• Published 20th Nov 2016
  • 5,586 Views, 264 Comments

You Can Count On Me - Ekhidna

Ember, Lord of all Dragons, has been presented with a problem that has forced her to seek the help of her best and closest friend.

  • ...


After reading and thinking about the ending I had originally given to the story, I decided to change it for a more appropriate one.

I hope you guys like the change.

Chapter edited: Chapter Seven, Victory.

Comments ( 32 )

8009370 Rejoice, my friend, for I have removed and replaced that part.

Oh, it changed that?

... Not that I'm not happy with it, but I kept expecting a "bonus" fight vs Garble, long after the tournament, where they duke it out and it doesn't matter who wins because it's just an exhibition.

... But then again, ma ybe this is me hyping up a rivalry that wasn't acutally played up that much here in the story. :derpyderp1:

8079421 The fights were over, so it kinds doesn't count anymore. Plus why would she dismiss any of them at that point? Seeing their faces as Spike lays them down in their own game is rewarding enough.

... Not that she won't punish them later on for insulting her closest, most trusted, most cherished friend.

8079546 More like she'll keep it in mind and remind them with a, "You, out... let this be a warning to the rest of you, not to insult my friends in my presence." Eh?:ajsmug:

I'm glad for the edit, don't get me wrong I like Rarity x Spike ships but it felt forced into the story. And the Ember x Spike ship just flows more natural with this story. Of course I could also see Spike being greedy and going for both. Loved this story and the world building into dragon cutler you provided in this story. Looking forward to what you put out next


I hope you guys like the change.

Turn in your Sparity card, now. Infact, go directly to Path_of_Cloud and apologise.

There is quite a bit of hyperbole in my comment, but I am disappointed that you wouldn't stick to your guns on this issue.

8079756 I feel ashamed of myself, but I finally saw that the Sparity part indeed felt kind of forced in this story. The change was meant for it to make into a more vanilla version of what I had originally thought doing regarding Spike and Ember. The story on itself is still about a friend helping out another friend in a time of need. So nothing is really lost and in the end it ties down to the main story better.

This fic was so good!! :pinkiehappy:

I say this needs a sequel

Naturally, it's a damn good story, just like you're naturally good at doing my old friend :rainbowlaugh: And that would be awesome to see, you know if you need me I got your back, can't wait to read it.

Really wished this story had a sequel

.... It's 4 PM, on November 29th, 2017.... I- The_Whovian16.... Have just read one of the undoubtedly best stories ever written on this site....

H-... Hey. Wait a minute.... That seems a little familiar.... Oh. Right... This old thing.... Heh.... Hmm.... Well Ekhidna. You've done it again.... Honestly- at first? I was speechless for the first half of this story. Reading that this was really your first time writing a story in this manner... I-I could see it at some points, but honestly? ... I don't think as a Critique, that it would have made a damn difference. I'm- I'm downright blown away by your work (even though I'm 10 MONTHS LATE!!! (I blame myself mostly for that.)) once again.... This story, from beginning to end? Had me captivated. It had me roaring for the same Dragon I knew and loved from the show, Grown up with his own bag of tricks up his sleeve from years of everyone thinking he was just 'The Under Dog'.... Just another "Hum-Drum" as it were....

.... Heh... I- ... I don't even know where to begin.... I suppose I should go combatant to combatant? .... Maybe pick abart how Spike analyzes his opponents so quickly? (That ALONE I could go into a spiraling conversation about, comparing him to Deku in some ways from My Hero Academia.) ... I- I honestly don't think I really can say anything about this though.... Besides- it was just... another perfect story. Another Action story- this isn't how someone would normally handle an Action story- but at the same time? This felt like a Manga in purely word format. A Comic-book for my brain, instead of just my eyes. This was amazing to read and unbelievable to write, and it... it amazes me to this day that you are still capable of crafting such beautiful masterpieces like this! LIKE THIS! I mean- .... -sighs slowly as he slumps back-

.... Lemme go over the Characters then... At the very least- and I'll focus on 4. MAYBE 5 if I have the energy.... Okay? Just to give you some feedback on- just to give you something to read and say "Oh good! Someone said something about that, I hoped they would!"

