• Published 20th Nov 2016
  • 5,586 Views, 264 Comments

You Can Count On Me - Ekhidna

Ember, Lord of all Dragons, has been presented with a problem that has forced her to seek the help of her best and closest friend.

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Chapter 3: Spike VS Sluriasma

Chapter 3: Spike VS Sluriasma

Ember was paying little attention to the fight between Ajax and Xinzhaya, for she was putting all of it into watching Spike sit at the edge of a lower grade watching the fight intently.

His fight against Grunkle made her heart beat fast and hard. She was worried for his safety despite knowing Spike was more than capable of defending himself; although her reasons were justified. If he were fighting against some run of the mill dragons she wouldn’t even need to worry, but these competitors were some of the best young prodigies the Dragon Lands had to offer and then some.

She was certain that if Spike lived in the Dragon Lands he would fit into that ranking no problem. Perhaps that was his greatest advantage: his opponents knew next to nothing of his abilities and power. She had hopped for Spike to win his first two or three fights without getting serious, but those hopes were dashed away after seeing Spike take down Grunkle.

“Maybe no one noticed.” Ember whispered to herself, extinguishing any and all relief she had felt for his first victory. “Spike… arrrgg! Why did I ask for your help? Why did I agree to your crazy plan? I should’ve known you’d do something stupid like this!”

Her attention was dragged back to the arena when she heard her father roar announcing the victor. Ember saw Ajax being carried away in a stretcher while Xinzhaya gloated in his victory. The roaring crowd was silenced by another mighty roar of her father before he looked down at her and give a small nod.

Ember closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. Let’s get this over with, she thought before hitting the ground with her scepter, the impact sent a red wave of light all around the stadium.

“Congratulations to the sixteen winners of the first round of the tournament, your Dragon Lord is pleased!” Ember said, her voice resounding all over the stadium. “In short moments the bracket for the second round shall be displayed. Fight well and fight hard!” Ember ended her short speech and her scepter stopped glowing.

Ember casted a quick glance behind her to see the elders drawing the concealed numbered spheres, marked with the name of a competitor written on them, from a stone square at the side of their table.

Please let it be one of the weak ones. Please let it be one of the weak ones, Ember pleaded turning to watch Spike still sitting on the same spot. She couldn’t see him well due to the distance, but it looked like he was watching at her direction. It was then confirmed when he raised an arm over his head and waved it. She wanted to wave back at him, but she couldn’t show any kind of favoritism for the competitors now that the tournament was underway.

As she waited for the bracket to be announced, Ember focused on Spike once more and couldn’t help but chuckle. During the fifteen years since they met and became friends, both had changed and grown in many ways. Of course, the one that had changed the most had being Spike. And not just physically. At first, when they met, she had thought of him as a weakling runt with a big heart and a loud mouth, and that was pretty darn accurate during their run in the Gauntlet of Fire. But all of that changed through time, and even though her visits to Equestria, either for diplomacy or just doing a friendly visit, were few she saw first hand Spike’s arduous growth in power.

Heck, he was even given the title of ‘Guardian of the Element Bearers’ by Celestia because of it. It was mostly an honorary title since the six mares carrying the power of the Elements of Harmony were the ones doing the saving at the end of the day; plus, they could defend themselves just fine on their own. But that doesn’t mean the title is completely empty, oh no, far from it. Having grown up as Twilight’s assistant and as little more than a sidekick surrounded by countless powerful beings ranging for Alicorns, all-powerful villains, raging monsters, Discord, and many, many more had spurred him to not sit on the sidelines any more once his growth spurt finally hit him.

She knew of his numerous training regimes, all of them either self-imposed or taught by the likes of Shining Armor. And Spike was anything if not dedicated. Only his friends and those that had seen him in action knew that underestimating him was a terrible idea. Many had suffered because of that error.

