• Published 27th Jul 2016
  • 10,170 Views, 937 Comments

Harmony Among The Stars - tom117z

The ES Harmony, the pride of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Equestria's first FTL capable starship. It is due to make its maiden voyage to travel further than anypony before it, and yet its first mission... may be its last.

  • ...

Bonus - A Teaser Of Things To Come

"Well well, I see everypony is enjoying themselves thus far," Discord stated smugly. "I'm so glad, watching the adventures of the ES Harmony in almost perfect parallel to the USS Enterprise in that other gem of a universe is so much fun, as both Q and Discord."

Discord clicked his talons, and a bag of popcorn came into existence. He floated in an empty domain, two screen sat before him. One showed a view of the ES Harmony at warp, and another of the USS Enterprise orbiting Earth.

Discord took a bite of his popcorn, before stroking his goatee in contemplation. "Hmm, though I do wonder where Iynx and Picard are heading... Predicting the future is not always accurate but... perhaps a small sneak peak into the former is in order..."

Discord clicked his talons again, and a third screen popped into existance.

"This goes without saying," Discord winked. "Potential spoilers ahead. You have been warned."

Date Unknown, Location Unknown

“Two vessels destroyed, the final is damaged and breaking off pursuit,” Xal reported as the Harmony exited the ring and moved back towards the planet.

“Nice flying,” Iynx complimented Nimble. “What of the larger ship?”

“Still in its original position, and still not responding to hails,” Xal stated.


Xal studied what scans he did manage to obtain of the vessel. “It appears to be a carrier of some kind, though what it contains in the hangar is unknown to me. It’s heavily armoured and shielded, but its weapons are minimal, the ship alone is no major threat to us.

Iynx nodded. “Understood. What casualties did we take?”

“No fatalities,” Xal reported. “Geneser has reported in a few injuries, but they are all minor.”

Iynx hummed in contemplation. “They wanted to keep us away from the planet, that much is painfully obvious,” she stated. “But why, what are they doing down there?”

“Well, that is what Princess Twilight ordered us to find out,” Nimble said as he shrugged. “The signal we got is definitely related, and definitely nothing good.”

A beeping sound from Xal’s console got all of their attention, and the sharin tactical officer moved over to investigate.

“Captain, the carrier is on an intercept course, with five more of those smaller ships joining it.”

“I knew that was too easy,” Iynx grumbled. “Our odds?”

“Adequate,” Xal stated simply. “The smaller ships seem to be light defence ships, no match for the Harmony, and I’ve already given my assessment on the carrier so-”

Iynx adopted an expression of concern when Xal stopped talking, instead looking down on his console with wide eyes.

“Xal, what is it?” Iynx asked cautiously.

“Ma’am, about two dozen ships just launched from the carrier… fighter craft."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Star Trek does have fighter craft, as I do recall...


Comments ( 71 )

And so it ends. This was a fun ride, if a tad rushed at the end I feel. I'll definitely be sticking around for the sequel.

I was waiting until the end to put this:
Join Starfleet! http://www.sfi.org

Its a Carrier.

It Carries things.

Very, very unpleasant things.


Is it a Starhammer.:twilightoops:

The end, The beginning.

Only Discord, Pinkie, and the author know. :pinkiehappy:



I kinda want more an story about how Twilight would conduct official first contact with the humans (if she'd do it, that is). Discord/Q promised shenanigans, so those must be indeed interesting to see :pinkiehappy:

Well, I'll read whatever sequel you bash out, but Twilight's new journey would still be the one I'm most interested in.

Not sure if Star Trek Online would be canon but... Starfleet does have a carrier ship. the Jupiter Class Carrier is one of its only pure carriers, able to be outfitted with Peregrine Class Fighters or Callisto Class Light Escorts. first ships of the class came active in 2410.




Most impressive.

8252366 If they do open up into STO, then it also means more ship designs to choose from. A little more story to potentially take inspiration from, more places, etc...

What time dilation are you working with between universes? My rough maths says 6:1
Prior to these chapters I had no reason to suspect any dilation.

It doesn't necessarily have to be a Star Trek carrier…

this is a awesome story line I'll definitely be sticking around for the sequel.:pinkiehappy:

Time dilation fluctuated while the portal was closed, only matching when it was open. But as it is, two thousand years for Equestria ended up being about 300 years for Earth, the 24th century.

