• Member Since 21st Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Just a pony lovin' guy



Episode List!
Episode 1:
Early one morning, Rainbow Dash finds a letter on her doorstep. At first she takes it as junk, but after the message appears in more than one place, she starts to think that it just might be more than some foal's prank. Who is the enigmatically named "John Smith", and why is it important that he open his pocket watch?

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Author's Notes: Ok, firstly I LOVE the Doctor Whooves and Assistant and Doctor Whooves Adventures equally, but this is discontinuous with both of them. It is my own little invention, my own little world, starting completely from scratch. Hopefully, I do a good enough job to stand up with the big boys, but I'm not that expectant. I just hope that whoever DOES read this enjoys it thoroughly! Always remember to vote and comment, tell me what needs to be fixed and what you think! Be honest, but be fair, ok?

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 96 )

I don't think I've ever seen Rainbow Dash and the Doctor before. It ought to be good. And I'm looking forward to finding out why he needed to use the chameleon arch.

This. This right here. This is awesome.
The only error I'm noticing is that, in this sentence/part of a sentence;
'Like the way he was before had changed was wrong,' There should be a 'he' between before and had.
I really don't like telling authors what typos and grammar problems I see, because I feel very rude.
But I say, good sir/madam, please continue this story, and have a thumbs up, and a gold star.

Huh, a fan of Doctor Whooves Adventures. Neat!

I shall have to read this. :twilightsmile:

859567 Actually, my Fic features The Doctor and Rainbow Dash, and it was made WAY before this one <_<

A Dash-Doctor fic?? :trixieshiftright: I sense potential here...
Please continue :pinkiehappy:

Congratulations! A DocxDash fiction! Now it looks like I'll be copying you... Great!

But hey! I love your story(For as far as I had read.), and I'm going to favourite it. :pinkiehappy:

Be back to read the rest later! :twilightsmile:

Edit: I'm always second! No matter how fast I think I am with ideas, I'm always second! I'm not complaining, so please don't take that the wrong way.


Hey, I just said I hadn't seen any (that actually involved time travel), not that they didn't exist. I shall give yours a read.

Testing my account, btw, this has a ton of potential from a brony/whovian.

Certainly an interesting start to a mysterious predicament.

I shall wait for the updates.

Testing my account, btw, this has a ton of potential from a brony/whovian.
859649 I think he should create his own account of Equestrian history, and villains. Maybe they can be dropped into the wars of dissonance against Discord 2000 years ago, I don't know, just saying.

859699 Huh? I just got lost... What are you talking about?

859699 Huh? I just got lost... What are you talking about?859636 Lol, Oh really? Looks like I'm really late. Only made mine 6 days ago and uploaded 3 days ago... Sadly I forgot to submit my chapter so it got denied...

859863 What I'm saying is he should create his own timeline of Equestrian history! It would be awesome.


Looks good!
Only thing I saw that was a little odd:
"The note caused her to drop the note and burst out the door..."
You're stating the object too many times.


some advice to dashie, when the doctor says to stay by the tardis, do it. they always wander off and need rescuing. if you wander off, you will be bound and gagged, and you dont want that... unless you like that sort of thing.

Oh my god, the comments! I love you guys, thanks a ton for your support! I'll be fixing up the typos sometime today, and I'll keep everything you guys are saying in mind. I didn't expect this story to get so much attention so quickly...For a moment I almost thought of rewriting the second chapter to make it a little more epic, but that can wait until the sequel. Start with the basics, yeah? :raritywink:

I haven't read yours yet, but I'll go take a look when I get some time! All my love, man!

859863 859922

Firstly, don't be discouraged! There's room on FimFiction for more than one Doc/Dash fic! Tell me when it's posted, and I'll go check it out! Secondly, I have delved into the mysterious reaches of the Equestrian Past before. The first fic I posted "One Thousand Years" is my account of what events caused Cele to send her sister to the moon. Got sick of the "Trollestria" stuff, so I decided to show people that there were probably extenuating circumstances.

Come on, you really think she's gonna follow this advice? She's Dash. She's like Donna with OCD.