Ember was pulled away from her thoughts once again when her father touched her tail with the tip of his massive one. Looking behind her, she saw the eight elders nod at her direction. Ember then raised her scepter and hoped for the best. Her heart aching for dragging her friend into this mess.


The stadium went silent and all eyes were glued to the dragon flying to the end of the arena ready to write in the sky the next second bracket of the tournament and the fights soon to come.

Mere moments later, the flying dragons were done with the bracket diagram and moved to write down the names of the competitors in match order.

Spike watched with a stoic expression while his heart beat faster than what he would like. He closed his eyes for a moment and did the same exercise Cadance had taught Twilight to control herself. Reopening his eyes, he saw the first names were being written.

“Garble VS Jaggedteeth.” Spike whispered. “Their fight is going to be interesting.” He then waited for the second match to be written.

“Hirador VS Ballista. If that wound he got gets worse or if Ballista takes advantage of it then Hirador is going to lose no doubt.” Spike whispered. A couple of moments later the third match was written.

“Crackle VS Drybone. Mmmmm, Crackle has the weight and the strength advantage, plus that Pinkie Pie like sense. But Drybone trumps everything else. Wait and see, I guess.” Seconds later the fourth match was written.

“Goliath VS Krudo. Free win for Goliath. Krudo almost broke his left arm in his match and got himself exhausted.” Almost after he finished his sentence the fifth match was written.

“Sluriasma VS… Spike.” Spike whispered before looking for the yellow dragoness below. He soon found her looking around for him no doubt. It took her a couple of seconds to look up to him and when she did she smiled at him with an admittedly pretty smile.

The dragoness had shining yellow scales with darker, almost orange underbelly scales. A pair of baby blue fins, similar to his own but clearly suited for aquatic purposes, adorned each side of her head. She also had longer and more elegant fin that acted like a regular crest traveling from the top of her head all the way to the tip of her tail. All four and a half meters of her incredible length. Her elongated snout reminded him to Garble’s but with a clear feminine look that fit her well, at least in his opinion. Her eyes were pure green like his own. And her body was adorned by colored lines running at each side of her long dorsal fin in a mix of red, blue, orange, white, and green bright colors that changed every few centimeters.

Spike smiled back before looking at the bracket to find another match had been written.

“Zhaitan VS Ptolomeo. Another interesting match. And hopefully an informative one.” Spike whispered to himself stealing a glance at the grade filled with black scaled dragons. An instant later the seventh match was written.

“Flamethrower VS Raiga. Looks like Raiga will have a difficult match against Flamethrower. Then again, Flamethrower might be hiding something in store.” A couple of seconds later the eighth and last match was written.

“Xinzhaya VS Mok Bal. Another free win if Xinzhaya exploits Mok Bal’s weak lateral perception, his injured wing and stays far away from his claws.”

Spike whispered to himself before Torch’s roar dwarfed all the other roars throughout the stadium. The bracket disappeared and the first to competitors were called into the arena.

Spike felt something hit him in the back that nearly made him fall from his seat. Regaining his balance, Spike shot a glare at Garble whom was looking back at him with a cocky smile adorning his face.

Repeating the calming exercise, Spike returned his focus on watching the matches before his own came.


The first match lasted little over ten minutes, it ending with the hard fought victory of Garble. From the get go, it was clear that Jaggedteeth was no match for Garble’s strength and endurance, but he made up for it with speed and his natural oil that made grabbing onto him almost impossible and gave him an edge over every punch, kick, and slash Garble gave out. His tail also did a great job to keep the red dragon at bay when needed.

The match had been the definition of a tug of war until Jaggedteeth made the huge mistake of relying too much on his tail for attacks. Garble saw his opportunity and grabbed Jaggedteeth by the horns on his tail and, thanks to his superior strength, proceeded to slam Jaggedteeth on the ground all over the place until the metallic blue scaled dragon was knocked unconscious.

Garble had won, but it did cost him a few scars, a broken fang, and a nasty hit to the left eye that would force him to rely on his right eye for the next match. Maybe even the tournament. Spike hoped to be that lucky.