Aren't fighters in Trek basically just clay pigeons for capital ships to shoot down, though? :rainbowlaugh:

Fighters always felt out of place in most space combat, but in star trek they seem especially out of place.

Discord Q Harmony (Play off of Disharmony and the idea no one would expect his last name to be Harmony)
Or as some writer I forget the name of put it
Dissonance Q Cordial

Perhaps more like 350 or so, since Next Generation was set in 2364 onwards, but sure. You're saying that there is no simple ratio defining the time dilation between them.
Also, idea: SciTwi's son could be Zefram Cochrane. The age is about right, since Zefram was born in the early 2030s, and it would be a nice way to tie EqG's timeline to Star Trek's timeline.

Great final chapters to a great space faring ponies fanfic.
I look forward for the sequel!
Take your time for it.

So awesome!:rainbowkiss: You're not allowed to rest! I need more MLP-Trek!:flutterrage:

I see that that wikia has an article for Neck.


I don't remember subspace dampeners being in Star Trek. In what episode were they used?

This is also MLP and a fanfic. Also, I swear I remember one somewhere (but with so many episodes how can you remember them all...)

That sounds like army equipment. Where would some rogue group get it?

They were part of the gaecha military before, and likely had it with them or got it through other means some time ago.



I think maybe a one-shot midquel in the style of a TNG episode 'might' happen...

I hope it will be exploration and not fighting fic.

I'd like that. I'd like even more a bigger story, but beggars can't be choosers :pinkiehappy:

Okay, I know that I'm only on who bothered by this but... Two thousand years to archive same that humans able to achieve in less that hundred (IIRC first wap drive created in 2050something)? Ponies not that behind us. Outside their weapons tech at least first third of twenties century. I can understand that they need another hundred years to created warp drive but two thousand? Kinda way over the board. Well, unless author suggests that ponies way-way less creative and less smart that humans.

Humanity found the drive to go to space out of the ashes of World War Three (they say war breeds progress).

Equus was peaceful for most of those two millennia, and while technology was around or even slightly above where we are now for most of it there never was that major push or anything towards space travel as most were simply content where they were, Twilight was always fascinated to explore out there but her duties kept her from any meaningful pursuit of it. Eventually interest did peak up, and Twilight gained a student who shared her interest in the stars and created the thaumatic drive, kickstarting all that happens here.


(they say war breeds progress).

Uh, no. Almost all "war inventions" based on scientific discoveries that humans make before the war. Jet engines, rockets and so on. Theoretics for this things is laid way before the World War II. War can speed up the process of practical application but war by itself never advance science.

Equus was peaceful for most of those two millennia

No wars, lots of food and good healthcare means explosive population growth. Even taking aside such things like natural curiosity... They most likely need space to prevent overpopulation.

Also, keep in mind that on Nightmare Night we often see ponies dress in make-up space suits which suggest that even in canon time they already have a curiosity about space and already know something about it.
So... I still think that two thousand years a way too much time to achieve space and FTL engines.

Things progressed as I stated. It's fair enough if you don't like it, but it doesn't change it.

OK, really. I just find this numbers extremely unbelievable but you the author.

Good show! Not much to say that hasn't already been said, except for:

You're pretty much there.

Also, remember that early Starfleet has the Warp Delta starships that filled the exact same role as the Celestials, defence.

I kind of want to see Twilight's trip to the Federation universe now...

Will their be a sequel?

Also I want to see how the bridge crew of the Harmony reacts to seeing USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D, a Galaxy class Starship, 642 meters long, 463 meters wide, 195 meters tall, and a weight of 4,500,000 metric tons? Something tells me that they'd either pull a Brave Sir Robin or they'd initiate communications. Granted, they'd probably be to busy gawking.

Yep, I knew that smug voice the moment I heard it. Personally it was nice watching him get slapped by Ben Sisko.

How did I forget to comment here!?

Finished the story and.. it was simply AMAZING! Sure some nitpicks I could make, I could poke at some writing foibles, or just, pick things apart but, nope, This was just freaking AMAZING! If I did have one criticism, is there was a lot of places where, it didn't really feel like we were REALLY getting into characters heads well. We had enough to know what and why they were doing what they were doing, but not really exploring who they are beyond that, the focus was very much on what was going on above the rest. However it wasn't to an extent it hurt anything, more a case of my personal preference.

