• Published 25th Nov 2011
  • 25,191 Views, 267 Comments

Doctor Whooves - The Series: Episode One - The Pinkie Conundrum - Loyal2Luna

After the harrowing events of "Traveller," the Doctor is forced into having some downtime in Ponyville while the TARDIS rests. Meanwhile, Twilight goes to confide in her beloved mentor, but ends up learning far more than she expected.

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Ch. 4: All of Time and Space

Chapter 4: All of Time And Space

Books and Branches Library
6:43 p.m.

When Twilight Sparkle returned home to the Books and Branches, she had been surprised to find Spike already asleep in his basket in spite of the fact that it was still so early, the sun having only just set, and found herself correctly guessing as to the Doctor’s whereabouts when she had come downstairs to find the doors to the TARDIS wide open. She had marveled at the new interior of the TARDIS when she first walked inside, amazed at how much it had changed in the past day and intent on asking the Doctor how it had happened. How this magical machine of his had been able to completely renovate itself into a form less alien and far more… dare she say it, "Equestrian."

But as she had gone moving through the hallways that connected the various jumble of rooms together in search of him, she had heard the Doctor shouting. Something angry and terrible that set her into a run, finding herself in the threshold of a room filled with tubes of tall, strange-looking outfits and pictures she couldn’t quite make out, and discovering the Doctor bearing down on Pinkie Pie angrily, his back to her as he finished what must have been a soft, but venom-filled rant.

Twilight’s ire rose as she took in the scene, not questioning what had been said or asking why Pinkie Pie was there in the first place. Fully intending to give the Doctor a piece of her mind, she was stopped in her tracks as Pinkie’s eyes darted towards her.

She had never seen such an expression on Pinkie’s face before. The crazy party pony was usually so bubbly and full of life. But then, there was a pleading look in her expression, one so subtle the a lesser observer or a distracted one wouldn’t have caught it.

To Twilight, it said one thing: Don’t interfere.

“Because… I’m your friend,” Pinkie said softly. “You said so yourself. And all of these other friends you have… There are so many of them, and these are just your closest, aren’t they? I bet there are a whole lot of others out there too that don’t have a picture in here. How can somepony with so many friends… feel so alone?”

The tone to her voice, the sincerity of it, nearly melted Twilight’s heart as the unicorn took a step back and out of sight at the side of the door, feeling it best to trust in whatever Pinkie Pie might be doing as the Doctor, that brilliant, lunatic stallion, began to speak.


She had missed it, Twilight realized, as she took the steps down into the control room again, Pinkie having pulled the Doctor away to continue their apparent exploration of the TARDIS’ new layout.

This entire time, she had seen only the surface of what he was feeling -- that manic and quick-speaking front that he put on for all whom he encountered. And she had thought that was what all there was to him.

But Pinkie had seen -- and had let Twilight see -- that there was so much more going on, just under the fur. Now, more than ever, she realized that the Princess had been right. Somehow knowing without even meeting him, with only her story to go on, that he would need her.

That he would need all of them.

Moving to the console in the center of the TARDIS' control room, Twilight Sparkle retrieved a letter from her saddlebag and set it on the controls before she started out of the still-open doors and up the basement stairs. The Princess had been insistent that this be delivered to him immediately, Twilight assuming it to be a message to welcome him to Equestria or perhaps with some proclamation concerning what the Doctor might or might not be allowed to do, given his incredible abilities and those of his fantastic vessel.

With this task done, she considered that it had been a long day, and, returning to her loft, she took only a moment to unpack her satchel of necessities that had been unneeded. After her meeting with the Princess, she had taken a more "direct" path back to Ponyville, specifically to deliver the Princess’ message to the Doctor. And now that she was here, she considered that anything else could wait until morning.

But as she set her satchel down and opened it, she saw the other object that the Princess had bequeathed her today. A tool that she insisted was of the utmost importance to this new task that was set before her.

Her horn glowed lightly as she lifted it from its resting place. A simple book, bound in a blue cover with the design of two larger rectangles and two squares on the face of it. Completely unextraordinary except that its pages were perfectly blank, clean, and of the highest quality vellum she had ever encountered. And for somepony like herself, that was saying something.

Twilight had been aghast at the design when she first saw it; at the similarities between the book’s cover and the blue box that was now standing in the library’s basement. But the Princess had assured her that a time would come when she would understand, not for the first time leading the unicorn to believe the Princess knew far more than she was telling her student.

Exhausted by her day’s ordeal of storytelling, and relieved at the weight that seemed to be lifted off of her back, Twilight would have liked nothing more than to sink into her bed and surrender herself to the embrace of her dreams. But instead, she found herself moving to her desk, her horn aglow as a quill lifted from the surface and dipped into an inkwell.

The blue book opened to its first page as Twilight took a breath.

First Entry
4th of Summer, 1001 Celestia’s Reign

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I am a unicorn. I live in the town of Ponyville in the Everfree Province of the land of Equestria, and I am twenty-two years of age. I am the town librarian, as well as a student of magic, Scholar of Friendship, Keeper of an Element of Harmony, and the prized pupil of Her Royal Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria.

Seven days ago, I met a brilliant, impossible pony from another universe, named, "the Doctor."

This is the TARDIS Journal.

Contained herein is an account of experiences in my travels with this impossible stallion, put down to the best of my ability by the decree of Princess Celestia herself.

To any who may read this, know that what I transcribe is the honest, complete, and total truth. Not a work of fiction or the delusions of an overactive imagination. There will be things that I may not be able to fully and properly explain, or even understand. But as long as I am able, I will keep this record and share this account with whoever may one day read it. In hopes that one day, it will help you as well.