The second match ended in the span of the first two minutes with the surrender of Hirador halfway through the fight due to his injury.

The third match went in a similar direction that Garble’s fight did. Crackle was simply too heavy and her scales too tough for Drybone to overcome with brute force alone. But Crackle’s lack of offensive arsenal couldn’t take down Drybone either, for he was faster than her. In the end Crackle lost when she exhausted all of her fire and fell unconscious because of it.

And now Spike was watching the nearing end of the fourth match with Goliath taking his sweet time to tire out Krudo. Knowing that the two meter tall green scaled dragon had no chance to defeat the hulking four meter tall beast of a dragon that didn’t flinch against his hits, fire or anything that was thrown at him. Why Krudo didn’t surrender was anyone’s guess.

“Maybe he’s expecting to pull a suckerpunch on Goliath. Though that beast knows he doesn’t have to do much to win; he just has to wait.” Spike whispered to himself. With the match being pointless, Spike decided to search for Sluriasma and found her in the same spot.

Spike rubbed his left shoulder while he watched her talking to another pink dragoness.

Damn, my arm’s still itching and hurting. Grunkle’s torso scales were tougher and sturdier than those in his arm and face. I’ll have to be careful to not use my arm much during this match, Spike thought. Not that it matters anyways, since I’ll be spending most of the time dodging her I think. Okay Spike, recap. She’s way faster than me, she’s ridiculously agile, has fantastic reflexes, what I guess is a great sight, a venom that can melt rocks upon contact, and to top it all she may be able to strangle me just like an anaconda would thanks to her length and powerful body.

On the plus side I’m far stronger than her even without Amplitude. My scales are sturdier than her’s since during her match she used her agility and speed to avoid any kind of damage. She can’t breathe fire but still holds virtual immunity to it and high temperatures. Then there’s the fact that she doesn’t have wings, which will make our match a ground battle. So at least I don’t have to worry about that. Now, if I’m lucky, really lucky, then she’ll get cocky and try right away for a frontal attack, Spike thought eyeing the dragoness.

Fat chance after how I defeated Grunkle, but I still have that hope. I think she’s going to use her mobility and speed advantages over me to strike with fast hit and run attacks. I don’t know what her venom can do if she injects it to me and I don’t want to find out. I also don’t know if she can produce venom from her claws or fins; gotta be careful of that. At the very least I know for sure she can’t have an unlimited supply of it. Spike frowned seeing Sluriasma laugh alongside with the other dragoness. What really worries me is that I doubt that venom is her best trick. I’ll have to be on guard for any suspicious movements she makes.

She shouldn’t be too difficult to beat if I play my cards right. Spike closed his eyes and breathed slowly performing the relaxing exercise several times. If she DOES become too much of a problem, or I can’t keep up with her speed, then I’ll have no other option but to use Amplitude again, Spike thought before reopening his eyes, shifting his gaze to the rest of the remaining competitors one by one. That would be… troublesome.

Spike then returned his attention to the match in time to see Krudo fall flat on his ass completely spent with Goliath standing in front of him like some sort of unsurpassable obstacle. A few moments later Krudo surrendered. Torch roared a second later announcing the victor.

Spike leapt down from his seat and landed without making a sound. He then made his way to the arena while some dragons, including some of the competitors took an occasional glance his way.

“Feeling nervous?”

A voice asked at his right side. Spike turned his head to see Sluriasma walking -errr- slytherin in a similar fashion a snake or a naga would next to him, careful to match his height. Now that he had a closer look of her, Spike came to a conclusion. Wow, she’s actually quite beautiful. “You could say that.”

Sluriasma smiled while she played with her index fingers. “I’m pretty nervous to tell you the truth. Hey handsome, go easy on me, pretty please?” She asked doing a cute pout and flashing her eyelashes several times, her voice similar to Lyra’s but more delicate and easy going.

