• Published 22nd Jul 2012
  • 26,996 Views, 1,146 Comments

A Dream of Dawn - Starsong

What if Luna won against Twilight? What happens when Discord comes back?

  • ...



Lyra paced across the stage in the saddle shop basement, lighting each of the lamps in turn. The watering hole was empty of all activity. No revelers, no rebels, no souls looking for a place to hide from the world above. Still, she primed her instrument and sat on the edge of the stage, stroking its strings.

Bon Bon trotted over and sat a mug of cider down beside her. “How's your side?” she asked before fussing through Lyra's dress. The green unicorn grimaced and nudged her away.

“Better,” said Lyra. “Doesn't hurt anymore. I got a neat scar out of the deal, too. You can take a look at it later.”

Bon Bon rubbed her forehead and sat down. “You could have let the doctors take care of it.”

“And lose this awesome mark?” She sighed and plucked a low note. “Besides. The changelings might have stood with us in the end, but it was just to save their sorry hides. I don't want anypony to forget that.”

Her friend nodded, and listened to her play for a while. The bartender wiped down mugs and wandered behind the bar, counting casks and arranging bottles.

“What are you going to do?” asked Bon Bon. “Now that things are starting to settle down again.”

Lyra shifted and tuned her lyre a bit, laughing. “This place won't be quiet for long,” she said. “Right now ponies want to be with their families and bask in the calm. But soon they'll long for a story, and a little excitement. And that's what I'm going to be working on.”

“I should have known,” mused Bon Bon.

“I want to get a chance to talk to everypony first,” she said. “It's not just my story.”

The trapdoor in the ceiling jingled and natural light drifted into the back of the bar. Time Turner descended, and seeing Lyra, lifted his hoof and waved.

“Hey, you old stud,” said Lyra, waving back at him. “Where did you get off to this whole time?”

Turner just laughed and tapped the bar. “Cider, cold, please,” he said. Then he turned back to Lyra and shrugged. “You know... big invasion. Lots of bugs. I was busy. You had a pretty wild time yourself, if the rumors I hear are true.”

“There might be some truth to 'em,” Lyra said, swinging her lyre back against her chest. “But if it's rumors you're after, I have plenty of those for you. Let's see...”

She played a playful melody on her lyre and stood up. Bon Bon and Turner took to a table and watched half-amused. Behind them, another stallion slipped quietly into the bar. The ponies began to gather there again, for drink, for comradery, and for the strange magic of her songs.


“Your room is just the way you left it,” said Applejack, opening the door to Apple Bloom's room. “Truth be told, I haven't been in here for a while myself, heh.” She broke down and hugged her younger sister again for the twelfth time that day, shaking a bit. “I can't tell you just how glad I am to have you back.”

“I know,” said Apple Bloom, trying her best not to squirm. After she found her hooves on the floor, she paced around her room, soaking everything in. There was a strangeness to her that Applejack hoped would go away after she'd had some time to adjust to being home.

Reckon I'm kidding myself, though, she thought. I don't think things'll ever be quite the same again. I wanted more than anything for things just to go back... funny how that works out.

“Do you think I could have a couple'a friends over?” asked Apple Bloom.

Applejack smiled. “I think that could be arranged. I admit I'm mighty tickled you 'n Rarity's sister became such fast friends. And that pegasus filly... Scoots?”


“They can come over any time you'd like,” said Applejack, ruffling her sister's mane. “Might wanna wait till later, though. Pinkie's putting on a big soiree and I'm sure that your friends will be there anyway.”

Apple Bloom bounced in her sister's hooves. “I love Pinkie's parties! That sounds like a great time.”

“Sure does,” said Applejack. “Me 'n your brother got some work to do on the farm before we can go, though. It's a ripe old mess we came back to.”

Apple Bloom perked right up. “I'll help, too,” she said.

“Thanks, sis.”

They spent the better part of the afternoon clearing out overgrowth and taking stock of what had become of Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack didn't speak much of the old training equipment left around. Training dummies, trenches and courses of gates and old hay bales littered the lots. She and her brother broke them down and hauled everything back to the barns where they belonged, grateful that Applebloom didn't inquire as to their purpose.

When they'd gotten around to doing some bucking, Apple Bloom suddenly stopped and wiped her brow.

“Do you think someday I could join the royal guard?” she asked.

