• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 9,089 Views, 505 Comments

The Stranger With a Big Iron on Her Hip - Omega_code

Scarlet is taken to Equestria and isn't quite happy being there.

  • ...


Thanks to Violet Droplet for editing this chapter.

A group of Y-17s were walking near the entrance of the Think Tank building. One was wielding a heavy incinerator, and the other two had LAERs. A figure that was hiding several meters away from them lowered the scope of her Anti-materiel rifle and sighed. “Just when you think you get rid of them all, three more pop out of nowhere,” she said. She ejected the magazine that held regular rounds for the rifle and changed it for a magazine that held her explosive rounds. “At least they haven’t seen me yet.”

She looked down the scope and aimed at a middle spot between the three of them. The Y-17s were walking at a slow pace and the woman carefully trailed them. Soon she aimed a little to the right and fired. Even with the suppressor the rifle let out a loud roar and a small explosion erupted right in the middle of Y-17s. The smoke soon settled down and the woman saw there were three piles made out of shatter pieces of suites and bones. “Perfect,” she said with a small smile across her face.


About time, she thought. She got up from her hiding spot and strapped the rifle to her back. She jump down off of the ledge and started making her way towards the Think Tank building. Her gear slightly jiggled as she jogged, and she kept an eye out for any cyberdogs or Lobotomites who like to roam around the area. Luckily she didn’t spot any so she reached the entrance to the Think Tank in no time. She took the small elevator ride up and soon met with the five scientists. “So,” she asked loudly, “y'all actually got the transporter to work this time?”

“Of course we got it to work, you doubt our absolute GENIUS,” Dr. Borous said.

“Now, now,” Dr. Dala said. “I bet the little teddy bear didn’t mean that.”

“@*$^(#&(*$_#*^@(*$)(*^@$%&*&$^*(@^%(&#%*@*%)(#^)**#,” Dr. 8 spoke.

“Exactly,” the women said, “I don’t want to end up like the plants from the first test.” I like my insides to stay inside of me, she thought.

“Well Yes Man just transmitted that the test subject we sent through the transporter came through whole and is still alive,” Dr. 0 stated.

“Wait…who was this test subject?”

“Um…Roxie…she was very eager to go through…probably to see that other cyberdog again,” Dr. 0 answered.

“Great," she said with small annoyance in her voice. "Well thanks for the favor. I guess I let y'all get back to work with your experiments. Be back sometime next week.” The women made her way to the elevator that led to the Sink.



“DR. 0!”

“Well if you kept your work area tidy, I wouldn’t have to “move” them!” The women didn’t hear the rest of the conversation, but in reality she really didn’t care. The elevator took her to the Sink, and when the door opened she was greeted by all of the Sink’s AIs.

“Welcome back sir.”


“Do you have any mugs?”

“Hey there baby.”

“Got any new blue tunes for me to play lately?”

“Good day, citizen!”

“Do you need any water?”

“How about we turn on the lights?”

“Don’t turn her on, turn me on!”

“How about the two of you just shut up before I burn you two up in nuclear fire!”

The women just shook her head, amused of how much the AIs miss her. “CIU open a transmission to Yes Man.”

“As you wish sir,” the CIU said. The commutation signal between here and the Lucky 38 was one of the few upgrades the women made to the Sink after the battle at Hoover Dam. Just in case something happened in New Vegas and Yes Man needed her to take care of it. Normally she would have to travel outside of the building and use “The Big Mountain Transportalponder!”, but hopefully this transporter would change that. The transporter in the Sink led to one that was recently built inside the Penthouse in the Lucky 38. Hopefully it would be a lot quicker than going outside of a building and using the Transportalponder, then having to track across the Mojave to get back to Vegas. She also wouldn’t need to explain to the people why she disappeared in a flash of light. Like the one time a man claimed she had been abducted by aliens. She was later able to convince the man that he was just high on Jet and was just making it all up.

“Hi there Scarlet, it’s been awhile since I heard from you,” the cheery voice of Yes Man came from the speaker inside CIU.

“Yes Man, you know I don’t like you addressing me like that.”

“Opps…sorry, anyway I bet you would like me to tell you about this here teleporter of yours.”

“That would be nice.”

“Well it works like a charm. Roxie came through nice and clean. I think she is with Rex right now…”

“Yes Man I don’t need to know what Roxie is doing right now. Is the teleporter safe enough for me to use?”

“Of course it is. Didn’t those scientists tell you that already?”

“I trust your word better than theirs.” Since you have little to no choice but to tell me the truth, she added in her mind. “Well then, I’ll be there shortly.”

“Great, ED-E will be real happy to hear that, Yes Man signing off.” There was a small click and static rang out as the signal was cut off. Right, better get ready then. Scarlet took off her gear and put it on top of the bed in her room and got a checkup by Doc.

“You are healthy as you were last time I check ya. I don’t know why you even bother,” he said once the checkup was finish.

“Just want to make sure I did a good job fixing myself up. Got jumped by a pack of cyberdogs the other day and one of my arms broke. Just want to make sure the Hydra did its job.” She looked at a small mirror and readjusted the red beret back on top of her head of red hair. “Besides, I never pass down a free checkup,” she smiled slightly and went back to the bed room to gear back up. Along with her Anti-materiel rifle, she had a .45 and a 12.7mm SMG, Maria, Lucky, the Pulse gun, and a machete gladius. Lighter than what she would have normally carried, but she didn’t expect much trouble with this short visit in Big MT. “Well I’m off, be back next week.”

“Brings some mugs next time, will ya? I'M DYING HERE TO CLEAN SOME,” Muggy shouted out.

Scarlet just rolled her eyes. She looked at the circular pad that was in front of her. “Well, here I go.” She stepped on it and it softly glowed, notifying her it was active and ready. “Please don’t turn me inside out,” she quietly chanted out. She reached for a button when Dr. Klein voiced boomed through the room’s speakers.


Scarlet’s body jump and she accidentally hit the button. “Oh-no,” was all she got to say before she got teleported.

“Oh dear, that’s not good,” the CIU said.

The Courier: Scarlet
Level 50
Karma: Good…enough.
S: 8
P: 9
E: 7
C: 5
I: 9
A: 6
L: 4

Yes it is possible to get this with no mods. Just used implants and the one you get from the Lonesome Road, no SPECIAL training perks.

Some of her Perks (That I want to reveal for now): Pack Rat, Finesse, Fast Metabolism, Silent Running, Adamantium Skeleton, Weapon Handling, Burden to Bear, Strong Back, Run’n Gun, Quick Draw, Rapid Reload, Sniper, Commando, and Jury Rigging.

Those who don’t know what they do. Here’s a link.

And yes this story was inspired from tony1685 and Explodium stories, but I wanted to do my own little twist with the idea. Like why don't we have a human female protagonist instead of a male? Also this is actually my in game Courier. For some bizarre reason I think the story in New Vegas plays far better when as a female than playing as a male...due to one scene you can do with a certain perk (only to get him alone though, easier to him kill that way).

Fallout New Vegas is copyrighted Obsidian Entertainment and Bethesda Softworks.
MLP: Friendship is Magic is copyright to Hasbro.
All characters that belong to their companies are rightfully theirs. This writing is for fun and nothing else.