It all started a week ago as I was walking in Ponyville, and a great, thundering boom brought my attention skyward…

Inside the TARDIS
Some time later

“And that's how you get the filling into the cake!” Pinkie finished her explanation as she and the Doctor came back to the TARDIS' console room.

“So what are the bellows for?”

“It does get awfully hot in the kitchen sometimes, you know.”

The Doctor blinked a few times, unable to find a suitable response to the party pony’s "logic" as he walked down the stairs to the main platform of the chamber and checked the monitor from before. Pinkie Pie stifled a yawn as she followed, looking around a bit.

“Wow, it must be getting late,” she stated, shaking her head. “I should probably get going. Applejack will be looking for me by now.”

The Doctor turned a bit on the spot, shocked at Pinkie’s announcement. “Already? But she’s up to forty percent power now… I thought that we might...”

“And we will, Doctor. I’m looking forward to it. But Mr. and Mrs. Cake will be wanting me to check in to let them know I'm okay. Besides, Applejack said she was going to drop by Sugarcube Corner this evening, and I need to make sure I’m there.”

“This is a time machine, you know. We could pop there, look around, and come back, with only a few seconds having passed.” To the Doctor's dismay, Pinkie shook her head in the negative. “Well, you can still stick around for a bit, can’t you? I still have questions. Like that singing, what caused that? Where did the music come from? Or where did your Mister Cake get the idea for those sweets?”

“Well, you’re just gonna have to stick around to ask them, Doc,” Pinkie said, her smile sly. “Consider it a reason to not go flying off right away. Besides, you said that you had to see for yourself that it’s all worthwhile, right?”

The Time Lord didn’t answer, looking to her curiously as the pink pony smirked.

“Well, now is the perfect time to find out. It’s time to smell the flowers.” Pinkie nodded to herself, a new sense of authority to her voice as she walked to the doors. “Besides, it looks like you have some mail.”

“Mail? What do you mean, 'mail'? I don’t have…” The Doctor looked around, then noticed the scroll set out of place on the console. Wondering where it could have come from, the Doctor looked out to the retreating pink pony. “Oh, look at that… I've got mail. How did that get there?”

“See you later, Doctor!” Pinkie called back as she climbed the library's stairs, her tone regaining the song-like quality that she usually had. “Don’t go flying off without us!”


The Doctor turned to inquire further, but found that Pinkie had already shut the door behind her, leaving him alone.

He liked Pinkie Pie, he really did. But she could be so infuriatingly random at times. Speaking what seemed like nonsense except for the nuggets of incredible insight and almost precognitive foresight. And it ate at him because he was sure that was how he often came across to those he traveled with. It made him truly wonder who the companion was in this situation.

The Time Pony, left alone again, looked to the TARDIS' controls with a sigh before turning his attention to the scroll.

He didn’t question where it came from -- not yet. That could wait until after he read it. It made sense to him that they didn’t use envelopes here. After all, trying to unfold an envelope without fingers would have to be unwieldy, if not impossible, for non-unicorns, and he was grateful that there was no seal on the scroll, which allowed him to maneuver it carefully and unroll it with his snout.

What was inside took him by complete surprise.

It was a picture… A picture of himself. Him in his new pony form, in an unfamiliar, fancy black and white suit; tie, top hat and all. Although he was still getting the hang of telling like-colored ponies apart, he was easily able to identify himself from the hourglass that was displayed proudly on his rump.

There he was, standing in the center of a group shot with Twilight at his flank. Kneeling down in front of them, Pinkie, Rarity, and the orange, stetson-wearing pony, Applejack, were looking up to the camera. Flying at either side, he saw Fluttershy, the yellow and pink-maned pony looking timid, yet happy, while the rambunctious blue-winged mare that had shouted at him a few days ago stayed in the air opposite of her striking a pose. What was her name? Rainbow? The colored mane was rather a dead giveaway.

As the picture fell free of the rolled scroll, settling on the controls, the Doctor made out seven words written in a light, fancy calligraphy.

Take care of them, Doctor.

-- Celestia

“Horseshoes… What is that supposed to mean? Horse, shoes. Wait, horseshoes... not ponyshoes…” The Doctor’s mind milled about for a moment before he looked up.

It was right in front of him the whole time; the three new displays that were stationed around the central core of the TARDIS. Three decorative horseshoes that he had dismissed as having no purpose.

As he looked up, the pink light on one of them was fading, shutting off completely while a faint purple glow was emanating from yet another one of the lights.

Looking to the reading on the scanner display, the Doctor saw that power transfer had been greatly reduced, barely holding steady at forty-two percent.

“No…” The stallion drew back, his eyes narrowing as these facts worked over in his mind.

Six ponies… Six new lights in the TARDIS.

Nooooooo…” His tone was incredulous in spite of the negative, and his mind reeled in a giddy surprise that came as it all started to fall into place.

Six lights… Cyan, orange, white, purple, pink, and yellow.

Six ponies... Cyan, orange, white, purple, pink, and yellow.

“That's... That's...” The Time Lord’s expression turned into a grin.

“That’s what we value more than anything… Our friends. There’s nothing more powerful in all of Equestria than that bond.” That was what Pinkie had said in the Memory Room.

The TARDIS had been out of fuel, and so she sought out a suitable replacement for a basic universal energy. Something that was constant, steady, and powerful.

And in this instance, she had latched onto the most potent fuel source she could find.

“Yes! That's it! Oh, clever, clever girl. A little frustrating, but oh, so clever.” He looked up at the TARDIS console. “You girls are ganging up on me, is that it? What are you saying? That you like them? That you like it here? Is that it?"

Almost as if to answer him, there was a whirring click from the other side of the console that brought the Doctor’s attention around. Popping out from the console, a freshly minted sonic screwdriver was ejected from position; a bit larger and heavier than his previous model, with a rough, ribbed surface and no buttons at all. At the top, the projection crystal swirled with alternating colors, shifting through the full spectrum as it functioned.

As he pulled it free with his teeth, he found the extra heft helped him balance it as he practiced holding the device with his hooves. It was still clumsy, but the ribs gave him a better chance at doing so than the usually smooth metal texture. And the psychic interface allowed him a much quicker set of options, he realized, as he felt the screwdriver’s database and systems settings brush against his mind.

It was a perfect design for this new form.

“Okay, okay. You’ve made your point. Please, feel free to keep bribing me, of course, but I get it.” The Doctor smirked slightly, turning to look at the new power gauge again. “Assuming this is a proximity indicator, that would mean…”


Twilight Sparkle knew that the soreness that was emanating from her horn and down the back of her head was a phantom pain; a common side effect of prolonged and sustained magical use as the quill continued to jot down what details she could recall from the past few days’ events.

The Princess had made it very clear that she be as accurate in her recollections as she could; that these accounts would be important one day. So she carried on, focusing on what she was writing as she listened to the slight snoring coming from Spike’s basket.

She had heard Pinkie Pie leave a few moments before, the pink pony humming a new tune under her breath as she trotted out the door with such a carefree manner. Twilight appreciated that she had not bolted up to the loft and started talking about what they both now knew of the Doctor, something that any of the other girls would have done right away had they been in Pinkie’s place.

She was nearly done now, the pen bobbing to and fro from the inkwell as she continued to pour her experiences into the Journal.




Twilight jumped, a blot of ink smearing the middle of her sentence while Spike was shocked from his sleep and himself jumped several feet out of his basket, as the the Doctor galloped up the stairs, shouting with a renewed vigor and enthusiasm.

He paused for a moment as Spike looked around frantically and Twilight’s horn glowed, quickly bringing an eraser ink out to get rid of the blotch. “I’m sorry, is this a bad time?”

“Doc? Whoa, what the...? When did I get back here? What time is it?” Spike rubbed his eyes as he tried to regain his bearings. “Hey, what happened at Sugarcube Corner? It looked like Pinkie Pie was trying to… Twilight? When did you get back? Hold on, how long was I out?”

“It’s okay, Spike,” Twilight assured him, satisfied as she closed her new journal. “I just got back, and you were probably just dreaming, so you can go back to sleep.”

"...Whatever you say, Twi." The still bleary-eyed baby dragon didn’t question this as he turned over in his basket, facing away from the two ponies. His soft snoring resumed a few moments later.

“We need to talk…” The Time Lord and unicorn pony paused as they spoke together, causing Twilight to draw back slightly and fight back a blush.

The Doctor nodded. “Alright, you first.”

“Alright... To start, I trust that the letter from the Princess explained everything?”

“Oh, it explained something alright,” the Doctor remarked, looking to Twilight, who had taken on a formal sort of stance, as if she was trying to enact a business deal. He had a feeling he knew what she was alluding to, but it was probably best if he let her bring it to the forefront.

“Well, first off... I was thinking that... maybe it would be best to tell the others separately. I mean, if you’re okay with us coming with you.”

The Doctor smiled as everything became crystal clear. “Oh, I am more than ‘okay’ with it, Twilight. You know, your Princess really is as clever as you say, because I was thinking the exact same thing. Although, if I might suggest a different approach?”

“Okay, what did you have in mind?”

“Is there anywhere close by that we could get those darling friends of yours together? Somewhere out of the way, particularly deserted at this time of night where nobody would notice.”

“Well, yeah. I guess if not here, probably the best place would be Stargazer Ridge. But it could take hours to track them all down and convince them to...” Twilight paused as she noted the grin on the Doctor’s face. “...What?”

“Twilight, I have a time machine. Tell me, who do you know you could depend on to spread the word?”

Stargazer Ridge
Outskirts of Ponyville
11:48 p.m.

A chilly wind blew over Stargazer Ridge that night as five ponies walked up the steep slopes of the hill, Applejack leading the procession while Rainbow Dash flew just overhead. Rarity and Fluttershy kept in trot behind them while the excitable Pinkie Pie kept unusually quiet in the rear, walking rather than bouncing along in her trademarked fashion.

“So, let me get this straight. Twilight’s been hanging out with this Hoofan stallion for the last few days; the same one that tried to say nothing was happening at the toyshop? I think most ponies in town would disagree with that," Rainbow remarked incredulously as she floated apace with the rest of the group. "And now all of this has got something to do with the Princess? Why do we have to meet her all the way out here? Why not at the library or at Sugarcube Corner? Why all the secrecy? What is he, a spy or something?”

“And besides that, I don’t think he is from Hoofany at all, Rainbow,” Rarity spoke up as they reached the top of the hill together. “Twilight first introduced me to him as ‘Clockwork’ from Hoofdale. But the entire time I was fitting him in my boutique, I don’t think he said anything at all about the place.”

“Beg pardon, Rarity, but that’s not unusual if y'all never let the colt get a word in edgewise.” Applejack snickered a bit at Rarity’s indignant huff at this comment, but then turned with a more serious expression to her pegasus friend. “Ah didn’t say it made sense, Rainbow. But y'all know how Twi gets when the Princess is involved. She’ll be tellin' us when she’s good and ready.”

Applejack ended her comment with an air of determination. Loyalty may have been Rainbow’s element, but that didn’t stop her aggressive, protective nature from kicking in when things didn’t sit right with her. And while the farm pony admitted that all of this was beyond fishy, she trusted that Twilight would set things straight.

