• Published 5th May 2019
  • 2,425 Views, 42 Comments

Equestria Girls: The Spider Seven - Alphamon_Ouryuken

With great power, comes great responsibility... and these Seven Girls must learn how to master this power...

  • ...

Scarlet Pain


The sound of a heavy fist connecting to a jaw bone echoed in the battle arena as the being called The Absorbing Man took down another opponent. Most rumors said he'd fought against a green giant of pure rage and even a supposed god or two. But then again, rumors are rumors.

"AND STAY DOWN YA HALF WIT! YEAH! BULK BICEPS IS READY TA RIP'EM APART! WHO WANTS SOME?!" He yelled at the anxious crowd who all cheered at the bloodied sport on display.

"AND ONCE AGAIN, THE ABSORBING MAN CLAIMS VICTORY!!" The announcer proudly proclaimed as he flexed his muscles for the audience.

From one of the many viewing lounges above the cheering crowd, a masked individual watched as the fallen opponent was carried away from the ring on a stretcher.

"Yeah... real easy when ya can turn yer body into metal..." The individual whispered to herself with a bit of disdain, but even then she was thankful he wasn't her next opponent. He was among the various semi-final champions that folks would have to face before meeting with the main one... a strange individual that called himself Fusion. Whispers abound that he claims to be able to crush anyone with just a thought but none have dared to try and see if it was true outside his ring.

Supposedly, the one she'd be facing off against was meant to be just some kinda animal of some sort… which was kinda funny considering she used a spider as her symbol. 'Can't help but wonder if they're trying tah be clever…'


"Showtime." She whispered to herself as she adjusted her mask and made her way down the stairs…


And with that announcement, the stadium lights shined down upon the challenger. Revealing a woman wearing a blue sleeveless hoodie with a crudely drawn-on spider symbol on top of a completely red bodysuit, a matching mask, with her hair covered by a long web-like hairnet that seemed to extend down to her hips.

Not wasting a second, the Scarlet Spider got a running start and leaped into the ring, striking a pose for the crowd. "Let's do this!"


At the announcement of that name, a strange humanoid-rat hybrid, minus a tail, burst forth from what Scarlet assumed was some kinda massive cage, complete with broken chains dangling off it's arms and legs. "YOU MAY THINK THE CONTAINMENT FOR THIS THING HARSH BUT BE WARNED! THIS THING HAS FLAYED AND KILLED SEVERAL OTHER COMBATANTS! IT'S EVEN FED ON A FEW! BELIEVE US, THIS RAT AIN'T PLAYING FOR FUN!"

Glaring at her opponent, Scarlet wasn't sure whether or not to feel pity or the urge to vomit at the sight of it. 'Just what level of the seven hells did this abomination crawl out of!?' She thought to herself as the beast set its sights on her and immediately charged into the ring. The Announcer didn't waste any time making himself scarce as he scrambled out of the ring and the cage started to come down

"VERMIN... HUNGRY! VERMIN EAT SPIDER FLESH! VERMIN! NEVER! LOOOOSE!" Vermin shouted in a fit of pure madness, spraying drool all over the floor as he dropped into a pouncing position.

Scarlet barely had time to react before he launched himself at Scarlet, claws first! She managed to deliver a blow to his stomach, but the beast barely seemed to feel it. "Oh fer the love of-" Scarlet groaned before ducking down to avoid another swipe. "What kind of steroids did they pump into this thi-ARGH!!" She hissed in pain as Vermin lunged at her right arm and bit down hard, his fangs piercing her skin and drawing blood. Then before she could react he slammed his fist into her gut, sending her flying across the ring and lading on her back.

Biting her lip, Scarlet forced herself to her feet, enduring whatever pain she in, and glared at the oversized rat. She couldn't let anyone stand in her way, not here, not now! Not even this hulking behemoth before her!

She had to win that prize money... for them...

With those thoughts in mind, the Scarlet Spider cracked her knuckles and quickly darted towards her opponent. "Y'all asked for it! Now the kid's gloves are comin' off!!"

"ALL WELL AND GOOD BUT CAN SCARLET BACK IT UP AFTER THE VERMIN GAVE HER ONE OF HIS SIGNATURE BITES?!" The Announcer shouted as the crowd roared in excitement, Scarlet barely paid them any heed as she charged back at the beast, who in turn roared in rage and charged at her as well.

