• Published 25th Jun 2016
  • 2,631 Views, 48 Comments

Antumbra - Ice Star

A story of three Alicorn siblings living in an exotic desert kingdom long before Celestia and Luna were born, yet they have more influence on the lives of the Two Sisters than they realize...

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Chapter 3: Mirrors Disguise the Nature of Things

It was tall and smooth ,so at times it was hard to believe it was made of glass at all, instead of tempered starlight. Three shapes were reflected in it, if you could call them mere shapes instead of divine beings despite the fact that two had not yet ascended fully to their divine birthright.

The first was a mare as dazzling as firelight with a coat of the palest gold. She was tall with a delicate face that held monolid chartreuse eyes outlined with flecks of inky black makeup that were glowing with pride. Elinora's thin legs were clad in gold, sapphire-studded trinkets even brighter than her eyes and her hooves ended with silky feathers hiding her hooves. Her impossibly long, thick, and sparkling mane and tail were the hue of white-hot molten silver, a simple crown also studded with blue gems rested on her head. But most impressive were Elinora's wings: they resembled obovate leaves, the tips of her feathers paper-white, and wrapped around her younger siblings who were now almost grown, no longer simply foals.

Stellaura was no longer just a filly, she towered over most adults, especially since she didn't have the same doll-like build of Elinora. Her purple-magenta mane and tail, spotted with flecks of black had begun to sparkle. She had let them grow long ever since she discovered her mane could be a bit like a curtain - protecting her when she felt shy and the magenta threw eyes off her constantly flushing face. Everything made her nervous these days even though she was a princess living well, like royalty and she would one day be ruling a country alongside her...

You know what? Maybe that was it. Princess Stellaura didn't believe she was good enough for such a task. Sometimes she was so panicked she felt as if she was nothing but flaws, clearly unfit leader material.

Stellaura wished with all her heart that sometimes, just sometimes she could be more like her brother. She tried to look calm, wings folded neatly at her sides as she stared into the clear, undisturbed surface.

Hasad stood next to her, a small smile on his face. Clearly, his thoughts must be happier than hers. Over the years he had cut his mane and tail short. Both had lost most of the curl that his sister's had retained, and the black seemed to overtake the magenta quite a bit. His green eyes were far from that of his meek sister's - they always shone lightly, if not vividly, after all his short mane was pulled away from his eyes. Who knew what brilliant ideas ran through his head? One of his wings, which were slightly larger than his sister's, touched her wither.

Ever since they were little this had only one meaning to Stellaura: Everything is all right, Sister.

After all, he wasn't like Nora - married to her country. She always confided in Hasad when they were foals.

But now here they were, neither foals or adults, especially without their marks. Looking in this unbiased pane of truth, neatly fitted into a polished wood frame. Stellaura was wearing new gold earrings, like tears of sunlight, and a necklace of braided gold that was cold against her chest. She swallowed in discomfort. Hasad too, wore new ornaments - a plain necklace of the very same metal and tall unadorned boots of gold so smooth they looked like extensions of himself the way they were fitted. They were presents from Elinora.

Nora leaned forward, a benevolent smile on her face. "We are so proud of the both of you."

Stellaura swallowed and vowed that from this day forward she would work twice as hard, no four times, eight times as hard to overcome her awkwardness and try to step out of the protective shadow of the other two Alicorns. She wanted to be a proper goddess, one that her country deserved.

Elinora continued to beam, wiping a budding tear away with her wing. Her immortal siblings were growing up so fast!

Hasad made a vow as well, not nearly as eloquent or dashing as his twin's, but much, much more meaningful.

Hasad vowed to finish what he started.

Author's Note:
