• Published 25th Jun 2016
  • 2,631 Views, 48 Comments

Antumbra - Ice Star

A story of three Alicorn siblings living in an exotic desert kingdom long before Celestia and Luna were born, yet they have more influence on the lives of the Two Sisters than they realize...

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Prologue: Firelight Masks Monsters

The exact origins of this world are known only to the spirit of this world's Tree, wherever she may reside. Those who grow close to such a foreign being might learn of its perspective on time and the gift it has offered to immortal and mortal alike. However, the Tree can hardly claim responsibility as the true masters of this world. That credit would go to the Alicorns, immortal equines whose great power shaped the world and was recounted in the greatest tales that were still passed down by their cousins, the varying subspecies of ponies and rare horses of the world and its three major plains of Midgard, Paradise, and Tartarus. It is in the latter two that the dead reside, and many more lesser plains spring forth, awaiting a god to unlock them from where they drip, somewhere between Midgard and the starry realm of Where Gods Walk, that turned ponies into demigods.

Many other creatures lived among ponykind, such as changelings, buffalo, dragons, and griffins. They too were scattered all across the diverse landscapes that covered the vast globe, learning of the natural magic both inborn and external of themselves, for there were homes to be made, adventures to be had, and things to be learned for the everlasting and those of the mortal stock alike.

Many borders were created and kingdoms featuring great citadels and vast wilds were formed. Almost all were governed by the great Alicorns who were born into various abilities to perfect and master the world upon realizing what they were marked for and a part of themselves, very much like their pony cousins, did even though there were only about thirty Alicorns and billions of mortal creatures.

One of these kingdoms was Al Far'iimbra, an empire to the south that occupied territory that was mostly desert and only qualified as 'exotic' in a very conventional sense. It may have not been a sky-high realm like Aerogard, the isolated and pristine city of crystal surrounded by the biting winds of snow, or the verdant land of Everfree where one could find themselves faced with near endless-woods, enchanted and unenchanted, but like each other land retained a majesty all its own.

Theirs was a mysterious, yet warm and friendly land. From all across the hemisphere - sometimes even beyond - visitors came and went on all sorts of diplomatic trips bringing their stories, trinkets, and magics with them. It didn't matter if the guest was another royal offering eloquent speeches or a mercenary desiring treasure, all those who came in camaraderie were welcomed by the queen who sat upon the amber throne, with its gilded accents touched by both the light of the moon and the sun which shone through the enormous open-air windows.

Almost all agreed that Elinora was just like the kingdom she ruled and the castle she lived in. Every hallway and every torch was lit with a special radiant white flame that only Elinora's magic could produce. It lit every candle, lamp, and every hearth in Marecca as well. Perhaps she had found some way to bewitch the city itself for visitors were never silent about this phenomena. Every dazzling and vibrant white spark drawing curious, wide-eyed stares usually accompanied by a gaping mouth.

Day and night the city remained bathed in the soft glow that seemed to affect the sands of the desert itself turning it into an even more exotic spectacle by creating the illusion that made every grain of sand glow.

It was as if the land of Al Far'iimbra, empire of mystery and magic, was locked in an eternal Twilight.

Elinora, Queen of Al Far'iimbra, Princess of Light, was the perfect fit for this land. She was the very image of diligence. She would work for cycles to finish every last bit of work and strived for diplomacy before conflict in all things. She never took breaks and burned as brightly as the white flame that emblazoned her side. On top of managing an empire, Elinora performed an even more difficult task: raising her two younger siblings, who upon receiving their marks would rule alongside her. It would be long - the Alicorns did not earn their marks as quickly as ponies.

Until then, Elinora kept her unfaltering serene smile in place and continued her tasks with the seemingly undaunted enthusiasm of any beloved monarch.

Everything she did, she did on her own, her fire burning ever brighter, unaware that within this special light was the one who wanted nothing more than to put this fire out, no matter what the cost.

Author's Note:

Stellaura (stella+aura)
Al Far'iimbra (farusia (knighthood) combined with 'iimbraturia (empire). So basically it would mean "The Horseman/Knight Empire.")
Marecca (a pun on Mecca)

Also a thing on Aerogard if you're super interested in that.

For those of you who are newer to my writing this is the first major story not to take place in a location where it snows! :twilightblush:
