matter, and you failed, just like the countless other villains that have tried this same, exact thing dozens of times before. It's not going to end any differently if you try doing the same to me. I may not be a princess of friendship like Twilight, but I've used its magic. Try all you like, but you'll never make me forget who I am.

You like your friends, yadda yadda yadda, how wonderful, Demon Sunset deadpanned. You do realize these aren't mutually exclusive, right? Bend the world to your whims, and you can have as many friends as you want! All you need is to put me first, and you can make everyone want to be your friend! All the benefits, and none of the downsides. You'll never have to worry about someone not wanting to be your friend, you'll never have to worry about your friends hurting you! You'll never have to worry about being framed by someone you trust...

Shut up! Sunset hissed. I wasn't framed! I never even found out what happened!

That's the point, Demon Sunset droned. You don't know. It hurts, doesn't it? Having to doubt your friends? Never truly knowing if they're your friends or not? I, for one, can't imagine how annoying it would be to have to choose between thinking well and ill of someone without knowing what they're actually like. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could simply ensure that everyone was what you wanted them to be at all times?

No, Sunset pouted, it wouldn't. I don't want friends so they can do things for me, or be servants or slaves, or so I can watch them work, or something. I want friends so I won't be lonely! And there's no companionship to be had from someone who can't choose whether or not they want to be your friend.

I'm glad you agree, Demon Sunset replied. There is nothing friends can do for you, which is why I can't understand why you're so stuck on this!

I just told you! Having friends isn't about getting favors, or making your life easier! It's hard work, not something you do for a payoff! The point is so I won't be alone! And when your friends can't choose whether or not to be your friends, they're not friends.

But when they can choose, they're chaotic! Random, unpredictable! Do you like chaos, Sunset Shimmer? Because I don't! Demon Sunset shifted beneath her restraints. Unpredictability ruins your plans! It surprises you, it foils you, it makes it possible for you to lose, and you hate losing! The only time the world is perfect is when there's nothing it can do to hurt you.

You're wrong, Sunset countered, I do like surprises. I like waking up each day and not knowing what will happen. Sure, bad things happen, but good things happen too, things I'd never have thought to make happen if the world did only what I want! If I already knew what the rest of my life would look like, what would be the point of living it?

Eeyechh, Demon Sunset sighed. This is going on and on in circles. At this rate, you're going to break me through sheer boredom. Up for a compromise, Sunny? Just to break the stalemate and get the game rolling again?

A compromise? Sunset asked cautiously. You offering a compromise sounds like a compromise in and of itself. Just what are you planning?

Oh, you know me too well. Offering is my end of the deal! On your end, you start ordering me around. I know, I know, telling me what to do violates your precious new morals, but it's a win for both of us! You get to make us get out of here, and I get to do your bidding. You game, Sunset?

That... Uh, really? Okay. Sunset cleared her head. I order you to take off that crown and give my body back.

Meh. Maybe later, Demon Sunset replied. Ask me something else.

What? No. You said you'd do what I asked. Do it, Sunset demanded.

I did not say I would do what you told me to, I said I would be willing to compromise in the first place! Following your orders is purely up to my discretion. Demon Sunset stuck out her lip. And while doing that may be on the table at some point in the future, right now it would be a horribly bad idea. Trust me on this, Sunset. Ask me something else.

Fine, Sunset growled. I'm bored. Go to the barrier and find someone to entertain me.

As you wish, Demon Sunset answered. She snapped her fingers, and the chains binding her snapped with sparks of teal magic. She sat up, stretched, rubbed her still-sore head, and shuffled out of the locker room.

Demon Sunset walked out of the girls' locker room, which was flanked by a napping Snips and Snails. They're the worst guards ever, she observed. What do you want me to do with them?

Nothing, Sunset replied. I told you, go to the barrier.

Boooring, thought Demon Sunset. I thought we were doing this because you were bored?

We are, Sunset answered, but you're going to have to get it through your head that I'm not going to abuse people for fun. Just because I'm playing your game with you doesn't mean I'll treat others your way.

Demon Sunset humphed, and strode to the gym exit. Swinging it open, she looked around. "Now, let's find someone to- well, hello!" Eyes growing large, she raised her arms with a wicked grin, looking at a great many heavy trucks encircling the perimeter.

They were pale blue and white, flatbed rigs with heavy wheels and tarps covering cargo. Some boasted turrets, and armored men were milling around, slinging weaponry everywhere it could fit. The word "ARMY" was emblazoned on the side of each vehicle, and the back of each soldier.

This is bad, Sunset thought. They can't pierce this shield, can they?

"I doubt it," Demon Sunset replied, standing a safe distance away nevertheless. "Then again, depending on how long they've been here, they may not have tried yet."

Okay, okay. Sunset was relieved that having no control of her body meant that she couldn't hyperventilate; it made critical thinking so much easier. New orders. Go find Starlight, and make sure she's not making these guys mad. I do not want these guys mad at us.

"As you wish!" Demon Sunset took wing, flying to the roof of the school to get a good vantage point across the grounds.

The quarry appeared empty; all student activity was centered around the front entrance, where teenagers formed towers and scaffolding and smeared grout and mortar, lifting and fitting huge blocks of stone. Starlight was...

There! Demon Sunset swooped down to the front of the school grounds, where Starlight was smugly lecturing what must have been a commanding officer, arms folded and eyes closed with a major smirk on her face. She didn't have any battering weapons, only her signature megaphone.

