• Published 5th May 2019
  • 2,425 Views, 42 Comments

Equestria Girls: The Spider Seven - Alphamon_Ouryuken

With great power, comes great responsibility... and these Seven Girls must learn how to master this power...

  • ...

...Does Whatever a Spider Can

A low hisss echoed through the dark room as the doors slid open, followed by footsteps as a figure stepped into the room. "Spectacular...." The figure muttered in a sarcastic yet distinctly female tone. "It's bad enough that I have my investors breathing down my neck, but now this?"

As she mused to herself she reached the center of her room and pressed a few buttons on the keyboard before her. Soon a spider-like symbol appeared on a giant computer screen before her, emblazoned silver against a green background. As she continued to type, several smaller screens appeared, each one depicting version DNA samples, each one connected to the image of a specific type of arachnid in different containment units....

Three of which were completely absent.

"Hm.... now where did you three go?" She asked as she started sorting through some security footage. "You couldn't have gone far...."

As she skimmed through the footage, she noticed a small group of students making their way towards the exhibit. "This took place during the field trip...?" She whispered to herself, a chill going down her spine upon realizing the implications.

"Okay.... now let's identify the point of their escape." She said as she began looking through the footage.

A loud crashing sound immediately got her attention.

[Darn it Derpy! You're such a clutz!]

[Woops, sorry!]

Narrowing her eyes, she enlarged one of the windows stationed in the upper right corner, revealing and overturned cart with several glass cases, and a young grey-skinned girl with blond hair laying on her back.

"Hm..... so a ditz let them lose... that's just embarrassing. Honestly I expected this kind of lax security from RichCorp." She grumbled to herself, remembering not long ago she read something about their weapons division being robbed. Not wanting to get sidetracked, she immediately started typing again. The camera zoomed in and focused on the shattered cases, or more specifically, the three spiders fleeing from their containment.

One of them hurried towards a nearby air vent, another quickly rushed into the shadows, and the third one.....

"Here, let me help you..."

Her attention was briefly drawn to the small group of students backing away from the mess... and the young lavender skinned girl bending down to help the wall-eyed girl up... not noticing the third one sneaking into her book bag…

"Oooooh…. that's going to make things difficult..." The figure said as she began entering a few key phrases, aiting to see what the results were. "Okay then, let's see what types of spiders went missing."

As the images came up, a separate window displaying the Spiders respective DNA popped up as well, or rather their genetically modified DNA. "Hm..... interesting.... alright then that explains a fair bit of things." She said to herself as she then pulled up random images from traffic cameras and security cameras. "Now then.... let's find you three...."

Six Months Later:

"Twilight?" Twilight, wake up!"

"Mmmmph..." A lavender-skinned girl mumbled as she haphazardly covered her head with a pillow, refusing to leave the comfort of her her warm bed.

"Come on. You're gonna be late!" The voice shouted again as they tried taking the pillow of comfort away from her like some diabolical villain intent on ruining her-

"WAIT I'M GOING TO BE WHAT?!" Not wasting a second, Twilight threw the covers off herself and leaped out of bed before rushing towards the bathroom.

"Yeah, you're welcome!" She heard her little brother call out to her as she slammed the door.

"SORRY!" She shouted back as she quickly washed her face and started brushing her teeth as fast as possible. "God, did I sleep through the alarm AGAIN?!"

"Well, being a heavy sleeper tends to run in the family... on your father's side anyway..." She heard her mother remark from the hallway. "Also, I already packed your lunch and made you a small breakfast."

"Thank you! You're amazing!" She shouted at her mom as she finished up. "Oh God, Oh God, Oh Goooooood!" Twilight then hurried down stairs to her breakfast and quickly scarfed down the eggs and bacon before grabbing her lunch for the day.

"Jeez, slow down Twilight." Her father chuckled while washing the dishes. "You're supposed to chew your food not inhale it."

"Yeah, you're just begging for another stomach ache in gym class." She heard Spike chuckle as he made his way towards the door.

"Sorry but I gotta go!" Twilight exclaimed as she ran out the door, nearly knocking Spike to the ground in the process.

"YOU COULD AT LEAST WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING TWILIGHT!" He yelled at her before groaning.

"Sorry Spike!" Twilight shouted as she rushed down the street as fast as her legs could carry her. "Gotta hurry, gotta hurry, gotta hurry!"

Panting Twilight hurried on towards her school, having missed the boss for the second time in a row this week. "Okay. Okay. Gonna be a little late but that's fine. Just so long as-" However as she said this she heard a explosion... in the direction of the bank which is another good mile or so away from the school. ".....damn my sense of responsibility."

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE ON THE GROUND NOW!" One of the robbers yelled as she shoved a accountant to the ground. They were dressed in dark blue shirts, black jeans, gloves, and ski masks that hid their faces... but a strangely notable thing is that their weapons seemed to be plasma based. "HOW ARE WE LOOKING ON THAT VAULT?!"