Applejack's breath caught in her throat. She stumbled midbuck and turned around. “Isn't it a little early for you to be thinking about stuff like that? What put that idea in your head?”

Apple Bloom shrugged and knocked a few apples out of the tree. “No reason, I guess,” she said. After a moment she sighed and shook her head. “Figure there are lots of ponies that need protectin', and there's a great place to start. There's someone...” she swallowed and looked back at Applejack. “Well there's someone I'd like to look after.”

Applejack almost hugged her again but restrained herself. “Lil sis, you can be anything you want when you grow up,” she said. “Anything you imagine. Right now though I think you should let everypony worry about protecting you for a while. Just settle in and enjoy yourself. You're only a filly once, after all.”

Apple Bloom considered her hoof for a long time before nodding. “You're probably right,” she said. “Thanks, Applejack.”

“'Course,” said Applejack. She took a quick survey of the apples in the barrels and nodded. “Looks like this plot's clear. Let's haul these in and get ready for tonight.”

“Aye aye, sis,” said Apple Bloom.

They hauled a cartload of apples back to the barn. Applejack continued to watch her sister move and work. She had such an air of purpose and intent, a deliberation in even moving a barrel of apples that she hadn't had even months ago.

She's changed so much... but she's still our little Apple Bloom. I'll make sure she still gets to enjoy the rest of her younger years, whatever it takes.


Sweetie Belle sat on a vacant box and occasionally kicked a gem or a fold of cloth into Rarity's bags as she drifted by. The Carousel Boutique was brimmed to bursting with fancy fabrics and more gems and jewelry than it could really hold.

“I still can't believe you're giving it all away,” said Sweetie Belle. “You could do so much with this stuff!”

Rarity paused and touched a hoof to her forehead. “It does pain me to see it all go, but most of it was taken during Nightmare Moon's reign. It's only polite to give it all back...”

“And all the dresses you made for the gala?” Sweetie Belle pouted. “Some of those were really beautiful.”

Rarity brushed her mane back and smiled. “I promise I'll make you something even better, when you're older. Maybe when you've got your eye on some special somepony...”

The younger unicorn promptly dropped her protests and flustered, sticking her tongue out. “There isn't anypony like that! Plus, I mean, gross...”

Rarity laughed and loaded a few more bolts into an open crate. Isn't she just the spitting image of us, at that age? Well, aside from that troll's nest she calls a mane. She punctuated each thought by lifting a brush and tugging the tangles out of her sister's hair, each stroke echoed by squeaks and protests. If she had her eye on some colt, though... oh, she's just not ready for that.

“But you're already a strong little mare, aren't you?” she said, moving back to pick up a set of silvered rods.

“What?” Sweetie Belle blinked.

“Nothing, nothing,” said Rarity. She stopped her inventory and stared into one of the open crates before extracting several folds of silky black and white materials. “I suppose I could just hold onto a little bit of this. I never properly thanked my friends... and they would just look dashing in something a bit more refined. Some svelte suits.. Yes, I can see it now... what would go perfect... ah! Rubies. That's right.” She tore across the room and popped the lid off another box. “Sister, be a dear and help me find my sewing equipment, would you?”

Sweetie Belle looked at the mountains of materials and crates stacked in the boutique, filling every shelf and surface and leaving little room to walk in. “O-okay...” she squeaked. “But we don't want to be late.”

“Late!” Rarity repeated as she lifted and flew measuring tape and thread over to her crowded work table. “Of course, Pinkie Pie's gathering. Oh, why does inspiration have to strike at the most inopportune moments?” She yanked a few sheets of parchment from beneath a pile of cloth and Sweetie Belle had to rush over to keep it from toppling. “I'll just have to sketch this down. You know, Sweetie Belle, you should always embrace your passion. Even if it means going the extra mile, now and then.”

Pinkie Pie

“I still can't believe you had twins!” gushed Pinkie Pie as she squeezed a tube of icing between her hooves, applying the first layer of bright pink sugar to the six-layer cake in front of her.

“I still can't believe I gave birth in a basement full of children,” said Mrs. Cake, shaking her mane furiously. “It's going to take me years just to get over that.”