First on the Hot Plate? Ember; The Fiery, yet tempered leader of the Dragons as we've seen her.... Honestly? Seemed pretty much like a Damsel in Distress, which was uncouth to her character- but ALSO Honestly? .... Sometimes even the most badass of characters are put in situations where they know "Yeah. I'm kinda bucked by life right now. HELP!" So, for the sake of the Story, and her own commentary from time to time as the Viewers 'Outside Experience', I like it. I like what ya did. Tis good on you.

Next up, Spike: The ever so Helpful Friend.... From the Get Go? .... It was kinda obvious that he wasn't gonna take her hand. After reading through the Comments, I found out that the Epilogue was apparently suppose to be some kind of Sparity shipping at the end? ... I mean. For the Early Chapters (Like Chapter 3 when he's fighting Sluriasama (Seriously, how do you pronounce that name?) ) that suddenly makes a lot more sense, but with the edits of it being hinted at Spike being interested in Ember instead at the end? .... I honestly couldn't tell the difference and was Happy with it when I got to it. Now, near the like, first 3rd in, I knew what kind of Character you were writing Spike up to be and I approve of it, whole heartedly. Every word, every single motive, every action, every intention. All my lord above YES to the millionth Power (multiplied by your choice in impossible algebraic equation.) That all sounded like it would fit perfectly into canon. It SEAMLESSLY felt like it fit into canon. And in all Honesty? I accept this as fucking Head-Canon material. Spike through and through, as our Protagonist, while being just a bit wordy, was wiser than those stupid freaking Elders all the way through.

Then Came the New Guy: Zhaitan....
.... Gonna be honest with you? .... These names? They Killed Me. To be completely and totally honest, it got hard to tell who was fighting who and who was who at one point or another in the story. These names were hard to hold to memory, and felt like you picked hard names to remember and read in a fast pace on purpose.... Course- that's not really a nitpick about this character. This Character, all around? Was a Fantastic OC. From the get go, he gave me the same feeling he gave Spike, me thinking like "He's gonna be the one to really watch out for in the end." And right I was. Honestly- this dude was awesome, well built, and well thought out all the way through. He was a good counter to Spike, and honestly? It was pretty obvious from the get go, he wanted nothing to do with Ember. He was just there for the Fighting.... However. You DID surprise me with how his fight ended with Spike, I would have betted money that after a thorough enough beating on both sides, Zhaitian was the one who would X-out. NOT Garble.... My only gripe with this Character? The Ending where he kinda just "Felt nothing for his clan" admittedly "Felt kinda Forced" in the end. He seemed like a very bright young man, with a good head on his shoulders- and that usually meant he was raised by Dragons with good heads on THEIR shoulders. It would be hard to be raised in an environment like that that he 'Felt nothing for' .... But sure as hell not more forced than a Sparity shipping at the end. (Good call on your end, it's hard to admit when we, the author, make a mistake for our own preferences, and not do what's right for the sake of the story.)

And then we have the other notable OC in this story, Sluriasma: ..... -Sighs slowly and rubs his head a bit- .... Okay. I'm... I'm gonna TRY and keep this one on track but... -shrugs it off and grumbles some before focusing up and getting the damn review out- She was, WELL built. I liked her Flirty Attitude- it'd fit well in with the Roster of Testosterone Filled Mountain-Moving Dragons. I'm amazed and shocked that this Character is just... such a one-off (as I also feel for Zhaitan.) She is so well rounded, like all of her dialogue with Spike felt genuine! It felt complete and she felt like a Character I wanted to get to know better- maybe just to hear her beat up some of the other Dragons who didn't know how to speak her language (like Spike did~) but you catch my drift. She was just downright clever in her design, in her mannerisms, and in her specialty- as well as her role in these fights. When you first brought up Sparring with Rainbow-Dash, I (in 'Spike Mode') instantly went. "Oh. Shit. Yeah- Rainbow's like- at least 3 Times faster than most any Dragon there. These Dragons Ain't got nothing on her!" Cuz- well. It's Rainbow! (That and in recent Season Finale... Well. She had an 'Encounter' with the Dragons, which proved this fact further, but this was written way before that Episode Aired.) And then she started properly beating him up a bit- For a moment? It felt more like you switched Tracks from going down the Spike recalling THAT specific training, while egging her on, and moved it to.... Well....

