• Published 25th Nov 2011
  • 25,191 Views, 267 Comments

Doctor Whooves - The Series: Episode One - The Pinkie Conundrum - Loyal2Luna

After the harrowing events of "Traveller," the Doctor is forced into having some downtime in Ponyville while the TARDIS rests. Meanwhile, Twilight goes to confide in her beloved mentor, but ends up learning far more than she expected.

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Epilogue: The Adventure of a Lifetime


There is a legend…
woven throughout all of history…
A story told of things that have passed…
and in tales yet to come…


“If you could go anywhere…”


*Scene of a glorious set of a royally carved pavilion, Twilight and the Doctor weaving though the pillars quickly.*


*Scene of a beautiful nebula against a striking starscape, seen from the deck of a space station, the Doctor facing towards the view, flanked by Twilight and Rainbow Dash.*


“If you could do anything…”


*Scene of Rarity sneaking about around a stone corner, a beautiful ruby held carefully in her mouth, while Pinkie Pie, dressed in a harlequin outfit, carefully checks for anypony coming around.*


*Scene of the Doctor holding up his sonic screwdriver as Applejack watches with concern, the two of them standing at the mouth of a foggy, marsh-ridden cavern.*


“What would it be?”


The Legend of the Hourglass Stallion…
and his mystical blue box…
With companions at his flank…
and his bag of tricks at his side…


*Scene of a posh pony party, the Doctor jumping up on the stage, pulling out a thin black case containing… a blank piece of paper.*

“Good evening, fillies and gentlecolts! Official Royal Survey Taker. Just a few questions…”


*Scene of Rainbow holding the sonic screwdriver, which goes off with a whirl, causing a nearby masterpiece Reignaissance pony statue to collapse with a crash before the Doctor rushes over to her.*

“Not a toy!”

Rainbow Dash


*Scene of the Doctor grinning as he lowers a new set of goggles down over his eyes, Pinkie bouncing at his side.*

Pinkie Pie
“OH! OH! OH! Are those Super-Advanced-Scanning-Goggles that let you see in the dark, or hoofsteps, or the temporal signatures of things that have passed through the area?”

“Not particularly… They just make me look adventurous!”


And one day, when hope is lost and the need is great…
the box would appear…
On a forgotten corner, or in the middle of a vast field...
And from it, they would emerge...
The Light in the Darkness...


*Scene of the Doctor bearing down on a regal, noble mare who sneers at him, her coat bright while her mane is dark, giving her a monochromatic look while she speaks with disdain.*

Noble Mare
“Who are you to judge?”

“I’m the Doctor…”


*Scene of the Doctor walking away from an explosion in slow motion.*

“And if you want to take it to a higher authority, there isn’t one…”


*Scene of the Time Stallion looking up to the stars, still alone.*

“It ends with me!”


The stallion who speaks…
and monsters flee in terror...
With tools to shatter the strongest magics…
he saves lives, stops wars...
and ends sinister plots...
With the companions who protect him…
from his darkest memories...


*Scene of the center of Ponyville, a zebra mare stumbling back and falling over herself in terror, before fleeing from an unseen fear.*

“Certain as the cauldron bubbles, your presence here shall bring naught but troubles!”


*Scene of Princess Luna sitting across from Fluttershy, the stars overhead sparkling as the Princess looks to the yellow pegasus.*

“What is it like? Traveling with him?”

*Scene is interrupted with a soft squeak from Fluttershy, rushing away as several spears embed themselves in the ground where she had just stood. Then returns to Fluttershy calmly sitting across from Luna.*

“Well… There’s an awful lot of running involved…”


*Scene of a yellow-maned pony with a red beret and a trimmed goatee looking to the Doctor, Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow Dash.*

“Leonard DiHoovsie…”

“Ummm... Yes?”

*Twilight's mouth gapes open, unable to speak.*

“Pardon her, slightly starstruck. I’m the Doctor, by the way. Do you happen know why somepony’s trying to kill you?”


*Scene in the TARDIS, with Applejack jabbing a hoof accusingly at the Doctor.*



*Scene showing Twilight, seen through a purple-colored filter as she struggles frantically, held by unseen forces.*

“You can't be here! You were never even created! We stopped you!”

*Quick pan to an eye-stalk, turning on a metallic pony head, the spiky, electronic voice grinding to the ears.*



And then… just as suddenly as they appeared…
they’ll be gone…



Sinister Voice
“In the twelfth hour…”


*Scene of the Doctor standing within an enormous clock tower, the face of the clock itself ticking to midnight and chiming once with a brazen bell.*

“Friendship will fail…”


*Scene of Applejack straining as she holds two of her friends from the edge of a fiery drop, Pinkie hanging from one hoof, Rarity from the other.*

“Harmony will break…”


*Scene of tears rolling down Twilight Sparkle’s face as she bows her head, utterly defeated as the Element of Magic lays broken at her hooves.*

“The Time Lord will fall…”


*Scene of the Doctor looking at a distant horizon, his eyes refusing to accept the inevitable.*

“And the nightmare… will rise!”


*Darkness lightens to a new scene, with Twilight Sparkle lying on her side in her bed, her mane a mess and her tail pulled up against her stomach. Her hooves grip it tightly as she trembles, her eyes twitching in time with a pounding in her head.*


“Please stop…”


*She clenches her eyes shut in agony as her hooves move to her head.*





The journey begins...

Doctor Whooves: The Series - Episode Two
“Game of Stones”