“And what about that box thing that crashed into my cottage?” Fluttershy started. “Or the glowy door-thing in the toyshop? Those new workers that came in this morning from Canterlot said that they would fix my house up for free, which was so nice of them... I bet Twilight asked the Princess to do that.”

Rainbow stopped in midair, her wings freezing up in shock and causing her to drop almost a foot before she caught herself and lowered next to the yellow pegasus. “What was that, Fluttershy?”

“Oh, the new construction ponies came out and said that they would fix everything up just like new, free of charge, and that they should be finished by tomorrow morning.”

“No, no, that other part… What glowy door-thing in the toyshop?”

“The one that we tried to keep everypony away from.” Four sets of eyes turned to the opposite side of the hill from where they had come as they came into view of Twilight Sparkle, who was standing at the very top of the hill, out of sight up until now. “Sorry for all the misdirection, girls. It’s been really hard the last few days, but now that you’re here, we can get started.”

“Started? Started with what?” Rainbow asked in a demanding voice.

“Pinkie? Did you tell them anything?” Twilight asked, looking past the four inquisitive ponies to her curly maned friend.

“Mphhhpmhhh mmmphhhh.” Pinkie’s attempt to speak with her mouth closed yielded little in the way of an answer, although her sudden pantomime of digging at the ground, pulling out a key, and then putting the imaginary key to her muzzle did wonders to ease the nervousness that Twilight was feeling.

All that had happened in the last few days, and one thing that she could still count on was that Pinkie Pie was still Pinkie Pie.

“Nope. I figured you woulda wanted to. Besides, I really want to see their faces when it shows up.”

The relieved tension was back in a heartbeat as the four confused ponies looked back and forth between Twilight and the giddy Pinkie Pie.

“Okay, Twilight, don’t take this the wrong way, but... I heard a story a while back that started like this.” Rainbow crossed her hooves across her chest, her aggressive tone doing little to hide her worried disposition. “This isn’t going to end with us getting our brains sucked out by aliens, is it?”

“It’s okay, Rainbow Dash. I promise I’ll explain everything. And with that, first I need to come clean about our recent ‘visitor.’”

“You mean Clockwork?” Rarity asked.

“You mean Jooohn Smith?” Rainbow interjected, the foreign name hobbling strangely off her tongue.

“That fella y'all was with this mornin’ at the marketplace?” Applejack started curiously.

Even Pinkie tilted her head at this. “The marketplace? Wait, didn’t you go to Canterlot early this morning?”

“Yes, yes, yes… and yes. And I’m sorry, but neither of those names are right,” Twilight admitted, looking to her friends in turn. “As you’ve probably already guessed, I’ve been keeping the truth from you all for the last few days, both because I didn’t really understand what was going on myself, and because I didn’t want to worry you.”

“Well, all of us ‘cept fer Pinkie Pie, apparently,” Applejack stated, her tone sour.

“I was there when it happened. and she’s right: it was scary. Besides, you girls wouldn’t have believed me, anyway,” Pinkie objected before Twilight waved her down.

“She’s right, Pinkie. I should have trusted you all from the beginning. But now, things have changed. As you all know, I went today to see Princess Celestia. I told her what had happened, and she said that keeping it a secret from the rest of Ponyville was the right thing to do, but that what's going on… what she’s asked of me, I need to share with all of you.”

The five ponies gave Twilight their undivided attention as the purple unicorn reached back into a saddlebag, drawing out a scroll. Clearing her throat slightly as the official-looking parchment was unfurled in a glow of magic, she began to speak.

“I, Celestia of Equestria, do on this day hereby decree that the unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, and her closest friends, are to be entrusted with the Secret of the TARDIS, and are bound by royal mandate to protect this secret at any and all costs. With this responsibility, they may, if they so choose, travel to the horizons of Equestria and beyond with my blessing. Signed by my own horn… Princess Celestia of Equestria.”

Twilight read aloud from the scroll before turning it around for the others to see the royal seal of Princess Celestia that had been stamped into the parchment, validating it as an official decree.

“Secret of… what now?” Applejack tilted her head, more confused than ever.

“Travel Equestria?” Rarity shared the confusion.

“Beyond? What does she mean by beyond?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“She signs things with her horn?” Pinkie added, and the five mares stopped and looked to the party pony. “What? I’m just saying, how awkward must that be? How does she watch what she’s writing?”

Shaking her head, Twilight paused and looked at the small watch she had put over one hoof. Three minutes to midnight.

She hoped he wasn’t late.

“Girls, the Princess is entrusting us with something that nopony has ever had a chance to do before. Because there has never been anypony else that could do it. So now… the truth:”

The mares facing Twilight gave the unicorn their undivided attention.

“A week ago… something large and blue fell out of the sky. Not a comet, or a meteor, or anything else that anypony has ever seen before, but a blue box… A ship.”

“A ship!?” Rarity seemed blown away.

“I knew it! It is aliens!” Rainbow Dash pumped a hoof in the air victoriously as her suspicions seemed to be proven right. A short-lived victory, however, as the implications caught up with her enthusiasm, her expression turning to horror. “Wait… aliens!?”

“Twilight... You mean to say that thing that crashed into my house…?” Fluttershy shared her friend’s dread as she looked to the unicorn with one hoof to her mouth.

“That's right. Well, yes and no. The ship is alien, but it isn’t from another planet, Rainbow Dash.” The rainbow pegasus seemed to relax a little at this. “It’s from another universe.”

And that ended any ease that Rainbow Dash might have been feeling.

“A universe with a very different kind magic and with all sorts of crazy creatures that ponies have never seen before. It came down on Equestria and crashed into my library with a single occupant. And now, he’s stuck. He can’t get back to his home dimension, but that’s okay, because the Princess has decreed that it is up to us to extend a hoof of friendship to this very special visitor, and has given us permission to travel with him.”

