• Published 24th Jul 2016
  • 26,680 Views, 2,907 Comments

Gilded Sister - Kind of Brony

A young girl who never got a chance to live is gifted that chance in the form of a new body, life, and brother. How will this old soul take to her strange world?

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“Hi, I’m Blueblood, and this is my sister Pureblood! Hey! I’m Blueblood and she’s Pureblood, nice to meet you! Hello!” My brother went on and on, greeting every foal to step within arm’s reach, including my name in each introduction, much to my displeasure.

“H-hi. Pleasure to meet you. Hello there. Charmed,” I force out, giving a stiff nod to each new pony directed my way and hoping my smile doesn’t appear as strained as it is. I’m fighting the urge to run over to my parents and hide while they talk with our teacher, a mare surprisingly a smidge taller than Dad, reminding myself that I’m not just some foal. Including the time I’ve spent in my new life, I’m technically a teenager for crying out loud! I can handle some social interaction…!

I think dying was less painful than when I stutter once again greeting a cream-colored unicorn filly with a pink mane. Ignoring the perplexed look in those turquoise eyes before she shrugs and skips off, I heave a sigh and attempt to get my heartbeat under control. I guess age doesn’t account for much when the bulk of it was in isolation.

At least Blueblood seems to have struck up an actual conversation with a colt, so he’s not putting a new pony in front of me every five seconds. Using the reprieve to its fullest, I try to distract myself by observing the room I’d be spending the rest of the morning in. There’s a surprising lack of rainbows and smiley faces inside, which I guess I’m relieved about, with the few there are sharing space with a variable hodgepodge of other images. Apples, happy beetles, a couple kittens, as well as a few crudely painted pictures I imagine must be from other students plaster the walls.

There are far fewer desks and chairs than I imagined there would be, with only a few large tables lining the edges of the room, though there aren’t exactly a whole lot of students so I guess that makes sense. It was a small relief when I realized all the foals I had seen outside weren’t going to be crammed into one room and instead would be divided between a couple.

A toy box sits in the corner and there are shelves filled with what appear to be craft supplies, judging by the clear container I can see filled with glitter. I’m going to have to make sure to keep Bluey far away from that; I’d rather not find out how difficult it is to get the shiny dust out of fur. In the very middle of the room is a large, oval play mat, the center a cooling shade of blue while the outer edge is decorated with squares of red, green, and yellow, each with a different number printed inside.

“Well, it’s nearly time for us to leave,” Dad says as he approaches, having to take several exaggerated steps to avoid crushing careless foals dashing between his legs. “Think you two will be okay until it’s time for us to come pick you back up?”

While I give a nod, brother grins. “Yep! Bye!”

Mom frowns and grumbles, “Could at least pretend you’re going to miss us?” before looking at me. “How about you, Pure? You still nervous?”

I bite my lip, contemplating just asking to go home now, but resist as I answer, “I’ll be okay, Mommy.” After a second, I throw my self-consciousness to the wind and leap forward to hug Mom’s leg. “I’ll miss you…”

Reaching down for a gentle embrace, Mom whispers, “I’ll miss you too, but it’ll only be for a few hours. You can make it, right?”

“Uh-huh,” I respond, pulling away with a smile significantly less forced. I’m more relaxed as Bluey and I give our final goodbyes, waving until our parents leave along with the last of the others who had come to exchange words with the teacher.

The room is soon clear of all adults except for a single, violet earth pony mare with a cloud-colored mane. Turning her red eyes towards the foals still running wild through the room, she smiles gently and calls, “Okay children, I think it’s time for introductions.”

By the time the teacher finally got all the foals to sit in a circle around the center mat, Blueblood and I had already been seated for five minutes, much to my annoyance. Having to continuously grab my brother to keep him from running off started to become tedious, and yet the teacher, having to deal with over a dozen rambunctious foals, never once raised her voice or let the gentle smile fall from her lips.

How much patience could this mare have to be able to do this for a living? Perhaps she was some sort of monk before she started teaching to maintain such serenity in the face of so much chaos.

“Okay, okay, settle down little one, there’ll be plenty of time to play in a bit,” the teacher said to a little blue filly with a white and darker blue mane. “Right now it's time for all of us to get to know each other, and I think I’ll start.