Although they had not reopened for business yet, the ovens of Sugar Cube Corner were still running full fire. The owners ran themselves ragged between marking down all the inventory still present, items to replace, upcoming events, and on top of all that they had two energetic roaming children to look after. Fortunately, Mr. Cake had them fully engaged at the swinging doors to the kitchen.

“Well, it's something interesting to tell Pound and Pumpkin when they're older,” said Mr. Cake, popping his head out. The twins laughed. “Much, much older.”

Pinkie Pie giggled. She didn't really understand what the big deal was. But then, she was just so happy to have two more little ponies in her life. Things had calmed down a lot once they moved back into Ponyville. Sugar Cube Corner was still a little noisy with two newborns around all the time, but it still felt big and calm. It felt like home.

“I wish I could play with them today,” she said, beginning her second tier of frosting. “Like, all the time! But maybe I could babysit for you sometime...”

Mrs. Cake flustered. “And where would we go? I just can't imagine leaving my babies alone for even a minute.” She paused and leaned down to nuzzle at Pound.

“She is pretty good with kids,” noted Mr. Cake.

“But alone, for how long...?” Mrs. Cake lamented. “No, I don't know when I'm going to be ready for that.”

“You worry too much,” said Pinkie Pie. She brought down a hoof full of sprinkles and dashed them across one of the middle layers.

“I don't think there's such a thing where children are involved, Pinkie,” mused Mr. Cake.

“Well... I guess.” Pinkie drummed her hoof against her chin and stared at the cake. Six layers for six ponies. But how can I make Dashie's part more awesome? Hot sauce? That would definitely suit her personality! Maybe...

Mrs. Cake trotted back and handed her a tin of rock candy. “Still... it is that attitude of yours that helped us here in the first place. I want you to know that you'll always have a place with us, Pinkie Pie. Part of the family.”

Pinkie choked back a little sob and smiled, hugging Mrs. Cake. “Thank you! You have no idea how happy that makes me. Maybe we can throw an official welcome-to-the-family party?”

The older mare pat her on the withers and laughed. “One party at a time, Pinkie. One party at a time.”


Fluttershy and Zecora reached the edge of the Everfree Forest and glanced back. Fluttershy couldn't help but feel a little pang of longing, imagining the sprawling wild that lay just beyond her door. The time had come for her to return to Ponyville, and leave it behind. Unfortunately, that meant leaving behind some of her dear friends as well.

Birch inched back beneath the trees and whined. Fluttershy's ears wilted and she reached out to pet the wooden creature between the ears.

“I wish you could come with me,” she said, “but I know you wouldn't really be happy here. Besides! I'll be just over there.” She pointed at her cottage with a hoof. The wolf cocked her head to the side and clicked her barky fangs. “And I promise I'll come to visit. I'm sure I could use some looking after when I am going to Zecora's anyway...”

The zebra laughed. “You must come every now and then,” she said. “And your friends as well. Such a long time it's been... perhaps now I can properly visit Ponyville.”

Birch sneezed, nuzzled Fluttershy's hoof, and turned. She was wild. A monster, really. But she was also Fluttershy's friend, and their parting would never change that. The timber wolf howled and vanished into the foliage with the rest of her pack, along with the other beasts. Those under Fluttershy's care returned to her cottage. And Angel seemed quite relieved to have the more dangerous of their kin gone, slipping from Fluttershy's mane and onto the grass. He stretched his paws wide and sighed, smiling and basking in the brightness of the day.

“Why don't you come with us to the party?” suggested Fluttershy. “If you don't mind, that is. There are some of my friends you haven't met yet.”

“If you're sure it is alright,” said Zecora. “I do not want to intrude. I'd love to meet your friends tonight...” She scratched at her mane and puzzled. “But I fear I may ruin the mood.”

“Nonsense,” said Fluttershy, patting her with a wing. “Any friend of mine is a friend of theirs.”

They started a calm canter towards her cottage. It would be some time before the gathering, and they would have to make sure that the animals were all cozy in their homes and well-fed. Fluttershy had the feeling that it wouldn't be much of a trouble to provide for them, now that Discord's influence had all but left Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash zipped back and forth across the sky, helping move cloud structures into place and aiding everypony she could. Moving Cloudsdale back to its original location was just as much of an ordeal as taking it to the mountains in the first place. Still, with the threat of Nightmare Moon and Discord gone, and the changeling threat still looming somewhere in the world, it made more sense to bring their home back to where it belonged.