“Him?” Rarity gasped slightly. “You don’t mean…”

“Uhhh... Hold on, Twilight,” Applejack interrupted, her expression one of irritated disbelief. “No offense, but… have y'all been munchin’ on the loco weed?” Her eyes rolled around a bit in her head as she emphasized the fact that she thought the unicorn had gone completely crazy.

Twilight just smiled as she looked at her watch again. Thirty seconds.

“I know, Applejack. I wouldn’t believe it either if I hadn’t lived it for the last few days. But I’m not just out here with words. I didn’t pick this spot randomly. I brought you all here… because I knew that nopony else would be out here tonight. So nopony else…”

There was a slight breeze that suddenly kicked up, blowing about and whipping the manes of the six ponies.

Then there was a sound.

“…would panic.”

The sound that the ponies could not place was a haunting, almost gasping sound… Like air being pulled though a pump, only with a strangely lyrical quality.

Fluttershy gasped loudly as she saw it first, the others standing in mute awe as the breeze picked up, whipping around as the sound grew louder.

And there, right in front of their eyes, it appeared, fading into being out of the open air itself. A tall, blue box, with a light flashing on the top of it. Glowing words were etched into the top.

“Police... public… call box?” Rarity was the first to recover while the other mare’s mouths hung open.

There was a heavy thumping noise, then a moment of silence as the breeze died down.

Then, the door opened.

“Hello, my little ponies.” The brown stallion’s head popped out from the side of the door, smiling at the expression the ponies still had plastered all over their faces. “Welcome to a larger universe.”

The impossible stallion stepped out from the box, closing the door behind him to keep the others from looking inside (no point in ruining the effect) while Twilight tried to go about with introductions, which were brief and all but ignored as the ponies slowly came to terms with what they had seen. The suited stallion stood before them while Twilight pointed out each of their names in a somewhat formal tone.

“Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash… Got it. And of course, Miss Rarity, always a pleasure.” He gave a slight bow with one hoof tucked under his chest. “And Pinkie, no introduction is needed at all.”

“And it took you two days to get ‘Twilight Sparkle’ down?” Twilight asked crossly.

“I had just regenerated, turned into a pony, crashed though the walls of reality and took an orbital plunge. You can’t expect all of the synapses to be firing in sync after something like that. Not to mention there were the statues to deal with.”

Rainbow found her voice first among the mares, her tone a mix of defensive posturing and awe. “And… just who the buck are you?”

“Oh, right. Twilight hasn’t mentioned yet? Very well... I am... the Doctor.”

“Doctor?” Rarity rolled the term off her tongue.

“Doctor who?” Applejack remained withdrawn.

Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and the Doctor all answered together. “Just the Doctor.”

“You’re really an alien?” Fluttershy asked timidly, to which the Doctor didn’t miss a beat.

“From your perspective, yes. A Time Lord. From the planet Gallifrey, to be exact. And now, to rush though the inevitable questions. I am, at least on the outside, a pony. This is my face and these are my hooves. I am over a thousand years old, have two hearts, and an impressive resistance to most kinds of energy. But, aside from that, I am for the most part just like you. Except, you know… a bit older… and maaaaybe a little more clever…and definitely more male. Oh! And this…” He waved at the blue box that stood behind him with a flourish. “...is the TARDIS. It stands for ‘Time And Relative Dimension in Space.’"

“A spaceship?” Rainbow asked, her earlier defensiveness turned to awe.

“Oh, most surely not. Spaceships travel in space. Oh, no, the TARDIS isn’t so limited as that. It travels over hills and dales, across clouds and sky, through space and galaxies. It flows into supernovas and dances among nebulae of fire and ice…” The Hourglass Stallion smiled, absolutely relishing the expressions of the ponies as they looked up to the simple blue box, Pinkie bouncing excitedly while Twilight stood off to his side, allowing the Doctor to have his moment with a slight smirk of her own.

“It’s… made of wood,” Rarity commented in stunned disbelief as the mares remained fixed in place.

The Doctor beamed at the observation. He was in his element here. Then, with the same casual nature, he dropped the most outrageous part of his entire speech. “And I should also mention that it can travel… in time.”

There was utter silence as this fact flew into the face of everything four of the mares standing before him knew.

“Whoa… Y'all hold on, now… Through time? Yer tellin’ us yer not just an alien… but a time-travelin’ alien? If y'all think Ah’m gonna believe that load of hooey, then you can just--” The silence was broken, just as Twilight predicted, by Applejack, who had apparently had enough and was now calling the so-called "Time Lord" out on this particular bluff.

The Doctor smiled as he reached for a pocket, pulling from it the apple half that he had taken from Applejack’s stand only moments before dropping Twilight off at the top of the hill and coming here -- at least, from his perspective, it was just a few moments ago -- and tossing it to her.

She caught it expertly with the reflexes of an athlete, rolling it on her hoof, then noticed that not only was it still crisp and fresh, but that the fleshy inside still had the dripping, juicy white texture of an apple that had just been broken open minutes before.

Remembering the apple that this "Doctor" had bought from her this morning, Applejack reached back into her saddlebag, producing the other half, dried out and stale with exposure to the air, and fit the two pieces together.

They matched perfectly.

“Bu… bu… but… That was hours ago... That was…” Applejack’s eyes were wide with disbelief. It was a trick, it had to be… but it couldn’t be. Nopony knew her crop better than she did, and even the sheen on the peel was right, the coloration matched perfectly. It was the exact same apple from earlier that day.

