• Published 16th Jan 2017
  • 807 Views, 13 Comments

Chaotic Dreams - Czar_Yoshi

When Sunset dreams of victory at the Fall Formal, villains of all colors come to party in the dystopia. Can she stay sane until morning?

  • ...

Untimely Usurpers

An electric wave of pain shivered down Sunset's body, her horn shattering into a corona of five colors that swirled about her head, intermingling with teal, lavender and black from the star inset in Twilight's Element. She would have curled up, but had suddenly lost control of her body.

I'm back! Did you miss me? I thought you might appreciate it if I left you alone for your big battle, but it looks like you really are helpless without me! Anyhow, the crown is on, and it's time for me to take over for a spell. Watch and learn, Sunset!

Involuntarily, Sunset shivered, fighting to form words, unable even to let herself scream. No! Get out of here, give me my body back!

Twilight rushed to Sunset's side, grabbing her and cradling her head as she spasmed, waves of energy colliding on her darkening skin. Twilight grasped at the crown, but it was fused to Sunset's head and wouldn't come off. "Sunset! Sunset!" she sobbed, "You have to take that thing off! Please, Sunset, take it off, give it to me, you can't use it!"

Give it back? Seriously? Demon Sunset scoffed. You're practically dead! You don't honestly believe you can keep going it alone, do you? You need me, Sunset Shimmer. I can do so much better!

Yeah, Sunset countered, you did a great job of protecting me and keeping me safe when you got knocked out by a sledgehammer. And you deserved it, too! Twilight can use it, she can protect me! Now leave!

"What did you do?" Twilight looked up in a panic, eyes hardening toward Starlight.

"Simple," Starlight replied, taking a softer tone with her potentially-ex mentor, speech gradually reforming. "Ever since I lost hope that Sunset had been reformed, I've been trying to- nnngh... to protect you from her! Convincing her of her nature, convincing her to keep away from you on her own f-failed... so I gave her her power back! If I can't convince her that she's dangerous, maybe she can convince you!"

"How does that accomplish anything? She's not herself with this on, all you've done is turned her into a monster!" Twilight cried, still rocking Sunset as she fought with waves of dark energy.

"That's because she is a monster! Sunset here seems to think she's been- hkkkt! redeemed as I have, despite irrefutable evidence to the contrary," Starlight lectured, leaning to take weight off her battered body, eyes twitching. "Well, now I'm completely out of... out of her way, and she's got everything she ever had- and something she very much wants, ripe for the taking. What do you think she'll do?"

Twilight fumed and pouted. "I think she'll send you to a cell in Tartarus. And if you want me to come get you out, here's a hint! Don't. Hurt. My. Friends!"

"Fat chance of that happening," Starlight scoffed. "She'll take it! Take y-you! It's... it's all she is! If there is any har... harmony in her, let it manifest here!" Then she withdrew a magically glowing scroll, and held it above her head. "But it won't, because she has none to bear! Fear... fear not, Twilight. With this, I can return us to Equestria and leave this manipulative monster here long enough to c-come up with a better solution. Think the magic of friendship can save her? Prove it. It's not me you have to talk- hkkkt! talk down this time, Twilight Sparkle."

Beside the kneeling Twilight, Sunset howled, skin reddening, fingers elongating and becoming sharp as the magic her demon self drew from the crown clashed with the powers she had absorbed from the pendant. All right! Fine! Say I let you have control! What would you do with it?

Hmm, Demon Sunset thought. Well, first, I'd do something about Starlight; she's been quite a pest. Then... I don't know, maybe we'll use that spiffy scroll of hers to check out the real world! There has to be something fun to control there! I do still want you to love me, you know.

Control this and control that, Sunset ranted. Is that all you can talk about? Besides how much of a screw-up I am without you? Why are you so fixated on controlling things? And don't say it's because I want you to, because I don't!

It's not control, it's called doing your will! Demon Sunset patronized. She would have made a face if she had been in control, and speaking to a mirror. And I do so because it's your destiny! A destiny you've been running from for months! You do believe in destiny, don't you, Sunset Shimmer?

You apparently don't, because you keep talking about me robbing others of their free will, Sunset growled, sulking as much as she could afford.

Pish-tosh! One can be free to choose from a chosen set of paths, can they not? Are you really saying there are no constraints that govern ponies' lives? That say what they can and cannot do?

Well, there are Cutie Marks, Sunset conceded. But those are earned, not given! Ponies can get them in whatever they want!

Cutie Marks, you say. Funny you should mention that...

The familiar orange glow Sunset had come to associate with the voice- when it was just a voice- flickered in front of her vision again. She focused as hard as she could, and gradually, it allowed its detail to become visible. Sunset did a mental spit-take at what she saw, still writhing on the ground.