Spike smirked. “Sister, that won’t work on me. I literally grew up surrounded by cuteness and adorableness, so now I’m immune to it. Pouting and trying to hit on me won’t do you any good, beautiful.”

Sluriasma made a disappointed gesture and huffed. “At least I tried, you flatterer you.” Sluriasma then extended a hand. “My name is Sluriasma, pleased to meet you.”

Spike eyed her hand for a moment before accepting it with a short shake. “Likewise, my name is Spike.” He let go of her hand after she finished the sentence. “May the best dragon win.”

“I plan to, Spike!” She replied as they both entered the arena.

They continued to move towards the center of the arena until Sluriasma stopped and Spike continued to walk for ten or so more meters. He then casually wiped his snout with the hand he had greeted Sluriasma with and took a short sniff followed by a deep one a moment later. I don’t smell anything out of the ordinary, but I can never be too cautious, Spike thought before breathing out a short burst of fire to cleanse his hand.

That should put a nice gap between us, Spike thought turning to face his opponent and taking a low hand guard position while Sluriasma coiled her body around and used some of it to sit in a relaxed position. Spike narrowed his eyes. That’s totally different from her first match, what is she planning?

“On my right we have Spike!” Torch announced, and this time there were a lot more roars of approval and cheering for him. “And on my left we have Sluriasma!” Torch announced followed by joyous roars and cheering from all over the stadium chanting her name while she waved with one hand from side to side.

Spike took the moment to look up to Ember and offered her a quick wave with his right arm. He then returned his focus back to Sluriasma, seeing she had done the same the moment Torch began to speak again. Everything around him was silent and the only thing that existed was the dragoness before him.

Then Torch roared signaling the start of the fight.

Spike waited for Sluriasma to make the first move, but she didn’t change her position. Letting out a groan, Spike began to circle Sluriasma whilst keeping his distance from her. Spike soon noticed that Sluriasma slowly rotated in her position in accordance to his movements so that she would always be facing him.

She knows I’m dangerous or at least a threat. Good for her, bad for me. I hope she doesn’t realize I have no idea what to do now, Spike thought letting out a chuckle. Think you idiot, think! If I go near her she’s going to A) Back away. B) Prepare to fight. Or C) Do nothing and let me continue until I fall on whatever trap she has in mind. Creating a dust or flame cloud would put me at a disadvantage more than her. And there’s no telling what she’ll do if I back away; I am not taking that chance, Spike thought while he continued to stare at the calm and smiling dragoness. Wait a second...I have an idea.

Spike stopped in his tracks and breathed out a fireball directly at Sluriasma. The dragoness dodged it with ease and grace, never tearing her eyes from him. Spike then shot a series of seven fireballs; three aiming for her torso and four to her coiled body. Spike watched Sluriasma stretch her body and move from side to side to evade his fireballs without losing sight of him.

He then rolled to the side, grabbed a couple of small rocks and then tossed them hard at Sluriasma. Let’s see what you do against faster projectiles, Spike thought and then watched as the dragoness recoiled her body and spit some venom that hit the rocks instantly reducing them to purple goo.

Spike hummed before he began to run around Sluriasma without losing sight of her. While he ran, he used his tail to pick up rocks to then throw them at the dragoness. He watched as Sluriasma dodged most of the attacks, those that she didn’t she turned into goo with her venom or deflected them with a quick swat of her tail. Spike followed his strategy for several seconds until Sluriasma, began to counterattack by spitting venom to the ground in front of him.

“Dodge this!” Spike shouted jumping over the venom. He then landed a few feet past the venom with a loud smack. He was chest down to the ground while he faced Sluriasma, noticing she was looking at him with an amused expression. Spike opened his mouth and then roared while at the same time a torrent of green fire created a carpet that approached his target. Fast.

