• Published 22nd Jul 2012
  • 26,996 Views, 1,146 Comments

A Dream of Dawn - Starsong

What if Luna won against Twilight? What happens when Discord comes back?

  • ...

The Festival of Fools


Discord drifted through Ponyville. He'd watched the citizens for the better part of an hour, drinking in the little bits of confusion and surprise they encountered throughout the day. Unseen, he could have spent the better part of the day dropping bits in bags or making the ponies cross paths with others of unfortunate familiarity.

Today had to be big, though. So he made a proper appearance, descending from the peaks of Canterlot with a flash of light and flair. Ponies never took long to gather—get a few of them excited and suddenly the whole herd was around for a gander. With his mere arrival, dozens of ponies abandoned whatever held their attention and stared at him expectantly.

A young pink filly, barely more than a foal, waved a hoof. “Hi, Mister Discord!” she managed to exclaim before her mother tucked her back into the crowd and gave an apologetic look.

It made him fuzzy on the inside, and about as sick as eating too much candy in one sitting. “Well hello, everypony! How nice to see you today. I thought I'd take a little trip from that stuffy old castle and see the real heart of this land. You.”

Amidst the sound of cheer and rumbling hooves he paused. The sound sucked him in like nothing else. “What day is today, by chance?”

One of the colts chimed in. “Tuesday?”

“Well, yes,” said Discord, resisting the urge to slap his eagle claw against his face. “No, my friends. Today is a special day. A holiday like none other. Though the Summer Sun Celebration belonged to Celestia and Nightmare Night belonged to that frumpy old filly...” He paused to listen. They still shuddered at the mention of Nightmare Moon. “This day, ponies, is yours.”

“Let the Festival of Fools begin!”

They'll cheer for practically anything, Discord thought. Perhaps, 'let's hear it for cheese!' next. But no. I have to pace myself.

Discord set his feet upon the ground so he could maintain a proper strut through the roads of Ponyville. No band had been prepared for his arrival—he made a mental note to hire musicians to attend him full time—so he improvised by making the gardens do it for him. Tulips into trumpets, sunflowers into cymbals, petals beating upon pods and sounding melody in impossible ways. The sound filled the streets and called more ponies to attention.

Soon he had a parade to lead, and lead them he did—in circles, for the most part, because it was easier to hit Ponyville in a spiral. And sometimes they would have to go back. But nothing was supposed to make sense. Except for the fact that he needed as much of the population present as possible.

“I don't think it will be on the same day next year,” he lamented to no one in particular. “Or perhaps there'll be another one later this year. Maybe tomorrow! Celebrating is such good fun, after all.”

These ponies love their revelry more than anything, he thought. How hard would it be to set up a ministry of parties? Oh, I know just the mare for the job, too... but that's too structured, isn't it? Too much effort in one place at one time.

They need to learn to live in the moment.

He'd done his handywork on Ponyville before, of course. Not as much as Canterlot, but it already enjoyed the flash storms of root beer and the spontaneous reorganization of the landscape. Houses sometimes just looked better on hills. And there was that cliffside that fit in just marvelously in the middle of the Princess' road.

But now the changes were cropping up everywhere. Discord was in too good of a mood to hold back. And once he'd reached the approach to town hall he paused and lifted his claws.

With one push he stretched the land, far and away from the central building. Then piece by piece he began to dismantle it, bits of structure and wood flying from the sides until nothing was left but the foundation and some very startled ponies falling onto their flanks.

And in its stead he began to stretch the foundation into booths and stages fresh for mysteries to vend and performers to give their all. But most of his attention went into the table, splinters flying out like a flight of gulls until they materialized into a table. He stood at the apex of the V and bid the earth to rise, and across it all piling cloths of every color and shape.

The mayor approached as he worked and tried her best to put on a stern face.

“Now, see here,” she said, while he casually dropped a daisy in her mane, “With all due respect, that is, you can't just go about tearing down our homes and offices. The town hall has been the center of order in Ponyville for generations!”