"Just a few more minutes!" One of the thugs shouted back as him and his partners rushed in through the massive hole in the wall, quickly emptying the vault as quickly as possible and grabbing as much money as they could. "Hurry up boys! The cops'll be here at any moment!"

"That ain't who I'm worried about boys! Boss said to keep an eye out for the freak!" The leader shouted. She then saw someone trying to crawl away and fired a warning shot, just narrowly missing her legs. "YOU WANNA TRY THAT AGAIN?! YOU WANNA PLAY HERO?! HUH?!"

"Now now, young lady..." A new voice called out from behind her, the thug barely had enough time to scream before a sticky substance shot down from the ceiling, latching onto her and yanking her upwards, leaving only weapon behind. "...you shouldn't play with guns."

"Boss how is everything?!" One of the goons asked as they hurried out. "We heard a commotion! Who's tryin' ta play hero?!"

"Now that's not very nice!" The same voice called out as a large glob of white fluid was fired at him from the Shadows, bursting into a large web and pinning him to the wall. "Playing hero implies that I don't know what I'm doing!"

"Hey what's going on?!" One of the others shouted. "Okay who's there?! SHOW YOURSELF!" He shouted... and as he did the voice soon landed right in front of him.

She wore a blue spandex with red gloves, boots, mid-section, and mask, all of which was adorned with a spiderweb pattern with the symbol of a black spider on her chest area. The mask itself had narrow white lenses where the eyes would be and a hood covering most of her head. "Y'know, there are much easier ways to get my autograph..."

"SHIT! IT'S HER!" The robber shouted as he opened fire on Spider-Girl. "GUYS WE GOTTA MOVE! WE GOTTA MOVE NOW!"

"Yikes!" Spider-Girl yelped as she swiftly leaped out of the way. "Okay okay! If it means that much to you I'll pose for a selfie!" She shouted before firing another glob of webbing at his firearm, completely clogging it.


"FORGET THE FREAK! WE GOTTA GO NOW!" Another thug shouted as she threw a flash bang towards Spider-Girl that exploded in a bright globe of light.

"AAAGGGGHHH! MY EYES!!" She groaned as she staggered backwards covering her face. "For the love of-where do these guys keep getting these tools!? Sheesh!"

Upon recovering, she heard the sound of car doors slamming shut. Turning her attention to the streets she saw four of the thieves driving off as quickly as possible. "Of course, it's not like I'm late enough as it is..." She grumbled before rushing out of the bank. She leapt onto a nearby street lamp to get a better view of where the car went... and luck sided with her as she saw them taking a straight shot down the road. "Maybe I won't be that late if I get them fast enough."

Taking precise aim, she launched two ropes of webbing at the car, both of them latching onto the rear bumper. "And that, ladies and gentlemen...." She smirked under her mask as she pulled as hard as she could. "....is how the game is pl-AAAAAYED?!" She suddenly yelled as she was yanked forward and dragged along the street by the car.

"That's-OW!-gonna-OFFF!- leave a-ACK-mark-OUCH!"

"KEEP DRIVIN DAMMIT!" One of the thugs shouted, listen to the rearview mirror to make sure the police weren't following them... and saw to their dismay a VERY familiar figure being dragged behind the car. "SHIT! SHAKE HER OFF SHAKE HER OFF!" The one in the backseat wasted no time as she leaned out of the window and fired several concentrated plasma beam at her.

"YEEP!" Spider-Girl yelped as she narrowly maneuvered to the left, then the right as another shot was fired, each movement made increasingly more difficult as she was dragged across the street.

"Back-OUCH!-elbow-EEK!-shoulder-OW!" 'Ok, this is getting STUPID!' she thought to herself as she quickly detached one of the webs and quickly aimed her left arm at a nearby trash can. Thwping another rope of webbing at the lid, she quickly flinged it at the thug's gun like a yo-yo, knocking the firearm out of his hand. She then began climbing from the back and towards the back seat window, busting it open after reaching it. "Alright then let's just end this shall we?" She said as she grabbed the thug and tossed him out with a web bomb attached to his back, the bomb going off and sticking him to a wall.

"And now for thug number two!" She smirked under her mask, only for the one driving to immediately make a sharp left turn around the corner in an attempt to throw her off. "Oh no! Not this time!" She shouted as she leaped off the back of the car, swinging to its right side and firing several of her webs at the tires before swinging to the opposite side and repeating the process. "And now for the Coup De Grace!"

She then leapt to the drivers side and barely had to put in effort as she yanked the driver out and webbed him up… look for she could grab the other two she noticed the now driverless car was now headed towards a busy intersection. 'Not good, not good, NOT GOOD!!'