But just as they met in the center of the ring, instead of just punching or fighting the thing head on, Scarlet jumped over him and shot some webbing at his head, using her momentum to slam his face onto the floor just as she landed!

"C'MON! GET UP! AH AIN'T GOT ALL DAY!" She shouted as the rat creature panicked and flailed around, ripping the webbing off of it's face and snarling at her.


"VERMIN'S GONNA SHUT THE HELL UP!" Scarlet shouted as she fired a high velocity bullet-like cartridge at the beats, before he could even think of dodging it exploded into a flurry of webbing, pinning his arms to his sides. Not wasting so much as a heartbeat she rushed over to the immobilized foe before delivering a powerful sweep kick to his legs, knocking him off his feet. She then grabbed him by his legs and began slamming him around the cage! Getting a roar or squeal of pain from the vile beast with each impact before slamming him to the ground with all of her might and finishing him with a powerful drop-kick to his skull.

The crowd went silent as Scarlet backed away from the beast, who could only glare at his opponent as it struggled to move. "V-Vermin... k-k-kill... crush..." He stammered coughing up some blood (and spitting out a tooth) as he attempted to get up and attack her once more...

...only to lose consciousness just before hitting the floor.

The cage then started to open up allowing the Announcer in. Scarlet could only smirk with pride as he held up her left arm and crowd went wild. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THIS ROUND'S WINNER IS THE SCARLET SPIDER!!

The crowd continued to cheer as Scarlet was escorted out of the arena and into the waiting room, where she was greeted by a medic holding a syringe along with a few other supplies. "What's this all about?"

"Trust me girl, you need this shot." He said as he approached her and rolled up her right sleeve. "That thing's bite leaves a nasty infection."

"Gee. A rat mutant leaves an infectious bite. Who'da thunk it?" Scarlet scoffed with a very deep level of sarcasm as she glanced back at the ring, where two muscular Security Guards were dragging the unconscious Vermin out of the ring and back into its cage. She then winced as she felt the needle pierce her skin. "Where the heck did that creature even come from?" She mumbled as the medic started tending to her wounds.

"Your guess is as good as mine, I just work here..." The medic replied as he started wrapping bandages around her arm.

"Thanks." She said as she stretched her arm a bit. "And fair enough but… that thing needs tah be put down. It ain't even tryin' tah act human... just like some kinda-"

"Monster? That's why the boss likes keeping it around... it's scary but he's scarier. Sort of a show of dominance BS kinda thing." The medic said, only for one of the guards to smack him upside the head.

"Hey who said you could talk, asshat?!"

Scarlet narrowed her eyes behind her mask as the medic rubbed the back of his head. "Just some minor conversation sir, pay it no mind." He said in the most restrained tone possible, though how to tell he had a few choice words for the guy that only his paycheck stopped him from saying.

"Anyways, Ah got some winnin's Ah need to collect." Scarlet said as she got up and exited the room. As she made her way down the hall, she heard the crowds chanting in unison as the announcer began describing the next fighters. At times, part of her was tempted to see if she could apply for the Gold-Ranked matches, but she reminded herself just how dangerous they were in comparison.

No, the risk wasn't worth it. her Silver-Rank fights earned enough money to put food on the table and pay the bills. That's what she had to focus on...


She was brought out of her thought as the entire facility shook, throwing her off-balance. "What in the-"

"HEY WHAT THE HELL-?!" A voice from one of the guards shouted before he was silenced by what sounded like an electro blast… and it was coming from where the prize money was being kept!

"No no no no!" Scarlet whispered as she high-tailed it down the hall and busted open the door... but what she saw was definitely not what she was expecting.

That is to say... how do you prepare to see a strange circular looking drone with four metallic long snaking arms grabbing your prize money?

"HEY! AH EARNED THAT!" She yelled before thwipping out a webline in an attempt to grab the strange robot.

The robot quickly turned around, it's crimson "eye" glaring down at her just as the webbing latched onto it. Unfazed, the robot easily tore through the webbing with its mechanical arms before aiming one of them at Scarlet and firing a concussive blast of yellow energy.

"GAH!" Scarlet screamed out as she was nailed in the chest and sent flying back into the wall. The robot then smashed down a nearby wall and leaped down to the streets below.

While Scarlet was able to pick herself back up, she was a bit disoriented as she followed suit as best she could. Whatever this thing was? It was strong enough to easily cut through her webbing, a big enough sign that this thing was invented in case that other spider-chick showed up.