“All the more reason to change it, my dear,” crooned Discord. “Though I suppose we could compromise.”

Perhaps an obscene statue to cut through their memory of those stuffy Princesses? No, best exile them from the holiday altogether. Reeducating a herd is awful hard work...

The mayor flustered and dusted the flower from behind her ear. “I suppose... I suppose it would be alright, but could we put it back when we're through with all of this?”

Discord raised an eyebrow. “All of 'this'? This is not mere tomfoalery, dear mayor. It's a national holiday! And as Ponyville's Mayor it's your duty to see that the celebrations are carried out in full.”

He pulled a bit of metal from thin air, and then kept pulling until the entirety of the Canterlot throne emerged. He placed it at the head of the table and draped himself in it. “Are we understood?”

The mayor rubbed her forehead, as if trying to force herself to accept it. “Yes,” she said at last, a hint of barb still in her voice. “So long as I know my duties I can carry them out. What am I supposed to do?”

“Supposed to do?” Discord hummed and leaned back in his chair. “Whatever you want. As a matter of fact, I don't think you're in charge today.” He scanned about until he caught side of a scruffy looking colt with his mane over his eyes. “You there. You're in charge today. Have fun.”

The pony blinked, and then grinned. “Alright!” He seemed all too happy as he ran off, laughing.

Discord leaned over and stage-whispered to the elder mare. “No one is actually in charge... it just makes ponies feel better if they think they are.”

In a way, not even he was. That involved too much control, a certain mastery over things that made them far too predictable. He reveled in his element. He didn't think much of anything else even surrounded by ponies, except for the vague sense that someone would inevitably try to 'put him in his place.'

That'll be the day, he thought. And who would want to change all this? They're having such a good time...

Excitement barely won over restless worry for Ponyville as they surrendered to cheer. Anypony with an inch of talent found a place to perform. And the herd continued its delightfully unhealthy habit of snacking on the sweetest things around—which Discord made sure were there in abundance, where one would least expect them.

“Forget about what you're supposed to be doing,” he said, not only to the mayor but to everypony present. “Or what you think is right. Today is a day where you need not worry over why or what if. Simply seize the moment and do whatever it is that you always wished to do, that you thought you could not... who knows of tomorrow? But today you do not need to fear your freedom. Follow your wildest impulses, embrace the chaos!”

“Embrace the chaos!” The crowd echoed.

Discord smiled. Though he appeared outwardly to lounge and relish in his position, his claws were in everything, every minute twisting moment of energy in Ponyville. For most ponies letting loose meant little more than excessive snacking or some sort of romantic foray. They lacked the mean streak that a gryphon or a dragon might have, which meant that he could, largely, let them play to their hearts content.

“I suppose you have a point,” murmured the mayor, more to herself than anyone else, before slinking off into the crowd.

Many more ponies sat down at the table with him. Having starvation fresh in their mind tore down all senses of decorum, even when half of the food present wasn't especially edible. Discord sipped a straw straight out of its glass and watched. They gathered to him, but would not come too close.

“You know, Cloudchaser...” said a pegasus, to her friend who was incidentally neck-deep in raspberry pie. “I think I might like, love you.”

The other blue pegasus pulled her head out of the pastry and stared. “Mwha?”

“Yeah, um...” the first pegasus tapped her hooves together. “Even when you're all covered in crumbs and sauce I still feel crazy about you.”

Cloudchaser managed to turn herself a bit more red—with only a little intervention on Discord's part. There were lots of conversations playing out like this. Feelings burst into the open. Ponies confessing to one another. And love, innocuous, fuzzy love, was such a strange thing.

It always starts like this, he thought, watching as the two ponies' world changed in an instant. Surprise. Excitement. Confusion. She'll be doing things she's never dreamed of, and even I can't tell what will happen next.