The ponies stood in mute shock as they processed this information, the Doctor leaning over to Twilight. “See? Better to get it all out of the way at once. Now, then!” he called their attention. “As Twilight has no doubt informed you, I’m not from around these parts, and everything here is new to me. I don’t know for how long I’ll be staying… but in the meantime, I figure I might as well take a look around this place. So! At Twilight’s and your Princess’ request, I’m extending to you all the same offer I’ve made to her. Simply put…” He leaned back, kicking the doors open to the TARDIS and allowing the light inside to spill out. “Who wants to see what’s out there?”

There was a moment of silence, a slight glimpse into the unknown as the four ponies hesitated.

“Out… where, exactly?” Rarity asked, unsure.

“Anywhere,” the Doctor answered. “Everywhere. Any place you want. Any time you want.”

He let that hit home for them for a moment when the still-skeptical Applejack adjusted her hat, trying to find some sort of footing here. “And yer, what, lettin’ us tag along 'just 'cuz’?”

“Of course!” the stallion responded, his smile remaining in place. “Why else?”

Applejack’s eyes narrowed at him. There was something else to it, she could tell. In spite of all that he had said, and what Twilight had said, there was something that was off about this stranger. Something she couldn’t put her hoof on. Something that rubbed her in all the wrong ways.

Avoiding her gaze, the Doctor started again. “Now, if you want to come with me, I should warn you. It’s not for everybody. It won’t be quiet. It won’t be easy. It won’t be safe. It won’t be calm…" he explained soberly as he looked each of them over. "If you come with me, it will change. Your. Life. You’ll see things that no other pony has ever seen. Wonders of the universe both good and bad. Creatures that roamed planets millions of years in the past, and that won’t be born for just as far in the future… The choice is yours, of course. It’s always yours. If you want to go home, you can go on home and I’ll never bother you again. There is no shame in that.”

He turned, his expression neutral and he started back into the box looking over his shoulder. “All aboard that’s coming aboard!” he told them, turning a bit and catching the door with a hoof. “I’ll open it up again in five minutes. After that, anypony that wants to travel with the Doctor is welcome to come in.”

He closed the door… leaving six ponies outside to make their choice.


“Oh, I am soooooo going!” Pinkie bounced in place as the ponies were given privacy to make their decisions.

Fluttershy remained in her laying position, looking at her hooves as if weighing the options quietly to herself, while Rarity voiced her opinion far more loudly. “But what about our jobs? My boutique? The Weather Patrol? Sweet Apple Acres?”

“Rarity, it’s a time machine! You saw that apple! I bet we could be gone for months and he could just plop us back here ten seconds from now… or in the morning… or two weeks… or a hundred years from now if we wanted to!" Rainbow exclaimed breathlessly, the implications having come close to blowing her mind. "I mean, this is huge! Could you imagine it? Going back and seeing the very first show of the Wonderbolts? The original Running of the Leaves? To actually talk to Rushing Skies and the weather team that broke the Green Maelstrom? And who knows what else might be out there!?”

Even Applejack, who still had her reservations about the pony that had made these grand offers, couldn’t help but admit that she was intrigued by them.

“Seein’ the world… not just our world, but other worlds… It's miiiighty temptin’… but Ah don’t know if Ah could stay away from home so long.”

Twilight stepped in at this point.

“I spoke with him earlier tonight about this, and he says that this isn’t just one long-term trip sort of thing,” the unicorn explained. “The Doctor told me that because of the way the TARDIS works in our universe, he has had to ‘anchor’ it to a specific place and ‘line of time’ as he put it -- ours -- to give it a reference point and let it travel safely. After so many trips, it has to come back here in order to recharge itself. I’ve already offered to let him use the basement of the library as that anchor, so sooner or later, he has to bring the box back to Ponyville. And besides, traveling with him isn’t the only thing that the Princess wants us to do.”

“Whatever do you mean, Twilight?” Rarity asked.

“Girls, the Doctor is completely alone here. He doesn’t have anypony else. He doesn’t have a place to call home. He talks about it like he’s just visiting Equestria, but the Princess doesn’t think that he can get back to where he came from. Besides, you’ve all seen how he is... the way he acts. He doesn’t know the first thing about being a pony. Heck, I had to use an adhesion spell just so he can use his hooves without dropping anything.”

“So what're ya sayin’, Twi?” Applejack asked, unsure where the unicorn was going with this.

“The Doctor needs to travel. It’s who he is and what he does. That is his talent. And unless at least a few of us go with him, he’ll go off alone without really understanding how our universe works. There’s no telling what might happen then. He needs a place to call home to stop and be brought down to Equis, so to speak. I guess what I'm saying is... he needs friends.”

“...I’ll go.”

The admission was soft and timid, but got everypony’s attention as Fluttershy spoke up. Even Pinkie ceased her bouncing and Applejack’s hat fell off of her head as she turned to look at the yellow pegasus.

“Really?” Twilight was in shock. “Fluttershy, if anypony was going to stay behind, I kinda figured that…”

“Oh, not just to see the world… or universe… or timey-verse or whatever you call it. But for him. For the Doctor. Couldn’t you all see it? He looked so sad.”

“Sad? He was barkin’ and settin' himself up like he was kin to the Princess,” Applejack noted, causing Twilight to shake her head.

“No, Fluttershy is right. The Doctor is a very lonely pony. And he needs friends in order to keep going. I won’t ask anypony to come that doesn’t want to, but I will say that over the last few days, I’ve seen the things that he can do. I’ve seen him face down and outsmart terrible monsters. I traveled with him into the future and we stopped horrible things from happening there.” She paused, shaking her head a bit to get her mind away from that train of thought. “But he says that’s not all there is to it. That there are wonderful things to see out there too. And I don’t know about you girls, but I want to see what’s out there with my own eyes. And I think that’s what he really needs… Somepony to show these things to.”

The six mares spent their next minutes in quiet contemplation of this... as the time slowly ticked down.


