• Published 13th Sep 2016
  • 6,223 Views, 112 Comments

What creature is that? - lonelywhitefox

The Princess had found a strange egg after Discord's first defeat and Celestia had no idea what to do with so checked to see if a friend would have better luck.

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Chapter 3 (Edited)

Author's Note:

I'm glad that a good many people seem to enjoy the story even know I am pretty sure the people who love Grammar has their eyes burning. I will say this I have no one editing this or proofreading it, I'm mostly just doing this to see where it goes. If there is something that bothers you leave it in the comments and I will try my best to repair it. Here is where I am taking Aron's moves from http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-xy/304.shtml . Till than I will be Mewing the song 'Another one bits the Dust' insanity away!!! :pinkiecrazy:

Training beings

Aron woke, groaning and feeling as if someone had dropped a block of concrete onto his head. Rubbing his head somewhat with his little nub, he looked around to see that it appeared to be around midday. He walked over to a small plate that was left nearby, in doing so noticing that it had a letter on it.

"Dear little guy, I have left some medicine in you food to help with any headaches you may have for when you finally wake up. Be sure to eat it all - I am off help one of my friends on her farm for the day. Signed Fluttershy". With a sigh he walked over to the plate hoping to. God that since his sense of taste was dulled he wouldn't be able to detect the medicine.

He walked over and started eating the fish and carrots. He could tell there should have been more carrots on the plate, but he shrugged off his suspicions. He was thinking over what he could do looking over toward the forest guessing that it could be interesting for him to explore it for a while.

He walked out the open front door, humming to himself as he went into the dimly lit forest. He looked around for something that he might find interesting, unsure how he would get to his evolution, with how little there seemed to be to battle around here.

He was surprised at how dark the forest seemed to be compared to how bright those next to it were, though this did hold promise he could find some chances to train here. With a smile, he thought of how he could draw the most attention to himself. He opened his mouth toward the depths of forest before letting out a loud Screech. Now all he needed to do was wait for the predators of the forest to come thinking there was easy prey and how he would deal with them when they came.

"If it is the smaller predators, I can throw my weight around with Tackle, though they are larger, I will have to use Rollout and follow a hit-and-run strategy." He was thinking whilst his small form crouched against a tree trunk. He was dragged out of his train of thought as he heard the moving of nearby brush. He got ready waiting to see what had came to try and fight him.

He was a bit taken back when he saw three wooden wolves walk out of the brush. Two were around two feet tall and three feet in length, while the one leading them was the size of the other two combined. He had not expected something like this though if he was going to fight the group he had to make sure to stay on his feet. As long as they attacked his harder metal he would only sustain light injuries. He quickly used Tackle smashing against the side of the largest of the wolves the forest filling with the cracks and groans of the wood he smashed against. He seemed as lucky as hell that it knocked down the larger one as the other two were stunned that their leader was knocked down. He quickly curled up using Rollout, doing his best to injure or knock down the other two smashing into the smaller ones legs as they attempted to recover. The larger one was the first to strike he tried to snap down on the small creature but flinched as it heard its wooden teeth break on the small creature's hard exterior. The other two wolves had tried their best to claw at the creature as he continued rolling and gaining more and more speed. Before long he was starting to tire out some. Aron knew he couldn't keep this up too long not having much strength yet. He needed to finish this and quick. He launched into a Tackle straight from his speeding roll.

As he smashed against the already cracked midsection of the large wolf, the sound of cracking and snapping wood blew through the forest as he had smashed through the already weakened wood. He seemed to be lucky once more, for this seemed to make the weaker wolves run away for now. With a soft sigh of relief, he got out of the now broken wooden wolf before mumbling, "Maybe next time, be made of a stronger wood - like Mahogany," he snickered to himself as he started walking out of the forest. In turning, he had failed to notice the wolf starting to reassemble itself. He only had a few scratches over his metal body but he was very tired.