She thought as she quickly leaped off of the side and landed in front of the car, desperately trying to stop it. 'Come on, come on, COME ON!!' She mentally screamed as she planted her feet and used as much strength as she could into keeping the speeding car, several beads of sweat running down the sides of her head as she gritted her teeth. 'Just... a little... more...'

Soon she felt it screeched to a total halt, mere inches away from the intersection."Whew! THAT was close!" She sighed in relief. "Okay... now I've gotta really hurry up."

Sadly fate had other plans as remaining two thugs quickly got out of the car and aimed their weapons at Spider-Girl, who simply narrowed her eyes. "... seriously? You're really doing this?"

"Sorry web-slinger, I ain't going back to prison." One of the thugs stated.

"Fine, but I'm not paying your hospital bills…" She replied nonchalantly before firing globs of webs at their guns, clogging them up and rendering them useless. She then proceeded to rush forward and slam her fist into the first thugs' face before turning around and catching the next one's fist in her hand, she sensed of the first one attempting to rush her from behind and immediately turned around, kicking him in the face before flinging the second thug over her shoulder and right into his comrade, sending them both flying into their wrecked car and knocking them out.

"Ugh.... finally it's over" She said as she webbed them up for the cops. "Say hi to the others for me when you get to the slammer!" With those parting words of advice, Spider Girl thwiped out a web and swung off into the distance… or rather back to her school.

"SORRY! SORRY I'M SO SORRY!" Twilight yelped as she burts into the room of one Cheerilee as she hurried to her chair. "I know I'm late but the bus was behind and I just missed it and-"

....it was at that moment she noticed that she was one of only people in class, much to her confusion. "....uh, am I in the wrong class or-"

"Oh Twilight, I thought you knew!" Cheerilee explained as she pulled out her phone. "There was a bank robbery not too long ago and the culprits' reckless driving resulted in a traffic jam and some of the routes ended up being shut down, one which your bus uses to be exact. Most of our class is going to be late today." She explained, showing her student a picture of the news report.

"Oh..... ooooh my gosh that makes sooo much sense." Twilight sighed in relief as she slumped into her seat. "Sooo.... can I try and wrap up what homework I didn't completely finish last night?" She asked, sheepishly scratching her head. "I mean technically class hasn't started yet sooo...."

"I suppose you could, but pencils go down the moment the rest of the students arrive, understand?" The teacher replied, her tone leaving no room for argument.

"Yes ma'am." Twilight nodded and she quickly started going through her book bag.

"Little-miss bookworm not finishing her homework? Stop the presses..." A sarcastic voice mumbled from behind her.

Twilight could only sigh, knowing that the voice belonged to a certain bacon-haired student. 'Of all the people I have to sit close to... I got Shimmer. Naturally.... well, at least it's only one class.' She mentally told herself as she continued to rummage through her bag.

"You know I'm actually shocked you even decided to come to school today. I mean, with how none of your homework was finished I thought you'd get a stroke or something just from the shock alone." Shimmer said with a smirk.

Twilight's eye twitched and that verbal jab, however she took a deep breath and calmed herself. "I'd be more surprised if your homework was even remotely correct." She mumbled under her breath. "I mean, with you getting your goons Snips and Snails to do practically everything for you...."

"Oh I ditched them last week. Which you would know if you weren't sick." Sunset shot back at her, Twilight scoffed as she heard her mumble. "They were becoming too much of a hassle, and besides I can do things on my own perfectly well."

The lavender-skinned teen rolled her eyes as she started writing. "So you finally fired the "help"? Good for you." She grumbled sarcastically. "Guess you really can get by without having someone around to worship the ground you walk on every five minutes..."

"Whatever." Sunset sneered as she started reading a book she brought with her. "Either way least I have real friends, not just people who take pity on me."

Twilight scowled at this, but before she could retort Cheerilee cleared her throat. "Sunset, Twilight, I suggest that you both settle whatever argument you're having after class and not during it."

"Sorry Ms. Cheerilee." Both students said as they turned their attention back to what they were doing moments before though they made sure to shoot each other at least one glare.

Twilight let out of content sigh of relief as she exited the classroom. "Thank goodness there's no gym today..." She mumbled as she made her way down the hallway . "I got enough exercise this morning to last me a whole month…"

As she made her way towards the cafeteria, Twilight's thoughts started to drift. 'Just how long has it been…?' She mentally asked herself, glancing down at her left hand... the markings of a spider bite still visible. 'I wonder… did they ever find those other spiders-' "—whoops!" She immediately stepped back just before she entered the cafeteria, just barely managing to avoid bumping into a certain blue-haired student. "Sorry Flash!"

"Twi! Um.... h-hey there." Flash said with a nervous tone before clearing his throat a bit. "So how're ya? You doing okay after this morning's ruckus?"