..... -SIIIIIGGGHH- ..... As for.... How Spike DEFEATED her.... I- .... -sigh- .... Honestly Ekhidna? Honestly? You and I must have been on some fucking Wave Length.... Because- when I read THIS?!:

I don’t know if this actually works outside of Equestria, and I swear on my mother’s name that if this works I’m going to buy Pinkie the biggest, most delicious, most expensive cake I can! Spike thought almost falling to his knees again. But why is that the only song that comes to mind!? 

.... I just instantly stopped ON THAT PARAGRAPH (not reading any further than it! (AND YES. I PREDICTED THE "EQUESTRIAN BREAKING OUT INTO SONG JOKE!)) and thought:

"Oh god, he's gonna try and out sing her isn't he?! XD HA! Alright- that would be some much needed comedic relief right now.... Though- I gotta wonder what song he would freaking sing. Like, what song wouldn't he want to sing so publicly right now?.... I mean- It's not like he's gonna "literally" sing something like say... Cuban Pete? Right? HA! From The MASK? XD God that would be just the worst thing to sing in that Arena right now. But that would probably be the best thing ever too! Heheh... Aaahh. Yeah right. Heh... Funny thought though...."

.... And not but one unsuspecting scroll later....

Spike looked up directly at Sluriasma before snapping his fingers. “HIT IT!” He shouted.

I burst out into fucking tears in laughter at that "I CALLED IT!" moment, that I knocked my monitor clean off of the stand it stood upon- only to catch it with my feet as it fell. That Hurt. But I was laughing too hard to even realize it hurt because of that moment- pounding my now SORE wrist on my Desk while doing so. (Thank you for that by the fucking way. XD First Injury sustained while reading Fanfiction. (Also. Yes. The Monitor is fine, no worries. XD I'll duct-tape it down next time I read one of your stories.)) ....

And then. I proceeded to pull my monitor back up, and Youtube Search "Cuban Pete" before continuing to Read. I was APPALLED you didn't include a fucking link with "HIT IT!" But with the tears in my eyes, I wouldn't be surprised if I missed it! To be COMPLETELY HONEST! lol.

.... -Sigh- .... And then... In the End? .... There was the Character I was least expecting... Garble....

.... In all his proper, douchebaggy glory, I just.... I didn't even recognize that those words in- what? The Second Chapter? That they had actually HIT HOME with Garble- I don't think ANYONE did! I think we were all expecting Spike to pull some final secret move out of hit tailhole right there in the end.... And- to be honest? I didn't even believe it when I first read it. I was scared like. "Holy Shit. Spike ACTUALLY can't move! Garble's Gonna pound him into the ground!!!" .... And then Garble... Actually did something nice. He did something Smart, and he did something.... Admirable- even if it was for his own reasons (like realizing that Ember would probably rip his dick off.) ... And honestly? .... I was right there with Spike in my mind, going. ".... What just happened?" .... Like- it's HARD to take ME out from LEFT FUCKIN FEILD EKHIDNA! It's REALLY FREAKING HARD FOR AN AUTHOR TO DO THAT!!!

..... So.... Heh... To make this Comment/Review Summarized:

This story right here? Is one of FiMfic's best kept secrets. It's a story that is worthy of acknowledgement, and yet, like a Greedy Dragon, I don't want to let anyone else know of it's existence! I want to keep this story a secret....

Yes, it's a story more catered towards Spike as a Character, and Developing him in ways the show isn't allowed to. YES this is an AU (that I love the shit out of now) and is totally awesome for that fact. YES this probably stole from a GOOD NUMBER OF MANGA AND ANIME SHOWS. And- yes.... It's nothing but an Arena-Beat-Em-Up with a Main Protagonist who's just, doing a Friend a Favor, Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World style....