The rest.. it was just GLORIOUS! Both the whole idea of this story, and how well it combines the best aspects of both MLP and Star Trek into something SO SO SO damn good! And with the promise of more to come..... YESYESYESYEYSES! I want this SO MUCH! Just, this fic hit so many perfect spots, so amazingly captured what I love about both series and, this is just plain brilliant! Thank you for writing it, and I can't wait for more.

Before I even get started reading, it seems strange that it took them 2000 years to get to FTL capble ships. Between magitech, magic, and technology they seem to be at a level with the early to mid 20th century, with some stuff from earlier and a couple items from as late as the 80s.
But that's just a backstory quibble. Time to read.

How was that an exception if they actually followed the rule?
Uhura died by death-of-personality & Scotty was killed by Nomad.
Of course, Nomad brought him back to life, but this still counts. It couldn't fix Uhura, though.

because it was a one time thing for both. after that none of the main crew died in the series.

Good mlp fan fiction.

Bad Star Trek fan fiction.

Well, as we all know, most people only die once, even for those who stay dead. So Scotty and Uhura do count.
As you said, this was the original series.

But of course, if we do consider the movies and other series, Spock joins them in dying and coming back to life (and in a brand new body, no less), and Kirk got to die twice in a later film.
And let's not forget Picard: Once when Q met him in the afterlife and sent him back to the Academy to relive his career. There should be an honorable mentions for TNG's Groundhog's Day episode and TNG's final episode, but none of those count as they were not Picard-Prime. And then there is Picard's trip through the Nexus, which, unlike Kirk, he got to walk away from that. So he beats ALL of his crew plus Kirk's Enterprise for how many times he died. :pinkiecrazy:

Like 'Y'ou 'Y'inx?

Uh, yes. I believe so.

Two total? Or two on top and two on bottom?

XD just making sure. It was driving me crazy.:rainbowlaugh: (we really need Luna emojis)

Welp, that was a magnificent journey. I am going to take a break with a different story and then start with the sequel.

I hope it won't disappoint me!

I'll try to be less insulting than you were here. Frankly though, you're the one being narrow minded by assuming members of an alien race (in this case, ponies) should think the way you do, based on your... I'm guessing video game and movie knowledge? I'm saying it wouldn't even occur to her to do that, because they don't think that way. By your logic they also should have salvaged corpses for dissection in order to discover any biological weaknesses the gaecha had, as well as raided their computers for cultural data to exploit. They're reasonable steps based on your line of thinking. Can you see ponies doing that outside of some dark crackfic that misinterprets their culture?

Because ponies don't think that way. Not crossing certain lines just for the sake of a combat advantage (or even any advantage... Twilight is comparable to a very early Janeway; highly principled and not ready to compromise those principles just to get home) is what we're looking at here, and as a peace loving people ponies would clearly draw that line in a different place than warmongering types. You call them foolish; they would call you an unethical scavenger, perhaps a graverobber.

In any case, you seem frustrated with many aspects here, so venting at me is understandable.

Problem is torpedoes aren't exactly precision weapons, and we've seen what happens when Harmony gets into a direct duel with the four of them where she could target individual systems. An ambush is the only way to defeat them. Which is exactly what happens, albeit by drawing them out and into a trap, rather than sending torpedoes in ballistically.

I was building off of your ballistic example, if the missile's onboard computer can't identify an energy signature as significant as a reactor or an object as obvious as an engine (who's scans your battlefield computer had better be trying to get if not actively, at least passively since you are at at most a few light seconds out, most likely much less, if you're using light based weapons like a phaser like their first encounter), you need better targeting.

I'd assume that while the torpedoes have active sensors, on a balistic run they'd use only passives, recieved light and other energy emissions or gravitational signature. Even so I could see precision targeting (Aspect seeking weapons?) but what I meant was they aren't exactly precision effect .

Whereas a directed energy weapon, like a phaser hits and damages it's point of contact, a torpedo explodes, and at the power levels we're talking about, hitting one subsystem seems likely to damage everything near it.

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