As he exited the forest he suddenly felt himself being picked up. He looked up to see Fluttershy, who was giving him a look that informed him that he was about to get chewed out. For the next hour of his life, he had wished he could turn off his hearing. Her lecture continued on about how it was irresponsible to go off on his own and how he should not have gone into the forest. He was really wondering if he should have just have found a way to learn Dig so he could just tunnel way from the nagging, although he was thanking the heavens that they still didn't seem to know much about his powers. He noticed the purple unicorn out in the window was watching him like a hawk now. He then mentally slapped himself - she must be suspicious that he was hiding something since, he used Screech on Luna and they most likely knew of his level of intelligence now, without them admitting as much to him.

"Ugh, maybe I should have chosen a ghost type, or a psychic type at least - then I might have been able to put up mental shields. Well at least there are not many things that seem to be able to hurt me," he half complained to himself. Fluttershy finally seemed to have stopped nagging him. He let out a sigh of relief as he saw Fluttershy yawn and slowly started to make her way upstairs and the purple one seemed to have given up for the night. With a shrug he moved over to the couch get up on it before he started drifting back to sleep to rest up.

Luna was glaring at the dream bubble that belonged to Aron. She knew that it would end in the same yelling match if she had tried sneaking in again. Though she had refused to ask permission to enter somepony's dream since it was her job, with a loud huff she prepared to leave when she noticed that the dream seemed to be shifting some. With a groan her curiosity won out again as she opened it much more carefully this time and used her spell to blend in with the shadows.

Aron was happily humming as he had turned floor of his room into basically a touch screen game of Civilization V. He was starting out with the settled city playing as the Mongolian leader as he usually did. He was too busy sending out scouts and researching archery to notice the new shadow that had formed in his room. He was lightly humming along to the song blasting in the room as he started to hunt down the barbarians that were near his cities. He had only stopped for a minute and looked around swearing he had heard a gasp for a second. He readied his Screech though this time nothing seemed to come out of the shadows. He gave a small shrug and imagined small glowing balls of energy into his dreamscape to lighten up all the shadows just in case. Since nothing materialized or appeared to be out of order he continued his game.

As the morning began the first thing he saw when he woke up was Fluttershy feeding the different animals. She had already set his bowl with some fish with a few carrots in it. With a shrug he started eating and finished before she had completed her tasks of feeding the others. Suddenly a chill ran down his spin as he looked over to the door.

"Since you ran off yesterday without telling anyone, and as I need to help the little ducks through town I had asked someone to watch over you. Think it as your punishment." Fluttershy said softly as there was a knock on the door.

"No, she couldn't possibly be that mad. Please to Arceus, don't let it be who I think it is," he thought, as he looked over to the door. But he soon let out a sigh of relief when he saw a blue pegasus with rainbow hair.

"So this is the little thing that had finally given that demon bunny what its temper needed huh?" She gave a large smiled before lifting up the heavy guy. She was still surprised this thing weighed this much, given its size.

"A-angel is not a demon bunny he just is very protective of me. Thank you for watching over him for me Ra-rainbow." Fluttershy said softly as she lightly held Angel bunny against her, whilst he glared at Rainbow Dash.

As the one Aron now just called Rainbow put him on her back, she mumbled about how she might just use him for weight training as she started flying up into the clouds. He clung to her for dear life, not sure how much falling would hurt but keen not to put it to the test. He closed his eyes tightly until he heard her say "Hey G, sorry it took so long to get back I agreed to watch this guy for a friend of mine. He is great for weight training," Rainbow said calmly as Aron opened his eyes some to see some kind of quadrupled bird-lion. He knew they were mythological but their name escaped him.

"Hmph that little thing looks more like it would be good for a catching challenge than weight training," G said in an arrogant tone of voice, as smile spread across Rainbow's face.

"Well here how about you try holding the little guy for a minute than," Rainbow said challenging her friend as she lifted Aron off her back and held him over to her friend, his eyes wide seeing they were standing on a cloud.

"Okay Rainbow challenge accepted." G said. She held out her claws wrapping them around him as Rainbow let go of him G almost fell through the cloud with a surprised squeak.
"My God, what does this thing eat? It feels like I just tried to lift a set of old armor!" she exclaimed, looking at the little metal creature she now held. Having gotten herself re-balanced, she could have swore she heard snickering coming from the small thing.