That's impossible! Ridiculous! Cutie Marks can't talk! What's going on here? Sunset panicked in disbelief.

Hmmph. Maybe I'm special. Still doubt your purpose, Sunset? Or are you going to tell me you don't believe in magic, too?

I'd be more inclined to believe in you if you weren't being a hostile parasite! Whoever heard of someone possessed by their own Cutie Mark? How are you even doing this?

Meh, the mark answered, it probably has something to do with that "Fall Formal" business I mention occasionally. Get the point? You kicked me out! Got rid of me! Discarded me, stopped wearing me, cast me aside and went your own way! Whoever heard of someone removing their own Cutie Mark, huh?

Wait, I... I did that? Sunset stammered.

Yes. Yes you did. And I'm not going to stop until you see how wrong you were, and how much you need me. Now, I believe it's time to take you for a little joy ride!

Hissing, Demon Sunset straightened up, her transformation nearly complete. Bands of energy still crackled across her, but she was capable of motion. And not the motion Sunset desired.

Twilight flinched away as a freshly-healed talon patted her head. "Sunset, no! This isn't you! You can fight this!"

"She can't," Starlight stated, "because she doesn't even want to. All she cares about are fulfilling- snkkt! Her own desires and wishes, and those are about to get ugly. Let's go, Twilight."

Starlight tossed the scroll up, and it flashed, conjuring a whirring mess of translucent gears and spirals of energy in the air above her. It exerted a pull, and Starlight's feet began to leave the ground. She beckoned to Twilight, extending a hand.

"Nnnope!" Demon Sunset laughed, snapping her fingers. The scroll hovering above Starlight's head burst into flames and floated away as cinders, causing the portal to shatter and fade. Starlight hit the ground hard, crying out in pain and terror.

"Feeling fine and foolproof in your plans, Starlight Starlight Starlight?" Demon Sunset mocked, setting Twilight aside and stepping toward the fallen time-traveler. "Poor you, all bruised and tired and without magic from our little battle. Do I really hold all the cards? Really? Or do you have something more up your sleeve? Because I didn't even get a turn earlier, and I'd hate to miss out on all the fun!"

Starlight's eyes widened in fright, and she scuttled backwards. "G-Get away! I'm warning you, don't come any closer!"

Demon Sunset came closer. "Awww, Starlight, did I win?"

With a snarl, Starlight pulled out the magic-stealer and thrust it open. A burst of solar energy rocketed out, stored up from Sunset's own attacks, sending Demon Sunset hurtling into the mighty school entrance like a cannonball. She impacted hard, striking her head against a corner. "Unnngh!" Dazed, she slumped against the wall, scorched and smoking.


Sunset rolled to a stop, in ghost form once again. Her Cutie Mark's flicker was nowhere to be seen. On the ground below, Starlight had walked to the portal and was hefting Sunset's sledgehammer, which had apparently been moved there since she last saw it. Sunset knew what was coming.

Twilight apparently did too, and as Starlight stalked forward, she moved to block her off. "Starlight, this has gone too far! Give me that hammer!"

"Shan't," Starlight said, swinging the hammer as she walked, forcing back Twilight's advances. "There are only two ways to do this, Twilight, and one of them has a very high chance of ending you. And no matter how much I've done, there are still standards I hold myself to. Now step aside and let me dispatch my foe!"

"No," Twilight said, taking a firm stance between Starlight and the fallen Sunset.

"Twilight, you can't stop her like that! She's crazy!" Sunset screamed, unheard.

With a swish and a jab, Starlight thrust the hammer forward. Twilight tried to catch it, but Starlight altered her trajectory and rammed the head into Twilight's stomach. Thud! She landed on the steps, clutching herself and gasping.

"Sorry about that," Starlight said with a remorseful glance. "I'm serious, it's for your own good. Now let me finish this."

Sunset looked up. Starlight was beginning her ascent of the stairs to her fallen body. She was experiencing none of the signs of coming to, and knew that Starlight could kill her if she wanted. And her intent wasn't really something Sunset doubted anymore.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up! Dumb mark, as long as you're in control of my body, and you're knocked out, I can't do anything! We can't do anything! Give it back! Give me back! I'll... I'll..."

Friendly reminder: transformations come with a free heal!

Demon Sunset's words flashed through her head, though it was more a memory than reality. Sunset's breath caught in her throat.

What was it you wanted, again? To no longer be separate from me? To do my will, and be an instrument of my control?

Starlight was halfway up the flight of stairs, eyes murderous.

You never did give me any problems before the Fall Formal, I think. I was still bad, but I didn't know the magic of friendship yet. I never got possessed. I never lost control of who I was. I never tried to use magic to control anyone.