“Anypony… Did I really say 'anypony'? Oh, do you hear me? I’m going native too, already!” the Doctor talked aloud in an amused tone to the TARDIS as he let the six ponies outside the door make their decision. It was a lot to take in, he knew… but that was always how it was. It had to be a choice they made, walking into things with their eyes wide open.

Truth be told, he wouldn’t be surprised if only Pinkie and Twilight were standing outside the door when it opened. Fluttershy seemed kind, but far too timid to travel in the TARDIS. And he liked Rarity, but in spite of what his experience with her future self had entailed, he didn’t think that this Rarity would be so eager to jump into the unknown. Applejack didn’t seem to trust him at all, which was a perfectly understandable reaction. And Rainbow Dash may have been adventurous, but she really could go either way.

As he felt the minutes tick by, checking the TARDIS' controls, he looked up to the newly created power gauge. All six lights were lit, although their degrees of illumination varied. Still, the TARDIS was showing its fuel stores to be nearly at maximum, the energy transfer happening far faster now.

How much this universe had changed things. The rules were different here, so he couldn’t just pop back and forth without consequence anymore. Now he had to actually keep an eye on the TARDIS’ fuel levels. He had to maintain a static point anchor so that she could align herself properly with the rest of the universe.

The components inside the TARDIS whirred and clicked, full of life as the fuel levels maxed themselves out. The TARDIS was fully recharged and raring to go after her brief jump into the past with Twilight to set things up and then back into the present to bring them to the meeting. A simple matter of hours, perhaps, but enough to nail the point home.

And even before the full five minutes were up, there was a rapping on the TARDIS' door. Although he couldn’t explain it, there was a certain degree of tightness in the Doctor’s chest as he moved towards the entrance, holding for just a moment before pulling it open.

To his utter amazement… six ponies stood there in the doorway, looking at his stunned expression for a moment before filing past him one at a time.

“I think this is the beginning of something truly extraordinary, Doctor.”

Woo-woo! The Pinkie Train is here, Doc! Parties across time and space!”

“This is going to be… so... awesome…”

“Oh, um, permission to come aboard please… If, you know… you don’t mind, Doctor.”

“Oh, Doctor, before we go anywhere too far, could we perhaps make a stop by my boutique? I mean, what should I pack? Should I pack for cold weather? Warm?”

“Alright, Ah’ll try it, but y'all better not be yankin’ us ‘round by the reigns…”

While Twilight and Pinkie both continued in without stopping, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack were halted in their tracks a few scant steps inside, each running into one another in sequence as they realized their surroundings.




“The inside…”

The Doctor couldn’t help but grin cheekily.

“Is it? I hadn’t noticed.” He shut the door behind them, moving past the mares at a quick gallop, excited as he reached the controls and started pressing his hooves into the large panels, biting and pulling down on a lever, then kicking on another one slightly with the large grin apparently plastered on his snout.

“Alright, girls. Welcome aboard the TARDIS! One quick trip to get the hang of things and go over ground rules. Pinkie, I believe I made you a promise, and I intend to keep it, so here we go! Oh! And one more thing: You might want to find something to hang onto!”

He reached over and cranked down with one hoof on one particularly large lever, and the TARDIS shifted suddenly, rocking a bit while the time rotor started to oscillate and the Doctor frantically moved around the circular console. All around them, that same wheezy, musical sound from before filled the air.


Twilight, having experienced this before, had already moved up against the guardrail and pressed herself to it, one hoof over to stabilize herself as the TARDIS rocked back and forth. Pinkie, being her usual bouncy self, seemed almost unaffected by the shaking, laughing all the while.

“Oh, my mane! Eep! Does it always do this, Doctor!?” Rarity called out, her legs shuffling to try and keep herself upright while Rainbow remained airborne, managing to ride out the shockwaves of the TARDIS’ flight.

Applejack kept a firm grip on Fluttershy’s tail as the yellow pegasus had gone rigid with the sudden shocking movements, sliding this way and that along the transparent floor. In spite of the fearful expression in her eyes, there was also a certain, contagious excitement to it that the farm pony couldn’t quite ignore.

Then, as suddenly as it had started, the tremors stopped, as did the sounds, with a single, reverberating thump.

“Not always,” the Doctor replied to Rarity at last, pulling himself up, slightly out of breath from having rushed around the console as he had. “But usually, yeah.”

“How about a little more warning next time? I thought you knew how to fly this thing.” Rainbow came down from her flight with an sour look on her face.

The Doctor paused for a moment, taking the comment on his driving in stride and waiting for the important question to be asked.

“W-wh… where… are we?” Fluttershy stammered, looking around.

“Well, we can’t have gone too far. We were only ridin’ along fer a few seconds,” Applejack assured her, looking to the Doctor.

In response, he merely pointed a hoof towards the door. Twilight took the invitation first as the others found their hooves again, and moved towards the entrance. With a steady hoof, she pushed forward, revealing the sight that lay beyond.

What she saw nearly made her faint. “Dear Luna…”

One by one, her friends moved to the doorway, each standing in mute silence as the impossible scene before them played out, with the Doctor situated behind them, watching proudly.

High above their heads was the glowing orb of a world of blue and green pastels, wispy white clouds dotting areas where rain had been scheduled or in areas where wild weather took over. Meanwhile, before them was an endless plane of grey stone and soft-looking soil stretching to the end of the horizon, dotted by small imperfections and craters while the starry black night lined its edge.

Tears formed in Twilight’s eyes as she came to the conclusion that Pinkie now blurted out. “We’re on the Moon!”

“Dear Celestia… he weren’t makin’ it up…” Applejack stammered noticeably.