Silently, Demon Sunset glided in, Starlight not noticing her approach. With long arms, she grabbed Starlight from behind, pulling her into an enthusiastic hug. Starlight shrieked and flailed, trying desperately to keep her hat from falling off. The military officials standing outside raised their eyebrows in shock.

Slipping free from Demon Sunset's embrace, Starlight twirled midair on her way down, flipped upside-down, planting both hands on the ground and giving the demon a vicious rising kick to the face. Demon Sunset went sprawling backwards, jaw exploding in pain.

Ow, what did you do that for!? Sunset demanded. Also, wow, she's really agile. But what was that? Do you want to get beaten up? I ordered you not to make the massive army standing right outside angry!

And I didn't, Demon Sunset retorted. I was just paying her back for what she did to us earlier.

She did me a favor, Sunset deadpanned, by stopping you from hurting my best friend. And what, are you going to need revenge for that kick, too?

That was a favor? Then I merely returned it! Starlight never would have built up the courage to do that herself, Demon Sunset giggled. Anyhow, I've very much had my fill. If I do anything else, it'll be to her hat. She seemed remarkably concerned with it there. I bet it's expensive, and she has no way of replacing it!

As for Starlight, she had regained her composure and was now speaking with the military once again. "This, as you can see, is an abhorrent monstrosity who dwells with us in our new utopia. Though her very existence runs counter to the ideals of peace and equality we promote here, even evil can be harnessed for good. It is thanks to her that we have been able to achieve true harmony here!"

The lead general responded, eyes narrowed: "Look, lady, I don't see a utopia here. I see some sort of demon, underage slave labor, and you, a sweet-talking cultist who's likely behind this whole thing. Currently, you're surrounded by some of the best firepower in the nation. I strongly suggest that you surrender and be taken into custody immediately."

Demon Sunset's eyes perked up, and she picked herself up from the ground. "Oh? And what about me, good general?"

The general eyed her. "Depends on your disposition, though I'm not getting a favorable first impression. Best case scenario for you, we let you go back wherever you came from and pretend this never happened. Resist, and we'll have to subdue you, and perhaps use you for science. It would be a shame if we had to use any more force than that."

"Sounds like you just want a peaceful surrender, then." Sunset, look at this loon! What should I do with him?

He mentioned letting me go back. Ask if he knows anything about how to do that. That's an order, Sunset responded.

Demon Sunset opened her mouth to speak, but the general cut her off. "I say, do you hear something?"

Sunset turned her ears. There was, indeed, something in the background- the sound of singing. Three particular girls singing. And they were coming closer.

Oh, great, Sunset groaned. Not them. Not more chaos. This is going to be just faaantastic.

"What's this?" Demon Sunset said as three girls with red necklaces and massive hairdos swished and swayed into view, mouths open in song. You know these girls?

They're the Sirens I've been mentioning, Sunset answered. The one with the poofy hair is Adagio, the one with the skirt is Sonata, and the one with the twin tails is Aria. They're pretty nasty; they go around making people fight and feeding off their magic.

Aria? Demon Sunset perked up. Aria Blaze? Most fascinating. Yes, I do believe I can see the resemblance! Fear not, I'll have her in here in a jiffy!

Sunset cringed. No, please don't do that! Aria's gross. Don't mess with her.

Killjoy, Demon Sunset thought. Fine, fine, I won't pick on them. Although, now that I think about it... wouldn't it be hilarious if they somehow accidentally got in here and made Starlight's goon squad stop getting along? She cracked her knuckles in delight.

The general stared wide-eyed at the trio, focusing on Sonata's legs, before shuddering and looking away. Adagio invaded his personal space anyway, putting a finger to the bottom of his chin, staring into his face with a predatory grin. "Why, hello there, little man," she broke song to croon, despite being two heads shorter than him. "We take it there's been some sort of mishap here? A... magical mishap, perhaps?"

He opened his mouth and began forming words to respond, but that plan was dashed when Sonata, having noticed the attention earlier, rubbed up against his back like a seductive cat. Still singing, she turned back and forth against him, and his mouth constricted into a wide horizontal line, eyes rolling upwards.

"What do you think, Adagio?" Aria quickly asked between measures, examining a firearm borrowed from a not-unwilling nearby soldier. "You didn't drag us out here for nothing, did you?"

"Ah ha ha ha! Sorry," Adagio responded. "Perhaps it wasn't quite fair to ask that of him. Not when he's clearly got better things on his mind."

Head leaned back, the general stared down the bridge of his nose at Sonata, who was purring into his chest, still singing.

Starlight looked on in bafflement. Demon Sunset, standing near her (but safely out of arms' reach) smirked in her direction. She didn't notice.

Well, Sunset? Demon Sunset asked. Do they fit the bill? Will these three provide sufficient amusement if I bring them inside?

Mmrmph. Sunset wouldn't trust them with a bale of yak wool, though they probably would keep Starlight occupied. And she did need that barrier raised, just in case. Yes, they're good. Let them in.

As you wish! Demon Sunset snapped her fingers, and Adagio, Aria and Sonata (sans the general and firearm) were teleported inside the dome.

Well, so much for that, Sunset thought.

Demon Sunset acted as if she didn't notice, instead giving a cheeky wave to the three Sirens before swooping off to an out-of-the-way observation point.

Starlight stared again at the new arrivals, eyes narrowed. "Okay, new equals. Who do you think you are?"