“It just feels right,” said Spitfire, directing their efforts from a nearby cloud. “Even though it was always Cloudsdale, it never quite felt like home. I know we did what we had to. But... I think we're closer to the rest of the ponies than we may have thought we were.”

“That's really deep of you to say all of a sudden,” remarked Rainbow Dash, pausing to hover mid-flight. “But I think you're right. I miss my old friends. I miss just being a weather pony, you know?”

Spitfire laughed and dug her hooves into the cloud. “Really? That's a shame. I was thinking that once things settled down a bit, you might consider applying for the academy. I've heard down the grapevine that you just might be candidate material.”

The rainbow pegasus' wings and ears perked visibly. “Oh, I'm definitely applying,” she said. “But maybe when doing so won't keep me from a big party with my friends and then sleeping for an entire week.”

“I guess this is it, then,” said Spitfire, looking down towards the ground. “The war is over, so there's no reason for you to stay with us any longer. I guess I'd forgotten that you'd never actually signed into service or anything...”

Rainbow Dash lifted her hoof and offered it. “Hey, it doesn't matter where I am or what's going on. Anytime you ponies need me, I'll be there in a heartbeat.” Spitfire stared at her, and then rolled her eyes, bumping her hoof against Rainbow's.

“You're one of a kind,” said Spitfire. “And I'll hold you to that.” She turned and waved a wing, gesturing for someone to bring in a particularly large cloud turbine before facing Dash again. “We can handle it from here. Go and get some R&R, Rainbow Dash.”

“Aye, ma'am,” said Rainbow, flicking off a quick salute before diving towards the ground. The flight to Ponyville was even shorter from there, for her. Still, any time to wait to see her friends' faces again would be too long.

Princess Luna

Princess Luna paced the top of her tower in spite of the afternoon sun burning on her bleary eyes. She draped herself across a pile of cushions and looked up at her sister who looked absently out the window and across the city of Canterlot.

“Are you sure you won't come with me?” said Luna. “With the unicorns raising the sun, you're free to do as you wish.”

Princess Celestia shook her head and smiled. “Perhaps sometime,” she said. “It's just Canterlot and Ponyville anyway, isn't it?”

“Please do not make light of my decision,” said Luna, considering her hooves. “I do not think that they are ready for me to return as the true princess of the night. Not after what I have done. I still need to walk among them and learn to understand them. And they may never forgive me...”

Her sister lay a wing over her. “They will someday,” she said. “They are a very forgiving kind. But they will not forgive me. They must never know what I have done. I cannot imagine what it would do to them...”

“I understand,” said Luna

“There will come a time when I will walk by your side, sister,” continued Celestia. “My niece is still technically ruler of Equestria. If she is willing... I will offer my council to her over the years to come.”

Princess Luna sat up. “You do not think you deserve the throne?”

“I do not trust myself with it,” said Celestia. “But I can offer my wisdom to someone with a heart more pure than mine. Besides, I think it would do our subjects well to see a prince and princess together in Canterlot.”

“Ah, the wedding. The white stallion... Twilight's brother?” Luna hesitated. “Your student... how has she been holding up, anyway?”

Princess Celestia stopped and shut her eyes. For a moment she seemed very far away. “She's been distant to me,” she said. “Everything she's been through is just too much, and she needs time to understand it all. I don't think I can be a part of that process...” Then the princess laughed and wiped her eyes with a wing, smiling. “But she is still my student. And she's a rather brilliant young filly, isn't she?”

“Indeed,” said Luna. “She surprised me just as well. They both did.”

Celestia exhaled. Then she lifted her horn and closed the windows, and then the curtain. “I believe that her fate may be tied to the future of Equestria. But only time will tell.” She turned and nuzzled her sister. “You should get some rest for now. Will you stay with me in the castle? At least until the wedding is over.”

Princess Luna nodded. “There are some ponies that I hope to see there, anyway,” she said.

I do not know that they will appreciate my presence after all that I have done. But my niece insisted, and now my sister... she buried herself into the pile of cushions and blankets and let her eyes slip shut. I cannot hide just because some of them do not like me. There are others that do, and others that love me, and that's what really matters.

She heard her sister open the door and reached out with a hoof.

“Wait,” she said. “Please... call me Luna. I want to hear you say it...”