“Hello class, I’m Tutorial, though you may call me Miss Torial if you prefer, and I will be your teacher. I hope we will have much fun learning together.”

If by some instinct, many of the fillies and colts, myself included, respond the same way. “Hello, Miss Torial,” the bulk of us chant, getting the kindly mare to smile slightly wider.

“Now that you all know me, it’s time for each of you to introduce yourselves. Starting here,” she gestures towards the blue filly at her side who beams, “We shall go around the circle and say our names and one thing you wish to share with the class, okay? Go ahead, my child.”

Needing no further prompting, the filly releases a rapid stream of words. “Hi! I’m Minuette! I like having fun and hate wasting time! Everything has to be done fast!”

The next pony in line, the filly who gave me the strange look earlier, is caught off guard when Minuette wraps up her introduction in a mere three seconds before snapping her eyes over to her, but recovers quickly before speaking. “I’m Twinkleshine, and, um, I like doing stuff with my friends.”

The teacher is satisfied with the answer it seems and moves her gaze to the next foal, though I tune them out as I try to decide what I’m going to say when it’s my turn. The first part is simple enough, I’m Pureblood, but what’s something interesting about myself? I like to read? No that will make the other foals think I’m a nerd, and if the few sitcoms I remember seeing are anything to go by, that’s just asking to get bullied by some pony three times my size.

I guess I could say I know Princess Celestia, but wouldn’t that be bragging? I’m pretty sure bragging is bad, so I should avoid saying that, which throws the whole kinda royalty thing out the window too. That’s probably for the best, I’m pretty sure I’m not technically a princess if I’m understanding stuff right, and I definitely don’t feel like royalty, anyway. What’s interesting about me? Come on, this shouldn’t be hard! I can say I’m an alien, that way I won’t be lying, and I’ll go to a loony bin instead of school. Win win!

Just as I’m kicking myself for such a stupid thought, Blueblood’s turn arrives. “Hi, I’m Prince Blueblood the 17th, and this is my sister Pureblood! She’s a princess even if she says she’s not,” the colt declares with a confident smile and a hoof around my shoulder, missing my aghast look due to his smugly closed eyes. After a second, he adds. “Oh, and I like training with my Grandpa and getting stronger!”

I didn’t realize I had been staring for an embarrassingly long time before I heard the teacher clear her throat, the abrupt sound cutting through the excited murmurs of the other foals. “Pureblood, is it? Would you like to share something about yourself with the class?”

Jerking, I look around to see all the wide-eyed stares my brother and I were receiving, the former soaking the attention in as I resist hiding away. I have to say something, no matter how inviting the shadowy space beneath that table looks, but my first attempt comes out as nothing more than a squeak.

Come on, girl! Your mom wants this for you, don’t disappoint her and just say something already! Clearing my throat and collecting what little courage I could, I speak. “H-hello, um, I’m Pureblood, like my brother said, and I like, um… books?” I wince and mentally berate myself at the first snort, shrinking down in shame as more foals begin to giggle.

“I also enjoy books, hopefully you can find some new ones here,” Miss Torial says, that same serene smile on her face even though I just labeled myself a nerd within the first ten minutes of class. I might as well have thrown myself in a piranha tank with how these foals are going to eat me alive after this.

There was some prompting from the teacher towards the foal next to me to introduce themselves, but I hardly notice over my own panicking thoughts until they finally speak. “I-I’m, um, I’m Moondancer, a-and I like…” the light-beige unicorn shoots a glance at me from beneath her red and purple mane, a blush on her cheeks. “And I like books too.”

Staring at the filly, I notice the small, hopeful smile she held begin to fall as I process what is happening. Is this pony trying to be friends with me? Why? Judging from the teasing laughter of most of the class, I’ve already botched my first impression, right? Is it because Bluey told the class we were a prince and princess? Is she just schmoozing?

… No, besides being a foal no older than my brother, I can see the genuine hope dying in those purple eyes as self-consciousness wells in its place, and I know she’s feeling how I have been since I got here. Smiling is all it takes for the crestfallen expression to once again be replaced by a meek smile, and seeing that makes mine all the more real.