Time Turner? Oh! Meh, I would change it but I'd have to change a ton of dialogue and text. Besides, I like the idea of him defaulting to John Smith like he usually does. Makes one wonder just how he managed to blend in so well.

860020 859618
Thanks for catching me, guys. Have a Dashie. :rainbowwild:

And one for you. :rainbowdetermined2:

W-wait. Squeak? THE Squeak?
*Gulp* Er...yeah. Huge fan.
(No pressure Maxie. None. What. So. Ever. :pinkiecrazy: )
(Seriously though love your work! Truly inspiring.)

Oh! Right! Blatant, Self-indulgent self advertising!

Please check out my other stuff! I've got One Thousand Years, a short story about Cele and NMM and why she was sent to the moon.

The 5th Layer, which I'm going to start using as a tool to look at Equestria's workings from an extra-dimensional view (moreso than with DW)

My mediocre contest entry (one above halfway up the ladder).

Aaaaaand the one people actually like, Last Ditch. Still working on that one, too. Loving it, though, and getting some love for it, so check it out!

And once again, 92 views, 34 favorites, 17 comments, and 5 new trackers within 4 and a half hours of the release of this story :rainbowkiss:.
Thank you guys soooooo much! You have no idea how giddy I am right now. Every single one of you guys is awesome. Keep doing that. Keep being awesome.

860309 Where'd you get that from? That said, it's a pretty cool name, but I always preferred "Timey Wimey" as his pony alias.


MLP wiki. It was on the Trading Card. Happened at Bronycon, Still sticking with John Smith though. Too much work to change it now, and besides, in the long run it's completely inconsequential to the entire story.

860537 Ah, ok. Wasn't really following the whole trading card thing. Still, that shoutout at the end is awesome.


I shall leave you with that.

You guys are so great that I already finished Chapter 2. I may end up finishing this story before my other ones. It'll be relatively short, expect 2 more chapters beyond this one, then maybe an epilogue. After that, I'll need some time to work out their next adventure.

I'm a bit worried that I'm not writing Dash quite right :applejackunsure:. I'm gonna work on that, try to visualize it more and get the wording better and the actions a bit more natural.

So next time: Expect some more exact explanations on just what's going on, and some thoughts from the doctor on some more of the strangeness that's been happening. Equestria is steeped in magic, and with the crazy amount of stuff that happened all at once upon the Doctor's arrival, the rules may be just a little bit different.

Mwa ha ha >=D
Ah! Hahah! Nice catch! Thanks, I thought I had all of those =P.

You are my new best friend MaxKodan! Thanks for the new chapter. Oh! and count the shadows


Perhaps. Dunno what I'm doing next. Focusing on one story at a time. And thanks! I'm always glad to have friends =P

861183 I wasn't implying anything, I just wanted to say something whovian. They aren't even my favorite creatures, those are either the Daleks, Silence, or angels.


Those are definitely in my top 5. But I STILL want to see a fight between the Cybermen and the Silence.

Wait, if the Silence has been here for that long and had been guiding the human race...That means that that conflict probably happened, and the Cybermen don't remember it o.o

I can't really decipher that sentence: 'Hastily scrawled words decorated the stripLike the wa. “Rainbow Dash! Go NOW!”'
Other than that: Do like, and tracked :rainbowkiss:

I had no idea; "all things timey-wimey"? YESYESYESYESYES!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I'm sure as hell that I don't remember it. Quick! We need nano recorders!

why not weeping angels? :D or daleks?


Angels have been done much better than I could do by DW:A. Daleks...maybe some day, but not story 2. They need to be a big confrontation, some build up, some connections first.


Oops! When I fixed it last time, I broke it worse. Should be better now. Don't know where that came from.....

And don't hate me too much guys, but I may have just burned through chapter 3 <<; Reading it now.

Ooh, the Nestene. Can't wait for chapter 3, which apparently you already have done.

Damn, you update quick


What can I say? I really like writing this story. It's fun, I've got it planned out, and I have nothing to do this morning/afternoon.

Also, I've found out how I can support the community, I'm looking to become the official spokespony for the brony community, can I have your support?

Your Timelord friend, The Baron

Ooh, cliffhanger. It'll probably be resolved in, what, twenty minutes?