Then of course it either exploded into flames (which was marvelous to behold) or ran the risk of becoming boring. Either way his attention span never quite kept him to the end, and he could only stomach so much pony romance before the sugar coating got the best of him.

Amongst the stirring of the town he detected a new force approaching. A whisk of bitterness descending from Canterlot to stifle his merrymaking and, to say the least, bring down the mood. He glanced over his shoulder and the back of his throne to spy a pegasi chariot pulling into the green behind him. Twilight Sparkle jumped out and began nakking before she even got near him.

“Discord!” she shouted, ears red with fury. “What do you think you're doing? Ponyville is a mess! And it's only getting worse. What... what could you possibly be trying to accomplish?”

Discord pretend to pout. “Oh, I'm just having some fun, Twilight. And so are they!” He gestured across the town of ponies in the midst of partying. “Don't you think they deserve to let loose after all they've been through?”

“They've been doing plenty of that with you around,” said Twilight, now dragging up a stool beside him. He promptly transformed it into jelly and she sat in it with a loud squish. Some of the ponies close by laughed at length.

“I think the truth is clear,” said Discord. “This is the way ponies want it. Every day and night could be like this, and I wouldn't even have to get involved.”

Twilight remained adamant even as she wiped the red goop off of her flank. “They may be having fun now, but what about tomorrow? Everypony will get tired. They'll want to get home. And some of their homes are floating in the sky!” She pointed a hoof up at one of the floating houses. “How is that supposed to work?”

Discord waved a paw dismissively. “Oh, they can just find one of those winged ponies to carry them. Teamwork and comradery and all that. Maybe have a floating sleepover. Wouldn't that be fun?” He paused and leaned towards her, whispering. “Or maybe all that time around Princess Gloom made you forget how to have fun?”

“It's not about fun,” growled Twilight. He'd obviously nailed a nerve. “You want this to last, right? Then you'd better clean up after yourself.”

Discord raised an eyebrow. Was the unicorn serious? Chances and ultimatums. It reminded him of a time long ago, one of the many times he'd been in Equestria. But Twilight didn't speak with conviction. The fire behind her words had been snuffed out by the chill of endless night.

He would have to help her learn again.

“I don't think I will,” said Discord, sticking his tongue out. “And what do you plan to do about it?”

Twilight stared at him. He thought he saw something building in her, some anger, some explosion of fury, but in the end she slumped and sighed.

That pony is far too used to giving up, he thought. And I might have let her win this one, too. I can tell she used to be so much fun. How do I bring that mare out?

A tough conundrum. There was enough energy bustling about to distract him from the need to start fires and at the same time for him to try to figure Twilight out. Trying to make sense of it caused a little pressure in his head though, one he always found extremely distasteful. But he supposed he would put up with it if it meant getting a reaction out of her.

While he thought of this, an orange pony pushed her way through the crowd. Applejack, one of Twilight's friend's, quite cautious to avoid drawing attention to herself. It stood out like a beacon of silence, but he wondered what would happen if he left them alone for a while.

“There you are, Twi'!”

Twilight looked up and a bit of light returned to her eyes. Applejack ran over and Twilight hugged her, which led to, Discord thought, an overly unnecessary display of affection. It was a bit too sweet, but it fit in with the mood well enough.

“Applejack? What are you doing here?” said Twilight. She moved as if to offer her a cushion, and then decided not to.

“I needed to find you, and since you seem to have this habit of following whoever is ruling these days, figured you'd show up at this.. err... little soiree.” Applejack looked around in obvious disapproval.

Twilight looked back at Discord, who pretended to be paying attention to something else. “Anything for an old friend,” she said. “I'm sorry I haven't been to visit. It's just that this whole...”

Applejack cut her off with a wave of the hoof. “I believe you, sugarcube. More than you might know. But I don't have time to beat around the hay bale. Nightmare Moon ran off with my little sister, and some of the other fillies...”

