• Published 24th Jul 2016
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Gilded Sister - Kind of Brony

A young girl who never got a chance to live is gifted that chance in the form of a new body, life, and brother. How will this old soul take to her strange world?

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"Moondancer, I want to, I really do, but I can't keep my eyes open anymore," I mewl, falling backwards on the pillow. "We're supposed to be sleeping, anyway." We really are, too. It's rare for me to be up this late, the sun having set hours ago, but my friend is relentless.

Maybe it was the scare at the diner, that I was nearly taken home early, that Moondancer is so desperate to squeeze every minute out of the sleepover, or maybe it was the coffee provided by her sister that we both took sips of. Neither of us could have swallowed more than a few drops of the bitter liquid, hacking as we were, but the taste alone was enough to jolt me awake at the time, even if the energy didn't last.

"But you'll really like this one!" the beige filly protests, interrupting my thoughts and holding up yet another book. "It's one of my favorites!"

As were the fifteen others stacked on the side of the bed. To no one's surprise, when we finally arrived at Moondancer's home, and our combined puppy eyes prevented my parents being contacted, the two of us have done little more than read. I got a tour of the house, of course, specifically Moondancer's bookshelf, and we hung out with her sister, Dawn Blend, for a bit, but eventually, we were laying on the carpet of her room, reading.

That was hours ago, and besides dinner, we haven't stopped. About halfway through her book collection, the magic drain from earlier started to take its toll. As much as I am proud of the progress I made, and as much as I want to repeat my success, I know it's better to get a good night's sleep first to avoid complete exhaustion, but Moondancer is insatiable.

"We still have all day tomorrow," I argue, barely lifting my head to meet her eyes. "Can't we read the rest of them then?"

"But we're going to the library tomorrow!" she counters desperately. "We'll have a whole bunch of new books to read then!"

"Yeah, but not until later in the day. We'll still have time in the morning. We can get through your books if we go fast." I'm relieved to see my reasoning getting through to her, her bottom lip caught cutely between her teeth and the book clung tightly to her chest, but I can tell she still needs a little more incentive. "How 'bout we lay back and tell stories to each other 'til we fall asleep? Like, from our heads?"

She looks hesitant. "I don't know... I'm not too good at telling stories without reading the words. I get all mixed up."

"Well, I'll tell a story then, and it'll be super good, I promise," I assure her, patting the space beside me. Her bed isn't all that large, but luckily, we are small enough that we both can squeeze in under the covers without one of us having to migrate to the floor. Reluctantly, she concedes, wiggling in next to me and pulling the blanket up to her chin.

"So, what story are you gonna tell?" she asks inquisitively.

"I'm not sure yet," is my honest response, tired eyes closed but brain digging furiously for a tale. I realize then that practically every story book I've ever read in my new life, Moondancer has as well, and I'm left lost, struggling to keep my promise. Then, upon reaching back further and further, I stumble upon knowledge often ignored, and inspiration strikes.

If I didn't have any stories from this world to tell, then I'll simply have to pull some from a different one. "Okay, this story is called, um, An Equestrian Tail. That's tail, like on our butts, by the way," I clarify, getting the filly to giggle.

"I haven't heard that one before. What's it about?"

"It's about mice."

"Mice? But aren't they suppose to be icky?"

"Hey, mice are cute," I counter. "Especially this one. This is the story of Fievel, the cutest, nicest mouse of of all, and his family."

"F- Fiiy-vall? That's a really weird name."

"Mouse names are different from pony names. Anyway, the story starts in... The the land of the gryphons, like we read in that book, remember? With Fievel and his family throwing a party on, um, mouse-Hearth's Warming, I think, and Fievel's dad has just given him a big blue hat as gift and told him about Equestria and how much better it is."

"Why doesn't Fievel's dad like the gryphon land?"

"Cats. There are cats everywhere, and cats eat mice. Plus gryphons are part cat, so they probably eat mice too."

"Gasp! Do they really?"

"Well, in this story they do. I mean, I'm pretty sure mice don't wear hats and throw parties either, so..."

"Yeah... I guess so. That's still gross to think about, and sad."

"It is. Anyway, just as Fievel's dad tells him about how their are no cats in Equestria-"

"But there is! Miss Drizzle across the street a has a whole bunch of cats, like five!"

"Yeah, Fievel's dad might not be too smart. I think maybe he's a hat maker, or something... So, the mice are all celebrating and having fun, Fievel's dancing with his sister, his dad is playing music, and they're eating cheese and drinking punch, when all of a sudden, cats attack!"