Rainbow looked back to the Doctor, who seemed himself to be far more appreciative of the six mares that stood in awe of the scene before them, bathing in the light of Equis. “Can… Can we go out there?”

The Doctor nodded. “I’ve extended an atmospheric shell to a radius of about fifty yards. But stay close to the TARDIS,” he warned sternly. “If you get too close to the edge, you’ll see a blue energy distortion. Now, beyond that point there is no air and no pressure. It is quite dangerous, so be careful.”

One by one, the ponies journeyed out, their hoofprints leaving impressions on the soft surface.

“Wow, flying is so much easier here. I bet I could pull off all kinds of tricks," Rainbow remarked as she flew a few loops in the lessened gravity.

“Ahahahaha! Look, moonwalk! On the Moon!” Pinkie bounced a bit higher than normal, gliding along the surface as she ran her hooves in a backwards motion while moving forward on her hind legs, a position that would have been nearly impossible for another pony.

“It’s so… beautiful. Is that Equestria up there? I wonder where Ponyville is…” Fluttershy asked meekly, straining her eyes as she looked upward.

“Oh, my… So dusty…" Rarity complained as she made an effort to keep her styled mane away from the ground. "You would think that Princess Luna would take better care of this place. She was certainly here long enough. At least put in a cobbled sidewalk or something.”

“Seriously, Rarity? Are y'all fer real? Lookit where we are! And y'all ‘r worryin’ about dust?”

“Well, a lady must maintain her dignity under any circumstances, mustn't she?”

The Doctor followed them out, watching them go about the landscape in their own way as he approached the quiet purple unicorn. “Not bad for a crazy pony with a box that crashes about, eh?”

“It’s… amazing. I mean, I’ve read about it. I’ve looked up here so many times through a telescope. But… to think, I am the first mortal pony to stand here… To…” Twilight bounced up and down slightly, legs feeling like jelly at experiencing the weaker gravity. “To see it up close… To feel what it’s like… To-- Whooaa... That’s so weird. Wow… Do you think I might be able to take a sample back? Just for…”

The Doctor’s smile faltered for a moment, causing Twilight to hesitate.

“That’s… a natural question. And I suppose it means that it’s time to go over the next part of all this…” The Doctor shook his head with a sigh. “Girls! Everypony! Over here!” he shouted a bit to get their attention, striding in the light gravity with ease. “Yes, I know it’s an absolutely brilliant view, but please, your attention. There’s something important that I need to go over with all of you.”

He took a breath as he looked over the group of them, Rarity trying daintily to avoid getting filthy while Rainbow Dash grudgingly joined them.

“I’m not used to addressing so many at once, so bear with me, alright? So, before we start galloping off all over the place, I have some things I need to tell you. Firstly, I’m more than happy to travel with all of you, but not all at once. I’m not quite used to so many to keep track of at the same time, so at least for now, we won’t all be traveling together like this. I can’t keep an eye on all of you and while this place may be safe, there is no telling what we might encounter as we travel. So after we leave here, I’ll take you back to Ponyville and you can all decide where you would like to go for starters in groups of two or three. Any questions?”

Almost as if this was a class and the Doctor was acting as a field trip chaperone, Fluttershy raised her hoof. “Ummm... So, we can go anywhere we want?” the demure pegasus asked timidly, her mind obviously cast to a certain place.

“Yes. But there are a few ground rules you all need to understand.” The Doctor raised a hoof to his muzzle and coughed to clear his throat. When he lowered it, it revealed a grin that almost seemed too wide for his face.

Rule Number One: No average, ordinary, boring days! This is a time machine. Anywhere and everywhere is open to us. Every planet that will ever be. Every star that ever was. All of it new. All of it waiting for us. But, right now, you have to promise not to exploit it or use it to your advantage. Not to make money or pick up futuristic souvenirs to make life at home easier. This is the experience and adventure of a lifetime. No one else can do the things that we can do here and now. Please… don’t cheapen that.”

The mares looked at one another as Twilight bit her lip, looking around at where they were. It was the Moon. The Moon. And they were standing right there.

The scientist and scholar in her wanted so much to collect samples and bring back proof of this amazing experience. But as much as she wished to do so, she realized, in order to explain how she got them, she would have to betray what the Princess had asked them all to do: to keep the secret about the TARDIS from becoming public knowledge.

Rule Number Two:” the Doctor continued. “Interfering with established events is strictly forbidden. Now, most of time is not as fragile as fiction would lead us to believe, so we can act here and there and it won’t impact history too much. Contrary to popular philosophy, moving a stone does not change the course of a river and a butterfly’s wings don’t usually create storms a world away. But! There are fixed points, both past and future, that have, will, and must always happen exactly as they are supposed to. We can try to avoid those, but keep in mind that this extends to your own personal timelines as well, because they are what happened in your lives. That means we can’t go back to when you were a filly to tell yourself about what will happen in the future. No going back and leaving notes in order to avoid something that happened that you now regret. Those sorts of things get very complicated, very dangerous, very quickly.”

As Twilight nodded, the other girls did the same, accepting that when the Doctor put it that way, it made sense. She could also see the concern in his eyes, though.

These weren’t rules that he was making up on the fly. These were things that were important to him, things that had been taught by hard experience. The thought of what the consequences of these things might have been made her both worried and more than slightly curious.

Then she considered how easy it would be to abuse that power, and the repercussions of such a thing sent a shiver down her spine.

“And Rule Number Three: And this is by far the most important. No matter what happens. No matter how frightening or dangerous things may become. No matter what we find out there or what situations occur, you need to remember Rule Number Three… Remember it, because one day, your life may well depend on it.”

The six mares leaned in, hanging on every word as the impossible stallion took a breath.

“Trust me… I’m the Doctor.”