• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 9,089 Views, 505 Comments

The Stranger With a Big Iron on Her Hip - Omega_code

Scarlet is taken to Equestria and isn't quite happy being there.

  • ...

Chapter 17

Thanks to ProtheanBrony for proofreading.

“Oh...” Scarlet moaned as she woke up with a pounding hangover. She didn’t remember of getting into bed last night, nor did she care. Why do the negative effects of alcohol always affect me way after after I drink it? She looked down at her chest. I blame you. You artificial heart with your toxin filters making me think I can drink more than I can handle. She rubbed both of her eyes to wake them up. I just hope I didn’t do anything too stupid before I went to bed. A thought came to her. She checked the other side of the bed, and let out a sigh of relief to find no pony lying next to her. At least I haven’t done that yet. The last thing I need is to end up like my mother.

Scarlet slowly got out of the bed and stretched out her body. She was still wearing her courier duster from the other night. At least I kept my clothes on. She looked around the room and spotted something familiar. Her ranger armor neatly folded on top of a dresser. She walked over to it and picked it up. It was completely clean. Any stains of any matter were wiped clean. Lucky it still had its battle damages from it past and current user, keeping the look that Scarlet liked about it. Scarlet softly smiled to herself and put it back on top of the dresser. She reached to one side of the blue sleeveless duster she was wearing and took one arm out, shortly followed by the other.

She took a moment of time to look at the symbol painted on its back; a black spade with a yellow numeral 21 inside the spade. The symbol Ulysses thought best fitted her for the flag she was carrying for New Vegas. Scarlet sometimes wondered what would happen to Vegas, and the Divide, if she didn’t fight to make New Vegas independent and went with whom she originally planned to follow. I would’ve probably been a different woman… and Vegas would’ve been… different. She pushed the silly thought aside and set the blue duster on the bed. She started to remove the rest of her clothes, getting herself prepared for another day in this world.


Applejack took a bite from an apple (hopefully an apple that wasn’t full of radiation). Last night when Celestia and Scarlet came back late during the night from the Salt Block, Scarlet was a bit… not all there. She was zoning out, saying things Applejack couldn’t understand. Celestia later explained she lost the crystal that was used for translating, and was a bit drunk. One Celestia led Scarlet to her room she briefly told them that Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity were coming to Appleloosa. Celestia didn’t tell them why, but Applejack didn’t need a reason. It wasn’t the first time Celestia called the bearers of the Elements of Harmony together to take a great threat of Equestria down.

Luna’s night was starting to pass into day and Celestia had to go somewhere to bring up the sun to begin it, saying she’ll be back with Applejack's friends. So Applejack and Braeburn were having breakfast together, waiting for Scarlet to wake up. 
Heavy sounds of Scarlet’s boots pounding down the stairs could be heard from the other side of the wall. “Celestia are you here?” Scarlet called out as she came into of view through the kitchen doorway, wearing the armor she had on the first day they met. Scarlet looked in the kitchen and spotted Applejack and Braeburn. “Oh, you two; I guess Celestia's not here.”

“Eeyup, she’s out raising the sun. She should be back soon, along with my friends.” Applejack answered before finishing off her apple.

“I see…wait... you’re speaking English!”

“Celestia was able to cast a translation spell on us. So we don’t need your necklace anymore.” Braeburn answered for Applejack in a cheery tone.

“Oh, so the spell doesn’t work on me, but works on everyone else. That’s my luck.” Scarlet walked over to the table and grabbed an apple with her left hand. She took a bite and took a glance at the device strapped to her left arm. Nothing happened, to which Scarlet seemed happy with and took another bite.

The device on Scarlet’s arm intrigued Applejack. For the last two days she has been wearing that, never taking it off. Sure Scarlet told her that it could detect that radiation energy, but Applejack felt it could do more than just that; otherwise, it didn’t look like something to strap on one’s arm for just doing one thing.

“You know Applejack; I never took you as that type of woman. I know that I have a decent set, but still, it’s not nice to stare.” Scarlet randomly stated out. Applejack took her gaze away from the device and looked at Scarlet face, a bit confused of what she meant. “In other words, stop staring at my boobs.”

Suddenly Applejack understood what Scarlet. Scarlet held her left arm near her chest and from what Scarlet said it was near…something private. “No, no no…I… was…just looking...," Applejack stumbled through in complete embarrassment.