Twilight sat straight up, and even Discord raised an eyebrow. “No...” the unicorn stuttered. “First Celestia, and the night, and now this? Are you sure it was her?”

“Saw it with my very own eyes,” said Applejack. She touched the bandage on her side and winced. “And have the scars to prove it.”

Discord found this a good time to interject. “So you just let her go? With all your little foals in tow?”

“Weren't like that at all,” spat Applejack, before adding in a habitual “your grace. Found her with Rainbow and Fluttershy. Then she got all swirly and dark and went to some shadow place.”

Twilight was taking a while to absorb this, dazed and overwhelmed. Discord merely let a little shudder.

“Of course she would go there to lurk about,” he said.

Applejack blinked. “You know where she went off to?”

“I've had more brushes with it than I'd like,” he said, mocking a gag. “Dreariest place you can imagine. Take all of Equestria and then strip away everything that's basically not darkness or gloom or all of that broody icky stuff.”

“I think I've read about it,” said Twilight. “Though I've never heard it referred to anything other than 'the place between dawn and dusk.'”

“That's a fancy way to say 'nightland,'” said Discord. “If she's there, she'll be in control of everything from the sky to the roots. As much as she ever is of anything. But she doesn't strike me as the type to just disappear forever.”

Applejack shook her head. “Before she disappeared she said she was going to look for her sister.”

“Princess Celestia?” Twilight jumped up. Discord hadn't seen her that motivated in a long time. “Then if we find Nightmare Moon, we might be able to find the princess.”

Discord smiled. There it was: determination. That incessant need to set everything right. Twilight still had strength in her yet to fight. She made a perfect little mirror of Princess Celestia, or at least he was sure that was what the princess intended, with a little polish.

The whole thing seemed a trite ordeal to him, though, and if the two sisters wanted to come and fight him for the throne, they could do it on their own time. He was having fun like he hadn't had in years.

“Well the two of you are perfectly welcome to go off on your little pony chase,” he declared. “By all means, take whatever you need. I don't care. I'll be here, taking care of Equestria.”

Twilight's ears folded back and she stared at him. “If I leave you alone, there won't be anything left of Equestria for us to return to.”

“As if you could stop me anyway,” he said. “Face it, Twilight, you're just another pony caught in the tides of chaos. May as well go with the flow.”

“Uh, Twi...” Applejack muttered. She'd started to shake a little.

Discord raised his voice to the table, to the town. “What do you think? Do you like this side of Ponyville? Wouldn't you like to party all the time, and live carefree for the rest of your lives?”

Everypony cheered, and the volume vexed Twilight. Discord made flowers pop with streamers and ribbons of candy and they cheered again. He twisted the landscape into rolling hills colored like chalk and sherbert and ponies swayed to keep their balance. The very earth beneath them moved at his whim and he chuckled.

He followed Applejack's gaze to another colt, yellow fur and a brown mane. She looked away quick but Discord lifted from his throne and slithered over to him.

“And what's your name, hmm?”

“I, uh...” the yellow pony stammered. There was a bit of fear in his eyes. A bit more than he was used to seeing in a pony.

“Now you leave him alone,” said Applejack, putting herself between them. She glanced back. “You get yourself home Caramel, won't be no harm. I promise.”

“Of course there won't be any harm,” said Discord. “That's not my style. Caramel, is it? You look like you could use a leg up, as it were. Yes, I think I'll give you my blessing. Let it be known that I am quite a giving ruler.”

Applejack tried to push him away but he simply slipped over her and pressed a single talon against the colt's head. All it took was a little bit of chaos to twist somepony's personality around. A dash of magic, a hint of chaos, a little enchantment... Discord wasn't quite sure how it worked but put a little bit of it in them and the results were simply marvelous. It did have the effect of dulling their colors a bit, which struck him as odd, given his love of flash, but it worked.

“Ugh...” Caramel rubbed his head. “What the hay?”