Celestia paused and glanced back. “Of course. Sweet dreams, Luna.”


Princess Mi Amore Cadenza sat back in her throne and tried to pay the utmost attention to the ponies addressing her. She would not allow herself to be a poor princess for them. Not again. Yet she couldn't stop thinking about the last few days.

I've been given another chance... not just as princess, but another chance at life. Everything seems so much bigger than ever before.

“... and that's why we need Canterlot's approval to call in Cloudsdale for the irrigation project.” The mare paused. “Your highness?”

Cadence blinked herself back into focus. “Yes, of course! There aren't any conflicts with that. Don't worry about the paperwork in the meantime. The council may fuss about it, but it's more important to bring Equestria to its best and brightest as soon as possible.”

“I couldn't agree more,” said the petitioner. “Thank you, your grace.”

She smiled and bowed her head. And then proceeded to go through the next few meetings. After the invasion, the council had finally come to face with its ineptitude--and with Celestia's return, their ambitions had all but disappeared.

When Cadence caught respite from her duties that afternoon, she raced to the garden to meet Shining Armor. He hadn't even taken his uniform completely off before she jumped on him, sending them both twirling in each other's hooves before falling into the grass in a laughing heap. The two soldiers guarding the grounds smiled sideways at each other. It wasn't uncommon after the return of the princesses for the stoic facade of the royal guard to break.

“I can't believe the rest of my life is going to be like this,” said Cadence, pushing her snout against Shining Armor's. “There's no way I could do this without you by my side.”

“Oh, ponyfeathers,” he replied. “I know you're strong enough do anything.” Then he licked her cheek and sighed. “But there's nowhere else I'd rather be. No question. Even if it does mean getting married a little young...”

She threw his wings around him and pulled tight. “There's no way I'm risking losing you again. I love you too much, Shining Armor. When I was gone the only thing that kept me going was knowing that no matter what, I'd see you again.”

He smiled up at her from the grass and wiggled his hooves. “That's the same thing I told myself, Cadence. And I could never love you too much.”

Cadence grabbed his face and kissed him. The two laughed and rolled about in the grass of the garden. The two guards sighed, rolled their eyes, made faces at one another and ultimately looked back at the topiaries which had already been restored to their full glory.

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle lay deep within the garden, her back against the statue of Discord. Every now and then she felt a sensation like an itch at her back, where her wings used to be. She tried not to miss them, the possibility of flight, but she couldn't help it. Discord had put Equestria right, and that meant making her live as a unicorn again.

She traced her quill over parchment, trying to find the words to write. She looked upwards and heaved a heavy sigh as she looked upon the draconequus' cocky pose, his mouth open in the midst of the song he'd almost sung to her. She flustered a little and battered her quill tip into the ink.

Just how long is it going to be until you wake up again? Oh, you'd probably be annoyed anyway. Things look almost the same as they did before Nightmare Moon came back. Everyone is getting along again. It's all peaceful and... so many ponies want to act like nothing ever happened. That the last year didn't exist. Doesn't that drive you insane?

She couldn't help but laugh at herself. Talking to myself in front of Discord... maybe I have been hanging around him too long.

Twilight decided not to think about the letter too much. She just began writing and let the words flow.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I am happy that your return to Equestria has went so well, and I apologize that I've been so distant to you. The truth is that I'm honestly not sure who I can trust anymore. I'm not sure if I can trust myself. Since your sister's return... I traveled to places I'd never even imagined possible. I saw things that no pony alive should probably have ever seen. I almost lost everything. There are still times when I think that maybe I did.

Before it all began, you told me that I needed to go out into the world and make some friends. Maybe if I'd listened to you sooner, none of us would have had to go through what we did. But

Twilight scowled and scrawled heavy lines through the next few lines. “No. I'm not going to whine at her. I just need to tell her how I feel.”

I have no intention of ceasing my studies, but I'm going to accept your offer and take up residence in Ponyville. I will stay around long enough for my brother's wedding. My studies, though, are something that I wish to discuss with you. I've learned that there are more forces responsible for the power of magic and the balance of the universe than harmony. In order to better understand our world and my own self, I desire to expand my learning to other subjects regarding the nature of Equestria. I understand if you do not approve, but this will be a personal project and I promise that it won't hamper my studies in any way.