Scarlet interrupted Applejack before she could finish, and in a humorous tone spoke, “It’s okay Applejack, I understand. You’re not the first woman who tried to hit on me, but sadly I don’t swing that way. Better luck next time.” Scarlet took another bite from the apple with a huge smile across her face.

Applejack’s face was blushing so much she tried to hide under her hooves. “Scarlet that wasn’t nice to tease about, especially when it’s not true.” Braeburn said trying to defend Applejack.

Scarlet let out a small disappointed sigh. “It was just a joke, but fine. Sorry for teasing you like that Applejack. It’s just normal for me; you don’t know how many woman actually tried to have sex with me...it’s surprising.”

Applejack’s face stopped blushing and returned to normal. “It’s okay Scarlet, it just I didn’t know I was looking at anything… private…”

“It’s okay, really. After all, y’all basically walk around naked all day, so privacy in this world is probably not as all important as it is in my world.” Scarlet finished off her apple and threw it away. She then pulled a bag that she was carrying and went to the sink.

Curious Applejack asked, “What’s that?”

“An MRE, I’m making myself some breakfast.” She opened the bag and dumped several small boxes out and smaller bags out. She did a series of steps with the small boxes and bags which Applejack could keep track of. Scarlet ended with leaving the box leaning against the wall. “Now I just let that cook and it will be ready.”

“What type of food are you cooking?”

“I believe its sliced bits of pork chop.”

“Pork chop, what’s that?”

“It’s a type of meat.”

Applejack slightly shuddered when she heard that, but wasn’t surprised. Braeburn told her about asking for meat yesterday morning. “I see...,” she said with an unsteady voice.

“Look Applejack, I know your species are herbivores and all, but I’m an omnivore. I need meat as part of my diet. However, don’t worry, I will never, NEVER, eat an animal here who can talk, think, and have free will. That’s basically cannibalism in my books.” She picked up the box and opened it up, letting out some steam. She grabbed some sort of utensil, “Now if you like I can eat this outside and spare you the view.”

“No, it’s okay. It’s just new to me. Enjoy your meal.”

"I will, and don't worry. I don't chew loud." Scarlet ripped open a bag and started to eat her meal.


The train came to a screeching stop next to the station. Celestia was sitting on the side watching and waiting. The doors on the passenger wagons opened and ponies started to flood out. Many ponies stopped to pay their respects to Celestia, and Celestia smiled and greeted everypony who did. Soon five, all of whom she was happy to see, made their way out of the train.

“Princess Celestia,” Twilight called out in a joyful tone.

“Hello Twilight, it’s wonderful to see you again, and hello to you too, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. I’m glad you all were able to make it to Appleloosa.”

“And why were we called here your majesty, if you don’t mind me asking,” Rarity question.

“Yeah, does this have to do with this alien Applejack met?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Both are good questions, and they will be answered once we are inside Braeburn’s house.” Sudden Pinkie raised a hoof in the air. “Yes Pinkie?”

“Are we throwing a super duper surprise party for the alien, or did the alien already get one?”

Celestia let out a small chuckle. “No we are not, and I don’t think one was thrown for her either.” Pinkie smiled to that answer and Celestia could see the wheels turning the party pony's mind.

“Excuse me your majesty,” a stallion's voice spoke out. Celestia looked away from the five ponies and saw two unicorn guards. “We’ve brought the two items you have requested.” Both of them activated their magic and brought two chests up. One was the chest that held the Elements of Harmony and the other the device that should help find Cadbury’s hideout.

“Thank you sirs,” Celestia used her magic to take hold over the chests. “If there is nothing else, you two can head back to Canterlot.”

One of the stallions looked a bit uneasy. “Are you sure your highness? We were told by Shining Armor to help you in any way we can. He even prepared a small force incase...”

“There is no need of that. The Elements should be able to take care of the threat, and I believe I have more than enough protection.” Sounds like Shining Armor, ever since the Changeling’s Invasion he’s been juggling between being a husband and keeping security up. “However, do tell Shining Armor to keep the forces on alert.”

The two guards did a salute and headed back on the train. “Are you sure Princess? My brother looked worried when I got on the train to come here,” Twilight asked.

“It's natural for a brother to be worried. Now, I need to cast a translation spell on all of you. Our visitor doesn’t understand our language, and we don’t want to add any more confusion than there already is. Now who’s first?”


Fallout New Vegas is copyrighted Obsidian Entertainment and Bethesda Softworks.
MLP: Friendship is Magic is copyright to Hasbro.
All characters that belong to their companies are rightfully theirs. This writing is for fun and nothing else.