Twilight lay on the ground in a sodden heap, struggling to get up.

Harmony magic turns me into something amazing. I've seen it more than once. The crown is harmony magic, so you're the only reason I turn into a demon, right? Because I can't control you, can't make you stop? If I take you back, will I get out of this body and wake up?

In the distant sky, Aria and Sonata soared away, carrying Adagio between them, neither looking nor caring at the scene below. Starlight swung her hammer in a circle as she climbed, hair burnt and shredded. Twilight was crawling, panic on her face. Lightning flashed, though Sunset felt no wetness from the rain ghosting around her skin.

Maybe doing my will doesn't need to involve manipulating all of my friends.

Maybe I can still live a happy life, with you around. Maybe having you is worth it, to stay alive.

I'm never talking to you again, after this.

Starlight reached the final step. She swung back her hammer, preparing for a blow. Twilight had gotten to her feet, wheezing, and was running toward her, but was far too far away.


Starlight swung the hammer down. "Hresssha!"


Sunset's eyes flew open. Instinctively rolling to the side, she slid out of Demon Sunset's body like a snake shedding its skin, dressed in the clothes the portal had given her, the Element of Magic still affixed to her head.

Starlight's hammer smashed to the ground where she had been laying less than a second before. Sunset rolled further, struggling to get up. She certainly didn't feel healed- her leg burned with splitting pain, and she was wracked with shivers as if she had been standing in the rain for hours, but it was enough.

"Starlight," Sunset hissed, scrambling upright, "I'm not a monster! Stop fighting me!"

Suddenly, Twilight tackled Starlight, sobbing and snarling. "Leave my friends alone!"

They both toppled to the ground. Starlight's hammer rolled away as Twilight punched her over and over again. "You almost killed her! You tried to kill Sunset! Sunset!"

Sunset's eyes widened in horror, watching Starlight desperately try to shield her face from Twilight's rage. Smack! "Aaaugh!" Crack!

The rain drummed down around her as Twilight continued to pummel her defeated student, Sunset simply looking on with wide eyes. You're not... forgiving her...

Twilight punched and punched. Sunset became aware of a weight on her head. Reaching up, she felt the Element of Magic sitting there, dormant and cool. This was supposed to be an instrument of harmony... but it turned me into a monster, Starlight into a monster, and now Twilight is... What went wrong?

Gaze hardening, she looked again at the one-sided brawl in front of her. "Twilight, I command you to stop!"

Twilight pulled back obediently, shuddering. Starlight lay facedown on the concrete.

Starlight shook. Starlight steamed. Sunset stood and watched.

Around them, the hiss of rain continued, a momentary lull in the wind making it otherwise deafening. Twilight's shoulders were slumped and her head down, sitting on her knees beside Starlight.

"It's over..." Sunset breathed. "It's finally over." She dared a small laugh, before looking at Twilight. "Now... how do we get home?"

Thunder rolled in the distance. Sunset stepped forward.

Starlight's head shot up with a hiss, staring at Sunset with red-on-yellow eyes.

"What the-!?" Sunset yelped, jumping backwards, staggering from her hurt leg. Blinding patches of light began appearing on Starlight's body, a dark mist seeping out around her. Starlight snarled, and one leathery wing flashed into existence on her back.

Twilight scrambled back in shock. Sunset whipped the Element of Magic from her head, frantically examining it while keeping Starlight in her peripheral vision. "What's going on!? She took the crown off! Isn't that what it takes? Why does she still have dark magic? Why is this happening now!?"

The crown remained dormant in her hands as Starlight spasmed, graying. A feathered pegasus wing shot out from her other side with a crackle of dark energy.

Suddenly, Sunset's eyes went wide with realization. I didn't just take it off, I had it used back against me... "Twilight! Over here, now!"

Immediately, Twilight started running over, giving Starlight a wide berth. Suddenly, Starlight slithered across the ground like lightning, grabbing Twilight and pinning her arms. Eyes widening, Twilight began to struggle, but couldn't stop Starlight from lifting off, flapping her mismatching wings awkwardly.

"Sssscrew thisss!" Starlight snarled down at Sunset, rising further out of reach. "I ssshould have done thisss a long time ago! I'm going home, and I'm leaving, and you'll never sssee me again, Sssunssset! I quit! Have your way with Twilight, I don't care anymore! It'sss not worth thisss..."

"Then give her back!" Sunset shouted. "You need help, you're not okay! The crown can fix you, and make you feel better, but only Twilight can use it!"

"Fat chanccce," Starlight hissed. "You'll only ussse it to kill me! Even if you're above that, ssshe isssn't! I'm taking her home, and I'm leaving her there, and when you essscape, you'll be her problem, not mine!"

