• Published 13th Sep 2016
  • 6,223 Views, 112 Comments

What creature is that? - lonelywhitefox

The Princess had found a strange egg after Discord's first defeat and Celestia had no idea what to do with so checked to see if a friend would have better luck.

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Prologue (Edited)

Author's Note:

This is my first attempt at a Fan-fic, I hope that you will enjoy it also I had no idea how to do some of Luna's dialog so I chose to use a English to Shakespearean translator to make her lines at least till the story gets out of the older times. Leave comments if I messed up on some grammar I am not the best when it comes to this subject. (Irony in this is my sister is an English Major) This is the edited version I just got an editor so I will be cleaning up the already posted chapters. Before we start moving forward with the story. my editor who I would like to thank is ItIsASillyLittleGame.


Discord had let out a loud sigh. The times were becoming boring. He had accomplished most of what he could think of, yet the most interesting to happen for years has been when Sunbutt and Moony had 'challenged' him. He was looking through a rift between universes, looking for anything that could relieve his boredom. His eyes soon found the planet Earth, which had given him the largest grin as the main species were almost as chaotic as himself. Even so, still found them a bit predictable. That is when something caught his eyes. One of the beings barely old enough to be thought of as an adult was passing. As the small soul was released from the being, Discord caught it. He talked softly to it. "Well what do we have here? A creature that had wished he could have done more, yet who barely got to see their own life. Well maybe I might have some use for such a little chaotic being. how about this little soul. I will make you a new body from something in your mind though in exchange you must provide some entertainment for me."

The soul sat there for a minute, thinking over the offer the creature seemed to make to him. The mixture of animals didn't seem too trustworthy, but this could be one of his only chances to have a choice as to what he could be. After what Discord could have sworn felt like hours the soul finally gave a nod giving the god of chaos the form he wanted. Even now this made Discord a bit confused, as he looked over the form. Discord read of all the creatures abilities from the soul's memories and saw what it would become. With a smile Discord agreed to bring this creature into the world. As Discord worked to create the form, Celestia and Luna had gotten the elements of harmony and were starting to make their match back to defeat Discord.

Discord had let out a sigh of relief as he finally finished the form though what surprised him was when he put the soul into the form. It had taken the shape of an egg. As Discord picked it up, he noticed it felt like he was lifting a block of pure iron. The egg had the light silver shine that the form would have though it was impossible it seemed for him to force it to hatch without harming the project. With a loud groan Discord deposited the egg in a pile of hay, which was all that was left of a house as he grumbled. "What a waste of time. Maybe it will hatch after a while." That is when Discord heard yelling coming from behind him. Turning around, he could see that Sunbutt and Moony had came back to play some more. He said with a smile on his face. "Well if it isn't my most favorite toys, back for another play-date. Maybe I should turn Moony's hair into cake and see how long she can last next to you with it?" Discord was so busy laughing at his ideas and rambling on about other plans that he didn't notice that the two princesses were charging up the elements. It was not until he had noticed there was a large amount of light coming from their direction that he found himself facing a large rainbow, coming straight for him. He started to scramble, some trying to get out of the way before the beam, but sadly for him it hit its mark quickly, turning him into a statue making him fall down right in front of the pile of hay he was floating next to.

Celestia had let out a sigh of relief, glad that it had seemed to be finally over. She had been a bit curious as to what Discord was doing with this normal looking hay. It wasn't like him to keep something not associated with sweets or chaos. As she walked over to the hay her eyes went wide as she saw that there was a silver shining egg sitting within. "Sister get over here! There seems to have been an egg that Discord had left behind." Luna could not believe the words she had heard until she had walked over and seen the same egg. It looked nothing like any eggs they had seen before. Luna reached out to pick it up, before noticing its extreme weight, "What is this madeth of? It weighs as much as a full grown stallion!"

Celestia realised the egg could be dangerous for all they knew but they couldn't just leave it here. If Discord was taking care of it they couldn't just leave it without heat. "We will bring it with us and, have StarSwirl watch over it and make sure it isn't dangerous." Celestia had gripped it in her light orange aura of magic and started to walk with her sister back into the forest toward their castle. After they had made it back to the castle the egg seemed to have started moving some though it didn't seem like it was going to hatch any time soon. Luna had used her own light blue aura to carry the Discord statue with them toward the statue garden. She went on her own, since after they had arrived Celestia had walked into the laboratory. StarSwirl and Clover had stayed in the laboratory and they were almost already on top of her as soon as she had walked in with the new item of interest. StarSwirl was lightly rubbing his beard as they examined what Celestia had brought them. That Discord apparently had it with him made it the more interesting. StarSwirl spoke lightly, "Well it seems like it is made more of metal shell than an egg shell. It could possibly be a draconequus egg but he is the only one that we know of." Clover had tried using multiple scanning spells on the egg but they couldn't find what it looked like on the inside of the shell. Clover let out a groan as she slammed her head into the table while yelling, "How is this possible? It is clearly alive but our magic can't seem to find out what is inside of it?!?!"

After almost a month of trying StarSwirl and Clover couldn't find out anything about the egg it seemed harmless, but they had kept it in a warm area just in cause. It didn't seem like it had gotten any closer to hatching. They had not seen it change at all since Celestia had carried it there. They placed a heating charm on the case they had laid the egg inside, along with a spell that would have alerted any of the four of them if the egg hatched. As time passed and the dreadful day came that Celestia had to banish her own sister, they had started moving most of the items out of the old castle toward the new capital. Though the one box that was forgotten right near the Elements of Harmony, themselves now encased in stone, containing the egg still unhatched. Celestia had forgotten it in the rush to get away from the bad memories in the old castle. Unknown to them, the egg was still waiting for the number of steps required to finish its hatching. With the steps that carried it to the castle, there were just around five hundred steps left for it to hatch. Though now it was forgotten, the sleep soul waited inside for its next life to begin. The stone box with the strong charms lay there, unfazed by the passage of time, waiting for those last few steps.