I know that you wish that you could take back everything that you have done. If I were in your situation, I'm not sure that I would have done any differently. I'm just happy that everything has worked out for the best. I'm happy that your sister has returned to you, and that we are all able to continue living happily in Equestria. I want you to know that I forgive you. We've always asked you and your sister to take care of us all without consideration to your own feelings or lives. By comparison ours are brief, and I do not think that in my own I will have mastered myself so thoroughly that I never falter. I only hope that when I do fail that you are there to show me the proper path, and I will try to do the same.

Your student,

Twilight Sparkle

She read the words again and again. It wasn't exactly right. It never was. But it was enough for the moment. She rolled the parchment up and stuffed it into her bag for Spike to send later. Then she stood and lifted a hoof to wave at Discord.

“I promise I'll come back and tell you all about what's going on in Equestria,” she said. “Though knowing you, you probably already have an idea.”

Dusk settled over Ponyville and the first street lights were lit by the time Twilight Sparkle made the train ride down from Canterlot. Sugar Cube Corner was already bouncing when she arrived. The sound of the music inside made the windows thrum in their panes and she could see silhouettes of her friends beyond. She smiled and sighed, lifting a hoof to push the door in. The bell jingled and every pony looked up as she made her way inside.

“Twilight!” they said in unison.

Twilight Sparkle smiled at each and every one of her friends. “I'm home, everypony.”

The End

Comments ( 138 )

An epilogue. An ending. But, I suppose, according to the old cliche, it's also a beginning.

The fact of the matter is, it's against my principles to write an ending that undoes the story. Journeys shouldn't be erased. Even if the world isn't the better one, it's still ours. Or something to that nature. I'll probably post an Afterword sometime this weekend, expressing my feelings, my methods, my ramblings about this story. But for now, this is the end.

Thank you all for being with me, thank you for my prereaders for putting up with me and making this story better, and thanks fimfiction for giving this place a home.

I'll be here pretty much until the lights go out.

>wake up
>check unread chapters
>dream of dawn complete
>I have sad feels now.

This is an absolutely amazing piece of work, and I always looked forwards to the next chapter, usually leaving halfway through whatever story I was reading at the time. But as sad as I am to see this over, I have to say that this ending was just perfect.

I have always considered this to be one if the best stories on this site, and I pray for a sequel.

Bravo! I have very much enjoyed being here for the ride of this story. Through all the twists and turns, ups and downs. It may have been wild and chaotic just like I love and it leaves me begging for more. So thank you for bringing this story into being and I would love to see where this universe goes.

I started to read it from the beginning till the end when i found this...And i must say...This beautifull piece of work is trully amazing, very amazing.
I was very touched by many of the things which happened.
I hope everything goes well for you, it's been a good ride!

I appreciate the criticism, and will keep it in mind for future works. As I was writing this story, even as I had a 'plan,' well... later on I discovered a lot of the pitfalls of serial fiction. You can't do any dramatic restructuring or take anything back. I tried my best to lay down as much foreshadowing as necessary, but a lot was lost in the cracks. Still, I'm grateful to have people who keep a sharp eye on my work as well as ones who enjoy it for what it is. I know it isn't perfect, but it was fun writing. This much I will say with the utmost respect.

But Cadence is my brosis, and people who don't like it, well... :trollestia:

I would love, love, love to write a sequel. I really would. But my massive student debt and the pressure to graduate this year is going to sap a lot of my time. Honestly I shouldn't have poured six months into writing this in the first place. But I wouldn't take it back for the world. I'll keep writing smaller fics for you guys... and you can bet I'll never, ever stop writing. Who knows, maybe you'll see my human counterpart on a store bookshelf one day. And if I do, it's part in thanks to all of you.

I'll probably keep repeating my thanks a lot. (And for the record, I've never downvoted a comment on my own story.)

Its a shame that like all good things, it must end. A journey that ends, but dang was it a great ride. May the muse always be with you, and that little spark of 'what if' always drive you.


That was a great read, one I am sure I will reread several times at least. I wonder about Cadence though. I mean, I don't like ponies dying. I am glad she is back. But if Harmony would not allow for anyone to be brought back who was killed during the war, shouldn't that include Cadence? I mean, I guess you could argue she chose to die, but it still wasn't Celestia's doing.