Spike glared watching Sluriasma coil her body but then his eyes went wide when he saw the dragoness launch herself at blinding speed directly at him. SHIT!, Spike cursed. Thanks to his own quick reflexes he ended his attack and avoided the open, dripping fangs of Sluriasma. Seeing his opportunity, he tried to punch her but found himself sent flying several meters away by an unworldly powerful blow to his right side.

“UURRGGGH!” Spike roared before landing on his back. Using his momentum, he spun on his back with his legs wide open before impulsing himself with his arms to stand up. Spike’s eyes widened when he saw Sluriasma was coming his way again. With a low grunt, Spike took a solid low ground defense position with his legs serving him as an anchor and his tail extended and impaled in the earth behind him for support. His arms were partially covering his face while his claws were extended and in a position ready to catch and tear anything in front of them.

His eyes went wide again when he saw Sluriasma stop abruptly and practically shoot herself to the left before continuing her attack, this time from his unprotected left.

“You’re wide open, handsome!” Sluriasma taunted with wide smile.

Spike smiled before dropping back to the ground a split second before the dragoness could bite him. Perfect, Spike thought before using both hand to catch the following whiplash from her tail and at the same time, with his tail still impaled to the ground, used his newfound balance and acceleration of the dragoness to rotate on his spot and send her crashing against a nearby wall of the stadium.

“And you’re not the only one who knows how to use a tail, beautiful!” Spike shouted seeing the dragoness stir up and glare at him. He then took the low hand guard again while he let out a pained groan. She may not be physically strong compared to a regular dragon, but she knows how to use her momentum and combine it with her speed, agility and that ridiculous acceleration and shift in movement she just did to deliver a single and powerful blow. She caught me off-guard and almost broke my scales.

Okay, what do I do now? Maybe I should use Amplitude for a moment and throw a rock or something at her. Doubt she’ll dodge that. Spike gave a second long glance to his left where the remaining competitors were watching the fight. Then again, I rather not if I can help it. I don’t want to kill her nor show it for a second time. And using Fire Jet at this moment is absolutely out of the question. Dammit all, this is like fighting a squadron of Shadowbolts all over again! Spike gulped but also found himself smirking. Heh, though her speed kinda reminds me more to the sparring matches Rainbow and I have from time to time, Spike’s eyes widened and his lips curled into a grin.

“Is that all you have, gorgeous? I’ve fought ponies waaaaaay faster and agile than you!” He shouted, his grin widening when he saw Sluriasma stand still.


Up from her private grade, Ember sat at the edge of her throne watching how Sluriasma moved in to attack Spike once again. Sluriasma moved from side to side with quick movements and sharp turns until she was near Spike.

Spike moved to the side in time to avoid her and Sluriasma recoiled her body to dodge a series of upward kicks from Spike. Ember gasped seeing Spike crouch before he started to run with the aid of his arms at incredible speed, much like a manticore or a dog would. She was confused why he was running until she noticed a small patch of purple venom and gas emerging from it in the spot he had been.

Sluriasma followed after and thanks to her superior speed she caught up with him in seconds. Ember gripped her scepter tighter seeing Sluriasma spit venom at Spike, forcing him to dodge and change direction as she pleased. Spike retaliated by shooting fireballs at Sluriasma, whom dodged them effortlessly.

The entire stadium was lit with roars and cheers chanting the name of Sluriasma while said dragoness and Spike continued to run around the arena trading attacks.

Ember’s eyes widened when she noticed what Sluriasma was really doing with her poison. She then clenched her fangs tight when Sluriasma slowed down for a moment, coiled her body, and then slingshot herself directly at Spike with blinding speed. Spike, thanks to his own quick reflexes, managed to dodge being tackled and biten by the dragoness. In the air he managed to grab her tail once more, but Sluriasma tossed him away with a forceful whiplash.

Ember swallowed a mouthful of spit seeing Spike and Sluriasma come to a halt and face off each other once more in a standstill.