As she continued following it from a safe distance, she managed to spot it stop at a certain point... a seemingly out of place in an alleyway white van…

'Ah did NOT get tossed around by some idiot calling himself "The Trash Man" just to get mah winnings stolen from me by some second-rate Dr. Evil!' She thought as she clenched her fists until she felt a familiar pressure in her wrists, while she usually saved these specific abilities for tougher opponents in the ring, she couldn't afford to pull any punches this time.

Using the element of surprise on her side Scarlet leaped forward and jabbed her Stingers, self-named, into the robot's metallic shell… or at least tried to, but the machine, reacting faster than she expected it to, quickly spun around and grabbed her with its metallic tendrils, wrapping on around both if her arms and two around her legs. Once she was securely suspended in mid-air it seemed to enter a standby mode as the back doors to the van opened, revealing who Scarlet assumed was the operator.

While Scarlet couldn't properly discern their gender, their attire consisted of a deep green mask with black goggles, a similarly colored jumpsuit with yellow wires aligning their arms, legs, as well as a few running down their torso, they also wore deep yellow gloves, boots, a green belt, and on top of all that they wore a leather trench coat and a toboggan that obscured their hair.

"If I were a more crude person I'd make a reference to tentacle porn right now…" Scarlet heard them scoff as the machine's grip tightened. They then started picking up the sacks of money that their little machine minion brought to them and placed it inside the van.

Scarlet tried to struggle but the thing began applying its pressure to the limbs it was wrapped around causing her to stop doing that. "Okay... okay fine Mr or Ms Nutty Robo ya got yer money... ya at least gonna monologue or something about why ya need it? Ah kinda have no way tah get free." 'Not unless I can at least get a better angle with one of mah web shooters... just need them tah get talking.' She mentally added.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I'm a professional." The individual replied as they pulled out a tablet of some kind before tapping the screen. On command, the robot's free arm lowered itself right in front of Scarlet's face. Before she could respond, the center of the claw opened up and shot out a cloud of green gas. Unprepared for this, Scarlet could only cough as the gas filled her lungs and her vision began to blur.

"I don't do monologues..." Were the last words Scarlet heard before she passed out...

Two Hours Later:

"...ugh... gonna murder whoever invented knock out gas.... soon as Ah can time travel." Scarlet groaned to herself as she finally came to, her returning consciousness accompanied by a small yet rather irritating headache. She tried to stand up, stumbling a bit… only to bump her head against something.

"What th-" As her vision became less blurry, she realized that she was in an enclosed space... with several bags... that smelled like-

'Did that bastard seriously throw me in a DUMPSTER!?'

Scarlet could only growl as she punched open the lid and climbed out. Sadly the white van had long since driven off, and she saw nothing that would even provide hint on how or where to track it to. 'Great, just GREAT. Ah lost the damn money AND got mah ass whooped by a tin can... good job, really makin' the family proud…' She mentally reprimanded herself as she shot out a webline and began to swing through the city, hoping to find something, anything, that she could use to track them down... only to make a U-turn the second her phone's alarm went off. 'CRAP, AH'M GONNA BE LATE!'

Not wasting a moment, she quickly land on one of the buildings and started leaping from rooftop to rooftop. Whoever was controlling that thing would have to be dealt with another day...

A few minutes later, Scarlet landed atop one of the many apartment buildings in the neighborhood. After looking around to make sure no one else could spot her, she quickly rushed towards a nearby maintenance hatch and pulled it open, revealing a duffel bag along with a few extra masks and outfits.

She quickly took off her dirty, torn-up costume, hairnet, and mask, revealing her orange freckled skin and her long blond hair. Reaching into her duffel bag she yanked a change of denim pants, a deep brown vest, and long-sleeved yellow sweater...

...and her favorite hat.

"She's late again..."


"...and y'all ain't worried all...?"


Apple Bloom sighed as she watched her older brother, Big Mac, preparing dinner. Her eyes occasionally drifting back to the clock.

It was 20:30. She should've been back an hour ago.

However, just before she could ask again she heard the door swing open, and in walked her favorite big sis! "Howdy y'all!"

"Applajack!" Bloom squeaked as she hurried over and hugged her... before immediately letting go, making a face like she was about to puke. "Gah! Yikes sis! What did yah do at work tah smell like that?! Try and clean up the garbage?!"

"Yeah... let's go with that..." Applejack chuckled nervously as she rubbed the back of her head. "...and how was your day at school, young lady?" She asked as she walked into the living room, hoping to change the subject.