"Well from what my friend says he can basically eat anything he wants. When she tried feeding him fish he ate not just the meat but the bones as well," Rainbow said, as Gilda had put the little creature on her own back, guessing it would be good for weight training. She gave Rainbow a look for surprise when she'd said this thing could eat bones.

It was at this point that Aron started drifting off somewhat, Firstly because he was getting bored with all the chatting, and secondly he wasn't pleased about being in the middle of the air operating as a fucking training weight.

"Brain?" he asked himself, "when I have the power later, remind me to scream so loudly that they will wish it was that Luna person yelling," he continued. He made a mental note to himself to keep an eye on the Pink one, who had seemed to have joined in on the conversation,having broken several laws of physics again. He could hear that his driver was apparently getting madder and madder at the pink puffball. He was further surprised when he saw that she had sent the pink one flying off with her flying machine that she had constructed. After a while on the cloud Rainbow Dash had to head off for a bit, so G had flew down to the ground. Which he was again thanking Arceus that they were no longer in the air.

G seemed what he could best call the jackass of the air, I mean stealing is not right but it's not the worse thing you could do. Though that was the lightest and calmest thing she had done. Even he thought that it was a bit harsh when the one carrying him yelled at Fluttershy, who accidentally back into G while leading the little ducks. He wondered if she even knew was he on her back any more. It seemed Pinkie and Rainbow had started playing some pranks on G, I could see that Rainbow was just having fun. Pinkie seemed to be trying to get her back or to expose her hot temper to Rainbow. Though what surprised further him was how G was reacting to a couple of pranks and why she kept seeming to blame Pinkie, until freaked out at the party at Sugar-cube Corner and she started walk out of the building about to take off when.

He thought of doing an impression of her and how she got angry over the pranks, that were meant to be harmless, though what came out astonished him. "Oh boohoo I get all steamed over just a couple of pranks and new people, and rather than doing the reasonable thing and apologizing I storm off like a chick!" What had caused him such surprise was that his voice had sounded just like Gilda's he had used Mimic without even noticing, which also meant he said that out loud. He thanked his many blessings that this stopped Gilda right outside Sugar-cube Corner, though she hadn't seemed to notice where the voice had emanated from. "Oh thank Arceus she thinks that it is her own conscience, rather than me." he thought, as he smiled knowing he now knew Mimic. That will make this town so much more interesting. Gilda had faceclawed, mumbling under her breath, "Oh buck I really just acted like a bucking chick over a few pranks and Rainbow hanging out with new people." She turned to face the building before swallowing her pride and re-entering the building with her head down.

Everyone - especially Rainbow - was surprised to see her come back, although even more surprised by what came out of her beak. "Rainbow and your friends I'm s-sorry I acted like a spoiled chick. I had thought that you had been trying to replace me with these other ponies though I didn't really consider what you really thought," Gilda said, still looking down on the floor. The first person that moved over to her was Fluttershy.

"I-I for-forgive you Gilda i-it's understandable th-though I am sure that you will need time before w-we fully t-trust yo-you ok-okay?" Fluttershy said softly though loud enough for most ponies in the room to hear. "By the way Rainbow Dash what happened to the little guy I was having you look after?" Fluttershy asked, looking over to Rainbow Dash who had stopped thinking for a minute. She quickly flew over to Gilda, and moving her wings everypony could see Aron still sitting on her. Rainbow Dash picked Aron up as best she could.

"Wait a minute, that heavy animal has been on my back this whole time? I guess we forgot about him when Pinkie show up, where did you guys find that thing any ways?" Gilda asked, looking at Aron who was sitting on the floor stretching, before sprawling on his stomach.

He zoned out the conversation around him, thinking of how much he had missed being on the ground and how much fun he was going to have with Mimic. Though he knew it would most likely have its limits here, he felt sure he would have a lot of fun messing with this ability. If he could right now, he would've had the finger pyramid of evil contemplation, as he rubbed his front nub feet together, plotting.