“Spike…” Ember whispered his name. At the start of the match she didn’t know why he was holding back on Sluriasma. From a practical point of view, Sluriasma wasn’t as dangerous to Spike compared to Grunkle. Ember knew Spike had used his Amplitude technique on Grunkle to win the match quickly, but questioned why he wasn’t using it to catch up and maybe even surpass Sluriasma’s speed and reflexes, taking her by surprise and end the match.

The answer came to her in that same question. Using it again would put Spike at risk against his would be remaining opponents. Most of which would be putting two and two together if Spike used it again so soon. She came to understand he wanted to keep the element of surprise for the later matches, him using it against Grunkle to secure a quick and crushing victory had sent the message that he was not one to be trifled with. A good strategy especially when taking into account the plenty of powerhouses still left.

Garble, The Fire Fist. Vanishing Zhaitan. Goliath, The Colossus. Drybone, The Tunneler. Raiga of the Thunder. And Flamethrower, The Witful, Ember thought with worry, not for her sake, but for Spike’s safety. For a dragon, a title was something defining of one’s power, abilities or characteristic and, unlike many other countries and kingdoms around the world, had immense value as they were extremely difficult to achieve. Only the most powerful of dragons, no matter if they were young, adult or ancient, could hope to get one.

Spike had already defeated Grunkle, a title bearer himself, but what about the others?

“I don’t care if you win this stupid tournament anymore, Spike. Just come out of it alive, please.” Ember whispered while the arm holding her scepter trembled a little.


This isn’t good, Spike thought while he panted and watched Sluriasma pant the same way. She’s been cornering me with her poison, Spike took a quick glance to his right to see a dozen or so puddles of venom emanating a deadly gas. She must know that cornering me is a double edged sword, but also realize that she has the upper hand by limiting my space to move freely. I wonder how much poison she has left? Spike thought while watching Sluriasma intently.

Spike steeled his position when he saw Sluriasma relax and start to giggle. With only five meters in between them he could hear her despite the cheering crowd.

“What’s so funny, beautiful?” Spike asked with a smirk.

“Not funny, handsome. Amusing. I know who you are, sort of. Your friend Garble was ever so kind to tell me you live among ponies. I could hardly believe it after seeing how you defeated that oafish fool of Grunkle.” Sluriasma said.

“You’d be surprised what ponies can be capable of, gorgeous.” Spike retorted.

“Dear me, I’m sorry if I sounded offensive. I personally don’t have any problems against ponies, in fact I have a few pony friends myself! It may be simple ignorance on my behalf, handsome, but I never thought a dragon as strong or as intelligent as you could live among them.” Sluriasma replied.

Spike chuckled. “For many years you would’ve been correct. But then I reached a point when I decided to become strong, and many of my friends and family helped me. I’m strong because of them and for them, beautiful.” Spike said and saw Sluriasma giggle in response.

“You are an odd one, handsome, and full of surprises.” Sluriasma said and Spike noticed her smiling mischievously.

Spike changed his position by moving his legs apart and crouched until he was practically squatting, he moved his arms to the side, flexing them with his hands formed into fists. He then stared at her eyes for several seconds until he noticed a glow in them.

Moving on instinct, Spike covered his eyes by moving his arms upward in sideways to block direct eye contact and still keep an eye on the rest of her body.

Then he heard low, almost whispering tune that soon gained volume. A second later he heard the voice of Sluriasma starting with a hum and rapidly escalating into a melodious tone.

She’s harmonizing? Spike questioned before the tone changed again. What the-? I can hear four...no, five different voices and tones mixed in. What the hay is she doing? Deciding to see what was going on he slightly parted his arms to see what was going on. But when he did so, the volume of the tone and the voices harmonizing increased ten fold and transformed into full blown opera style singing.

“Sssshhhhccciiitt!” Spike cursed falling to his knees and using his hands to avoid falling face first to the ground. Looking up, he saw Sluriasma looking at him while she sang. Guh! I forgot Ember told me she’s half siren! By Discord’s beard, it’s like hearing several soprano and a contralto singers at the same time! Spike yelled in his head. No good, no good. I’m such an idiot! I have no choice but to use Amplitude now!