When Ornate and Blueblood returned to pick up the twins, they both did so with trepidation. For the mare, it was the fear that her daughter would come running out in tears, begging to be homeschooled. As for the stallion, he was afraid homeschooling would be required after his son had driven their teacher insane.

The latter of these worries was at least temporarily laid to rest as the teacher could be seen at the preschool’s entrance, bidding farewell to her charges as other parents arrived to retrieve them. Weaving through the crowd, Ornate and her husband approached the violet mare, both having to look up slightly to catch her eyes as she smiled in way of greeting.

“Miss Tutorial,” Blueblood began, returning the mare’s smile with a grin of his own, “I hope the twins didn’t cause too much trouble for you. My son can be a bit… much at times, and he often finds luck in roping his sister into his shenanigans.”

“Not at all,” she answered. “Young Blueblood was quite energetic, though nothing I haven’t dealt with before. He and some of the other colts got along swimmingly.”

“That’s a relief,” Ornate commented, wincing as a foal ran past her, screeching at the top of their lungs. “I honestly don’t know how you can do this job; just trying to take care of two foals can be taxing at times, and that’s with helpers. I think a whole classroom’s worth would have me a babbling mess within an hour.”

“Yes, keeping track of so many little ones can be difficult at times, but as long as one has the patience for it, I can hardly imagine a more fulfilling occupation,” Tutorial said, chuckling lightly as she looked to her flank at the snail cutie mark. “And patience is my special talent, after all.”

“Much to the benefit of us all,” praised Blueblood, perking up at a familiar voice.

“Daddy!” yelled his son, galloping full tilt into his father’s leg. “I had the best day ever! Me and Chrome Coat raced these really cool toy carriages and then Double Jump wanted to teach us this really boring game called chippers or something, but then Table Flip showed us this really cool thing you can do with the black and red pieces instead called tiddlywinks where you-!”

“Wow, wow, breathe, son, breathe,” the stallion instructed, picking the panting colt up. “Don’t want you passing out before I can hear about all the stuff you did with your new friends.”

Peeking around the teacher, Ornate asked, “Where’s your sister?”

“Hmm? Oh, she’s still inside with her friend,” little Blueblood answered dismissively before continuing his tale of fun and games to his father.

“Pureblood and Moondancer insisted that they properly shelve all the books they took down before they left,” Miss Tutorial informed. “I told them I could do it, but your daughter insisted, and as they went through half the collection it might take them a minute still to finish. I’m honestly contemplating bringing in books from my own library at the rate they’re going through the classroom's.”

A part of Ornate’s mind wanted to comment that that would only earn the teacher a few more days at most before the filly was hungry for more books, but one word her son spoke was taking up much of her thoughts at the moment. “Friend? My daughter made a friend?”

“She and Moondancer seem to have grown quite close over their shared interest in books,” Tutorial confirmed.

At that moment, two fillies came strolling out of the building, giggling to each other before the lighter of the two looked up and smiled broadly. “Hi, Mommy,” she called, picking up the pace and leaving the beige filly to catch up.

“Pure, did you have fun today?” inquired Ornate as she knelt to meet her daughter.

“Uh-huh! Moony and I read a whole bunch of books together and even made up some of our own stories, didn’t we, Moony?”

Upon being addressed, the little filly blushed and looked away, but she still spoke, if only in a whisper. “Uh-huh,” she answered before looking up slightly and adding, “Um, hello, Pure’s Mom.”

Oh, that was just too precious. When Ornate heard a mare’s voice call for the little filly, she turned to see who she presumed to be Moondancer’s mother. Following behind her daughter’s new friend as she ran, Ornate just knew she’d have to set up a playdate for their children.

The two were just too cute to only spend school together, plus she’d be able to take all sorts of adorable photos if they read at her house.

Author's Note:

Undertale? Never heard of it. On an unrelated note, if the owner of the school was particularly bad at naming things, like they were really unoriginal about it, what do you think they would name the school?

Anyway, did I raise some hopes of Twilight being in this chapter? Well too bad!

Haha! Mine is an evil laugh!