"Oh, it was great! Me, Scoots, and Sweetie managed tah get one over on that Diamond Tiara gal!" Apple Bloom said with a grin on her face.

"Uh-huh. And what about yer classes? Anythin' good from them grades?"

That made her little sister slightly nervous. "Ah got a B+ on mah math test..." She began in more... hesitant tone.

"And a D- on her history test." Big Mac chimed in from the kitchen, earning a glare from their youngest sibling.

"Aw... Bloom, why didn't ya say somethin'?! Me and Mac are here, or at least Ah try ta be here, ta help ya with that kinda stuff!" Applejack said with a hint of irritation and concern in her voice. "Ain't nothin' wrong with askin' fer help!"

"We can discuss that after dinner." Big Mac started as he started setting up the table. "...as soon as someone washes up." He added, glancing in Applejack's direction.

The middle sibling simply rolled her eyes and she made her way upstairs. "Yeah, yeah, ah'm goin'..." She grumbled, ignoring her sister's snickering.

As she turned on the warm water, Applejack took some time to think over her night... she'd almost gotten.. beat by, of all things, a mutant rat.... and how she had her rightfully earned prize money stolen by some weird janky-looking robot drone.

"...Ah'm sorry Ah let ya down, Bloom." She whispered to herself as.

As the bathtub continued to fill up with warm water, her thoughts drifted back to that person controlling the robot, or more specifically, the van they had used. It had been brief, but she could've sworn she'd caught a glimpse of the license plate right before she passed out...


"...Under huh… could it be…?" She mused to herself as she turned off the water. Something to consider for the next time she's doing her visit tomorrow...

"...and then Snips walked out of the lab right behind Snails with his hair stuck as an afro and screamed 'I told you not to use baking soda!', everyone in the classroom was laughing!" Apple Bloom continued, snickering as she scooped more mashed potatoes onto her plate.

"Heh! Yeah that sounds about right." Applejack said with a laugh as she ate, but now came the hard part. Especially with Mac in the room. ".... ya know.... tomorrow's gonna be visitin' hours fer Ma-"

"You can go AJ... and if Bloom wants to alright.... but Ah got some home stuff ta cover so Ah can't join." Mac said pointedly... but Applejack could tell there was a heavy bit of coldness in his voice…

...ever since their mom got arrested, it'd been rather difficult for the Apples, and poor Mac basically had to pull double duty as a brother AND parent due to it.

The atmosphere went from enthusiastic to tense in seconds as Bloom glanced between the two. "Uh, thanks but… Ah promised Ah'd meet up with Sweetie Belle after class, we're planning on starting up our own Movie Club and we need to find some more members!" She replied trying to steer the conversation in a more positive direction as she scooped some salad onto her plate.

"O-oh! Hey now when did yah ferget tah bring that up in a conversation?" Applejack asked, wanting to steer it away as well… although this wasn't the first time her little sister had skipped out on visiting mom as well. "Ya tryin' ta be the next Crisp Knot or somethin'?"

"Ha. Ha. Ah ain't makin' any Madame Mystery Risin' or anythin'.... would be REALLY cool though." Bloom said with a blush.

"Heh. Well whenever ya do get famous that way? Ya better tell us first!" Applejack said with a lighthearted laugh... but Big Mac still seemed rather peeved by the earlier revelation.

Bloom, noticing the hardened expression on her big brother's face, poured some gravy onto her mashed potatoes before turning to her older sister. "Can Ah finish in mah room?" She asked Applejack, who simply sighed.

"...sure kiddo. You go on now."

At that Bloom grabbed her plate and hurried off to her room, doing her best not to spill her food. Applejack looked at Big Mac who seemed to have turned his attention completely to his food that he wasn't eating that much of now. She opened her mouth... but then stopped herself. She'd already tried breaching the subject but decided to back off…

'...maybe another time.'

The next day, Applejack let out a tired sigh as she entered the city prison facility. It always pained her to come here, for her, this place was nothing more than a nasty reminder of how broken their family was... and in her mind, just how badly she'd failed.

She went up to the scanner just before the visitation room. Always had to do it just in case someone was a super criminal trying to bust them free with some kinda insane plan.

"...hey there, Smith." One of the guards said in a mournful tone.

"Hey there, Lock Down." Applejack said back. "Kids doin' good?"

"Heh, yep. My little girl's started making plans for Halloween, wanted to be Cops just like their old man." He smiled back.