Spike closed his eyes and tried to focus on his ability. After a few short seconds he grunted looking up to Sluriasma. It’s no use, I can’t concentrate! Her voice it’s so… beautiful… she’s… the most gorgeous…, he thought seeing a shimmering light seemingly glowing around her. Spike suddenly closed his eyes and shook his head repeatedly.

“Fake…!” He grunted out. He then reopened his eyes to see Sluriasma looking at him with curiosity and amusement.

“You seem to resist~” She sang with an angelic voice, despite this the tone and the other voices never stopped or were disrupted by her talking. “Are you fighting back against my song~?” She asked with a different yet equally angelic voice.

“I’ve… Heard…. Better!” Spike shouted while he struggled to stand up. He then saw Sluriasma slither towards him slowly. She can’t---Guh!---attack and sing at the same time? Spike shook his head. Come on you idiot, think of something! Spike yelled in his mind trying to suffocate Sluriasma’s voice while he looked at her again.

“Don’t you loooooove me~? Adoooooore me~?” She sang with yet another angelic voice while she caressed her torso, waist and hips with her hands.

“Spot… Already... Taken!” Spike shouted watching Sluriasma approaching uninterrupted. He felt his legs tremble and quiver as they struggled to keep him standing. Nnnngh! All I can hear is her song! Where is the roaring when you need it!? Spike thought before taking a glance to the side. There he saw the dragons that could hear the song looking at Sluriasma like drooling zombies.

“Surrender to me~” She sang.

“N-Never!” Spike shouted back seeing Sluriasma nearing him ever so closely; he could even see a drop or two of her venom coating her fangs. Th-there’s only one thing I can try to do… besides using Fire Jet… Overpower her song… with another one, Spike thought. I don’t know if this actually works outside of Equestria, and I swear on my mother’s name that if this works I’m going to buy Pinkie the biggest, most delicious, most expensive cake I can! Spike thought almost falling to his knees again. But why is that the only song that comes to mind!? Spike screamed inwardly before seeing Sluriasma less than two meters away from him. No time left, here’s goes nothing!

Spike looked up directly at Sluriasma before snapping his fingers. “HIT IT!” He shouted. A moment later a weak beat of drums came clashing with Sluriasma’s song and voice. The drums soon began to sound louder until it was soon joined by guiro and trumpets. The music coming out from nowhere really causing Spike to smirk.

Feeling the tremble in his legs diminished, Spike struck a pose following the growing rhythm of the music. His smirk turned into a smile while seeing Sluriasma looking around searching for the source of the music with a confused expression. His smile then transformed into a shit eating grin when he started to dance at the rhythm and tempo of the music.

While he danced, he never tore eye contact with the completely confused but still singing Sluriasma. Seconds later he saw her move her shoulders in accordance to the catchy, upbeat, festive sounding music. He saw her noticed it before taking a short intake of air.

“They call me Cuban Pete~!” Spike began to sing at the same time the music changed from trumpets to maracas and wind instruments. “I’m the king of the rumba beat! When I play the maracas I go chick-chicky-boom, chick-chicky-boom~!” He sang swaying his hips from side to side causing Sluriasma to do the same, much to her obvious confusion.

With his body free to move as he pleased, Spike decided to go all-out. “Yessir I’m Cuban Pete. I’m the craze of my native street~! When I start to dance everything goes chick-chicky-boom, chick-chicky-boom~!” He sang doing his absolute best to dance in an over the top fashion. All the while watching Sluriasma stare at him with absolute confusion, yet she still continued to sing.

“The señoritas they sing and they swing with terampero- It’s very nice, so full of spice~! And when they dance in they bring a happy ring that era keros~!” Spike, taking advantage of his position, turned around and bend over to shake his butt at Sluriasma while looking back to see her reaction. He saw her blush and move back bringing her hands to her chest.