"Yep, and Fievel and his family barely escape. Cats are swiping at 'em one way, and the mice dodge the other, and they're chased out of their home and into the snow. After that, the mice are tired of the cats and always being afraid, so the dad decides it's finally time to leave-"

"And come to Equestria!"

"Mhmm, they sneak onto a big steam boat heading towards... Mmm, Manehattan. While his family is down below, waiting to reach their new dream home, Fievel, adventurous little mouse that he is, goes up top to see the ocean, but there's a really bad storm happening, and a big wave ends up knocking him into the water."

"Oh no!"

"Yeah, it's super scary as he gets pulled under, and he fights just to keep his head above the waves. It doesn't look good, until he ends up inside a glass bottle and he gets washed to shore. He makes it to Manehattan, but he's lost and alone, and his family are afraid they'll never see Fievel again."

"Please let him find his family," Moondancer whispers repeatedly under her breath, pushing harder against me. Warmth bubbles up in my chest at the response, glad my friend is so invested in a story that meant much to me so long ago. Even after everything, both from my past life and my new one, I still remember watching this movie with my father religiously.

Before the permanent move to the hospital when there was still hope for my recovery, we'd play the VHS tape of this movie everyday, it being a favorite of both of ours and something we could share. For years we watched it to the credits, only to rewind it back to the start and repeat the process. We did it so many times, in fact, that the tape eventually tore and Father promised to find another copy.

That was right before I was rushed to the ER where I spent my last few years. I had always wished to watch it again, but things had simply become too difficult then, and there was never any time.

Those thoughts have sadness budding right alongside the warmth, especially as I guiltily realize how vague my memories of the movie have become over the years, but I strive forward nonetheless. "On his own, Fievel tries to find his family, but the streets are scary, and the city's huge, and he starts to lose hope. Luckily, he meets a kind pigeon named Henri, who tells him not to give up; to never say never."

"Never say never?"

"Yeah, like, as long as you keep trying, you'll get what you want, and for Fievel, that's his family, so that's what the little mouse does, he keeps going... Until he meets this tricky, fibbing rat named Warren who foalnaps him and makes him work in a shop."

"But he's just a baby! What a mean rat!"

"Don't worry though, Mooney, Fievel doesn't stay there long before making a friend; another mouse named Tony, and the two escape together. After that, they meet a girl mouse named Bridget-"

"Ugh, who came up with all these silly names? How am I supposed to remember them when they don't make sense?"

"I know, I know, sorry, but these are the names. Anyway, Bridget is trying to make all the mice in the city work together to fight the cats, and Fievel and Tony end up joining the cause."

"See, I bet Fievel was really shocked when he found out there are cats in Equestria."

"Oh yeah he was, and his family was too. See, there was actually a big cat attack at a mouse marketplace, and Fievel's family was there. This makes them even sadder after they lost Fievel, but his sister, Tanya- hush, I know it's a weird name- Tanya is sure he'll come back."

"That's right, big sisters know everything. Dawn is super smart, too."

"Lucky. All I got is Bluey." I can only maintain the faux pout for a for seconds before joining Moondancer's giggles with a snort. "I'm joking, don't tell him I said that."

"Sure, but what happens next in the story?"

"Right, well, Tanya goes out and looks at the moon, thinking about how Fievel is probably looking at it too, and he is. He's even thinking the same thing as his sister, and he can't wait to find her and his parents, but first he has to help Bridget and the other mice beat the cats."

"But how? Cats are big, and mice are little. What can they do?"

"Fievel's the one who figures it out. He comes up with this crazy plan to scare the cats away by making a giant monster mouse out of a bunch of old stuff."

"Like garbage and stuff?"

"Yeah, and some hot air balloons to make the body."

"Pff, that's silly. Who'd be afraid of balloons?"

"Cats. Especially if they pop them with their claws. Anyway, the mice think it's a good idea, and start working on it right away. While they do that, Fievel goes to see Warren, the mean rat, but when he finds him, Warren is taking off a disguise, because he's actually a cat."

"Wait, what!?"

"Yep, he was lying to the mice so they would trust him and he could steal from them easier. Even worse, he's also the leader of the cats and has been telling them where to find the mice and when to attack."

"That's horrible! I hope Fievel ran straight to his mouse friends and told them what a bad kitty Warren is."