"....really? Who says ruckus anymore?" Twilight said with a smile as she patted his shoulder, the cool bravado fading away with him blushing red. "Relax, I'm joking." Twilight giggled as the two walked together. "So, how are you and your band doing? Write any new songs?" She asked.

"Well uh... we're doin' pretty good honestly." Flash said with a chuckle. "I mean I think we could do a little better but I mean it could be a LOT worse obviously."

Twilight arched a brow at this, usually Flash was more enthusiastic whenever his band was brought up. "Did something happen?"

Flash sighed. "We've just... hit a bit of a snag creativity-wise." He explained. "We're trying to come up with a new song, but we just can't pick the right genre... or decent lyrics..."

"Oh.... sorry to hear that." Twilight said with a blush. "I mean that really sucks honestly.... maybe I can help?"

"Depends, how good are you at coming up with lyrics?" He asked.

"Pretty decent." A third voice chimed in from behind them, the two turned around to see Spike. "You should hear her singing when she thinks no one's around. She's got a nice set of pipes on her!" He teased.

"SPIIIIKE!" Twilight moaned with a heavy red blush on her face. "Not so loud please."

"Aw come on. You know you'd totally kill it as a vocalist Twi!" Spike said as he nudged her in the ribs.

"Well, we could use a lead singer...." Flash mused to himself, interrupting the two siblings. "I'd have to chat with my friends about it, but I think-" Before he could continue he was cut off by his phone ringing. "....and that would be them. Aw jeez, I supposed to meet up with them 10 minutes ago!" He shouted over as he quickly dashed off. "Later Sparks!"

"BYE FLASH!" Twilight shouted a little louder than she meant to as he hurried off, happily sighing as he did so.

"You know it's like no secret you two are a big crush item right?" Spike said with a smirk, only to get lightly slapped upside the head.

"Oh hush you!" She grumbled as she stormed off.

"Oh come on!" Spike continued as he followed his sister. "You two are practically like magnets, what with how many times you've bumped into each other "by accident"." He stated with a smug grin.

Twilight rolled her eyes at this. "I'll have you know that I moved this time!" She stated rather defensively… and then noticed the coy look he was giving her. "What?"

"That only proves that you've bumped into him enough times to the point where it's a reflex." Spike snickered. "Also.... 'Sparks'?"

"I-it's a nickname MOST people use." Twilight said with a harumph. "Anyways we're almost late for lunch. Come on Spike."

"I hope it's Lasagna day!" Spike said with excitement and a watery mouth.

However, at that very moment she glanced out a nearby window and noticed a large cloud of smoke rising into the sky about five blocks away. 'Oh no...' "Hey Spike?"

"Need a distraction while you go play hero?" Spike asked with a raised eyebrow.

"If you would be so kind little brother." She said with a smile.

"Hey. It's what I live for anyways."

Twilight hurried out to the cafeteria rushed to her locker, she quickly pulled out her duffel bag… only to stop as she turned her attention to a picture taped to the wall of her locker. One of her, her parents, and a young adult with white skin and blue hair wearing a police uniform…

Her older brother.

"Wish me luck, BBBFF." She said with a soft smile before she made a beeline for the restroom. The moment she was completely sure she was alone she unzipped it her bag and pulled out her costume.

"A hero's work is never done…"

Meanwhile, in a dark room. Several screens hovered in a spherical pattern around a woman who sat in a floating chair as she watched as one of the screens was enlarged, displaying footage of Spider-Girl swinging into the window of a burning building.

"Enhance the image." A voice said as a computer was playing back a video of the robbery from earlier that day. The resolution was improved as much as it could without becoming too pixelated. "Alright... begin playback one more time."

The footage started playing again, showcasing Spider-Girl swinging from building to building before diving through one of the windows of the burning building as many civilians cried out in panic. A few minutes later she burst out of one of the lower levels carrying a young woman on her back and a little boy in her arms.

"Well, I have to say I never thought my specimens would have yielded such positive and... impressive results." She mused to herself as she turned to a console and pressed a few buttons.

[Even though they're only your specimens due to sharing your unique signature.] A voice said over the comms. [Seriously sister you're such a melodramatic queen with no equal.]

The figure rolled her eyes as she started typing. "The fact that they escaped from captivity gives me plenty reason for my "melodramatics" as you say." She replied as several of her screens changed to display each spider that had escaped. "And considering the end results, I think we can both agree that this changes everything..."

[Right right. So then which one are you looking at right now? Your personal favorite or the quippy one?] The voice said with a noticeable touch of irritation.

"For your information I-" Suddenly, several sirens went off as another one of the screens enlarged itself, revealing an aerial map of the city. "What on Earth?! What kind of anomaly is this?!" She shouted before turning around and quickly typing in several commands as it zoomed in on a specific location;

The downtown slums.