“I just did you a big favor.” He clapped his hands together. “Who else? There have to be a few more ponies. Oh, allow me...”

He slipped through the crowd and sprinkled bits of chaos here and there. Not everypony, just a few. He hardly kept track of it, that way the outcome would be more of a surprise later.

“Are you alright?” Applejack reached up and took Caramel by the shoulders. “Did he do something to you? Say something!”

Caramel arched his eyebrows and laughed. “Not at all. I feel like I've been woken up. And I rather like where you're going with this.” He tilted his head one way. “Now what was this you said about getting' home, AJ? I think I could take you up on that.”

Applejack groaned and shoved him off. “You better be enchanted, else the only place your going is the ground with my hoof in your flank.” She turned away in time to miss a lewd gesture. “Twi? What's going on?”

“I don't know,” said Twilight, rubbing her head. “I've never seen him do this before! It might be magic but I'd need to do some research to find out. But Nightmare Moon...”

Applejack glared at Discord. “I think we got more than one problem right now. We've got to do something before he gets out of hand.”

Discord chuckled to himself. He'd already mixed with the crowd and done his work. The shy tensions of the gathering quickly flared up. Ponies he'd given the gift of chaos were becoming pushy, cruel, and in rare cases violent. Brawls began to pepper tables with ponies throwing whatever food they could find at one another. Pranks, torments, arguments were bubbling up in no time.

Just like old times, he thought fondly. That was a landscape of madness unending. Something so easily in his grasp. And this time, nopony would be there to stop him. No princess. No elements of harmony.

It was his world to do with as he pleased, and there were enough who would love him no matter what.

“This is the way it should be!” He cried out to the crowd. His reached extended. Buildings shuddered as the very rules of reality bent around them. Bits of earth contorted and floated or flied about. Some ponies suddenly found themselves standing on the sides of the buildings instead of on the ground. Others struggled to get up altogether.

The sky churned with pink clouds and a rain of chocolate splattered the landscape. The droplets struck some ponies and their coats began to turn chocolate colored, or else polka dotted. The rabbits' legs grew immense and other pets transformed into other creatures altogether.

He laughed and laughed as he extended his reach unbridled and scarcely noticed as the herd turned from laughter and cheer to panic. Even most of the chaotic ponies fled from the blending mess that he was making of Ponyville.

“Get him out of here,” said Twilight. “Go! I'll deal with Discord, and then Nightmare Moon, and then...”

Applejack frowned. “I can't leave you to do that on your own, Twi'. I just can't.”

Twilight stamped her hoof. “You'll only encourage him! Now get your friend out of here. I promise I'll help you find your sister, so leave this to me!”

The poor mare had to practically drag Caramel by his tail, not because he wasn't willing to go, but because he wanted to make it difficult for her.

And Discord was left in the empty, contorted courtyard to gloat over Twilight while the ponies fled as far as they could, distrusting even their own homes for shelter.

“Well, well, what do you know? Looks like there's nothing you can do, is there? What do you think now?”

Twilight walked over crags and sparkling fissures to stand beneath him. He watched her, wondering what she would do. A shield? Pure magical assault? Or maybe she would start undoing his work—that would be fun. He hadn't had a satisfying magic duel since he last saw Princess Celestia.

But all she did was speak. “Do you hear that?” she asked.

Discord scoffed. “Hear what? There's nothing.”

“Exactly,” she said. “Just take a moment and listen. Look around you at what you're doing! Is this really what you've wanted, Discord?”

For a moment he stopped and let go of his grip on Ponyville. The world to him seemed to stop spinning, and everything stopped moving. Bits of rock and carts fell to the ground with a clatter. Ponyville was empty. Ponyville, previously filled with joy and laughter and a just a bit of tension was now completely void. Only the echoes of fear remained, and silence. Almost like the world beneath Nightmare Moon.

And only Twilight remained, staring with bright eyes. Not avenger's eyes, but the eyes of a mother scorning a child.