..... But still? ... In my opinion, this story IS one of the best that I have ever read. And in true 'Ekhidna' fashion, it was obvious from the Get-Go that it was a good story.... I've honestly yet to find a 'Bad' story from you my friend. XD

Keep writing Ekhidna. Please. Never stop. Teach me too if you got the time, but just... Never stop writing. Ever. This is something you're good at man, and even if most of it Revolves around Spike? .... Well. Let's all be honest. Everyone kinda wants to be like Spike in some small way. Whether it's his passion, his dedication, his endearing nature, or his seemingly endless wit and potential. We all can relate to him as a character, in some way or another.... And if not- at the very least? ....

You can count on Spike.
... Always when you need him most~

And you made me blush! Thank you man, I really appreciate your kind words and I am pleased you took your time to enjoy my work thoroughly! To be entirely honest, I just picked names that sounded right for the character in question, I swear I had no intention to make their names a living hell to remember or say... speaking of which... Sluriasma is pronounced Es-Lu-Ri-Az-Ma = Sluriasma. Kinda mixing a naga name, Slaventar, with the word Miasma.

Writing is one of my passions, and I promise I will never stop writing, my friend. Right now I'm in a really tight spot so my work has been severely hindered as of late, but I can assure all my readers, that I shall finish all of my stories and more. Including a Prequel to this story in which we venture back in time to see Spike training with various characters such as: Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Shining Armor, Luna, Celestia, and a few more.

Again, thank you for your awesome review (and sorry I caused you to fall off your chair XD) and I hope all of my stories are to your liking, my friend.

Absolutely fantastic. I always love reading stories where Spike is stronger. He's a dragon even if raised by ponies, I wish there was more stories about it because its honestly my favorite AU. To see one so masterfully written, absolutely one of my favorites of all time. Great Job! :heart:
Part of me does want a followup, maybe more of a romantic side of him asking Ember out or seeing the progressed life of Sluriasma and Zhaitan. As well as maybe a fight between Garble and Spike, but even without it this story is a huge favorite. It really needs no addition but I wouldn't complain if it happened.

This fanfic was one of my FAVORITE SPIKE FICS! I normally don't like action related stories, but this one got my attention from beggining to the end!
My favorite chapter is Chapter 3. XD I could literally imagine the fight scene being used in a movie. Sooooo good! Great job, Ekhidna! I always love your stories!
I've always been a silent reader because I didn't have an account lol.

Glad you like it!

Amazing story,and I loved the ending, thoose elders suro got their mouth shout,mmm are you planning on doing a sequel?with some spember maybe?:twilightsheepish:

As a person who can appreciate a good spectacle for spectacle's sake, I love this fic. It's a great one-shot, but I think it could be taken further. Ekhidna has said that their not planning on writing a followup, so I hope someone else is up to the task. I would say the best route is either a prequel showing Spike's training or a sequel showing Spike utilizing his skill in defense of Ponyville. In the latter case, one might also consider plots involving romancing Ember and/or the Blackwing Clan's revenge.

If the main OCs in this story were voiced, what would they sound like?

For Sluriasma, I think she would sound something like High Elf Archer from Goblin Slayer.

For Zhaitan, I think he would sound like Zoro from One Piece or like Walter from Hellsing Abridged.

For Raiga, I think he would sound like Mayor Lionheart from Zootopia.

That was a damn good read. I can't wait to read the prequel...

Glad you've read many of my stories, man!

No problem fam. I enjoy reading them.

I really want a Sequel. The Spike X Ember ship must happen. Anyways, great story and I have read it about 5 times.

I absolutely loved your story and I would like to know if you were ever thinking of making a sequel

Doing a prequel actually.

That sounds awesome, this story was amazing to read and I really appreciate and enjoyed it

Thank you! You can find the prequel under my stories by the name I Can Count On You

So...will there be sequel to this story as well or ks this the end ? i liked it and i would like to read more.

Working on a prequel story.

Is there gonna be a continuation of this with spike and ember?

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