• Published 27th Jul 2016
  • 10,170 Views, 937 Comments

Harmony Among The Stars - tom117z

The ES Harmony, the pride of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Equestria's first FTL capable starship. It is due to make its maiden voyage to travel further than anypony before it, and yet its first mission... may be its last.

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29 - Epilogue

Twilight’s Castle, Ponyville

It had been almost another month since the Harmony returned, and the refit was complete. The ES Harmony was due to leave later that day, continuing its voyages. The official meeting with the sharin was soon to come. However, the concept of new life and civilisations had sparked a long dormant curiosity within the Princess.

And so here she was, standing in the library.

The mirror portal was still. The machine surrounding it had been activated, and Twilight had been pleasantly surprised to find the book still allowed it to open after over two thousand years of inactivity.

She was debating to herself whether or not to enter, a curiosity invaded her mind she could not chase away. Her conversation with the ES Harmony’s senior officers kept playing in her head.

Twilight hummed. “Perhaps I should have a look through on our return, see how they are doing. Not all humans were exactly… friendly. But with humans like the friends I knew I think they found a future for themselves.”

“Space travel like us?” Nimble suggested.

Twilight nodded. “Perhaps. Who knows, they may have met other races and created alliances with them.”

Iynx raised an eyebrow. “What, like a Federation of sorts?”

Her thoughts were banished from her mind as a flash of white light heralded the appearance of a certain Spirit of Chaos.

“Discord,” she said in greeting.

“Sparkle-butt, whatcha doing?” Discord said with childlike glee.

Twilight silently glared at him.

“Oh don’t be like that,” he rolled his eyes. “I just wanted to come see you after that terrible ordeal you went through, quite the trip you had, hmm?”

“You could say that,” Twilight responded. “But we made it through.”

“Yes, like a true captain you led them through it all,” Discord complimented. “Reminds me of some others I know through that portal. Let’s hope Miss Griffon can live up to you.”

“Through the portal? You’ve been?” Twilight’s eyes widened in surprise.

“But of course, several times. Some of the people there are quite entertaining, when they don’t punch you in the face that is.”

“You got punched?” Twilight suppressed a grin. “How did somepony manage that?”

“Well someone did, it is a rather long story.”

“I can only imagine,” Twilight said mirthfully. “I wonder what is happening on Earth right now…”

“You’re thinking of visiting, are you not?” Discord asked.

“I am.”

“You should go,” Discord said in encouragement. “Your friends are long gone but aren’t you curious to what humanity has done with themselves?”

“What’s with that knowing look?” Twilight asked cautiously. “What have you done?”

“Me? Nothing. Mostly.”

“Mostly?” Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“I’m sure you’ll find out sooner or later, so go on already! New horizons await and all that.” Discord encouraged further.

Twilight sighed. “I must admit ever since Nimble Star started that conversation back aboard the Harmony, I have been curious. Alright, one quick look at Canterlot High and then home again.”

“If you so insist,” Discord said as he crossed his arms. “Though, I suppose we shall see.”

“If something happens I’m holding you personally responsible,” Twilight warned, though with a slight grin.

“Get in line,” Discord smirked.

Twilight rolled her eyes, and then walked through the mirror before anything could distract her. The mystical object's surface shimmered as the portal was travelled through, and then was still again.

Discord grinned wider, and in a flash his usual appearance was replaced with another he had fondness for. A smug looking human male in a black and red uniform, a combadge pinned onto it with four pips lining his collar.

“Oh, I do so love to watch fireworks,” Discord said as he sighed in bliss.

As Princess Twilight Sparkle immersed herself in another world, the ES Harmony was back at its full capabilities and then some. Weapons, shields and all manner of systems had been upgraded. Twilight’s prediction had also come true, and almost all the crew and gathered once more to continue their voyage together. Together, as a family.

“Contact control, tell them we’re ready to depart,” Captain Iynx stated, sitting comfortably in the brand new chair that sat in the centre of the bridge.

“All sections are on standby,” Xal reported, sitting at the tactical console. “Geneser reports that all medical supplies are accounted for, and Silver Wrench says the engines are running steadily and healthily.”

“Well that makes a change,” Nimble Star remarked from the helm. “Oh, and did you see that the Princess arranged Geneser and Silver Wrench had some of the largest quarters on the ship. Their own little love nest…”

“We don’t get paid to tease our crewmates, Ensign,” the Captain teasingly scolded.

“It’s fun though. And it’s ‘Lieutenant’ now, remember?”

“You’re always an ensign to me, Nimble.”

“Yeah whatever, ma’am.”

“If you are quite finished, we have been cleared for departure,” Xal interrupted.

“Understood, release clamps and move us out of the starbase.”

As the undocking procedure commenced, the brand new turbolift opened up and the Chief Medical Officer and Chief Engineer both walked onto the bridge.

“Oh, wanted to see the show did we?” Nimble called back at them.

“Permission to step onto the bridge?” Silver Wrench asked, ignoring the pony at the helm.

“Granted,” Iynx responded. “I take it your engineers have it all in check?”

“The veterans are making sure the new blood doesn’t screw anything up. We’re fine.”

Outside the viewscreen, the view of the starbase interior gave way to the planet of Equus, and then to empty space. The ship moved on forwards, completely renewed and full of life. She then stopped, just waiting on the word. The warp coils were charged, and all they had to do was activate the warp field.

"We're ready, Captain," Nimble informed Iynx, a grin on his face.

"Very good," Iynx responded. "You know what? I just thought of something quite suitable to mark the occasions."

All eyes on the bridge turned on the Captain.

"Something suitable?" Xal enquired. "How so?"

"It's something Princess Twilight said the day our first colony ship was launched," Iynx stated. "It's become pretty iconic."

"Oh, I know this one," Silver Wrench stated.

"I know of this too," Geneser added. "So please Captain, do."

"I think I shall," Iynx confirmed. "I might even have a little spin on it just for this occasion."

"Well I have no idea as to what you speak," Xal said. "So I am eager to hear it."

Iynx grinned, examining her crew from the vantage of the captain's chair. She turned back to look out the viewscreen, and then with a deep breath she began to speak.

"Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the ES Harmony, its continuing mission to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilisations..."

Iynx sat back, watching as Nimble pressured forwards on one specific lever, doing so with great satisfaction as the engines of the Harmony glowed, before jumping to warp.

"To boldly go where nopony, and nobody, has gone before.”

Author's Note:

And so here we are, the end! (For now, who wants a teaser for what comes next?)

It took some time, and a rather long hiatus, but we got here. Now I just have to think of what else I should do before the sequel.

The ES Harmony will return...