"Well yer settin' the right example fer 'em." She chuckled as she emptied her bag and pockets before stepping through the metal detector.

After seeing nothing set it off Applejack was allowed into the visitation room and sat at her usual spot…

...and through the door she came, clad in her standard prison uniform. The many months, bordering on two years, in jail had not been kind to her yet she had seemed to not let it get to her. The two smiled as they picked up their phones. "Howdy Ma."

"Howdy, Jacqueline." Pear Butter replied as she gazed at her daughter. "Well look at you, someone's been workin' out." She chuckled, hoping to at least make their conversation less awkward... it never was easy having to see her child from behind glass…

"Heh. Yeah Ah have. Not as much as Big Mac though. Ya'd hardly recognize 'im nowadays from the skinny boy he once was." She replied back to her. "He's... he's really come into his own ya know. Ah think Pa woulda been mighty proud."

"...he'd be proud of all of you sweetie," Pear added warmly, giving her daughter a loving smile... although Applejack could see a bit of pain behind her expression. "What about lil' Bloom, is she doing well in school?"

"Yeah. She and her friends are even puttin' together a theater club. She's got such a huge imagination Ma it's... it's wild." Applejack said with a light hearted chuckle. "Ah just... ya'd have to hear half of it… and Ah wish ya could."

Pear chuckled upon hearing this, but then her expression became a little more serious. "So, what brings you to visit me today?" She asked, arching a brow as she leaned a little closer. "While Ah'm always happy to see you, something tells me this ain't a standard visit..."

"... Nah, yer right Ma. Wish it wasn't so but yeah, this ain't just a social visit." Applejack said as she slumped a bit, making sure no one else was listening in on them...

Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location unground, the van Applejack had pursued backed up towards a loading bay where a group of armed guards were waiting. As the back of the van opened up, the individual casually walked out with their robot obediently walking behind them.

"Oh put those away, I got what you wanted." They scoffed as the robot placed several large sacks in front of them.

"...well damn. You worked pretty fast." One of the guards said before his partner smacked him upside the head. "What?!"

"Yeah yeah. Something like this was trivial." The thief scoffed. "Now then. About what we agreed upon?"

The lead guard simply pulled out a communicator and pressed a button. "Bring it in." The door behind the guards opened and in walked several guards wheeling in two large iron crates.

"And you're sure-" The thief began, eying the crates cautiously.

"We got no reason to double-cross you. Everything you want? It's right in there." The guard said as the thief walked over and inspected the crates.

"...perfect, I thank you and your superiors for this transaction." The buyer stated, the robot behind the individual swiftly extended its mechanical claws and picked up the first crate, it's one free claw scanning the contents before properly placing it into the back of the van, then repeated the process for the second crate.

"Be sure to tell your boss that I'll be available for hire in the coming days. So long as they're able to supply me with the proper materials." They said before entering the van and driving off.

They pulled their mask down and their goggles up as they drove back. "Soon... soon I'll be able to work on this stuff without needing theft and needing THEIR help... I shouldn't need help, that isn't the true mark of genius... genius only requires help from themselves... or their family… nothing else."

Applejack could only sigh in irritation as she made her way out of the prison facility. Thankfully her mother had been able to give her some info on who she was up against due to her time amongst other criminals... unfortunately, this made things even more complicated as a result...


She felt her phone go off as she got into her car and checked it… and was thankful it was her burner upon seeing who the text message was from:

[YO SCAR! You fought hella hard yesterday and we respect that! However due to the incident last night the next fight will have to be postponed until we can move the ring to a new spot. We'll text ya the new location when we got it all set up. See ya then, Killer!] The text read as she rolled her eyes, talking to her like this wasn't a life or deathmatch... and they still owed her some money!

Starting up her car she drove off back home... unaware of the small drone that watched her from the shadows...

Meanwhile in a dark room, the drone's operator watched as she drove away, her location perfectly displayed on one of the enlarged screens as many others hovered in a spherical pattern around her.

As she continued to watch, a small smile graced her features. "...well now, this is rather intriguing… I do wonder how many of you there are... not counting of course-" She said before an alert was triggered.

Quickly switching perspectives she saw what was the cause... and almost couldn't believe her luck.

"Oh, when the stars align..." She smiled as he started typing in some commands, sending another one of her drones to inspect the area... for a brief moment, the screen went black and white before the command was received...

Author's Note:

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! the next one:s gonna have quite the... unique theme to it...