What is this feeling? This emptiness? I hate it. This isn't me. This isn't me at all!

He threw a burst of magic in a fit and one of the houses turned into a flat cutout, falling to the ground with an explosion of air. “What is wrong with me!?”

“Guilt,” Twilight ventured. “Maybe even you can feel it.”

Even you,” Discord repeated, glaring at her. “Like I'm not here, like I'm not really complete.”

“Are you more than just a figment of insanity?” Twilight said, inching closer. “Because if you aren't you may as well be a slice of Nightmare Moon.”

Discord threw another burst, this one streaking a line of silver through Twilight's mane. It struck an apple cart and turned it into flour. “Stop looking at me like that. Stop talking to me like that!” You could never be Celestia, he thought.

Twilight's mouth hung a little. “What do you care?”

Why do I care? I shouldn't. Yet he did, and it made him angry. Angry the same way she was. The kind of pony Discord told himself he'd never be. It doesn't matter what I am, I shouldn't have to hurt ponies. Why should I care? Why do those words sound familiar?

He looked up at the sun. Any mortal creature would have gone blind. He dazzled a little at first but let the pure heat and light of it sear through him. It held his mind in place for just a little while to let out all of the chaotic emotions go in one wretched breath.

Then he settled to the ground and let it smooth out a little. “I don't know, Twilight,” he said.

The unicorn reached up and touched the back of his eagle claw. It scrambled him a little inside, but not in a way that pained him. “Everypony makes mistakes,” she said. “You don't have to be like this.”

“I am like this,” he said. But I can find other ways. Ways that don't end like this...

The silence bothered him more than anything else. And something else was missing, too. Butting heads with Twilight always reminded him of it and now he knew why.

She balanced him out. She kept Equestria standing beneath everything he could dish out. She kept the world from turning silent when he was at his most chaotic and free. She understood what he was more than anypony else, and even if she didn't like him, she accepted him in some strange way.

She was the reason it felt like something was missing all along.

Twilight Sparkle watched. Her gaze softened, just the way Celestia's would have. He wouldn't build Ponyville back to its pristine former self, but he let the chaos slip away from the land and back through himself, back through the ether. Grass started acting like grass again, and the ground slowly heaved back to its level shape. Pink clouds turned white and drizzled pure water to wash away some of the mess.

“I think I've got an idea to win them back,” he finally said.

Twilight couldn't help but laugh. “This should be good.”

“Imagine if you will,” he said, leaning over, draping his lion's paw around her neck while he gestured with the eagle one, “everypony from here to there lined up as we return from the farthest reaches of the world. Imagine the joy and the love on their face when we bring their dear Princess Celestia back to them.”

He felt Twilight shiver. For all her skepticism the thought put a little hope in her as well. “You're going to look for her?”

“With you, of course,” said Discord. “It's going to be a long trip and I'm going to need your help.”

“But I tried everything. Scrying spells, tracking spells, memory spells, I even sent her letters. It's as if she's no longer in the world.”

“Maybe she's hiding! Maybe she isn't.” Discord pat her firmly and jumped back. “What you lacked before is me. I can look farther, understand things that don't make sense. Between the two of us there's no better to look for a lost pony princess.”

Twilight pushed every bit of doubt to her forefront, everything she'd been holding on to for as long as she could remember, trying to dispel it. “What about Nightmare Moon? We can't just let her get away with the fillies.”

Discord laughed. “Didn't you hear your friend? Wherever Celestia goes, her sister will, too. Look for one and we're bound to find the other. And I don't know about you, but I'd rather keep myself out of the shadows if at all possible. It's a nasty place.”

Twilight nodded a bit. Then she stepped forward, away, towards nothing in particular. She held her head up to the rain and looked at the silhouette of the sun around the lining of the clouds. “Then she's really out there somewhere.”

“And we will find her,” Discord agreed.

Once she was back in their midst, things would be the way they should be.