Well, anyway, it would be nice to see what happens with Discord sometime in the future. Mayhap that time will come after college and stuff. In the meantime I will keep an eye out for any other new work.

We don't know the true consequences of this. Maybe somepony somewhere else died to rebalance things. Maybe Discord started a cosmic split that will separate into two more Equestrias, one where Cadence lived and one where Cadence died, and the result is a. . .

Shoot, I'm back on Chrono Cross again.

Edit: Also, I'm probably going to be working on some original stories this year. I'll try to work a couple talking horses in.

Oh, great. Another awesome story completed. I'll just go off and stew in guilt for a while...

Okay, this right here brings so many happy, yet sad, feeling that I can't reply without a warm smile on my face. You did a great job with this, and while I'll be sad that it is complete, I am very happy that it have ended just as good as it had began. Congrats on completing this wonderful story and good luck with any future projects!

...aw, it's over :applecry:

Anyway, great story. :pinkiesad2: I'm very sad to see it end.

1984714 I guess you could think of it like fine wine... or beer in some cases. Or maybe even something sweet, salty or whatever that's your little guilty pleasure. If by their username (PonyholicsAnonymoys) it's that they get uhm... wasted(?) over ponies.:pinkiecrazy:

It's just been brilliant. Thankyou for writing this.

I do love the Lyra you gave us in this story. Badass, dancing, bard Lyra is just wonderful.

You know, I kinda feel for the once (and future?) CMCs here. Help save the world and all of existence, and they didn't even get cutie marks out of it. I like Apple Bloom's new goal of joining the guard and that she came out of the experience a bit more serious.

As out of nowhere as Cadence & Shining Armor were when they were added to the show, it somewhat amazes me how much I have grown to love them as characters. My face when I was reading their meeting in the garden this chapter -> :pinkiehappy:

Lovely ending there with Twilight and Discord and her letter. All in all, this has been a wonderful adventure that I am so happy to have come along for. This will be going on my user page list of recommended stories, and have a follow as well. :twilightsmile:

This was a triumph.
I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.

This was a truly great piece of writing, thank you for giving me something to look forward to every few days!

Haven't read the final 2 chapters yet but :

>inb4 Status: Completed by Chapter 40 or earlier.
>> Complete
>> Chapter 38

Fantastic story; with how many different plots and viewpoints you had I was surprised you managed to keep them all easily understandable for the readers. I really liked Discord and Fluttershy especially in this; they just had very strong characters to me and managed to stick out despite how big of a cast this involved.

It's sad that real life takes you away from making a sequel anytime soon; but it's understandable. There's so many ideas and questions this story brings up that I wish could be answered in future stories. Does Discord come back? What happens between Luna and the CMC/the world *Applebloom wanting to protect and help Luna was a particularly strong point to me*? How goes Cadence's rule? What does Celestia do with her spare time now? Ok, they may not be all great questions; but I'm curious nonetheless; and that is a sign of a good story. : )

Having an ensemble cast and making each part significant is hard. Making them all come together in the end without it seeming forced is even harder. You achieved both those things, and for that I commend you.
Epic storyline, and done without any dark. Also a great achievement. I must admit I was a bit miffed about Cadance acutally dying, but the way you handled that was perfect. Discords reform was overall the strongest element of the story.
All in all, really like the story and will put it up into my "Hall of Fame" of Fimfiction.

This has been an amazing read and an epic like no other I've read since coming to this sight. Well done and thank you for brightening up our day with a work of art like this!

Since I've invested enough time to make former comments, I suppose I'm obligated to leave a final one for the fic -- something I don't tend to do. I want more; but what else can there be? What purpose would bringing back Discord serve aside from satisfying Twilight's.... something or other... Everyone else seems to find the world as perfect as it would ever need to be so I don't see what could happen in the grand scheme of things that would warrant further explanation.

Also, for some reason I threw out the idea that everything could be restored without completing the reset spell. With the world being restored in this way, it seems to me like that sequel idea would be less fitting than in the situation I expected.

Well played, [Starsong]. Well played.

-- Discord - s3e10

Brilliant! And and appropriate ending tying up the loose ends. It was a fun journey.


Well, the typical flow of a story... there's a status quo, something disbalances that status quo, the narrative occurs, and the end occurs when a new equilibrium is achieved. What we have now is a new equilibrium.