"He wanted to, but he ended up getting caught instead and held prisoner. Luckily though, Warren left a big, orange, fluffy cat in a purple shirt named Tiger to watch him, and even though he pretended not to be, he was really nice. When Fievel shares his story, Tiger starts to cry, and decides to let him go."

"Aww, good kitty."

"Definitely. but not the other ones, because as soon as they see him, Warren's whole gang of cats starts chasing Fievel as he runs to the other mice, who are at the docks by the ocean. Seeing him coming, the leader mouse tells the others to release the secret weapon! In a really funny voice, by the way. And that's just what they do, bringing out the scariest, giant, fireworks spitting mouse you've ever seen."

"Uh, I don't think I've ever seen a giant firework spitting mouse before."

"Oh, uh, just imagine a dragon, but covered in fur, I guess."

Moondancer giggles. "Heh, it's cute."

"No! It's scary! It has big, jagged, sharp teeth, and blank, glowing yellow eyes, and haunting, grinding roar!"

"Eep! Okay, it's scary now."

"The cats think so, because they dive right into the water and swim all the way to a boat leaving Equestria."


"The mice are happy, too, and they celebrate, but, things don't stay happy for long before a big fire breaks out. Turns out fireworks can be dangerous. Who knew? Well, during all the running and screaming, Fievel gets separated from his friends, and they're shouting his name looking for him, which is actually a good thing, because Fievel's family is there too, and they hear it.

"Tanya hears it first and tells her dad, but he thinks it must be a different Fievel and ignores her. They probably would have left and not seen him again if it weren't for his mom finding his hat. After that, they go looking for him, joining up with his friends, and run into Tiger, who gives them a ride on his back."

"And then they find him, right?"

"Of course, with his friends and family working together, how couldn't they? And with Fievel and his family finally back together, they all live happily ever after."

"I'm glad," Moondancer says with relief, yawning. "That was a nice story, maybe we'll find it at the library tomorrow and we can actually read it. I bet Fievel is really cute in the pictures."

"Um... maybe," I answer, a little nervous. "I... actually don't think it's a book."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I think, maybe, I... made it up? Or maybe it was from a dream. I don't remember," I fib. Really, there isn't much else I can do since I doubt the movie has a book of it here in Equestria for Moondancer to ever find.

"You mean... you made up that entire story? Even the silly names?"

"... Yes?"

"...That's incredible!"


"You made up an entire story in your head!? You're like a real life author!" She exclaims, turning to her side to look at me.

I open my eyes to meet her wide ones. "It's not that incredible," I try meekly, but she just shakes her head.

"Yes it is! You should write it down and make your own book!"

"I don't think so," I mumble, turning away to hide the blush spreading across my cheeks. Some of it is from embarrassment, but most is shame. I didn't mean to steal someone else's story and claim it as my own, I just wanted to tell a bedtime story to my friend so she'd fall asleep happy.

"But why not?" she practically whines, getting me to wince.

"It's... just not that good, barely a whole story even. No pony would want to read that." That's certainly the truth. I'm actually amazed at how foggy my memories of the movie are after having watched it so many times, but when I think back on those days, I mostly remember leaning into my father's side, munching on snacks, and clutching his shirt whenever the giant mouse came on screen.

"I liked it," argues Moondancer. "I'm sure other ponies would too."

"Just... just no. I'm sorry, Mooney, but..." I sigh, the exhaustion from before doubling in that moment. "Can we go to sleep now? I'm really tired."

Fighting to keep my eyes open until she gives an answer, I look through heavy lids to see her with a strange expression. Finally she gives a small nod. "...Okay."

"Good," I say with a tired smile, letting my eyes fall closed again.

I just want to go to sleep and bury those drudged up memories again before they can put me in tears, but Moondancer speaks up. "Pure... are you mad at me?"

"Of course not," I respond, peeking at her pensive face. "Why would you think that?"

"You sounded mad when I was saying you should write a book. I... I'm sorry if I ruined our sleepover."

"You didn't," I assure her, placing a hoof on her chest. "I'm sorry if I sounded mad, I'm just tired really. I promise, this is the best sleepover I've ever had."

She looks skeptical. "This is the only sleepover you've ever had."

"Still the best," I answer confidently, getting Moondancer to smile lightly. "You're like some sort of sleepover master."

She giggles, chin tucked to her chest, and soon we both say our final goodnights, snuggling in under the covers and wrapping each other in our hooves.

Author's Note:

Kind of another interlude chapter like the Dream sequence one. I hope it's not too unwelcome a delay to the story.
Thank Emtu for corrections.