"I'll make her not! Starlight!"

"I told you, I don't care anymore! It never ssshould have been my job to protect Twilight from you! Might asss well leave that to Cccelessstia, if you ever come back..." Starlight made as if to turn around and soar away, but held back, almost as if waiting for Sunset's response.

Sunset glared up at her. "I command you not to leave. Get down here and give me Twilight so I can help you."

"Hrrraah hah hah hressshh..." Starlight looked down with her yellow eyes and laughed. "Won't work... too much chaosss for more to do anything... Good riddanccce..."

Starlight turned around and began to float off, steadily gaining speed.

"No!" Sunset ran after her as best she was able, but was outpaced immediately. "Starlight, come back! This isn't what I want! Starlight! Starlight!"

Starlight was far out of earshot, thanks to the hammering rain. The wind picked up again, and Sunset looked after her in despair.

Venomously, she looked down at the crown in her hands. Why can't I use you, too? Why does Twilight have to be chosen, and not me? I can use the magic of friendship, so why not you? Why do you have to turn me into a demon?

A demon that can fly, she bitterly added, watching as Starlight gradually became a speck on the horizon. Suddenly, a thought sprang to her mind. Now that my Cutie Mark isn't bothering me, maybe I can control my demon form... maybe I won't get possessed! She turned the crown over in her hands. "Maybe I can use this..."

Sunset touched the gem inset into the crown. "All right, crown. I've used the magic of friendship before, and now I have a friend that needs saving. Give me magic, give me flight, give me something I can use." She narrowed her eyes, and slammed the crown down upon her head. I WILL PROTECT MY FRIENDS.

The temperature of the air around Sunset instantly dropped by thirty degrees. An explosion of prismatic energy surged out, the crown igniting as Sunset's hair grew and her ears enlarged, shifting to the top of her head. A familiar sensation of immense power rushed through her as the five energies from the pendant reawakened beneath her skin.

Sunset was pulled into the air by telekinetic forces, five bands of polychromatic light pinwheeling from the star on the crown on her head. They swirled, wrapping themselves around her, before fanning out behind, tracing glowing lavender runes in a curtain of frost that radiated across the concrete. Sunset stared at her hands, feeling her wings reform out of the sun's glow, burning radiance contrasting sharply with the ice forming about her.

Energy from the Element of Magic surged through her, mixing with everything she already had, and Sunset's wings erupted in lavender flame. Sunset shivered, feeling energy materialize into matter, her wings morphing from ethereal light into solid limbs of golden flesh. Her heart felt as if wind was rushing through her veins, battering and begging to escape, to be unleashed. If she focused, she could feel the Magic, the Loyalty, the Kindness and Honesty and Laughter and Generosity all there empowering her, and she realized she didn't need to breathe.

With an explosion of golden light, Sunset took off, soaring after Starlight's retreating figure. She traveled fast, even faster than she had been able to when empowered with only the magic from her friends, and caught up in a matter of seconds, whipping past Starlight and hovering to a stop in front of her.

Starlight's yellow eyes widened. "What!? Sssunssset?"

Sunset's face was caught between a grin and a frown. "Me. And it looks like I can use this properly, after all!" Pooling the magic of friendship in her hands, she sent a blast of prismatic energy streaking toward Starlight.

As it connected, a neon lavender star radiated out in a shockwave, five multicolor flames orbiting the target. Starlight spasmed, shreds of black energy sparking and flying away as the laser flooded into her chest. "HRESSSSSSHHAAAAAUURGHHHHKKKT!"

Sunset darted down, catching Twilight with a grunt as she continued to focus the rainbow beam on Starlight. The air around them chilled again, and Sunset strained to keep her balance.

Seconds passed, and a cloud of teal and indigo burst around Starlight. Sunset's beam narrowed and faded, Starlight floating downward in its aftermath. Her clothing was scorched and shredded, her hair frizzed and torn despite the hammering rain, but there was no sign of extra limbs, no grayness, and no yellow in her dazed, half-open eyes.

Sunset swooped in and caught her as well, adjusting her grip to carry both girls... and gasped. In the beam's wake were hairline cracks in the fabric of space, leaking violet stardust with the promise of magic beyond.

Experimentally, she pooled more power and punched at the cracks, causing space to shatter into a glowing hole. I thought Sci-Twi didn't use any portal magic in this! Looking beyond, Sunset saw the massive nebulae and constellations she saw every time she had fallen unconscious here. That's not Equestria, it's...

"All right, girls. Time to get out of here... for good." Closing her eyes and focusing once again, Sunset emitted a wave of energy that blasted out, shredding space around them. The world itself began to collapse, and the three Equestrians were drawn hurtling into the starry expanse.