There's nothing to say what the new disbalancing event will be, and what would happen. :heart: C'est la vie. . .

ah another epic to add to my list residing alongside within and without and lost and found, past sins, Rainbooms and Royalty, Hot Heads, Cold Hearts and Nerves of Steel. all amazing :rainbowdetermined2::rainbowkiss::rainbowwild:

I think congratulations are in (dis)order, this was an epic piece, and now its complete. That just leaves one final question....any thoughts on doing a sequel?


Fair enough.

Well, I'm glad I get to be alive. I liked the ending as it is, yes the whole "universal reset button" comes out of nowhere, but it's more like a "What, you thought Celestia was just sitting around doing nothing?" moment.

Time to sleeep. Yeah, my comment box is a pseudo-chat or something. You wanna fight about it, I'll whip out the RD gifs again.

But I'm curious if anyone kept a count of how many stained glass windows I broke in this story. Seriously,

I have a problem.

No Wings for Twily! :raritycry:

1985383 No problem. Cutie Mark Crusader Glaziers to the rescue! Don't worry, Princess. We'll have all those windows fixed before you know it!

An amazing story. Thank you for writing and sharing it with us. My only only regret is that Discord didn't get set free but I can see why that couldn't happen. In my top 3 best stories ever! Can't wait to read more of your work :twilightsmile:

You know, it's interesting. The second-to-last chapter, "A New Dawn", has much more impact after having watched today's new episode, which just happens to also be about Discord learning the value of having friends. You didn't plan it like that, did you?

Brilliant. All I can say now is:

Thank you for writing this wonderful story.

She threw his wings around him and pulled tight.

I think that should be 'her wings'

Wonderful chapter. And though I am sad to see that this had ended, I will be keeping this in my favorites list. Thank you for the wonderful story.

Hurray, good end to a great story.

Strong semi-end to a strong story. Still makes me want more

A truly epic story.

Have a TVTropes entry: FanFic: A Dream Of Dawn

Thank you for writing this and sticking through it to the end. This is without a doubt one of my favorite stores I've read, not just on the fanfic list but books as well. :pinkiesad2: Keep on keepin on and I hope all goes well with your studies and what have you. :twilightsmile:

I loved it! But I'm confused... What happened to Queen Chrysalis, again? She never gets mentioned after this and I don't think that there will be an epilogue... ...I think.

Harmony speaks not of order, nor Disharmony Chaos. Harmony is Balance, Order and Chaos, Light and Dark, Life and Death. But even Balance can be wrong, now and again. Every once in a while, when the sun shines bright and the battle is ending, somebody who shouldn't have lives.

Thanks for the ride, it was great.:pinkiehappy:

1984714 Cause it's been like 4 months and I still haven't finished the final chapter of my story.

I noticed this story around the fifth or sixth chapter, and have followed it ever since. This was one of those stories that i'd drop nearly whatever i was doing to read when it updated.

Starsong, you did NOT disappoint me with this. I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that if you write a sequel, or something in the same '-verse' (whatever you want to call it, i like 'Dawnverse' personally) i would have probably the same reaction that i did with this story. I'm downloading this story in full, just to read whenever i feel like it.

I feel like i want to say more, but the words aren't coming to me, other than congratulations on completing one of the best adventurefics i've read in a while.

On a semi-related note, this has been fic-completion week. 7! multichapter stories have finished in the past couple days. This story, Intension (Mature warning), Duel Nature, Help Me! My Parents are Bronies!, Who Rules? Travels and Travesties (Mature warning) and Machine and Might. Archmage (Mature warning) gets added to the list, only because it was a troll-ending. The real one will be added this weekend, according to its author. Of the seven, only two will have sequels, so i have to ask, is it sequel time?

loved it

This is easily one of THE best stories I've ever read on this site. The characters and the world are incredibly deep and everything is woven together so well. After finishing such an epic tale, I just want to pause and reflect on what I've read. Thank you for sharing this with all of us.

>>>I know that you wish that you could take back everything that you have done. If I were in your situation, I'm not sure that I would have done any differently. >>>

Really Twilight? You'd destroy the entire cosmos just because you got depressed! Ugh! How feeble-minded you ponies are, Princesses included!

Ah well, I've grown used to being the most powerful mind in the cosmos over the eons...


1987213 I snuck in and shot her in the face with a 'canon'. The End!


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