• Member Since 21st Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


Just a pony lovin' guy



Crystal Ponies aren't built to be Defense Attorneys. They are literally too transparent. Their emotions affect their physical appearance. That, Alexandrite tells herself, is why she consistently refuses every client her bosses try to offer her. Unfortunately, cases of theft and vandalism still have to be defended, so when Alexandrite once again says no, Escutcheon Herald takes on the case, and he brings her as his co-counsel so that she might learn a thing or two.

This is a short, bonus prequel to the story of Alexandrite: Ace Attorney (Coming Soon!). While not necessary to understand the full story, it should serve as a good base to launch yourself into the world and connect, just a little bit, with the characters and events. Keep an eye out here, because more fics with Alexandrite are on their way!

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Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

Wow, this turned out really nice!!

First, a little grammar nitpick:

In the courts the onus was on the defense to prove their client not guilty and to disprove the theories of the prosecution.

I'm not sure if it's some sort of legal term I'm missing or something, but rewording it to make it clearer to the uneducated populace might be a good idea.

Now, have a mustache: :moustache:

Thanks! The grammar in that sentence is actually correct: Onus is basically another word for burden, in the sense of duty or responsibility, It is in fact a term that is used a lot in the legal profession, but it's not an obscure word by any means! Besides, Alexandrite is a lawyer after all, and while not all of the vocabulary from law school stuck, a few things were hammered in so hard that they're lodged as permanent ticks in her brain.

Thanks for explaining that. It's not every day I learn a new word. :twilightsheepish:

Nice. I like how the style is very closely oriented towards the Ace Attorney games. The fact that we didn't get to see any of the preceding investigation or the evidence kind of invalidated the mystery aspect that is always central to these cases, since there is no way for the reader to be able to deduce anything, but it serves its purpose as a sort of teaser, I guess?

I also feel like Alexandrite's motivations and misgivings could have been fleshed out a little more. Her being a crystal pony meaning that she constantly displays her mood / confidence level to everypony around her is an interesting idea, but apart from that there isn't much to go on. I'd expected her to think more about it in terms of the future, like forming a resolution to be more confident when it's actually her turn, or deciding that she's still afraid for this or that reason...

Still, this is pretty cool nevertheless. I'm going to give the main story a try. Keep up the good work!

I'm still hard at work between school stuff on the main fic. Real mysteries are hard! There's a lot to balance out, and tiny changes or statements, later on, can ripple backward and cause issues, so I need to do a lot of sweeps and keep everything consistent. This story was more to test out the waters with formatting and such, and that's going to have changed in the main fic, too!

But I promise; Alexandrite's first case is going to blow this one out of the water in every way imaginable.

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