Turning upfront, Spike resumed his dancing following the rhythm of the music. “Singin’ a soooong, all the day looooong~!” Spike then began to move towards Sluriasma. “So if you like to beat, take a lesson from Cuban Pete~! And I’ll teach you to chick-chicky-boom, chick-chicky-boom~! Spike kneeled in front of her and waved his fingers at her.

“H-He’s a really modest guy~!” His smile turned massive seeing Sluriasma join in, much to her own shock no doubt. She brought her hands to her throat trying to stop herself, but couldn’t. “Although he’s the hottest guy~! In Neighbana~! In Neighbana~!” Spike saw whatever confusion or shock in her suddenly evaporate as she joined in full to the song.

Spike moved at her side and took a hold of her hands while looking directly at her face. “Si, siñorita, I know that you would like to chicky-boom-chick~!

“It’s very nice~! So full of spice~!” The chorus resonated all over the stadium, composed by it’s current occupants.

“I’ll place my hand on your hip, and if you will just give me your hand~!” Spike sang before receiving two playful slaps from Sluriasma while they dance. “Then we shall try - just you and I. I-yi-yi~!” Spike sang, somehow managing to spin Sluriasma around. “So if you like the beat, take a lesson from Cuban Pete~! And I’ll teach you to chick-chicky-boom, chick-chicky-boom~!”

The music came to an end and Spike ended up embracing Sluriasma close to him. He saw she was blushing profusely and had a smile on her face. It quickly dropped in favor of a confused expression and a more intense blush.

“W-what just happened?” She asked with a quiver in her voice.

“Equestrian magic, gorgeous.” Spike said taking a gentle hold of her head. “Sorry, but I win.” The instant those words left his mouth, he saw her eyes widen, but it was too late for her. His grip turned fierce, turned her head slightly to the left, and then proceeded to let out a mighty and loud roar.

“SSSHHAAAAAAAAA!” Spike heard Sluriasma screech loudly while she gripped his shoulders as hard as she could. For several seconds this went on until he felt her body go limp and saw her eyes roll back.

Spike ended his roar and gently put the outcold Sluriasma down on the ground. He then began to walk away from the arena. A moment later a medic dragon landed next to Sluriasma to confirm that she was indeed unconscious. There was no roaring or cheering for his victory this time since everyone in the entire stadium were asking themselves what in the name of Tartarus had just happened.


“What was that? I thought he wasn’t a hybrid.” An elder said rubbing his head.

“I thought the same. Lord Ember, do you have an explanation? If not, we’ll have to eliminate that disgrace for using a magical artifact!” Another elder said.

“You shall do no such thing!” Ember called back without even looking at the elders. “That was not the effect of any sort of magical artifact or relic, although he did use a magic inherent and used commonly all around Equestria. They call it ‘Musical Harmony’. It’s a complete mystery to the ponies, even to Celestia and Luna themselves. Not even the Lord of Chaos can explain it.” Ember finished explaining and looked back at the elders to see them looking at each other.

“...Very well, Lord Ember, we shall permit this one use of such a power. However, Spike must be informed that he is forbidden from using it again or he shall be eliminated. He must fight with his own power and abilities alone, and not rely in those belonging to… inferior creatures.”

Ember didn’t reply in words. She instead raised her scepter and watched Spike begin to glow. He stopped to look at her while two dragon about her size descended to get him.

“Elder Kroxus.” Ember called.

“Yes, Lord Ember?” The elder in question asked.

“If you ever call Spike, my dearest friend, a disgrace in front of me again, I shall have you removed, understood?”

“...As you command, Lord Ember,” the elder replied with a neutral, cautious tone.


Author's Note:

Special thanks to anyone that read this!

Special thanks to Steadfast Hoof for proofreading!

*If anyone wants to help me edit this thing and its future chapters, please PM me*

And yes. I seriously just did that. Cuban Pete from the Mask. Replace The Mask with Spike and boalá!