Nope, that's it for today. I need to be at work in less than 3 hours. Then tomorrow morning I work, and immediately after that I'm driving to my hometown for the weekend. Dunno if I'll update while I'm there. Figured I'd leave you on a sweater if I was gonna poof for a day or two =P


AMAZING!!!! Doctor and Dash will be an amazing pair, I can just tell. I love that you were able to capture the perfect mixture of seriousness, humor, understanding and confusion doctor who has. you got the characters spot on. love the end as well, hilarious.


i love the narcoleptic post regeneration doctor


He sent a message. He says "Aww, I love you t-SNRRRRK"

Also! If anyone has a picture that would work better for this story, I'd love to use it! I don't know where this one came from, I got it from a third party some time ago. But if anyone has any inspiration and feels like drawing something for this or any future Doc/Dash story, please feel free to send it to me! I'll give you credit, of course. Unfortunately, I'm kinda broke so I'll be forced to pay you in Dashies. I hear the return rate is pretty good though :rainbowkiss:.

There aren't many 11th Doctor stories around here on Fimfiction. Glad to see you're doing it well. :twilightsmile:


It's...KIND of 11th Doctor. The regeneration was a bit wonky, and the green eyes are just to differentiate my Doctor Whooves from others. So instead of really being the 11th Doctor, he's kind of a whole new thing. A lot of inspiration from 10 and 11, and a little original character thrown in for good measure. He's his own monster, so don't think he'll act exactly like any Doctor before.

863883 Wait, what? I thought he turned human. I was wrong.

Ok, so the next (read: Last) chapter is totally written, but I won't be uploading it today. Possibly tomorrow, possibly Sunday. Depends on when I have time to sit down and proofread it more. But, my good friends, fear not! RD and the Doctor won't be gone for long! The next story is already underway, and I like the way it's heading so far.

And as a side note: Recently this story passed 200 unique viewers. Also, just over 100 people have read (or at least looked at) all 3 chapters. I know in the grand scheme of things that isn't a big deal, but to me it is. This whole thing was but a concept not a week ago, and just 2 days ago I submitted it for approval. The growth on this is faster than any story I've ever written, and I'm really glad to see that people are enjoying reading it just as much as I've enjoyed writing it. I promise to keep up the work, and I'm going to shoot for improvement in my next story. Namely, I intend to have Dash as a much more active part, rather than primarily having her watching. She isn't one to just sit still, and the more she gets used to this type of life, the more she'll shine through.

So thank you, every single beautiful one of you. Especially I'd like to thank the 78 people who have, at the time of this post, favorited this story. And just as much thanks goes out to everyone who will read, who will thumb, and who will favorite my work. Special thanks to all of you who pointed out my linguistic hiccups, as well. You guys keep me down to Earth. Basically, thank you all! I'll keep working hard to entertain you glorious bronies! Til I update again, signing off.

... :rainbowlaugh:
Nothing fazes the Doctor. Wonky regeneration? Nothing. Autons attacking? Nada. Autons threatening to take the TARDIS by force if he doesn't say otherwise? ...well, that probably has more to do with that wonky regen, but still! Too funny!
Overall, this story is well-written, funny, captures the Doctor so very well, and uses Rainbow Dash instead of Derpy or Twilight, which is much appreciated. Keep up the good work! :twilightsmile:

It's done and posted! After some last minute edits, I think I'm finally happy with the last chapter. Honestly, in the future I'll likely go and edit the first couple of chapters to get rid of the stupidity I stumbled into a few times, and to fix a few issues that happened from rushing through. Specifically chapter one. I don't like how it reads, and I'll probably edit it heavily later to make it stand up to the later chapters in quality.

Other than that, this is the end of my first Doctor Whooves story! I'm thinking of titling my own series, like DWaA or DW:A, but I have no idea what to call it and I have no intention of stressing over it. Like I said, the next story is in the works, and it's probably going to be a LOT longer and a lot more spread out. Look forward to it =P. When I do finish it and post the first chapter, I'll tag both it and this story in a post and put up a link to read it before it gets officially accepted, so anyone who has watched me or favorited this story can get the first looks. Hope you like the finale! Lookin' forward to some wild adventures flying through time and space with all of you! :rainbowwild:

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